Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 180


Árnyak között

Az iszonyatos sírástól nem tudok felébredni
Ez igazolja, a halál után mennyire sóvárgom
Képes a mélybe eltemetni
Rágondolok, milyen az árnyékok közt és zokogom
Egy ollóval gyógyítom meg a könnyek könnyének emberét
Attól, hogy elgyengülök félek belül itt,
A lepelben mellettem fog majd állni a kaszás
Álmodok, fekete ruhában vagyok azon az éjszakán!
Ma este létezem
És feketébe öltözöm csendesen …Oh igen!
Talán most vak vagyok
De talán próbálkozhatok…
Nem látod, hogy a látomások miért hívogatnak téged
Horrorisztikus az álmom és az egyetlen!
A véres álmok, a háború álmai!
Érzéketlen szemek figyelték félelmemet
Így üdvözölve az örök éjszakában itt
Nem leszel egy hentes
Nem, nem ez lesz a végzeted
Csicskája valaki ravasznak
Tegyél le erről azonnal!
Mi, te egy pap fia vagy? Akkor baszd meg-
Akkor ba.szd meg és fordulj fel!
A küszöbén állok, hogy a halál ellen legyek!
Most egy árnyék vagyok én is?
Mindig ébren vagyok és mindig feketében!
A küszöbén állok, hogy merjem a Lordot dicsérni -
Nem juttatom el a Lordnak, nem
Az őr vár
A határon vár
A büntetnivalót hagyd rám
Itt az idő, hogy eltöröljük a határt
Elhalványul a gyertyaláng
Ez nem minden, de én… [a régi párt]
Mereven nézem az egyedüli sötétséget és a halált
Figyel engem hideg szemeivel
Az árnyékok közt az Isten van velem
Elvesztem az okot a gyűlöletre!
(Ez igaz…)
(El tudom hagyni az árnyékokat!)
(Az utolsó túlélte!)
Az én fényemmel fénylik ragyogva
Az út, mit megkaptam, talán sajnálatból?? (A szívemért)??!
Az utolsó elhalt rímemmel befejezem világomat
Ami elárulja azt, hogy a kurva szívemmel mit tudtam megtenni
Az árnyékok a tisztesség és a szerelem szélén vonaglanak!
Engedelmeskednek és átvágják a torkodat
Ha nem beszélek, nem te leszel a következőáldozat,
Az árnyékok sztrájkolnak a pengéd alatt – Yaw

Bodom tó

Ossz lapot nekem is,
Az éjszakában hívom a halottat az istenhez!
A káoszt csillapítsd!
Láncokkal az utolsó győzelemhez!
A fény utat tör az égen
Pallosom a Lord miatt éled
A halált hívod elfeketedett rögeszmédben
Az egyetlen út a siker!
Szóval várj a menekülésre
Gyere velem
Élj szent életet
Élj értem
A te urad,
Ki a véres isten miatt a földön tönkremegy,
Ma este az én oldalamon van
Mutass egy helyet, ahol meghalhatok érted
És adj nekem életet a lángokban
A fény után beköszönt a feketeség
A vég Odüsszeiája
A káosz ura él
Igaz álmaim az életről szólnak látomásaimban
Ez az éj a háborúé, - Igen!
Az éjszaka fia volt az,
A baloldal elpusztítója
Én most várok a pusztulásra
A földön miért van ez a véres isten
És az én oldalamon is folyton?
Vigyél el a helyre, ahol meghalhatok érted
A gyűlöleté az utolsó dal
Átváltozok ma este – igen
Vad leszek végre!

Gyűlölet tenyésztő

Rátaláltam az ülésre, mindent elárultam, mostantól kezdve
Figyelem az embert, így érzem
Jónak magamat, de biztosan nem tudom, hogy kéne
A többi léleknek a mosolyt kivéve.
A szívem mélyén gyűlöllek
Most kibaszottul nem jó semmi, így érzek
Melletted láttam (?)
A többi lelket, mosolyukat kizártan
Úgy gondoltam, jó, ha mondom, amit látok (?)
Láttam gondolkodásmódod, hiúságod (?)
Sosem láttam a megtébolyult vadállatot magamban
Igaz, hogy egy segg vagyok és az is maradok
De miért most, oh hagyjatok magamra
Ez egy hatalmas faszság, oh ha meghalok, felszabadulok
Szénné fogsz égni, űrt hagyva magad után, amit megszívnak, mert ki vezet, az megszívja
Szükségünk van valamire, ami nyitva áll előttünk és életem külön kis pártjára
(Elmondom neked)
Behatolok minden keleti fény közé
Tudod, hogy nincs több kibaszott lelkem, üres vagyok
Nincs bennem semmi jó, nincsenek kibaszott gondolataim, ezért
Hozom össze kibaszott halálod.

Bodom gyermekei

Halljuk holt árnyak közt, a sötétség csöndjében
A sír gyermekeit fölébreszteni egy farkas üvölt éhesen
(Éretlen bosszú!) A tisztelet, mi bosszúállásként szolgál,
Hogy megüzenjük e háborút, kimutatta éles fogát
Csak a holttestek nyughatatlan szellemei haladnak el
a Bodom oltárához, hol minden hazugság, csak a halál nem
(a halál egy hazugság)
Kiömlő véred lesz borunkká
A valóságba fogunk újjászületni
ahol csak a vad tud bármit is túlélni
A gonoszság összecsapása vérvörösbe vonja
a Bodom tavat
Lelkeink gyűlnek dícsérni a halál győzelmét
Bodom gyermekei, dühösen ébrednek
Gyilkos ámokfutásukban elszabadultak, a vágy érzésével
A múlt szürkületéből, holt áldozatok közt
egy vad túlélte
(Ebben a sötétségben rálelek rettegésedre
Lelkeink gyűlnek körülölelni a halál igaz csábítását
Engedelmeskedni fogsz a sötétségnek
Árulóink közül leszel egy)

Belső harag

Egyszer ara vágyom, hogy eljöjjön, mikor örökké lehet élni
Fogj vissza, a történet fekete, mi mind meg akarunk halni
Azt mondtad, rontsak be a látomásaidba – téged megnyugtatni
Egyszer visszanézek, csoda van
A jászolon az éjszakával
Szenzációs, hívj a halálodban
Nézz le, ültetünk és várunk, hogy megszólaljon ez itt
Egyszer arra vágyom, hogy visszatérjek hallani a sírást: engedjetek ki!
(És én vagyok az első, aki meg akar halni?!)
Üdvözítésemmel a sebedben
Vágyaidban magadat sebezed
Miért van ez mindig: fokozod sebedet
Miért nem vágysz rá, hogy visszanyerd a hideget
Gyere, vesd le mindened!
Megérintem a lábad, hideg, elhidegít a tűzben engem
És én égek sebmentesen
A sebed, úgy tűnik, messzire száll
Így minden, ami hideg meghal a tűzben talán.
Fokozod sebed, kiölöm belőled a feszültséget
Valahogy kapok utat vágyaiban
A sebedért könyörgök neked
Nem tudom lenyelni sebed: miért fordulsz vissza?

A halál angyala

Egy mély pillantás szembe felfedi mindenem:
Egy kimerült harcos háborgó lelke ez.
’’Megkínozlak’’…Elmúlt érzések tengere,
Teljes káosz dúl megszállt fejemben.
Éjszakánként vágyom, hogy érezzem lehelleted,
És érintésed, akár a halál angyaláé.
Pirkadatkor vad dühöm láncbaver,
S kényszerít, hogy megöljelek.
A lánc megfeszül vérző nyakamon,
Nem adhatok neked mást, csak a fájó ajándékot.
Szürkületben betakarlak szárnyaimmal,
Ígérem, örökké melletted állok majd.
De az éj alkonyán felnevetek,
Míg száztizenhármat vágok testedb
. Hát nem látod, hogy gonosz vagyok? Kétélű tőr,
A örök gyűlölet szülötte, ki az életedre tör.
És kínoz, mint egy rohadt kurvát,
Célja, hogy holtodig sírjál.
Bármit megtennék, hogy enyém légy,
Hisz neved a húsomba vésték
A késsel, melyet most is használnék.
Éjszakánként vágyom lehelletedre,
S te megérintesz, mint halál angyala…
Vad haragom szívembe árad,
S kényszerít, hogy öljelek meg

Kövesd a kaszást

Elveszíteni a háborút színlelek, hogy nyerjek
bár én soha nem próbáltam mélyre törekedni
belülről. Az élet lehet szép
bárkinek bárminek, de megesküdnék, hogy
ez a kibaszott szar rothadt a velejéig.
Bementünk a bejáraton és
Itt az ideje, hogy egy fordulatot tegyünk, hogy kövessük a kaszást
amíg nem lesz visszaút
Amikor a vakon halál-sugárzó penge
söpri el a szomorúságot és a félelmet.
Keresztezem a szívem és remélem, hogy meghal és a szabadság
az enyém lesz.
Süllyedni a kiszolgáló érzelmek óceánjába
Megragadni az öveget, hogy kiidd a fájdalom-csillapító italt.
De mind ezután, ez túl unalmassá válik, tehát ne aggódj
mi történik, nem tudlak elátkozni vagy is.
Bementünk a bejáraton amíg
nem volt visszaút. Nincs több út, hogy kereszteződjön,
nincs több híd, hogy égjen
Most, amikor a vakonon halál-sugárzó pengéd
elsöpörte a szomorúságaim és könnyeim. Soha nem mennék vissza,
hogy keresztezzem azt az utat.
Keresztezem a szívem és remélem a halálát.

Romlás gyermekei

Rohanok a holdfény borítójának árnyékába
Halálos evezés. Az éjszakába
Vadul rohanunk a holnap reménye nélkül
Nincs holnap nekünk.
Úgy sétálunk át a tűzön,
Hogy bent mind megégünk. Megkaparintani akarod rögtön
A seb lángját, te sosem vagy
Ugyan az.
Be akarsz zárkózni és érezni
A halál ízét? Tudom, hogy le akarsz baszni
Még vörösen nem vérzek. Nem lehet gondom kisebb
Szóval, befejezem a rohadást a sárban, úgyhogy gyere te kurva ide
És add meg nekem a legjobb lövéseidet.
Te tényleg keresztül látsz, amin akarsz és át
Rajtam és azon, amit akarok, mi vagyunk a lázadás
Gyermekei, harcolunk, vérzünk
Nem próbálunk meg visszatérni, hogy prédikáljanak értünk
És rólam, mi vagyunk a romlás gyermekei
Mi jók vagyunk, igaziak vagyunk, harcolni fogunk és vérezni
Kurvára halálosak vagyunk, meghalunk és ennyi.
Mindenki szerencsétlen fasz, aki szerint csodás vagyok és ez az út is, amin ma
Látszólag elmegyek. De ez minden, amit kapok valaha
És minden, mit valaha is kaptam, így most el vagyok bocsátva.

Everybody's Gone Deaf

So many people forgot
That the truth didn't change
When peace was taught
Few people paid attention
My friend, come back soon
Come teach my people
That love is important
Come say all this again
So many people forgot
That love only brings good things
That cowardice is deaf
And only listens to what it likes
But, my friend, come back soon
Come look for my people
That love is important
Come say all this again
So many people
Strayed from the path of light
Not many people remembered
The message written on the cross
My friend, come back soon
Come teach my people
That love is important
Come say all this again
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Black Angel

Come here to me, embrace me softly
With your wings you bring me the night
The blue moon and your face
Kiss me again, I just want you
Black angel, kiss my hot heart
Black angel, drink from my pain
Black angel, it pulls me toward you
Half full of hate, half full of greed
Black angel, warm me, I'm so cold
Black angel, come to me, I'm calling you
In your wings, hold me tight tonight
You know well that I can't be without you
You are the illusion of my lust
The black heart in my chest
We've been banished to the darkness
I've lit a light for you there
Black angel, kiss my hot heart
Black angel, drink from my pain
Black angel, it pulls me toward you
Half full of hate, half full of greed
Black angel, warm me, I'm so cold
Black angel, come to me, I'm calling you
In your wings, hold me tight tonight
You know well that I can't be without you
Black angel, warm me, I'm so cold
Black angel, come to me, I'm calling you
In your wings, hold me tight tonight
You know well that I can't be without you [x2]

The Postman

There was a young man from afar
Who carried a letter for me
Ah! Oh
He came to my door
Ah! Oh...
He smiled and said that someone
Missed me far away
And asked me to unfold the letter
And reply to him after reading it
So that the postman could told him it all
Why it was unexpected
So strange, out of expectations
Ah! Oh...
The mysterious postman
Ah! Eh-oh...
He was so abrupt
That made my heart race and made me doubt
He addressed no name or surname
How could I trust such a young man
Ah! Oh
The mysterious postman
Do tell me, what you are thinking about
Don't let time go by like this
Because the past just can't be brought back
Please do tell me
What you are thinking about
I know that you love me
Unless noted in 'Author's comment' section, all the translations are done from the original lyrics.
You are welcome to offer any suggestion to my translation!

Without a Home

So many a battle beaten
So many maidens kissed
Traveled half the world
The sails always hoisted
I've grasped at happiness
Saw Godfather Death
Whistled the freedom song
Could never stand still
I was at home everywhere
And yet without a home1
The longing unfulfilled
My dreams were huge
I'm back in your circle
I was gone for much too long
But now I'm here again
Take my hand
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Drown your mind
Take my hands
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Come take my hand
Have climbed many a mountain
Maybe I've lost the trail
I may never arrive
Born as a wanderer
I was at home everywhere
And yet without a home
The longing unfulfilled
My dreams were huge
I'm back in your circle
I was gone for much too long
But now I'm here again
Take my hand
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Drown your mind
Take my hands
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Come take my hand [x2]
  • 1. 'Heimatlos' could be translated as homeless, but I chose to say 'without a home' because it fits this context better. He is not referring to living on the street, but rather to being without a home by choice, more like a vagabond.

I won't get through to you

I don't know the word.
I don't even know your shadow.
I don't know the thoughts.
Body language is too hard.
Fingerprints are very unreadable.
Eyes are dancing as if I didn't existed for them.
Will I get to know from newspapers what you feel now?
Will I get to know someday how you draw me in your head?
I won't get through to you
I won't get through to you
I won't get through to you
No, I'll never get through!
I won't get through to you
I won't get through to you
I won't get through to you
No, I'll never get through!
My words, vultures around your shadow.
I'm not landing, the sound wave is too short.
The attempts of constant confrontation are too clumsy.
Lips are silent to keep the fear away, uuuh
I won't get through to you
I won't get through to you
I won't get through to you
No, I'll never get through!
Screams are spreading on the east shore.
They're rushing with the wind to be heard.
The mirage is slowly fading.
The ideal plan is short-winged.
In the blink of an eye, head buried in the sand.
I pretend hiding the fear.
Running ahead in a blind rush.
I feel in my bones that
When I get through to you,
I'll bring to you through the door
all my vulture words
so that you can trust me.
No, no, no, no,
I won't get through...
No, I'll never get through!
No, I'll never get through!

Songwriting and Coffee

Living on the absolute minimum, living in a small six tatami mat room
It would be great if I could live with you, that was all I was thinking of at the time
If the colour of happiness is translucent then it would be better not to see it
Today came to an end even though nothing happened
Living on the absolute minimum, living in a small six tatami mat room
Staring at the ceiling every day, not thinking of anything
The price of happiness is sixty thousand yen
Subtract rent it’s four thousand yen
Fish for memories from that blurry mind
I ended up talking about love with cold eyes
This cold coffee is also the same —
I hate it
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
Turn into memory, you’re becoming a bother
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand
That confident gait
Or how to say goodbye
With the smallest volume, in a room that’s gotten slightly bigger
I scribbled about the stopped gas, my memories and the coldness of the shower
If I were to sell my years I would leave two
And with that remaining I would go to that town
To fish for memories with my left over years
The clear weather, night festival, Sekimachi’s streetlights
Clouds, mirages, the diagonally arranged lyrics
It’s just a play on words
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
Turn into memory, you’re turning into a song
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand these methods of forgetting
Or how to use them now
I tried to write your poem in these cold eyes
I live every day for you now
While forgetting about them all — Dreams, transience, your mouth, those fingertips
Hey look, it’s about time for this song to come to an end
It’s finally your turn, hey
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
Turn into a memory, you, turn into a song
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand I don’t understand
I don’t understand
That people can walk away
I don’t understand that it’s only natural
I don’t understand

Come To My Place

Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
We fight and we pretend that we don't want it
That's part of your game, but stay just those who want to
People talk and we let them talk, let them talk
I'm into you, I don't deny
I want this to work
I like straight talk
So let's get serious
You want me, I want you
We're just like lego
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
Come to stay
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
We fight and we pretend that we don't want it
That's part of your game, but stay just those who want to
People talk and we let them talk, let them talk
I'm into you, I don't deny
I want this to work
I like straight talk
So let's get serious
You want me, I want you
We're just like lego
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
Come to stay
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
So fit in and leave your ego out of this
If you're coming I want you, If you're coming I want you
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
Come to my place
Leave things as they are
I've told you, I want your love
My road is to find you
Come to my place
It has everything for us
If I'm enough for you and you're enough for me
Let's leave it all alone
Come to stay
Oh, yeah
Come to stay
Come to stay, come to stay

So hurt

Versions: #5
I'll cauterize my bleeding wound
I suffer, but I'll still conceal it
Your words won't touch me
You won't have enough strength
Like running, I'll jump to death
I'll be squashed, but will rise again
You're not strong enough to get me
Your words don't hurt, you don't have enough strength
Don't look so hurt, nobody sees it
They say from heart, but there's noone listening
Like a fugitive, I didn't look back
Tears are flowing only within me
You're not strong enough to get me
Your words don't hurt, you don't have enough strength

Love Bird

When I am to sing
A thunder in the air
Agitated wave in the river
A heated arrow
My image translates
Into a light over the waters
The scream of the fish
Party in the woods
I'm gonna crown you
A desire of my tongue
I'm a trap for you
The unveiled snake
A red puma
In your own hand
Tangling your heart
It won't be your expertise
Of abandoning a woman
One day the woods rebelled
You won't tear the canvas of my skin
Of a love bird
It won't be your expertise
Of abandoning a woman
One day the woods rebelled
You won't tear the canvas of my skin
Of a love bird
I go under the sky of my home
Where my mother sleeps
I only get saved if I sing
It's raining now
We're the tears of always
It's raining
We're the tears of always
It's raining, it's raining now
We're the tears of always
It's raining, it's raining now
We're the tears of always
It's raining
We're the tears of always
It's raining
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I Still Live For You

Days of fire
I spent away from you.
Nights of silence
That I never forgot.
As much as I want to
Erase the past,
Your two eyes
Are turned on lights.
In my dark side,
In my grey dreams,
It's not a lie there,
I still live for you.
In my dark side
I touch you in my dreams
And I live for that lie,
I still live for you.
I still live for you.
It's bitter,
I've lost you forever.
You're here,
I never forgot.

It Does Not End Here

I sailed seas and skies against the wind.
I endured every good and bad moment and still
I have faith in people.
I shook hands and wrote pages under my name.
I have given my daughter my last name and now
that is the most important thing.
Because now I am half
of an inconsistent life
that takes and gives a little,
but never gets close to its goal.
It does not end here—
(on this stage where it was exciting—)
without a reason—
(share music with the heart and the mind).
It does not end here
and the guitar still plays softly.
It does not end here.
I have seen highways and tiny towns—
skyscrapers and houses with clothes hanging out to dry, and still,
I have not seen a single thing.
I have had a thousand women and have loved only one.
With a hundred cars, I chased after my luck and still,
I have so much to say
Because I am only half way
along my impatient journey
that starts from here
with the strength that love gives.
It does not end here—
(on this stage where it was exciting—)
without a reason—
(share music with the heart and the mind).
It does not end here
and the guitar still plays softly.
It does not end here.
You know why—I was born again.
It does not end here—
(on this stage where it was exciting—)
without a reason to share music
(with the heart and the mind.)
I start from here
and the guitar still plays softly.
It does not end here.


I saw your message, babe
There was nothing wrong with it
But part of what you write still hurt
I know you miss having someone to hold
And it’s all my fault, or was it?
I saw your message, babe.
It didn’t make sense
But I understood the intention
And I’m just wondering, does she know about me or what?
Have you thought about the consequences?
Give me time
I’ll be there soon
Give me time
So if you just come lay down here
I could wrong but I believe
That if you just lay down here
Maybe it’ll help?
If you just lay down here
I could be wrong, but I believe
That if you just lay down here
Maybe it’ll help?
It took time to build up
But it didn’t take long to take it apart
I can see that you’re not here in front of me
I’m eating breakfast, eating dinner
With only silence to keep me company
‘Cause I saw your message babe
And you know this is going to fast for me
To turn something small into something big
That’s the problem
And I’m starting over even though I know better
Give us time
It’ll come soon
Give us time
So if you just come lay down here
I could wrong but I believe
That if you just lay down here
Maybe it’ll help?
If you just lay down here
I could be wrong, but I believe
That if you just lay down here
Maybe it’ll help?
If you just lay down here
You just need to lay down here with me
Just stay with me awhile longer
So if you just come lay down here
I could wrong but I believe
That if you just lay down here
Maybe it’ll help?
If you just lay down here
I could be wrong, but I believe
That if you just lay down here
Maybe it’ll help?
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.


I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.
Right player, unfair game. What they say, doesn’t bother me. O mama mia, in a city of crime, only she complains.
Nights I work, then I sleep during the day, because I opened yesterday like a neckline.
But I have a gift, yeah, and its a plan, yeah.
My gang, dirty, moisture like Vandam, yeah.
We shine like gold, yeah, we are the strength, yeah!
Dirty money and crime,
Sluts and casinos, thats what the Balkans are serving me,
how can I be normal?
I pack the club, while you speak, light the kush so you burn it, all thats left is your jealousy.
I’ve been through everything, yeah yeah, stop playing, don’t play.
I take out a gram yeah yeah, she takes off my belt, takes off my belt.
I have no shame, yeah yeah, everything is high, everything is high.
Full lungs, and Dirty Sprite.
I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.
Houses and cars bought on loans, and starlet elites,
this is Balkan, nobodys at fault, but everyones faulty,
for dirty business, theres no limit, false alibi,
now everyone who is popular, bro, they sold their property.
I’ve been through everything, yeah, yeah, stop playing,
Summers we’re at sea, winters we ski on the gram, yeah, yeah, here it isn’t like Paradise, MVP like Mike (Jordan), yeah, we play until the end.
Soul black like Ghana,
ganja from Tirana,
When the bullets celebrate, everyone has to know us.
From Belgrade, a white lady, at night to two locations,
in Sofia I pull up my car in Skopje my gang waits for me.
Everyone wants to ride this train,
If the game is a whore, I’m Macro,
Tonny Sosa, Toni drinks, me in the nose.
Here they love us like Broz.
I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.

Love Me Or Leave Me Alone

Love me or leave me alone
Let this night that turns into dawn
Be the end and a new beginning at the same time,
I want you only for me,
I have eyes for nobody else,
But you don't believe me and want to live alone.
You're the only love in my heart,
My only joy in life,
And if it happens that you don't stay close beside me,
My embrace will be empty,
Let us be, forever, alone together.
Love me or leave me alone
Let this night that turns into dawn
Be the end and a new beginning at the same time,
I want you only for me,
I have eyes for nobody else,
But you don't believe me and want to live alone.
You're the only love in my heart,
My only joy in life,
I love you and if you stay close beside me
And if you give your heart to me tonight,
I will be for you 1 you will be for me,
That kind of love will live forever.
  • 1. I'll be the one for you, I'll belong to you

Left Behind

How wonderful it'd been when we walked alongside
So long till today
It's because of me, not good enough
Unable to do what you'd asked for
If you want to leave, I do understand
If you found someone much better, don't wait
You'd done right, to chose him and left me behind
When you found the right one, the one you always wish of
Let your hand away, that's fine, for all pain remains in my heart
Forced my mind, for you to depart
When I know, that there's someone to join you till the rest
The bitter truth I afraid, afraid to not have you
Afraid so long till today
Only the word Love might not enough
to draw you back
If you want to leave, I do understand
If you found someone much better, don't wait
You'd done right, to chose him and left me behind
When you found the right one, the one you always wish of
Let your hand away, that's fine, for all pain remains in my heart
Forced my mind, for you to depart
When I know, that there's someone to join you till the rest
You'd done right, to chose him and left me behind
When you found the right one, the one you always wish of
Let your hand away, that's fine, for all pain remains in my heart
Forced my mind, for you to depart
When I know, that there's someone to join you till the rest

Do Something Crazy For Me

Do something crazy for me
Run screaming out, drink and cry
Get sloshed and spray words onto the walls saying that you adore me
Do something crazy for me
Stay with me until dawn, lose track of time
Come out with me to paty up, night away
It's the only way I'll buy this story
That you've missed having me around
Put into practice the silly things of memory
Less thinking, more doing, bring it on
Come in, try to blend in with scum
Just like I've already done a thousand crazy things for you
Two of us
If it's to start over, then let it be to the end
Two of us
If it's not meant to be, I won't leave your side
Two of us
I can only accept it after you do something crazy for me
Something crazy for me
Something crazy for me
You prove me that you will do anything
You can say whatever you want about me
I can only accept it after you do something crazy for me
Something crazy for me
Dararará, darará
Dararará, darará
Do something crazy for me
Run screaming out, drink and cry
Get sloshed and spray words onto the walls saying that you adore me
Do something crazy for me
Stay with me until dawn, lose track of time
Come out with me to paty up, night away
It's the only way I'll buy this story
That you've missed having me around
Put into practice the silly things of memory
Less thinking, more doing, bring it on
Come in, try to blend in with scum
Just like I've already done a thousand crazy things for you
Two of us
If it's to start over, then let it be to the end
Two of us
If it's not meant to be, I won't leave your side
Two of us
I can only accept it after you do something crazy for me
Something crazy for me
Something crazy for me
You prove me that you will do anything
You can say whatever you want about me
I can only accept it after you do something crazy for me
Something crazy for me
Dararará, darará
Dararará, darará
Do something crazy
Dararará, darará
Dararará, darará
Something crazy

White night

What does she think of me? Not even god knows.
What does she think, when we are next to eachother naked?
When in a new pose (yeah) awaits a new dose
like Casanova, I’m not letting you go home.
The movie is always HD, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The whole hood is on their feet, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Same story (yeah) different nights (yeah)
Theres no roses, she just rolls flowers in the blunt.
Clothes are on the floor (yeah), they look better there.
We have a whole night ahead of us, to watch it go up and down.
Alcohol and white night, so you move up and down,
Give me, give me, a new move, kill me with every look.
She says “Hi”, I tell her “Ho”,
Baby pimp my ride, so that there is flow
Leave them alone, not even they know, how that looks like in doggy (yeah)
We pour full, speeds up our pulse, I have the best team Chicago Bulls
Oh my, we are so high, she gave me head, so that theres a good vibe.

The Desire for You

Then we decided together
that this was the right thing to do,
and we never saw each other again.
If we did not run into each other, that was it.
And now, no!
I am not going to feel guilty because
the desire for you remained.
And we had a good time together—
we had everything.
By everything, I mean you—
you brought happiness to us.
And now, no, it is not right
to feel guilty because
the desire for you remained.
And now, no, it is not right
to feel guilty because
the desire for you remained.

You never existed

I'm trying to keep our good moments
But at night, our bad finale
Runs through my mind as if it was yesterday
It's only a phase, it will pass I said
But so much love
Can't be erased with a delete button
If it can't go away differently, I'll say it even if it hurts
You never existed even though I fell in love with you so hard
If it can't go away differently, I'll say it even if it hurts
You never existed even if I regret it
You've already forgotten about me, it's easy for you
There's only fixation on my end
My whole life missing
I must do something to get my mind out of the gutter
What if I don't believe it, I now want to scream it out loud
So I can hear it myself
If it can't go away differently, I'll say it even if it hurts
You never existed even though I fell in love with you so hard
If it can't go away differently, I'll say it even if it hurts
You never existed even if I regret it

When Mommy Goes to Work Early

When Mommy goes to work early,
then I stay at home.
I tie on an apron
and sweep the room out.
I can't cook the food,
I'm too little for that.
But I've often wiped up the dust.
How happy Mommy will be!
I also have a dolly,
it's so sweet and nice.
All by myself, I can
be a good mommy to my dolly.

Everything is a feast

Something, really, is running here
Something inconceivable, scary
You also cried 'present'
Take the city of the dead
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A rain around resonates
Everything is a feast
Dead skeletons
Freezing cold
And they have all lost their speech
One voice
In the past
Leave the city
The dead
I hide here,
A little lower
Sword teeth
And the eyes like a fire
Behind the stairs
I am, kids
And spiders for hair
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A scene terrible,
Dark ceremony
Waltz like it will
It gets to your ears
With a screaming
A celebration
So erotic
Something unusual
It will happen to you
Parts awesome
You have not even imagined it
Someone is hiding
To scare you
Everything is a feast
Secret, sad
Were you afraid?
Nah! Not us!
In the past, at 'two
At one hundred thousand
One way
Without going back
Shiver loudly
Speak loudly
Leave the city
Of the dead
I'm a clown
With a sweet face
Look, me
Now I'm going away
I'm the voice
Like tears dripping
I'm the wind
That scares you all
I'm the night
The blurred shadow
The nightmare
Who is looking for you
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A scene terrible,
Dark ceremony
A celebration
A celebration
A gangway
Without fear
What is life?
Your soul comes out
We are good
A celebration
So erotic
Something unusual
It will happen to you
Our leader
It will come from behind
It will scare you so much
Where will you be dirty
Everything is a feast
Let's go!
Music, kids
Let the king pass
Our leader
Jack is 'The Skeleton'
All together:
Long live our king!
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A scene terrible
Dark ceremony
In our little one
They all respect
The leader
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la

Whatever I do

My love, look at me, you will see
What you are to me
In your heart, search within you
And when you find me, don't search any further
Don't tell me you don't see the sense of it
You can't tell me that, it would be to die
You know that it's true
That whatever I do, it will be for you
Search in your heart and you will find
Nothing to hide
Take my life, take me
I'd give you everything I have
Don't tell me it's not worth it
There's nothing else, I don't want anything more
You know that it's true
That whatever I do, it will be for you
There is no love like yours
You, love, I would never have
There is no life when you are not there
Wherever, forever
Don't tell me it's not worth it
No, there's nothing else, I don't want anything more
I will fight for you, I will lie for you
I will vanquish for you, I will die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you


Versions: #2
The twilight, it settles in
when your shadow touches me,
but I don’t want to be so weak
that your breath tempts me
Your curse cannot tempt me
You can’t pull me into your spell
I won’t howl with the wolves
No, I won’t be a nobody
I won’t dance into your chains
And I won’t be your slave
You’re pretending you want to rescue me
I scream into the night
Ice cold is the rubble
in which you imprison yourself
You recognize neither friend nor foe,
the twilight has long since united them
I won’t dance into your chains
And I won’t be your slave
You’re pretending you want to rescue me
I scream into the night

Without You

How strange love is
At its beginning you love
And at its end you hurt
And I'm here walking alone
In a dark road
That has no end
Because all is over
And you've gone away now
Without you, I'm nothing
A lost dot on the map
Without you, I'm alone
And through my angst I cry for me
Without you, my love
Know that I will die
Without you, my baby
Know that I will do the bad thing
I would like you to tell me how you were able
To falsely swear
By love
If you only knew how much you hurt me
You played with the heart
Of the man that loves you
Because all is over
And you've gone away now
Without you, I'm nothing
A lost dot on the map
Without you, I'm alone
And through my angst I cry for me
Without you, my love
Know that I will die
Without you, my baby
Know that I will do the bad thing
Without you, I'm nothing
A lost dot on the map
Without you, I'm alone
And through my angst I cry for me (x2)
Without you