A keresés eredménye oldal 17
Találatok száma: 555
The kings of night Verona
The world is separated by good and evil
It's complicated to be the king there
And it's strange though sometimes
It's hard to understand who is the king and who is the clown
To be the king, to live under lock and key
There's a war in the morning and then - a social reception in the afternoon
The strongest ones of the world who are far away from the Earth (?)
Don't understand that we are the kings
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The happiness isn't everlasting
The fame is blind
People choose their kings
We demand satisfaction from the destiny
We don't care who is a hunter and who is a target
Games with the destiny are hilarious and useless
We burn the bridges after ourselves
And at all times
Only love must rule the world
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
The itsy bitsy ant carries a straw
It is always diligently doing its work
Soon the magnificent anthill will be finished
The itsy bitsy ant carries a straw
The itsy bitsy grasshopper plays its violin
It jumps around in the tall grass
The little bellflower goes to sleep
The itsy bitsy grasshopper plays its violin
The itsy bitsy spider weaves its webs
A little bird flew over to watch
The sun has set far beyond the mountains
The itsy bitsy spider weaves its webs
Utazás Memphis-be
Sétálgattam, nincs itt senki
Te voltál az, aki jobbat tanított nekem
Ez az öreg kisváros lehangol engem
Te voltál, aki azt mondta nekem:
Hogy neked …
… Memphis-be kell utaznod, azt fogom tenni
Memphis-be megyek, és követlek téged
Azt az autópályát fogom követni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be fogok menni, és veled leszek
A napon, mikor elmentél
Én voltam, aki leveleket küldött neked
Jobban tennéd, ha itt maradnál, a városban
Te voltál, aki azt mondta nekem:
Hogy neked…
…Memphis-be kell menned, azt fogom tenni
Kergetni az árnyékot, ami követ téged
Azon az autópályán menni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be fogok menni, és veled leszek
Veled leszek
Veled leszek
Memphis-be fogok menni
Memphis-be menni, azt fogom tenni
Kergetni az árnyékot, ami követ téged
Az autópályán menni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be menni, hogy veled legyek
Ezt fogom tenni
Kergetni az árnyékot, ami követ téged
Az autópályán menni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be menni, hogy kövesselek téged
Azt fogom tenni, igen
I can't separate myself from you, under my skin I hold you
Do you say it's my fault?
When someone loves you with his whole heart and blood, eternity is too little, come to see each other again...
Where you left me, next you used to live në today you don't even how I'm.
You forgot how we used to touch, how much we loved.
Do you know? Like a lost boat in the sea today I'm without you, because I don't have you...
Love haram haram
Love haram haram
My heart wants, even if it's wrong...
My eyes can't see anymore
Clear, because tears don't allow me
This is how you used to love me?
When someone loves you with his whole heart and blood, eternity is too little, come to see each other again...
Where you left me, next you used to live në today you don't even how I'm.
You forgot how we used to touch, how much we loved.
Do you know? Like a lost boat in the sea today I'm without you, because I don't have you...
Love haram haram
Love haram haram
My heart wants, even if it's wrong...
Korán reggel
Korán reggel
Pont nyolc óra
Látom a magányos augusztusi napot felkelni
Mondd, tudod, hogy
Meg fogsz érinteni a magad módján
Kint a mezőkön várok egész éjjel
Korán reggel
Korán reggel, igen
Az egész úton futottam
A nyomokat követve
A bejáraton keresztül
Majd egy utolsó pillantás vissza
Mondd, tudod, hogy
Meg fogsz menteni a magad módján
Kint a mezőkön vártam egész éjjel
Korán reggel
Korán reggel, igen
Kint a mezőkön
Felmentem egészen lépcsőházban
És üresen találtam a tetőt
A fegyvert itt magam mellé fektettem
Mondd, tudod, hogy
Meg fogsz érinteni a magad módján
Kint a mezőkön, tudod, milyen ez az érzés, igen
Korán reggel
Korán reggel, igen
Kint a mezőkön
Korán reggel
Pont nyolc óra
Fújjatok riadót
„Amelyik éjjel elhagytam a várost,
Egy farkasról álmodtam…”
Onnan jött, ahol hidegek a szelek
És az igazságot kulcslyukokon keresztül látják
…különös vágyak sosem alszanak
Most oda jutott, ahol nem vernek szívek
Fújjatok riadót
Ideje aggódni
Fújjatok riadót
El tudod kezdeni, de nem tudod abbahagyni
Meghátrálsz, de nem tudod feladni
Elmesélheted minden kétségbeesett viccedet
Egy világnak, amely
A szerelmet jégre teszi
Fújjatok riadót
Itt az idő aggódni
Fújjatok riadót
…a besüppedt szemek
És a fájdalom a kiáltásaiban
Egy alak a sötétben…
Fújjatok riadót
Ideje aggódni
Fújjatok riadót
Holnap lesz
Itt az idő elkezdeni elfelejteni
azt a sebet, mely sosem fog begyógyulni,
a csókot, mely többé nem lesz,
és a testednek az illatát.
A csend, ami nem fog beszélni,
a cselekedeteid és az emlékeid, melyek már
már nem térnek vissza, a lyukak, melyek kitöltik
a szokásokat, és a titkok is eltűnnek.
Holnap egy új szerelem vár
amely elfeledtet engem, és meggyógyítja a sebeket,
Holnap egy új Nap lesz
ami beragyog minket
és végül, nem lesz több fájdalom.
A mosolyod már nem tér vissza, a múlt
nem fog megbocsájtani, emlékeztetni fog
a másik hely ígéretére,
melyet egykor közösen álmodtunk meg.
A szavak nem tűnnek el
benned láttam az édes könnyeket, amikor
rád gondolok, soha többé nem fogsz megérinteni
a testem meghal a szerelmedért.
Holnap egy új szerelem vár
amely elfeledtet engem, és meggyógyítja a sebeket,
Holnap egy új Nap lesz
ami beragyog minket
és végül, nem lesz több fájdalom.
Holnap egy új szerelem vár
amely elfeledtet engem, és meggyógyítja a sebeket,
Holnap egy új Nap lesz
ami beragyog minket
és végül, nem lesz több fájdalom.
Spidy-spider, climbed on her web,
Then came a heavy rain, took the spider away.
Sun dearest dryed the rain,
Spidy-spider climbed her web again.
Anty-ant, carrying a twig,
diligently working, always scyrrying.
Almost ready, is the fine ant's nest,
Anty-ant, carrying a twig.
Crick-cricket, playing his violin,
Jumping here and there, in the hay field.
Little bluebell, going to sleep,
Crick-cricket, playing his violin.
Mosqy-mosquito, buzzing in her flock,
Summer day passes, in that hustling.
Night shadows arrive, wings glistening,
Mosqy-mosquito, buzzing in her flock.
Spidy-spider, spinning her web,
Litlle bird flies there to see.
Sun set far beyond the mountain,
Spidy-spider, spinning her web.
Poem of Goodbye
How much time
has passed since then?
where have you gone to?
I want to meet you...
I can't meet you...
You met somebody
with whom you
now walk close by,
and you two have started living happily together -
or so I've heard
What should I offer you as a farewell gift?
Is that one poem okay?
I can't hear an answer,
but that's okay
That's okay
Always that
the love song we used to
hum together started playing,
those days were...
Those days were...
Whenever you suddenly remember those days
and think 'Such happy times!', it'll all be okay
Only that is enough
Only that is enough for me
getting angry,
ordinary happiness, just what we used to talk about -
that's what I long for
What should I offer you as a farewell gift?
Is that one poem okay?
There's no need for an answer,
and that's how I want it to be
That's how I want it to be
There surely isn't
a place for me
in your heart anymore, is it?
But now,
right now,
if you think you're happy
living with him, that's fine
Only that is enough
Only that is enough
Always that
the love song we used to
hum together started playing,
those days were...
Those days were...
Whenever you suddenly remember those days
and think 'Such happy times!', it'll all be okay
Only that is enough
Only that is enough for me
Quite some time
has passed since
that day, hasn't it?
But now,
you are...
if you think you're happy
living with him, that's fine
Only that is enough
Only that
Only that is enough
Only that is enough for me....
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are deeply appreciated.
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