Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 52

Találatok száma: 100455



My little sun, my ray of love
Since the day I saw you, my world became colorful
Your bright little eyes, like twinkling stars
My heart overflows, I love you without hesitation...
Your tiny feet, like flower petals
Your cozy little arms, a harbor of love
I love you when you sleep, I love you when you wake
I love you every moment, my sweet light
Nana, nana, my dear Evan
Sleep in peace, my dear, for the night is full of love
Mommy rocks you and sings, with care and fervor
To have happy dreams and know that you are my love!
I teach you to take your first steps, under the day and under the moonlight
I show you the beauty of the world, in every place
I hold you in my arms in sad moments and make you smile
I love you unconditionally, my love, my boy
Nana, nana, my Evan, my boy
Sleep in peace, my dear, for the night is full of love
Mommy rocks you and sings, with care and fervor
To have happy dreams and know that you are my love!
I am your fortress, your safe haven
I embrace you in my arms, with my purest love
I will always be by your side, in good times and bad
I love you more than words can express, my son, my dear, my cherub!
Nana, nana, my Evan, my boy
Sleep in peace, my dear, for the night is full of love
Mommy rocks you and sings, with care and fervor
To have happy dreams and know that you are my love...


Power of MUSIC

Far away someone's dreams were dashed
Nearby you closed your eyes and mumbled
'Silence covers the lonely people waiting for the sound of love.'
With just a few words
With a little gesture
You play a lot of love (It's the power of music)
I'll be by your side till the end
I'll be singing a song
Silent present in the shadow of a bright future
Every time I lose my place, you hold my little hand
With a little strength
With a little feeling
You play a lot of love (It's the power of music)
I'll be by your side till the end
I'll dreaming a dream
Power of music
With just a few words
With a little gesture
You play a lot of love (It's the power of music)
I'll be by your side till the end
I'll be singing a song (I hear the music)
I'm dreaming a dream
Power of music


A Soul

I took a road and said wherever it leads me,
to avenge my loneliness,
but your presence has targeted me,
I can't forget you again
A soul stays up late for you
a soul is in pain for you,
a soul that in your firing squad
ended up from your hands
I opened the door and embraced the streets,
without knowing where I'm going anymore.
I lifted my cross again on my shoulders
and love turned into sheer catastrophe
A soul stays up late for you
a soul is in pain for you,
a soul that in your firing squad
ended up from your hands


Hell's Greatest Dad (German)

Lucifer: Looks like you need help
From the boss of hell himself, that would be good!
Check out daddy's internet review:
„Awesome! – Five stars! – Aren't enough!“
With a punch on the pentagram
It’s „wap bam boom“ and then it starts
I usually get a sacrificial lamb
It's the family rate for you
Charlie: Thanks, dad!
Lucifer: Who takes the waiter if they can get the chef?
A Michelin menu for you à la carte
If I'm the ref you win by a landslide!
Champagne will be flowing and there'll be caviar once I'm there!
Alastor: Who arrived here first?
Who is faithful as a nun?
Who infects you with his friendly smile?
Your executive producer!
Charlie: True!
Alastor: Your friend because I see you daily
And your trusty hotelier
I fix the clog in your toilet
Niffty: I got stuck, thanks, sir!
Charlie: Oh you!
Alastor: I'm truly honored that we're so well aquainted
It almost feels like you're my child
Lucifer: Um, what?
Alastor: It seems like I'm like your ideal father
Lucifer: That's going too far!
Alastor: It's a little funny, please just call me dad!
Thanks to my knowledge and experience I advise you
To always choose the easy way on every crotch!
Lucifer: But in adversity surely only
Pure angelic power will help that sustainable in the long run!
The same blood is flowing in our veins!
Alastor: Unfortunately, your real father is often a complete idiot!
It's better to choose your family
Lucifer: What a bunch of losers!
Alastor: Get your ass out of my song!
Lucifer: I started it!
Alastor: I'm singing it and I'll finish it!
Lucifer: Oh, you mangy piece–
Mimzy: Now it's my turn*, here I am!
I know everything's waiting for me here!
And you're talking nonsense
Because the best comes last!
It's the, yes the Mimzy!
Lucifer: Who?


Beautiful Ashes

It still comes to my mind
The first time I heard your voice
I just can't describe it
My heart aches when you smile at me
It means I'm the only one in love
As I get more and more distant from you
I take a look at you, and you look so beautiful
Goodbye now
Goodbye to that cold night
I'll try to forget about it for you
To be honest, I still think about you
I've never forgotten about you even for a day
I call your name in that place again
Turn to beautiful ashes and fly away
I arrive here with one last photo in my shaking hand
Here, memories turn into beautiful ashes
In my ordinary life
In this empty room, your traces linger
I'm putting you in my every moment
I can never forget the happiness I felt
As I get more and more distant from you
I take a look at you, and you look so beautiful
Goodbye now
Goodbye to that cold night
I'll try to forget about it for you
To be honest, I still think about you
I've never forgotten about you even for a day
I call your name in that place again
Even our burnt traces and our similar habits
All those times will flash before my eyes for just a second in the distant future
I've called your name for countless times, but this will be the last time
If I hadn't hesitated
If I had held your hands back then
You were so brilliant, and I took you for granted
Now I can't look at you, I can't hug you anymore
Honestly, you still come to my mind
I've never forgotten about you even for a day
I call your name in that place again
Turn to beautiful ashes and fly away
I'll have to throw it all away
Here, memories turn into beautiful ashes


My bare skin

Photo machine falls asleep in a bus chair
Lipstick is looking out the window
A muslin dress bought at the market
My bare skin wakes up
Slender boredom
Torn by the wind
Is it here? ・・・・・・or there? ・・・・・・
Men boiling tea on the side of the road
They waved their hands and turned into a landscape
I only need one small package
The road goes on and on
Slender boredom
Torn by the wind
Wherever you go
That's where we are
Is it here・・・・・・and there・・・・・・


Sokáig nem élhetek így

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Kerestem a bajt és megtaláltam fiacskám,
Pont egy zsernyák fegyverének csöve képében.
Próbáltam menekülni, de nem hiszem, hogy sikerül:
'Még egy mozdulat, haver, és halott vagy!'
Sokáig nem élhetek így,
Nem élhetek így, ugye, kicsim?
Hátra bilincselte a kezeimet,
Majd kétségek közt hagyott a rácsok mögött.
Mindenkit sittre vágnak, kicsim.
Sokáig nem élhetek így,
Nem élhetek így, ugye, kicsim?
Houstonban nevelkedtem, a Wayside Drive-on
Egy autós gyorséterem kiszolgálójának és valami éjszakai fazonnak a fiaként.
Apám autóversenyző volt, korán meghalt,
Csak egy részeg fickó leheletére emlékszem.
Sokáig nem élhetek így,
Nem élhetek így, ugye, kicsim?
Tudod, hogy mennek a dolgok,
Ne hagyd, hogy elvigyenek strichelni a belvárosba.
Nem tudok aludni a dutyiban,
Sokáig nem élhetek így,
Nem élhetek így, ugye, kicsim?
Angellel élek, egy útszéli kurvával,
Ki Texas Rubynak hiszi magát és úgy néz ki, mint Sandra Dee.
Szeretni akarom őt, de nem tudom, hogyan,
Hiszen itt rohadok a sitt mélyén.
Sokáig nem élhetek így,
Nem élhetek így, ugye, kicsim?
Tudod mi a dörgés a dutyiban.
Nem akarom megtenni, nehogy elkapjanak,
Mindenkit sittre vágnak, kicsim,
Sokáig nem élhetek így,
Nem élhetek így, ugye, kicsim?


Tánc Texason át

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
(Talmadge Tubb)
Mikor táncolunk, teljesen megrészegülök,
Egy valóra vált tündérmese!
Kisanyám, mikor ram nézel azokkal a csillogó szemeiddel,
Egész Texason át táncolnék veled.
Egész Texason át táncolnék veled karjaimba zárva,
Egész Texason át táncolnék veled.
Mint a mesék végén, megbabonázol,
És én egész Texason át táncolnék veled.
-- Instrumentális rész ---
Minden nyomorúságom és gondom elszáll,
Mikor meglátlak.
Kéz a kézben csak táncolnék és táncolnék veled,
Egész Texason át táncolnék veled.
Egész Texason át táncolnék veled karjaimba zárva,
Egész Texason át táncolnék veled.
Mint a mesék végén, megbabonázol,
És én egész Texason át táncolnék veled.
--- Halkuló hangszeres rész ---


Rólad ábrándozom

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Remélem, többé nem tévedek ekkorát,
Talán mára tanultam belőle.
Remélem, megtalálom, amit keresek,
Úgy, ahogy azt elképzeltem..
Egyszer túl leszek rajtad
És akkor majd tisztán látok.
De mindig hiányozni fogsz,
És csak rólad ábrándozom.
De nem hagyom, hogy ez megváltoztasson,
Nem engedem!
Inkább a szeretetben hiszek,
És minden megadok, amit csak tudok,
Azoknak, kiket legjobban szeretek.
Egyszer túl leszek rajtad
És akkor majd tisztán látok.
De mindig hiányozni fogsz,
És csak rólad ábrándozom.
Egyszer túl leszek rajtad
És akkor majd tisztán látok.
De mindig hiányozni fogsz,
És csak rólad ábrándozom.


Piálás és álmodozás

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Mindenki tartozni szeretne valahová,
Én meg a kiutat keresem,
Csak az időmet pocsékoltam, játszottam a jófiút,
Ha erről volt szó.
Utálom a munkámat,
És a nejem sem ért meg.
Ezért ma este a kocsma előtt beszállok a kocsimba
És elhajtok az ígéret földjére.
Piálás és álmodozás,
Tudom jól, kibaszottul nem mehetek.
Még sosem láttam Texast, L.A.-t, vagy a régi Mexikót.
De itt, ennél az asztalnál, képes vagyok mindent magam mögött hagyni.
Piálok, mígnem álmodozni kezdek, ezer mérföldnyire a valóságtól.
Ez az öltöny és nyakkendő csak álca,
Ez nem én vagyok!
Néhányan otthonülőnek születtek,
Mások meg szabadnak.
Ha végig tekintek az úton, az asszony nem érti,
Mi szállt meg.
Övé a testem, de a szívem és a lelkem nem,
Azok a széllel száguldoznak.
Piálás és álmodozás,
Tudom jól, kibaszottul nem mehetek.
Még sosem láttam Texast, L.A.-t, vagy a régi Mexikót.
De itt, ennél az asztalnál, képes vagyok mindent magam mögött hagyni.
Piálok, mígnem álmodozni kezdek, ezer mérföldnyire a valóságtól.
Piálás és álmodozás,
Tudom jól, kibaszottul nem mehetek.
Még sosem láttam Texast, L.A.-t, vagy a régi Mexikót.
De itt, ennél az asztalnál, képes vagyok mindent magam mögött hagyni.


Miki, Mityó

Click to see the original lyrics (Serbian)
Hé, Mikim, Mikim,
jó a tested,
szuper a tartásod,
miattad fogom, Mikim,
elveszíteni a hangom
Fekete a hajad,
zöldek a szemecskéid,
erősek a vállaid,
ahogy azt a nők szeretik.
Jaj, jaj, Mikim, Mikim,
mindent megtennék, lelkem,
hogy az enyém lehess
Jaj, jaj, Mikim, Mikim,
hát csalok, kacsitgatok,
de az enyém leszel
Megcsalok, lelkem, megcsalok minden(ki)t
csak hogy csókoljanak azok a mézes ajkak
lehozom az égről a világító csillagokat
csak hogy megölelj, boldogságom
Hé, Mikim, Mikim,
Miki, Miki, Mityó,
tudtodra adom,
mindent megadnék
egy szerelmeskedésért
Faluszerte beszélik
hogy a nők bálványa vagy,
miért nem közeledsz
akkor hozzám, Mityó?
Megcsalok, lelkem, megcsalok minden(ki)t
csak hogy csókoljanak azok a mézes ajkak
lehozom az égről a világító csillagokat
csak hogy megölelj, boldogságom
Ref. 2x


You Either Be Mine

You either be mine or you will not be for anyone else
My life can become richer by you or death can become easier in your absence
My love for you is a deep sea, sun and warmth, fire and inferno
We either walk on the same path and I can carry you in my eyes
Or I will extinguish your flame in my heart and carry you drowned in my arms
You either be mine
Between our hearts, there is war and peace
Love dies when it is lost and hearts darken
You either be my everything or you can be nothing to me
I will erase you and erase the eyes that used to love
Who said that wars
And love cannot sometimes walk down the same paths
Reflect on hate and see what is written without words
How many wounds in longing hearts had the dawn set on them
My love for you is a deep sea, sun and warmth, fire and inferno
We either walk on the same path and I can carry you in my eyes
Or I will extinguish your flame in my heart and carry you drowned in my arms
You either be mine


Girl and moon

A young heifer
And an old camel
And a girl and the moon
And a beautiful, very beautiful peach tree!
A beautiful moon,
A beautiful tree.
Little Kyrgyz girl
And a good girl
An old camel
And a bad camel
A good heifer
And a good little heifer
A young heifer
A girl and the moon
And a good, good, good tree
A girl and the moon,
A young heifer,
An old camel
And a tree
A Kyrgyz tree,
A Kyrgyz camel,
Kyrgyz heifer
Kyrgyz girl
And a Kyrgyz tree!


In a Beach-side kolkhoz (New Boat, This boat's not made of bird bone)

This boat's not made of bird bone,
I myself bent it's ribs from oak wood.
I didn't make the mast out of reeds
Nor make the sails out of little red aprons.
Her strong engine beats like a heart,
The waves roar underneath her bow.
And in herself she carries three strong men,
Who've traversed the waters of multiple seas.
The youngest is the strongest of the precinct,
The older one's most skilled at laying nets,
But the third one knows a lot of songs,
When fish hear him, they raise their heads from the sea
Each man left a young lady behind on the shore,
Each one's got a beloved who meets up with the boat.
But I see my ray of sunshine rarely,
For she is an important herd-brigadir.
She's so beautiful, but bitter as salt.
She says 'You bring meager fish from the sea.
My mottled cows have more use,
Than your skinny cods, plaices, sand soles.'
'Wait, wait! If only south-eastern winds came,
I'd show you beautiful eels -
slim and straight in their tailcoats,
to come and bow down in front of you.
Wait, wait, you'll see my herd yet!
Of salmon, with their wide peaks shining
Their back-fin colored by the rainbow,
Sides patterned with silver coins,
Their back-fin colored by the rainbow,
Sides patterned with silver coins,'



[Verse 1] At an indifferent party you were standing on the aside
With a cigarette between your lips like you were looking for something
To make you feel like a caress
In a world that can't hold you
[Verse 2] I think I've seen you somewhere before, Pagrati* with you reminds me of a time
That I haven't lived
I said one day I'll make music for us and we'll stay alive forever
In the city, in a tangled mess
[Chorus] But you are a journey without a destination
No destination
And I'll wait for you, I'll be waiting for you
At a-, at a station
[Bridge] Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa
[Verse 3] In yellow Athens you walked like a poem
Staring at cats who've learned how to get drunk
But now that it's dawn, the scent hurts you
And I'm standing here, watching you race
[Verse 4] For places they didn't choose us
On the balconies of your teenage neighborhood
Fears of smoking, I know you'll be in pain around me
And the path of loneliness doesn't stain you
[Chorus] But you are a journey without a destination
No destination
And I'll wait for you, I'll be waiting for you
At a-, at a station
[Chorus] But you are a journey without a destination
No destination
And I'll wait for you, I'll be waiting for you
At a-, at a station
[Outro] I'm looking for you at every party
In every corner in Pagrati



If I could live again my life,
In the next - I'll try to make more mistakes,
I won't try to be so perfect,
I'll be more relaxed,
I'll be more full - than I am now,
In fact, I'll take fewer things seriously.
I'll be less hygenic,
I'll take more risks,
I'll take more trips,
I'll watch more sunsets,
I'll climb more mountains, I'll swim more rivers,
I'll go to more places - I've never been,
I'll eat more ice creams and less (lime) beans,
I'll have more real problems - and less imaginary ones.
I was one of those people who live
prudent and prolific lives -
each minute of his life,
Of course, I had moments of joy - but,
if I could go back I'll try to have only good moments,
If you don't know - that's what life is made of,
Don't lose the now!
I was one of those who never goes anywhere
without a thermometer,
without a hot-water bottle,
and without an umbrella and without a parachute,
If I could live again - I will travel light,
If I could live again - I'll try to work bare feet
at the beginning of spring till
the end of autumn,
I'll ride more carts,
I'll watch more sunrises and play with more children,
If I have the life to live - but now I am 85,
- and I know that I am dying


changing colours

[Verse 1: kuudere] Each step that I'm taking I feel myself breaking down
Can you tell me where to go?
The whole world is changing while I'm slowly fading out
I can feel it in my soul
When I hear your voice
It's so reminiscent
I'm on the last train where the stars stars to glisten
If I had a choice
I promise I'd take it now
Until my whole world is breaking down
[Verse 2: levi] Gnawing away at my mind
Even if I wish, time don't rewind
I don't know how many nights it's been like this
Even if I think about it,
I won't go back to those days
I did things that I didn't really wanna
But I'm still stuck in an endless summer
Nothing changes from back then
I'm alone, everything else is changing colors
Turning into white and black
Only one in the world
How many chances have I missed out
I can't count my sins that I can never take back
How did I even end up here
If you could just give me one more chance
[Verse 3: kuudere] Girl you're like no other
Shining bright above the water
Tell me if you wanna stay in this eternal summer
The worlds slowly shifting
Our loves slowly drifting out
Let's watch the waves slowly crashing down


Let Us glorify the Cross of Jesus

The cross of Jesus let us glorify
The nails there as well as the crown of thorns
There our salvation and our life
We shall find in the precious Blood of Christ
Glory to You, O my Savior. (
Glory, glory there to Your cross. (2x
The cross of Jesus let us glorify
The tree of life blossoming
From on which flows the Holy blood
Like a living and a healing balm.
The cross of Jesus let us glorify
The well of grace that's immeasurable
A sure cure for spiritual wounds
In the battle with hell, it's our faithful friend
The cross of Jesus let us glorify
Because the Savior had died on it
Embrace the cross to your whole heart
From him we learn to live a better life.
The cross of Jesus let us glorify
It is dear to us, O Christ
Your body did hang on it
A body beautiful and pure
The cross of Jesus let us glorify
There he loved us onto the end
And he gave us the holy cross
The key to heaven, the way to paradise
That is not the wood of the cross
That the Christians do glorify
Only Jesus, who had suffered
those awfully deep and mortal wounds.


Have time but no money

When the morning comes,
it will rain all day
It's six and I'm broke (broke)
That's what I say (Jesus!)
I have no ticket (to bus)
That's because I'm broke (Get off!)
And it fogs like a bunch of smoke (smoke)
And no one to say hi
Have a time, but no moneeeeey!
Have a time, no-oh moneeeey!
Have a time but no money!
Have a time, no-oh money!
And I got nowhere to go-o-o-o-o-oh!
Have a time but no money!
Have a time, no-oh money!
And I got nowhere to go-o-o-o-o-oh!
It's empty in streets (empty)
Right at this moment (Oh God!)
Havasuch a saddest incident
I'm all empty (Cold!)
I'm all thirsty! (Starving!)
And I wanna say some profanity.
I'm all broke
Gotta go anywhere, but have no money
Have a time, but no moneeeeey!
Have a time, no-oh moneeeey!
Have a time but no money!
Have a time, no-oh money!
And I got nowhere to go-o-o-o-o-oh!
Have a time but no money!
Have a time, no-oh money!
And I got nowhere to go-o-o-o-o-oh!



[Chorus: levi] It won't go away
It won't go away
You're a knife
The scars won't disappear
Keep hurting till I cry
I devoted all my life
But you put me aside
I was jus another file
You're a living crime
Can't forgive till I die
Two strikes down
You cant' turn around
All the scars you made
That you gotta pay for
Not same like before
I see now
You ignore
I'm the ceiling
You the floor
This is payback
[Verse 1: kuudere] This is payback
Those three words I take back
Every moment, every second was a lie
I hate that
I don't feel alive
I don't wanna die
I just want you by my side
But I can't this time
You made me wanna take my life
But now those scars you made they shine
It's the payback what you asked for
[Verse 2: levi] This is pay back
This is what u ask for
You don't have to make amends for the past,
So this is pay back
This is what u asked for
Just keeping watching the current me, you'll understand
Even though there shouldn't be scars that don't heal
It hurts
It hurts
Nothing changes
This scar and progressing life
The light at the end of the tunnel
Shut up
Shut up
The noise won't stop
I didn't deserve it
I do not see the reason
Of you holding on to me when you got another twig
I try to talk, you skip
Now you hit me up saying u miss me
Do you miss me?
You missed it
[Verse 3: kuudere] Missed it
Tryna hold on for your life
It's no good
I don't have enough of your love
Shut up
Everyday I feel colour blind
It's not my fault
All you do is lie
Did you even love me?
Or was it just the way I made you feel like something?
Shawty tell me what's the deal?
Was any of it real?
If you cant tell me why, I don't think I'm gonna heal
[Chorus: levi] It won't go away
It won't go away
You're a knife
The scars won't disappear
Keep hurting till I cry
I devoted all my life
But you put me aside
I was jus another file
You're a living crime
Can't forgive till I die
Two strikes down
You cant' turn around
All the scars you made
That you gotta pay for
Not same like before
I see now
You ignore
I'm the ceiling
You the floor
This is payback


Madly in Love

Sensing the breaking day Feeling your gaze on me
Touching your face
Breathing your skin
And surrendering against you
Deciphering your watercolor eyes
Slipping under your satins
Kissing your lips
Moaning in your neck
And feeling like crazy lovers
Madly in love
To the point of dying
Not eating or sleeping anymore
Madly in love
To the point of not knowing who we are
Neither the day nor even the weather
In love like us, madly in love
Refreshing myself with your caresses
Finding your secret ways
Holding our breaths
Mixing our hairs
And feeling more in love
Madly in love
To the point of dying
Not eating or sleeping anymore
Madly in love
To the point of not knowing who we are
Neither the day nor even the weather
In love like us, madly in love
Who hasn't dreamed at night
To be at least once in their life
In love like us, madly in love
In love like us, madly in love



[Chorus: kuudere and levi] No matter where you are
How many years apart
No matter what's the cost
I wont waste my life
The light inside the dark
The scars inside your heart
They make you who you are
Someday it'll come true, I'll spread my wings
In front of my eyes, so white, it blurs out my blue
A broken time, everyone stretches their hands
I pray that this isn't the last night
[Verse 1: levi] No matter what he says and she says, it's my life
Everyone that's unchanging, got a narrow eyesight
Feeling constricted, line up, to the front
It's because I'm living as necessary
Live for myself
I know
That it's not easy to do, but
I pave my own path
I want to stay shining for you guys forever
Everyone get lost
Such an obvious thing
I'm burdened alone, and for you guys,
I raise my heartbeat
This is the hope
I cannot let you down
This is the hope, I won't bet on myself
[Verse 2: kuudere] Wish I could see the things you see
The autumn leaves around my feet
Wish I could see the times that left
I can't regret this life again
I do this for you
All for proof make my existence clear
I'm finding the truth of my roots before a disappear
Got nothing to lose but I feel my time is coming near now
But I can't help it
[Chorus: kuudere and levi] No matter where you are
How many years apart
No matter what's the cost
I wont waste my life
The light inside the dark
The scars inside your heart
They make you who you are
Someday it'll come true, I'll spread my wings
In front of my eyes, so white, it blurs out my blue
A broken time, everyone stretches their hands
I pray that this isn't the last night


A Blind Lover

Like a blind lover
Like a false vine
If I wrap you, and I reach your heart
Or if I really hug you
If I never let you go
Even if I don't chase after you
Like a blind lover
Like a false vine
If I wrap you, and I reach your heart
Or if I really hug you
If I never let you go
Even if I don't chase after you
Not ten, but ten thousand times
Not a hundred, but a hundred thousand times
Even if I search, I can't find you
You're really charming
Maybe you're not even absent
I searched for you in my heart and don't find
Open your heart and look,
At my eyes
And see the longing in my eyes
Open your ears and listen,
To my words
And hear the longing in my words
Open your heart and look,
At my eyes
And see the longing in my eyes
Open your ears and listen,
To my words
And hear the longing in my words
Like a blind lover
Like a false vine
If I wrap you, and I reach your heart
Or if I really hug you
If I never let you go
Even if I don't chase after you
Not ten, but ten thousand times
Not a hundred, but a hundred thousand times
Even if I search, I can't find you
You're really charming
Maybe you're not even absent
I searched for you in my heart and don't find
Open your heart and look,
At my eyes
And see the longing in my eyes
Open your ears and listen,
To my words
And hear the longing in my words
Open your heart and look,
At my eyes
And see the longing in my eyes
Open your ears and listen,
To my words
And hear the longing in my words


Jesus you gave us All

O Jesus you gave to us all,
This cross, that's life-giving and holy.
And he is saved who then would wear it
within his heart and his soul.
Every day we pray to you,
And the cross forefront before us
For us, people, You had given the cross,
That we would salvation have.
The domes with their crosses stand
And there are crosses in cemeteries.
HeO sanctified them himself with holy blood
You are the cross on Calvary.
He sowed the cross over the world
Up onto the highest heavens,
So that the sinful world fell to its knees
And that sin would forever disappear .
Your cross drives away the unclean
And does not allow evil to grow.
And to those who do not know Your cross,
Lord, grant that they may find it.


I'd give everything for you to tell me

I'd give everything for you to tell me
That there's still hope for us
That it's all a bad dream
I'd give everything to know that[1]
I'd give everything if I could still be
A song you love
A voice of a bird and the Sun
I'd give everything, everything for the two of us
Come and lead me again
To where love is born
I don't know how to go on my own
No one knows it like you do
No one knows it like you do
Let's go to our fields
Where we picked our first flowers
There where a soft bed
Waits for us
No one knows it like you do
That road to love


Zoo Shit

[Intro] This channel is brought to you by STARKIDS
[Chorus: BENXINI and Space Boy] STARKIDS, aren't we fucking crazy
You scream my name
Make you go crazy, it's our fault
Make ‘em bleed
Red blood
Chimpanzee mode, wild out
Mosh pit that's my shit
Zoo, we go wild out
[Espeon] I just popped a Oxycodone
Tell your bitch to keep her clothes on
Guntai9 goin in and we goin up up
Yeah you can’t stop us
Why your man being a cockblock
Take your girl to purikura
She on her knees like I’m Buddha
Dual Berettas double damage
But I keep it silent
If you gonna act up then I do condone in violence
Take your life and hide the evidence
Counting up my dividends
What’s a life if you don’t got no common sense
[Space Boy] I'm on my own shit
I'm built different
You’s got a vision but you ain't gon take the mission
You talk a lot that's why you lose you never listen
Spread my wings, bitch, fly away like a pigeon
I'll kick you out my way
Stupid fuck
I'mma win
More and more
You know that I got to
With my squids I'm with my Splatoon
Guntai we so brand new
We do what you cannot do
And we do what we can do
[Yokai Jaki] Bitch, riding on my bed
X, till what time?
Dismantle in millimeter units
In an hour, 2000 times
Savage, if it's Kurihara then it's a son with a spitting image
Noisy ass mouth, I'll shoot your tongues down
If you're gonna go overboard, suffer till you can't stand
From Shibuya to the West, running loop
Getting that guap, can't wait
I see, I'm already up, you can't do anything about it
My toe nail, ripe from wearing Tabis
Moving around here, temporary arms, toting weapons
[Chorus: Space Boy] Mosh pit that's my shit
Zoo, we go wild out
Mosh pit that's my shit
Zoo, we go wild out
[TAHITI] We go ape shit, we go ape shit
STARKIDS we the number one Asians
And Yokai in this bitch so it’s a Mayday
Like a zoo, if wan see us then u pay pay
U better pay up, star brats, shitheads, yea we stay up
No matter what we do, where we at, we such a nuisance
Brand new, new wave, fuck ur ballad
Its too wavy we too wavy yea sorry
[Lil Roar] As I get in the cage, I'm a dangerous kid
Don't come close, find it ASAP, a way out
As I escape, scale the city
This a mane, I'm a lion
Don't get too cocky with me,
Cuz we the best
Set these songs on fire
(Cuz I'm crazy)
Rhymes that make you lose your mind
(This ain't for show)
Even now, heading for the city
Desperately sipping that liquid
In these glaring eyes,
Your sweet blood is reflected


Clean Slates

I'll find out if it's true that you love me
I'll find out how true your love is
I'll find out whether it's true that you're dying
to be the one who owns my heart.
I have pondered about love,
it's nourishment for sinners
how nice it is to taste it
when it has cost me to obtain it, sir.
I love you, I can't deny it
if I deny it, God will punish me
only one concrete piece is missing
to unite the two of us forever.
If you can't deny that you love me
don't deny the pleasure of it, either,
if the love men bestow is sincere
then the same must be given by women.
I don't believe in everything I hear
because I'm just like Saint Thomas,
clean slates, long-lasting friendships
are the weapons with which one will win.
I love you, I can't deny it
if I deny it, God will punish me
only one concrete piece is missing
to unite the two of us forever.
I love you, I can't deny it
if I deny it, God will punish me
only one concrete piece is missing
to unite the two of us forever.


The masses

Times are always changing,
so it is only the stubborn who are saddened
They use a metaphor for something that never changes,
and every time it crumbles, they blame someone else
Waves of sprechkoll pass before me
Seeking the same dream in time
To fight those who try to stop the flow of time
and dream the same dream that never changes
The masses are cowardly cats,
they tell trivial lies every day
By seeing through those bandage-like lies,
the scholars feel like they've seen the world
Waves of sprechkoll pass before me
Seeking the same dream in time
To fight those who try to stop the flow of time
and dream the same dream that never changes


See You Later, Love

See you later, see you later, love,
see you later, see you later, love,
you know that I'll return, I'll never forget you,
if you'll await me, you'll have my love forever.
See you later, see you later, love,
down there, far from you, I know that I must suffer, love,
so many sad days, so many long nights,
I couldn't forget your tears, love.
I know life better than you,
cry now but then forget,
the fate of a heart can change everything
and I fear it will then destroy our love.
See you later, see you later, love,
see you late, I at this point must leave, love,
you know that I'll return, I'll never forget you,
I'll carry your picture with me.
See you later, don't cry like that, love,
bye, bye, bye...



[Intro] BENXNI on the beat
[Chorus: Lil Roar] We are going to the place you've never seen
Voices of the stars, emanating from the sky
When we face obstacles
We transform into STARKIDS
Where should I go next?
I've been thinking and I can't decide
Get off my back,
I'm wearing swag shoes
With my friends, I depart to see new places
STARKIDS won't become shooting stars
Because we don't fall, we are only going up
Like the sun, everlasting
Our talent, uncomparable
Reminding me of my youth, it's like summer vacation again
We go for a walk, we walk on water
Everywhere we go we invade
STARKIDS we set the vibe
[Verse 2: Space Boy] 'C-C-Causing destruction to the world like Godzilla
Gonna get rich, STARKIDS in a villa
All of you is fake, can't tell who is realer
Flying far away, STARKIDS, interstellar
When you see STARKIDS, you always start sweating
All my dreams appear, I'm like I'ma go get them
Drowning in the water when we should be in the stars
Swimming for land, it's not too far
They say 'Hey, Space Boy, why you so appealing?'
I'm just like, 'I know, you should feel what I'm feeling'
Everyday drink strong
Destroy your own brain
[Verse 3: Espeon] It's like D-Day 'cause we're chillin' on a beach
STARKID troops, we're on a mission
Life bringing me down like a supervillain
I'ma do what I do, what I do best
They're like, 'Yo, Espeon, how you read our minds?'
I just tell them I'm a psychic type
興味ない興味ない I don't give a fuck
High off a health pack getting litty as fuck
Inject the venom, I'm on a Silent Hill
My eyes red and blue kinda feeling god tier
Starkids on a mission, it's do or die
I'm awake now, time to escape my fate
[Verse 4: TAHITI] Shake it up, pop a strong, let it blow
STARKIDS hit the scene, going up
Copping clothes like a tourist, yeah them brands coming thru
Everywhere I go I see dollar signs
Okay, let's go
Beach flow
I'm in Japan, bitch, I'm fresh up off the boat
My bankroll Nobita, big pockets Doraemon*
Yeah, I feel like Jaian, every swing homerun*
Our city is here
We really just play around
My heart will keep going
Lil Roar go roar
[Chorus: Lil Roar] We are going to the place you've never seen
Voices of the stars, emanating from the sky
When we face obstacles
We transform into STARKIDS
Where should I go next?
I've been thinking and I can't decide
Get off my back,
I'm wearing swag shoes
With my friends, I depart to see new places


In Love

Little maiden in love,
fragile butterfly in love,
tremble not, fear not,
stay always next to me.
Your eyes of a little girl
in love
question my mouth
in love.
Hold me, hold me tight
while we live the moments
more beautiful than life,
tell me sweetly 'love'.
Your eyes of a little girl
in love
question my mouth
in love.
Hold me, hold me tight
while we live the moments
more beautiful than life,
tell me sweetly 'love'.


Don't Tell Me Who You Are

Don't tell me who you are,
your name doesn't matter to me.
Now that you're here I crave that you
stay beside me beyond life.
Don't tell me who you are
if the name that you have can separate us.
From today, if you want, as long as you want,
it will be just you and me.
I chase fantastic dreams,
losing myself in the clouds
because you, impossible love,
now you are real, you are alive, in reality.
Don't tell me who you are,
your name doesn't matter to me.
Come and forget for me
the past and come back with me to believe in life.
Don't tell me who you are,
your name doesn't matter to me.
Come and forget for me
the past and come back with me to believe in life.
No matter your name,
don't tell me who you are.
You will be