A keresés eredménye oldal 2
Találatok száma: 74
Bíbor Király
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Mutasd meg nékem lobogód
Mutasd meg a Jeled
A Bíbor Király Szeme
A Jel, hogy hozzám tartozol
Én vagyok a mestered
Valóra váltom álmaid
Én vagyok a messiásod
Egy eszelős fajta, ahogy tán sejted
A jobb kezeim, a szolgáim
A katonáim, az eszközeim
Elterjesztik a jó hírt
Találd meg Gyermekeim, gyűjtsd mindnyájukat össze
Visszük az összes alacsony embert
Az összes gyűlölt, gonosz lelket
Egy vágyon osztozunk
Egy sötéten, ahogy tán sejted
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A Megmentőtől érintve
A Torony hanyatlik az Ítélet Napján
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A megmentőtől érintve
Ahogy réges-régen megírták
Én vagyok az Angyal, én vagyok a Téboly
Én vagyok a Szó, én vagyok a Törvény
Az igazat beszélem, oldd fel bánatod bilincsét
Én vagyok a Kulcs, én vagyok az Ajtó
Old fel!
Oh, van
Háború és gonoszság
Szajhák és bűnösök
Fogd a kezem és megmutatom
Merre menj
Szólíts Flagg-nek
Én vagyok a Jó Ember
Én vagyok a Sötét Ember
Fogd a kezem és
Megmutatom merre menj
Old fel!
Jöjj, fogd a kezem
Az Ígéret Földjére
A démon
A Feketébe Öltözött Ember
Az univerzum üres
Csupán te és én
S lőn világosság
A csillagok emelkednek
Majd ismét alábuknak
A tetejére mászni
Egy üres szoba
Ez minden ami itt vagyon
Attól félek, így vagyon
Próféciák születtek rólad és rólam
A vízió erős
De közben tovább zuhanás
Oh, miféle csoda az élet
És még nagyobb a méret
Így áll a helyzet
Attól félek, így van
Így áll a helyzet
Az élet csupán egy kerék, semmi több
Csak megy körbe és körbe és k...
Én vagyok a Kortalan
Én vagyok “Légió”
Én vagyok az urad
Terrort fogok hozni
Démon vagyok álruhában
Ezrek borzongása
Egyszeriben világok pusztulnak
De az én végső célom
Több mint eme a hanyatlás
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A megmentőtől érintve
A Torony hanyatlik az Ítélet Napján
A Bíbor Királytól érintve
A megmentőtől érintve
Ahogy réges-régen megírták
ZARD - 止まっていた時計が今動き出した (The clock that had stopped is now ticking.) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre
No one can stop youTell my friend to go
I'm a bitch
You can never do that
I love you so much
I do not know my form
If I break it
I regret it I regret it
Continued to kill Nazim
Please kill my life
Thousands of people were killed
Every side is covered
Every one of you is perfect
Everybody remembers you
I love you dear
It's perfect
Khum Parcht Tak Adam and
After all, every bend is perfect
How are they?
This is the name of the book
100 times the total amount
Continued to kill Nazim
Kill my life
Thousands of people were killed
Every side is in front of me
Like a sail waiting for summer
Now, today wind runs and light goes through waveI am going to raise this hand and would reach for the sky
I feel afraid you I don't know
I love very much and words are irritating
Like a sail waiting for summer, I always
I always think about you
Far beyond the sun, I failed many times
And I resist you, but now
We will be together, because it have a dream
I don't want to say 'Sorry'
I will want to say 'Thank you' to you more and more
We understand each other but we had a temperature gap
But we felt hard for a short time
Like a sail waiting for summer, I always
I always hold on you
I want to be honest for my feeling
But I may hurt someone
We will be together, because you are there
Like a sail waiting for summer, I always
I always think about you
Far beyond the sun, I failed many times
And I resist you, but now
We will be together, because it have a dream
Like a sail waiting for summer, I always
I always hold on you
I want to be honest for my feeling
But I may hurt someone
We will be together, because you are there
Sing Sing
One thing is certain, I made a mistakeI shouldn't have drowned my wife in the Thames
But I couldn't know someone would see me doing it
And that Scotland Yard would take the case
To keep them off my tracks, I tried everything
I traveled the world changing my identity
But these guys are stubborn, they found me soon enough
My road ended in this penitentiary
And I break rocks, I work in the assembly line1
I break rocks, that's where it leads
Keep the rhythm, it needs to swing, it needs to swing
You don't sing every day in Sing Sing
Forced labor for life
Here, minutes pass like years
Irons around my wrists, a ball around my feet
I hit stones all day long
Like everyone here, I have only one thing on my mind
Leaving this penitentiary as soon as possible
I have a plan to escape, but you know
Sing Sing is a mistress that's rather hard to leave
Listen to me carefully now
Here is the moral of my story:
If you want to get married, think before you do it
Or soon you'll be singing the convicts' song
You don't sing every day in Sing Sing {x4}
- 1. Pun on the two meanings of 'chaîne' ('assemble line' and 'chain').
Caos- Death's Door
Down in the abysmal dephts of the Voidyou find a place where
only pure springs
and energetic sources live
and that's for
the Spiritual Antiseptic Rinse
As a sacrifce,
the Power of the last finger
[Intro]A leaf flies your way (flies)
It lands on your foot (on your foot)
And it's delivering
Greetings from the Lizzards 1
[Part 1: Lazy Lizzard Gang]
Did you get our Paper?
We sent it off yesterday
Ey, yes, we thought of you
And how you're trapped, and we will see to changing it
Roses, avocados, palm trees, violets, hyacinths
You won't find the entrance to your drive-in anymore
Gray concrete will be transformed into green forests
Lizzard-Gang-attack, pollen everywhere
Bloomin' Group 2 , just like Blue Man Group
How are our flowers doing? They're blooming well.
Leaflets, no paper planes
Lizzard Gang, we're at it again, mh, mh
[Hook: Alligatoah]
And we'll throw these seeds from the top of the roof
When the trees start growing leaflets will fly again
Resistance in a colourless city
Nature hasn't lost, it's alright sister
And if they build a jungle out of concrete,
You'll see us climb the roofs with watering pots in our hands
Leaflets (without words), leaflets (without words)
[Part 2: Alligatoah]
No Balenciaga shirts, no Bottega Veneta shoes
Dad, I'm a flower and I'll stand by it
My terror crew replaces murder weapons with poppy seeds
We'll bring flowers into the executive boards
Call it drive-by when we bike through expensive avenues
We'll throw stinging nettle seeds at your English landscape garden
We'll sneak onto the siding, hiding in the shades of your buildings
If the train crosses your way, it will be covered with ivy, ah
We'll slash the tires of your lawn mower
We want growth, but we're no investors
We want to see the colour green when we're looking from orbit
We'll bring back the 80's - before christ
[Hook: Alligatoah]
And we'll throw these seeds from the top of the roof
When the trees start growing leaflets will fly again
Resistance in a colourless city
Nature hasn't lost, it's alright sister
And if they build a jungle out of concrete,
You'll see us climb the roofs with watering pots in our hands
Leaflets (without words), leaflets (without words)
Lizzard Gang, Alligatoah
Love is in the air, aviator
We'll keep scattering flower petals like flower children
Come with me, I'll show you where the flowers are
Lizzard Gang, Alligatoah
Love is in the air, aviator
We'll keep scattering flower petals like flower children
Come with me, I'll show you where the flowers are
[Hook: Alligatoah]
And we'll throw these seeds from the top of the roof
When the trees start growing leaflets will fly again
Resistance in a colourless city
Nature hasn't lost, it's alright sister
And if they build a jungle out of concrete,
You'll see us climb the roofs with watering pots in our hands
Leaflets (without words), leaflets (without words)
Mélyebben beléd
Azt hiszem, akkor szeretem legjobban az estét,Amikor egyedül vagyok a szobámban
De tudom, hgy akkor szeretem legjobban az estét,
Amikor minden rólad szól
Elég, ha elképzellek
Felettem, alattam, mellettem
És rögtön magamhoz nyúlok
Mert, bébi, egyszerűen leszívod az agyam
A szívem rohamba kezd
A kezem izzadni kezd
Mindig, mikor rád gondolok
A fejem sajogni kezd,
Olyan pucérnak érzem magam
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Bárcsak lenne bátorságom,
Hogy megmutassam, mit hozol ki belőlem
Bele akarok kóstolni valami valódiba,
Valamibe, ami több, mint valami édes kis fantázia
A puszta látványod
Eufórikus magasságokba repít
És mindig, mikor esélyt kapok,
Megint elkezdődik, mert olyan félénk leszek
A szívem rohamba kezd
A kezem izzadni kezd
Mindig, mikor rád gondolok
A fejem sajogni kezd,
Olyan pucérnak érzem magam
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Maradj nyugton
Ne mozdulj
Ötleted sincs, hogy mit váltasz ki belőlem,
Vagy hogy mit fogok tenni veled
A szívem rohamba kezd
A kezem izzadni kezd
Mindig, mikor rád gondolok
A fejem sajogni kezd,
Olyan pucérnak érzem magam
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Young , Young
Dear today again, when you were coming to the alley of heartI watered the house yard of heart, I thought might visit the table heart.
Dear I can't bear, Don't walk so quick
Have you ever known in the land of heart, has limitless love for you.
Your love is combining with my dreaming all of my nights,
Love you, love you, the comfy of my soul and heart
Seconds please stopping, my dear is sitting next to me
please Stay Silent breeze, The pigeon of love was landing.
Young young young young, the attractive youth of my country
The best gift from God, my best reward
My everything, my heart, you're not here for a while
But I'm breathing because of you, I'm so glad you're laughing.
Do you know? , Do you know? , I love you as myself
At night when you are becoming my guest in my dream
Warsaw's children
No disaster will break free people.No hardship will scare the bold people.
We will go together to victory,
when the people stand shoulder to shoulder.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!
Powiśle, Wola i Mokotów,
every street, every house.
When the first shot is fired, be ready,
like golden thunderbolt in God's hand.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!
From a saw, chisel, hammer, trowel.
The capital, praise of your's sons
for that the faithful stand with you
to guard your iron laws.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!
Glory for fallen, freedom for living people.
Let proud singing flow to heaven.
We believe that Righteous God
will pay us for the blood shed.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!
You play with fire ever since the day you were bornAnd you're not afraid of it not one bit
Humility is not a virtue of yours, no
You always look for everything out of life
You don't know about fear and pain
And you never want anything half way
You're not always fair when playing this game -
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
You always go all in
When roulette starts to turn
I see that crazy glow in your eye
'All or nothing' - reads on your face
There's only one possible outcome for you
Everything must always be your way
That is the key to success
Right ahead is your only direction
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
You always go all in
There are no obstacles for you, no!
You are a stubborn beast
Prepared to demolish the wall using your head
Like a gambler... (like a gambler...)
Like a gambler... (like a gambler...)
Professional - gambler
You can't stand mediocre people
Lukewarm gets you in the nerve, I know,
You hate playing safe more than anything
You always fight your own battles
You don't know what a compromise is
You're the strongest when everyone attacks you
I know, you can't always be fair -
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Like a gambler... like a gambler...
Professional - gambler
A monokróm földön
Még a reggel is sötét
Feszültség a levegőben
Kényelmes jégtömbök
Követtem a példádat
Erre tanítottak
Az átlagos boldogságot kerestem
De most a lélegzetem is fagyos
A vastag jég közepén
Egy páncélozott szív szorosan bezárta egy kis időre
A remény nyomása visszaverődést generál
A szívverés engem kérdez
Magasodó hatalmas fal
Kiért törsz át?
Oh Oh Oh OH
Fókuszálj önmagadra
Gyakori válaszok helyett
Egy különleges válasz
Oh Oh Oh OH
Nincs senki aki helyetted választhatna
Te választod
A te egyedi végzeted
A homályos
Körvonala a holnapnak
Az összegyűjtött darabok
Nem illenek össze többé
A láthatatlan képtelenség
Megfertőzte a világot
Mikor a nap ezt megvilágítja
Tűz gyúl mellkasomba
A vastag jég közepén
A gőz behatol a páncélozott szívhez
A fény áthatol, visszaverődést generál
Megvilágítja, értelmet ad
Az egész univerzumnak
Magasodó hatalmas fal
Kiért törsz át?
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Fókuszálj önmagadra
Nem számít, hogy mekkora terhet cipelsz
Az élet a te kezedben van
Oh Oh Oh Oh
A te döntésed
A tiéd egyedül
A te egyedi végzeted
Szűk világ
Becsukott szem
Elszáradt álom
Összekuszálódott indák
Sűrű köd
Kiálts fel most
Fújj el mindet távolra
Mint egy hóvihar
Ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ah
Törd meg a jeget!
Törd meg a jeget!
Törd meg a jeget most!
Ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ah
Törd meg a jeget!
Törd meg a jeget!
Törd meg a jeget most!
Magasodó hatalmas fal
Kiért törsz át?
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Fókuszálj önmagadra
Nem számít, hogy mekkora terhet cipelsz
Az élet a te kezedben van
Oh Oh Oh Oh
A te döntésed
A tiéd egyedül
A te egyedi végzeted
A történet folytatódik
Versions: #2A monochrome field,
it’s dark even in the morning,
a frozen atmosphere,
and lined up blocks of ice.
such we are told
a happiness just like all the others,
but before you know it even your breath freezes.
Here, amidst the great ices,
lies the shell of an heart closed in itself since who knows how many years.
The pressure cramming in the gases makes an irregular reflection,
and my heartbeat inquires me.
A mighty soaring wall,
for whom do we cross over it?
Oh Oh Oh Oh Aim at yourself*
Instead of the common right solution,
there’s one and only answer,
Oh Oh Oh Oh The one to choose it
is no one else but you,
now towards the future you can only find here!
I looked faintly
at the contour of the tomorrow,
the pieces I gathered
don’t match.
The sun shines bright
on the invisible absurdities
growing stronger in this world,
in my heart boil hot blazes.
Here, amidst the great ices,
lies the shell of a hearts moisted by water vapours.
The light seeping out from it makes an irregular reflection
and illuminates everything in this universe.
A mighty soaring wall,
for whom do we cross over it?
Oh Oh Oh Oh Aim at yourself*
What you carry on your shoulder
is the life you keep in your hands.
Oh Oh Oh Oh The one to seize it
is no one else but you,
now towards the future yours and yours only!
A small world,
the cover closes on it,
a withered dream,
the ivy entangles it,
a dense fog,
and blow away everything
like a blizzard!
Break the ice
Break the ice
Break the ice now
Break the ice
Break the ice
Break the ice now
A mighty soaring wall,
for whom do we cross over it?
Oh Oh Oh Oh Aim at yourself*
Instead of the common right solution,
there’s one and only answer,
Oh Oh Oh Oh The one to choose it
is no one else but you,
now towards the future you can only find here!
The tale continues…
Life is a novel
Versions: #2Just like in “The Four Seasons” of Vivaldi
the light in your eyes is getting darker.
Tell me, my life, something nice,
don’t rush that much, let me rest for a while.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
sometimes nice, sometimes hostile.
At times you want to pour out your heart,
but there’s no one to whom you can do it.
Every family is like a tree,
it can break, wobble and changes in time.
Just like in “The Four Seasons” of Vivaldi -
a hint of trance, a sip of anguish.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
which like a river puts you in the vortex.
You would like to know the future today,
but you have to wait for the answer.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
which like a river puts you in the vortex.
You would like to know the future today,
but you have to wait for the answer.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
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