Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 53

Találatok száma: 100455


For One Time Again

It's the last meeting
in order to say goodbye,
the dream has already faded,
yours, mine.
We loved one another so much,
we tormented one another
and now, contrary to our hearts,
we waste a great love.
For one time again,
warm me for a moment,
a moment of love
in the cold of my heart.
Tomorrow then who knows,
who knows about you, about me?
Whatever will happen?
Who will cry?
For one time again,
let's embrace one another, deceive me.
My desire is still you
and then I'll never again see you.
Goodbye, my great love,
goodbye, my great love.
Goodbye, my great love.


When Evening Comes

When evening comes [whistling],
come, come,
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here
for you alone.
Come, come here, come, come here,
we are very close
when the sun goes down and the moon appears,
you can't miss it.
While I kiss you, while you kiss me,
let them watch us.
For lovers, this is the time
to dream.
Come, come here, come, come here,
we are very close,
arm-in-arm with me, arm-in-arm with you,
it seems like flying.
When evening comes,
come, come, come,
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here
only for you.
Come, come here, come, come here,
we are very close
when the sun goes down and the moon appears,
you can't miss it.
While I kiss you, while you kiss me,
let them watch us.
For lovers, this is the time
to dream.
Come, come here, come, come here,
we are very close,
arm-in-arm with me, arm-in-arm with you,
it seems like flying.
When evening comes [whistling],
come, come,
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here
only for you.


Yours (Mine)

I thought I was dreaming,
instead no,
you're really mine.
Mine, in my arms,
only in mine like this.
Mine, on my mouth
sweetly yours like this.
Forever mine,
it seemed impossible to me
but then it was so easy
to tether me to you, my love.
Mine, in my arms
to dream as a couple,
to die like this,
finally mine like this.
Forever mine,
it seemed impossible to me
but then it was so easy
to tether me to you, my love.
Mine, in my arms
to dream as a couple,
to die like this,
finally mine like this,
finally mine like this.


Dear moon in the deep sky

Dear moon in the deep sky,
I see your light far away.
You're straying around the wide world,
looking into people's dwellings.
You're straying around the wide world,
looking into people's dwellings
Dear moon, stay for a moment, tell me,
Where's my beloved.
Dear moon, stay for a moment, tell me,
Where's my beloved
Tell him, dear silver moon,
That my arms are around him,
So he would at least for a little bit remember about me in his dreams.
Shine far for him, shine for him,
Tell him, say who's waiting for him here.
Shine far for him, shine for him,
Tell him, say who's waiting for him here.
If the human soul is dreaming of me
Let it wake up by that memory
Dear moon, don't fizzle, ah!


Our Story

Fairy tales always have happy endings
But in reality, things go on
Cinderella lost her chance at love with her shoes, but
A perfect romance fell upon her
But in this day and age, waiting for the right shoe to fit your foot
Isn't going to bring a prince into your life
Our story Our story
Our story is meant to be continued
Meant to be continued
Snow White was deceived by the Witch many times
But she never lost her honest heart
There are a lot of people in this world
Who pretend to be allies with a hidden poison apple
In this day and age, a little vigilance is necessary for survival
Our story Our story
Our story is meant to be continued
Life's a story but it's no fairytale
Life's a story but it's no fairytale
I like to dream fairy tales from time to time
But the daily life we live
Life is not easy
Our story Our story
Our story Our story
Our story's story's story's
story's meant to be,
it's meant to be
Our story Our story
Our story is meant to be continued
Meant to be continued
It's meant to be continued


Material Girl

What I want more than a kiss or a hug
A gift wrapped in a crush
I don't know what it's like to be a woman
Don't bother. Take me with you
Shopping, driving, restaurants with a view
Weekend spa trips... and the ocean
Take me with you
No matter how well I get along with you
Money is a woman's best friend
The gateway to my heart is
Your bulging piggy bank
If you want to be with me, this is as good as it gets
There are many toll booths on the highway of love
Shopping, driving, restaurants with a view
Weekend spa trips... and the ocean
Take me with you
Living in a material world(material)
Living in a material world(material)
If experience could be exchanged for paper money
I would be a millionaire!
Living in a material world and I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
We are living in a material world and I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
Material, material, material, material


Ferris wheel after the rain

A summer sky after the rain
Leaving one cloud
I can't even cry
One feeling remains
The Ferris wheel is rising
In my blue heart
The meeting was canceled
A holiday with a sudden rain
When I put down the receiver that day
The rain stopped immediately
The Ferris wheel was turning
Carrying shining drops
So the promise is still
Floating in the clear sky
The gondola is always
Carrying me up
I found myself walking on the street corner
So small
I found my heart lost in the crowd
So small
The Ferris wheel is turning
In my blue heart
So the promise is still
Floating in the clear sky
The gondola is always
Carrying me up
The promise is always
Floating in the clear sky
The gondola is always
Carrying me up


And I Can Live Without You

Why did you leave me without a word?
As if you never cared about me at all
I couldn't have given you any more
Was my love not enough for you?
Chorus (x2):
And I can live without you
And without you, the sun still rises
Another man ruffles my hair
Still, I wonder where you are now
Now I regret that our love has died
That I hoped for luck so soon
If fate lets our paths cross
I won't tell you I still love you
Chorus (x2)
You don't know what true love is
You will never find happiness
Another kisses me, but I love you
But I will never confess to you
Chorus (x2)


Forest Notes

I found the home in your eyes
Yesterday and tomorrow are across the table
Let's walk back there for the first time
I remember the song in the sunlight filtering through the trees
Become a small whistle that releases the wind
The time that remains in the treetops is waking up
First town, first wind
The road where I met yesterday
Nostalgic window, nostalgic song
The way back tomorrow
Genetic memory hidden in my fingertips
Fern jungle
Life for trilobites
Ceramic street corner
The thrill of a seed that has taken root
Yesterday is tomorrow, darkness is light, coincidence is inevitable
First road, nostalgic road
The road that always follows you
Words of the forest and thoughts of the trees are overflowing in my heart
A melody that melts into the sky like water and breath
I'll go to the first door and say I'm home


Angel's Music Box

A small violet-colored box placed
In the window by the south wind
If you open it gently, time will stop
The angel's music box returns
In the spring garden of my childhood
You were always singing
In the sun where eternity sways
I was sprinkling cool water
Beyond the hill of stories
Come and bring me something I forgot
Wet the feathers with the flowing clouds
Innocent angel's music box
Like the spring of my childhood
I'm looking up at the sky
In the afternoon when eternity slumbers
I'm waiting for your water
In the spring garden
My young heart held words of love
Playing the eternal secret
I was holding a small box


Don't fly too high

The time has come
For you to say frankly:
Why are you bragging to the whole city?
What are you lying about us?
You swear on your head,
You boast in front of all,
You say that all night
I was under your fingers.
Don't fly too high,
Don't brag about yourself,
I don't even remember
I was with you.
Don't fly too high,
Don't brag about yourself,
I don't even remember
I was with you.
The time has come
For you to admit in front of all world:
Why are you bragging to the whole city?
What does it give to you?
You swear on your head,
You boast in front of all,
You say that all night
I was under your fingers.
Don't fly too high,
Don't brag about yourself,
I don't even remember
I was with you.
Don't fly too high,
Don't brag about yourself,
I don't even remember
I was with you.
Don't fly too high,
Don't brag about yourself,
I don't even remember
I was with you.
Don't fly too high,
Don't brag about yourself,
I don't even remember
I was with you.


Hang on

Hang on, hang on, in these longing days
Hang on, hang on, in the chill of these unclear nights
Hang on, don't give you heart (passion/love) to the hands of loneliness (don't get comfortable with being lonely)
Forgive the lantern of your eyes to these mournful nights
Don't forget/leave behind in the hardships of the times
Even if for me, just hang on, hang on
Hang on, hang on, in these longing days
Hang on, hang on, in the chill of these unclear nights
The whispers/gossips of arriving is right behind the silence of these roads
Only a few steps is left to go, still proceed for God's sake
If you are tired, put your burden on my shoulders
We came an unbelievably long way, hang on, hang on
Don't say you are broken, don't say you are done, just like you, my heart is in pain as well
You gotta stay, hang on to it, in these times which are under the tyranny of sorrow
Hang on, hang on, in these longing days
Hang on, hang on, in the chill of these unclear nights


The Main Thing

Everything's off, and about the wrong things,
And all matters postponed.
Evening in the window,
A silent movie about love.
Drowning either joy or sorrow,
I thought two could handle it.
If you want, I can manage alone,
Just call me.
The main thing is time,
But who believes that,
When at the other end they're slamming the door.
In a cold 'sorry,' empty tones flickered by.
Age is not the main thing,
The main thing is plans.
But suddenly a smooth line is interrupted,
When I call you again to say 'sorry.'
When I call you again to say 'sorry,'
And I, I only believed a few,
But there was no further road
To the dream.
And I, I hear and hear your voice,
And I fought against so much,
The main thing is that I'm going to you.
The main thing is that I'm going to you.
The bookshelf stands empty,
A line into life again in vain,
Believing in princes since childhood, alas, was not given to me.
These every blessed days,
I'm like a forget-me-not flower,
Catching the sun from the windowsill, wherever it is.
Time in vain, what's next,
While you there please both ours and yours.
While you're loved, I simply remained waiting.
Maybe tomorrow the phone's tones
Will be replaced by your gentle voice, and again
I will be able to run after you like a shadow.
I will be able to run after you like a shadow.
And I, I only believed a few,
But there was no further road
To the dream.
And I, I hear and hear your voice,
And I fought against so much,
The main thing is that I'm going to you.
The main thing is that I'm going to you.
And I... (And I...)
I only believed a few
(And I... And I...) And I... (And I...)
I hear and hear your voice.
The main thing (the main thing... to you)
The main thing (the main thing)



It's raining in the city,
You can't turn back the day.
It's like a flight in memory,
And it feels so good.
Someone else
Is still waiting for her happiness.
Along the wet alleys,
The whole street with her,
Walking under this rain,
In the rain,
Let's not hurry,
Lovers just want to live.
Rain follows her,
The light of simple streetlamps,
It means she
Is in love again.
The whole world stands still,
As if not with him,
You glide barefoot,
Along the streets and shop windows.
Thousands of words,
And without reason,
She only needs three of them.
This whole world isn't so bad,
Especially next to him.
Along the squares,
It seems everyone follows her,
Walking under this rain,
In the rain,
And tomorrow again,
She'll be flying
in dreams with him.
Rain follows her,
The light of simple streetlamps,
It means she
Is in love again.
The whole world stands still,
As if not with him,
You glide barefoot,
Along the streets and shop windows.
Rain follows her,
The light of simple streetlamps,
It means she
Is in love again.
The whole world stands still,
As if not with him,
You glide barefoot,
Along the streets and shop windows.


Strawberry Eyes

Strawberry in my heart, ain't that so pretty?
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul pretty
Yes, I leave the ground with you
Let it flicker, hear it crackle
When we do, what we do
E-e-everything so forbidden with you
But it doesn't matter, because we're already nearly touching the cloud
(You) are my butterfly in the garden
Never seen so many colors (Okay, I got you)
I order the whole card/menu
With you, today's evening will still get late
I look deep into your Strawberry-Eyes
You make me high
And I can't remember words again
(You) are my sort, are my type
Until into the morning at 3 am
I dive deep into your Strawberry-Eyes
Strawberry in my heart, ain't that so pretty?
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul pretty
Strawberry in my heart, ain't that so pretty?
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul
(I) See the world from above with you
Everything shimmers, everything glitters/shimmers
Just like you, just like you
Behave myself like on
Drugs with you
But I swear to you, I don't have anything to do with that
That's just you
What you're doing with me, that isn't fair
What you're doing with me, is fun, I still want more, yes
You take me out of circulation every day
You take me out of circulation every day
I look deep into your Strawberry-Eyes
You make me high
And I can't remember words again
(You) are my sort, are my type
Until into the morning at 3 am
I dive deep into your Strawberry-Eyes



You said you’re not coming back
But you’re making circles outside my house
My friends also see this
You said you’re not breaking up again
But I made you into pieces because you deserve it
Since you won’t touch me
I go out, I drink at the best
I got over you earlier
You came and left like a storm
I regret wanting you
Get away from me
Like flowers are romances
Their petals fall
The moments wither
Leave my tears
Stay at yesterday
My heart has moved on
To new romances
And that’s why I want to run around by myself
To not fall onto you wherever I go
And that’s why I want to break things by myself
For the old thing I breakdown to redeem myself
Go away you won’t move me
Even if you told me you get your mistake
Nonsense words
Now I’ve closed my door
For you i knew it wouldn’t open again
No matter how much it knocked
I go out, I drink at the best
I got over you earlier
You came and left like a storm
I regret wanting you
Get away from me
Like flowers are romances
Their petals fall
The moments wither
Leave my tears
Stay at yesterday
My heart has moved on
To new romances
And that’s why I want to run around by myself
To not fall onto you wherever I go
And that’s why I want to break things by myself
For the old things I breakdown to redeem myself



I was born and I got dressed
Fire for you
To warm you
My big love
My lips
Are on your lips
How can I say this to you?
I want you here,
I want you here...
Come on, opa
Your kisses are knife
Burn it all
Set me on fire
Come on, lets go
To another earth, to other places
Make it spark
Now fire
I was born and I got dressed
Fire for you
To warm you
My big love
My lips
Are on your lips
How can I say this to you?
I want you here,
Come on, opa
Your kisses are knife
Burn it all
Set me on fire
Come on, lets go
To another earth, to other places
Make it spark
Now fire


The Dead Ones Don't See Dreams

One day, one kid
Woke up from his dream
In that dream of his
He saw the meaning of life
He forgot the miraculous world that is in his dream
Which means he woke up
But this is all a lie because
The dead ones don't see dreams
But this is all a lie because
The dead ones don't see dreams
That day, that kid
Went to search for his mum
Whose face is like the sun
Reminded him of a beautiful woman
He said my dear
But this is all a lie because
The dead ones don't see dreams
But this is all a lie because
The dead ones don't see dreams


A small pier

A small pier watches the departure of a ship
In a sea of amber
And the tide is rising
one of the blue splashes
one of the blue breezes
one of the blue dolphins
each one a special piece
one of the blue heavens
one of the blue garsons
one of the blue roses
each one a special piece
From a small pier
Seasons begin
one of the blue splashes
one of the blue breezes
one of the blue dolphins
each one a special piece
one of the blue heavens
one of the blue garsons
one of the blue roses
each one a special piece
one of the blue cherrys
one of the blue pastorals
one of the ladybirds
each one a special piece
one of the blue sunspots
one of the blue sea sides
one of the blue seasons
each one a special piece



I have two witnesses, a shiny ring on my finger
To forever be your destiny
I have two witnesses, a shiny ring on my finger
To forever be your destiny
Come on home, your dinner is getting cold
Black coffee with half a cube of sugar
Let the dinner and the coffee go cold
Just as long as our bed is warm
Hurry, Dragan, Dragan
Until your heart stops, until it stops
Hurry, Dragan, Dragan
Until your heart stops, until it stops
Come on home, your dinner is getting cold
Black coffee with half a cube of sugar
Let the dinner and the coffee go cold
Just as long as our bed is warm
It's after midnight, half past three

Old Timer

I grew up in Wyoming
In and around Jackson's Hole
In the shadow of the Tetons
Where summers are hot
And winters unbearably cold
But the spring and the fall
Are always as good as it gets
For over 70 years now
I've watched the sun rise and set
I've been a cowboy
Workin' the roundups in spring
I've lived in the mountains
Hunted the grizzly
Trapping the rivers and streams
Always the loner
I've treasured my freedom the most
And though I never married
As a young man I might have come close
From somewhere back East
She came to the valley
With a man who did her no good
He was fast with the ladies
A tin horn gambler
And a cheat whenever he could
She had no friends or family
And most of the time he was gone
He died in a card game
And she found herself all alone
Alone and afraid and left unprotected
'Cause he was all that she had
Maybe I should have
But I never told her
So she never knew he was bad
But I'll always remember
Standing and watching her cry
There was no one to help her
But I was determined to try
I mended her fences and
Fixed up her cabin
Had everything lookin' good
I laid by her food
And wood for the winter
Helpin' wherever I could
The more I was around her
The more I wanted to be
There was something about her
That brought out a good side of me
I went into town, bought a new outfit
I got me a haircut and shave
I'd trek through the snow
For no good reason
Just to go by her cabin each day
I don't know about love
But I was quite taken in by it all
Till her brother came in the spring
And he took her back to St. Paul.
I don't go down to Jackson
Ain't nothing there but motels and bars
Too damn many tourists
No place to hide
They'll find you wherever you are
They like to call me old timer
I am gettin' older I guess
But I don't like the changes
'Cause I've seen it all at its best
When my life is over
I don't want to be left in town
But up in the mountains
There is a place
I marked off my own piece of ground
High in the Tetons
Above and away from it all
From the top of old Grand
I'll bet on a clear day you can see
All the way to St. Paul.


Csóró (mint én)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Egész életemben arra törekedtem,
Hogy többnek lássanak, mint amit kinéznek belőlem.
A jószerencse és könnyű pénz oly távoli és ritka
Az olyan átlagos emberek és csórók számára, mint én.
A feleségem mindig mellettem volt és mondogatta,
Számíthatok rá,, még ha semmim sem lesz..
A röghöz kötöttség nem áldás és sosem lesz az
Az olyan rímfaragók és csórók számára, mint én.
Oly sokáig tartott, de most, hogy már tudom, hiszek
Mindenben, mit cselekszek, vagy mondok, vagy ezután tenni fogok.
Oly távoli és elérhetetlen és nem túl sok ahhoz, hogy elég legyen,
A túl sok nem elég az olyan csórók számára, mint én.
Hm, hm, csak csóró akartam lenni.


This Sacred Line

Is it me this time?
Am I too far?
Did I cross that line?
Getting hard to tell
Different day and another wall
Order shifts tumbles down
Standing strong with your sacred line
With your cold sacred line
Jealous mind unfolds
I forgive all
Ring of gold, it shines
I refuse to fall
Standing still in this rocky boat
Shakes my mind, takes its toll
Something lost is now found again
I return to my soul
This line that can't be broken
This line that never will be crossed again
In time, we'll be forgiven
This line affected by the innocent
Opposite of what you hear
Dying is the least of fear
Can't give up
We have come too far to ever turn away
We have fear to swallow
And you can't let go
Be prepared for anything
There's something wrong
And the worst is yet to come
This line that can't be broken
This line that never will be crossed again
In time, we'll be forgiven
This line affected by the innocent
This line that can't be broken
This line that never will be crossed again
In time, we'll be forgiven
This line affected by the innocent
Murdered by another lie
When you cross that sacred line


Call Me Up

You came to me
a shadow in the night
a love connection hiding from the Light
In darkness here again
true agents of the wind
Conspiracy is never out
of-never out of sight
We´ll rendezvouz in Paris or L.A
In secret bars and in the midnight cafes
Beneath the velvet moon
the time will pass real soon
before we part I have to say to you
Call me up right away
I´ll do anything you want or say
Secret love hidden doors
And the night time will become our day
Let me into your heart
promise me that we´ll never part
Only you know that I am
your undercover love
In gaslight avenues we have our fun
With jungle heat and tigers on the run
Is life too short to play
The secret agent way
Can lovers on the airways be as one
Call me up...


Midas Touch

Touch ya
Touch ya (Touch)
Baby, count ten, that'a all I need
단숨에 빠져들어 (Can't go back, can't go back)
Tick-tack, ain't got no time
턱 끝을 겨누는 love (Eat your love, eat your love)
Hey, baby, I've been watching
널 풀어헤친 달콤한 이 danger (Danger)
(Baby, I've been watching, boy)
Hey, baby, I'm so toxic
위험할수록 재밌잖아 it's alright (Alright)
(Baby, I've been watching, boy)
온몸이 원해 넌 나뿐인
아찔한 lovesick 밤새 날 앓게 돼
I warned you with a single touch, boy
도망쳐봐 어차피 날 벗어날 수 없어
When I touch ya, kiss ya
You're gon' realize (Baby, don't you think too much?)
Boy, if I touch ya, kiss ya
Watch out, 순간 변해버린 눈빛
You see, I got that Midas touch
I really wanna stay all day with you
You know what we'll be going through?
찾아봐 떨리는 이유
몸부림칠수록 gettin' deeper
손짓 한 번으로 makin' you weaker and weaker
Hey, baby, I'm so toxic
위험할수록 재밌잖아 it's alright (Alright)
(You will end up in my hands, my love)
온몸이 원해 넌 나뿐인
아찔한 lovesick 밤새 날 앓게 돼
I warned you with a single touch, boy
도망쳐봐 어차피 날 벗어날 수 없어
When I touch ya, kiss ya
You're gon' realize (Baby, don't you think too much?)
Boy, if I touch ya, kiss ya
Watch out, 순간 변해버린 눈빛
You see, I got that Midas touch
(Brace, brace) Ain't gotta sugarcoat me, 생각과는 다를 걸
(Brace, brace) My love's a game, I play with it, 너도 원한다면
(Brace, brace) Looking like a kitty cat but 아무도 감당 못 해
Once the countdown's done
You're never gonna move, yeah
When I touch ya, kiss ya
You're gon' realize (Baby, don't you think too much?)
Boy, if I touch ya, kiss ya
Watch out, 순간 변해버린 눈빛
You see, I got that Midas touch
내게 빠져드는 손짓
You see, I got that Midas touch



Oh, oh, ooh-ooh-ooh
First of all, I would've never looked back at you
I would've never looked back at you
If you didn't chase me, I would not be with you
No, no, I would not be with you
Now I'm not picking up when you call me
No, I'm not gon' respond when you want me
So better keep in mind that
You were nothing other than a mindset
Guess I should have known not to give all of me
At the time having my love was all you need
And now you leave with all of my energy
Not considering how I feel
I'ma need that back from you
Need that back from you but
It's not worth it, not worth it
It's not worth it
The way you make me feel, I'm hurting
I'm hurting, see, I'm hurting
So why did it take me this long
To see that you're not worth my songs
But now I know it's not worth it
Not worth it, it's not worth it, oh-woah
Remember the days you begged for me to stay, huh
Funny how that changed to you going away now
Nope, can't get with folks who need me
'Cause what they need is healing
And in the end who takes a chance is bleeding
Now I'm bleeding out on the ground, you don't care
Rub your fingers through another person's hair
But better keep in mind that
You were nothing other than a mindset
Guess I should have known not to give all of me
At the time having my love was all you need
And now you leave with all of my energy
Not considering how I feel
I'ma need that back from you
Need that back from you but
It's not worth it, not worth it
It's not worth it
The way you make me feel, I'm hurting
I'm hurting, see, I'm hurting
So why did it take me this long
To see that you're not worth my songs
But now I know it's not worth it
Not worth it, it's not worth it, oh-woah
You were never on your own
Not strong enough to be alone
Can you call yourself a man?
No, I don't think you can
And look what got us here
I'ma need that back from you
Need that back from you but
It's not worth it, not worth it
It's not worth it
The way you make me feel, I'm hurting
I'm hurting, see, I'm hurting
So why did it take me this long
To see that you're not worth my songs
But now I know it's not worth it
Not worth it, it's not worth it, oh-woah


Falling Flower

Time becomes sharp, aiming at me every night
With my weary heart scattered in the cold wind like this
In my heart, only the name remains, rain falls all day long
Even if I cry and stumble once again, those clouds will come back again
When will the clear sky come into my heart?
Even if I try to wait, there's no time to rest
Once again, ah ah ah why is it so difficult
Once again, ah ah ah stumbling and dancing
Forgotten on a day in the endlessly spinning seasons
I'll fly away only with the scent following this blowing wind
When will the clear sky come into my heart?
Even if I try to wait, there's no time to rest
Once again, ah ah ah why is it so difficult
Once again, ah ah ah stumbling and dancing
Once again, ah ah ah why is it so difficult
Once again, ah ah ah stumbling and dancing
Stumbling and dancing


A Butterfly Flew Away

Why are you so tired, as if everything's over?
Tell me the stories you've hidden deep in your heart
Even though this feeling is unfamiliar, still unfamiliar to me
As if I've known for a long time
As if I've been waiting for you
I find myself lingering by your side
Thinking of you again, dreaming
Why are you still sad, even though it's all in the past now?
Are the scars engraved in your heart still hurting?
Like scars deeply embedded in my trembling heart
Though nothing has changed
We're still just strangers
I find myself afraid that you,
who have settled in my heart, might leave, though I want to hold onto you
You're right in front of me like this
Though nothing has changed
We're still just strangers
I find myself afraid that you,
who have settled in my heart, might leave
Afraid you might spread your small wings and fly away


Would Be Better

Why did I meet you now?
Should I say I'm lucky to meet you now, even if it's late?
Even the hope I hold onto is just a lingering attachment
I hope this hellish day passes
Without seeing me at all
That was all I wished for, for you to pass by
After meeting you, I wait
And I hope for tomorrow
If we had met in a more beautiful place
It would have been nice, I would have loved you more
Just watching you and smiling by your side
And lending you my shoulder
That's all I could do
It would have been nice
Really nice
I'm afraid that one day I'll have to leave you alone
Even if you can leave me at any time
As long as it's a place that suits your smile
Even if I forget our memories together
I'm okay, just tell me I was happy
If we had met in a more beautiful place
It would have been nice, I would have loved you more
Just watching you and smiling by your side
And lending you my shoulder
That's all I could do
Even though sometimes
I feel like I have no one to trust in this world
When I look at you, it feels like a world worth living in
Because I'm here again
I fall asleep expecting a better tomorrow
If we had met in a more beautiful place
It would have been nice, I would have loved you more
Just watching you and smiling by your side
And lending you my shoulder
That's all I could do
It would have been nice
Really nice


The Tag Not Me

I wish I could count,
How many kisses are on your lips
Every time again
To pour everything into an empty glass 1
Long live obsession (Long live obsession)
The tag, not me 2
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Ha-ha-ha)
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Mm)
I searched for you every day in my dreams
I can't count how many times I lost myself
My heart aches, but love is a game for me
You're my best thrill, my new obsession
You and I are just cards
Unveil where the truth lies
Your love is the prize for me
I'm sick of playing
Please stay now
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek (Ha-ha-ha)
And now, on the count of three, run
It's my turn to catch us up
And I'm hopping on the tram again
Off to seek
  • 1. Not exactly clear, she may want to say that every time this game has been played, it (the love) has been in vain
  • 2. Love is likened to a game of chase, and she doesn't want to be a tag (Chaser) here


A hundred chains

A hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
If you were not really my shadow
That, round and around, is always with me
Who knows how many jealous scenes
Because of our burning love
A hundred chains
A hundred chains
Are not stronger than this love
That chains our lives in this way
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
A hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live


A hundred chains

A hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
If you were not really my shadow
That, round and around, is always with me
Who knows how many jealous scenes
Because of our burning love
A hundred chains
A hundred chains
Are not stronger than this love
That chains our lives in this way
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
I am everything for you
You are everything for me
For life and for death
We will be one and you know why?
'Cause a hundred chains
Can be broken
But not this love
Which always wants to live
But not this love
Which always wants to live