Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 38


A lány kékben

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Az éjszaka még fiatal egy lánynak, akit ismertem
Ki az egész életét kékbe öltözve élte
Kint azokban a nyughatatlan utcákban
A következő kiadást várja
Álmatlan szirén, oly hideg szempár
Sose félt a megöregedéstől
Kétségbeesett dalt kiált
Mielőtt tovább megy
Azt kiáltja, ma este olyan akarok lenni, mint te
A fényben táncolva, feledve a bántalmazást
Elveszve a tömegben, senki se tudja meg
A lány a kékben teljesen egyedül van
Teljesen egyedül van
Teljesen egyedül van
Cigaretta keveredik parfümmel
Egy ablak lehúzva, hogy elrejtse a füstöt
Ólommal teli szíve ver
És egyenesen a fejre céloz
Ó, ő csak szeretett volna valakivé válni
Találni egy okot, hogy folytassa
Ma esküszik rá, hogy talál
Rá módot, hogy életben maradjon
Azt kiáltja, ma este olyan akarok lenni, mint te
A fényben táncolva, feledve a bántalmazást
Elveszve a tömegben, senki se tudja meg
A lány a kékben teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány, teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány
Teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány, teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány
Teljesen egyedül van
Azt kiáltja, ma este olyan akarok lenni, mint te
A fényben táncolva, feledve a bántalmazást
Elveszve a tömegben, senki se tudja meg
A lány a kékben teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány, teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány
Teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány, teljesen egyedül van
A lány, a lány, a lány
Teljesen egyedül van

Felfedezetlen állat

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Láttam magam daruvá változni
És a csapatommal melegebb tájra repülni
Néhány dolgot egyszerűen lehetetlen elmagyarázni
Akárhogy is próbálod
És nincs rá mód, hogy ellenálljak az elbűvölő szemednek
Nem csoda, hogy a lányok méhként döngenek körül
Meg akartam tartani ma estig
De ha már úgyis itt vagy
Remegni hívlak
Meghívlak, hogy egy morgással kimutasd a fogad fehérjét
Hadd vigyelek a térképen túlra
Bújj elő, felfedezetlen állat!
Kergetni akarlak, ahogy a szelet kergetik
Míg a ruhánk tele nem lesz katicabogárral
Ne félj a világtól, amely bünteti, hogy csodákat hozz létre
Inkább innék egy mérgezett tóból
Mint hogy elszalasszak egy lehetőséget is, hogy átkaroljalak
Olyan vagy, mint egy édes házi lekvár
Mit nem lehet szeretni benned?
Remegni hívlak
Meghívlak, hogy egy morgással kimutasd a fogad fehérjét
Hadd vigyelek a térképen túlra
Bújj elő, felfedezetlen állat!
Remegni hívlak
Meghívlak, hogy egy morgással kimutasd a fogad fehérjét
Hadd vigyelek a térképen túlra
Bújj elő, felfedezetlen állat!
Vad, mégis barátságos
Rémült, de mégis engedi az érintést
Vad, mégis barátságos
Gyerünk! Vonyítsd ki magadból!
Remegni hívlak
Meghívlak, hogy egy morgással kimutasd a fogad fehérjét
Hadd vigyelek a térképen túlra
Bújj elő, felfedezetlen állat!
Bújj elő, ha készen állsz
A hajnal keltén várok rád
Nem engedem, hogy bántsanak, kedves
Nem engedem, hogy bárki kioltsa a fényed
Bújj elő, ha készen állsz
A hajnal keltén várok rád
De megértem, ha inkább rejtve maradnál...

Veszélyes állatok

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Küzdöttem lepedőimmel, s majdnem sírtam álmomban.
Igen, küzdök eme jól mondott sirámmal,
A legfrusztrálóbb típus,
Ahogyan engem üldözöl, neked versenymezek kellenének,
Élesre hegyezed a csizmád sarkát, és a mellkasomba nyomod,
És zihálásra késztesz,
Aztán térdre kényszerítesz engem.
A sötétség fogva tart.
Kattogásra készteti agyam, többre, mint amennyit be akarnék bevallani.
A fény, mi keresztülzizeg, a szándékok hamar visszaütnek hozzád.
Tán oly szemérmes, mint egy törzsi tánc,
Az első s utolsó esély.
S persze a két csapatra osztott ijesztgetők és megszállottak közönsége,
Mikor az akrobata leesett a gerendáról, mindenki szívét összetörte.
A sötétség fogva tart.
Kattogásra készteti agyam, többre, mint amennyit be akarnék bevallani.
A legalkalmatlanabb kedvenc, már oly régóta, úgyhogy csináljunk káosz „oroszlányt”.*
A sötétség fogva tart.
* Nöstény oroszlán :).

Flower With No Name

I wish you good health
May your heart's filled with hope
I wish you safe and well
May I always be a companion to you
The alarm goes off at the break of down and you're transported back from the dream of your hometown
Outside it's a rainy day and inside your eyes are wet
This longing is like a river flowing homeward
Almost tangible
And yet hazy like a distant memory
You're a flower with no name
Blossoming in the foreign land
Travel across the seas for the dearest
To plant a humble wish
Safeguard it with your life
And wish for the well-being of your family
The evening falls and you barely have time to hang the coat that gets wet in the rain
You rush into the kitchen as hurried as ever
Life has its ups and downs and your love brings me comfort
The dinner we share together
The companionship along the way
You're a flower with no name
Blossoming in the foreign land
Safeguard the home in any weather
The humble wish
Will be realized one day
I wish for the well-being of your family
I'll hold your hand tight
I'll be a companion to you and love is the power
You're a flower with no name
Youth wasted in a foreign land
Being there for me as I grow up
The wish you made
Together we'll make it come true one day
I wish for the well-being of your family
I wish you good health
May your heart's filled with hope
I wish you safe and well
May I always be a companion to you

Budapest during the summer

Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
I bounce from home, take the elevator down, heading for the street
The plains of Pest and the bumps of Buda await me1
I don't need a bag and sandals are considered cringe this year
Let's eat an ice cream at the Oktogon2
And then get a move on but keep it cool
Hungarian girls never disappoint us
It's all quality chassis, it's all nicely shaped airbags
I'm inviting a couple more pals
Meeting at the Nyugati3at the rotating clock
Slightly bubbly is better than fully carbonated
It smells like pee under every bridge
Hey, I've got no moolah on me! Wait up!
Don't fret it if you've got zilch, because
There are lots of squares, lots of parks and lots of gardens here
And for open-air parties you don't need cash
BKV4is free! Yeaaah...
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
When the summer comes, the concrete melts
The railway platform is full by the train that's headed for Balaton5
I'm turning back, I'm going to stay in Pest
If I play basketball all day, I can hold onto some cash
The air is steaming around the Déli6
But in the subway the draft will cool me down
I'm cooked alive on the street while being half naked
How can he take it in leather pants and snake skin boots?
We inflate the small pool at the gas station
It just barely holds together if two of us sit in it
We drink beers while the ball is bouncing
We are about to drown under the sunflower seed shells7
But when the night comes, the turf is ours
We keep throwing the ball until dawn and we rap in freestyle
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Three people are saying that and this is my vote also
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
There is no freer, there is no free-e-er place!
This is Budapest, this is Budapest
There's a real festival vibe everywhere
If you're looking for activities, check out the real menu!
We're setting out from the Blaha8and we'll go to the Pala9at ten
We are gawping at uncovered breasts from the bridge
And once we've dabbled in the water and had some beach food
We saunter home but we stop along to way at our breakdancing bros at the Jászai10
Then we're headed for the Kálvin11with the car
Because during the summer, the traffic doesn't suck, not even with a car
The music is fully cranked up, the elbow is out the window
After a couple of phone calls, lots of pals wait for me
At the crowded terrace, my body is vibrating already
And we're brainstorming at the bar, where else we should go
There's a sexy chick galore at the parties
Dancing on the dance floor, finishing it on the bed
And during the summer that's how it goes every day because
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Give it over to me now, let me bend the words!
But just carefully, I don't want to tear down the brains!
There's no time for a high five, dinner gets skipped today
The numerous storefronts of Budapest are winking at you
Well, the way I ride, is not the way to ride
I'm pedaling so hard, the concrete almost parts
What I like about Pest is that there're plenty of spaces
Where you can wake up under a chair
And if I still have a modicum of energy
Maybe it's a bad decision, a mistake for sure
I go and I ride my bike to a new party
Even if I'm not up for getting hooked up anymore
Huh, but eventually I warm up within a minute
I put a lock on the bike and I'm already making moves on the dance floor
And I get wild, I'm knocking down glasses too, I bet
Now this is what I like about Budapest during the summer
It's not the rain, not the wind, not the steam, not the sleet
Not the typhoon, not the ice, not the holy month of Christmas
But the light, the streets, the smell of the sweat of the chicks
Everybody in Budapest knows, that during the summer you should never go home from a party
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Budapest is much more free during the summer
Buda-Budapest is much more free during the summer
  • 1. Budapest, the capital of Hungary is cut in half in the middle by the river Danube.
    The left side is Pest and it's a more or less level area, while the right side, Buda, has hills and mountains.
  • 2. One of Pest's major intersections.
  • 3. 'The Western'. One of the three main railway terminals in Budapest.
  • 4. The main public transport operator in Budapest. It's not free to ride BKV vehicles, unless you're older then 65.
  • 5. Hungary's biggest lake.
  • 6. 'The Southern'. One of the three main railway terminals in Budapest.
  • 7. There are people who eat sunflower seeds in public places and they might let the empty shells fall under them and gather into a pile.
  • 8. The Blaha Lujza tér metro station is a station of the M2 (East-West) line of the Budapest Metro.
  • 9. An open-air bath on Margaret Island, Budapest.
  • 10. The Jászai Mari square is at the left foot of the Margaret Bridge.
  • 11. Kálvin tér is a square in Budapest.

Haīku 17. Which animal gets gassed?

The only animal that is gassed
for its fur
constitutes a particular mark.
It is the only nazified
animal of the whole nature.

N.A.K.E.D (being born as human becoming animals)

I know how to obtain your attention, ah
I'm a show, and without television, ah
Sit down in the first row, I'm much better than a movie
Tonight I strip of every pain, strip tease
I really want you to see me
Getting rid of all my insecurities
Dressed of just my skin
And I can change it like a snake if I have to
Look at me
Listen while I talk with my mouth shut
Close your eyes and look at me
The body doesn't lie to you like Judas
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings
Your hands, my extension, ah
You're my natural vocation, ah
I want to follow the rhythm, listen to the instinct
Tonight I strip you of every pain, shut up
But I can really see you
Making sense of my insecurities
Find in yours a new skin
Crawl on the ground like a snake if I have to
Look at me
Listen while I talk with my mouth shut
Close your eyes and look at me
The body doesn't lie to you like Judas
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings
Ehi, crash test, naked you're sexy, ok
Baby you're, uff, you're a snake
Tempt him, he would like it
Naked, yes
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings

The animal beat

I believe we lost our minds
or maybe we just lost sight
of the most authentic things
in the stormy seas
(and maybe it's not enough) and maybe it's not enough.
But I must admint I am afraid
and I never was before
afraid of the world
of you and sometimes even of myself.
No, no, it's not going away.
We have a beat
that beats like a jackhammer inside us
but if you keep a lid on it with the benefit of hindsight
it will never beat.
We have a healthy beat
that takes our hands
like a motorbike running
running against the wind at full speed
it's risky, everyone knows that.
If this world is never how you wanted it
if you feel like shouting, don't stop, ever.
It's an animal beat
it beats like no other
and has an overwhelming allure
that seizes you and carries you away with it.
No, it never stops pounding
until it becomes
your normal beat
the natural instinct that is inside you
yes, inside you, ooh.
It beats every time I play with my band.
It beats harder, it beats until death
sometimes it beats in pop music
and goes against time
it's the most authentic part of you
So try to let it go and it rises in you
it goes straight through your heart and never stops.
It's the animal beat
it beats like no other
and has an overwhelming allure
that seizes you and carries you away with it.
No, it never stops pounding
until it becomes
your normal beat
the natural instinct that is inside you
yes, inside you, ooh.
It beats and beats again and has a tribal flavour
it's our natural way of being
that beats, beats, beats and rebels
against this life, against the world that
changed us so much, yes,
but not completely
no, no, no, it's not over.
And so it beats, beats, beats
without an end the animal beat
that is inside1 people
and if you want to listen to it
it will tell you:
no, no, no, it's not over.
  • 1. inside or among

A Fenevad

Versions: #2
Érzem a bennem lévő fenevadat
Ahogyan az elmém ajtaját döngeti,
közel ellenállhatatlan erővel,
miközben az ellenállásom egyre csak gyengül.
Képtelen vagyok leírni azt az éhséget amit ismételten érzek.
Fuss, ha túl szeretnéd élni
Mert a fenevad most életre kel
Formát ölt a hold tisztátalan fényének ragyogásában
A halál eljön ezen az éjjelen
Mert a fenevad lelke enyém
Teljessé válunk épp a szemeid elött
S, ezúttal nincs uralmam felette
Így mindketten a pokolban fogunk zabálni, ma éjjel
Hallom, hogy ismét hívogat
A legfőbb szükség kerít hatalmába
Az átalakulás kezdetét veszi
S most a vérem forr
Látom a félelmet a szemeidben
De nem tudod magad kiáltásra bírni.
Ideje levetni az emberi álcát
Mert a vadállat életre kel
Formát ölt a hold tisztátalan fényének ragyogásában
A halál eljön ezen az éjjelen
Mert az állat lelke enyém
Kiteljesedünk éppen a szemeid elött.
Ezúttal nincs uralmam felette
S, ma éjjel mindketten a pokolban fogunk zabálni
Megkezdjük a hajszát és
Érzem ahogy eláraszt az erő
Miközben a teremtmények menekülőre fogják
Mert hamarosan ölni fogok és ez megelégít
Mert ma éjjel a félelem szaga
Felébreszt egy ősi vágyat ami nem lel elutasításra
Enyém vagy!
Mert az állat lelke enyém
Beteljesedünk pont a szemeid láttára
S, ezúttal nem én irányítok
Szóval ma éjjel a pokolban fogunk zabálni
Mert a vadállat lelke enyém
S, körülöttünk a világ sosem fogja hallani a sikolyaidat
Egy szentségtelen bűn
S, mindketten a pokolban fogunk zabálni, ma éjjel


Itt jövünk megint, kicsit több akarok lenni, mint barát
Szóval bánj velem óvatosan, félek, sosem leszel elégedett
Itt jövünk megint, betegek vagyunk, mint az állatok, színészkedünk
Te csak egy kannibál vagy és félek, nem fogok élve kijutni
Nem, nem fogok aludni ma este
Ó, ó, többet akarok
ó, ó, mire vársz?
Harapj bele a szívembe ma este
Ó, ó, többet akarok
Ó, ó, mire vársz?
Mire vársz?
Köszönj el a szívemtől ma este
Itt jövünk megint, érzem, ahogy a szerek beütnek
Egyre nehezebb és csak el akarok futni és elbújni
El akarok futni és elbújni
Minden alkalommal csinálom, most megölsz
És nem leszek megtagadva általad, a benned élő állat által
Ó, ó, többet akarok
ó, ó, mire vársz?
Harapj bele a szívembe ma este
Ó, ó, többet akarok
Ó, ó, mire vársz?
Mire vársz?
Köszönj el a szívemtől ma este
Csitt, csitt, a világ csendes
Csitt, csitt, ketten nem tudunk küzdeni
Mi okoztuk ezt a felfordulást
Miért nem tudod megérteni?
Whoa, nem fogok aludni ma este
Nem fogok aludni ma este
Itt jövünk megint
Ó, ó, többet akarok
ó, ó, mire vársz?
Harapj bele a szívembe ma este
Ó, ó, többet akarok
Ó, ó, mire vársz?
Mire vársz?
Köszönj el a szívemtől ma este
Itt jövünk megint, ó, ó
Itt jövünk megint, ó, ó
Itt jövünk megint, ó, ó
Köszönj el a szívemtől ma este
Ó, ó, többet akarok
Ó, ó, mire vársz?
Mire vársz?
Köszönj el a szívemtől ma este

Thousands of days

You putting makeup on your skin
Looking, where the metal will enter you
And maybe, I'm
Not the one, that you love, without loving
Your words
Cast in zinc in the world of emptiness
I will believe in them
Only if you will be near...
Thousands of days
I was looking for you in the wrong places
And here, I found you, OK
It doesn't mean, that I'm right
Behind the shield of scars
You are hiding precious worlds
I'm stubbornly towards them
Walking all my life and see the same dreams
In the same universe
Thinking about shared dreams
I will believe in them, only if you will be near...
Thousands of days
I was looking for you in the wrong places
And here, I found you, OK
It doesn't mean, that I'm right
With last ounce of strength
My world is standing on clay legs
I always lived as I lived
With you and without you in one strain
My palaces will burn
Only hatred and fear will be left
That all of these is wasted effort
And it's not about hopes and dreams
Thousands of days
I was looking for you in the wrong places
And here, I found you, OK
It doesn't mean, that I'm right


Mondtam neked valami biztonságosat
Valamit, amit sosem mondtam még azelőtt
És én, én, én, nem tudom levenni rólad a kezemet
Míg te ébren fekszel
Beterítve az egész tegnap estével
Szárnyalok, szárnyalok, szárnyalok, sosem kapott még meg senki úgy, mint te
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy óda a fiúhoz, akit szeretek
Fiú, meghalok azért, hogy gondoskodjak rólad
Az enyém, enyém, enyém vagy, mondd, kinek tartozom ezért
És ahogy telnek a napok
Többek leszünk, mint átvészelők
És idővel, idővel, idővel, építeni fogunk egy otthont kettőnknek
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Minden rendben van a mezőn
Mikor a párom mellett fekszem
Bébi, te vagy az
Bébi, te vagy az
Csak odaút, mint egy nyíl
Minden kiterítve, mint egy tarot pakli
Bébi, te vagy az
Bébi, te vagy az
Csak magamnak akarlak téged
Ne hagyj el senkiért sem
Veled egy állat vagyok
Egy angyal sem tud visszacsábítani
És ahol vagyok, az forróbb, mint a pokol
Veled egy állat vagyok
Veled egy állat vagyok


(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
You who got me melting more like this
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
So badly like this, you make me want you, you
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
I'm afraid of this thrilling feeling
Because of a bitter time, leaves are torn down
Although the claws are shown, soft wind
It keeps coming to me
Twists around me fast
While my heart is shown, it surges in, you're dazzling
Eyes met so sentimentally, it makes me hesitate
Surprised by my heart that got bigger, oh I want you
I'll never fake it,
baby if it's just us two (No)
(Oh Oh Oh)
It's hot, it feels like I'll get burned,
It's dangerous but i still embrace you
You who got me melting more like this
In the end me and you,
we're just animals Yeah
I am going to blow it up, right this moment
So come on baby come along
So badly like this, you make me want you, you
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
You who got me melting more like this
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
So badly like this, you make me want you, you
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
The instant that my voice saying end of the words trembled
As i try to push you away
I'm drawn to you again (No)
This short moment, just follow the feelings you're feeling
Wherever it is, I'll go
Go on and on
When the lips are touched, you flow in, you're dazzling
Sun lights that shines towards me, it makes me hesitate
I get thirsty, I'm so thirsty, i want you
I'll never fake it
baby if it's just us two (No)
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
It's hot, it feels like I'll get burned,
It's dangerous but i still embrace you
You who got me melting more like this
In the end me and you,
we're just animals Yeah
I am going to blow it up, right this moment
So come on baby come along
So badly like this, you make me want you, you
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
You who got me melting more like this
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
So badly like this, you make me want you, you
In the end me and you,
we're just animals
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
We're just animals

The House of the Rising Sun / az Arany Hajnal háza

Versions: #2
volt egy ház New Orleansban
úgy hívták Arany Hajnal
sok srác élte indult innét
de mind itt is maradt
anyám szabó volt
varrta a farmert
apám űzte, kergette a szerencsét
lent valahol New Orleansban
ha másnak neki miért nem
így okoskodott
nem volt mása egy bőröndje
s ha nyert reggelig ivott
ó anya mondd el kicsidnek
itt fog élni mindig
ezt osztotta ránk a sötét
így vár ránk sok sok év
elmenni innét csak úgy lehet
ha visznek vonaton
bilincs a kézen lánc a lábon
elmenni csak így lehet
volt egy ház New Orleansban
úgy hívták Arany Hajnal
sok srác élte indult innét
de mind itt is maradt
fordította Gaál György István

Set up

[Verse 1]
Tear up all useless ties.
OK, get rid of everyone , they can just shut up.
I followed the call of my heart,
I did everything right but where are you joy?
The ruins around don't give any warmth,
And why my eyes give everything a poisoned glance, glance, glance.
Hey, hey, hey - this is a setup - right, left, right.
Love , love kills the weak ones, only the weakest.
[Verse 2]
I am waiting without any hope
And I sing fitfully before learning to breathe.
I fell I love with travels, I read Mantras, Tora and Koran -where is the enlightenment?
I got into power lifting like crazy,
I gave up casual s*x and quit drinking,
Where is God's grace (bliss?)
Hey, hey, hey - this is a setup - right, left, right.
Love , love kills the weak ones, only the weakest.
Hey, hey, hey - this is a setup - right, left, right.
Love , love kills the weak ones, only the weakest.
Yes , I am sick, I am simply crazy
A character from books
And singing -this my personal , ideal , dammed way to survive.

Animals eviction

Hey man. Do you imagine if the one who invented the animals decided one day that if they want to keep living on the earth, they have to pay the rent?
Yes. It's a good idea. Because there are millions of animals on earth. If they all pay, the inventor can get lot's of money.
Yeah, but the animals don't have money. They won't be able to pay.
So what would happen?
It would happen that they would take them all out. They would give them the eviction.
Massive eviction of the animals.
Eviction for not paying the rent.
A turtle without a shell.
A turtle without a shell.
And a snail on the street unprotected in the night,
and a slug tells him 'come with me to find a place
where we can get in until the sun comes up.'
Hey lizard. Did you pay your rent for being laid there having a sunbathe?
No. I didn't pay anything.
Well. Then you go somewhere that is night.
Have a moonbathe.
That lion didn't pay this month.
That lion didn't pay this month.
And from the court came the order of being moved
from his native praire to a spaceship going to Saturn
where there are no gazelles to dinner.
Hey, man. Tell me one thing. These ants, how many they pay us monthly for that anthill?
I think the don't pay us anything.
Ah no. Send them to make holes to the Keops pyramids.
That whale that you see in the sea,
That whale that you see in the sea,
seems to be so smart. Pretending to live from the others.
But the eviction came to it too and it will have to go to Mercury
where there are no oceans to swim.
Let's see fish. How much you are you paying us for making bubbles in our waters?
Ah no. The bubbles are priceless.
Priceless? Then go make glass bubbles.
Only the cows in the pasture,
Only the cows in the pasture
weren't evictioned, because the field owners
told them 'Hey cow, swallow this grass and take it easy.
So I can eat you better.'
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Whoever thinks they're an animal
Doesn't know where they're going
Taking steps backwards
The one who says that it'll be
Always falls down again
They don't understand the end
Let's all go over there
Step by step without stopping
We wanna start
Let's all go where the truth is understood simply
We don't have to wait
Let's all go where the truth
Is close by
There's no such thing as beyond
When they come over here
They're not afraid to talk
Being far away he's gonna silence
An unreal outburst
Thousands of bodies under the sea
And I hear your heart beating
We weren't born in the ocean my love
And we know how to fly very well
It's never too late to start
Let's all go where the truth is understood simply
We don't have to wait
Let's all go where the truth's close by
There's no such thing as beyond
Let's all go where the truth is understood simply
We don't have to wait
Let's all go where the truth's close by
There's no such thing as beyond