Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 15

Találatok száma: 100455



At vi var
Mer' end jeg troede vi var
Du havde mig
Nu' det for sent
Du sagde til mig
At vi var
Mer' end jeg troede vi var
Du havde mig
Nu' det for sent
Tænk jeg var så dum
At bruge min tid på dig
Uden at kigge mig tilbage
Det tog sin tid
Før jeg forstod du virkelig var
En dum idé for mig
Er jeg den eneste
Du ødelagde?
Engang troede jeg du mente
Hvad du sagde
Det' bare fordi du sagde til mig
At vi var
Mer' end jeg troede vi var
Du havde mig
Nu' det for sent
Du sagde til mig
At vi var
Mer' end jeg troede vi var
Du havde mig
Nu' det for sent
Da jeg så hende sammen med dig
Gik alting så pludseligt op for mig
Burde ha' vidst jeg tog fejl
For jeg er da klart ikke den eneste
Du ødelagde
Engang troede jeg du mente
Hvad du sagde
Det' bare fordi du sagde til mig
At vi var
Mer' end jeg troede vi var
Du havde mig
Nu' det for sent
Du sagde til mig
At vi var
Mer' end jeg troede vi var
Du havde mig
Nu' det for sent


Vér és víz szirénjei

Når du ser på meg skinner jeg
Jeg er klar og jeg ved
Der er ingen vej tilbage
For nu står i alle her og ser
Den jeg er
Det har føltes forkert at gå og gemme sig
Man er tæt men det svært når man skal finde vej
Man gav næsten op tror ikke på det sker
Men drømmen der er stærk så jeg gir den en chance mer'
Når du ser den jeg er
Så kan ingenting blive det samme mer' nej
Når du ser på meg skinner jeg
Jeg er klar og jeg ved
Der er ingen vej tilbage
For nu står i alle her og ser
Den jeg er
Det jo dig mit hjerte synger for
Hvor har du været henne
Ku' ikke glemme
Din smukke stemme
Jeg ku' ikke finde melodien uden dig
Hvor var du henne
Ku' ikke finde dig
Når du ser den jeg er
Så kan ingenting blive det samme mer' nej
Når du ser på meg skinner jeg
Jeg er klar og jeg ved
Der er ingen vej tilbage
For nu står i alle her og ser
Den jeg er
Jeg ku' ikke finde melodien uden dig
Det jo dig mit hjerte synger for
Hvor har du været henne
Jeg er klar og jeg ved
Der er ingen vej tilbage
For nu står i alle her og ser
Den jeg er


Túl sokat gondolkodó

spring's blossoms,
summer's sun,
autumn's rain—
they all carry your essence.
You are Yerevan,
and Yerevan is you.


High Enough

I don't like anyone better than you, it's true
I'd crawl a mile in a desolate place with the snakes, just for you
Oh I'm an animal, hand me a tramadol, gimme the juice
You are my citadel, you are my wishing well, my baby blue
I used to like liquor to get me inspired
But you look so beautiful, my new supplier
I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking
But I found a different buzz
The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it
I know they got pills that can help you forget it
They bottle it, call it medicine
But I don't need drugs
Cause I'm already high enough
You got me, you got me good
I'm already high enough
I only, I only, I only got eyes for you
Do you see anyone other than me?
Baby, please
I'll take a hit of whatever you got
Maybe two, maybe three
Oh you're phenomenal, feel like a domino, fall to my knees
I am a malady, you are my galaxy, my sweet relief, oh oh oh
I used to like liquor to get me inspired
But you look so beautiful, my new supplier
I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking
But I found a different buzz
The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it
I know they got pills that can help you forget it
They bottle it, call it medicine
But I don't need drugs
Cause I'm already high enough
You got me, you got me good
I'm already high enough
I only, I only, I only got eyes for you
Don't try to give me cold water
I don't wanna sober up
All I see are tomorrows
Oh, the stars were made for us
I'm already high enough
You got me, you got me good
I'm already high enough
I only, I only, I only got eyes for you
Oh, I only got eyes for you, oh
Oh, I only, I only, I only got eyes for you


A karamell-tánc

sånt passar i vargamagar
Du varg. Du varg, kom inte hit,
ungen min får du aldrig...
Sov mitt barn i bädden hos mor,
låt vargen yla i natten...
Men jag ska ge'n en hönsaskank,
om ingen annan har tatt 'en...
du varg, du varg kom inte hit,
ungen min får du aldrig.
ungen min får du aldrig....


Jól leszek

For starters, a noob should lurk more before making any post.
I want to become more friendly with you
If you wanna act all intimate, then do it on the VIP board!
If you've got something to say, why not just say it clearly?
What do you think of me?
How should I know? 'Go Google It!'
'Go Google It!'
'What's your email address?' 'Go Google It!'
'Where do you live?' 'Go Google It!'
'What types are you interested in?' 'Go Google it at Yahoo!'
'When can we meet again?' 'Go Google It!'
'Do you like eggplant?' 'Upload it, you bum!'
'Are you in a relationship?' (I kinda do wanna tell you that...)
I can't be honest with you, this is bad
Your voice is echoing repeatedly in my heart.
Delete it! Mod, do your thing already!
I will talk about your charm.
This place is not your diary!
Troll Megurine, go home already! Stop making unacceptable threads!
I want to know what you really think
How should I know? 'Go Google It!'
'Go Google It!'
'What are your three sizes?' 'Go Google It!'
'What color are your panties?' 'Go Google It!'
'Are you wearing any panties?' 'Google it at Rakuten!'
'I've always liked you' 'Shuddup.'
'I love you' 'Good work multi-posting'
'Please understand how I feel' (I actually do understand...)
My real feelings are trapped inside my heart
With this attitude, I will seriously get myself hated
I actually love you more than anyone else
'Realize this already, you doof!'
'Please don't get the wrong idea
You, you have nothing to do with this
My face is red because of the red tuna.
'You won't be honest with me?' 'I can't!'
'I like you' 'Are you stupid?'
If my true feelings can actually be googled,
Then I will 'age' (bump) my entire self to you...
Please do not ask me why (I promise the truth there)
All of you want to know me, I think (I want to become sweet girl)
Please do not ask me why
All of you want to know me (Honest feeling)
You search it with this Google!


Peppermint Season

A southern breeze is running through the town
like good news does
You leap over the guardrails
Those bouncing sneakers just can't wait, can they?
The moment I met you,
ah, it was stop-motion
I realized that even I am just a girl
Heart-pounding colours were in my pure white heart
Yes, it's peppermint, peppermint, peppermint season
You're the only thing that's radiant, dreamin'
Yes, it's peppermint, peppermint, peppermint season
It might already be spring for my heart
I feel like parading throughout the town,
even though the breeze makes fun of us
To think I'd be able to become this honest about my feelings,
what's happened to me? I love you, my love
You're the only one I can see
Ah, it's stop-motion
Stop time as we are right now and receive them,
yes, receive my first ever heart-pounding colours
Yes, it's peppermint, peppermint, peppermint season
You're the only thing that's radiant, dreamin'
Yes, it's peppermint, peppermint, peppermint season
It might already be spring for my heart
Peppermint, peppermint, peppermint season
Peppermint, peppermint, peppermint season
It might already be spring for my heart


In Absentia

I don't know, I don't learn, I don't listen, I don't speak
about you
You exist, you don't, I don't care at all1
but, I can't go back
With what kind of cross? What to exorcise?
And I'm indifferent
If I start again from zero
In my absentia
Kisses will turn into pieces.
In my absentia
Your caresses changed hug.
Im my absentia I swear to you
I loved you too
In the sea where I dived
I might drown too
I don't write, I don't laugh, I don't remember, I don't ask
about you
I withstand, I don't, it's all over
here for me
And I can't go back
With what kind of cross? What to exorcise?
And I'm indifferent
If I start again from zero
In my absentia
Kisses will turn into pieces.
In my absentia
Your caresses changed hug.
Im my absentia I swear to you
I loved you too
In the sea where I dived
I might drown too
  • 1. Literal translation 'not a nail burns for me'


At Night in the World of Dreams I Heard

At night in the world of dreams I heard Zakia Kohzad1
She was speaking about Hangama2, about the flowers of the garden
She was speaking about Hangama, about the flowers of the garden
May I take your sorrow, may I take your sorrow
If I am to be killed, if I am to be bound
May I be bound by your shackles, I would take your sorrow
I would take your sorrow, I would take your sorrow
I don't know what happened, it was a melodious sound
That our Ahmad Zahir3 became acquainted with pain and melody
That our Ahmad Zahir became acquainted with pain and melody
Oh, let me wish misfortune upon you

That's the way people are

Did you want to become your idea of perfect?
You were probably just imitating someone, right?
Any way of flying is OK, right?
It's having the courage to take off that's important, right?
We say things like
'It's no good now', but
We become ourselves through crying and laughing
And worrying and getting back up and everything we feel
Living and being ourselves and everyday joys
Make us happy
Believing and trying
And doing it over every time
That's the way people are
The way we can forgive each other is wonderful
You're so resolute because you're tired, right?
This may surprise you, but nobody minds
Did you think you'd come this far alone
Because you didn't want to cause anyone any trouble?
People are...
As we help each other and lend each other a shoulder
And stop after every few steps
Breathing, taking deep breaths
And sighing sometimes
We become ourselves through crying and laughing
And worrying and getting back up and everything we feel
That's the way people are
The way we can forgive each other is wonderful
If you can share times of happiness with someone
Then you're never alone, even in hard times
That's the joy of sharing
As we help each other and lend each other a shoulder
And stop after every few steps
Breathing, taking deep breaths
And sighing sometimes
We become ourselves through crying and laughing
And worrying and getting back up and everything we feel
That's the way people are
The way we can forgive each other is wonderful
As we help each other and lend each other a shoulder
And stop after every few steps
Breathing, taking deep breaths
And sighing sometimes
We become ourselves through crying and laughing
And worrying and getting back up and everything we feel
That's the way people are
The way we can forgive each other is wonderful
We are all naked
All searching for warmth
Amid all our weakness and sadness
And trying to move forward somehow...



I am me, Who is gonna stop me
I’m going after my dreams
I am me, you can’t stop me
Yeah that is my superpower
I can do anything
Sometimes I sit on my bed and think
I’m the only one in the house who has worries
Cause at home not everything is going so well
But my sister prefers to look on the bright side
Cause when I’m going through something , she doesn’t see that
It doesn’t get in her way
Cause she always says
I am me, Who is gonna stop me
I’m going after my dreams
I am me, you can’t stop me
Yeah that is my superpower
I can do anything
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Yeah that is my superpower
I can do anything
A boy in my class that doesn’t know very well
He doubts everything he does
He doesn’t see all his friends around
Cause if you have a problem
Then we will help you
Together you are stronger, everyone knows that
Leave all your doubts
When you say out loud
I am me, Who is gonna stop me
I’m going after my dreams
I am me, you can’t stop me
Yeah that is my superpower
I can do anything
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Yeah that is my superpower
I can do anything
You are good the way you are
And when things don’t go your way
Your superpower is inside
You are the boss
So don’t give up
You can take on the world
I am me, Who is gonna stop me
I’m going after my dreams
I am me, you can’t stop me
Yeah that is my superpower
I can do anything
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Cause I am myself, lalalalalaa
Yeah that is my superpower
I can do anything
I am me!



Not steel, not ice. Not the right her, not the right him.
Not me, not you.
Days are invisible behind the windows covered with frost.
But I am after her, I don’t really care,
I don’t care.
Because I am here alone, just like
an Inuit standing on an ice floe,
Sending SOS to you,
And you should find me,
Find me!
Cos’ I am all alone here, and it’s so close -
The horizon line -
Look for me there, look for me there.
I’ve lied undressed into the snow.
No confusion,
No shadows, plants, TV news, guests -
Nobody will visit me.
Sounds have fallen off, ceilings are covered with ice,
Hands are getting numb, eye whites are dilating.
Because I am here alone, just like
an Inuit standing on an ice floe,
Sending SOS to you,
And you should find me,
Find me!
Cos’ I am all alone here, and it’s so close -
The horizon line -
Look for me there, look for me there.
Look for me there,
Look for me there.
Cos’ I’m all alone here and yet so close.
Cos’ I’m all alone here and it’s so close -
The horizon line.
Cos’ I’m all alone here and yet so close.
Cos’ I’m all alone here and it’s so close -
The horizon line (look for me there).
Cos’ I’m all alone here and yet so close.
Cos’ I’m all alone here and yet so close.
Look for me there.
Cos’ I’m all alone here and yet so close.
Cos’ I’m all alone here and yet so close.
Look for me there (look for me, look for me).


The Suns of May

With a virginal breath the most beloved of the months
Fills the air, the lilac at the mossy trunks of the woods
Hangs its fragrant cluster.
The birds are joyful and sing the sun.
Everything smiles, of the spring, everthing celebrates the awakening.
You alone are sad, o beloved !
'Why these dreamy eyes and this leaned look ?
With what secret boredom is your heart touched ?
What is it with you my great and pale Friend ?
What is it with you ? See this beautiful sky smile and be resplendent !
Oh ! smile at me ! I feel my heart blossom
With the earth blossom.
'On the blue course of the waters, on the black flank of the tower,
Look ! the swallow is already back.
Wings and leaves are unfolded.
It's the season of the flowers, it's the season of the verse.
It's the time when in the soul and in the green branchlets
Love and roses bloom.
'Let's be young ! let's feast the beautiful spring vanquisher !
When one is sad, Friend, it is night in the heart,
Joy is the sun of the soul !
Let us forget what man and life have of bitterness !
I want to love to live and live to love.
To love you, my noble Lady !
'Far away from us the worries,, beautiful with brown hair !
Let's become intoxicated with breeze, and air and perfumes,
Let's become intoxicated with young saps !
On their stems let's pick the promises of the flowers !
Soon enough will return winter and its rigors
Wither our roses and our dreams !'
And, while he was talking, mute at his side,
Walked the great friend with velvety looks.
Her forehead bathed in reverie
Lit up at his voice with a soft radiation,
And, light of the soul, a charming smile
Floated on her flowery lip.
Poésies d'Auguste Lacaussade Tome 2
Poèmes et Paysages
Poème numéro LXIII
de Alphonse Lemerre 1897


You Are My Soul

I'm not giving up on your heart like that
I'll give up on the body in this world
Not digging, let go, take your time to talk
Fear will be my friend
Love you this way
You are my soul
Like an angel in a dream you came to me suddenly
And you went
If I had stayed
then you would be broken
your friends left you like this
dropped at the bar
You come to me at night
when we're late
Tell me how even when it's hard
you are happy again
Don't give up on me like that
Give up on honor in this world
Be the man like none other
Years that you wooed me every morning, drawing me a heart in the coffee
Where are you today, and where is this?
I fought for days, I am a lioness against your demons
If I had stayed
then you would be broken
your friends left you like this
dropped at the bar
You come to me at night
when we're late
Tell me how even when it's hard
you are happy again
So listen, my soul
I gave you my heart
My whole world revolves around you
And you?
You don't understand what I want from you
If I had stayed
then you would sing
the words that I wrote
You would say ...
That if I had stayed
then you would be broken
your friends left you like this
dumped at the bar
You come to me at night
when we're late
Tell me how even when it's hard
you are happy again


I'm Returning

You know
I'm alone now
And the whole world is turning over in my stomach
You know
It's dangerous here now
Just want to believe
That in the end it will be okay
And you hear
Healing my heart from afar
And you know
to love
I'm returning to you
Your prayers call me to come
I see fire in your eyes
And pictures that don't let me return
Alone, alone
I'm not afraid now
You know
I'm whole now
And all the words are already written in a book
I promise you
You won't be alone
Now with the name of G-d we will do and succeed
I'm returning to you
Your prayers call me to come
I see fire and smoke in your eyes
I see everything
Alone, alone
I'm not afraid now
Alone, alone
I'm not alone now