A keresés eredménye oldal 20
Találatok száma: 1002
Your verse I'm reading: there's no rhyme
Its rhythm's uneven, fractured and bizarre...
Yes, but the spirit!
It's sparkling, beautiful, poetic!
It's life itself: from verbs' and to conjunctions' use!
One shall be yearning to create at once,
The rhyme and rhythm will come rushing from afar,
My poetry
Will pray to see the light, with passion, energetic...
You are a poet! But then on top of that, you are a MUSE!
Red I've painted red again,
Black ink's used to color black,
My white linen's soaked in white wash
Added blue dye to the blue.
Antiseptic green- for green stuff,
Yellow painted yellow still
Oh, it seems so very easy:
One just came and painted life.
But the sacrifice is huge! The artist,
Giving paintings his life's breath,
Can't escape that he, with blood-red,
Must wet brushes with his soul.
Painting life continues staining
Artists' souls like dressing gowns...
While at Sotheby's, those price tags
Keep on rising every time...
Árnyak között
Az iszonyatos sírástól nem tudok felébredni
Ez igazolja, a halál után mennyire sóvárgom
Képes a mélybe eltemetni
Rágondolok, milyen az árnyékok közt és zokogom
Egy ollóval gyógyítom meg a könnyek könnyének emberét
Attól, hogy elgyengülök félek belül itt,
A lepelben mellettem fog majd állni a kaszás
Álmodok, fekete ruhában vagyok azon az éjszakán!
Ma este létezem
És feketébe öltözöm csendesen …Oh igen!
Talán most vak vagyok
De talán próbálkozhatok…
Nem látod, hogy a látomások miért hívogatnak téged
Horrorisztikus az álmom és az egyetlen!
A véres álmok, a háború álmai!
Érzéketlen szemek figyelték félelmemet
Így üdvözölve az örök éjszakában itt
Nem leszel egy hentes
Nem, nem ez lesz a végzeted
Csicskája valaki ravasznak
Tegyél le erről azonnal!
Mi, te egy pap fia vagy? Akkor baszd meg-
Akkor ba.szd meg és fordulj fel!
A küszöbén állok, hogy a halál ellen legyek!
Most egy árnyék vagyok én is?
Mindig ébren vagyok és mindig feketében!
A küszöbén állok, hogy merjem a Lordot dicsérni -
Nem juttatom el a Lordnak, nem
Az őr vár
A határon vár
A büntetnivalót hagyd rám
Itt az idő, hogy eltöröljük a határt
Elhalványul a gyertyaláng
Ez nem minden, de én… [a régi párt]
Mereven nézem az egyedüli sötétséget és a halált
Figyel engem hideg szemeivel
Az árnyékok közt az Isten van velem
Elvesztem az okot a gyűlöletre!
(Ez igaz…)
(El tudom hagyni az árnyékokat!)
(Az utolsó túlélte!)
Az én fényemmel fénylik ragyogva
Az út, mit megkaptam, talán sajnálatból?? (A szívemért)??!
Az utolsó elhalt rímemmel befejezem világomat
Ami elárulja azt, hogy a kurva szívemmel mit tudtam megtenni
Az árnyékok a tisztesség és a szerelem szélén vonaglanak!
Engedelmeskednek és átvágják a torkodat
Ha nem beszélek, nem te leszel a következőáldozat,
Az árnyékok sztrájkolnak a pengéd alatt – Yaw
I Am Leaving
I know it is hard to part but I am leaving.
This time I swear to you that it is true.
I do not want to stay anymore.
A hundred times, I wanted to end it with you,
and then, a hundred times, I did not have the strength to part.
I was too scared to envision a life without you.
It's over!
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
I have to go away.
To live, I want to live, to be free, and to pursue all of my dreams,
like the time when I still believed
in the rainbow that follows the rain.
It's over!
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
I have to go away.
Offer—give me the courage that forgives
all the harm that could have been done,
and let me live my life without you.
It's over!
I go my way, I go away—I am leaving.
I have to go away.
I am going, I go my way, now that I can I leave you—
now that I can leave you—
I am leaving.
Break, Dawn
Versions: #2
Do you hear, my darling
My horses trot,
Do you hear, from the mountains
Calling for you, my voice?
Trumpets made sound,
The battle is done
Bells are ringing, The dawn is breaking,
I'm returning, my blood
Oh, well, break, dawn
Wake my old mom
So she can see
Who's coming home
Oh, well, break, dawn
My true love, I want to kiss
And her pale body, I want to hug
When there, far away
I see the gray chimney,
The old plum, the childhood fealds,
I'm coming home, alive
And the best are not here,
They were taken by the war
I was guarded by a photo of you,
I'm coming back, my love
The bike
Alkilados more beach
I'm coming for you baby
I got a bike that doesn't stop
rolling to your house
I got worn-out soles
from running after you
I got nearsightedness from looking at you
Headaches from thinking of you
If you don't realize it girl
I don't know what's going to become of me
I have thousands of songs to give you
I have them and then some nights
there are more stories to tell you
I got the secret from your smile
I have all the sighs
that take away your breeze
And it's true that I've got so much for you
All that's missing is a 'yes'
That will let me make you happy
And it's true that I have so much more
Let's leave it all behind
Because this love is about to begin
Making you fall in love is my intention
Where did you get so much perfection?
You've got me pedaling
I don't know where I'm going anymore
And why search for an explanation
When you bring out the best in me?
You've got me pedaling
And I'll go wherever you tell me
I have thousands of songs to give you
I have the thousand and some nights
there are more stories to tell you
I got the secret from your smile
that take away your breeze
Okay baby, we're going to try it
Tell me yes, let's see what happens
We're both crazy
You make my pedals turn
And in terms of love, anything goes
I'm an athlete
Your mouth is my goal
Loving you is going to the North Pole without a jacket
Because it's easier to cross
Niagara Falls on a bike
I got a bike that doesn't stop
rolling to your house
I got worn-out soles
from running after you
I got nearsightedness from looking at you
Headaches from thinking of you
If you don't realize it girl
I don't know what's going to become of me
I have thousands of songs to give you
I have them and then some nights
there are more stories to tell you
I got the secret from your smile
I have all the sighs
that take away your breeze
And it's true that I've got so much for you
All that's missing is a 'yes'
That will let me make you happy
And it's true that I have so much more
Let's leave it all behind
Because this love is about to begin
Where are you, she asks me
It always happens, after the first
When you want, leave the house
And she says to me, see that I need you (I need you)
But there is a reason
The last time she lost her mind
I never say no
It makes it impossible with voice notes
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to fuck, tell me the time
To break the floor with the blender
I always say yes when you invite me
Or if you do not send me a picture in order to make me an Ozunita
I am hers and she is mine (Mine)
I told her while she was eating me (-mine)
Always freaking, we are doing well
I want you for me, I do not want you dor anyone else
I am hers and she is mine (Mine)
I told her while she was eating me (-mine)
We're freaking, we are doing well
I want you for me, I do not want you dor anyone else
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I aske her to take it to the ship (To the ship)
Another day that thinks of me, she knows (You already known)
Again and again I touch her and she wants me not to stop (Do not stop)
She checked what I had been told, yeah
I am always the hunter to her, she comes out
When she is with me she knows what there is (here)
It is mounted in the car, she does not want to go down (She does not want to go down)
She does not put music,so we do it again already
One more time
Ask me one more time (Again)
That without me she does not want to be
When she is with me, she does not want to stop
She is so eager and she can not help it
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
What do you do, yeah
I am a fan of what you do, yeah, yeah
I do not wanna, I do not wanna tell you about it
I am a fan of what you do, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Little girl with that gaze of a she-wolf
Versions: #2
Oh, my little girl with that gaze of a she-wolf…
I also committed a suicide just like you would,
I also have stayed inside blood-covered bath,
In silence inhaled the fumes of the hash.
You see how peaceful are cows on the pasture,
How radiant is the light that amber hills capture.
We'll pull out pillars, will remove borders for good.
Oh, my little girl with that gaze of a she-wolf…
Sweet dreams I wish for you, don’t dwell in the past.
House where you lived is abandoned and trashed.
The moss have covered tomb’s of yours roof,
My little girl with that gaze of a she-wolf…
© Uncommon
Critique is always welcomed (proof-read or not, negative too).
Sick of you
Your pillow told me that you still dream of me
and you miss my kisses, that's what your belly button said
I had a conversation with your soap
and it confessed that even though you've tried, you can't erase my scent
No perfume can take me out of your life
No woman can take you out of mine
No spell or talisman can help me to forget
No surgeon, no hospital can do anything
I'm sick of you,
of your absence, of begging for your presence,
of calling you to hear your voice
and you're still there
unfazed, even though I'm part of your life
but it's good that you conceal the pain
like a stone
You're lonely, I'm lonely
being happy without you, impossible
I miss you, you miss me
until your eyes become misty
You alone, me alone
being happy without you, impossible
I miss you, you miss me
Today I spoke to your lipstick
it couldn't deny that you're doing bad
your mirror told me that
you don't go dancing anymore
No perfume can take me out of your life
No woman can take you out of mine
No spell or talisman can help me to forget
No surgeon, no hospital can do anything
I'm sick of you,
of your absence, of begging for your presence,
of calling you to hear your voice
and you're still there
unfazed, even though I'm part of your life
but it's good that you conceal the pain
like a stone
You're lonely, I'm lonely
being happy without you, impossible
I miss you, you miss me
until your eyes become misty
You alone, me alone
being happy without you, impossible
I miss you, you miss me
until your eyes become misty
One, two, one, two, one, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, two, one, two, one, cha, cha-cha-cha
I took a pill and had a dream (Me too)
I went back to my 17 year
Allowed myself to be naive (Tell me)
To be someone I've never been (I love it)
I took a sip and had a dream
And I woke up in Medellín (¿Do you like it?)
The sun was caressing my skin (Tell me)
Another me could now begin (Woo)
Calm, baby, I support you
We do not have to talk much to get into the roll
If you want to be my queen, I'll crown you
And for you to feel here I have a throne
You like to ride it, that's clear
If you feel like I'm going fast, I'll lower it
Excuse me, I know you're Madonna
But I'm going to show you how this dog falls in love with you
Come with me, let's take a trip
If I take you to a distant place
Come with me, I'll be so good for you
I fall in love, I fall in love, Mommy (Ay-ay-ay)
Come with me, let's take a trip
Give me that what you are taking
Come with me, I'll be so good for you
Sipping my pain just like champagne
Found myself dancing in the rain with you
I felt so naked and alive (Show me)
For once I didn't have to hide myself (Tell)
Hey mama, what's the matter with you? (Tell me)
Look, we're already in my house (Yeah)
If you feel there is a trip there in your head (Woo)
It will be because of the excess of brandy (Tell it)
But, mommy, calm, you just hesitate
We are in Colombia, here is rumba on each corner
And if you want we will go to Detroit (You know)
If I know where you're coming from then I know where I'm going
Come with me, let's take a trip
If I take you to a distant place
Come with me, I'll be so good for you
I fall in love, I fall in love, Mommy (Ay-ay-ay)
Come with me, let's take a trip
Give me that what you are taking
Come with me, I'll be so good for you (Okay)
If I fall in love (If you fall in love)
In less than a year, no, no (Hahaha)
We are going,are going to Medallo (Oh, how delicious)
If I fall in love (If you fall in love)
That is what i love, no, no (Come on)
Pue' mami, pue' mami, pue' mami, we are getting married
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, slow down, papi (Woo)
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, ay-ay-ay
We built a cartel just for love
Venus was hovering above us (Oh, yeah)
I took a trip, it set me free (My queen)
Forgive myself for being me (Ay-ay-ay)
Come with me, let's take a trip
If I take you to a distant place
Come with me, I'll be so good for you
I fall in love, I fall in love, Mommy (Ay-ay-ay)
Come with me, let's take a trip
Give me that what you are taking
Come with me, I'll be so good for you
If I fall in love (If you fall in love)
In less than a year, no, no (Hahaha)
We are going,are going to Medallo (Oh, how delicious)
If I fall in love (If you fall in love)
That is what i love, no, no (Come on)
Pue' mami, pue' mami, pue' mami, we are getting married
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, slow down, papi
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, cha-cha-cha
One, two, ay-ay-ay
One, two, two, one
One, two, two, one
One, one, two, two
Cha, cha-cha-cha
She's pursuing me
I promised I wouldn't call
It was whatever to you
You said it would only be one night
That it wouldn't matter to you'
Now I'm checking my phone, likes on Instagram
She talks to me on WhatsApp
Something's wrong
She forgot that I told her that I don't want anything
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
like a madwoman
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
Like a madwoman of love
We swore not to see each other anymore and not to talk again
Stop looking for love where there isn't any
We were together for one night, we were together for one night
There's no story to tell
I know you want it but I don't
I know you want it but I'm not here for you baby
You knew it was like this
Why should we dwell on it?
I know you want it but I don't
I know you want it but I'm not the one for you baby
You knew it was like this
I never wanted you
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
like a madwoman
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
Like a madwoman of love
And I don't feel a thing
And we promised each other that there'd be no calls
And I don't feel a thing
Just one night and nothing else
I know you want it but I don't
I know you want it but I'm not the one for you baby
You knew it was like this
Why should we dwell on it?
I know you want it but I don't
I know you want it but I'm not here for you baby
You knew it was like this
I never wanted you
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
like a madwoman
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
Like a madwoman of love
I promised I wouldn't call
It was whatever to you
You said it would only be one night
That it wouldn't matter to you'
Now I'm checking my phone, likes on Instagram
She talks to me on WhatsApp
Something's wrong
She forgot that I told her that I don't want anything
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
like a madwoman
She's pursuing me, I don't feel anything
She got it wrong, she fell in love
Like a madwoman of love
why is their skin red?
when do they ask 'Howgh'?
when do they ask just 'Howgh'?
what the Indians know now
they didn't know in the past
but they learn very fast
because they always ask 'Howgh'
hana mana ganda
hana mana ganda
we will translate everything
'hana' is like 'mana'
everyone can understand
why do they say just 'Howgh'?
and sometimes 'Howgh' without purpose?
in books, so it is said, someone who marries
and sees his mother-in-law blurts out 'Howgh', poor guy
and why is their skin red?
why is their skin red?
we'll immediately go back a million years
to our first prince
he kissed a princess, he suddenly blushed
and since then our skin is red
now you heard from our mouths
why our skin is so red
and it's not important what somebody said
you know why we're red
Another Sin
I'll forget your love
Even if it makes me feel lonely
And I'll stop loving you
Even if it takes me to the devil
I'll forget your love
Even if it takes me to the devil
And I'll stop loving you
Even if it makes me feel lonely
Forget about me, it's over between us
Forget about everything you did with me
Forget about me, it's over between us
Time has erased it
It's just another sin
I have to forget you, I have to forget you
Surely there'll be someone who can console me
I have to forget you, I have to forget you
I know that on my journey someone special will come along
Very special
I'll forget your love
Even if it takes me to the devil
I have to forget you, I have to forget you
Surely there'll be someone who can console me
I have to forget you, I have to forget you
Well on my journey someone special will come along
Very special
I'll forget your love
Even if it takes me to the devil
I need you
I need you till the morning tonight
I need your peace and your warm cheeks
I need you both today and tomorrow
For all the days and years to come
Thousands of them come in my dream
And thousands of them want me to give myself
But I only say yes to you
I need you
And, baby, wherever I go
I always come back to the same place
Only to say yes to you again
I need you
I need you
A szarvak árnyékában
A kecske képe a tükörben
Szemei égnek mint az októberi napfelkelte
Mint egyszer, mikor a hegyoldalra bámultak fel
emlékeket keresve
A szarvak árnyékában
csak az első évezred hajnalának királyai által látva
fent a trónokon
A szarvak árnyékában
Megtisztulva, mint az éjjeli levegő
világ vég nélkül
Az átkozott magok fajtájává lettünk
az öt egyesült erőért
az örök hajnalban
a királyok, akik magasra emelik fejüket
A káosz diadala - az utunkra vezetett
körbevesszük a szent Sínai-hegyet - a kardjaink szárnyakat adnak
végtelen gyűlöletünk láthatatlan ereje
magjaink kikelnek ahogy felnézünk az új évezredre
Dicső nagyjaink sírja mellett sírva
a megkeményedett fagy is leolvad
felhők gyűlnek a fagyos hold elé
megcsókolom a kecskét - a boszorkányság még lélegzik
No More Clubbing
You say, 'No more games'
Packing a bagful of clothes and going back to your parents
'Cause your nights are too cold
Going round and round until you run out of friends
Came upon a man you can only find in movies
Who looks just to your liking and puts a spell on your heart
Puts a spell, puts a spell
And you say, 'No more games'
You're sick of all those guys in the clubs
Returning home drunk as hell
Smelling like cigarettes, you're crashing on your sheets
You looked for someone who's all settled
Who'll grant you the serenity that you've seen in all the people
But soon you found out that you can't always find
The one who'll tell you
No more clubbing (Rounds all night long)
No more clubbing (Rounds all night long)
No more clubbing (Rounds all night long)
No more clubbing
On a train full of people
Headphones and glasses are hiding their faces
You delve into the screen 'cause everyone's staring
With each one that's looking, you turn it up more and more
They all look, yeah, like those guys in the clubs
Same weird haircut, same stories
And the songs are the same but with different beats
You're going back home to your parents today
And you say, 'No more games'
You're sick of all those guys in the clubs
Returning home drunk as hell
Smelling like cigarettes, you're crashing on your sheets
You looked for someone who's all settled
Who'll grant you the serenity that you've seen in all the people
But soon you found out that you can't always find
The one who'll tell you
No more clubbing (Rounds all night long)
No more clubbing (Rounds all night long)
No more clubbing (Rounds all night long)
No more clubbing
The Adventure Hunters (DuckTales) [Intro]
Here comes a hurricane
Excitement comes
It's got racing and aeroplanes
It's got sensation
Old castles
Beautiful duels
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
It's the adventure
hunters! Woo-hoo!
All of them are great
figures! Oo-oo!
Our friends
face them
But there are dangers
which chase them off
All of that
happens in
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
It's the adventure
hunters! Woo-hoo!
All of them are great
figures! Oo-oo!
Therefore, the kids just want
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
In The Pantry By Myself
In the pantry by myself
I whacked my head on the shelf,
The result: I can't get any,
You know, sex life for myself.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Let Me Lie Next To You
Let me lie next to you
and hold me tighter.
So that it seemed to us
that it would be easier if we were together.
From the top of the world
we stood at the precipice,
not forgiving ourselves,
not smoothing out the jagged edges.
Let me lie next to you.
From the moutatain ridges
I'll make a stairway
I'll burst into stars
of the Big Dipper.
From the mountain breezes
we'll make our wings.
You'll want to fly with me,
to make me strong.
Let me lie next to you.
Everything is like it was before, just stay.
Hide me in your morning,
in your own personal space.
Do everything you want
I'm ok with us being quiet.
It's the autumn equinox.
Let me lie next to you.
Let me lie next to you.
The Good Side of Life
You say that you're lying on the living room
Dreaming awake
Wanting to see me again
You say that you're laugh
When you remember us
Wait for the night to fall
You say that you're lying on the living room
Dreaming awake
Wanting to see me again
You say that you're laugh
When you remember us
Wait for the night to fall
And that's what I want the most
To be with you
I need your laughter
It makes us so good
To realize the good side
You say that you want to walk giving hands
All night long
Till the sun rises
You say that you're always in love
And that you've got so much love to offer
And that's what I want the most
To be with you
I need your laughter
It makes us so good
To realize the good side
Let's go together
On this walk
I see flowers along our path
All the love
All the peace
Feel the sound the wind brings
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
And that's what I want the most
To be with you
I need your laughter
It makes us so good
To realize the good side
Let's go together
On this walk
I see flowers along our path
All the love
All the peace
Feel the sound the wind brings
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
That's the good side of life
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Where did our love go?
Where did our love go
What made it escape
Why doesn't it exist anymore here
By your side and next to me
Could it be that our heart
Has lost the illusion today
That it was covered by the oscillation
Of routine
Where are the afternoons
With kisses and details
What happened to that life
That existed between us my dear
Where is the romance
Your way of looking at me
My eagerness to say I love you
Where did our love go
The love that our skin was sheltering
I don't know
(Where did it go)
I don't know
Where did our love go
What consumed it
Why haven't I felt it again
In the moments
When I'm near you
Could it be that time ended it
That it took day by day
It's happiness
Where are the afternoons
With kisses and details
What happened to that life
That existed between us my dear
Where is the romance
Your way of looking at me
My eagerness to say I love you
Where did our love go
The love that our skin was sheltering
I don't know, where did it go
Where did it go
Where did it go
Tell me please
Where did our love go
Could it be that time killed it
After taking away its hope
Where are the afternoons
With kisses and details
What happened to that life
That existed between us my dear
Where is the romance
Your way of looking at me
My eagerness to say I love you
Where did our love go
The love that our skin was sheltering
I don't know
Where did it go
Where did it go
The youth has gone
I'm sorry about the days in the past,
And the years are running away
The one who loves sincerely
It's the hardest for him.
The youth has gone
With its own way,
One woman still that I'm
So much, so much, in love
To tell her to come back
Is not easy for my hearth
Because in sad days without her
I sometimes cried.
She was my love
My first love
But why did she left that time?
Life is still keeping the secret.
Go To Work
I remember I was still a kid,
but I was already working like a man.
This was my song:
Certainly the earth takes effort,
ever more, always more
Certainly the earth is like a woman,
every season, the skirt changes.
Yellow in summer—
ripe wheat.
Red in autumn—
fermented wine.
It is olive green
when winter comes.
In spring, it dresses itself.
I go to work,
but tonight what do you do?
A woman who has it?
La la la la la la la
I go to work,
but where does my heart go?
Look for a flower that does not have it—
and if it is a rose, let it pick me.
Summer came and I caught the rose.
Long live the bridegroom! Long live the bride!
The more the nights pass, the more I am in love—
but when it is day, I work twice as much—
work in the sun,
work in the wind,
we leave at dawn,
we return at sunset—
but under the moon and the clear sky,
I lay on the hay—with you darling.
I go to work,
but, if I were born a king,
I would party with you
la la la la la la la la
I go to work—
I am worn out but so what?
At night, she doesn't know it.
la la la la la la la
I go to work,
but, if I were born a king,
I would party with you.
la la la la la la la la
I go to work,
outside it's cold, but so what?
There is someone who will keep me warm.
Words From The Temple Of Shadows
A rite from the depths of antiquity
Opens the eye of a god
Your name called in the temple of shadows
A sacrifice - you shall respond!
Over and over you reach for their secret to find
But now you know that the daemon has spoken the truth
In corridors of whispers, entranced, you have uttered their names
And cursed the moments when dreams fade away
For they where here before you
Remember the eye of the throne is watching
The chains will break in the deep seas
The gates will open
Over and over you reach for their secret to find
But now you know that the daemon has spoken the truth
In corridors of whispers, entranced, you have uttered their names
And cursed the moments when dreams fade away
'Oh wings of deep darkness,
Bring forth the gods that ride the ancient starlight and
Dream amongst the heavens'
The serpent, shall scream again
The nights shall have no end
Another, sign to remember,
The walls that hold Absu out... will break
'The echo of a summoning in the temple of shadows. The time is near, for the gate to be opened and the dreamers to arrive. Carry us to morning and evening twilight and to the darkness of the western sky.'
Sometimes I imagine your body like an inked line
telling stories against the wind
drawing corners that don't wither from the line
Your hands, thin lines like the wind
that peel from a touch
a breath of wretched screaming man
in the last moments before it departs from his body
Sometimes I imagine your body line an inked line
Sometimes I imagine your body like letters made of perfume
Playing like kids on the swings
left on the shelves of a house or a mansion
forgotten behind doors without keys
and colourless ageless eyes
that can't distinguish between bad and good
it lives for a moment and then withers like a flower
Sometimes I imagine you body like a line
Thank You
I just came here to leave you a note
I just came here to say thank you
I just came here to leave you a hug
I just came here to bring you an ice cream
I just came here to say thank you
I just came here to bring you an ice cream
All leaves belong to the wind
Versions: #2
Take good care of the child
Take good care of his mind
Give him sun of summer
Give him womb of white
Give him warm milk from your body
All leaves belong to the wind
because it moves them even in death
All leaves belong to the wind
except the light of the sun
Now that you've made a child
Change your mind already
Protect him from drugs
Don't ever rebuke him
Give him the golden fountain of your sex
Ghosts of the city
My acts are not the words, the faith is leading me
This might be the end you wanted
And I'm ready to stand behind my verse
I love you like no other girl because you're special and quiet
You were giving them your smile and your tears
But you gave me your heart that was carried over your lips
I don't wanna lie to you, but I'm really screwed
I turn my head to other side cuz I don't wanna look at you
It'll take some time to get used to be without her
Because I found better myself with you and next to you
A big heart is looking for you for nights
Love is not made of the words that we call lies
You're the only one, but I'm not your hero anymore
You're beautiful, you trapped my mind and body
Love is narcissus and people are scared of it
But tell me, was it worth it after everything
Chorus (x2)
We are the ghosts of the city
We are not friends I guess?
Her bench and her house
One love in two of us
My endless story
Another guy is kissing her now
She's losing me, she's falling
And the hope dies last
That one person that can calm me down
And I'm heading back to the winter days when we were walking
I'm not perfect, but I don't want to blame you
You always wanted me to dedicate and write a song for you
Now there's no you, there's no us, I'm waiting for the dawn
And I release my voice, I let all the demons get out of me
Looking at these that approach you, but you don't want them
Because our relationship was like a needle in the brain
I never cry because I'm not a cunt from those stories
That new dude you're with is your kitsch
The time changes, but you're different now
And after everything I'll find you on the margin list
Chorus (x4)
We are the ghosts of the city
We are not friends I guess?
Her bench and her house
One love in two of us
My endless story
Another guy is kissing her now
She's losing me, she's falling
And the hope dies last
In bright city of Kars, where janissaries are many,
Temporary resides, glistening in fez,
There is palace of stone, named after unholy -
Thunder rolls inside and lighting sparks,
And spirits of the dark hover over the cross.
In the amber room, in brocade and gold,
Amazing as peacock, on a throne Tristan lies
And observes the flight of wild wasps,
While behind his back Isolde digs pillbox,
And guillotine waits in a silver gloss.
And corpsmen in submarines
Waiting for the war to be over.
But now King Adolf storms the palace of stone,
Frightened Tristan pours water in sink,
And in the sink there is headless woman.
Not a big grief, when another's life is forever gone.
He says: “auf Wiedersehen”…
And turns off his white switch,
And descends to the bottom.
© Uncommon
Nini is here...
Are you a footballer? Why are you playing games?
Are you a telescope? Why are you looking at other girls?
If you go blind, don’t blame it on Nini
When it’s night time, you come to me weeping
He asks me to open up my legs
He said he will hit it hard
He asks me to open up my legs
He said he will slam it hard
Oh Maradona
Oh Maradona
My Maradona, oh Maradona
Oh Maradona
My Maradona
Don't be wicked, die for you
If I die for you all is in vain
Wicked, die for you
If I die for you all is in vain
What did I do to you?
Will I satisfy you?
All my friends you have gotten there
Will I satisfy you?
He asks me to open up my legs
He said he will hit it hard
He asks me to open up my legs
He said he will slam it hard
Oh Maradona
Oh Maradona
My Maradona, oh Maradona
(Don't you know that)
Oh my Maradona, oh Maradona
Oh Maradona
Az Árnyékban
[1. versszak]
Tudom, hogy emlékszel
Hogyan hullottak a levelek novemberben
A hideg szélre decemberben
És hogyan estünk szét
Tudom, hogy hallottál engem
De azt tetteted, hogy nincs szíved
Aztán elvetted a glóriám
És a sötétben hagytál
Kilógtam az ablakból
Reménykedtem, hogy leesem
Minden ember figyelt engem
Ahogy odalent gyülekeztek
És nem tudom kiverni a fejemből
Nem tudom kiverni a fejemből
Az árnyékban
[2. versszak]
Tudom, hogy azt hiszed, okos voltál
Hogy elhullajtottad az összes tolladat
Eltemetted az összes kincsedet
De én nem fogok részt venni ebben
Egy nap meg fogsz hallani
Ahogy a sötétben vadászok
Visszaveszem a glóriám
Szóval ez az a hely, ahol szétválunk
Kilógtam az ablakból
Reménykedtem, hogy leesem
Minden ember figyelt engem
Ahogy odalent gyülekeztek
És nem tudom kiverni a fejemből
Nem tudom kiverni a fejemből
Az árnyékban
És mindig időben elvesztem az eszem, elvesztem az eszem
Hogy elfelejtselek
És mindig időben elvesztem az eszem, elvesztem az eszem
Hogy elfelejtselek
Kilógtam az ablakból
Reménykedtem, hogy leesem
Minden ember figyelt engem
Ahogy odalent gyülekeztek
És nem tudom kiverni a fejemből
Nem tudom kiverni a fejemből
Az árnyékban
We don't have that Chivas, but our heart is big
From here to Prizren, we share our pains
I love my people, we don't need anything foreign
Rakia and bacon, symbol of our ancestors
That stupid behavior is a symbol of another nation
Another 'clubbing', naked ass and standing ovations
Dressed like a jerk, it's like he isn't even a man, bro
Even Justin Bieber would be ashamed
I don't really get how you'll manage with that attitude
When it's tough, to stand with your people
He says, I'm ashamed, that's what Europe said
So a stranger walks through our city like a ticking bomb
And people are hungry, whose fault is that
Foreign money is bloody like the the Albanian way
A foreign horde, foreign drug, foreign cash and foreign car
All the terror of this world like a symbol of a new age
Everything is great there, then you're chasing the citizenship
Cheap labor force, no, it's not all luxury there
You're still just a Serb, and that's very foreign
They value your knowledge, but consider you a dog*
They prefer the foreign, soon they will join NATO
Take off that shirt and don't call me brother
I don't want to go clubbing, I don't get the after parties
But everyday I have stories to tell my friends (x2)
Foreign documents and visas, foreign money and cash
Friends become distanced when you need help
Foreign slang, foreign words because he's ashamed of being Serbian
Foreign conspicuous T-shirt with a foreign flag on the chest
Relatives from abroad that comes to weddings
Promised work opportunities, but they are not calling
Foreign slates and necklaces, arrogant in the VIP club
Foreign cash is worth more when spent in the village
Ask the youth bro, what are they planning to do
With an University diploma in front of a foreign embassy
We don't judge anyone, but I don't want to apologize for them
Because there, and here, you are cheap workforce
They prefer the foreign, soon they will join NATO
Take off that shirt and don't call me brother
I don't want to go clubbing, I don't get the after parties
But everyday I have stories to tell my friends (x2)