A keresés eredménye oldal 11
Találatok száma: 757
Know you a bit
Look at my eyes without blinkingI know you a bit, but I don't know you
You're walking with your dog unleashed
Chasing your footprints
And it's pinching, ow, ow
'Cause the cold is biting
As we sit here
And keep on drinking
It's going smooth
So you ask me if I wanna come with you
So I chase your trail of blood
Ending up where you live, it fades to black
I feel sorta stiff1, sort of like a supporting beam
You're playing with a life to feel yourself
You seduce me, you stalk me
And I know you a bit, but I don't know you
Has there been a burglary in your home?
Your dog is hiding under your bed
And I don't know from whom it's hiding
But you're biting, ow, ow
My phone is off
How much did we drink?
Your bed sheet is moldy
And a black mask is hanging on your wall
You look like a creature from my dream
When I wake up, I'm sore, sore
So I flee from your trail of blood
Turning your stereo up, drowning out your words
I feel sorta stiff1, sort of like a supporting beam
You're playing with a life to feel yourself
You seduce me, you stalk me
And I know you a bit, but I don't know you
I feel sorta stiff1, sort of like a supporting beam
You're playing with a life to feel yourself
You seduce me, you stalk me
And I know you a bit, but I don't know you
- Slang for drunk
'Ezek az utolsó soraim, feléltem mind a kilenc életem,Az éjjelem véget ér, nem érzem a szíved többé'
Csak rajtad keresztül éltem
Hegem, szívem, igazam
Nem akarok meghalni
Ám nem tudlak többé szeretni...
Miért ilyen nehéz megérteni,
Hogy a vágyam meghalni kéz a kézben?
Ez az éj, akár egy álom,
Te leszel az utolsó, kit látni fogok
Fogom a kezed, behunyom szemem és minden, mit szeretek, végül meghal
Mérget ittam, mi bolondoddá tett
De miért mosolyogsz?
... Ne mosolyogj.
Ne tedd.
Neked velem kéne elsorvadnod, szóval, Juliette...
Kérlek, ne mosolyogj
Megbénultam és te még mindig eleven vagy.
Az élet egy hosszú, ám szomorú játszma
Élettelen lelkek, megkerült szégyen
Két holt hattyú, ennyi kell csak,
Kikövezni kanyargós emlékeink ösvényét.
Nincs viszlát és rossz búcsú
Jajgató, távoli, néma kiáltás
Élhetsz az én fájdalmammal,
Ez a tiéd, mit nem tudsz elvenni?
Űzted a játékot és vesztettél
Tűnődöm, hogy tudod megtartani egy halott ember lapjait
A fény és a világosság
üdvözlik a sötétben élt élet változását,
Józanságom tengere...
Elveszve a hiábavalóságban...
Ez minden, mire valaha vágytam
Oly nehéz súly voltItt a szívemen
És lám, mióta ez a sírkő,
Eltűnt hirtelen.
How many winters since we last partedWhich day is it today? Sometimes I'll think of you
Your message came so suddenly
Catching me by surprise and making me stand frozen where I was
When everyone's happy for you
I foolishly began to realize
That someone has already ordered a wedding dress for you
Thanks for specially inviting me to witness your love
I constantly remind myself not to turn away
Holding the invitation and approaching step by step
To the venue he meticulously designed
Unfortunately, this scene belongs to you
And I am just a guest
I let go of all my memories to help fulfill your love
Yet I can't believe this is destiny
After all this time, you feel so distant
And your greeting was done so politely
Why should we deliberately conceal in front of him
That my world once had you
Soon, the bells start to toll
You stand there patiently, waiting for him to approach
Gently, he gets down on one knee
And inserts the diamond ring into your ring finger
When everyone's happy for you
I foolishly began to realize
That there is already nothing left between us
Thanks for specially inviting me to witness your love
I constantly remind myself not to turn away
Today, you look exceptionally beautiful
This beauty which I once held
Unfortunately, this wedding is between you and him
And I am just a guest
I let go of all my memories to help fulfill your love
Yet I can't believe this is destiny
Happily ever after became once upon a time
And I try to sincerely congratulate you
Please forgive me for being rude and inconsiderate
for choosing to leave too soon
This isn't some idol drama
So why am I acting so painstakingly
In this unbearable scene
Thanks for specially inviting me to watch the love you want
Perhaps being a guest is another kind of destiny
I, who left you, as it stands
Have no right to care for you
After all, the one who found love is you
And I am just a guest
I let go of all of our memories to celebrate your wedding
Yet I never have the courage to congratulate you
Thank you for giving me a wake up call
And returning my heart to me
At least I can still become
The guest who witnessed your love
He was really lucky to have met you
But I hope that he loves you more than I do
Aria Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5
Evening - a cloud, rose-colored, transparent and without hastein the vastness of the sky, dreamy and beautiful!
The moon quietly emerges from the infinity, Luna,
who adorns the evening, like a sweet girl,
who dreamily prepares herself,
longing to become beautiful,
heaven, earth, all nature begging!
Silent the birds, when she sadly laments
Graceful tricana, don't chooseStudents that looked at you
As the tricanas are the pages
Of the books they left behind!
As the Tricanas are the pages
Of the books they left behind!
When the Moon saw you
It blushed timidly
Because it could not match you
It went far away and cried
Because it could not match you
Oh, it went far away and cried!