Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 17

Találatok száma: 555


The kings of night Verona

The world is separated by good and evil
It's complicated to be the king there
And it's strange though sometimes
It's hard to understand who is the king and who is the clown
To be the king, to live under lock and key
There's a war in the morning and then - a social reception in the afternoon
The strongest ones of the world who are far away from the Earth (?)
Don't understand that we are the kings
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The happiness isn't everlasting
The fame is blind
People choose their kings
We demand satisfaction from the destiny
We don't care who is a hunter and who is a target
Games with the destiny are hilarious and useless
We burn the bridges after ourselves
And at all times
Only love must rule the world
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again
The itsy bitsy ant carries a straw
It is always diligently doing its work
Soon the magnificent anthill will be finished
The itsy bitsy ant carries a straw
The itsy bitsy grasshopper plays its violin
It jumps around in the tall grass
The little bellflower goes to sleep
The itsy bitsy grasshopper plays its violin
The itsy bitsy spider weaves its webs
A little bird flew over to watch
The sun has set far beyond the mountains
The itsy bitsy spider weaves its webs

Utazás Memphis-be

Sétálgattam, nincs itt senki
Te voltál az, aki jobbat tanított nekem
Ez az öreg kisváros lehangol engem
Te voltál, aki azt mondta nekem:
Hogy neked …
… Memphis-be kell utaznod, azt fogom tenni
Memphis-be megyek, és követlek téged
Azt az autópályát fogom követni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be fogok menni, és veled leszek
A napon, mikor elmentél
Én voltam, aki leveleket küldött neked
Jobban tennéd, ha itt maradnál, a városban
Te voltál, aki azt mondta nekem:
Hogy neked…
…Memphis-be kell menned, azt fogom tenni
Kergetni az árnyékot, ami követ téged
Azon az autópályán menni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be fogok menni, és veled leszek
Veled leszek
Veled leszek
Memphis-be fogok menni
Memphis-be menni, azt fogom tenni
Kergetni az árnyékot, ami követ téged
Az autópályán menni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be menni, hogy veled legyek
Ezt fogom tenni
Kergetni az árnyékot, ami követ téged
Az autópályán menni
A bejárati ajtódig
Memphis-be menni, hogy kövesselek téged
Azt fogom tenni, igen


I can't separate myself from you, under my skin I hold you
Do you say it's my fault?
When someone loves you with his whole heart and blood, eternity is too little, come to see each other again...
Where you left me, next you used to live në today you don't even how I'm.
You forgot how we used to touch, how much we loved.
Do you know? Like a lost boat in the sea today I'm without you, because I don't have you...
Love haram haram
Love haram haram
My heart wants, even if it's wrong...
My eyes can't see anymore
Clear, because tears don't allow me
This is how you used to love me?
When someone loves you with his whole heart and blood, eternity is too little, come to see each other again...
Where you left me, next you used to live në today you don't even how I'm.
You forgot how we used to touch, how much we loved.
Do you know? Like a lost boat in the sea today I'm without you, because I don't have you...
Love haram haram
Love haram haram
My heart wants, even if it's wrong...

Korán reggel

Korán reggel
Pont nyolc óra
Látom a magányos augusztusi napot felkelni
Mondd, tudod, hogy
Meg fogsz érinteni a magad módján
Kint a mezőkön várok egész éjjel
Korán reggel
Korán reggel, igen
Az egész úton futottam
A nyomokat követve
A bejáraton keresztül
Majd egy utolsó pillantás vissza
Mondd, tudod, hogy
Meg fogsz menteni a magad módján
Kint a mezőkön vártam egész éjjel
Korán reggel
Korán reggel, igen
Kint a mezőkön
Felmentem egészen lépcsőházban
És üresen találtam a tetőt
A fegyvert itt magam mellé fektettem
Mondd, tudod, hogy
Meg fogsz érinteni a magad módján
Kint a mezőkön, tudod, milyen ez az érzés, igen
Korán reggel
Korán reggel, igen
Kint a mezőkön
Korán reggel
Pont nyolc óra

Fújjatok riadót

„Amelyik éjjel elhagytam a várost,
Egy farkasról álmodtam…”
Onnan jött, ahol hidegek a szelek
És az igazságot kulcslyukokon keresztül látják
…különös vágyak sosem alszanak
Most oda jutott, ahol nem vernek szívek
Fújjatok riadót
Ideje aggódni
Fújjatok riadót
El tudod kezdeni, de nem tudod abbahagyni
Meghátrálsz, de nem tudod feladni
Elmesélheted minden kétségbeesett viccedet
Egy világnak, amely
A szerelmet jégre teszi
Fújjatok riadót
Itt az idő aggódni
Fújjatok riadót
…a besüppedt szemek
És a fájdalom a kiáltásaiban
Egy alak a sötétben…
Fújjatok riadót
Ideje aggódni
Fújjatok riadót

Holnap lesz

Itt az idő elkezdeni elfelejteni
azt a sebet, mely sosem fog begyógyulni,
a csókot, mely többé nem lesz,
és a testednek az illatát.
A csend, ami nem fog beszélni,
a cselekedeteid és az emlékeid, melyek már
már nem térnek vissza, a lyukak, melyek kitöltik
a szokásokat, és a titkok is eltűnnek.
Holnap egy új szerelem vár
amely elfeledtet engem, és meggyógyítja a sebeket,
Holnap egy új Nap lesz
ami beragyog minket
és végül, nem lesz több fájdalom.
A mosolyod már nem tér vissza, a múlt
nem fog megbocsájtani, emlékeztetni fog
a másik hely ígéretére,
melyet egykor közösen álmodtunk meg.
A szavak nem tűnnek el
benned láttam az édes könnyeket, amikor
rád gondolok, soha többé nem fogsz megérinteni
a testem meghal a szerelmedért.
Holnap egy új szerelem vár
amely elfeledtet engem, és meggyógyítja a sebeket,
Holnap egy új Nap lesz
ami beragyog minket
és végül, nem lesz több fájdalom.
Holnap egy új szerelem vár
amely elfeledtet engem, és meggyógyítja a sebeket,
Holnap egy új Nap lesz
ami beragyog minket
és végül, nem lesz több fájdalom.


Spidy-spider, climbed on her web,
Then came a heavy rain, took the spider away.
Sun dearest dryed the rain,
Spidy-spider climbed her web again.
Anty-ant, carrying a twig,
diligently working, always scyrrying.
Almost ready, is the fine ant's nest,
Anty-ant, carrying a twig.
Crick-cricket, playing his violin,
Jumping here and there, in the hay field.
Little bluebell, going to sleep,
Crick-cricket, playing his violin.
Mosqy-mosquito, buzzing in her flock,
Summer day passes, in that hustling.
Night shadows arrive, wings glistening,
Mosqy-mosquito, buzzing in her flock.
Spidy-spider, spinning her web,
Litlle bird flies there to see.
Sun set far beyond the mountain,
Spidy-spider, spinning her web.

Poem of Goodbye

How much time
has passed since then?
where have you gone to?
I want to meet you...
I can't meet you...
You met somebody
with whom you
now walk close by,
and you two have started living happily together -
or so I've heard
What should I offer you as a farewell gift?
Is that one poem okay?
I can't hear an answer,
but that's okay
That's okay
Always that
the love song we used to
hum together started playing,
those days were...
Those days were...
Whenever you suddenly remember those days
and think 'Such happy times!', it'll all be okay
Only that is enough
Only that is enough for me
getting angry,
ordinary happiness, just what we used to talk about -
that's what I long for
What should I offer you as a farewell gift?
Is that one poem okay?
There's no need for an answer,
and that's how I want it to be
That's how I want it to be
There surely isn't
a place for me
in your heart anymore, is it?
But now,
right now,
if you think you're happy
living with him, that's fine
Only that is enough
Only that is enough
Always that
the love song we used to
hum together started playing,
those days were...
Those days were...
Whenever you suddenly remember those days
and think 'Such happy times!', it'll all be okay
Only that is enough
Only that is enough for me
Quite some time
has passed since
that day, hasn't it?
But now,
you are...
if you think you're happy
living with him, that's fine
Only that is enough
Only that
Only that is enough
Only that is enough for me....
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are deeply appreciated.
A-ha - Hunting High And Low dalszöveg fordítás

Vadászat fent és lent

Itt vagyok én
És közel, hogy elérem a kezeimmel
Ő horkolva elaludt, és ő így most még édesebb
Mint a legvadabb álmot, úgy láttam volna őt
És nézem őt, ahogyan elcsúszik mellőlem
Bár tudom, hogy vadászni fogok fent és lent
Nincs vége azoknak a távoknak, amelyeket megteszek
Vadászat fent és lent
Nincs vége azoknak a távoknak, amelyeket megteszek
Újra megtalálni őt
Ettől függenek az én álmaim
Keresztül a sötétségen
Érzem a szíve dobogását
Az enyém mellett
Ő a legédesebb szerelem, amire rátalálhattam
Így azt hiszem, hogy vadászni fogok fent és lent
Nincs vége azoknak a távoknak, amelyeket megteszek
Fent és lent
Te tudod, mit jelent szeretni téged...
Én vadászok fent és lent
És most azt mondja nekem, hogy el kell mennie
Én mindig vadászni fogok fent és lent
Terád éhezem
Nézz rám, részekre darabolom magam
Vadászat fent és lent
Nincs vége azoknak a távoknak, amelyeket megteszek
Óh, terád vadászni fogok fent és lent
Aleksis Neiros - Ta hapia mou (Τα χάπια μου) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

My pills

Why God don't you help me forget her
tell me why I can't sleep
I turn to pills and try to get over
the woman who's become s nightmare in my mind
Tonight I won't take my pills
I won't close my eyes all night
I'll look out of the window as it rains
thinking of who has you
Tonight I won't take my pills
I won't close my eyes all night my mind will go out and look for you
and my heart again will cry
She'll be roaming in my mind until morning
She'll pass in its narrow streets and I'll hurt
That woman who was once my god
has made me my own worse enemy
Marinella - Tha kerdiso i tha haso | Θα κερδίσω ή θα χάσω dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Either I'll win or lose

Don't wonder why
I don't ask for wishes from the stars
let's look at the matter at hand
it's not enough for you
to hold my two hands
We need to live too at some point
Either I'll win or lose
I don't care what comes of it
I want just for a bit
to be together
Either I'll win or lose
After all I don't care
I just want to catch
our passing life
So I'm not asking for anything crazy
To love me
for a moment
let the passion
become a strong flame
Time brings with it
many surprises
you don't know
what an happen to us tomorrow
Sandra Haj & Nagham Saleh - Baena Khayfeen/بقينا خايفين dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

We've been

We've been afraid, we've been afraid
Oh sad, where have you taken us
We've been wanting, we've been wanting
There's a hug in this world that makes us stronger
Against the day's ache, against a wounds that won't sleep
For everything you love with your heart, is getting away and Pease
And I have always loved with my heart and I'd do anyhing for them
They left me confused, wondering why they did so
I'm so in love just like you, unable to sleep
Well, I tell you, sometimes I forget when I sleep
From the says ache from a wound that never sleep
From all that our hearts love, it gets away and Pease
We've been afraid, we've been afraid
Where have you taken us, sadness
We've been wanting, we've been wanting
There's a lap in this world that gives us strength
Stella Haskil - Kegome kegome (καίγομαι καίγομαι) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I'm burning I'm burning

My tired body
tell me how you endure
as you constantly drench
your forehead with tears
I'm burning I'm burning
who will feel me
I'm burning I'm burning
who will save me
I wonder how it holds itself
after so many storms
and finds the courage
in difficult times
I'm burning I'm burning
who will feel me
I'm burning I'm burning
and who will save me
Without love in life
and in the world's lie
my seigh has been left
as my only companion
I'm burning I'm burning
and who will feel me
I'm burning I'm burning
and who will save me
Alla Pugacheva - Harlekino dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I'm rushing into the light of the arena, and then
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
A little harlequin is showing his paces
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
The audience isn't laughing and they don't know me
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
Because my mask shows no face
My name is simply Harlequin
And they never see me, they only see him
Me, a small dot in the big top
Now I'm standing there and this is my world
Oh, Harlequino, Harlequino
The one thing that belongs to you alone
Harlequino, Harlequino
Is the laughter that awards you
The jugglers on their horses are the main attraction
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
And all people are cheering them
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
There's an elephant that can walk on two legs
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
The girls on the tightrope are very beautiful
The magician is bewitching cats and mice
They are all receiving flowers and applause
A drum roll when the acrobats are doing a a somersault
My performance is intended for the interval
Oh, Harlequino, Harlequino
The one thing that belongs to you alone
Harlequino, Harlequino
Is the laughter that awards you
Life makes our hearts more open and softer
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
I've never got there my way
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
I've never felt close to being a chooser
(Oh, Harlequino, Harle-)
Who is playing his role for himself
I am fooling around for all those
Whom I am seeing through my mask
And even if I leave the circus one day
I guess that I've never been a bad harlequin
Oh, Harlequino, Harlequino
The one thing that belongs to you alone
Harlequino, Harlequino
Is the laughter that awards you
Les Rita Mitsouko - Y a d'la haine dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

There's hate

Versions: #2
There is hate
We don't have anything other than love
Ah, no!
We only have love to sell
Ah yes! There's hate
We don't have anything other than love
Ah no! There's hate
Hate as well
She has to spread it
Without breaking
There's even a good, sacred packet
Ah yeah
Yeah when even
When even
(Spoken Break)
We are all sore
And one feels very much lessened
Are our hearts will narrowed?
Will we get out of it stronger?
Do our hearts will dry out?
By force of loving the objects
We don't know how to be forgiven
Nevertheless, even if we are entitled to some excuses
Whether it is for - (interference) - looting and - (interference) - the rise of living matter on this planet
We don't know where to put ourselves in France
Once again we do what arrange us
We do as we have say
It was necessary to be say it
And now, if we were passing on to all something else,
Let's be more positive, nothing serves to be too sad, to the contrary,
Well to the contrary
(End of spoken break)
We don't have anything other than love
Ah no!
Ho yes it's sad to see a man cry, yes it's very sad, but
We don't have anything other than love to sell
Ah yeah! ...There's hate!
It even give sadness, when even, somewhere,
Arkadiy Severnyi - Tyotya chaya - akh yosef (Тётя Хая (Ах, Йозеф)) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Aunty Chaya

Oi, Yosef, Yosef, lovely old Yosef -
What names there are in this world!
Have you worn down your painful callous,
Or does it still leave your feet curled?
Oi, Yosef, Yosef, lovely old Yosef -
Your beloved callous - have you worn it down?
Better no one knew,
Better it fell off, too -
Dare you even take your whole leg out!
Best of mornings, auntie Chaya, ay, ay, ay!
There's a parcel from Shanghai here, ay, ay, ay!
In the parcel, three Chinese guys, oy, oy, oy!
Three Chinese guys painting eggs white, oy, oy, oy!
At the market, I met Yosef, shopping.
He was buying foot cream, if I'm right,
Holding, in his teeth, а pot of sour cream,
With his arms, he held his callous tight.
I wanted to congratulate him primly,
Smiled widely, and took my hat off -
But suddenly he noticed Aunty Chaya,
Wagged his tail and then just walked straight off.
Best of mornings, auntie Chaya, ay, ay, ay!
There's a parcel from Shanghai here, ay, ay, ay!
In the parcel, three Chinese guys, oy, oy, oy!
Three Chinese guys painting eggs white, oy, oy, oy!
You know what she's like, Aunty Chaya,
And she's clearly wearing Yosef thin -
She's been sent a parcel from Shanghai here,
And Yosef's callous is gonna kill him!
But Yosef will wear down his cursed callous,
Beat someone in quite a splendid style!
The he'll go and meet our Aunty Chaya,
Put her in her place, but all the while...
Best of mornings, auntie Chaya, ay, ay, ay!
There's a parcel from Shanghai here, ay, ay, ay!
In the parcel, three Chinese guys, oy, oy, oy!
Three Chinese guys painting eggs white, oy, oy, oy!
Roméo et Juliette, de la haine à l'amour (comédie musicale) (OST) - Ich bin schuldlos dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I am innocent

My world is beautiful if only in my dreams,
I never had childhood dreams
My childhood was stolen from me,
I am the son of hate and bitterness
I was skillfully raised in the darkness,
The only teaching was to ' to prepare for war' ,
I lived in the shadows, plotting my revenge,
too dark, too bleak, for just a kid
I am all alone,
For ever alone.
I am innocent, I am innocent,
Take my parent, take a closer look
That is what I have become,
I am innocent, I am innocent,
Only their revenge grows within me,
and I will undoubtedly follow in their footsteps,
I am innocent,
Your gaze torments me,
I am innocent,
I have no other option,
The hate has clogged up with in me,
I am a child of violence,
I am innocent!
I am innocent,
Your gaze torments me,
I am innocent,
I have no other option,
The hate has clogged up with in me,
I am a child of violence,
My world is beautiful if only in my dreams,
I never had childhood dreams
My childhood was stolen from me,
I am the son of hate and cruelty
Ronela Hajati - mos ik dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Don't go

I'm I'm I don't know
Tell to the new boy
That I need love eeh
Love without bothers
Tell him that I do
I do whatever he wants
Tell him that I can do whatever it needs
How do you think
I'm nervous
Should I give him om that and leave it on the bed...
Make it now make it more x3
Don't go to the next one
For the sake of old times
Come back to me and don't go to the other for the sake of old times
Bring it shake it know it know the flavor
Don't have fears
Tell him that I do
I do whatever he wants
Tell him that I can do whatever it needs
How do you think
I'm nervous
Should I give him om that and leave it on the bed...
Make it now make it more x3
Don't go to the next one
For the sake of old times
Come back to me and don't go to the other for the sake of old times x2
Metallica - Halo On Fire dalszöveg fordítás

Glória lángokban

Gyere, nem maradsz, igaz?
Minden könnyekben végződik
A gondolatok a legpiszkosabbak
De mindketten vérezni fogunk
Oh, glória lángokban
Az éjfél ezt jól ismeri
Gyors a vágy
Alkot egy másik poklot
Félek a fényt felkapcsolni
Mert a sötétség nem múlik el
Gyors a vágy
Kapcsold le a fényt
Glória lángokban
Az igézet sötét
Titkok legbelül
Vond meg
Vond meg
Hogy olyan élőnek érződjön
Ne csak elfordulj
Oh, glória lángokban
Az éjfél ezt jól ismeri
Gyors a vágy
Alkot egy másik poklot
Félek a fényt felkapcsolni
Mert a sötétség nem múlik el
Gyors a vágy
Kapcsold le a fényt
Glória lángokban
Az imák nem jutnak át
Vissza a feladónak
Akinek közületek
Megadom magam
Sodrás elrejtve
Sötét feltámadás
Világítsd az egeket
Átkozott tökéletesség
Túl sötét az alváshoz
Nem tudok elaludni
Nyitva vagy zárva
A szemeim megcsalnak
Túl a sötétségen
Gyere, nem maradsz, igaz?
Viszlát, sötétség
Köszönj el
Viszlát, sötétség
Köszönj el
Viszlát, sötétség
Köszönj el
Carole Samaha - Hakhounak (حخونك) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

İ will betray you

Try to put your yourself in my place
Maybe you will feel my pain
İ will remind you with my sufferance, you had destroyed my life
Try to put your yourself in my place
Maybe you will feel my pain
İ will remind you with my sufferance, you had destroyed my life
İ will confuse and worry you for seconds, and i will deprive your heart from my tenderness
İ will destroy you from a distant place, just like you have done to me
İ will betray you, i will drop a tear from your eyes
İ will betray you and i will watch your madness someday
You left and hurted me, i will deprive you from love
İf the past comes back once again
İ would not build my dreams with someone selfish like you
İ will get you away from my life
The biggest mistake i ever have done in my life was my love for you
İ had liked your defects and accepted you the way you are
And actually i wish if only i had never met with you
From this moment, i say to you goodbye
Keep far, leave me and disappear, you are not my beloved anymore
My self honor is tired
Keep far, leave me and go, my heart is hurted
İ folded the page, it is enough, forget me
You killed something in me
You lost me with your hands
And you have been so cruel with me, and my heart now is being cruel with you the same way
İf the past comes back once again
İ would not build my dreams with someone selfish like you
İ will get you away from my life
The biggest mistake i ever have done in my life was my love for you
İ had liked your defects and accepted you the way you are
And actually i wish if only i had never met with you
From this moment, i say to you goodbye
Keep far, leave me and disappear, you are not my beloved anymore
My self honor is tired
Keep far, leave me and go, my heart is hurted
İ folded the page, it is enough, forget me
İ will not betray you because my heart has never got used to betray you
All my concern was to see one tear in your eyes
İ will not betray you, i will not betray you
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi - tujh mein rab dikhta hai(female ) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

In you I see God

You asked nothing, wanted nothing
What you gave, came from the heart
You said nothing, weighed nothing
What you gave, you gave with a smile
You are warmth, you are shadow
You are mine and a stranger
I know not much, but one thing I know
In you I see God, dear, what should I do?
I incline before you, dear, what should I do
In you I see God, dear, what should I do?
God has joined these two together
Tuure Boelius - Eikö sua hävetä dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Aren't You Ashamed

No! No! No! No!
I don't actually mind
No! No! No! No!
Allu, me and my microcar
we drive to Pori and to the center, well
I love Britney and Nylon Beat, you know
when I hear a good song I start to dance
But Allu is so worried
'Tuure will you stop it
Put the music on silent
Oh my god, so embarrasing
Tuure, stop it, why are you so weird
Can't you just be normal
Boelius, really'
Aren't you ashamed since everyone is watching
How dare you
Aren't you ashamed since everyone is watching
And they are asking
Gosh don't you feel ashamed
Terrible don't you feel ashamed
Aren't you ashamed since everyone is watching
Don't you mind
No! No! No! No!
I don't actually mind
No! No! No! No!
I don't mind at all
No! No! No! No!
I don't actually mind
No! No! No! No!
I don't mind at all
Nea, me and my baby food jars
mush overs at a public place
And I have energy to be myself again
I'm gonna have a little show here to pass the time
Ruler: Master of the Mask (OST) - Star And Sun (별과 해) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Star And Sun

Star and sun can never meet
Same time, same place, we’re always there
We’re like a day and night or like a water and fire
So we can never be together
I’m so sad and my heart is choked
But I call you again
If I keep wanting and praying for you, can I see you?
My heart keeps wavering
What should I do? I lost my way
A restless night, night, night
A sad heart, heart, heart
A sad night, night, night
A broken heart, heart, heart
I’m always here with a sad expression on my face
Same thinking, same eyes, it seems like everything is mine
Even we’re together, I feel lonely
Like a tree branche in the winter
It’s always dry and thin
So it doesn’t have enough energy to hug
If I keep wanting and praying for you, can I see you?
My heart keeps wavering
What should I do? I lost my way
Gather all of longings in my mind
If I pray to sky, can I see you?
Is it this much hard to be loved from a person who I love?
I don’t have many wishes
Just a little wish, Please let it come true in my life
If I keep wanting and praying for you, can I see you?
My heart keeps wavering
What should I do? I lost my way
Gather all of longings in my mind
If I pray to sky, can I see you?
Is it this much hard to be loved from a person who I love?
A restless night, night, night
A sad heart, heart, heart
A sad night, night, night
A broken heart, heart, heart
Safaa Hanaa صفاء و هناء - داني ديتو Dani Dito dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Danny Dito

What we do not describe is what we value
A shot of Chitito snatched away and quickly related to Bee
Ragheb McCain is in the first row
I do not have Mantsalu to ask him to count
What we do not describe is what we value
A shot of Chitito snatched away and quickly related to Bee
Ragheb McCain is in the first row
I do not have Mantsalu to ask him to count
Danny Dito and God Ma Khalito
Dito Danny and God Ma Khalani
In a ghetto in Ghana, it is temporal
Once time fanaticism and blood generous and protector
I've turned you the knight of my dreams
A romantic walka is how I can not
What is important is to change the higher and confused me
'Once time' fanaticism and blood generous and protector
I've turned you the knight of my dreams
A romantic walka is how I can not
What is important is to change the higher and confused me
Frozen (OST) - Dashuria na hap​ një derë [Love Is an Open Door] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Love opens a door to us

Okay, can I say something crazy?
I love crazy things!
I've been bumping all my life with doors endlessly
But suddenly I'm bumping with you
I think the same has happened to me, and...
I've been thinking my whole life only for you
And here, the coincidence bumped me with you
Yes with you
Yes with you
I found you
I'm seeing you
And this feeling, I've never known it before
Love opens a door to us
Love opens a door to us
Love opens a door to us
With you
With you
With you
With you
Love opens a door to us
You know what I want?
To eat together...
I was going to say the same thing
No, I don't know anyone...
So similar with me
Jinx, let's do jinx
We're the right synchronous
We're the beautiful feeling
And I...
Just the both of us
Past without you
Not anymore, I won't be alone
Love opens a door to us
Love opens a door to us
I live my life with you
With you
With you
With you
With you
Love opens a door to us
Can I say something crazy?
Will you marry me?
Can I say something even crazier?
I accept!
Frozen (OST) - Çünkü İlk Defa Hayatımda (For the First Time in Forever) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Because For the First Time in My Life

The window is open, also doors too
It never happened in the Past
Salad plates are plenty here
For ages in corridors,
In boring living rooms
The Gates are opening anymore
Real people are coming
It's a weird feeling
As if I'm ready for all of these
Because for the first time in my life
Music, light will exist
Because for the first time here
Then I'll dance
Am i happy or hectic?
Methinks, a bit amidst
Because for the first time in my life
I won't be alone
I can't wait to see everybody
Impossible, if I see her too?
I wear a costum in the Prom
Which made of attractive fabrics
A symbol of elegance
Ooh.. I suddenly saw him/her there
Blondie and young, tall, slim
I can't withstand for chocolate
We chatted along the night
What a kind of feeling it is, utterly different
I never lived it
Because for the first time here
Pretty/Beautiful things will exist
Because for the first time here
I will be seen in the Prom
I am aware, it's so crazy dream
To search for love here
But for the first time in my life
I'll have a chance
Oh hide it, don't let them see
Let them think you're nice person
Quiet, apathetic, a show
If you put a foot wrong, it's bad
[Elsa & Anna:]
Only for today
To wait is so painful
[Elsa:] Guards, open the Gate!
[Anna:] The Gate!
Today, for the first time here
[Elsa:] Oh hide it, don't let them see
[Anna:] My dreams come true
[Elsa:] Let them think you're nice person
[Anna:] It's a chance for change
[Elsa:] Quiet
[Anna:] To find the Love
[Elsa:] Cover feelings, don't let them know
Tomorrow, everything will be over
Today is so important
Because for the first time in my life
Because for the first time here
Obstacles won't exist!
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (OST) - Hum Ek Hain (हम एक हैं) [We're one] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Hum Ek Hain (हम एक हैं) [We're one]

In the game of life,
We are so happy with it
Without understanding
And we know that,
we want to have many,
of these
You'll see it on
that we will be with you
When traveling, you’re the depressed
These keep you believe
That we will be always near,
We will be with you forever,
We are one
When this becomes the all of,
I could not live,
Not such as I am
I follow your heart,
Or am I destined to leave
What can I do?
Those who are no longer here,
Are always with you
Your new journey is here
Pain or happiness,
Cannot be taken
All with you,
We are one.
You’re mine
Like the earth and the sky,
Remain together forever
Advance in the understanding of
And in the courage
That you will find in life
We are one
Rodolfo Zapata - Hay un ruido peculiar dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

There's a peculiar noise

There's a peculiar noise,
(I said peculiar and I don't stop)1
That in secret slips
and though it doesn't sympathizes us
because of moral reasons,
its musical variety
causes laughter to anyone.
Sometimes is like a trill,
other times is like a moan,
and sometimes is so violent
what when it comes out it rips
according to who executes
and also the instrument.
If that musical note,
is made by some old woman,
is no sigh nor moan,
is more like a burp,
that when it leaves its pipe
it gets lost without a trace.
But if she's strong and fat
and eats lots of beans,
it seems the fuss
of their musical notes like
a thousand fireworks,
with sounds of broken glasses.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The Lion King (OST) - Kral Olmaya Hazırım [I Just Can't Wait to Be King] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I Just Can't Wait to Be King

I will be the strongest king,
May my enemies be scared!
I have never seen a king with that less fur.
I will be the supreme king,
Greater than the others.
I learned how to posture,
I learned how to roar, grauuu!
I have never heared a such a funny thing.
I just can't wait to be the king.
My prince, you have a long way to go!
Don't barge in,
Don't get your nose into my business.
Take a listen to me.
I meant:
Don't put me out of temper.
Look, you don't understand it.
I can't stay here.
I should do what I want.
It's incredible
I should be free.
Now it's the time,
Let's put our heads together.
I can't get advice
From the horned heads.
If there will be a monarchy,
Ignore me.
I can stay in Africa not even a moment.
I am out of this business.
Ah! I will go bananas with this boy.
I just can't wait to be the king.
Look left everyone!
Look right everyone!
Can you see me all?
I am at everywhere.
Let's sing this song together.
Sing along with these birds.
Let's hum with Simba.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.
Bosnian Folk - Pita Fata Halil-mejhandžiju (1) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Fata asks Halil the innkeeper (1)

Haj, Fata asks, aman1
Halil the innkeeper
haj, Halil the innkeeper
haj was my Meho, aman
last night here?
Haj, he was, aman
young Mehaginca2
before morning he was barely at ease
haj from delight3, aman
[he] smashed the plates
Haj he also said
whoever asks about Meho
let them not straggle after Meho
haj and he came back by himself
when the delight let him be
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