A keresés eredménye oldal 38
Találatok száma: 1477
Modern Vampires
Dressed in black
Covering the streets
With bat wings
Huge canines
That attack when it's night
As you sleep
These no longer exist
Those that do exist
Are modern vampires
Trending vampires
Royal vampires
Have you ever noticed that the happier you are
The more you bother others?
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
The more you bother others
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
They put you in their wheel
Who got red eyes
With a shadowy figure
That you can't see in the mirror
That we kill
With a silver bullet
With the point of a stake
No, no
These no longer exist
Those that do exist
Are modern vampires
Trending vampires
Royal vampires
Have you ever noticed that the happier you are
The more you bother others?
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
The more you bother others
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
They put you in their wheel
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
The more you bother others
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
They put you in their wheel
The Mask of Grandeur
Tell me what do you hide
behind that smile of yours?
What do you hide in your heart?
What do you have in mind?
In sin you invite me
and you seek like an angel
to be again
Remove then the mask
that you have on your face
And no one will ever listen to you, no
And instantly
no one will ever run
behind you
There is no use to stand near me
to show me that the pain
we share
While in reality
a devil you are who kills the dream
Remove the mask, the mask of grandeur
Because it does not suit you
You are only a slave of glamour
for money and power you fight
You are an egoist in soul
The entire world you want to have
But my life you cannot buy
Tell me what do you hide
behind that smile of yours?
What do you hide in your heart?
What do you have in mind?
In sin you invite me
and you seek like an angel
to be again
Remove then the mask
that you have on your face
And no one will ever listen to you, no
And instantly
no one ever will run
behind you
There is no use to stand near me
to show me that the pain
we share
While in reality
a devil you are who kills the dream
Remove the mask, the mask of grandeur
Because it does not suit you
You are only a slave of glamour
for money and power you fight
You are an egoist in soul
The entire world you want to have
But my life you cannot buy
You are an egoist in soul
The entire world you want to have
But my life you cannot buy
The daf
Play the daf of furnace of my body
Play the daf of furnace of my body
O insane daf, I would die for you
O insane daf, I would die for you
Play the daf of furnace of my body
O young man!
O Cercis siliquastrum!
This throat deserves a kiss
You play daf
The night of Zoroaster in the ancient East, among us, among us,...
O insane daf, I would die for you, O insane daf,...
Play the daf of furnace of my body
O sky!
O hermaphrodite soul!
O Cross-eyed!
O Kurdish soul!
Daf, daf, daf...
The night of Zoroaster in the ancient East, among us, among us,...
O insane daf, I would die for you, O insane daf,...
Play the daf of furnace of my body
Play the daf of furnace of my body
Play the daf of furnace of my body
Ez a harc most a végső,
Csak összefogni hát,
És nemzetközivé nő! –
Miénk lesz a világ.
Föl! Kárhozottjai a földnek!
Föl! Föl! Ti éhség rabjai!
Az éjnek végórái jönnek,
Az ész szavát már hallani,
Föl! Föl! A szégyent éveinkben
Töröljük le, rabok hada!
Legyünk a semmiből mi – minden:
Világunk új talapzata.
Ott fönn nem hallják meg szavunkat,
Nem óv sem isten sem vezér
Ooooooh Woooooooh, Oooooh Woooooooh
Adj szabadságot, adj tüzet,
Motiválj, emelj a magasba
Nézd a bajnokokat, most lépnek pályára,
Te meghatározol minket, eltöltesz büszkeséggel
Felemeljük fejünket az utcákon
miközben elveszítjük gátlásainkat,
Ünneplés övez
minden nemzet, körülöttünk
Örökké fiatalon énekelni,
Ilyen nap alatt dalra fakadni
Örüljünk a gyönyörű játéknak,
És a nap végén együtt.
Mindannyian mondjuk
Amikor idősebb leszek, erősebb leszek
Szabadságnak fognak hívni, akárcsak egy lobogót
Amikor idősebb leszek, erősebb leszek
Szabadságnak fognak hívni, akárcsak egy lobogót
Tehát lengessétek a zászlótokat
most lengessétek a zászlótokat,
most lengessétek a zászlótokat
Ha szeretsz engem
Mondd reggel
Ne csak este
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Édes kis fehér hazugságok
A te édes kis fehér hazugságaid
Rossz ízt hagynak a számban
A te ízed a számban (Gyerünk)
Királynő éjszaka
Fekete ruha fehérborral
Elrontani, nézni ahogy leesik
Amikor nézed ahogy leesik
Azt mondod nekem, hogy én vagyok az igazi, én vagyok a megfelelő
De csak akkor ha be vagy tépve
Azt mondod, hogy kellek neked, látni akarsz engem
De csak akkor ha akarsz valamit, akarsz valamit
Igen, ha szeretsz engem
Mondd reggel
Ne csak este
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Kicsim, szeress úgy, hogy komolyan gondolod
Ne csak este
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Na ma na, na ma na, eh
Na ma na, na ma na, eh
A kezek eltakarják a nyakam
Fogd szorosan, mert megszállott vagy
Gyere be amikor kint vagy
Gyere be amikor kint vagy
Menj le félhományban
Imádod, mert olyan szoros
Szóval jobb ha bezárod
Tudod,jobb ha bezárod.
Azt mondod nekem, hogy én vagyok az igazi
én vagyok a megfelelő
De csak akkor ha be vagy tépve
Azt mondod, hogy kellek neked, látni akarsz engem
De csak akkor ha akarsz valamit, akarsz valamit
Igen, ha szeretsz engem
Mondd reggel
Ne csak este
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Kicsim, szeress úgy, hogy komolyan gondolod
Ne csak este
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Na ma na, na ma na, eh
Na ma na, na ma na, eh
Na ma na, na ma na, eh
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Na ma na, na ma na, eh (Ooh)
Na ma na, na ma na, eh (Na na na)
Na ma na, na ma na, eh
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Édes kis fehér hazugságok
A te édes kis fehér hazugságaid
Rossz ízt hagynak a számban
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, igen
Ha szeretsz engem (Ha szeretsz engem)
Mondd reggel (Mond)
Ne csak este (Ooh)
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod
Kicsim, szeress úgy, hogy komolyan gondolod (hogy komolyan gondolod)
Ne csak este
Amikor csak a testem akarod
A testem akarod, igen
Hátsókertes fiú
Táncolj a hátsókertemben velem, fiú
Szuper jól nézel ki a kordbársonyodban
Vezess körbe a háztömb körül
Hurokban mehetünk
És fel fogjuk tekerni a hangerőt
Pár jó fiú banda számra
Szeretem érezni a friss levegőt
Látom, ahogy bámulsz
És nem fogok hazudni
Kicsit megijedtem
A szívem szárnyra kapott
Az álmaimban élek
És torkunk szakadtából éneklünk
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Minden tökéletes
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Minden szavunk megérte
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Táncolunk mint egy bohóc a cirkuszban
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Hátsókertes fiú idegessé teszel engem
Táncolj velem a hátsókertemben, fiú
Szuper jól nézel ki a kordbársonyodban
Húzd le az ablakot
Hagyd, hogy alacsonyra essen
És mindenki beszél
De én nem akarom tudni
Szeretem érezni a friss levegőt
Látom, ahogy bámulsz
És nem fogok hazudni
Kicsit megijedtem
A szívem szárnyra kapott
Az álmaimban élek
És torkunk szakadtából éneklünk
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Minden tökéletes
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Minden szavunk megérte
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Táncolunk mint egy bohóc a cirkuszban
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Hátsókertes fiú idegessé teszel engem
Épp most?
Vezess engem (Nimfomániás verzió)
Mikor sírsz, akkor jó nekem
A félelmed keze táplálja véremet
Vezess engem, tarts engem
Érezlek téged (Nimfománia)
Nem foglak téged elhagyni
Vezess engem, tarts engem
Érezlek téged (Nimfománia)
Nem foglak téged elhagyni
A szívemben épültél
Két lélek feszít egy bőrt
S mikor én beszélek, te addig hallgatsz
Meghalsz, ha én azt szeretném
Mikor sírsz, akkor odaadom neked
A félelem gyermekeit, és az én könnyeimet
Mikor sírsz, akkor odaadom neked
A félelem gyermekeit, és az én könnyeimet
Vezess engem, tarts engem
Érezlek téged (Nimfománia)
Nem foglak téged elhagyni
Két kép, csak egy keret
Egy test, mégis két név
Két kanóc, egy gyertya
Két lélek egy szívben
Vezess engem, tarts engem
Érezlek téged (Ne hagyj el engem)
Nem foglak téged elhagyni
Vezess engem (Nimfománia), tarts engem (Nimfománia)
Érezlek téged (Nimfománia)
Nem foglak téged elhagyni
Now who’s a clique
There is no big chance
God is fair
Don’t ever expect a one shot deal like the lotto
Like a crouching alligator, feel the animation
Find the right path in this messed up world
This is my navigation
I do it till I get hurt, I do it till my eyes close
The small spirits in me won’t leave me alone
It can be day time
It can be at night
I’ll cross all the lines to grind
I can’t stop, nah, this is my pride
Light a big fire so it’ll burn strong
My unconsciousness drives my consciousness
Shout till it reaches the sky
Dum dum di ya
Dum dum di ya
Awaken the devilish spirit that was sleeping in me
Burn up the earnest hearts here
In your eyes, head and heart
Plant me, plant me, plant me, plant me
Ayo ayo
Let it come true, right
Suri suri masuri
This is a magic trick for you
Here is my spell
Dum dum di ya
Here’s a link link to my thoughts and click it
Copy and paste, man
It’s all the same clue
Everyone being cautious in this same game
Same day, gotta flip it all over
Now it’s time to show them
What’s for real Can can I show that
It’ll be a pandemonium
It’s time we need a hero
If you want order
You can just play my song, kid
No maximum
Maximum is just maximum
We boys so critical
We act like champions
Light a big fire so it’ll burn strong
My unconsciousness drives my consciousness
Shout till it reaches the sky
Dum dum di ya
Dum dum di ya
Awaken the devilish spirit that was sleeping in me
Burn up the earnest hearts here
In your eyes, head and heart
Plant me, plant me, plant me, plant me
Ayo ayo
Let it come true, right
Suri suri masuri
This is a magic trick for you
Here is my spell
Dum dum di ya
Hakuna Matata
Open your eyes wide
It’s starting
Ayo ayo
Let it come true, right
Suri suri masuri
This is a magic trick for you
Here is my spell
Dum dum di ya
Érzem hogy közeleg
Eső, érzem az ujjaim hegyén
Hallgatom az ablakomon
Szerelmed úgy hull le rám mint
Eső, elmossa a bánatom
Szerelmed úgy hull rám mint az eső
Mikor az ajkad égeti az enyém
És találsz rá időt hogy magadról mesélj
Amikor hallgatod szavaimat
Tudom hogy hallasz, tudom ez valóság
Esőt hoz a mennydörgés
Most először hallom a szivem énekét
Hívj bolondnak, de tudom nem vagyok
Hát kiállok itt a hegynek tetején
Amig nem érzem a tiéd
Mikor a szemembe néztél
És elbúcsúztál, láttad-e a könnyemet
Amikor elfordultam tőled
Hallottad amit mondtam
Várok mig szerteszáll a sötét, s tiszta lesz az ég
Megígérted nekem mikor elbúcsúztál
Visszajössz majd ha a vihar eláll
És most várom a fényt, várom a napsugárt
Amig nem érzem a tiéd
Itt jön a Nap, itt jön a Nap
Soha el ne tünjön többé
A várakozás a legnehezebb dolog
(Furcsa, úgy érzem, ismerlek már rég )
Azt mondom magamnak ha hiszek benned
(És meg akarlak érteni)
Rólad álmodva
(jobban és jobban)
Teljes szívemmel, lelkemmel
(Ha veled vagyok)
A puszta akaraterőmmel
(Kis varázslónak érzem magam)
Fel foglak emeni a földről
(Oly furcsa minden)
És hang nélkül megjelensz
(minden oly vad)
Megadod magad nekem , a szerelemnek
Esőt hoz a mennydörgés
Most először hallom a szivem énekét
Hívj bolondnak, de tudom nem vagyok
Hát kiállok itt a hegynek tetején
Amig nem érzem a tiéd
Eső, érzem közeleg
A szerelmed úgy hull rám mint
Eső, érzem közeleg
A szerelmed úgy hull rám mint
The day we broke up you said we weren't getting along
The day we broke up you said I don't deserve you
1234, you have many reasons for us to leave, actually you have a new person
The wandering days, you made my heart confused
Poor me, when in me you're a void
A person who loves you gives you all expectations
Actually, you are just a zero
1 2 3 4 days ... is it sure that the nostalgia will disappear or will it be lingering?
Maybe crying will help me or break my heart
Look at each memory drifting, fading and fading
1 2 3 4 years, maybe stupid I only miss you
Foolish, I was wrong, you also have a new lover
Maybe I don't trust anyone anymore
Because we lost each other
1 2 3 4
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
What are you doing in New York?
Freezing up your fingers
Rushing around that city
Filled with foreigners
I know, Central Park's very pretty
And the clubs around Village are on fire
But after all that, who are you going to fool
There's not one dog who'll bark at you
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
Don't tell me you ran away out of resentment
That pain, idiotically guaranteed
It's the lock that won't let you be happy
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
Your heart won't ever ask for distance
That song, and this passionate tango
Will be soldiers who'll give their blood until the end
It's better if you just make some money and I'll leave
Live the Broadway life, gather some money
Get well soon, please
And don't get lost away from the neighbourhood
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
Don't tell me you ran away out of resentment
That pain, idiotically guaranteed
It's the lock that won't let you be happy
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
Your heart won't ever ask for distance
That song, and this stunned tango
Will be soldiers who'll give their blood until the end
Maybe in search of something better
You've neglected your own space
Be a hero, walking under the sun
And the world will come to your hands
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires' port
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires' street
Buenos Aires isn't to blame
Under the sky's flowers
So many different people,
the bare feet and the music
and your weird dress,
the burning fire and someone close to you.
The changing sky, he looks for you
You look so beautiful, and you continue the game
He loves you and it's night time again.
So many different people,
the sound of voices and the music
He comes looking for you, there's no afterwards
you run fast to me.
Under the sky's flowers
you look for me, you look so beautiful
and you continue the game, as always,
it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people sing, people love,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
Hey baby, I'm Zeus.
Welcome to Destripando la Historia con Pascu y Rodri.
Today we're talking about... me.
The most sensual god is born in Crete
Samba and Watercolors
With your swirling skirt
I dance this samba without haste
The way you move carries me away
Like a kite in the breeze
The way you move carries me away
Like a kite in the breeze
And I'm quite at ease
In this moment in time
Your feet whirl round and round
The wind kisses your lips
Your feet whirl round and round
The wind kisses your lips
This samba drips honey
It becomes a bonfire in the distance
I want to make love to you in Santiago’s mornings
Paint my sunsets with your watercolors
I want to make love to you in Santiago’s mornings
To wake up samba in your arms
And I won’t resist getting close to you
To your body whose scent
Is like a dainty flower from the town
That blooms among the hills
Is like a dainty flower from the town
That blooms among the hills
The samba goes on and on
I have taken my place in your heart
I tangle you up in my mustache
You tangle me up with your silence
I tangle you up in my mustache
You tangle me up with your silence
This samba drips honey
It becomes a bonfire in the distance
I want to make love to you in Santiago’s mornings
Paint my dawns with your watercolors
I want to make love to you in Santiago’s mornings
To wake up samba in your arms
I'll teach you the way to heal a broken love
Sad midnight, the moonlight wets the garden
Grant me the magic power of love
Make him turn around once again
He broke my heart
Abracadabra, I project the moon in a bucket
While I mix it with the fingers, I recite a spell
The light rising suspiciously shakes the elms
The night wind blowing violently knocks his door
Abracadabra, he takes an aphrodisiac
Tearing up a hundred times his thrown shirt
Green flames blaze shining on his sleepy face
The flickering smoke shows me colorful in his dreams
Abracadabra, how ever when it doesn't make effect
Eternal love becomes impossible
But the the roosters sing and the sky clears up
Before Venus starts to rise slowly in the east
Sad midnight, the moonlight is white and cold
Grant me the magic power of love
So That I Can Be the Reliable Me
That was a smile, and there again that was a frown
I remember all of them if I don’t close my eyes
I Will Go Crazy
I'll go crazy when you say hello
i don't understand how i got so far
because if you will want to go, it will be a complete disaster
more difficult than death, it will be the end of the world.
A nightmare like this exceeds all imagination
come and together we will stop the clock
this is love that doesn't have any logic
this is love and will end in humiliation
i can't breath
surely this is crazy, is choking my throat
you were my first and will be my last...
The elite
Your trials, as we know, have no ground at all
In your camps as we know you kill ruthlessly
Calls itself the elite of civilised people
It could Wear easily a swastika shamelessly
It has for principle to protect people
From their literature, from their thoughts, from their songs
It says it is grounded on the Spirit of Freedom
It only betrays, distorts already-signed treaties
The elite went in, unexpected
To face her armoured tanks, you only had ideas
Let's strengthen friendship, read all of your slogans
A friendship cageing in people named dissidents
It got scandalized on seeing this genocide
it has defeated and vanquished what homicide ?
Out of that what it took as only lesson
Was to finance and frame police-states
The elite went in, unexpected,
To face her armoured tanks, you only had ideas
Let's strengthen friendship, read all of your slogans
A friendship cageing in people named dissidents
dissidents dissidents
dissidents dissidents
Calls itself the elite
The elite
And the elite went in unexpected
To face her armoured tanks, you only had ideas
Let's strengthen friendship, read all of your slogans
A friendship cageing in people named dissidents
Dissidents, the elite
Dissidents, the elite
Dissidents, the elite
Dissidents, the elite
Dissidents, the elite
Tom Dooley
It was there in the mountains,
it is there that I met her.
It was there in the mountains
that I used my knife.
You cannot escape, Tom Dooley,
you cannot escape now.
You cannot escape, Tom Dooley,
tomorrow you will die.
When tomorrow comes,
I will no longer be here
If I am not already in Grayson,
I will be in Tennessee.
You cannot escape, Tom Dooley,
you cannot escape now.
You cannot escape, Tom Dooley,
tomorrow you will die.
When tomorrow comes
do you know where I will be?
From an oak tree
I might be hanging.
You cannot escape, Tom Dooley,
you cannot escape now.
You cannot escape, Tom Dooley,
tomorrow you will die.
10 Seconds
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can know
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can see
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Throw the dice, get on your feet
Wherever you go, it’ll be a way to me
There’s no trap, I’m excited
I see your thick emotions before my eyes
Your eyes that look at me Your touch that keeps me Makes us into one
I feel you fire, my heart is higher
My entire body reacts to you
An unknown world, a world of possibilities
The flower of instincts is definitely beautiful
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can know
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can see
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Kiss me so our noses touch
So my breath can match your rhythm
Let go of your rational, move me
I’m gonna run away from the end of this night
Your eyes that look at me Your touch that keeps me Makes us into one
I feel you fire, my heart is higher
My entire body reacts to you
An unknown world, a world of possibilities
The flower of instincts is definitely beautiful
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can know
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can see
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Before the night is over
On this night that is especially starry
Secretly lock eyes with me
Our touching warmth
This trembling moment
Kiss me
My trembling lips, my trembling eyes are telling you
Your eyes that look at me
Your touch that keeps me
Makes us into one
I feel you fire, my heart is higher
My entire body reacts to you
An unknown world, a world of possibilities
The flower of instincts is definitely beautiful
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can know
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Come closer, just 10 seconds
So no one can see
Feel me, just 10 seconds
Come closer, just 10 seconds
Except You
I like everything, everything about you.
When dawn comes and you're there.
When a doubt gets infected inside me,
I like to see you using the scalpel patiently.
You're this way... perfect this way,
with such a formal face,
the one you put on to listen.
With those sea-green eyes
where I look so special.
With that bed to talk
while you dishevel my solitude.
You're perfect just like this.
I like everything, everything about you.
I love the way you ignore me.
When there is a storm in my country,
you play the anthem of my life next to you.
You're this way... perfect this way,
with such a formal face,
the one you put on to listen.
With those sea-green eyes
where I look so special.
With that bed to talk
while you dishevel my solitude.
You're perfect just like this.
(Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
You're this way... perfect this way,
with such a formal face,
the one you put on to listen.
With those sea-green eyes
where I look so special.
With that bed to talk
while you dishevel my solitude.
You're perfect just like this.
I like everything, everything about you.
I like everything... except you.
A flower from you
Versions: #1
The days go by, but it doesn't count
I'm having such a hard time living, drunk
Of this perfume so different from yours
Worse, I counted every minute that keeps me captive to him
As if I were my own prisoner
It's been almost a year since he saved me from you
I often wonder where I would be for you
I often wonder what you do, where you are, who you love...
Get out of my thoughts!
I have changed address, my number, thank you.
I threw away your letters and your faults, even though
I pretended to have found the strength
Deep inside me I keep all of your love
I'm trying to forget you with someone else
Time doesn't seem to erase your faults
I try, but nothing happens, I can't, I don't want to.
I can't do it, I don't love him like I love you
I'm trying to heal myself with someone else.
Who tries in vain to redeem your faults
He seems so perfect, but nothing happens, I surrender
I can't, I don't love him like I love you
He, he tried to console me
Even though he doesn't have your words or your past
It's true, but he doesn't have your taste for partying
For the night, for others, for everything I hate
He dried all my tears, you know
He picked up your broken pieces
And he has settled all your unpaid debts, your impostures, your broken promises
Everything you left me
He loves me like crazy and knows me by heart
He tells me 'I love you' sometimes for hours
But he doesn't smell like you
Why do I breathe you in his arms?
Get out of my thoughts!
I don't love him like I love you
Just tell me why?
You stay (on my mind) like that...
I want to forget you
Take back your dreams and disappear
Because I want to love him like I love you...
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
All you need is you
All you need is you
You know, you know, you know, you know, you know
Sometimes I get disappointed in myself
I trample on myself once again
You only amount to this much
You need to do much, much better
You need to become much cooler
You should die rather than lose
You need to win you you you you
Falling short is such a painful thing
If you don’t go through it, you can’t know it
My ideals and reality, so very far
But still, by crossing that bridge
I want to reach you
The real you, the real me
All I need is me
All I need is me
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
Oh why do I feel lonely (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
I feel so lonely when I’m with me
In life, you might end up getting rained upon
Yeah, you might get caught in rain that hadn’t fallen before
It might keep raining for days on end
Even in the desert rain can fall
But I can’t give up on the me that you know
I can’t let go of the me that you know
Although the you in my head is this perfect
Although that you is whole
Falling short is such a painful thing
If you don’t go through it, you can’t know it
My ideals and reality, so very far
But still, by crossing that bridge
I want to reach you
The real you, the real me
The real you, the real me
To Home (Bring Him Home)
Listen, my Lord
I hope you listen to my prayer
(He) is young and afraid
A weary youth
To home
To home
To home
If you gave me a son
Here, a young son
The summer passes and time
flows like an arrow
I am also getting old and (will) disappear
With peace, with joy
(He) will live, (he) is still a young boy
(You) gave and took (him) away
Let him go
I (will) die
Kill me
(Bring) the boy home
to home
to home
You love playin’
But I’m not a game
You love sayin’
That you’re not to blame
And I’ll follow you
Maybe once maybe twice
Or maybe I’ll follow you
‘Till the end of times
Like 1,2,3,4 every time I need you more
But you don’t need me
4,3,2,1 seems like you already won
I’ll die waiting right here
You love playin’
I said I’m not a game
Games won’t even matter
When we all be dead
Like 1,2,3,4 every time need you more
And you don’t need me
4,3,2,1, seems like you already won
I’ll die waiting right here
I’ll die waiting and you’ll die for her
We’ll die waitin’ in vain (x8)
For example, if something bad happens tomorrow,
If we deal with it quickly, we can make the next announcement
For example, if you want to do something really bad,
If you have a backup plan, there’s a hint
A dull life is going down
Cloudy after sunny.
Don’t fill your thoughts with complaints
Overlook the smelly sentences*
A weeping god’s request
Whatever happens, don’t lose tomorrow.
“Shall I go far, far away?”
Or something
Crouching under the overpass
Undervalued with solitude
Or something
Just sit at the desk under the ceiling
For example, if you want a sweet life
If you can finish your homework, I’ll give you a big spoonful of sugar.**
For example, if you insist on something you don’t have now,
If you can make a good excuse, you can take back your words.***
Given a troublesome fortune
In addition, gladly
Don’t fool around with love
Tested without exceptions
Every footstep retraced
Don’t take responsibility for your talent
Far away, a utopia
Only fading with psychotherapy****
A coward pretending not to know the blasphemy
I can’t escape from boredom
PM 3 o’clock
I wanna disappear
So I can’t help but feel suffocated.
PM 3 o’clock
I want to run away. There’s no more cleaning duty.
“Shall I go far, far away?”
Or something
Crouching under the overpass
Undervalued with solitude
Or something
Just sit at the desk under the ceiling
I'd Like Just An Hour From You
I, who never know how to forget you,
I would give my life for you
To tell you what you don't know.
I'd like just an hour from you,
I, who never know how to forget you,
To tell you again, with my kisses,
What you mean to me.
I'd like just an hour from you
To tell you what you don't know.
And at this hour I would give
My life for you.
I don't see the world
When I think of you,
I see your eyes in mine.
But if you don't want me,
It's worth nothing, you know,
My life for me.
I'd like just an hour from you,
I, who never know how to forget you,
To tell you again, with my kisses,
What you mean to me.
And at this hour I would give
My life for you!
Over the Ocean
Burnt road to Arzachena
Through ripe grain and the sun's hot blaze
Two hearts flee from the, from the arena
Of loneliness and silent rage
(And we dream)
(Dream tears)
(Dream tears for the hundredth time)
Like out of the underworld
Into a magical field
Like out of the hands of criminals
Into Wonderland
Across the ocean
Flies the white swan
With our vow of love
Our traces of life
Sweet scent of the woods
Over Arzachena
And summer gold never stops
And in the evening light,
Arzachena rests
And 100 crows draw the curtain
(And we dream)
(Dream tears)
(Dream tears for the hundredth time)
Like out of the underworld
Into a magical field
Like out of the hands of criminals
Into Wonderland
Across the ocean
Flies the white swan
With our vow of love
Our traces of life
Like out of the underworld
Into a magical field
Like out of the hands of criminals
Into Wonderland
Across the ocean
Flies the white swan
With our vow of love
Our traces of life
Let love fall through the ground
I have no faith left in love
thanks to you I became a human without feelings
I won't forgive you even if you kneel in front of me
You've become the murderer of my pure love
Let love stories and love itself fall through the ground
In my eyes you're a devil a liar
Whenever I cross your mind let your heart feel the burn
You will burst into flames along with the memories
For three days you were my whole life, my soul
Now you are just a foreign sinner
I understood too late that everything was a lie and in vain
Now you will live with my ghost image
Enough, let love stories and love itself fall through the ground
In my eyes you're a devil a liar
Whenever I cross your mind let your heart feel the burn
You will burst into flames along with the memories
You Old, You Free
Versions: #1
You old, You free, You mountainous north
You silent, You joyful beauty!
I greet You, loveliest land upon earth,
/: Your sun, Your sky, Your lengths green.:/
You sit on memories from ancient days,
when your honored name flew across the earth.
I know that You are and You remain what You were.
/:Yes, I want to live, I want to die in the North.:/
I want to serve You, my dear country,
I want to pledge allegiance to death for You.
Your court I will defend with mind and with hand,
/:Your banner, carry it high with feat.:/
With God I will fight, for home and for hearth,
for Sweden, the dear native soil.
I will not exchange You for everything in a world
/: No, I want to live, I want to die in the North!.:/
Paw Patrol OP Theme
Paw Patrol, Paw Patrol
Everyone, gather up!
We've got trouble!
Adventure Bay's amazing puppies'
Wonderful day*
Hey, let's go!
Paw Patrol, Paw Patrol
We've got trouble!
We have a mission, gather up!
Well, let's go~!
Paw Patrol!
Paw Patrol!
Paw Patrol!