Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 138


If you leave me

Loves are like birds
Restless and innocent
Like a withered flower of dandelion
When touched by the wind
Loves are like black locusts
They spread its scent throughout the land
When they wither, two souls
Sigh in loneliness
If you leave me,
I will die
I'll be killed by sleepless nights
If you leave me, forget me
But one thing I beg you,
At least remember that we loved each other1
Loves are like birds
Restless and innocent
Like a withered flower of dandelion
When touched by the wind
Loves are like roses
As long as they bloom, they smell nice
When they wither, two souls
Sigh in loneliness
Please remember
Remember at least that we loved each other...
  • 1. '...da smo voljeli se' is actually incorrect word order, not allowed in Croatian. It is done here so the line somewhat rhymes with 'zaboravi sve', I guess. The correct would be: 'pamti bar da smo se voljeli'.

Song for love

Song for love, for joy and pain
song for love and full table of all
song in the heart, rings in the soul
and all people are at home except you
Who will console me and who will call me
who will know about love in my heart
and you won´t see anymore glow in my eyes
song for love and a tear for end


You're young and beautiful and me like a goddess
And someone like you can't be born twice
You're both med and pain for my wounds
And then I ask myself why don't you come back
Arms can't embrace
As much as lips can lie
And heart can't love
As much as eyes can cry
And I just want a moment and an eye to eye look
You're cold as ice and Moët at night
Even if years pass
I keep the words 'I love you'
To tell you again like I used to those days
Lips that used to kiss
Allowed you to kill them
But you've sworn that I'll never be alone
Now I sleep alone
Without you I'm not myself
Like a street without a number
All of my secrects
I'd only tell you
And you know very well
That somewhere there I'm on
The half of the way to happiness
You're just the only thing that's missing
Arms can't embrace
As much as lips can lie
And heart can't love
As much as eyes can cry
And I just want a moment and an eye to eye look
You're cold as ice and Moët at night
Chorus: 1x
Now I sleep alone
Now I sleep alone
Now I sleep alone

In This City

You like to go abroad
And pass a month in an igloo
I, who don't believe in miracles
Have my feet on the ground and you
Open your wings now
Try to fly, go up
Looking for pure air
I liked to go to the movies
The 6PM spectacle
Now I live in this fable
I'd gladly leave
Open your wings now
Try to fly, go up
And don't look down
In this town, you grow in a hurry
In this town, life is tight
In this town, arms are crossed
Looking for anyone to show you
Looking in your eyes
You are looking for a place
And get lost in a subway train
Then your childhood vanishes
In the flames of a fire
And a tear of salt
Screams that it's time to change
Looking in your face
In this town, you grow in a hurry
In this town, life is tight
In this town, arms are crossed
Looking for anyone to show you
Looking in your face
Looking in your face
Looking in your face
Looking in your face
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

És a hold kopogott

És a hol bekopogott a sötétség ajtaján
'Engedj be engem'
Ő azt mondta 'Nem'
És a hold kopogott ahol csend volt
De egy közönséges hang azt mondta neki
'Nincs több időm'
Így széttárta a szélnek az ablakokat és elment
Hogy keressen lent valamit amit lehet csinálni
Miután pityergett egy kicsit
Egy másik 'nem' miatt
Egy másik 'nem' miatt
Amit a tenger mondott neki
Amit a tenger mondott neki
És a hold kopogott egy napszemüvegen
Ezt a tekintetet ő nem vette észre
És aztán egy partyt próbált szervezni a medencében
Ahová meghívó nélkül még a hold sem léphet be.
Aztán pezsgőt vedelt és kaviárt zabált és elment
Hogy keressen lent valamit amit lehet csinálni
Miután pityergett egy kicsit
Egy másik 'nem' miatt
Egy másik 'nem' miatt amit egy pincér mondott
És most lent véletlenül
Közelebb a járdához
Ahol valós az mit látsz
És most lent kopogás nélkül
Gyermeki szempillát rebegteti
Hogy el tudjon aludni
És most lent a eltépett és szerelmi állapot közt
Ahol a szerencse luxus
A holdnak szüksége van
És már lent...

Good morning you too

Good morning you too
And then the sun comes out
I notice that I dress badly
But there is always a bit of you upon me
Someone goes away
The rest is to be invented
Good morning you too
That are weeping and you're sick
Are not enough anymore
I will stop what is there
Looking for a living day all for me
Smile some more
What I do and who I think is a spite
To those who do not have a trick
And take all that they give
Good morning you too
You have angry eyes
and have wasted your days
Thinking about how it will end
Someone will come
To dream dreams ever dreamed
Good morning you too
Newborn loves
Are not enough anymore
I will stop what is there
Looking for a living day all for me
Smile some more
What I do and who I think is a spite
To those who do not have a trick
And he takes what he's got
Good morning you too
Newborn loves

I'm enamored of your love

I'm enamored of your love that sets tongues wagging me
I've given my heart to your love that throws me away
Neither with you nor without you, I can't make my heart listened to me
My love, my dear, Keep me in your palm
I can't love other than you, my eyes look for your eyes
my lip tells our story, my heart cries, my soul misses you
I can't root your voice out in my ears, I can't wipe your silhouette off in my eyes, I can't do without you
Tonight / my heart, without you, is going on quieter
my soul is increasingly suffered from heartache
Because my heart believes that you'll come back, my eyes observe your ways
Every single day when you don't come back, I die each time
I can't love other than you, my eyes look for your eyes
my lip tells our story, my heart cries, my soul misses you
I can't root your voice out in my ears, I can't wipe your silhouette off in my eyes, I can't do without you

Egy barátom sincs nekem

Egyedül vagyok az otthonomban
Magam társaságában vagyok
Én, aki megjátssza magát
Hogy nem intelligens
De megkapom az emberekkel
De egy barátom sincs nekem
Che Guevara fotójával
Megyek reggel aludni
Dühösen mint ahogy előbb
A fejhallgatómban rendszeresen
Csak nemzetközi zenét hallgatok
Egy finálét megálmodva
Egy barátom sincs nekem
És én már nem vagyok itt
Hogy a csillagokat nézem
Nem hiszek már többé abban
Hogy csak szívből lehet nyerni mert
Egy barátom sincs nekem.
A közvélemény azt gondolja rólam,
Hogy nem tudok énekelni
Hogy mindig rosszul öltözködöm
A hazai sajtónak
Én öngyilkos leszek
Mint egy kórházi szponzorálás
Egy barátom sincs nekem
És én már nem vagyok itt
Hogy a csillagokat nézem
Még akkor is ha azon az égen
Éjszaka kevés a szín
És én már nem vagyok itt
Ez a kevés szavak ideje
És nem hiszek már többé abban
Hogy csak szívből lehet nyerni mert
Egy barátom sincs nekem
Egy barátom sincs nekem
Egyedül vagyok az otthonomban
Magam társasága vagyok
Egy barátom sincs nekem.

The mist

The mist returned without him
The mist returned without him
One day a storm came
and took him away.
Calmness reigned in the circle of tents
and beyond.
The mist returned without him
The mist returned without him
Arise, gentlemen trudge grooves into the sand around the tents
and make a cup of tea
to pass the time
The mist returned without him
The mist returned without him


To the slightly crazy musicians
To the weirdos like me
To those that have never liked me
To those I haven't met
Who ever knows why
To the forgotten, to the accomplished playboys
And also for me
To those who look at themselves in the mirror and after some time
Don't see themselves any more
To those who don't have a mirror and even so, not for this
Don't do it any more
To those who have worked, to those who have been too lonely
And always go further down
To those who have looked for the way, and have never found it
To the face I have tonight
Dedicated to those who are afraid and to those who are in trouble
Dedicated to the bad ones
That are never so bad
For those who want you one time only
And then don't look for you any more
Dedicated to those who understand when the game ends
And don't throw theirselves down
To my thoughts, to how I was yesterday
And also for me
And this disgust of a song
Can't even end here
It's just missing an emotion,
Dedicated to love, let it be like this
To my thoughts, to how I was yesterday
And also for me
To my thoughts, to how I was yesterday
And also for me