A keresés eredménye
Találatok száma: 15
Hymn for the Announciation
Let us join Archangel Michael in his way toVirgin Mary
and kiss her since she is the mother and nurturer
of our life
not only the general is allowed to greet the queen
but humble ones too can see her and talk to her,
she, as the mother of God, is being beatified by all generations who are hailing her:
' All hail to you the uncontaminated, all hail, daughter invited by the God,
All hail to you the modest one, all hail to you the pleasant one, all hail, kind,
All hail, beautiful, all hail, unsown, all hail undecayed,
All hail, mother without a man,
All hail, bride without being married.
Τοnight at midnight
Tonight, tonight at midnighti got up to write- my little turtledove
And i didn't even put down a single word
without sighing, my little bird
Oh my Virgin Mary Silivriani
i will bring you a candle tall as him-my little turtledove
if you bring, if you bring back to me my little bird
this week- oh my little turtledove
A Gonosz Szolgálója
Te vagy a hercegnő, én vagyok a szolgálódSzánalmas ikrek vagyunk, elválasztva a sors által
Hajlandó vagyok megvédeni, nem számít, mibe kerül
Még ha ez azt is jelenti, hogy gonosszá kell válnom.
Másik elvárásait viselve jöttünk a világra,
A templom harangjai áldottak meg.
A felnőttek kényelmes elrendezésének hála,
A jövőnk kettészakadt.
Még ha az egész világ
Az ellenségeddé válik is,
Mindig meg foglak védeni,
Szóval csak légy önmagad és mosolyogj.
Te vagy a hercegnő és én a szolgálód
Szánalmas ikrek vagyunk, elválasztva a sors által
Hajlandó vagyok gonosszá válni érted,
Ha így megvédhetlek téged.
Mikor a szomszéd országba mentem,
Egy városban láttam egy zöld lányt.
A lágy mosolya és gyöngéd hangja miatt,
Első látásra belé szerettem
Habár, ha Őfelsége azt kívánja
Hogy az a lány el legyen törölve a földről,
Akkor teljesítenem kell kívánságát.
De miért folyik a könnyem mégis?
Te vagy a hercegnő, és én vagyok a szolgálód
Elmebajos ikrek vagyunk, elválasztva a sors által
'A mai uzsonna briós lesz.'
Te boldogan mosolyogsz, olyan ártalmatlanul
Hamarosan vége lesz ennek a királyságnak
A dühös nép kezei által.
Ha ezt nevezik 'büntetés'-nek,
Akkor hadd cáfoljam meg én magam.
'Itt van, kölcsönadom a ruhámat.'
'Vedd fel és azonnal menekülj.'
'Minden rendben. Végtére is ikrek vagyunk.'
'Senki nem fogja megmondani a különbséget.'
Most én vagyok a hercegnő, és te egy szökevény vagy
Siralmas ikrek vagyunk, elválasztva a sors által.
Ha már gonosznak hívnak,
Akkor, íme, én is itt vagyok, mert ugyanazon a véren osztozunk.
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt
Volt egyszer az édes testvérem
Aki régen a tetején uralkodott
Egy barbár és könyörtelen királyságnak
Még ha az egész világ
Az ellenségeddé válik is,
Mindig meg foglak védeni,
Szóval csak légy boldog valahol máshol.
Te vagy a hercegnő és én a szolgálód
Szánalmas ikrek vagyunk, elválasztva a sors által
Hajlandó vagyok gonosszá válni érted,
Ha így megvédhetlek téged.
Ha újjászülethetünk egy következő életben
Akkor kérlek, játssz megint velem.
Gonosz Leánya
ˇGyertek hát, térdeljetek le!'Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer
Egy ördögi királyság
És a tetején uralkodott
Egy tizennégy éves hercegnő
Fényűző és ragyogó bútorok
Egy szolgáló, kinek arca emlékeztetett az övére
Egy kedvenc ló, kinek neve Josephine
Minden, minden az övé volt
Ha nincs elég pénz
Zsákmányold ki a műveletlen embereket
Azok, akik szembeszállnak velem
Teljesen tisztítsd meg
ˇGyertek hát, térdeljetek le előttem!'
A gonosz virága édesen virágzik
Élénk színekkel
A körülötte lévő szánalmas gyomok
Ah, ahogy elrohadnak, tápanyag lesz belőlük
A zsarnok hercegnő szerette
A tenger másik oldalán lévő kék férfit
Bár ő a másik országban lévő
Zöld nőt szerette első látásra
A hercegnő, féltékenységtől vezérelve
Egy nap magához hívatta miniszterét
És csendesen ezt mondta:
'Pusztítsd el a zöld országot'
Rengeteg ház lett porig rombolva
Rengeteg élet elveszett
A szenvedő emberek bánata
Nem ért el a hercegnőhöz
'Oh, tea idő'
A gonosz virága édesen virágzik
Őrjítő színekkel
Habár ez egy nagyon gyönyörű virág
Ah, túl sok tüskéje van, nem lehet megérinteni
Hogy megdöntsék a gonosz hercegnőt
Végül az emberek fellázadtak
A rendezetlen tömeget
Egy piros páncélos kardforgatónő vezette
A felhalmozott dühük összegyűlt
Az egész országot körbeölelték
Belefáradva a hosszú háborúba
A katonák sem voltak ellenségek
Végül, körbevették a palotát
És még a csatlósok is elszöktek
A bájos, csinos hercegnőt
Végül elkapták
'Te fura gonosztevő!'
A gonosz virága édesen virágzik
Szomorúnak tűnő színekkel
A paradicsoma
Összeomlik, múlandó és törékeny volt
Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer
Egy ördögi királyság
És a tetején uralkodott
Egy tizennégy éves hercegnő
Délután háromra tűzték ki a kivégzést
Mikor a templom harangjai megszólalnak
A személy, akit hercegnőnek hívtak
Mit gondolhat egyedül a börtönben?
Végül elérkezett az idő
A véget jelző harangok megszólaltak
Anélkül, hogy észrevette volna a tömeget
Azt mondja
'Oh, tea idő'
A gonosz virága édesen virágzik
Élénk színnel
Később az emberek azt beszélték róla
Ah, tényleg a Gonosz Leánya volt
Seven Crimes and Punishments
Come, let’s beginSeven flowers flutter about, the crime is now unleashed
While my unsightly true face is masked
I continue to drown in lust
Seven seeds rain down, roots will stretch through the ground
The acid of my stomach will melt everything
Yes, even the world
This “Evil’s Kingdom” built up on the stone won’t stop anymore
The vessels of malice that were unleashed from the cursed twins
What sort of story do they paint?
Seven crimes and punishments
In seven winds the world is violated by poison
The source of everything, a false sin
That laments how she can’t sleep today either
In seven springs are traces of the one I love
But different images always get in the way
If only you people weren’t around
In the courtroom buried in soil
Come, let’s begin this farce named a trial
Everyone is searching for their respective utopia
What kind of conclusion will they meet?
Seven crimes and punishments
Is it the song of the forest I can hear?
No, that’s the gunshot of destruction
The vessels of malice that were unleashed from the cursed twins
What sort of story do they paint?
Seven crimes and punishments
Moonlit Bear
In a dark dark corner of the forestI picked up red red fruits
These are surely wonderful, wonderful
Presents from God
If I carry them home will we be delighted, I wonder?
Maybe so happy we’ll cry
The moon is very pretty today, isn’t it?
Let’s hurry, hurry to return home
For on a dark night such as this, a scary bear comes out
At long last I’ve found them, finally I’ve found them
I certain don’t want to do something like hand them over to anyone, to anyone
I run through a forest path where flowers bloom
While I’m carrying with me red fruits
If I return like this, he and I
Surely can become happy
Later on however, a bear that
Made a scary face chases me
Please, forgive me
Please overlook me
I knew that in truth, these fruits
Are that bear’s treasures
I run, a wandering run
I won’t hand over my happiness
The bear’s form is illuminated by the moon
Its dark shadow draws closer to me
The correct path is already lost
But still I run, I only run
I cry, the bear was crying too
The two fruits were also crying
At last I finally arrived, at my beloved home
He was kindly smiling, but
He saw the fruit I held
And made a very sad face
“Listen, our children are already
Not in this world
Return these children
To their true mother’s side”
Even if reality tore me apart someday
With its fangs and claws
Those warm, kind fruits
I wanted them at any cost
God, with my own hands
I committed an unforgivable sin
“If you do it now you can start over”
He said that, but
“That’s impossible! Because I already…”
Lying down outside the house is the corpse of a lone woman
Nearby, full of milk, was a small glass bottle…
Capriccio Farce
An empty defendant's seat, a visitor's gallery with nothing but junkCome, let's begin this farce called a trial
'Only one of the vessels that we're seeking out by orders of god remains
If it's the case you know its whereabouts, make your testimony, 'Sorceress of Time''
'Transcending time, changing forms, changing masters, it's already making its debut on stage
Even so, not knowing the whereabouts myself right now, I fear it's likely that it's in her hands'
'Search, search, search for that jerk, left, right, or down
She holds all the keys, search for 'The Master of the Hellish Yard''
'How long is this farce going to continue? There is nothing after that'
'Soul of Adam who fell in the trap, there's nothing you can accomplish anymore
Swinging scales, a disordered scenario, vessels sullied in sin
Each playing their song their own way, a discordant capriccio
The story has already let go of the hands of demons and gods and walks alone
If they were in this place, they would probably make this lament:
What was truly terrifying was the desire of humanity
'Let's sort out what few facts we have, lowly man descended from a demon
I'll give you permission, so tell us of the time you came to this forest'
'There is an unpleasant curse dwelling in my body, seeking my original ancestor's sword
That has become necessary to solve this, I arrived at this forest alone'
Kill him, eat him, if we can't, arrest him, this insolent fool who entered the forest
Judge, judge, at any rate judge him, trial! Sentence! Death!
'When I resolved myself after I was arrested, the fickle girl extended her hand'
'I wanted a charge right for doing chores'
'And so I became 'The Gardener''
'Sorceress of Time' 'Cursed Gardener,' substitutes for the unawakened vessels
Each keeping their goals close to the chest, unsettling invaders
'The Director Doll,' 'Master of the Graveyard,' 'Gear,' 'The Waiter,' 'Master of the Hellish Yard'
When the end of everything arrives, who will be laughing, I wonder?
Lu li la lu li la lu li lu li la, the resounding beat of Irregular
Friendship, trauma, justice, illusion, hope, destruction, dreams, greed, love, death
All of it continues to melt and turn the Clockwork Lullaby
Just before the solitary man's death, he constructed a theater
Will the utopia he wished for be completed?
Come, let's see with our own eyes, this farce called life
Heartbeat Clocktower
The sound of the clocktower’s gearsThat is the proof she’s alive
So that this second hand doesn’t stop
Watching over it is “my” role
The former master, a personification of greed
Why couldn’t he notice sooner
That his own sin would ruin himself
One of these days?
The ugly burn marks that remain on half of her body even now
Etch those two’s memories
Today again there are lost
Pitiful visitors who don’t know anything
Before long they’ll probably be delivered
Into the “Master of the Graveyard”’s stomach
That “girl” pretending to be the lead role
As usual is absorbing herself in selfishness
While the loneliness of having lost her “counterpart”
Shows a little on her face
Just before his death a solitary man created
That small theater deep in the forest
In that time when it was left behind, it began to ring out
The clockwork lullaby
“Bloodstained scissors”, “Violet katana”
The days we wait for those who have yet to wake
When all the songs have been recited
It appears Utopia will complete
The clock hand stopping
Means the end of herself
The time left in the rusted and chipped gears
Isn’t long
Just before his death a solitary man created
A small theater deep in the forest
The one acting as curator is the one he loved most
“The Clockwork Doll”
Resolving myself
I gently placed my hand
Into my own left breast and reached in deeply…
My spring resounds with the gears of the clocktower
And the story begins anew
So that the clock hands don’t stop
Continuing to turn is my role
The Daughter of Evil
'Come, kneel to me'Once upon a time
Reigning at the top
Of a fiendish kingdom was
A noble girl of age 14
Luxurious and splendid furnishings
A servant whose face greatly resembled hers
A favorite horse named Josephine
Everything, everything was hers
If there wasn't enough money
Choke it from the ignorant masses
Those that would oppose me
Completely purge them
'Come, kneel to me!'
The flower of evil sweetly blooms
With brilliant color
The pitiful weeds around her
Indeed, they'll turn to nourishment and rot away
The tyrant princess was in love with
A blue man of across the sea
Though he fell in love at first sight
With a green woman in the neighboring country
The princess, mad with jealousy
One day summoned her cabinet minister
And said in a quiet voice
'Send to ruin the kingdom of green'
Many houses reduced to ashes
Many lives disappearing
The suffering people's lamentations
Don't reach the princess
'Oh, it's tea time'
The flower of evil sweetly blooms
With maddening color
Although it's a very lovely flower
Indeed, there are too many thorns to touch it
To overthrow the evil princess
At last the people rose up
Leading the disorderly mob was
A female swordsman in red armor
Their rage accumulated in conviction
Wrapped up the whole country
Soldiers tired from the long war
Weren't a threat
Finally they surrounded the palace
The retainers escaped
The adorable and lovely princess
At last was captured
'You insolent thug'
The flower of evil sweetly blooms
With colors that seem sad
The paradise for her
Indeed will collapse, brittle and transient
Once upon a time
There was a noble girl of age 14
Who reigned at the top
Of a fiendish kingdom
The time of her execution was 3 PM
A time when church bells would ring
That person who was called princess
What did they think, alone in jail?
Finally that time arrived
The bells signaling the end ring
Without taking notice of the crowd
She said
'Oh, it's tea time'
The flower of evil pitifully scatters
With brilliant color
Afterwards, people will say
Indeed, she was certainly the Daughter of Evil
The Servant of Evil
You are the princess, I am a servantFate divided, miserable twins
I'll protect you, if it's for that
I will even become evil
We were born in high expectations
Blessed by the church bells
By the arbitrary circumstances of adults
Our futures were split into two
Even if all the world
Becomes your enemy
Because I will protect you
You should keep on smiling
You are a princess, I am a servant
Fate divided, miserable twins
I'll protect you, if it's for that
I will even become evil
While on an outing to the neighboring country
In town I happened upon that green haired girl
I fell in love at first sight
With that kind voice and smile
But if the princess
Asks me to erase that girl
I shall answer that
Why? These tears won't stop
You are the princess, I am a servant
Fate divided, maddened twins
'Today's treat is brioche'
You laugh, you innocently laugh
This country may end very soon
At the hands of its crazed people
If it's said this is our punishment
I shall take it upon myself to oppose it
'Look, I'll loan you my clothes
Wear them and escape immediately
It's alright, we're twins.
I'm sure no one will know'
I am the princess, you are a fugitive
Fate divided, sorrowful twins
If it's said that you're evil
Then that same blood runs in me too
Once upon a time
I had a very precious sibling
Who reigned at the top
Of a fiendish kingdom
Even if all the world
Becomes your enemy
Because I will protect you
Keep smiling somewhere
You are the princess, I am a servant
Fate divided, miserable twins
I'll protect you, if it's for that
I will even become evil
If only we could be reborn
Let's play again then, okay?
Regret Message
In a small port at the outskirts of town, a young girl is standing aloneSince the old times, there has been a secret legend about this sea
“Write your prayer on a parchment and put it into a small bottle,
if it drifts away into the sea, your wishes might come true one day.”
Flow along, my little glass bottle
with a message carrying my prayer,
Vanish on the other side of the horizon
You would do anything for me, anytime,
but all I did was selfishly bother you
You, the one to grant my wishes, are no longer here
Will my wishes reach their destination through this sea?
Flow along, my little prayer,
my tears and a little bit of regret
When I realize my sins, it's always after everything has ended
Flow along, my little glass bottle
with a message carrying my prayer,
Vanish on the other side of the horizon
Flow along, my little prayer,
my tears and a little bit of regret
“If we were to be reborn…”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Hey! If there's no source, then this translation was made by me. That means you are free to do whatever you want with it. Print it and make a paper hat! 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆