Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 16


Zombi evők

Te vagy minden
Ezért ragaszkodom hozzád
Amikor előbukkanok
Gondolataim közelítenek hozzád
A világ olyan kicsi
Hozzád képest
És mindenki téved
Hozzád képest
A szemeden keresztül kezdtem látni
Az összes korábbi rejtély nem meglepő
Tehát most figyelj
Mert mindentudó vagyok
Hé, nézz rám, hölgyem
Csak egy kicsi baba vagyok
Szerencsés vagy, hogy a tied vagyok
Aranyos vagyok és édes, mint cukorka
Olyan elbűvölő, mint egy mese
Ártatlan vagyok és fogyatékos
Tehát ölelj meg és csókolj meg
Azután töröld meg a seggem és dühöngj
Remélem, soha nem hagysz el
Mert, ki akarna hallani sikoltozni?
Senki sem érti
Kivéve a kezemben lévő játékokat
Tehát most figyelj
Mert mindentudó vagyok
Hé, nézz rám, hölgyem
Csak egy kicsi baba vagyok
Ha mosolygok, akkor mosolyogsz
Aztán egy ideig dühös leszek
Elolvadok a szádban
És a kezedben, amikor csak tudok
De tényleg nem csinálok semmit
Csak rugdosok és lármázok
Szeretek rendetlenséget csinálni
Nevettek a bánatodon
Egész nap ülök a kiságyban
Felszívok mindent, amit adsz
Tehetetlen vagyok
Hibátlan vagyok
Gép vagyok
Add ide, szükségem van a játékokra ...
Tarts melegen
Tarts erősnek
Tarts örökké
Tehát most figyelj
Mert mindentudó vagyok


Senya, Senya, Senya Zomb
Yah-oh (yah)
It’s getting hotter, it’s getting hotter
Stole her in front of everybody
Brazenly, in front of everybody
Check this out, what a booty, hey
It’s getting hotter, it’s getting hotter
Stole her in front of everybody
Brazenly, in front of everybody
I stole her for good, yeah.
[Verse 1, Senya Zomb]
She is the bomb
She’s pretty on the verge of indecency (on the verge of indecency)
No, for real, she’s truly unique
I’m looking for reasons to get to know her personally (a-ha)
Are they filming us? What’s the deal with this operator?
I’m at the bar drinking rum like I’m a pirate
And she will tell me “Get lost”. I’ll tell her about love
Beautifully as if in the songs of Navai (Navai!)
She wants to shoot a story with me
I want to take of her dress (dress)
Now she wants to go dance
But I think that’s enough (enough)
It’s getting hotter, it’s getting hotter
Stole her in front of everybody
Brazenly, in front of everybody
Check this out, what a booty, hey
It’s getting hotter, it’s getting hotter
Stole her in front of everybody
Brazenly, in front of everybody
I stole her for good, yeah.
[Verse 2, Senya Zomb]
Sambuca is on fire,
We already are in love with each other
What’s with your best friend?
Sorry, I didn’t ask before
You, baby – are unforgettable
Even if you’re not the one.
Stop pretending to be innocent
Hop on in the taxi with me
She wants to shoot a story with me
I want to take of her dress (dress)
Now she wants to go dance
But I think that’s enough (enough)
It’s getting hotter, it’s getting hotter
Stole her in front of everybody
Brazenly, in front of everybody
Check this out, what a booty, hey
It’s getting hotter, it’s getting hotter
Stole her in front of everybody
Brazenly, in front of everybody
I stole her for good, yeah


In his hands a banner, in his eyes a forest,
Everything around it is empty inside
Exactly like him.
He enjoys pouring water, he teaches everyone about life,
Calling to catch up for he does not know where he is going,
Smeared with tar.
A zombie plays the trumpet, and we dance to his dances.
But God knows, and soon dust will shake off from his feet,
Spitting at the sky, and leaving with your dreams.
He ate a rate alive, drinking a cobra's blood,
Burned a witch on a playground, harvested her ashes,
Sprinkling it on his body.
People shouted 'Hare', despite there still being swill. 1
And even after draining the ocean, when morning came they still couldn't,
[Coudln't] remember his name.
Zombie plays the trumpet...
Oh how many were there, one cooler than another,
And everyone knows the truth, everyone knows what was best,
That was the one that came before it.
The Great Temple toppled over, leaving stones,
Yet there is still time for fun and games
For glory of the ashes.
  • 1. I know I got this line wrong.

Zombie Apocalypse

Versions: #1
Come on, come on, follow me,
Let's go all together, everybody at the same time,
Always forward, it doesn't matter what for,
Zero commitment, zero stress,
Get out of the hole and let's travel through the way,
Dragging everything away, devouring with no respite,
A bad crowd without any narrative or sense,
If you think here, you lose, if you think, you're lost.
There's no more tomorrow or yesterday,
It's just about today,
Yeah, logic and reason,
We all want the same here!
And they see us wander,
Feeling the fear on their skin,
Because they'll never know where we came from.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Uh, this virtual simulation,
Copy and paste, use and dispose,
We follow the pack, the soulless herd,
Demanding more of everything but without thinking at all,
They created us but now they fear us,
Because they can't manipulate what we want,
Only by instinct we go to the extreme,
And we multiply by infection and with no will.
And they can't stand that we don't care about the power,
And with their false morality, they will never subjugate us,
Because this lethal virus takes away their identities,
That was normal before we appeared though.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Zombie filming his own shadow,
Zombie clapping for the trendy zombie,
Automaton zombie, mediatic zombie,
Viral zombie, superstar zombie,
Zombies watching other soulless zombies,
Telling them from the screen,
'Don't be like that, let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten'.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Don't be like that, let yourself get bitten, [x6]
Let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten,
Let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten.


Lélegzem, de belül haldoklom
Nincs semmi új és semmi sem jó
Deja-vu, szóval becsukom a szemem
Hagyom, hogy a démon énekeljen egy altatót
A ma egy olyan jelen, amit nem akarok
Szóval azon gondolkozom, vajon ezen a világon
Tényleg én vagyok az egyetlen
Aki el akar bújni a nap elől
És elfutni
Mikor éljük az életünket
Mindig egy álomról álmodozunk, hogy valóra váljon
Szóval úgy élem ezt az életet
Hogy valami olyat akarok, amit nem látok
És amit nem tudok elérni
Vagy ami sosem létezett
Úgy érzem egy zombivá váltam
Nem élek, de még tovább sétálok
Mikor a nap sugarai elérnek
Várni fogok arra, hogy elteljen a nap
Ó miért
Zombivá váltam
És semmi sem gyógyíhat meg engem
Szóval tudom, hogy holnap is
Ugyanaz leszek, majd láthatsz engemet
Ahogy azt kívánom, legyen vége és becsukhassam a szemem
Igen, ez az életem
Mindig egy államról âlmodozva, hogy valóra váljon
Ez az értelmetlen élet
Valami olyat akarok, amit nem látok
És valami olyat, amit nem tudok elérni
Vagy valami olyat, ami nem létezik
Úgy érzem egy zombivá váltam
Nem élek, de még tovább sétálok
Mikor a nap sugarai elérnek
Várni fogok arra, hogy elteljen a nap
Ó miért
Zombivá váltam
És semmi sem gyógyíhat meg engem
Szóval tudom, hogy holnap is
Ugyanaz leszek, majd láthatsz engemet
Ahogy azt kívánom, legyen vége és becsukhassam a szemem
Elég ebből, sírni akarok
Kiszáradtam, de úgy érzem, sírni kellene
Mondd el a világnak, ma este még itt vagyok
Ó ó
Úgy érzem egy zombivá váltam
Nem élek, de még tovább sétálok
Mikor a nap sugarai elérnek
Várni fogok arra, hogy elteljen a nap
Ó miért
Zombivá váltam
És semmi sem gyógyíhat meg engem
Szóval tudom, hogy holnap is
Ugyanaz leszek, majd láthatsz engemet
Ahogy azt kívánom, legyen vége és becsukhassam a szemem


Suddenly a menace appeared,
Word has said - zombies are coming
At night I can't sleep and I am afraid,
Zombies threaten to bite painfully.
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
I already know how to defend myself
Sweep up and clean up
Otherwise creatures will attack
Reptiles, rodents, and zombies
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
There are alot of pigeons in Ukmergė
They're innocent, but all possesed
Don't pet them at all -
You can get infected by zombies
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in
Live as clean as possible,
Angry vermin keep watch from tundra.
Listen, listen do you hear?
Zombies are coming, rolling in

With ink

Touch me like a current discharge
You are near, you are near, you are near, you are near
Under the skin, I'll write your name with ink
You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine
Touch as current discharge
You are near, you are near, you are near, you are near
Under the skin, I'll write your name with ink
You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine
Fingers like current
And wind flows in the window
Her hair curls like waves
I can't resist
I can't breathe of you enough
I tried to leave this addiction
But you will not give even a chance
She is a disaster, can't measure the scale
She is the most beautiful my poem
The one that without a single stamp
And I'm greedy for her, all, all without a trace
She is like smoke in the lungs.
The sweetest one
She doesn't know me at all
If she knew, she would leave me long time ago
But you are here, it means someone in heaven decided this
In this song, I mixed everything like in a glass
Turning off the mind
So here is only the soul
We catch horizontals
And the palms of your hands slide to the waist.
No need words about love
No need confessions in dreams now
Touch me like a current discharge
You are near, you are near, you are near, you are near
Under the skin, I'll write your name with ink
You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine
Touch as current discharge
You are near, you are near, you are near, you are near
Under the skin, I'll write your name with ink
You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine
And I'm with her like in a dream
Please don't wake me
And I will recognize her lines from million others
Say my name and come to me
We need more air
We are deep at the bottom
But not in a hurry to the surface
Just say - so why we lost
in different directions..
Now it doesn't matter
Better don't say a word..
Just touch me like a current discharge
You are near, you are near, you are near, you are near
Under the skin, I'll write your name with ink
You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine
Touch as current discharge
You are near, you are near, you are near, you are near
Under the skin, I'll write your name with ink
You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine


Versions: #3
Megint lehanyatlik egy fej,
lassan (még egy) gyermek elveszett.
Az erőszak okozta ezt a néma csendet.
Hát kik vagyunk mi, bűnösök?
De látod, nem én voltam, nem is a családom.
A fejedben, a fejedben harcolnak ők,
a tankjaikkal és a bombáikkal,
a bombáikkal, a fegyvereikkel.
A fejedben, a fejedben, ott sírnak …
A fejedben, a fejedben,
zombik, zombik, zombik,
hé, hé, hé! Mire gondolsz?
Mire gondolsz?
Zombik, zombik, zombik,
hé, hé, hé, hé, du, du, du, du, du …
Más anyja omlik össze,
és szakad meg a szíve.
Amikor az erőszak csendet teremt,
mi vagyunk a bűnösök.
Ugyanaz a régi történet 1916 óta.
A fejedben, a fejedben még mindig háborúznak,
a tankjaikkal és a bombáikkal,
a bombáikkal, a fegyvereikkel.
A fejedben, a fejedben, ott haldoklanak …
A fejedben, a fejedben,
zombik, zombik, zombik,
hé, hé, hé! Mire gondolsz,
mire gondolsz?
Zombik, zombik, zombik,
hé, hé, hé, hé, ó, ó, ó,
ó, ó, ó, hé, ó, ja, ja …


Versions: #2
A józan eszem szunnyadt.
A lelkiismeretem tanácsokat adott,
A tudatalattim meg lebeszélt,
De a szellemem az szárnyalni akar.
Várj, gondolj a srácokra!
Miről beszélsz itt nekem?
Válogasd meg a szavaid!
Folyton ámítod magad,
Valaki más irányít.
Ki akarja elhitetni veled, hogy a világ sötét,
Már túl késő,
A ködbe veszve…
Folyton ámítod magad.
Valaki más irányít.
Már csak önmagad árnyéka vagy,
A tudatod meghasad,
Elnyomod a vágyaidat.
Engedd el magad!
Vesd le ezeket a láncokat,
Visszahúznak, visszahúznak
Várj! „Szövőm a szálakat.” Épp elvesztettem a fonalat.
Építem az életem, bele a semmibe.
Az emberek azt szokták mondani: A remény életet.
De hogy keljek én életre? Egy zombi vagyok.
Egy zombi vagyok.
Egy zombi vagyok.
Várj, Egy kicsit egyszerűsítsük le a dolgokat!
Akkor észreveszed,
Hogy nem minden rózsás.
Folyton ámítod magad,
Valaki más irányít.
Te sem vagy különb, mint a többiek,
Te is követtél el a hibákat,
Mindenkinek vannak hiányosságai.
Folyton ámítod magad,
Valaki más irányít.
Csak önmagad árnyéka vagy,
A tudatod meghasad,
Elnyomod a vágyaidat.
Engedd el magad!
Vesd le ezeket a láncokat,
Visszahúznak, visszahúznak
Várj! „Szövőm a szálakat.” Épp elvesztettem a fonalat.
Építem az életem, bele a semmibe.
Az emberek azt szokták mondani: A remény életet.
De hogy keljek én életre? Egy zombi vagyok.
Egy zombi vagyok.
Egy zombi vagyok.
A józan eszem szunnyadt.
A lelkiismeretem tanácsokat adott,
A tudatalattim meg lebeszélt.
De a szellemem az szárnyalni akar.
A tudatalattim meg lebeszélt.
De a szellemem az szárnyalni akar.
Várj! „Szövőm a szálakat.” Épp elvesztettem a fonalat.
Építem az életem, bele a semmibe.
Az emberek azt szokták mondani: A remény életet.
De hogy keljek én életre? Egy zombi vagyok.
Egy zombi vagyok.
Egy zombi vagyok.

Quasifolactic Zombiac

- When I served as a forester at the post office...
- Why a forester? After all, we know a forester
As such in our life arose
On the forest soil, not at the post!
-When I served as an orderly at the post office...
-What an orderly, when the coachman!
It can't happen at the post office,
To the coachman, as an orderly, the regimental commander to put on shoes!
-When I served on the post office of regiment commander...
-Do not fool around, give the coachman!
-When I served as a coachman in the post office
Was young, I had a herring
No, not a herring - a piece of balyk.
Well, I have. And suddenly the regiment
He orders me immediately to find an orderly:
'I'm ashamed to go barefoot in the mail,
Come on, follow my orderly.
Let him polish my boots
And wear them on both my feet. '
A service isn't honey and fate isn't easy.
Here I go to the forest, I'm looking for a orderly,
Frozen like an ice, fell ill by the night
And I see a forester takes off my boot
It looks like an orderly. I say: Help
At the post office, put on the regimental his boots!
The forester understands the yearning of coachman,
That the service isn't honey and fate isn't easy
We go to the post office, and the regiment is here
Chees in his boots a piece of balyk, a bastard...
-In truth, - said the regiment, - speaking
I thought you're dead on the road
And there's no orderly to me, the coachman's dead,
And I became completely alone at the post office,
And who else but me put on a boot myself?
Now I'm orderly, well, you - barefoot
You'll be command the regiment at the post office!
-We are this case, as the custom dictates,
Should drink, - said the forester
Tibor from QS-FB

My boyfriend is a zombie

His teeth are not white, he only has three.
His skin is both trasparent and green.
His yellow eyes drive me crazy.
That boy has something I don't know.
We are inseparable
And I see as very probable
Marry him.
He always wears white clothes and looks good on it.
He never wear shoes, he knows why.
We are inseparable
he has already met my parents.
He is happy and I am happy.
My boyfriend is a zombie,
is a living dead
that came from the other side to stay with me.
My life is useful at least,
I recovered lost love,
intact but decomposed.
His yellow eyes drive me crazy.
That boy has something I don't know.
Sometimes I think it couldn't be,
but I know nobody will separate me from him.
He is dead, although he denied it
he is a zombie but he loves me.
We are inseparable
he has already met my parents.
He is happy and I am happy.
My boyfriend is a zombie,
is a living dead
that came from the other side to stay with me.
My life is useful at least,
I recovered lost love,
intact but decomposed.
My boyfriend is a zombie,
is a living dead
that came from the other side to stay with me.
My life is useful at least,
I recovered lost love,
intact but decomposed.
My boyfriend is a zombie
My boyfriend is a zombie