A keresés eredménye oldal 37
Találatok száma: 1477
Pay attention. I want to tell you something
that you may not expect,
it may be painful.
Listen to me.
Even if it hurts my very soul,
I need to talk with you,
so I will.
that were so sincere,
that since the day we met
we've been loving each other.
that out of only love
made a marvelous sun,
a divine romance.
that love each other so much,
we must split ways.
Don't ask me anything else.
It's not lack of love.
I love you with all my soul.
I swear that I love you.
So, in the name of this love,
and for your own good, I say goodbye.
Is this your justice, world?
I can't rely my wealth or assets
I have no hope for today nor tomorrow
I will be buried in grave soon too
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
So many people have gone through your door
Is there anyone who came out happy
Some are poor and some left before tomorrow
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Some wander on a mountain like crazy
Some work like there ain't no tomorrow
Some are broke, some add more to millions
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
Is this your justice, world?
You have given neither love nor wealth
World, you are the bad one
World, the killer of the good ones
World, the killer of the good ones
When you say goodbye, you break my heart
I don't like getting to raise my hands anymore
If we fight among other people
There's no point asking our friends who's right
If for you who we are is worth jack shit
Today for me we're worth more than an Ocean Drive
If I ask you how you are
The truth burns in my face like Inuyasha's scar
I don't know anymore how we're still on our feet
I'll never be one of those rich kids
You see me and you understand it
Being with me will seem
Like gliding on a go-kart
I admit I haven't done everything
To tell you to your face that now
By saying goodbye I don't mean to say it's the end
I'll put the worst of myself
Into a chrysalis
In order not to hurt you anymore
If you'll do it too
Spending every day together is scary
Telling you I want to be alone is difficult
People talk to you, then they love you
They want everything, then they shoot you
I prefer you to those who lie to me
Fucking around leaves me with nothing
I'll never be one of those rich kids
Being with me will seem
Like gliding on a go-kart
I admit I haven't done everything
To tell you to your face that now
By saying goodbye I don't mean to say it's the end
I'll put the worst of myself
Into a chrysalis
In order not to hurt you anymore
If you'll do it too
I think here up on the wall of my house
How was I made to believe that at my age
You can go on without forgiveness?
Because I don't like spitting in each other's faces in Cathedral Square
Give me, give me, give me a
Reason not to make damage, damage, damage
More than words these are dramas, dramas
Dramas, dramas, eh
To hell with you, if you shoot me
I'll never be one of those rich kids
You see me and you understand it
Being with me will seem
Like gliding on a go-kart
I'll put the worst of myself
Into a chrysalis
In order not to hurt you anymore
If you'll do it too
What is freedom? Does war happen?
Says my eyes
My breath runs through the soil with my own people
I asked my heart
What should I do for the sake of the country?
He asked, are you honest?
What is loyalty? Are you brave?
What is loyalty? Are you brave?
Losing is easy, winning is difficult
Celebrate the mind
In the whole world, who is yours?
Whom should I call an alien?
I asked my heart
What should I do for the sake of the country?
He asked, are you honest?
What is loyalty? Are you brave?
What is loyalty? Are you brave?
May I blaze and extinguish
Beyond the floor, i keep growing
Is there emphasis in me? Or am I weak?
I keep fighting
Whatever is bad is good
Whoever I am
My country, my heart is true
I am faithful, I am brave too
In My Head
I've overgrown long ago
The charms and your words
I've become wiser already
I won't be tricked by that again
I knew that
That was a remembrance,
Old dreams
I've understood at last
That you were my joy
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I struggle with a thought
What is planned next?
Only you
Were my happiness
I struggle with a thought
What is planned next?
Only you
Were my happiness
I still think about you
Let it be
My head knows better
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
I think about you again
I have the only thing in my head
Courage, faith, truth
War is long
My dream is to be calm Radha
Rana is for believers
Even if you can't breathe
Now let me ask myself
'Who is the real warrior?'
Looks like armor in me
That courage, that faith, that truth?
That courage, that faith, that truth?
Defeat is easy and victory is difficult
Practice stopping
To whom are they worldly?
Struggling not to see
Let me ask myself now
'Who is the real warrior?'
Looks like armor in me
That courage, that faith, that truth?
That courage, that faith, that truth?
The flame perceives darkness
Katlum-wearing storms
Anything is equal
Did you face it?
Veiled and hidden
I stood guard
And the armor that Daddy loves
That courage, that faith, that truth
[Verse 1]
Egy New Yorki taxiban
Egy angol férfivel
Sohasem csókoltak még így
Szóval gyere, csókolj meg mégegyszer
És éreztem a szívverésed
Ahogy lefelé hajtottunk először a Charlotte Streeten
Most lassan táncolunk a konyhádban
Hogy elrepült az idő
Ma este megint kifutottunk az időből
Minden egyes alkalommal ez van
Szóval mi lesz egész életünkben?
Édes, csak csókolj meg lágyan
Ölelj, suttogj halkan
Kedvesem, azt hiszem talán ez a legnagyobb szerelem története
Ami sose, sose, sose volt ilyen könnyű
Ez egy új érzés, amit megtalálok
Hol a pokolban bújkáltál eddig ?
Elmondjuk a Holdnak mikor idősek leszünk
A legnagyobb szerelem története sohasem lett elmondva
[Verse 2]
Most kéz a kézben sétálunk
Egy angol városban
Találkozni fogok anyukáddal és apukáddal
És most ideges vagyok
Az otthonodban vagyok
Vasárnapi sültet eszünk
És én rosszat mondok
Aztán te elkapod a pillantásom, rám mosolyogsz
Azt mondod tökéletesen ide illek
Ma este megint kifutottunk az időből
Minden egyes alkalommal ez van
Szóval mi lesz egész életünkben?
Édes, csak csókolj meg lágyan
Ölelj, suttogj halkan
Kedvesem, azt hiszem talán ez a legnagyobb szerelem története
Ami sose, sose, sose volt ilyen könnyű
Ez egy új érzés, amit megtalálok
Hol a pokolban bújkáltál eddig ?
Elmondjuk a Holdnak mikor idősek leszünk
A legnagyobb szerelem története sohasem lett elmondva
Vicces, hogy senki nem tud a belsős vicceinkről
Te ismered a démonjaim nevét, és ismerem a gyönyörű lelked
Minden titkot, amit rejtegetünk, tudod hogy soha nem hagynám el őket
Édes, csak csókolj meg lágyan
Ölelj, suttogj halkan
Kedvesem, azt hiszem talán ez a legnagyobb szerelem története
Ami sose, sose, sose volt ilyen könnyű
Ez egy új érzés, amit megtalálok
Hol a pokolban bújkáltál eddig ?
Elmondjuk a Holdnak mikor idősek leszünk
A legnagyobb szerelem története sohasem lett elmondva
És még mindig sok minden maradt elmeséletlenül
A legnagyobb szerelem története sohasem lett elmondva
Körbe utazom a várost a hátsó ülésen
Igazi ügynek tűnik
Igazinak tűnik, igazinak igazinak
Sokszor tört már bele a bicskám ilyesmibe
Azt hittem, hogy te igazi voltál nekem
De ez nem volt igazi, igazi, igaz, Uh
Minden este egy másik harc volt
Egy másik lány volt
Egy másik másik hazugság, ohh-ohh
Minden este egy másik harc volt
Egy másik lány volt
Egy másik hazugság, ohh
Azt hiszem egy kicsit le akarom vágni a hajam
Mintha Kleopátra lennék
Kocsikon akarok táncolni
És elfelejteni ezt az egészet
Kihagynám ezeket a szomorú szerelmes dalokat
Nekem most valami gyorsabb kéne baby
Azt hiszem jobban vagyok
Az kellett, hogy minden tekintet rajtam legyek
Baby minden tekintet rajtam, Ohh
Ez az, amit akarok
Az kellett, hogy minden tekintet rajtam legyek
Baby minden tekintet rajtam, igen
Látod, látod
Igazad van ebben
Ilyen vagy, szükségleted van
Látod, látod
Igazad van ebben
Ilyen vagy, szükségleted van
Körbe utazom a várost a hátsó ülésen
Igazi ügynek tűnik
Igazinak tűnik, igazinak igazinak
Sokszor tört már bele a bicskám ilyesmibe
Azt hittem, hogy te igazi voltál nekem
De ez nem volt igazi, igazi, igaz, Uh
Minden este egy másik harc volt
Egy másik lány volt
Egy másik másik hazugság, ohh-ohh
Minden este egy másik harc volt
Egy másik lány volt
Egy másik hazugság, ohh
Azt hiszem egy kicsit le akarom vágni a hajam
Mintha Kleopátra lennék
Kocsikon akarok táncolni
És elfelejteni ezt az egészet
Kihagynám ezeket a szomorú szerelmes dalokat
Nekem most valami gyorsabb kéne baby
Azt hiszem jobban vagyok
Az kellett, hogy minden tekintet rajtam legyek
Baby minden tekintet rajtam, Ohh
Ez az, amit akarok
Az kellett, hogy minden tekintet rajtam legyek
Baby minden tekintet rajtam, igen
Ez az amit akarok, igen
Szerelemnek lennie kell
Bölcs ember mondja, csak a bolondok rohannak bele
De én megfogtam a kezed és egyenest bele ugrottam
Azt hiszem mindennek megvan a következménye
Bedühödök és hisztizni kezdek
Mert a magasságok magasak, a mélységek meg mélyek
Jobban irányítasz, mint ahogy azt valaha is gondoltad
De másképp nem érezhetném ezt
Szerelemnek lennie kell
Vagy ez nem fájna így
És nem gondolkodnék ennyit
És akkor csak úgy fel tudnálak adni
Szerelemnek lennie kell
Vagy ez nem fájna így
És nem gondolkodnék ennyit
És akkot csak úgy fel tudnálak adni
Nagyot esek, így is érzem magam Szakadok és török ahogy egy ragasztó szalag
Minden igazivá válik hajnali kettőkor
Szóval ne, ne, ne nézz így rám
Mikor te voltál az, aki tudta ezt
Ordibálunk és harcolunk elfelejtjük azt az éjszakát
És másképpen nem erezhetném ezt
Szerelemnek lennie kell
Vagy ez nem fájna így
És nem gondolkodnék ennyit
És akkor csak úgy fel tudnálak adni
Szerelemnek lennie kell
Vagy ez nem fájna így
És nem gondolkodnék ennyit
És akkot csak úgy fel tudnálak adni
Szerelem, szerelem, szerelem
És csak úgy fel tudnálak adni
Szerelemnek lennie kell
Vagy ez nem fájna így
És nem gondolkodnék ennyit
És akkor csak úgy fel tudnálak adni
Szerelmnek lennie kell
Szerelmnek lennie kell
Újra rád találni
Próbálom valaki újjal eltölteni az estet
De esélyük sincs mikor hozzád hasonlítom őket
Már túl késő, túl késő
Baby, tudom hogy soha nem fogok újra rád találni
Újra rád találni
Baby, baby, én
Késő este sétálok
A szemeid után kutatva
Feladtam, hogy megtalállak
Mindig veszítek
Te voltál az utolsó a fajtából
Minden az én hibám
És emlékszem azt mondtad
Hogy megtudjuk oldani
ne aggódj
És most a könnyek a szemedben elhomályosítják
De ha ezt mondod próbáljuk meg újra
Én készen állnék
Készen állok, igen
Próbálom valaki újjal eltölteni az estet
De esélyük sincs mikor hozzád hasonlítom őke
Már túl késő, túl késő
Baby, tudom hogy soha nem fogok újra rád találni
Újra rád találni
Kegyelmezz rajtam, kérlek
Nagyon elcsesztem
Ez a crush eléggé összetör
Legalább kétszer járok pszchiológushoz a héten
Van egy te-alakú hely az ágyamban
Mindig te-alakú gondolatok a fejemben
Folyamatosan ellökőm őket
Ilyenkor emlékszem rád vissz
És emlékszem azt mondtad
Hogy megtudjuk oldani
ne aggódj
És most a könnyek a szemedben elhomályosítják
De ha ezt mondod próbáljuk meg újra
Én készen állnék
Készen állok, igen
Próbálom valaki újjal eltölteni az estet
De esélyük sincs mikor hozzád hasonlítom őke
Túl késő, túl késő
Baby, tudom hogy soha nem fogok újra rád találni
Újra rád találni
Újra rád találni
Újra rád találni
Újra rád találni
Újra rád találni (túl késő)
Újra rád találni (túl késő
Újra rád találni (túl késő
Újra rád találni (túl késő
Újra rád találni (túl késő
Próbálom valaki újjal eltölteni az estet
De esélyük sincs mikor hozzád hasonlítom őket
Túl késő, túl késő
Baby, tudom hogy soha nem fogok újra rád találni
Újra rád találni
What You Call Love
No, don’t you look at me
I would not handle your eyes
I fall with being the dream of yours
It is near but you tell me as well
I fall with being the bad guy
Just to make you call me with nice names
There is such a massive fire
That im not able to put out
Im on my knees, praying
To the rain
You know it lights up and then dies down
You know it bleeds and then stops
Who doesn’t know that love hits one later on
You know it overcomes obstacles
You know it falls for traps
What i call withstand to rules
I am happy when i am with you
Happy when you are by my side..
The wall that separates us
She's standing right behind me
She smiles at me, looks away
I think I understand his funny game
When I see him, I'm no longer me
I turn red and speak low
My breath is short, my heart is beating
Walk away
It's the only thing to do
My heart is upside down
I feel like a power
That pulls me beyond
From the wall that separates us!
But why
I dare say nothing to him
I want it for me
Her light, her smile
Crossing for one evening
This wall that separates us!
And yet
When I think of her
I feel unfaithful
I want to run away into the night
To see my ladybug
My heart is a duel!
You and me
If we could see each other
Beyond the mirror
Take off the masks for one evening
Let's break through
This wall that separates us
I don't understand what i want
I can't fall in love
Where does this mysterious feeling come from?
A day will come, you will find out
The happiness of being together, you and me
When we hug each other
But why if my heart is elsewhere
I feel a warmth in my soul
A thrill that brings me happiness
Yet I feel it
This whirlwind of feeling
Which takes us to the firmament
In the sun and in the wind
Like a unique chance
A magical spin
It’s strong when I see it
I want to scream from the rooftops
Our love which extends its arms to us
But I know I don't have to
It is not the moment
You have to be patient
Be patient
I know one day we'll fly away
Because my love one day you will see
That with me you will become you!
I don't understand what i want
I can't fall in love
Where does this mysterious feeling come from
We will be reunited in the night
Like the day when all that shines
Will be our infinite love
Despite this great wall that separates us
Love crosses right through
We are together, a rare force!
For you I will wait a lifetime
Because yes I love you madly
I will love you endlessly ...
Mim as in Mother
M as in Moon ...
M as in Maria...
M as in Mother...
I wish I could tell you how much I love your voice
Like my childhood…How much I love your lullabies ....
I love your simplicity…
I love your tiredness…
I love your prayer tent... I love your whisper with God
I wish I was a mirror and a candlestick on the ledge of your heart
I wish I could turn into a raindrop
In the cloudy plain of your eyes...
I wish I could sing you a lullaby of a flower plain...
I wish I could put a sky of daffodils and despair in the garden of your hands
O Sleep, I want to count my stars in your eyes…
Stay with me, I love the world with you forever…
The world, if good… if bad
With you
Songs of the Wind
He never bows down to the foe
He never knows what the death fear is,
He gives his life for his homeland, not a piece of his land
He never quits praying to the Tengri
Songs of Wind
Calling to my all soul
Its unending echo
Wanders through moorlands
Its unending echo
Wanders through moorlands
Their steel swords are like storms
Their armor piercer arrows are like lightning
Like the north lord of Tong Yabgu
Their arms never fall like mountains
Songs of Wind
Calling to my all soul
Its unending echo
Wanders through moorlands
Its unending echo
Wanders through moorlands
From mountains, forests, from steppes, from colonels
Only I understand songs from brothers
My sword and my flag are witnesses
You shall know, this tale will never end, forever and ever
Our essence is the ONE!
From mountains, forests, from steppes, from colonels
Only I understand songs from brothers
My sword and my flag are witnesses
You shall know, this tale will never end, forever and ever
Our essence is the ONE!
Tell Me That You Love Me
I’m jumping through life
Trying to find, trying to figure out
Which finger the ring belongs on,
Where destiny is, and I can’t do it.
It’s so hard, how hard it is,
Like rowing in the sand.
It’s so hard, how hard it is,
Like flying underground.
Do you think it will take long
To tell me with your body
What the look on your face is crying out?
Just tell me that you love me,
Tell me that you love me, tell me already!
I can’t stand your silence anymore.
Just tell me that you love me,
Tell me that you love me, tell me already!
I’m crazy from all the mystery,
Let’s end this game.
I’m jumping through life
Trying to get there, trying to arrive
To that forbidden place
In the center of your world, and I can’t do it.
It’s so hard, how hard it is,
Like lowering the stars.
Do you think it will take long
To tell me with your body
What the look on your face is crying out?
My Only Fear
On the rugged mountains
In the sound of rain
In the chirping of raven
I know you are there
In the heart of forests
In the rivers
In the eyes of the wolf
You are there mighty Kök Tengri
In the warmness of the Sun
In the light of Moon
Beyond the stars
You are there, I know
Out of the time
In the soul of nature
In the customs of Turks
You are there mighty Kök Tengri
Like the lips that yearn for water
Like the darks that wait for the light
Like the lungs without breath
When will you take me next to you?
As time passes by like the wind
Without knowing when my last war will come,
Before saying farewell to the brothers and tribes
When will you take me next to you?
The one who comes from the darkest skies
The one who waits under the thunders
The one who never bow down to anything
When will you take me next to you?
Surely one day you'll take me and send me to the eternity that has no return
To leave from my darling, to leave her on her own
This is the only reason for my tears and my fears
Without seeing my beloved for the last time, and without holding her hands
Without feeling her breath
If I ever fall to this soil, give me a chance, please
To say farewell to my beloved one is enough for me.
A Meter Away From Me
I want to play a game, I want to play it with you
Do you have some time for me?
Let's pretend that from tomorrow they say
That kisses and hugs are forbidden for a while
Let's pretend that we can't touch ourselves
That your skin is a like a desert of seas
Then let's pretend that if you meet someone
You must stay away from them
And not even give them your hand
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless
I want to play a game, I want to play it with you
Imagine a world with me
Let's pretend that we can't go out anymore
You'll only be able to call me
Try to picture the blinds down
And the empty roads in long days
Now tell me if you lack anything
Think of a song
And a whole country out on the balconies
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless
You lack something inside the room
There's an emptiness around you
Cold comes from the inside and outside it's all silence
And there's only you here
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless
A meter away from me
A meter away from us
If it looked easy for you
Tell me now what is useless
For my life
I just picked a cute kitty and yet
Mom and dad flied into anger and menaced me
Did you think that this way
I wouldn't become an ordinary adult?
Would you be satisfied if they always treated me like a child?
Did you think at what age I would hate it?
That quarrel was my chance
I started to live alone
More precisely, me and the kitty
That was my single life
A rose in a pot by the balcony
Bloomed red and cute
Today, feeling that something good will happen
I put on a red lipstick and went to work
When I rode the everyday bus and was squeezed
I left a kiss mark in the white shirt before my eyes
That meeting was my chance
Our love began
When we had a long midnight call
My cat played with the cord
Round and round goes my jealous cat
Round and round goes my jealous cat
Is it possible
That he's jealous?
Living alone was my chance
My life developed quickly
Being honest, two people and a cat
Is a dream for my life
Last Night ( Kürşad (Ashina Jiesheshuai))*
You don't want this, I know it,
May your rose-like face fade away, I get sad
Please let me wipe away your crying tears
This night will be the last night with you dear.
You know that I can't leave you
I can't resist when you're not near me
Can love exist without being free?
Will the sun is up, or the moon ever?
After the dark night, in the mighty dawn
My bed is my cradle with my moon-faced beloved
If God has already decided, on that day there won't be the sunrise for me
If I ever reach the heavens, my place will be in the Mountain of Tengri(God).
Yes your heart says stay to me, I know
Forty valiant men wait for me, I must go
But you shall know that I'm with you forever
I'm in your heart, I'm with you
If you ever forget this warrior
Always recall that night which smells petrichor
You're my tear, you're in my heart
You're in my soul, you're my life...
After the dark night, in the mighty dawn
My bed is my cradle with my moon-faced beloved
If God has already decided, on that day there won't be the sunrise for me
If I ever reach the heavens, my place will be in the Mountain of Tengri(God).
Our swords shone in the dark of night
We grumbled like thunders in the palace of Chiu Cheng
Is this storm the sound of death that blows in my ears,
This is the prettiest loud I have ever listened to,
My fellows fell in front of my very eyes
Freedom lies before the warriors who are covered full of blood
Without giving my last breath upon my horse
For the last my moon-faced darling, my beloved is in my eyes.
You're Alone
Every moment that pass ends the time
The time that ends melts your life
Have you thought about what there will be that you never live?
Somethings that you wait for will never come alive
Have you ever thought about what there will be that you never live?
Somethings that you wait for will never come alive
So let it be, keep on dreaming sweet dreams
So let it be, just want for that moment
You're alone in the passing time
Wait for your end in your every moment
You're alone in the passing time
Wait for your end in your every moment
Every moment that pass ends the time
The time that ends melts your life
Have you thought about what there will be that you never live?
Somethings that you wait for will never come alive
Have you ever thought about what there will be that you never live?
Somethings that you wait for will never come alive
So let it be, keep on dreaming sweet dreams
So let it be, just want for that moment
You're alone in the passing time
Wait for your end in your every moment
You're alone in the passing time
Wait for your end in your every moment
Have you ever thought about what there will be that you never live?
Somethings that you wait for will never come alive
So let it be, keep on dreaming sweet dreams
So let it be, just want for that moment
You're alone in the passing time
Wait for your end in your every moment
You're alone in the passing time
Wait for your end in your every moment
I Departed from Santanyí
I departed from
Deeply troubled
And, as I was travelling, someone told me:
Andrew, Rosie is dead!'
I don't know whether they did it intentionally
Or to cause me greater grief...
Some people told me that she was already dead
And others, that she was feeling better.
I was in the market
When they have me this piece of news:
What I loved the most
Was close to drawing her last breath!
I went there with my guitar,
Thinking that I'd cheer her up...
Rosie, bring me some joy!'
You don't care about me anymore'.
The youngest boy in the house
Was inconsolable:
He went to the grave
And he started to sigh!
'Do wake up, my darling soul!
May God bring you peace...
Now, I'd gladly go
To the grave with you!'
Maral ( Noble Deer)
Around the snowy mountain, if it's misty
A Maral cries in the forest of darknesses
I inquired what lies behind this, what's wrong with Maral?
Neither she exists nor her face, her requiems hurt me.
I hit the road, in the midst of the mist
I reached where the voice cried
Her eyes are full of tears, a Maral soul
She was seen and disappeared
Many years ago in this forest, while she was wandering with her offspring
Amongst the flowers, while she was playing with her offspring
Fifteen hunters waylayed their way, they aimed for her offspring
They took her offspring's life in front of the very eyes of Maral
Her offspring gave her life there
Her beautiful eyes became torn
Those flowers in which she played faded away with her blood.
Samba is Everything
Some say that samba is a mother
But don't go to samba if you bless
Nobody says that samba is a father
If you don't want samba to obey
To be a samba dancer is much more*
Than being news in Sampa's newspaper
Some say that samba is a mother
But don't fall in the source of pleasure
An expert does go and doesn't go
But he doesn't say that he is the owner of the andor**
A good man doesn't fall
And doesn't betray those who love him
When a capoeira falls***
He asks samba for divine protection
Says that everything is samba
Samba is everything that Donga blessed+
Says that everything is samba
Samba is everything that God blessed
The value gives itself to those who have
Ismael was our professor++
Rare samba is samba in peace
And who does not say it has value
The good samba is what brings
In cadence the sweet pulse of Vila+++
To make more samba
It takes more than pretension
My Mother
I am ...Not curious to see heaven ... not worried about hell ....
Because I have seen both my mother's laughter.... and her cries ....
For your leaning back
I think you look like me
You bewitch me
With a deadly calculated smile
Ah ah bang bang, I'm falling
Kiss me immediately
Kiss me in 10 years
Put on your most elegant clothes
Accept my selfishness
Forgive me in 10 years
Let me be cute, baby
Sometimes I want to throb
Even if I ask you a lot, I'm always sorry
But if I tell you my motives
I'm lucky that we met
Ah ah bang bang, I'm melting
Embrace me immediately
Embrace me in 10 years
Give me your most exaggerated hug
Forgive my excuses
Forgive me in 10 years
Let me be cute, baby
One moon drop
When you're by my side
It's a 100% situation
Then the stars fall in the sky
And bless us
Let me be very romantic
Kiss me immediately
Kiss me in 50 years
Let's have an elegant date
It won't be hard
Kiss me in 50 years
Because unconditionally
I'll be the cutest old woman
Oh shalala
To Make Love
Metropolitan waves
Of boys and girls
Without making distinctions
With the wind among their thoughts
[They're] ready to revolutionize
The ground under their feet
The highlighted sentences
The ones they aren't able to say
But which taste like passion,
They've written them on themselves
So that nobody ever
Will be able to say «Be quiet»
And while the others make war
For who shouts louder
We kiss each other
And while the others hate each other
We adore each other instead
We sing in choirs from the balconies
And we don't even know each other
I need to tell you
That we're here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and hear it said to oneself
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
[We are here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and be able to say it to each other
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
No-one will be able to stop us
And the time you waste hating
Is the time you take away from love
To make love
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?]
Generational waves
Of boys and girls
Without making distinctions
They have fun dancing
Barefoot on the sand
No matter the season
And while the others make war
For who shouts louder
We kiss each other
And while the others hate each other
We adore each other instead
We sing in choirs from the balconies
And we don't even know each other
I need to tell you
That we're here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and hear it said to oneself
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
We are here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and be able to say it to each other
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
No-one will be able to stop us
And the time you waste hating
Is the time you take away from love
To make love
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
We are here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and hear it said to oneself
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
To make love?
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
but today it's she that rides your car,
makes your bed,
brings warm milk for you
and naive me got my reward today.
I tried so hard
I used to put on skirts
even when it was raining outside the window
(all day long)
I used to skip lectures,
listened to hip-hop too
and I knew all cigarette brands.
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
but today it's she that rides your car,
makes your bed,
brings warm milk for you
and naive me got my reward today.
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
but today it's she that rides your car,
makes your bed,
brings warm milk for you
and naive me got my reward today.
To make you notice me,
I have seven tattoos
and one is in a very tight place (it hurt!)
For Christmas, again I'll get
fake perfume.
Luckily, today you don't know
what's going on.
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
but today it's she that rides your car,
makes your bed,
brings warm milk for you
and naive me got my reward today.
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
but today she rides your car,
makes your bed,
brings warm milk for you
and naive me got my reward today.
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
All, all, all, all
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
but today it's she that rides your car,
makes your bed,
brings warm milk for you
and naive me got my reward today.
You used to call me 'baby'.
You were saying 'all mine'
but today it's she that rides your car,
makes your bed,
brings warm milk for you
and naive me got my reward today.
Neighborhood has wilted
under of the lead wool -
water fall from heaven into ground...
Shovel struck a stone and
darkness sparkled from it...
I forever saying bye to my Friend...
Shovel struck a stone and
darkness sparkled from it...
I forever saying bye to my Friend!..
I will understand a
little later timing
not in this world, not in other world
in this weekend we will
not to race in forest
I'm on wheels and you are run beside...
In this weekend we will
not to race in forest
I'm on wheels and you are run beside!..
Friend, start running through clouds,
and start running through stars,
through eternity to paradise!..
And when you will hear me,
sooner or some later,
Friend, go to the rainbow on the edge!
And when you will see me
Sooner either later,
Friend, go to the rainbow on the edge!..
Neighborhood is silent
under of the lead wool -
water fall from heaven into ground...
Shovel struck a stone and
darkness sparkled from it...
I forever saying bye to my Friend...
We became face to face again in this city,
What can we do, we don't have another city
Maybe we could be happy,
Maybe we could be happy,
Maybe we are happy, we just don't know it..
How much time has passed since then,
I couldn't recognize you, forgive me!
I used to think that I would die without you,
I used to think that I would die without you,
I didn't die without you, forgive me...
This fate, this destiny was written without us
We were like a pair of rocks that were thrown by catapult
Perhaps in this world we were not 10-15 years,
Perhaps in this world we were not 10-15 years,
but hundreds of years apart...
Who will help us jump over this separation towards each other
Neither road, nor bridge won't come to our help
If you are dead, If you are alive, no matter what you are,
Wait, Wait,
At least let me kiss your hand...
Summer nights
It's the song about summer
Where nights are bright
Love is in the heart
It's everywhere
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
Come in to sing with us
To sing with you, my heart
Dreams can come true
If we believe in summer
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
What magnificent weather
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
It's the song about summer
Where nights are bright
Love is in the heart
It's everywhere
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
Summer nights, ohhh
Summer nights
What magnificent weather
We loved each other for each
But what was beautiful now disappears
And now, at the end
We both see a different sunrise.
Lie to me as long as we're still in Eden
Because this is love, this isn't a curse
Come on, blindfold me now
So that I don't see how
Our butterflies, butterflies, butterflies fly
Towards other hearts where joy blooms
We have butterflies, butterflies, butterflies
In our stomachs, we weren't paying attention and they escaped
The butterflies move
Where the flowers sing
Listen, my love,
This battle is lost.
The butterflies go where souls
Blossom, stained with love
The butterflies don't stay where the clouds cry
And they're carried by the wind.
Under Lock Down
[Verse 1]
Like very morning, morning routine
Breakfast, coffee, vitamins !
By the way I'm running out of fruits, have to go buy some
Good timing I know Tomy le Maraîcher
I turn on the TV before leaving
Speech in live, no one can go out
I have to stay home, the president said so ! (Oh nah, nah, nah)
So how do I do to go get my fruits ?
Stuck in my condominium
The sky is blue tho
I can't do otherwise
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
I wash my hands every hours since I've been under lock down
My neighbors are all bros since we're under lock down
I want to vibe on my balcony like every persons who are under lock down
I make parties on FaceTime because in any way we're (under lock down)
[Verse 1]
Fifth day I'm starting to blow a fuse
I talk to my couch, he answers me
I made a stock of pastas hopefully
8h-10h I do some sport at the condo
I never showered that much (I'm clean it's mom)
Toilet paper I have me (I don't even know why)
We're together everyone at home
If you want to talk we connect on WhatsApp
Just some crazy stuff, I'm learning salsa
I found back my keys I lost since 6 months
Stuck in my condominium
The sky is blue tho
I can't do otherwise
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
I wash my hands every hours since I've been under lock down
My neighbors are all bros since we're under lock down
I want to vibe on my balcony like every persons who are under lock down
I make parties on FaceTime because in any way we're (under lock down)
[Verse 3]
For real, I never been so creative
I'm doing way more things than when I was active
Now I have time to:
Call my grandma, check
Learn a new language, check
Talk to myself, check
Go to Ireland, no
Lock down isn't that bad
Actually it's not different from my initial life (I want to stay under lock down)
Stuck in my condominium
The sky is blue tho
I can't do otherwise
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
We're under lock down
I wash my hands every hours since I've been under lock down
My neighbors are all bros since we're under lock down
I want to vibe on my balcony like every persons who are under lock down
I make parties on FaceTime because in any way we're (under lock down)