Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 94

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Neprespano, novo jutro,
spet potiska v realno spusto
Si nadaneš nov nasmeh,
veš da srečo diktira ti uspeh
A ne pustiš se, ko drugi te držijo,
se ne oziraš na samo ironijo
Tudi bežanje v drugo dimenzijo,
več ne pomaga, ker sence ti sledijo
Sama, zdaj si ostala sama
in čakaš le na veter, da odnese te stran
Tja, kjer boš lahko spoznala,
da v sebi nosiš moč za celjenje ran
Ko zapadeš v svojo domišljijo,
se ne oziraš na samo ironijo
Tudi bežanje v drugo dimenzijo,
več ne pomaga, ker sence ti sledijo
Sama, zdaj si ostala sama
in čakaš le na veter, da odnese te stran
Tja, kjer boš lahko spoznala,
da v sebi nosiš moč za celjenje ran
Sama, zdaj si ostala sama
in čakaš le na veter, da odnese te stran
Tja, kjer boš lahko spoznala,
da v sebi nosiš moč za celjenje ran


Who Dies?

One dies slowly who does not travel,
who does not read,
who does not hear music,
who does not find grace inside himself.
One dies slowly
who destroys his own love,
who does not allow himself to be helped.
One dies slowly who becomes
a slave to the habit of repeatedly taking
the same routes every day,
who does not change brands,
does not dare change the color of his clothing
or does not talk to someone he does not know.
One dies slowly who avoids
passion and its stirring of emotions

Apple Restaurant

Feed me
Feed me
Feed me
Please everyone, show me your tickets
Enjoy our proud full course
It's okay to feel hungry
Tonight, even without a spell, let's dance joyfully
Why is it in the sky?
No one knows why
Perhaps the moon shines all night
The dream train is running
Welcome to the Apple Restaurant
Hurry up and remember
Let's unite our hearts once again
Running through the starry night
The restaurant for tonight only
Let's sing, let's dance
Aiming for the galaxy
Party Night
When you dance the apple dance, even the plants dance
I'll share my love with you
When you dance the apple dance, hearts leap
I'll share my love
Grilled Jupiter steak, Taurus
The best ingredient in the universe
I haven't forgotten, really
Even if it looks delicious, I'll keep on dancing
Why is it in the sky?
No one knows why
Perhaps the sun shines all the time
The miracle of the fifth train
Welcome to the Apple Restaurant
Hey, please give me a knee lift
Once again, with love
Running through the starry night
The restaurant for tonight only
Let's sing, let's dance
Crossing the galaxy
Party Night
Why is it in the sky?
No one knows why
'Cause the moon shines bright on our love
The dream train is running
Welcome to the Apple Restaurant
Beloved person, beloved person
Let's make some noise together
Running through the starry night
The restaurant for tonight only
Let's sing, let's dance
Crossing the galaxy
The dream Party Night


The sounds of the heart

The sounds of the heart.
I'm starving, I've eaten nails
tried to act like I wasn't there
hammered rusty nails into the walls,
breathe, live one day at a time.
I'm thirsty, I drank coffee
too strong, black, bitter,
would come home bringing sorrows.
Why not reel them in?
And now I ask directly,
rarely directly:
Where silence descends upon us,
there the hearts are bent into shape.
I hear the sounds of the heart,
you won't stay by my side anymore.
What was made whole breaks.
Where silence descends upon us,
there the hearts are bent into shape.
I hear the sounds of the heart,
you won't stay by my side anymore.
What was made whole breaks.
The sounds of the heart.
I've tried to tighten my belt,
feed our love to the reef,
pressed for a long day, overtime,
tried to handle the bills one at a time.
Our love is like an arrow shot,
which cannot hit on the board.
Slowly, something inside us died.
Now we'll be left lying in the fire together.
When I fall next to you in the dark,
you repeat his name.
Where silence descends upon us,
there the hearts are bent into shape.
I hear the sounds of the heart,
you won't stay by my side anymore.
What was made whole breaks.
Where silence descends upon us,
there the hearts are bent into shape.
I hear the sounds of the heart,
you won't stay by my side anymore.
What was made whole breaks.
The sounds of the heart.
Where silence descends upon us,
there the hearts are bent into shape.
I hear the sounds of the heart,
you won't stay by my side anymore.
What was made whole breaks.
Silence descends upon us,
hearts are curved into shape.
I hear the sounds of the heart,
you won't stay by my side anymore
What was made whole breaks.
Heart sounds, heart sounds,
heart sounds, heart sounds.


Op. 112 Six quartets 4. Red rosebuds.

Red rosebuds
herald the arrival of Spring.
Rose-red cheeks
mean a maiden's first love.
Little red bird,
fly off to the red rose!
The lad is going to the rosy
maiden to woo her!


Energy Song

I love you, our energy
Our precious energy
If you save it a little bit
If you walk a little bit
Everyone is happy
Let's start saving energy
Let's save our planet
New habits
A happier future
Let's make it together!
Save energy, save earth!


Energy Song

Just for you (Haha)
Yeah, feel the sunshine through the breeze
There's nothing more [?]
It's time to safely guarantee
Our energy!
I love you, our energy
Our precious energy
If you save it a little bit
If you walk a little bit
Everyone is happy
Let's start saving energy
Let's save our planet
New habits
A happier future
Let's make it together!
Save energy, save earth!


Polka-dot Stingray

Once is enough
Ah, knock me down
My brain in is melting now,
Oh yeah
You pop down and touch my heart
Like the wind, always like that
I'm fovia about...
You make my eyes dazzle
And demolish my thinking
This is the music I wanted
You make my eyes dazzle
And demolish my thinking
This is the music...
Once is enough
Look into my eyes with eyes of love
I manage to make you look at me
But you still
Don't turn around
Still have got to straggle
Then, the music sticked
To my heart
I was just misunderstanding you
Once is enough
You know,
Knock me down
My brain is melting now, oh yeah
Ah, runny you
I'm not here, I always am
I'm afraid of...
My eyes are still blinking
But I'm almost blind
This is the music I wanted
My eyes are still blinking
But I'm almost blind
This is the music...
Once is enough
Worry about excess or deficiency of love
What I can do is
Just standing here
So i never catch up with you
Still have got straggle
Then the music knocked my door
I was just misunderstanding you
Once was enough
I can see the rich irony
What I can do is
Just standing here
So i never catch up with you
Still have got straggle
Then, the music sticked
To my heart
I was just misunderstanding you
It would be nice to be made to swim
Look into my eyes with eyes of love
I manage to make you look at me
But you still don't turn around
Close your sleepless eyes
Then, the POP music
Knocked my door
I was just missunderstanding you
Once was enough
Once is enough


May I come with you?

The street lights are on
I would talk to you until dawn
But you have to go once again
As always, some to-dos in the morning
Another one night in an empty flat
It sucks! May I come with you?
Wait, may I come with you?
With you, hold on!
Wait, may I come with you?
With you, hold on!
Wait, may I come with you?
With you, hold on!
Wait, may I come with you?
It could be a nice day
But, the call — you have a sentence for a couple of lines
Yeah, the vibe isn't cool
It seems, the time has come. Well, goodbye, motherland!
Through the bushes along the path at night
Yeah, the plan sucks. Wait, may I come with you?
Wait, may I come with you?
With you, hold on!
Wait, may I come with you?
With you, hold on!
Wait, may I come with you?
With you, hold on!
Wait, may I come with you?
Many years later
You're an old lady, I'm a grumpy ded*
Everything is far behind
But we have something to discuss and recall**
If you decide to pass away
Before me — hold on



We are onanists, guys with thw wide shoulders!
You can't lure us with a meaty tit,
You can't attract us with a hymen!
We`re jerking off with the right hand, jerking off with the left!
And who plays there on the stage? 'Sector Gaza'?
Are you nutty? This is 'Red Mold'!
I was a cool guy,
I didn't drink or smoke,
But only from an early age
Dick was jerking off furiously!
And I lived on a collective farm,
Only I was a man it the village
There`s a plenty of girls
For me one!
Girls, my God,
They're coming to me in droves.
I'll send them to the cunt.
And I'll jerk off my dick!
I'll tell you honestly:
After all, their pussies are the bullshit!
But the most fuckin` good thing is
the right hand!
Now I'll take a dick,
And I'll pull a couple of times,
It will turn me on,
And make me an utter ecstasy!
I joined the army,
Served two years.
And every single day,
I was jerking off my dick furiously.
But one day on a clear day
The sergeant caught me.
He bashed me
As well.
Now I'm not jerking off,
After all, is it an extasy
To jerk off a crimson penis,
With a broken hand?
I returned to the collective farm,
The girls are sticking, oh!
I think I'll take them off,
Let them jerk off my dick!
Now it's all fucking good!
Outside the windows, a crowd
of Girls who want everything
Pull my dick!


I enjoy my life

The herd of horses flies past galloping and the wind is blowing in their manes
Even if I caught a mustang I couldn't take it's heart
My heart is like a mustang's,
When imprisoned, they both quiet down
We have similar souls
I enjoy life, this shiny moment
And you won't see a tear
I enjoy love, I enjoy freedom
And I won't stay in place
My heart is wild, restless like a cold night in a prairie
Under the starts I feel longing when it's a lonely night
My heart is like a mustang's
When imprisoned, they both quiet down
We have similar souls
I enjoy life, this shiny moment
And you won't see a tear
I enjoy love, I enjoy freedom
And I won't stay in place
I enjoy life, this shiny moment
And you won't see a tear
I enjoy love, I enjoy freedom
And I won't stay in place


I Got Drunk

I can drink, it's just liquor
It's just colored water, isn't it?
I'm listening to your goodbyes
Your way of saying it is so roundabout
I'm pretending to be drunk
To make it look like I'm a crier to those around me
There aren't many men who can make a woman
Fall for them this much
So let me say one thing
You're a sinner, a sinner
I'll see you off, to the front door
It's okay, let me do it
I don't know what will happen next
I plan to drink as I'm invited
I'm pretending to be drunk
I just want to be wooed casually for a change
I wonder if there really is a man
Who can ruin a woman this much
Let me say one thing
You're a sinner, a sinner
I'm pretending to be drunk
My heart is already worn-out, and empty
I wonder if I'll ever meet a man
Who can make a woman so desperate
Let me say one thing
You're a sinner, a sinner


The Peasant's Moon

This peasant's moon
Is more of a moon here, than anywhere else.
It rose both big and bright:
Now, it has become yellowish.
It doesn't see a cart nor a mule anymore,
Nor the cattle as it's brought in.
If it's bored, it conceals it,
Both as high and bright as an eye.
The hen has been sleeping for long
And the boys are now in bed.
Chimène tells her half-asleep man:
'Hey, come here'.
She ignores minor things,
The moon. It wants an open countryside.
Irrigation canals, pine trees, paths, thickets:
She watches everything with an expert air.
She's a friend to the barn owl,
The frog and the marten.
(Those who sleep and those who go hunting
And those who never see that they're late).
It watches over the wind, which is always blowing
And the ever-nascent source,
And the wave on the sand
And, with a yawn, over myself.
Still, some couples
Aren't willing to go to sleep.
The old woman raises an eyebrow.
The other eyes closes: 'As for me...'
Dead tired, tucking oneself into bed,
'I don't know what some people are thinking'
One muses. 'Some are making love,
And tomorrow it's Monday.'
There are nights full of misfortune.
In an unhappy hour, a debtor
Counted money in vain, and he saw
The moon through his dormer window.
A rabbit thinks: 'That's the life!'
A dog feels a sweet desire.
The moon, always cheerful,
Pushes a cloud aside.
And she looks over the plain once again,
The mountains and far away, the sea.
'Good night', in a bad mood
Someone says (and the rooster wants to sing!)
Wealthy men: 'So much light is wasteful

Pine resin is dripping

Pine resin is dripping,
Pine resin is dripping,
The girl is looking at her betrothed,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
The breasts on your chest,
The breasts on your chest,
Smells like ripe oranges,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Smells like ripe oranges,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
They scatter bulgur on the roof,
They scatter bulgur on the roof,
Don't go up, they'll see your neck,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Your hair's silk thread,
Your hair's silk thread,
They weave a knot for the dagger's sheath,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby,
They weave a knot for the dagger's sheath,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Oy çinçini çinçini,
Oy çinçini çinçini,
Let me kiss the inside of your mouth,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
While kissing, I bit,
While kissing, I bit,
Forgive my crime,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby,
Forgive my crime,
Oh cruel, lullaby lullaby.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.
Turn me to that side and embrace me,
Turn me to this side and embrace me,
My beloved is on my right side,
Turn me to the left side too.


You think too much

You think too much sometimes,
I said to myself.
I skipped all your wrongdoings,
But turn and look at yourself,
You think too much sometimes,
I said to myself.
I chose all your wrongdoings,
But turn and look at yourself.
My feelings have dulled over time
I watched them disappear one by one
I never knew where you were or with whom
I just wanted you to hear me
You blamed me for everything
No, you waited for my forgiveness
I guess it was never meant to be,
Yet I didn't lose my hope
Whether you exist or not, it's a different trouble.
While my pessimistic feelings weigh on me from one side,
I no longer believe in you.
Looking into the void in your eyes,
You brought winter into my summer.
Unfortunately, you never kept your word,
Fix it again if it happens.


Fado of Contrast

is sad, fado is longing and sorrow.
Finally, it's living in freedom!
Within a pure soul, it's nostalgia:
It's the harshest wisdom there is.
Melancholy, fado is beauty
That's delayed over sadness.
Either peace or anguish, it belongs to contrast
Or irony, or an affront.
It's mystery, it oscillates
Between the Ether and reminiscence

The Boogy's voice

Well, well, well
What do we have here?
Santa Claus
Ouch! I peed myself!
You are the one that everyone is talking about?
Ha, ha, ha!
You must be kidding, you must be kidding!
It's impossible!
You must be kidding...
No way!
You're not him!
He stinks resin!
Terrible ugliness!
I should get over with you,
Before I have a heart attack
Your time has come
Will do everything we can. You have to respect me
Because I'm the Boogeyman
You should be afraid of me
To be scared to death
Because maybe you won't be hearing the voice of the boogeyman
Ouoou- ouoou
Ouoou- ouoou
Ouoou- ouoou
Ouoou- ouoou
Ouoou- ouoou
Ouoou- ouoou
I am the Boogeyman!
Santa Claus:
Set me free
Or else, you're going to regret it
The children are waiting for me
And you won't get away with it!
Ha! You must be joking
You must be joking!
What is this mad man talking about?
Shut his mouth now
I am starting to panic!
Such fun!
I like it!
You made me mad!
So I beg your pardon, I have a lot of work!
Santa Claus:
So tell me, what do you want?
Boogeyman: I'm just asking so much!
Ououou! The sound of the dices
It's a perfect sound!
The gambler Boogeyman
That cheats if it's needed!
I love it,
Now I truly live
In the cut of the knife
But your life
(Is) the end of a song!
Santa Claus:
Leave me alone,
You'll weep
But it will be
Too late!
Bro, I'm scared!
I'll panic!
I'd never wish
To be in your
I'll never see you again!
Because I'm the Boogeyman!
And you... will stay...
Ha, ha, ha, ha!


Water flows under the Sycamore

Water flows under the sycamore
From the ravine down the valley.
Proudly at the water stands
A red Kalyna
proud is the dear Kalyna,
The sycamore grows young,
All around them are the willows
Their branches turning green.
Water flows behind the meadow
And beneath the hill.
There the ducks splash
Among the sedges.
And a duck swims out
With ducklings behind her,
Catching duckweed, conversing
With her children.
The water flows by the city.
The water's become a pond.
A maiden came to take up water,
Taking it she sang.
Father, mother out of the house came
To go to walk the garden ,
To decided whom they should
Call their son-in-law?


Love Linda

Blue ink spilled for you
But I can't write straight
I'm out of lined paper
And the words lean towards you
Ooh Love
Ooh Linda
I'm writing to tell you again
Purple phrases, sweet nothings, kisses
In bouquets which I send you
If the world has gone wrong
It's not because of you
Ooh Love
Ooh Linda
It's none of our concern
Tender Linda
Strong Linda
I love you
Everything's been reinvented
Yes, but nothing's grand enough
Ooh Linda
I definitely love you
Ooh Linda
Open sky over our days
This is the life I owe you
On our sunny nights
The moon will dance
Ooh Love
Ooh Linda
I'm writing to say again
And if success goes away
My piano will fly away
When words no longer come
You'll be close to me
Ooh Love
Ooh Linda
And I'll have nothing but you
Tender Linda
Strong Linda
I love you
Everything's been reinvented
Yes, but nothing's grand enough
Ooh Linda
I definitely love you
Ooh Linda
Ouh-ouh-ouh-ouh, ouh Linda
I definitely love you
Ouh-ouh-ouh-ouh, Linda


By Loving Sometimes

By loving sometimes a song
that accompanies you in your memories,
you find the flings of a summer,
the long walks together with her.
By loving sometimes an illusion
that dresses reality as a grand evening,
think of the moon's reflection bending over the blue sea
and how it brings good luck only to you.
If you then close your eyes for a moment,
you'll feel an emptiness inside,
don't give in to your feelings, however,
leave a bit if you'll encounter love.
To love a song sometimes—
If you then close your eyes for a moment,
you'll feel an emptiness inside,
don't give in to your feelings, however,
leave a bit if you'll encounter love.
By loving sometimes an emotion
that lasts twenty minutes and leaves,
you push yourself towards the sky, then further down there,
so a flight ends, you remain.


Gold Lady

I've gone down to the prison
Arranged myself on a bench
Took the white bag with me
Yeah now I'm gonna enjoy my day
Here's where we always used to sit
And pluck gold from your body
But now they've all gone
Now they're too grown for me
But I still have you,
my gold lady
And you still have me,
my gold lady
And yeah I still have you,
my gold lady
And you still have me,
my gold lady
Don't know if I can go on
Don't know if I can do it
Don't know if I can manage
Don't know if I can do it
So cannons, shoot me out to the fjord
Cause soon I'm drowning myself
Shoot me out where the others were shot
Will my lady get to come with me?
With me
Then the road goes down to the city
I find myself a bench at the Plantation1
Greet the drowning man
And he whispers in my ear
Shall we share your gold lady
Shall we share your gold lady
Shall we share your gold lady
Shall we share your gold lady
Don't know if I can go on
Don't know if I can do it
Can't drink any more
I'm gonna smoke some more
  • 1. a park in Tórshavn


Until Later

Until later, give me your hand and smile
without crying.
Until later, for one more time
it's nice to pretend.
We defied love
almost for fun
and now let's pretend to leave one another
just for a little while.
Until later, I'm leaving your life,
let's wave at one another.
Until later, this will be the goodbye
but let's not think about it.
With a handshake
from good, sincere friends,
we smile to say
until later.
Until later, I'm leaving your life,
let's wave at one another.
Until later, this will be the goodbye
but let's not think about it.
With a handshake
from good, sincere friends,
we smile to say
until later.


With Those Legs

With those legs that go cha-cha-cha,
with that mouth that goes cha-cha-cha,
you feel the desire to give her a kiss
but who gives you the courage?
With that smile that goes cha-cha-cha
and with those eyes that go cha-cha-cha,
when you look at her, you feel bad
but you know that a kiss will heal you.
If she moves her hips in a very strange way,
the cha-cha is certainly to blame
but if I only touch your hand,
what a sweet thrill!
With those legs that go cha-cha-cha,
with that mouth that goes cha-cha-cha,
she makes you die of desire
but she doesn't give you that kiss.
With those legs that go cha-cha-cha,
with that mouth that goes cha-cha-cha,
she makes you die of desire
but she doesn't give you that kiss.



1. Darling, why are you now awake again at 4 in the morning?
You're looking again at the shared photos (of us), right?
Stop, stop, stop!
Chorus: (2х)
And even with 100 women to sleep with, to me you'll call!
Live in memories and it will hurt you!
Was I naive? Come on, look sideways!
By the hand how another takes me, not you!
2. I was different. Who appreciated that?
In the end to suffer again
and very naive and blind, was I?
How, how, how?
Chorus: (4x)
And even with 100 women to sleep with, to me you'll call!
Live in memories and it will hurt you!
Was I naive? Come on, look sideways!
By the hand how another takes me, not you!



oh-oh-oh (oh-oh-oh),
with a no,
with a but,
with an if,
you enchain me to you (enchain me to you).
oh-oh-oh-oh (oh-oh-oh-oh),
what are you doing,
what do you want,
who are you with?
Do you think about me,
only about me (ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba)?
ah-ah-ah (ah-ah-ah),
I want to see you happy,
my sweet love.
If you kiss only me,
I will kiss only you.
Yes, yes, yes,
only you,
ah-ah-ah (ah-ah-ah),
with a no,
with a but,
with an if,
you enchain me to you (enchain me to you).
oh-oh-oh-oh (oh-oh-oh-oh),
what are you doing,
what do you want,
who are you with?
Do you think about me,
only about me (ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba)?
ah-ah-ah (ah-ah-ah),
I want to see you happy,
my sweet love.
If you kiss only me,
I will kiss only you.
Yes, yes, yes (yes, yes, yes),
only you (only you),
Caterina (Caterina).


Today Proudly Beats My Heart

They can think, that i'm crazy even
I know this night, that in my dream it was you.
I was searching words for you, but the song came
The lyrics you knew and both of us sang together like that.
A melodious refrain plays the strings within us.
A rhythm upbeat moves us together, in dance.
Love boundless fills the souls.
And proudly today beats mi corazón
Love boundless fills the souls.
And proudly today beats mi corazón
Ay mi familia, listen to me, everyone!
Let (us) sing in a joyful chorus!
A love boundless fills the souls.
And proudly today beats mi corazón
Ay mi familia, listen to me, everyone!
Let (us) sing in a joyful chorus!
A love boundless fills the souls.
And proudly today beats mi corazón


The Gypsies

Gypsy, who are you,
son of Bohemia?
Tell me why
you came here.
Whenever I grew tired
of Andalusia
and, you old man, tell me
how it used to be.
My land now
no longer exists.
The horses are tired
in the humid evening
but their thick manes
seem to invoke the wind.
The gypsies are around
the glowing flames,
a giant shadow remains
in the light of the moon.
Then throbs
the most bizarre song,
born from the heart
to vibrate from the guitar.
This is the song of those
who know no borders,
it is the ardent prayer
of the gypsy who leaves.
Tell me where you're going?
I'll return to Bohemia,
I go far away
so as never to return.
And you, where are you going
in Andalusia?
Why do you want to cry
like this?
I'm at this point old
and remain here.
Oh, gypsy, why
not stay tonight?
For your new adventure,
you can part tomorrow.
It remains yet to sing
in the starry night
until the cruel dawn
makes the dream disappear.
Sing that one day
the great king of Cockaigne
will give you
a castle in Spain.
This is the song of those
who know no borders,
it is the ardent prayer
of the gypsy who leaves.


Out, out

Sex for making up isn't working, it doesn't help anymore
the love which I had with you ran somewhere.
You sent it there where you also often sent me,
but now I'm putting an end sweetie, I don't care anymore.
Come on, get out, out
I'll run with the car over you, vroom, vroom
I can't stand looking at you anymore, click, click
only 'cheers' with friends drinkers.
Because you have many bad habits
to like photos of the village beauties,
(you) crossed now all boundaries,
go leave me alone, are you crazy, are you crazy?
Hungry blonde there isn't, but it didn't apply to her,
she's hungry for French village cake, good thing she has a body.
I know that the coworkers spat on me, but do I care,
but as I'm looking at you dear, you don't have a place here.


Adventures of Ladybug and Cat Noir S4 Bulgarian Opening

During the day, I'm Marinette
An average girl with a normal life
But there's something, which nobody knows about me
Because I have a secret
Coup of wonders!
I'm doing now!
As soon a mess comes up here
Magic, I
Do and raz (like that)
All problems I solve
Coup of wonders!


My Melody

What would a poem be without its rhyme?
What would a song be without desire?
What would each line of a verse be
without a chorus?
And how would my heart find peace
if it couldn't grow?
How could my soul sing
without its friend?
Your heart is my song
Your voice is my words
Your pulse is my rhythm
Your tone is my chord
You are the harmony
my soul sings about,
every major and minor
Your heart is my song
My comfort is your words
My tempo is your tempo
in our dance around
You are the harmony
You are my melody
What would clouds be without the light?
What would wings be without wind?
What would the melody of my soul be without
a mate?
Your heart is my song
Your voice is my words
Your pulse is my rhythm
Your tone is my chord
You are the harmony
my soul sings about,
every major and minor
My hand grasps
every whole and half
My voice belts out
You are the harmony
My melody
Your heart is my song
Your heart is my song
Your voice is my words
Your pulse is my rhythm
Your tone is my chord
You are the harmony
my soul sings about,
every major and minor
Your heart is my song
My comfort is your words
My tempo is your tempo
in our dance around
You are the harmony
You are my melody


Getting Sick of Being a Punk

Sunday rocks, but tomorrow it's back to hell
Having to get up in the morning is a pain in the ass
Annoying annoying annoying annoying!
Annoying annoying annoying annoying!
Annoying annoying annoying annoying!
Annoying annoying annoying annoying!
I'm sick of waking up! I'm sick of going out!
I want to be happy, but I hold myself back
I'm tired of it! I wish I could be someone else
The weather is great, but where we're going it'll be dark
I like tasty meat and cute clothes, but other than that, everything sucks
Draining draining draining draining! Draining draining draining draining!
Draining draining draining draining! Draining draining draining draining!
Draining draining draining draining!
Talking makes me tired, even laughing is exhausting
I want to be happy, but I hold myself back
I'm tired of it! I wish I could be someone else


Do not steal my sheep

Do not steal¹ my sheep² for she is soft.
Do not steal my sheep for she is heavy³.
Last night at midnight she gave birth to a lamb in my tent.
Ho-ho, be shorn for me,
Came sliding down from a mountain my sheep.
Do not steal my sheep for she is heavy.
Do not steal my sheep for she is wrapped.
Unruly long wool she has nibbling⁴ at my shoe.
Ho-ho, be shorn for me,
Came sliding down from a mountain my sheep.
Do not steal my sheep for she is shorn.
Do not steal my sheep for she is exposed.
Before the morning shivering she settles in my step⁵.
Ho-ho, be shorn for me,
Came sliding down from a mountain my sheep.