Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 95

Találatok száma: 100455


These are our words

These are our words shaped
By our hands, our tools,
Our history, lose them,
And we lose ourselves


Fountains of Italy

Fountains of Italy
Festive and immortal message
Of a love song
That rises in the sky
Fountains of Italy
Your warm talk
Makes foreign tourists
The gentle desire for love
Blooms here
Like a flower
Leaving means suffering
No one wants to return to his country
Fountains of Italy
You bring everywhere in the world
The love song
Of the beautiful Italian soil
Fountains of Italy
You give love
(Fountains of Italy
You speak to foreign tourists)
The gentle desire for love
Blooms here
Like a flower
Leaving means suffering
No one wants to return to his country
Fountains of Italy
You bring everywhere in the world
The love song
Of the beautiful Italian soil
Fountains of Italy
You give love


Sun Sun Sun!

Finally! Sunny weather has arrived! Summer is blowing on the wind
No more sitting alone in my room, I want to get some UV rays!
I want to live my life without any restraints
my blood coursing through my veins
Even if there's challenges I can't overcome, it's ok
I'm gonna run out and face them! I won't lose to the heat!
Sun sun sun!
The sun is here!
Feel the love!
Let your prayers rise higher!
Run around and kick up some dirt!
The sun will scorch away all your sadness, so let's dance!
Dance! Dance! Dance, dance, dance!
Here it comes! Something wonderfully sweet! Ah! It was really spicy, but I can't help but laugh
Make a beat! I want to play a rhythm
The whole town is awash in colour, floating like a dream. That summer feeling is burning stronger
No one knows that I was crying, so it's ok
I'll run out and face it! Even though my problems haven't just gone away
Sun sun sun sun!
The sun is here!
Feel the love!
Let your prayers rise higher!
Run around and kick up some dirt!
The sun will scorch away all your sadness, so let's dance!
Dance! Dance! Dance, dance, dance!
If you are the sunflower, then I'll be the sun!
Since we're humans we can water ourselves!
The sun is here!
Feel the love!
Let your prayers rise higher!
Run around and kick up some dirt!
The sun will scorch away all your sadness, so let's dance!
Dance! Dance! Dance, dance, dance!


When I come home

Every night when I come home
I feel like I hear an echo that sounds
Like your voice whispering to me: 'Good evening'
Every night when I come home
I delude myself to see your smile
As if you were still near me
Shadows passing
How many dreams come back
How many memories
Still speak to me of you
Every night when I come home
I look at your forgotten things
That sleep abandoned like dreams
Every night when I come home
I delude myself to see your smile
As if you were still near me
Shadows passing
How many dreams come back
How many memories
Still speak to me of you
Every night when I come home
I look at your forgotten things
That sleep abandoned like dreams
Every night when I come home...


Giza-Giza Freedom

Stand up! Common sense is so rigid that it's practically disordered
Doubt conventions, today once more
break them down! or get back to being
happy with being ordinary, a good kid for sure
but that's not enough!
In a dark field with a sky clouded over
Take out a knife and carve away a tomorrow for yourself
A jagged bit of freedom, even just a little
It's ok if it's a bit warped, just hold it in your hand like a ticket
A ticket to your new day, your someday
There's freedom even in this world of constraints
A jagged bit of freedom, tiny little wings
But it's ok, hold it in your hand forever
Going one-way is ok
Crying won't make things happen
be brave and soar into the air!
Don't let nonsensical theories imprison you
there's no such thing as rules
keep holding on to your pride
Are you really going to tie yourself to one mistake?
Even if you're shaking (no way!)
Don't give up! (I want to run away!)
Truth and lies, right and wrong, you have to see them with your own eyes
A jagged bit of freedom, even just a bit
It's ok if it's a bit warped, just hold it in your hand like a ticket
A ticket to your new day, your someday
There's freedom even in this world of constraints
A jagged bit of freedom, tiny little wings
But it's ok, hold it in your hand forever
Going one-way is ok
Crying won't make things happen
if there's something you want to change, look to yourself
Remember the wings that a shrivelling on your back
You can't just keep looking down and ignoring
the beat of your own heart
So beat your wings, soar, and grab your freedom now!
Freedom Journey just a tiny bit (freedom melody)
Freedom Journey keep holding it in your hand (freedom melody)
A jagged bit of freedom, even just a little
It's ok if it's a bit warped, just hold it in your hand like a ticket
A ticket to your new day, your someday
There's freedom even in this world of constraints
A jagged bit of freedom, tiny little wings
But it's ok, hold it in your hand forever
Going one-way is ok
Crying won't make things happen
Freedom Journey- tiny little wings (freedom melody)
Freedom Journey- tiny little wings (freedom melody)
In a world of freedom, don't be held back! Be brave and soar!



Well, everyone has heard of Juanita
A brown and a blue eye have
With the tooth out and with the cheek in
And with… knuckles hanging down
That’s not how it goes!
There are children present.
Ever since then, she was newly born
So it has been very busy
And I have not been such a badass
So I might have had a chance



Arriving at the farthest reaches, I close my eyes
If my dreams could come true, maybe then I could really believe in myself
Lase Lase Lase Lase
In the morning I wake up, sparkling brightly
Let's go to that unknown world at the speed of invisible light
The only thing lit up is this very moment
The only thing that could be more beautiful would be the answer to everything
Lase Lase Lase Lase
Lase Lase Lase
there's nothing here, so I'll keep creating
clinging to fate or whatever place will take me
It's a reflection of my hope
I don't care if it's just a pipe dream
I'm willing to die just to live today
I can't hear anyone else's voice
I don't want to talk to anyone either
I'll keep on living for myself
Lase Lase Lase Lase Lase Lase Lase Lase
Even if it means leaving my past behind, my memories
I'll leave that predetermined future behind, and I'll never see you again
This is the only hope I have to keep living
I'm falling into a strange state of being
but this time, I'll be sure not to avoid facing reality
Lase Lase Lase Lase Lase Lase


Honest Lullaby

They said older woman are better at deceit
At least I always have that mature looks
I have a lullaby about love that grows cold
Tonight I'll let you listen to it
I'm sure you won't see it coming
You might laugh and think I'm joking
I don't want to say goodbye nicely
Let's just hurt each other and break up
I don't want to have a nice goodbye
Memories are nothing but sweet lies
Just straightly hate me, my love
I feel like I've been living for many years
My motto is to always think many steps ahead
A lullaby that will make us reflect on our truest feelings,
...tonight, I'll sing it for you
You never have a slightest bit of distrust in me...
...and always smile when we're together, but...
...I don't want to say goodbye nicely
Doing things halfway is not kindness
I don't want to part nicely
But no, I'm not indulge in a distorted 'adult way' of thinking
I'm sure you won't see it coming
You might laugh and think I'm joking
I don't want to say goodbye nicely
Let's just hurt each other and break up
I don't want to have a nice goodbye
Memories are nothing but sweet lies
Just straightly hate me, my love


again sometime

Because I can't blame you
When you've always been right
but seeing you hurts
and I'm still sorry.
Many times you can't sleep,
you only think
but could it have gone any better?
Because we want everything back,
However, we know
that it's no longer what it used to be.
Why would I write songs if you cry to them?
Why would I listen to them if I cry to them?
Why did we even build it if we have to tear it down?
Because when you left, you killed my whole world.
Where forward and where back,
where is left, where is right?
I want to see you again sometime
(again sometime)
and I mean it seriously.
Let's stay friends.
As we've been for two years
already anyway
Because we are both different
in the new autumn
we are not together anymore.
Why would I write songs if you cry to them?
Why would I listen to them if I cry to them?
Why did we even build it if we have to tear it down?
Because when you left, you killed my whole world.
Yes, my whole world.
Yes, my whole world.



We would all fly alone, but what if the wind blows?
Everyone would like snow as long as they don't get too cold.
Everyone would have everything and live at least a century.
Everyone would like a direction until they don't like the destination anymore.
So be careful what you wish for,
because you change quickly.
And when you stay silent, you make the wrong decision
and you jump blindly to come back again.
Oh, we'd all fly alone, but what if the wind blows?
Everyone would like snow as long as they don't get too cold.
Everyone would have everything and live at least a century
and everyone would like a direction until they don't like the destination anymore.
And every coin has two sides.
And every story has two sides.
And every glass is full and empty.
And every winner is a loser.
We would all fly alone, but what if the wind blows?
Everyone would like snow as long as they don't get too cold.
Oh, we would all have everything and live at least a century
and everyone would like a direction until they don't like the destination anymore.


Szép Itália

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Szép Itália...
Mintha csak tegnap történt volna,
Hogy te és én ott
Sétáltunk át a piactéren
Zene a levegőben
Olyan voltál, mint egy angyal
Aki lezuhant az egekből
Sosem tudtam, milyen mélyen szerelembe estem
Még mindig hallom a nevetést
És még mindig érzem a bor ízét
Mindent együtt csináltunk,
Tészta minden alkalommal
Spagetti, makaróni, tortellini, canelloni
És minden nap, a nap sütni fog
Signorina, igyunk kettőnkre
És minden közös percre
Szép Itália
Signorina, igyunk kettőnkre
és azt kívánom, bár ott lennénk
Szép Itália
Signorina, igyunk kettőnkre
Mert örökké
Szerelmes leszek beléd
Mamma mia, signorina, olyan bellissima vagy
Szép Itália
Mamma mia, signorina, olyan bellissima vagy
Szép Itália
Most azt hittem, csak egy emlék vagy, átsuhanván az elmémen
Egy régmúlt, egy tündérmese, egy egyszer volt, hol nem volt
Amikor csak visszaemlékezek kettőnkre, tudom, mindig én leszek
A férfi, aki még mindig szeret
Sosem feledem az időket
amikor a part mentén kocsikáztunk
Amikor csak veled voltam, az volt a kedvenc helyem
Milánó, Remeni, Bologna, Róma, Nápoly
Egészen tegnapig erre koccintok
Signorina, igyunk kettőnkre
És minden közös percre
Szép Itália
Signorina, igyunk kettőnkre
és azt kívánom, bár ott lennénk
Szép Itália
Signorina, igyunk kettőnkre
Mert örökké
Szerelmes leszek beléd
Mamma mia, signorina, olyan bellissima vagy
Szép Itália
Mamma mia, signorina, olyan bellissima vagy
Szép Itália
Szép Itália
Szép Itália
Signorina, igyunk kettőnkre
Mert örökké
Szerelmes leszek beléd
Mamma mia, signorina, olyan bellissima vagy
Szép Itália
Mamma mia, signorina, olyan bellissima vagy
Szép Itália
Szép, szép, szép Itália


Szép zöld szemek

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Szép zöld szemek
Oly tele csillogással és fénnyel
Hadd emlékeztesselek
Azt választottad, hogy ne sírj
Minden rendben
Hisz a szeretőd hazajött
Mindig melletted leszek
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Soha nem kell egyedül lenned
Szép zöld szemek
Oly tele csodával és kétségbeesettséggel
Nem baj, ha sírsz
Ott leszek, hogy feltöröljem a könnyeid
És a karjaidban
Együtt a paradicsomban vagyunk
És ez annyira jó
Soha nem kell egyedül lenned
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Szép zöld szemek
Oly tele csillogással és fénnyel
Hadd emlékeztesselek
Azt választottad, hogy ne sírj
Minden rendben
Hisz a szeretőd hazajött
Mindig melletted leszek
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Soha nem leszel egyedül
Soha nem kell egyedül lenned
Szép zöld szemek
Oly tele csodával és kétségbeesettséggel
Nem baj, ha sírsz
Ott leszek, hogy feltöröljem a könnyeid
És a karjaidban
Együtt a paradicsomban vagyunk
És ez annyira jó
Soha nem kell egyedül lenned
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell egyedül lenned
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell egyedül lenned
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell egyedül lenned
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell
Soha nem kell, soha nem kell egyedül lenned


Mélyen vág

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Jobban, mint az életet
Jobban, mint az életet
Ég veled, édes életem szerelme
Az elvesztésed olyan mélyen megvág, mint egy kés
Tudom, hogy rosszat tettem és nem alakultak jól a dolgok
De jobban szerettelek téged, mint az életet
Jobban, mint az életet
Ég veled, édes életem szerelme
Ő remélem ugyanúgy szeret, mint én
És minden jóra fordul
Egyedül maradok a rólad készült emlékeimmel
Ég veled, édes szerelem
Ég veled és jó éjszakát


Skydivin' (Vocal Mix)

I feel like I am drifting through the sky
Through the heavens I can hear your voice, I feel alive
You're everything that I want you to be
You give me all the strength I need
'Cause baby I'm in free fall with you
I'm skydivin'
I'm skydivin'
I'm skydivin'
Take me to a place where I can dream
So we can climb above the clouds and feel so free
And as we fall I'll take your hand
Don't let me go, please understand that
Baby I'm in free fall with you
I'm skydivin'
I'm skydivin'
I'm skydivin'


Getting Better

Sometimes I feel like I can fly
You take my hand and I electrify
Your smile is driving me insane
You are my sun, my moon, my rain
Cause makes me feel like loving you
And I know, it keeps on getting better
Now the skies have turned to blue
Yes I know, it keeps on getting better
Makes me feel like loving you
And I know, it keeps on getting better
Now the skies have turned to blue
Yes I know, it keeps on getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Sometimes I feel like I can fly
You take my hand and I electrify
Your smile is driving me insane
You are my sun, my moon, my rain
Cause makes me feel like loving you
And I know, it keeps on getting better
Now the skies have turned to blue
Yes I know, it keeps on getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Getting better, getting better
Makes me feel like loving you
And I know, it keeps on getting better
Now the skies have turned to blue
Yes I know, it keeps on getting better


Futva érkezni

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Futva fogok érkezni
Futva fogok érkezni
Futva fogok érkezni
Futok minden éjjel
Azt mondod, akarsz engem
Ez így is lesz
Futva fogok érkezni
Minden, amire csak szükséged van
A szerelmünk virrad
Nézz ki, ott leszek ma éjjel
A szerelmünk virrad
Nézz ki, ott leszek ma éjjel
Ott leszek ma éjjel
Futva fogok érkezni
Futok minden éjjel
Azt mondod, akarsz engem
Ez így is lesz
Futva fogok érkezni
Minden, amire csak szükséged van
A szerelmünk virrad
Nézz ki, ott leszek ma éjjel
A szerelmünk virrad
Nézz ki, ott leszek ma éjjel
Ott leszek ma éjjel
Futva fogok érkezni
Futva fogok érkezni
Futva fogok érkezni
Futok minden éjjel
Azt mondod, akarsz engem
Ez így is lesz
Futva fogok érkezni
Minden, amire csak szükséged van
A szerelmünk virrad
Nézz ki, ott leszek ma éjjel
A szerelmünk virrad
Nézz ki, ott leszek ma éjjel
Ott leszek ma éjjel
Futva fogok érkezni
Futok minden éjjel
Azt mondod, akarsz engem
Ez így is lesz
Futva fogok érkezni
Minden, amire csak szükséged van
A szerelmünk virrad
Nézz ki, ott leszek ma éjjel



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A saját megváltásomért
És ne nézz hátra
Hagyd magad mögött a tegnapot
Kockázatot vállaltam érted
Védelmet kell éreznem
Már erősebb vagyok
És te vagy az ok, hogy miért
Szóval mutasd az utat
Te vagy az út, amit választottam
Derítsd fel a napom
Nincs több könny és töretlen vagyok
Mutasd az utat
Te vagy az, akit kerestem
Vezess ma engem
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
(Zseblámpa, zseblámpa, zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
(Zseblámpa, zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
Szóval mutasd az utat
Te vagy az út, amit választottam
Derítsd fel a napom
Nincs több könny és töretlen vagyok
Mutasd az utat
Te vagy az, akit kerestem
Vezess ma engem
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa (zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa (zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
A saját megváltásomért
És ne nézz hátra
Hagyd magad mögött a tegnapot
Kockázatot vállaltam érted
Védelmet kell éreznem
Már erősebb vagyok
És te vagy az ok, hogy miért
Szóval mutasd az utat
Te vagy az út, amit választottam
Derítsd fel a napom
Nincs több könny és töretlen vagyok
Mutasd az utat
Te vagy az, akit kerestem
Vezess ma engem
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
(Zseblámpa, zseblámpa, zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
(Zseblámpa, zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
Szóval mutasd az utat
Te vagy az út, amit választottam
Derítsd fel a napom
Nincs több könny és töretlen vagyok
Mutasd az utat
Te vagy az, akit kerestem
Vezess ma engem
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa (zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa (zseblámpa, zseblámpa)
Mint egy zseblámpa, mint egy zseblámpa


Save Me

I have been waiting, all of my life
For you to come along, and make everything alright
My body's shaking, right through my bones
So take me by the hand, please don't leave me here alone
And I wonder if you know just how I feel
I feel, yeah...
And I wonder how I know if this is real
Is real...
Cause I want you to save me
Just please save me
Save me
Cause I need you to save me
Just please save me
Save me
I have been waiting, all of my life
For you to come along, and make everything alright
My body's shaking, right through my bones
So take me by the hand, please don't leave me here alone
And I wonder if you know just how I feel
I feel, yeah...
And I wonder how I know if this is real
Is real...
Cause I want you to save me
Just please save me
Save me
Cause I need you to save me
Just please save me
Save me
Cause I want you to save me
Just please save me
Save me
Cause I need you to save me
Just please save me
Save me
Cause I want you to save me
Just please save me
Save me
Cause I need you to save me
Just please save me
Save me


​the boy is mine

How can it be? You and me
Likely meant to be, can't unsee it
But I don't wanna fuss, no see
I'm usually so unproblematic
So independent
Tell me why
'Cause the boy is mine, mine
Somethin' about him is made for somebody like me
Baby, come over, come over (Oh my)
And God knows I'm tryin'
But there's just no use, can't deny it
The boy is mine
I can't wait to try him
Let-let's get intertwined
The stars, they aligned
The boy is mine
Watch me take my time
I can't believe my mind
That boy is divine
He's mine
Please know this ain't what I planned for
Probably wouldn't bet a dime or my life on
There's gotta be a reason why
My girls, they always come through in the sticky situations
Say it's fine (It's fine)
Happens all the time, -ime
Somethin' about him is made for somebody like me
Baby, come over, come over (Oh my)
And God knows I'm tryin'
But there's just no use, can't deny it
The boy is mine
I can't wait to try him
Let-let's get intertwined
The stars, they aligned
The boy is mine
Watch me take my time
I can't believe my mind
That boy is divine
And I know it's simply meant to be
And I, I take full accountability for all these years
Promise you I'm not usually
Like this shit, it's like losing me to me
But I can't ignore my heart, boy
The boy is mine (Oh)
I can't wait to try him
Let-let's get intertwined
The stars, they aligned
The boy is mine
Watch me take my time
I can't believe my mind
That boy is divine
He's mine


You're My Angel

You're my angel
You're the only sunshine in my life
It feels like heaven
When you take me in your arms (in your arms)
You're my angel
You're the only sunshine in my life
It feels like heaven
When you take me in your arms (in your arms)
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
You're my angel
You're the only sunshine in my life
It feels like heaven
When you take me in your arms (in your arms)
You're my angel
You're the only sunshine in my life
It feels like heaven
When you take me in your arms (in your arms)
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
You're my angel
You're the only sunshine in my life
It feels like heaven
When you take me in your arms (in your arms)
You're my angel
You're the only sunshine in my life
It feels like heaven
When you take me in your arms (in your arms)
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life
My life, my life...
Sunshine in my life


You're Shining

I feel, alive
Now I can breathe again
I call, your name, my friend
I hold, you close
This fire in my soul
So run, to me, again
I feel you, I want you
I know your touch is all I need
I'm waiting, you're shining
I feel you, I want you
I know your touch is all I need
I'm waiting, you're shining
I feel you, I want you
I know your touch is all I need
I'm waiting, you're shining
I feel you, I want you
I know your touch is all I need
I'm waiting, you're shining
I feel, alive
Now I can breathe again
I call, your name, my friend
I hold, you close
This fire in my soul
So run, to me, again
I feel you, I want you
I know your touch is all I need
I'm waiting, you're shining
I feel you, I want you
I know your touch is all I need
I'm waiting, you're shining


​imperfect for you

My boy, come take my hand
Throw your guitar and your clothes in the back seat
My love, they don't understand
But I'll hold your heart in the box here beside me
How could we know
We'd rearrange all the cosmos, mmm?
We crashed and we burned
Now I just can't go where you don't go
And usually I'm
Fucked up, anxious, too much
But I'll love you like you need me to
Imperfect for you
Messy, completely distressed
But I'm not like that since I met you
Imperfect for you
Let's go tonight
'Cause there's just a few seconds left 'til tomorrow
We have all that we need
Let's leave our baggage and wine at the table (Ooh), mmm
How could we know
That this was a happy disaster, mmm? (Happy disaster, mmm)
I'm glad we crashed and burned (We crashed and burned)
I'll never forget when you told me
You said, 'Usually I'm
Fucked up, anxious, too much'
But I'll love you like you need me to
Imperfect for you
Messy, completely distressed
But I'm not like that since I met you, mmm
How could we know
We'd make the bad stuff delightful, mmm?
I'm glad we crashed and burned
I know we'll be there for each other
When we're feelin'
Fucked up, anxious, too much
But I'll love you like you need me to
Imperfect for you
Messy, completely distressed
But I'm not like that since I met you
Imperfect for you
Fucked up, anxious, too much
Like you need me to
Imperfect for you
Messy, completely distressed
Not like that since I met you
Imperfect for you


What More Can I Say?

It's been hot
Also very sweet
And I'm not usually indiscreet
But when he sparkles
The earth begins to sway
What more can I say?
How can I express
How confused am I by our happiness?
I can't eat breakfast
I barely tie my shoe
What more can I do?
If I say I love him
You might think my words come cheap
Let's just say, I'm glad he's mine
Awake, asleep
It's been hot
Also, it's been swell
More than not
It's been more than words can tell
I halt, I stammer
I sing a roundelay
What more can I say?
I'll stay calm
Untie my tongue
And try to stay
Both kind and young
I was taught
Never brag or shout
Still it's hot
Just like how you read about
And also caring
And never too uncouth
That's the simple truth
That's the simple truth
Can you tell
I have been revised?
It's so swell
Damn it, even I'm surprised
We laugh, we fumble
We take it day by day
What more can I say?


Egész életemben

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Sosem találok szeretőt
aki édesebb nálad
édesebb nálad
Sosem találok szeretőt
aki drágább nálad
drágább nálad
Ismerlek mintha anyám lennél
ismerlek mintha apám lennél
ismerlek mintha hugom lennél
ismerlek mintha bátyám lennél
Te vagy az egyetlen, a mindenem
És neked szól a zene, ezt éneklem
Egész életemben vágytam hozzád hasonlóra
És Istennek hála, hogy végre rádtaláltam
És egész életemben vágytam hozzád hasonlóra
és remélem te is vágytál hozzám hasonlóra
Igen, remélem szeretsz, szintúgy
Ígérem, sose szeretek idegenbe
Csak te rád gondolok
Istentől kérem az imádatod
Minden ölelésed álom
Nagyon szeretlek
Egész életemben (bébi bébi), vágytam hozzád hasonlóra
És Istennek hála, hogy végre rádtaláltam
És egész életemben vágytam hozzád hasonlóra
és remélem te is vágytál hozzám hasonlóra
Igen, remélem szeretsz, szintúgy
Csak téged ismerlek
És mikor csillogva mosolyogni észlellek
Az életem felforgatod
Felemelsz mikor a padlón vagyok
Csak téged ismerlek
És mikor csillogva mosolyogni észlellek
Felemelsz mikor a padlón vagyok
és remélem te is vágytál hozzám hasonlóra
Igen, remélem szeretsz, szintúgy
Egész életemben vágytam hozzád hasonlóra
És Istennek hála, hogy végre rádtaláltam
És egész életemben vágytam hozzád hasonlóra
Igen, remélem szeretsz, szintúgy



I'm squeezing everything inside of me
Not understanding your every moment
Knowing that you can see
And I won’t become, yes
And I won’t become, yes
And I won’t become, yes
And I won’t become, yes
And I won’t become, yes, with you
And I won’t become, yes, again
And I won’t become, yes, to forget
And I won’t become, yes, to forgive
I have a dream
that's bigger than the planet Earth
in a favorite color
You're so far away
And yet you are somewhere
I know this much
I'm flying with you blown by the wind
With you together
We're flying high in the sky
flying far away
We don't need anyone
And I won’t become
And I won’t become with you
And I won’t become
And I won’t become with you
And I won't become, screw it
And I won’t become with you
And I won’t become, what should be done
And I won’t become with you
All the advice
All my hopes on you
can't help
Your storms and comets
are flying out of me
All the advice
All my hopes on you
can't help
Your storms and comets
are flying out of me


Ordinary Me

(Oh, I wish that everyone thinks, that I'm special)
They say, it isn't important, who you are and what you want
So why do I need a thousand likes, to feel, that I belong
If only I was an only child, then it would probably be easy
But when you live with ten superstars, it's hard to hit back
If only I could say, that I was something special
It is because, I am too average
Can you imagine, that the spotlight shines on me
And if I am special, give me my family
Maybe some day, I can become special
Otherwise I can only remain as average
As average
Or will I only remain
Honorable, normal, ordinary


For I Have Suffered Very Hard

For I have suffered very hard!
Like a wolf, hunted and so farred
Chased animal completely worn,
No good respite, no safe shelter,
That leaps like game of fine leather,
Under the shots by folks forlorn.
Hatred and Envy and Money
Fine sleuths with a flair ready,
Surround me, tighten me. It's long
Of many days, of many weeks,
Of many years! Dining of leaks,
A meal of fears, gluttony strong!
But in horror of native woods
Here is the fatal Sighthound, or Death.
What a beast and a brute!
Me dead more than halfway, the End
Puts its palm on me to offend
This heart, fighting with a long suite,
And I cannot stop the bleeding
Stepping to the flow feeding
Cries through my most decent forests.
Let me die at least, my brothers,
Once for all, you the Wolves, others! -
Whom my sister, Woman, arrests.


Song of Tōjin Okichi (Morning Crow)

Is that Okichi riding in that palanquin
in the spring rain in Shimoda Harbor?
When she cries, the camellia blossoms scatter.
Like a black ship, clouded in the fog,
she cries, her eyes clouded with tears

Cherub of the Purgatory

Again he's searching, but what will he find?
Between those faces he wanders
Harder and harder he tries
To find an old friend
Searching to find me
Lies in his ears
Searching to see me
Finally in his hands
The lies are pounding in his head
He will never stop searching
With a cruel gaze in his eyes
Searching to kill
Doesn't look back
He knows the punishment
Cracks a faint smile
Maybe he's waiting outside
For me, in his car
Because of him I have to flee
Over and over again
Fear chokes my throat
Time lengthens my steps
A slippery path oiled with lies
Takes me to hell faster and faster
He'll find me in due time
Like an avenger from hell
Things can't be cleared by talking anymore, even if
I dug myself underground or hid in a closet,
Dove to the bottom of the sea
Or into the sun
He walks behind me
Closes my way out
It's almost time for my sentence to be carried out
He has carved the cross
The only thing missing is the crown
Of the King of Liars
He will set it upon my head in due time
Through the silence
I hear your steps
The long journey to hell
Is about to end, I think
Fear chokes my throat
Time lengthens my steps
A slippery path oiled with lies
Takes me to hell faster and faster


Shinonome Bushi

Don't cry, you willow tree
What to do with this longing?
Look how the river water flows
Shinonome went on strike
I'm having a hard time
That's what she said, I believe
She chose to quit the brothel
What happened to her next?
She had to be a garbage collector
The harlot went on strike
I'm having a hard time
That's what she said, I believe
The Hall of 33 Bays and O-ryu the willow
What to do with this longing?
Her lovely son Midori pulled the rope
Along the Sumiyoshi highway
Yoi yoi yoi tona
That's what he said, I believe


In Night's Cold Streets

I don't repent,
thinking of this resignation, this pained surrender.
I've kissed my life's cross
on the hills of my execution.
In night's cold streets
couples always part
In night's cold streets
there are no sounds, just voices
calling Goodbye, goodbye.
I don't repent.
It's as if my heart flows
on the other side of time.
Life will echo my heart,
and the dandelion seeds sailing
the wind's lakes will re-create me.
Do you see how my skin
is cracking wide?
How milk forms
in my breast's cold blue veins?
How blood begins to form sinew
in my patient loins?
I am you, you,
and one who loves,
one who suddenly finds in herself
a dumb grafting to a thousand strange unknowns.
I'm the earth's ferocious lust
sucking all the waters in
to impregnate the fields.
Listen to my distant voice
in the heavy mist of dawn's prayer chants,
and in silent mirrors see how
with what is left of my hands
I touch, once more, all dreams' innermost dark,
and imprint my heart like a bloodstain
on life's innocent riches.
I don't repent.
Darling, speak to me
of another me
with the same lovesick eyes
whom you'll find again in the cold streets of night.
And think of me in her sad kiss
on the sweet lines beneath your eyes.



Dark night, emptiness
That no echo can fill
Wrongly or rightly put to death
No going back to zero
So much time lost thinking about time lost
That there's nothing left to lose
True or false hopes
So many whistles in the wind
Imagining that nothing could change
To be born here, you win, you lose
It’s pointless now to spew such contempt
On these imaginary monsters
Now everything will have to disappear
Like in a big bonfire
Conscience is the weight of sorrow
That no one will carry
Now everything will disappear
Like in a big bonfire
No more battles in vain
Need for a better truth
Killing time for good
No need to hit rock bottom
So many years wasted on hiding the truth
No more reason to shiver
So much time lost thinking about time lost
Need for a better truth
Now everything will have to disappear
Like in a big bonfire
Conscience is the weight of sorrow
That no one will carry
Now everything will disappear
Like in a big bonfire
Now everything will have to disappear
No going back to zero
Now everything will disappear
Now everything will have to disappear
Like in a big bonfire
No going back to zero
Like in a big bonfire
No going back to zero
Like in a big bonfire
True or false hopes
So many whistles in the wind