Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 32

Találatok száma: 1312


Remélem nem szeretek beléd

Versions: #3
Remélem nem szeretek beléd,
mert a szerelem szomorúvá tesz.
Szól a zene, s Te a szíved nyújtod,
hogy beleláthassak.
Ittam egy sört, s most azt hallom,
hogy engem hívogatsz,
és remélem nem szeretek beléd!
A kocsma zsúfolt, mindenütt emberek,
gondolkodom felajánljam a székemet.
Ha leülsz ezzel a vén bohóccal,
vidd el a ráncaimat,
s mielőtt az éjnek vége,
tán meg is tarthatlak,
és remélem nem szeretek beléd!
Egy férfivel az éjszaka furcsa dolgokat tesz,
de az öreg kandúr érzést meg sem értheted.
Megfordulok, hogy rád nézzek,
te most rágyújtasz egy cigire,
bárcsak lenne merszem kérni,
de még nem is ismerlek,
és remélem nem szeretek beléd!
Látom magányos vagy, úgymint én,
s talán Te is társra vágysz, mint én.
Megfordulok, hogy rád nézzek,
s te visszanézel rám.
A pasid felállt és otthagyott,
és melletted a szék üresen vár,
és remélem, hogy Te sem szeretsz belém!
Záróra van, hazamennek a zenészek,
utoljára egy barna sört rendelek.
körbenézek és kereslek,
ám a széked üres lett.
Kutatom az arcod keresve,
úgy tűnik ma is egyedül leszek.
és azt hiszem, hogy most szerettem beléd!

The door is love

I've had doors closed in my face all my life
And then suddenly you appear
I'm looking for the place where the world stops
Is it the effect of this party or is it the fondue?
But it's you
But it's you who stop the world
Who stop the world, I've never felt something like this
This is greater
The door is love
The door is love
The door is love, it's you, it's you, it's you
The door is love
It's very weird... What?
We like the same... sandwiches
I've never met someone like me
Fingers crossed, again
The synchronized minds
Can only be explained by
You and I, we are only one
Say goodbye
Say goodbye to your sad past
We won't feel this pain anymore
The door is love
The door is love
Life has splendour, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you
The door is love

Answer: Love Myself

Versions: #2
I’m opening my eyes in the darkness
When my heartbeat sounds unfamiliar
I’m looking at you in the mirror
The fear-ridden eyes, asking the question
Loving myself might be harder than loving someone else
Let’s admit it
The standards I made is more strict for you
The thick tree rings in your life
It’s part of you, it’s you
Now let’s forgive ourselves
Our lives are long, trust yourself when in a maze
When winter passes, spring always comes
From the eyes of the cold night
I try to hide myself
As I keep tossing and turning
Maybe I fell in order to take place of those countless stars
The target of the thousands of bright arrows is me alone
You’ve shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
I’ll answer with my breath, my path
The me of yesterday, the me of today, the me of tomorrow
(I’m learning how to love myself)
With no exceptions, it’s all me
Maybe there’s no answer
Maybe this isn’t the answer either
It’s just that loving myself
Doesn’t require anyone else’s permission
I’m looking for myself again
But I don’t wanna die anymore
Me, who used to be sad
Me, who used to be hurt
It’ll make me more beautiful
Yes, I have that beauty
Knowing that is going on the path to loving myself
It’s what I need the most
I’m walking for myself
It’s an action needed for me
My attitude towards myself
That’s the happiness I need for me
I’ll show you what i got
I’m not afraid because it’s me
Love myself
From the very beginning
To the very end
There’s only one answer
Why do you keep trying to hide under your mask?
Even all the scars from your mistakes make up your constellation
You’ve shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
I’ll answer with my breath, my path
Inside of me
There’s still that awkward part of me but
You’ve shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
I’ll answer with my breath, my path
The me of yesterday, the me of today, the me of tomorrow
(I’m learning how to love myself)

About Love

Sometimes I tell you love is still hard
then you just (slightly) look at me and (smile)
without words, you warmly cover my both hands still
It's weird, the times with you, the times with you alone
I talk about small things, things you didn't even ask
Just listening to me talking
Besides me, forever, think you'll be on my side
Saying your name out loud
It sounds like I love you
Pit-a-pat like I can't hide it
Even I say it and say it everyday
Facing you as it is now
It all feels like love
Like this, just the two of us
I hope the time would stop
Although sometimes I hang out my friends
Although delicous foods makes me happy
I keep thinking of you Right taking pictures Take
Swear to my self I will come here with you next time (That's right)
Whatever I say, without me knowing it
Time goes by with my compliments of you
Although we are apart
Two of us Always Two of us
Feels like I'm besides you even now
After a particularly rough day, when my tears burst
Without words, You giving me your shoulder
When you hug me just like my dad
Besides me, forever, think you'll be on my side
Saying your name out loud
It sounds like I love you
Pit-a-pat like I can't hide it
Even I say it and say it everyday
Facing you as it is now
It all feels like love
Like this, just the two of us
I hope the time would stop
It surprises me sometimes
How you and me from 1 to 10
think the same thoughts
I sometimes thought to my self actually
Maybe we are the same person, you and me
Or else, how can one explain all this
Couldn't stop smiling at you, knew I fell in love with you
Between your folded hands
I can feel all your feelings
Now I'll show you my love has grown bigger
It's not special but I'll fill it all with you
Saying your name out loud
It sounds like I love you
Pit-a-pat like I can't hide it
Even I say it and say it everyday
Facing each other as it is now
It all feels like love
Like this, just the two of us
I hope the time would stop

True love story

I was looking alone at the cold bright of the stardust
I was surely looking for your eyes the whole time
People meet by chance
I live for someone's good
I believe in my palpitating heart
Since now we hold love close
An endless future begins
The story goes on in the eternity
Two people want to walk
On the lonely nights I hear your voice next to me
Until yesterday I tried to change the whole of you
Before any detour
We finally reach to be a couple
It's good to not turn around again
Since now we hold love close
I dreamed that the season begins
This whide world is just for one thing
We don't want to split from destiny
Before any kind of tears, I'll always protect you
Love connects the present, in the heart carves true love
After thins the night looks at us
You encourage me to live
A strong interaction is not just a language
It always dresses the gifts
Since now we hold love close
An endless future begins
The story goes on in the eternity
Two people want to walk. True love
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell

Régebben tartottam a távolságot
Kit a darázs megcsípett, a szúnyogtól is fél*
Megfizettem az élvezet árát
Csak hogy halljak néhány fiatal lányt sóhajtani
Azt hittem, meg van minden, amire szükségem volt
És aztán jöttél te
Nem tudtam elviselni, nem tudtam megjátszani
Mikor bebizonyítottad, hogy tévedtem
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Ne mondj nemet
Elhiszem majd a hazugságot
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Nem akarom hallani
Nem akarok sírni
Kérlek, engedj közelebb
És indítsd el a második fázist
Mert mikor megérintesz, úgy érzem magam
Mint egy oroszlán, aki kitör a ketrecéből
Azt hittem, meg van minden, amire szükségem volt
Azt hittem, minden rendben
Most erősködök, te pedig ellenszegülsz
Van valaki a vonalban?
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Ne mondj nemet
Elhiszem majd a hazugságot
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Nem akarom hallani
Nem akarok sírni
Nem akarom ismerni a körülményeket
És nem akarom elszalasztani a második esélyt
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Ne mondj nemet
Elhiszem majd a hazugságot
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Nem akarom hallani
Nem akarok sírni
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Ne mondj nemet
Elhiszem majd a hazugságot
Ha a szerelemnek mennie kell
Én akarok lenni az utolsó, aki megtudja
Nem akarom hallani
Nem akarok sírni


[verse 1]
Azt gondoltam találtam egy utat
Azt gondoltam találtam egy utat, igen (találtam)
De te sose mész el
Szóval szerintem maradnom kell
[Pre-Chorus: Billie Eilish & Khalid]
Oh, remélem egy nap eltudok menni innen
Még ha egy éjszakába vagy száz évig fog tartani
Szükségem van egy búvóhelyre, de nem találok egyet sem a közelben
Érezni akarom, hogy élek, hogy odakint tudjak harcolni a félelmemmel
[Chorus: Billie Eilish, Billie Eilish & Khalid]
Hát nem imádnivaló, teljesen egyedül
A szívem üvegből, az elmém kőből van
Tépj darabokra, bőrre és csontra
Hello, üdv itthon
[Verse 2: Khalid, Khalid & Billie Eilish]
Kisétálok a városból
Egy jobb helyet keresek (egy jobb helyet keresek)
Valami van a gondolataimban
Mindig a fejemben
[Pre-Chorus: Billie Eilish & Khalid]
Oh, remélem egy nap eltudok menni innen
Még ha egy éjszakába vagy száz évig fog tartani
Szükségem van egy búvóhelyre, de nem találok egyet sem a közelben
Érezni akarom, hogy élek, hogy odakint tudjak harcolni a félelmemmel
[Chorus: Billie Eilish, Billie Eilish & Khalid]
Hát nem imádnivaló, teljesen egyedül
A szívem üvegből, az elmém kőből van
Tépj darabokra, bőrre és csontra
Hello, üdv itthon
[Outro: Khalid, Billie Eilish, Khalid & Billie Eilish]
Woah, yeah
Yeah, ah
Woah, woah
Hello, üdv itthon

Sosem könnyű

Te és én is tudom
Hogy ez nem helyes
Olyan erősen próbálkoztunk
Minden este
Még mindig emlékszem az éjszakára, mikor a szemedbe néztem
Tudtam, ez biztos szerelem
Még mindig emlékszem, nem lepett meg, mikor elérkezett az idő
Tudtam, ez biztos szerelem
Túl késő, viszlát
Nem mintha nem próbálkoztunk volna
Rosszul érzem magam
Fáj legbelül
Még mindig emlékszem az éjszakára, mikor a szemedbe néztem
Tudtam, ez biztos szerelem
Még mindig emlékszem, nem lepett meg, mikor elérkezett az idő
Tudtam, ez biztos szerelem
Sosem könnyű, könnyű
Mikor kiesel a szerelemből
Sosem könnyű, könnyű
Mikor kiesel a szeremből
Még mindig emlékszem az éjszakára, mikor a szemedbe néztem
Tudtam, ez biztos szerelem
Még mindig emlékszem, nem lepett meg, mikor elérkezett az idő
Tudtam, ez biztos szerelem
Sosem könnyű, könnyű
Mikor kiesel a szerelemből
Sosem könnyű, könnyű
Mikor kiesel a szeremből
Sosem könnyű, könnyű
Mikor kiesel a szerelemből
Sosem könnyű, könnyű
Mikor kiesel a szeremből

Everything turns into an open door

Okay, can I just say something totally crazy?
I love crazy

I have always seen a series of closing doors
Until one day I suddenly meet you
I thought exactly the same, it’s like
I’ve been trying my whole life to find my place
And maybe it’s the party round us
Or the lovely fondue
But with you
But with you every doubt faded away
I see your smile
And I know I’ve never felt this before
Everything turns into an open door
Everything turns into an open door
Everything turns into an open door
With you, with you, with you, with you
Everything turns into an open door
And isn’t it crazy?
We finish each other’s – Slices of bread
It was me who should have said that!
I’ve never met someone who thinks entirely like me
Jinx again!
And this kind of synchronism
Can have but one explanation
You and I walk the same way
Say goodbye, say goodbye
To a past of fear
We can forget everything that was before
Everything turns into an open door
Everything turns into an open door
Life is the way it should be
With you, with you, with you, with you
Everything turns into an open door
Can I say something totally crazy?
Will you marry me?
Can I say something even crazier?


Én vagyok

Egy Liberace rajongó vagyok
Egy megasztár a ragyogásban, az vagyok
Az vagyok, ami Bobby Pamnek,
Khashoggi Iránnak, az vagyok
A tükörbe nézve
A szépség, amit látok
Nehéz ilyen pompásnak lenni, ingyen
Könyörögj, lopj, vagy kérj kölcsön
Sohasem fogsz olyan
Karizmatikus sztár lenni, mint én
Isten porból teremtette az embert
És az ember bűnnel és kéjjel válaszolt
Isten porból teremtette az embert
Örök fiatalság a szilárd földön
A szépség hajtja előre a világot (x2)
A férfi csúcsa vagyok
Egy varázslatos márka, az vagyok
Egy lemezcímlap átverése
A legnagyobb Japánban, az vagyok
A báltermekbe belépve
Az óra mozdulatlanra vált,
A multimilliomosok, akiket megborzongatok
A pillérek fejlécei,
A párbajvívók, akiket megölök
A Panteon engedelmeskedik az akaratomnak
A természet törvénye az ősrobbanás óta,
Sírj, mint a fiatal Werther, vihar és késztetés
A természet törvénye az ősrobbanás óta,
És hangosabb, mind a hang fala
A szépség hajtja előre a világot (x2)
Egy Liberace rajongó vagyok
Egy megasztár a ragyogásban, az vagyok
Az vagyok, ami Bobby Pamnek,
Khashoggi Iránnak, az vagyok
Olyan önző vagy
Te, annak a...fia

Isten porból teremtette az embert
És az ember bűnnel és kéjjel válaszolt
Isten porból teremtette az embert
Örök fiatalság a szilárd földön
A szépség hajtja előre a világot (x2)
Egy Liberace rajongó vagyok
Egy megasztár a ragyogásban, az vagyok
Az vagyok, ami Bobby Pamnek,
Khashoggi Iránnak, az vagyok
A férfi csúcsa vagyok
Egy varázslatos márka, az vagyok
Egy lemezcímlap átverése
A legnagyobb Japánban, az vagyok
Ez igazi, ez pompás, ez vagyok

Only You

There's a lot of words haven't said yet
There's a lot of things haven't given yet too
Because farewell is always sudden
I couldn't even prepare an excuse
Before you said 'Why did you do that?'
Just how long had you been crying alone?
I hate myself
Who didn't even know that
And made it hard for you
Only you
Even if I don't say a word just by looking into my eyes
You already do know my heart
Only you
You do know that those 'Hope you'll be fine' words
Of greeting are not honest
Afraid my feelings that want to hold onto you would be disclosed,
I don't even know what I've said
Love is telling lies sometimes
I'm giving you even deeper wounds
Do you remember? If only there's you,
Wherever in this world I'd become your everything
Because it's you who lit up my darkness
With your childish-like bright laugh
Only you, even if I don't say a word
Just by looking into my eyes you already do know my heart
Only you, you do know that those 'Hope you'll be fine' words
Of greeting are not honest
Don't go, it has to be you for me
It's always the one and only you for me
You do know, the person I love
And the person I will love in the future is the only one
Though I'm always helpless in front of you,
Don't you know my feelings?
If only I could let you know I'd exchange my heart with yours

Love Is Sweet

The city night is too loud, the crowds are like a fast-moving clock
I don’t want to feel this way, the cheap makeup hides my face
An indescribable feeling
The flashing lights on the street, they are like smiles that don’t last
Can I have just one minute, quietly getting to know you
Baby, I’m really different from them
I don’t speak, I’m naturally shy, not because I don’t want to hold your hand
I’m waiting for a smile and a nod, to you I will always be gentle
Please don’t blame my silence, I’m searching for a reason to hug
When I fall in love I won’t hold back, I will bravely tell you
Happiness plays in a sweet love scene, I lightly taste your face
An unmistakable joy, we stick to each other like honey
We won’t ignore the happiness, it lives inside our hearts
Day by day, our love grows
Happiness in a sweet love scene, I lightly taste your face
A bright ending, in the story we will be together for a while
After all this time, love just out of the oven
So fresh, I take a bite and stay like this forever
The city night is too loud, the crowds are like a fast-moving clock
I don’t want to feel this way, the cheap makeup hides my face
An indescribable feeling
The flashing lights on the street, they are like smiles that don’t last
Can I have just one minute, quietly getting to know you
Baby, I’m really different from them
I don’t speak, I’m naturally shy, not because I don’t want to hold your hand
I’m waiting for a smile and a nod, to you I will always be gentle
Please don’t blame my silence, I’m searching for a reason to hug
When I fall in love I won’t hold back, I will bravely tell you
Happiness plays in a sweet love scene, I lightly taste your face
An unmistakable joy, we stick to each other like honey
We won’t ignore the happiness, it lives inside our hearts
Day by day, our love grows
Happiness in a sweet love scene, I lightly taste your face
A bright ending, in the story we will be together for a while
After all this time, love just out of the oven
So fresh, I take a bite and stay like this forever
Whatever you want, I know it all
Love should be a relaxing feeling
Seeing those expensive cars, you are not envious
Too much applause is vain, you understand too
I don’t know how to weave a beautiful dream
But I will make you feel my love
The sincerity I have for you, it’s real
Happiness plays in a sweet love scene, I lightly taste your face
An unmistakable joy, we stick to each other like honey
We won’t ignore the happiness, it lives inside our hearts
Day by day, our love grows
Happiness in a sweet love scene, I lightly taste your face
A bright ending, in the story we will be together for a while
After all this time, love just out of the oven
So fresh, I take a bite and stay like this forever

I Found My Love in Portofino

I found my love in Portofino
For I still believe in dreams
The odd game of destiny
In Portofino swept my heart
In the sweet enchantment of morning
The sea leads you towards me
Blinking eyes beside me
In Portofino I see you again
I recall a part1 of the sky
Where I was waiting for you
I recall this face so beloved
And your mouth ready to receive a kiss
I found my love in Portofino
Those kisses, forget them I won't
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
I recall a part1 of the sky
Where I was waiting for you
I recall this face so beloved
And your mouth ready to receive a kiss
I found my love in Portofino
Those kisses, forget them I won't
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
  • Lit. 'angle'

Szeretni valakit ...

Létezik egy fény,
egy bizonyos fajta fény,
ami soha nem ragyogott rám.
Szeretném az életem
veled élni le,
veled élni le.
Létezik egy módja,
mindenki azt mondja,
ahogyan megvalósíthatunk bármit.
De mi értelme lenne,
ha nem vagy az enyém,
nem vagy az enyém.
- énekkar
Kicsim, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Kicsim fogalmad sincs milyen.
Szeretni valakit.
Szeretni valakit,
ahogyan én szeretlek téged.
újra látom arcodat.
Ismerős nekem ez a lelkiállapot.
Te nem lehetsz ennyire vak
és, hogy én vak vagyok,
oly nagyon vak.
Férfi vagyok,
hát nem látod mi vagyok?
Érted élek minden lélegzettemmel.
De mi a haszna az egésznek,
ha nem vagy az enyém,
nem vagy az enyém.
Kicsim, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Kicsim fogalmad sincs milyen,
szeretni valakit.
Szeretni valakit,
ahogyan én szeretlek téged.
Ó nem, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Kicsim fogalmad sincs milyen,
szeretni valakit.
Szeretni valakit,
ahogyan én szeretlek téged.
Nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Fogalmad sincs milyen,
fogalmad sincs milyen
szeretni valakit.
Dana Kósa

Fall In Love

On that day, at that place
If I just passed you, what kind of world would I be in?
If I didnt’ know you
Would I have known this kind of feeling?
I thought I could never dream again
But you gave me the world
I fall in love I fall in love
I fall in love I fall in love
The love that I never had, that I lay down
Has come to me
I fall in love I fall in love
How can I explain this?
I don’t need anything else
If only I have you
If only I have you
If only I have you
If only I have you
I thought it would never come true
I thought it was a dream I could never have
But the miracle of you has come to me
And now every moment is perfect
I fall in love I fall in love
I fall in love I fall in love
The love that I never had, that I lay down
Has come to me
I fall in love I fall in love
How can I explain this?
I don’t need anything else
If only I have you
Even if I lose everything, even if I get hurt
I will only walk to you
You’re my last love that I always dreamed of
I fall in love I fall in love
I fall in love I fall in love
The love that I never had, that I lay down
Has come to me
I fall in love I fall in love
How can I explain this?
I don’t need anything else
If only I have you
If only I have you
If only I have you
If only I have you

Love Song

Versions: #2
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
It's becoming strange, I'm starting to see differently
They say, that's how love starts
na na na na na na na na
It's the love I've never imagined
I can't look away from my love
na na na na na na na na
This might be what they call love love love
The future that we both worried about,
on the pile of the beach, like
If love blows over it, it'll topple down
It won't be important anymore
Every moment that we share is precious to me
oh oh I will remember everything within those
countless pages
What are you thinking about
Can you believe in me
A combination of fear and excitement
They say, that is love
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
Oh love it's like a playground, this love
As if we're children again, we laugh
we cry, and become friends
Thank you for being by my side
oh oh every single page of our story shines bright
This is our letter
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
It's becoming strange, I'm starting to see differently
They say, that's how love starts
It's a combination of fear and excitement
I know
It's difficult alone love love
Stay by my side my love
I hope you can be happy
I'll cherish you love love love
Na na na na na na na na na na na na

A férfi, akit szeretek

Egy nap el fog jönni
A férfi, akit szeretek
És nagy és erős lesz
A férfi, akit szeretek
És mikor az utamba kerül
Minden meg fogok tenni, hogy maradásra bírjam
Rám fog nézni és elmosolyodik
Meg fogom érteni
Aztán egy kis idő múlva
Megfogja majd a kezem
És bár képtelennek tűnik
Tudom, hogy egyikünk se fog megszólalni
Talán Vasárnap fogok vele találkozni
Talán Hétfőn, talán mégsem
Mégis, biztos vagyok benne, hogy egy nap találkozunk
Talán Kedd lesz a 'jó hírek' napom
Építeni fog egy kis otthont
Két személyre
Amiből sosem fogok elkóborolni
Ki tenné, te tennéd?
És így, minden más felett
Várok a férfira, akit szeretek


We are moving in a circle
Really perfect circle
This circle around with unshrinking radius
And I draw another circle
There is two more circle
At last i draw a pretty heart shaped your lips
Then i draw a little spech bubble
And i put my name there
Imagine what your gonna say to me
And write that
Someone might see this
So i erase it and turn to the next page
But you,
Who i drew is looking at me
My movement is always same
The circle that has you inside
Draw, draw, draw
And just like a white moon tree
I'm moving in a circle
The star that can never see you
Draw, draw, draw
I just circle around you
I should've tell you,
It's get harder tomorrow
Just like a problem that
I couldn't solve because i put off
I should smile
When our eyes meet
In your eyes,
I would have been just a cold girl
But you actually a bit bad
You can pretend to be happier
The time when you look at me
But you always do as much as i do
No, you do less but just minus one
So you make me feels like it's not enough
My movement is always same
The circle that has you inside
Draw, draw, draw
And just like a white moon tree
I'm moving in a circle
The star that can never see you
Draw, draw, draw
I just circle around you
What i always draw
Is your face that stare at me
Draw, erase, draw
You're always there
We're moving in a circle
Just like the hands of clock
To the left, to the left, to the left
Where are we now?
The wind blows is drawing
The sweet but cold scent of yours
Even though i close my eyes and try to resist
In sink down on my mind with you
I lie down on the hill listening to the grass's whisper
But i feel bitter but warm of you
I pray as i hold my hand tight
For the future that i can hold your hands over the distant cloud
Secret Heaven, Secret Heaven

There's something

Hey, hold on for a second
What is that look you’re giving me?
I think I need an explanation
You’re not looking at me with loving eyes
All we did just meet eyes
But something’s different today
Whether you don’t know, Or I didn’t know
Someone has changed
Feeling Feeling
I feel it from you
Feeling Feeling Feeling
I’m staying still but I’m out of breath
I can’t see anything
But I can only feel you in this warm moment
Healing, healing, you give me healing
Healing, healing, healing
No matter what, I feel good
I like this kind of feeling
It’s a feeling I can only get from you
In my eyes
How about it? Does it seem like it’ll disappear?
This feeling that I’ve been talking about
If so, then you’re wrong
I spent my entire day doing nothing
Then I went near you all day
But it’s not enough
I still want more, I keep thinking of you
Feeling Feeling
I feel it from you
Feeling Feeling Feeling
I’m staying still but I’m out of breath
I can’t see anything
But I can only feel you in this warm moment
Healing, healing, you give me healing
Healing, healing, healing
No matter what, I feel good
I like this kind of feeling
It’s a feeling I can only get from you
In my eyes
I think I’ve opened my eyes to this person
Are my feelings for you too much?
I won’t ask or beg you for any kind of hope or feeling
No matter what, I feel good, I like this kind of feeling
Living in the same day as you
Walking with you
I wanna tell you I love you
No matter what, I feel good
I like this kind of feeling
It’s a feeling I can only get from you
In my eyes
There’s something about you, about you

You Are My Love

You touch my heart
Your name touches my lips
All day, I think of you
My heart trembles, this is love
You are my love
Look at me
You are my love
Do you know?
You are my love
It’s only you for me
Tell me this is love
At first, I didn’t know either
I didn’t know love
But when I tried to erase you
My heart stopped me
You are my love
Look at me
You are my love
Do you know?
You are my love
It’s only you for me
I’ll be standing right here
I can only see you and your heart
I can see your heart
Only one person I want to show my heart to, It’s you
You are my love
Look at me
You are my love
Do you know?
You are my love
It’s only you for me
Tell me this is love
Please tell me


Versions: #2
Insomnia, headaches, nauesa, diarrhea, influenza, nervousness, depression, pain, sweating, dizziness.
I want to end myself
My body hurts, shivers, and stinks
Scarred by years of dark worship
My lungs draws soot and disease
My soul is sunken and void
Ruined by an eternity of abuse
My inner temple has now fallen
I am nothing, subdued.

One Love

One happenstance to changes my life
Feels like I’ve seen my future ahead of time
I’m feeling my soul, what is this nervous feeling?
It feels like I’ll meet the girl in my dreams
Maybe I was lost for all this time because I was looking for you
Take your mind off, the day we first met
Take your mind off, the heart racing night
Are you hesitating? To be, not to be, just trust me
Nothing I could say
I could ride the wind and go to the end of the world
If I’m with you, fear disappears
Nothing I could say
You came to me like sweet rain on dry land
Just with your kiss, it feels like I have all the love
I just wanna say
The moment I met you
We have faced a miracle
I’m feeling my soul, I felt that it was you
We can’t see it but we are connected as one
You pull me like a magnet, I’m going toward you
Nothing I could say.
You are the sun that has risen in my sky
As if I’m born again
I want to live for you
I just wanna say
Even if the present us disappears with time, I’ll be there
The place I should be is next to you
Nothing I could say
I could ride the wind and go to the end of the world
If I’m with you, fear disappears
Nothing I could say
You came to me like sweet rain on dry land
Just with your kiss, it feels like I have all the love
I just wanna say
Hope is strong courage and is new will
I want to see always the same future together with you
One Love

Let us Live Love Tonight

Oh boy, what is happening?!
Nobody has a clue
They fell in love
and this is the catastrophe
And we both will end up being...
They are melting in passion and longing
And they exchange words only by eyes
And the romantic atmosphere between them
made an hour of love feel like two minutes!
Let us live love tonight,
We get together, spoil each other and flirt
Life is beautiful in our eyes
And the sweetest thing about it is hope
There are things I want to say
And how would she believe me?
If I reveal the secret in my past to her
She will leave me and hate me
What's he hiding and why's he silent?
My heart is confused because of him
My eyes glanced at him and in a moment
They saw the king that I know
If our lad tripped
and fell in love tonight
we will be done for
She will occupy his mind
And for him
we will be of no use
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

This night is warm and beautiful

You smell the odor
Love hug together forever
They seek love tonight
then throw our friend under the soles of the sky
Sweet and lovely love
Can dominate everything
Also it can let expression in the eye
so East and West are inseparable
This night is warm and beautiful
Peaceful night's wind blow
The quite world, silent praise
The little things of the Earth
I expect fully to offer her love
It's hard to understand how to say everything
Who knows that I sometime in the past... Don't mention it again
The heart have the suspicion
What is there to hide
I find it hard to understand
Why won't the strongest and mighty emperor ascend to the throne
Heroes don't fall.
This night is warm and beautiful
Peaceful night's wind blow
The quite world, silent praise
The little things of the Earth
This night is warm and beautiful
Makes me intoxicated and fascinated with every moment
Tears and anxiety quietly disappear in deep love
Warmth flooded my heart
If he admire her beauty
Only steal plaintive
Once happy, since tonight will go away
Best friend, goodbye.

Love grows around us

I feel what's going on
Evil spirit possessed them!
I'll give my head
that in our trio
Only two will stay
This noght favours caresses
it charmed a love spell
In this romantic situation
What will happen it's afraid to be scared
Love grows
around us
in peaceful bright night
Finally the world
starts to live in harmony
Felling the magical power
How do I have to confess that I love her?
How do I have to explain?
Who am I, what happend?
I dont know
What to do I just don't know...
He's so retracted
But i won't belive that
He won't be a king
if he he has
a royal ton and gesture
Love grows
around us
in peaceful bright night
Finally the world
starts to live in harmony
Felling the magical power
Love grows
around us
Its aroma is coming closer
Love means
To beat own worries
Survive among the storms
If he falls
in love
Our rural days
Are passing away
and there's no advice
Now he's finished
it's time for tears

Play a Love Song

When I've been hurt, I
quietly reflect alone
You who who reads too much into things
fights with uneasiness
Hold me tight and don't let go
Why we fight I don't know
I don't know
about other people but,
there is no ulterior motive to the underside of my words
I want to welcome the moment in which
the long winter ends with a smile
Even if I persist, I'm just cold..
There are already many sad conversations
Please let me say that I like you
Can we play a love song?
Things like the concern of a friend,
or the trauma of our upbringing
are just annotations
of our history still continuing
Hold me tight and don't let go
Why we fight I don't know
I don't know since when
my parents have been like that
(it's okay, it's okay)
but we will keep growing from here
(it's okay, it's okay)
Try calming down for a moment
it might not help, but
you might be overthinking it
There are already many sad conversations
Let's eat and laugh and sleep
Can we play a love song?
Come to my side
Don't go anywhere
Hold me tight and don't let go
As if to say that I'll never let go
I want to hold you
It's okay if you are doubtful
but there are already many sad conversations
Even if it's a lie, I start to want to tell it
Can we play a love song?
I want to welcome the moment in which
the long winter ends with a smile
Even if I persist, I'm just cold..
There are already many sad conversations
Please let me hear you say you like me
Can we play a love song?

Love That I Need

I prayed to the night sky
That she will accept my heart
Kakao talk me, I can’t sleep because of her
I’m going crazy these days
Sighs and yawns, I’m exhausted from waiting
Oh baby
I need a girl, just one girl
Will she know my heart?
And I want, Need to know
If you come to me
Just us two, You & me
I can fly anywhere
You & Me, I’ll protect you like a fool
You & Me, when we meet every day
I’ll whisper to you that I love you
I’ll kiss you on your forehead
U U U Give me
Just the love that I need
(I need, I need)
(I need)
All day it’ll feel like a lazy Sunday
A sick Monday
Fill up the two pages of my journal
(With messy handwriting, fill it up with you)
And I want, Need to know
Can’t even breathe
Just us two, You & me
With you forever
You & Me, I’ll be an obsessive guy
You & Me, I’ll hug you from behind every day
I’ll pinky swear you
That this will last forever
U U U Give me
Just the love that I need
Yea yea
You’re my number one
No twos, no threes
The Way you do it right
Got my heart on my sleeve
But your girlfriends fret
They claim they know me like that
He’s a beat maker, rap singer
Player like that uh
But baby I’m a boss
I know what I want
You’re gonna shine
You’re my diamond baby no flaws
And by the
Cut clarity yo it’s evident
I don’t got to swear to God
That you’re heaven sent
I hope this song reaches you
Turn around, I hope you know me
I’ll be waiting
I’ll leave your spot empty
Some day, when we meet
After everything stops
I will confess that I love you baby
You & Me, I’ll protect you like a fool
You & Me, when we meet every day
I’ll whisper to you that I love you
I’ll kiss you on your forehead
U U U Give me
Just the love that I need
(I need, I need)
I need, I need (You & Me, Oh)
I need, I need (I need you)
I need, I need (I want you)
I need, I need
Give me just the love that I need

Muốn được yêu bởi em

Anh không thể tin rằng anh đang đứng ở đây
Đã chờ đợi rất nhiều năm và
Hôm nay anh đã tìm thấy Nữ Hoàng ngự trị trái tim mình
Em đã thay đổi cuộc đời anh một cách kiên nhẫn
Và biến nó thành những điều tốt đẹp và có thật
Anh cảm nhận như anh đang trong mơ vậy
Có những câu hỏi rất khó để trã lời
Liệu em có biết...
[Điệp khúc]:
Baby, nói với anh đi làm sao mà anh có thể nói với em
Rằng anh yêu em hơn cả cuộc sống này
Chỉ cho anh đi làm sao anh có thể thể hiện cho em biết
Rằng anh đang chói mắt bởi ánh dương của em
Khi em chạm vào anh anh có thể cảm nhận được em
Để biết được rằng giấc mơ này là hiện thực
Anh muốn được yêu bởi em.
Trông em có vẻ e sợ ngay bây giờ
Em đang chờ đợi lời thề của hôn nhân
Nhưng anh không biết liệu đôi môi có thể cất lời hay không
Vẻ đẹp của em đang làm anh chói mắt
Như những hạt nắng vào mùa hè và
Anh phải nhắm mắt lại để bảo vệ chính mình
Em có thể nắm lấy đôi này và dẫn anh đi được không
Từ nơi này này làm ơn đi
Yeah... Yeah...
[Điệp khúc]
Baby, nói với anh đi làm sao mà anh có thể nói với em
Rằng anh yêu em hơn cả cuộc sống này
Chỉ cho anh đi làm sao anh có thể thể hiện cho em biết
Rằng anh đang chói mắt bởi ánh dương của em
Khi em chạm vào anh anh có thể cảm nhận được em
Để biết được rằng giấc mơ này là hiện thực
Anh muốn được yêu bởi em.
Ạn biết họ sẽ nói rằng tình yêu đôi ta không đủ mạnh mẽ để kéo dài mãi mãi
Và anh biết họ sẽ nói rằng đôi ta sẽ từ bỏ trước những giông tố
Nhưng làm sao mà họ hiểu được rằng tình yêu đôi ta là của thiên đường gửi đến
Đôi ta vẫn thế này mãi mãi
Vì đó là nơi chúng ta thuộc về...
[Điệp khúc]
Baby, nói với anh đi làm sao mà anh có thể nói với em
Rằng anh yêu em hơn cả cuộc sống này
Chỉ cho anh đi làm sao anh có thể thể hiện cho em biết
Rằng anh đang chói mắt bởi ánh dương của em
Khi em chạm vào anh anh có thể cảm nhận được em
Để biết được rằng giấc mơ này là hiện thực
Anh muốn được yêu bởi em.
Đúng đấy, anh muốn được yêu bởi em


Everything smells of spring, summer is coming
We never had a more wonderful May
Beautiful is the world,
We cultivate the field
In the morning sun
We're happy,
Free and glad here live
Every man, every animal
In Corazion
The berries thrive
In golden rows,
We live as we like it
We gaze lively into the world
Wind moves the windmills, so they grind the grain
There are shepherds, they graze their cattle there
Pony hop hop, because it's galloping
On green meadows
We're happy
Because the freedom is here,
This whole area
Is called Corazion
The cliff is carved out
From rocks built
We then live everywhere
In addition, I fill a stable
Men brandish hammers on the iron,
Then it becomes hot glowing
Listen to the concert once,
So rhythmic that no customer can remain immobile
This will be a celebration, a feast for all ages
Even the beekeeper John agrees with this jubilation
People, be diligent,
Because today, I know this,
Brings a lot of cases
We're happy,
Today we celebrate here
And we stand side by side
In Corazion
From everywhere,
For land, for sea,
People come and are very happy
Everywhere there is jubilation, today the sun shines brighter
People are happy,
The earth is spinning faster
The king should live,
We are devoted to him
And cheers announce it
We're happy,
Living here is splendid
In the glorious, magnificent place Corazion

His mortification every man

His mortification every man -
Having time passed by - forgets,
But my grief is like eternal snow, -
It doesn't melt, it doesn't melt.
It doesn't melt even in summer
In the midday heat, -
And I know: this grief, this melancholy I am to
Endure eternally.

Love in time

Do you remember
The moment we first met?
Even after time
I can’t forget that moment
The picture of you
Talking without rest
Because you had so much to tell me I still see that so clearly
Even your shy smile
But we were lacking and fate couldn’t hold us together
We got more shallow in time
Falling off without strength
Past the autumn light horizon
Those times are passing
With your slanted fingers
We made promises
They still remain in my memory
Even the way you talked
But we were lacking and fate couldn’t hold us together
We got more shallow in time
Falling off without strength
Past the autumn light horizon
Those times are passing
Things can’t be turned around
I tell my heart as I try to let you go
I tell myself but it seems like you’ll come back
Just like a season that has left
We were lacking, fate couldn’t withstand
We grew apart in time
We’re scattering far away
Past the dawn horizon
Those times are passing

Far - that far

Far, that far
You went away from me
But near you, very near
My heart has always been
As happiness
Which began in a dream
You came back
Now my life begins
Sun everywhere, stars everywhere
Bells, bright and pure
Ring in love
Far, that far
Your way has been from me
But near you, very near
My heart has always been
A thousand roses bloom, a thousand melodies
Ringing far and near
Finally - now you're here
Far, as far
As the world alone
As big and as beautiful
Our love will be
As big and as beautiful
Our love will be
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.