Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 12


S. O. C. M. M.

(Secular Organization for the Conservation and the Maintenance of Marriage)
Enough is enough. I'm fed up
with you, circling around my girl like an owl.
stop peeping, stop insinuating,
you damned wolf.
Hands off,
don't touch my dreams.
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage.
Enough is enough. I don't like it
when you dance with her and touch her
don't transgress, refrain from wishing
to find pleasure in her eyes.
My hands
and a hat full of dreams are enough.
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage.
My girl dances in me as she dances
and moves flexing her spine
so free and beautiful, she dances in me,
oh no, I have nothing but her, hey!
Enough is enough. How can I,
if you eat from my plate
don't steal, don't go too far
you damned cat.
Hands off,
don't tarnish my dreams.
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage
and of all my dreams.
Shake it uh! Shake it uh! Shake it uh!
My girl dances in me as she dances
and moves flexing her spine
she dances in me while a star is born
oh no... I have nothing but her
Enough is enough. I'm sick of you
dancing with her and touching her
don't transgress, refrain from wishing
to find pleasure in her eyes.
Her hands
and a hat full of dreams are enough.
Luckily, there is an organization
for the secular conservation
Luckily, there is a secular organization
for the conservation
of marriage
and of all my dreams.

Love Now

There's no more time
For joy and tears
Love now, now
And there's no time in the bard
No time this way or that way
Love now, now
Time to dance
Time for decision-making
Love now, now
Who changed all of this for us
Our vulnerable dark days
Sparks landed on us
Curious light, I wandered away
And...with a weeping heart, I moved on
No matter where, your place is here
I'm waiting for you, you know
And there's no time
For psalms or limits, no
Whispering and preaching now
But who changed all of this for us
Our vulnerable dark days
Sparks landed on us
Curious light, I wandered away
And...with a weeping heart, I moved on
No matter where, your place is here
I'm waiting for you, you know
The echoes of voices in the distance
Love love love
I hear them wherever you are
And I'm waiting for you, you know
I'm waiting for you, you know
No matter where, your place is here
I'm waiting for you, you know
Yes, I'm waiting for you, you know
I'm waiting for you, you know

Heads or tails

Today it's raining
in the valley
and Roncocesi1 is far back by now
I come home
like the dogs
to savage
the kites
Heads or tails
time passes
short pants2, and then
in a moment
and a tear
worth half a dime
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Na na
Naina, na na
Na na
Naina, na na
'If you make him cry'
Air, we are air
in the air
only air
'And don't make him cry'
heads or tails
I quietly come back
'cause what I'm looking form by now
it's already far.
  • 1. Zucchero's hometown
  • 2. traditionally, short pants are for kids, while a boy wearing trousers signifies he has reached adulthood

Sad Song

I have a sad song in my heart
Cheerful, but not too much1 as sun as the sun appears
And I take my jacket
And a soul song
Yes, the verse needs changing, but...
It could work
Letting yourself go a bit
Playing with vigor
Further ahead, deep down in the heart
Without accelerating
I have a sad song
In my heart
I'd have a lot to do
Dear friend Joe
You've fused
Yes, and I need to repair
Something that doesn't work
The motor needs to be redone but
It could leave again
Letting it burn
Pushing with vigor
Further ahead, deep down in the heart
Without accelerating
I have a sad song
In my heart
In the evening as it gets dark
That just doesn't go down
To whom, to you, to whom I must tell it
If only you are here
The day rises, love, the night sets
...and we return
  • 1. Also a reference to the tempo notation 'allegro non troppo' (Quickly but not too much)


I'd take you in the wind
And your hand slips
I'll then make up a name for you
I can call you 'Cloud'
Meanwhile, I check what time it is
Can the sky be away?
Fantasizing with the harmony
Of your hair, I take flight
In the warm wind, the air I breathe
Already has our smell
I like you but you're not here
In the warm wind, sadness flies away
Only poetry is left
But here I lose myself
If you're not here
I like you, but you're not here
You're not here
In your eyes,
Moony African nights get lost
Nights of sailors and gypsies
Heart of a free people
Meanwhile, I look to the phone
Are you back home?
Imagining, I'll wait for you
Maybe today you're feeling alone
In the warm wind, the air I breathe
Already has our smell
I like you but you're not here
In the warm wind, sadness flies away
Only poetry is left
But here I lose myself
If you're not here
I like you, but you're not here
You're not here
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Szárnyalj gondolat ...

Szárnyalj gondolat, arany szárnyakon
Át a hegyeken és repülj
az óceánok felett.
Érd el a partot és találd meg azt a helyet
ahová a gyermekek mennek,
minden éjjel miután meghallgatják ezt az altatódalt.
Ott megtalálod az életre kelt hőseiket
kik védelmezik az ártatlanságukat.
Áld meg mindanyuikat, hisz egyszerű lelkük
oly tiszta és csodálatos.
Szárnyalj gondolat, arany szárnyakon
Hadd tartson ez a gyönyörű álom
egész éjjen át.
Add nekik kölcsön arany szárnyaid,
minden félelem tovaszáll
Fogd meg a kezüket,
segíts nekik megtalálni a könnyű utat.
Vezesd őket vissza a fénybe, vissza a fénybe
ahova egykor tartoztak,
ahol gyermekek maradhatnak,
amíg csak akarnak.
Szárnyalj gondolat, arany szárnyakon
Át a hegyeken és repülj
az óceánok felett.
Érd el a partot és találd meg azt a helyet
ahová a gyermekek mennek,
Minden éjjel miután meghallgatják ezt az altatódalt,
Minden éjjel miután meghallgatják ezt az altatódalt.
Dana Kósa

So Heavenly

Versions: #2
Another sun
when evening comes
It's coloring
my soul
It could be
who it hopes
But in my heart
it's just mine
And it makes me cry and sigh
So heavenly
she's my baby
It makes me laugh
and blaspheme
And burns the fire
she's my baby
The eyes they flood
and the water lily
Gallegia in bloom,
may it be
And to love you better
my love
Let's have roses
I want it too
And it makes me live
and lights up the day
So heavenly
she's my baby
Like a planet that
turns me around
And burns the fire
she's my baby
She does it like she was thirsty
Oh, I do not know
on my skin as light
as snow
Yeah yeah yeah
And makes me cry and sigh
So heavenly
she's my baby
It makes me laugh,
And burns the fire
she's my baby
She makes me live
to kindle the day
So heavenly
she's my baby
Like a planet that
turns around me
And burns the fire
she's my baby
It could be
of those who hope
But in my heart
it's mine

Unknown Land

How many verses I drop for you
How many skies I hide for you
I've been biten
The regrets for you
A sort of wind
Create by you
Waiting for the snow
when Christmas come, and another, snow who covers the houses, and all the bad things, another time, now
How many dreams I dreamed for us
How many voids I empted for us
My snow's brothers
Now Christmas is coming, again
Where are we going, who we are
Where are you, and what have you done, and now?
No more baby no more
No more with me
Love, baby love
Love for you
I'm waiting for the snow
Like crickets and cicadas, again, I'm waiting for the snow who covers the bad things, now, be again my Unknown Land and Unknown Life
Now, let's play bingo, all right?

Only a sound and conscious lust can save the youngsters from stress and Catholic Action.

Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action1.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.
I'd like to do what is not allowed,
But [in order to make that possible] you should't tell me
- As always - yes:
[This is] because for me the bride
Is like a rose.
What sex had become [now]:
I don't like it.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.
I'd like to tell you
What you don't like [to hear]:
'I miss you', 'I miss you', 'I miss you':
But not like that.
There are new things
[For us] to discover
With a little bit of fantasy
And Immagination.
And you deny, deny yourself but then you hit that:
'Oh, I didn't want [to do] it'.
See, at the end you hit that:
'Oh, I didn't want [to do] it, I didn't want it.'
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.

Valaki más könnyei

Ismerősnek tűnsz
De nem vagyok biztos, hogy tudom a neved
Nem tudom, miért mesélem ma neked ezt a történetet
Egy suttogás a szellőn
Hallottam egy zörrenést az erdőben
Tudnom kell és talán te el fogod magyarázni
Miért nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
És semmi sem az, aminek tűnik
Nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
De valaki más könnyeit sírom
Valaki más könnyei
A szőlőket összegyűjtötték
A bort összepréselték
És az eső dacára ez egy jó év volt
Hogy újra sétálhassunk ezeket a földeken
A fiatalságunk kápolnájában fejet hajtottunk a szépségnek és igazságnak
Nem látom okát, de talán te el fogod magyarázni
Miért nem tudom abbahagyni az sírást
De valaki más könnyeit sírom
Valaki más könnyei
A piros ház, amit építettünk...
Még mindig áll... büszkén...
Az üvegek, amiket megtöltöttünk...
Emeljük fel őket
Lehet, hogy esik
De a nap át fogja törni magát a felhőkön
A vihart meg lehet állítani
Menjünk ki...
De nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
Ahogy keresztülmegyek a kerekeken
Nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
De valaki más könnyeit sírom
Valaki más könnyei
Nem tudom abbahagyni a hazudozást
Ezalatt az évek alatt végig hazudoztam?
Nem tudom abbahagyni a próbálkozást
Hogy elüldözzem a félelmeit
Nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást, sírást
Valaki más könnyei