Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 142


a következő

a legszebb mesékkel kábítottál engem,
mint a kaszált fű, úgy illatoztál,
és én, mint egy gyermek, megremegek
mindig, mikor magam mellett érezlek
minden szégyen nélkül meghódítottál,
négy fal közé zártál,
még nézem a helyet, ahol álltál,
bánatom, vajon megbántad-e valaha is?
hogyan élsz most nélkülem,
vajon mellette teljesülnek az álmaid?
mikor éjszaka belopakodsz,
mint egy vétkes,
vajon ő is ugyanúgy mosolyog rád?
vajon ismeri az összes pillantásodat,
vajon hűséges hozzád úgy, mint én?
mikor éjjelente mellette fekszel,
azt vajon boldogságnak hívod,
vagy ő csak a következő?
tudom, fáj minden bánat, és minden vereség,
de ez itt veled még mindig nem múlik,
még égnek az orcáim, ha visszaemlékezem,
még mindig a bőröm alatt érezlek
hogyan élsz most nélkülem,
vajon mellette teljesülnek az álmaid?
mikor éjszaka belopakodsz,
mint egy vétkes,
vajon ő is ugyanúgy mosolyog rád?
vajon ismeri az összes pillantásodat,
vajon hűséges hozzád úgy, mint én?
mikor éjjelente mellette fekszel,
azt vajon boldogságnak hívod,
vagy ő csak a következő?
vagy ő csak a következő?

We'll Live through this Unpleasantness

I'm walking and singing about all good things.
And I give out a smile to passersby.
If I don't find an answer in the stranger's heart
We'll live through this unpleasantness
Among other things, we'll live through this.
In the skies up high the sun burns bright
How good it is to live in this world
And if suddenly thunder rumbles in the midst of the summer
We'll live through this unpleasantness
Among other things, we'll live through this.
Light rain beats at the window - the weather is gloomy
But it's long been known - there's no bad weather
Everything 'round is turning yellow, and the summer is going away
We'll live through this unpleasantness
Among other things, we'll live through this.

Love or madness

Versions: #1
Winter and summer
I’m with you
No one’s like you and me
I’m dreaming of you while I’m awake, I’m a bit weird
I’m not normal
Heaven decided that I can’t go on without you
I don’t know if this is love or madness
We're so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
Day and night
I wanna be with you
I don’t want anyone else
When you’re not here, it’s like I’m intoxicated
I cry for hours
Heaven decided that I can’t go on without you
I don’t know if this is love or madness
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other
We’re so happy, this is it
We have such a good time together
What is mine is yours, it’s written
We argue a little
We make up a little
But we live for each other

The spring of '45

Earth has turned toward spring
The weather is good now
Such a season reminds me
Of the spring of '45
Years go by, but neither grief
Nor the people's struggle fades away1
We came by a difficult road to victory
In the spring of '45
And if you are young and were born later
Take the baton from the course
With the victory salute and the first rain
In the spring of '45
Fearsome to our enemies and bright for friends
Is our working breed
There is in each victory of yours and mine
The spring of '45
Let rockets be launched skyward
To the transparent heights of the firmament
For all generations, for all time
The spring of '45
  • 1. In the original the predicate precedes the subject in these lines, but this is difficult to reproduce in English.

The dream to sail around the world

Let the fair wind bring the lucky turn,
What lies ahead - joy or woe?
What do we want? Wait for our return,
Today we sail away with the tide's flow.
The path ahead will not be easily borne -
The dream is to sail around the world.
It is unknown when we would return -
Without the sea but little interest life can hold.
Let gusts of wind hit our sails -
Tough, they easily won’t rip.
The heavens will come to the rescue -
They wouldn't turn away from us in time of need.
Keep waiting for us, we ask of the beloved,
Again, we're leaving for the sea.
I pose the question yet again,
What lies ahead - woe or lee?

Concentration Camp

Concentration camp, disgusting, disgusting dog,
Devilish is his glory,
Ah, why does a corpse need gentle gestures,
In the camp jacket everything is shit-equal!
No need for diplomas here, and the bishop sweeps the shithouse—
Whether you are a slave or a general, you won’t be the centre of the world!
La la-la-, la-la, la-la, la, and the bishop sweeps the shithouse . . .
And I am also sweeping! Jum-pa didida didida didida jum-pa!
Whether you are a slave or a general, you won’t be the centre of the world!


On the gallows a shadow of a man.
Defiant eyes have left their sockets
And shine, like two buttons . . .
The neck slippery, yellow, long—
The feet horribly tortured—
Where are you, human pity?!! . . .
And nobody cries: Ecce Homo! . . .

A River Incident

He filled with wine his drinking cup
And kept exclaiming, 'Bottoms up!'
But wine did play a trick on him—
He hit the bottom trying to swim.

I love you

With your eyes, you read in my mind
That I want you to be my wife.
The story begins like this,
at first you took my hand.
I tried not to show that
I fall in love with your eyes.
And even if it's complicated and messy,
I told you this is not the last time.
Pour a little more into my heart, touch me,
tell me here in front of everyone, that you only love me.
Say that everyone else is a delusion.
You and I are going wild here.
I love you duckling1, I'm jealous of you duckling.
I love you duckling, I'm jealous of you duckling.
We texted until morning.
How did a year go by?
I believed and I knew it,
that you would be my favorite one.
You are my missing piece
and I won't let you go anymore.
A woman is complicated and messy,
I told you this is not the last time.
Do you love me, just tell me!
Even if it hurts, do you love me?
  • 1. 'duckling' is a cute way to call one's lover

The farewell song

Versions: #2
From farewell to farewell
there is just one returning
promises of frequent letters
forgotten a long ago
We play as kids play 'walkout home' again and again...
Everything has split in the world
for two parts: love and without love
Too much of the wind and snow
This distance is edgeless
the endless road
Fast-flowing sadness
Do smile me at the farewell
can you hear the train's horn?
I will leave without belongings
I will leave with myself
Everything you told me was kidding
I'll remember seriously
Old railway stations observe
too many new tears
Do get your fate with a joy
Do not look for the other causes
we have split mercilessly
for two parts: women and men
Someone will leave
Someone come back
Someone will forgive
Someone will judge
our most
beloved persons
get the least
of love

Light and warmth

When the darkness now has descended,
I walk silently across the room.
And the feelings are wearing on me,
What will the future bring?
And the heritage we've handed you
Could be heavy to carry along
Will you ask us, will you blame us?
Will you call it a betrayal?
The sun that went down tonight
She will shine for you my dear
And the birds that are free, will show the way, and everything will be
Lots of light and lots of warmth
Faith and hope can you also take along
Many tears, heavy moments

We became partisans together

1. We became partisans together
On the shoulder the rifle, on the waist the bullets belt
And we fought in the same brigade
For the freedom and the homeland.
2.As the snow whitened the soil
It got stained by our blood
We broke the siege, and as always
We shouted 'Forward, partisans'.
- Choruses
We fought tooth to tooth with enemies
The war with them finds us on our feet
And path by path, and coast to coast
The partisan comrades brought the freedom.
3.Although the hair has turned white
The hearts remained flame and fire
We’re united by one same ideal
Like when young, in the mountains.
4. Years go by, others come
We raise generations, good children
And all the time we feel close
The shouts 'Forward, partisans'.
- Choruses

My Epitaph

Here Pushkin is buried

You Forgive Me

You forgive me for having loved you,
although it wasn't said, I still now it.
I'll follow your footsteps wherever you go
Breathing slowly, I'm slowly getting burnt out...
I'm told, 'That's no way to live.'
Maybe not, who knows?
Maybe I can just live like this.
It's simple, snow falls, and snow melts.
Silently, I believe I should tell you.
Am I'm right or shouldn't I dare?
You're in my soul, you're in my future1.
I hope you and I are both wrong.
Lie to yourself, аnd close your eyes.
don't see what's so clear
don't hear what I'm telling you.
And don't think that it was all for nothing.
You forgive me for having loved you,
although it wasn't said, I still now it.
I'll follow your footsteps wherever you go
Breathing slowly, I'm slowly getting burnt out...
  • 1. lit: 'destiny'

Now I know

I remember a fiery love
I know you were everything for me
And now my world
Has dawned and quieted down without you
Hating someone would be useless
And I know only one thing, everything's done
Including the little things we could've had...
Now I know,
There are others for you,
You live without shame,
Now I know.
I tremble
Whether from excitement and passion
Or hate and fear
When I see you
I remember a fiery love
Memories chase me again
And now my world
Has dawned and quited down without you
And I know only one thing, everything's done
Including the little things we could've had...

We went on campaigns

We went on campaigns
To distant seas,
We were dropping anchors
To the French coast.
We've been to Italy,
Where the air is blue, —
And there the eyes of the sailors
Were clouded with longing.
We remember our golden groves,
We remember the steppes, mountains, and shores...
Lovely land, Soviet Russia,
You are dear to sailor's heart!
African bays, towns
Are beautiful,
The crystal star glows
In the southern midnight.
But wherever we sailed,
All the stars above the water
Seemed to us the Kremlin's
Moscow star.
Wherever brave
Sailors visit,
They dream about our harbors,
Our native lighthouses.
We have passed the whole world
By the ways of the oceans.
But there is no place on earth
More beautiful than our Homeland!


Versions: #1
I like to make you goosebumps, to vibrate
Baby, never stop doing it
I love it for breakfast, for dinner, for lunch
I love it all the time, again and again and again
I love it when you drain my strength
The after kisses are the dearest for me
And hugged in you like baby to fall asleep
This is real not mirage
Wet, because of your words wet
Because of your body wet, without you i cannot x2
I will be a bomb,bomb!
Give it, push it, like a drum!
Yes, yes, yes bomb
Give it, order me, you are my sultan, aren't you?
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
I like it when you whisper dirty words in my ear
I like to feel the wetness between us
I like it when you make my knees tremble
I like to feel that for you I am the best
I love it when you drain my strength
The after kisses are the dearest for me
And hugged in you like baby to fall asleep
This is real not mirage
Wet, because of your words wet
Because of your body wet, without you i cannot x2
I will be a bomb,bomb!
Give it, push it, like a drum!
Yes, yes, yes bomb
Give it, order me, you are my sultan, aren't you?
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
With you I feel the wetness without even having to
Why should I postpone it, I do it like from a textbook
The feel is like this, dirty. Sh-sh-sh, in the night when it is late
Let them come in, remove the reamer
The colleagues from Payner are searching for you
There isn't anything bad, nothing can happen
the most that can happen is to catch me a lot x4 by the chalga butterfly
I will be a bomb,bomb!
Give it, push it, like a drum!
Yes, yes, yes bomb
Give it, order me, you are my sultan, aren't you?
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!
Vodka, pour me this vodka
To your blonde cat, she will not be meek!

O poortith cauld and restless love

Versions: #2
O Poortith cauld, and restless love,
Ye wrack my peace between ye

Mint Tea

It can be by air, by boat, by car or on foot
You run around the world until your conscience burns
I slept behind the wheel, that's how I survived
I wanted to use what I had at home
If you want to know why I went back
Now you know it's mint tea
I lived in error, drank alcohol
So my everyday life would be a little easier
That’s when I met a dragon chasing me
Only mint tea can save me
It can be by air, by boat, by car or on foot
You run around the world until your conscience burns
With a one way ticket in my hand, I head back
Back home where I have mint tea
It’s beautiful everywhere, but the most beautiful is home
For each pain grows a flower
Remember when the dragon chases you
Only mint tea can save you
It can be by air, by boat, by car or on foot
You run around the world until your conscience burns
With a one way ticket in my hand, I head back
Back home where I have mint tea

Biting The Dust

Versions: #1
I'm biting the dust, losing consciousness, no water left at all,
And the chopper is somewhere nearby, and my AKM has become so heavy...
Yes - alone, I was on my own, and all my friends have fallen,
All hope is in one magazine, you won't just take me, bastards!
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...
Busted up, legs broken, every sound echoes through my brain,
Yeah, and it's a shame I'm dying - by God, and not even twenty years old.
Tears are flowing, running from my eyes, and I can't hold them back,
I tell myself: 'Calm down, and we'll go off to die with a smile!'
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...
I'm surrounded, overwhelmed, there is no way out for me
Come on, nearer to me, you, and I'll welcome you, bastards, from my heart! (they're coming closer to me)
They came up to me, shouted something, one shoved a rifle butt in my face,
Waves of blood flood into my eyes... Well, it's so long! I pulled the pin...
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...
Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghan, Afghanistan!
The Black Tulip whirls over the bank of the river...

Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University

Hefty women playing hockey on the grass
And they swear shrilly when miss on the goal.
The coach gives them advice, a tight, curly-haired guy -
At the ChemFak of Moscow State University, he messed up a bunch of girls
He selected them, damn, to the team, decided to arrange, damn, the contest,
Made them undress, was felt biceps on their thighs
And then he grabbed by tits and dragged to his closet,
There is a huge spectrometer, all covered in cum,
It was covered with an old mattress, in white with a blue flowers -
After all, the spectrometer is tough, pricks ass and shoulder blades
And bites with corners, and breaks the high of love,
Their coach came to Moscow from a distant district,
He is a true Khanty-Mansi in soul, but with a Moscow residence permit,
He, breathing garlic heat, climbs on the girl,
He test the hockey player for endurance and strength...
And in the corner is a Dewar vessel full of grape mash,
And a condom is pulled over it instead of a plug,
And in the other corner - test tubes with alkalis and salts
And there is giant device and with peeling paint,
They stick silver and all kinds of nasty things on the glass...
But coach hides his hemp under the glass hood,
And when evening comes, he goes home rocking,
Blowing smoke, hums the song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree',
The song 'Oh my fallen maple tree'


I was paint door with smelly dyes
The ionizer didn't work, fuck
Then was bought by me in the household shop
New ionizer with warranty
Also there was Chinese walkman,
But I much love to paint the door in silence
Paint lays down evenly
And it's like no bad words are visible anymore
Duh, the furry legged
Fucking youngsters, kiddies, younglings
Painted the whole door with badass obscene words
Mom came and went crazy
She thought I had nothing to do here
So I write different shit on the door,
And the fact that it is useless to argue with her,
I has learned already in the cradle...
It would be necessary to unstick calendar from the wall,
An ancient one, with a dude in a spacesuit -
An edge, oh fuck, does not pick up
Fingernails is broken all over the fingers
My woman will come, with her claws
Scrap the calendar off, because she doesn't like
Another woman that gave me
Calendar, on which is a dude in a spacesuit.
And before the arrival of mother and woman
I paint the door, because I think
If you compare with a woman, for example,
Door is the lips of my apartment.

Song of Shoals

We shall tell you how we got stuck,
How we once ran aground,
We sailed, sailed and suddenly stopped,
Let's be honest – it’s very awkward.
There is no worse situation
Than to sit without moving,
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho – it’s boring and damp,
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho – we have to wait for a tug.
From this place, as they say,
You can neither go up, nor go down,
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho – nowhere, mates,
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho – to go from the shoal.
Seagulls circle above us merrily,
The fish laugh at us loudly,
Ha-ha, ha-ha, the river is splashing
Haha, haha, what a place!
If you sail around the world one day,
Do not forget this song,
In everything you do, moving towards a goal,
You have to see all the shoals.

Little Boat

The birches outside Moscow
Rustled in the distance,
A boat sailed and rocked
Along the Yauza River,
A boat sailed and rocked
Along the Yauza River.
Long ago we went away
To all ends of the country,
But we are still faithful
To our friendship, as before,
But we are still faithful
To our friendship, as before.
Above us is the sky of the Motherland,
And it is so light around,
As if we sailed
On a boat in our youth,
As if we sailed
On a boat in our youth,
The water churns under the oars,
The rudder will not tremble in the hand,
The boat rushes further
On the morning river,
The boat rushes further
On the morning river.
Our path does not end,
The river's space is vast,
And a fair breeze
Drives the boat forward,
And a fair breeze
Drives the boat forward.


Hey, what was it this time?
You make that face and I already know
Nothing good is coming
Hey, I didn't get used
To this story of being only yours
I was an alone wolf
I was an alone wolf
And you know, you know
Wolves are hunters
Wolves don't send flowers
Wolves don't fall in love
And don't pledge their love
Wolves are hunters
Wolves don't send flowers
Wolves don't fall in love
And don't pledge their love


Tell me you're not there right now.
When the whole world is against us.
Will sunlight be at the end of the journey?
Or a wall, there's no wall exit.
My house has no windows and no doors.
Warm my soul.
Take me to where it doesn't hurt.
Where it feels like buckshot, where you are my sword.
Where you are, my shield.
I’m invincible.
I’m invincible when
I’m with you.
Through the ashes and the smoke.
And the ice of these winters can pass.
You know, don’t, don’t. I’m more rewarded in this fight.
I'm invincible when I'm around.
Your gaze, my strength and my light.
There's no more road back.
It is not a sign of the heavens of our ways.
Understand the depth, the light in the dark.
Look and go.
I’m invincible.
I’m invincible when
I’m with you.
Through the ashes and the smoke.
And the ice of these winters can pass.
You know, don’t, don’t. I’m more rewarded in this fight.
I'm invincible when
I'm around.
I’m invincible.
I’m invincible when I’m with you.
Through the ashes and the smoke.
And the ice of these winters can pass.
You know, don’t, don’t. I’m more rewarded in this fight.
I'm invincible when I'm around.
You know, don’t, doesn't.
I'm more rewarded in this fight.
I'm invincible.
Tell me, are you around now?

Isn't love a hap...?

What should I love you for, my dear,
When you look into other eyes?
What should I kiss you for, darling,
When you bring your lips toward another?
What should I kiss you for, darling,
When you bring your lips toward another?
Isn't love a hap
Which brings burning hearts together?
Is love not a flame
Which joins hearts -and splits them asunder?
I just gave you a look,
And wished you well,
And forever set aside the notion
That I had once been your love.
And forever set aside the notion
That I had once been your love.
Isn't love a hap
Which brings burning hearts together?
Is love not a flame
Which joins hearts -and splits them asunder?
She's gone off with another, but what for?
This, I shall never know.
Well, must it always be so,
That one person suffers over another?
Well, must it always be so,
That one person suffers over another?
Isn't love a hap
Which brings burning hearts together?
Is love not a flame
Which joins hearts -and splits them asunder?

A lass went picking flowers

A lass went picking flowers,
She wanted to make me a present.
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, the prettiest of flowers!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, the prettiest of flowers!
She picked a carnation,
And then she gave it to me as a gift.
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, carnation of mine!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, carnation of mine!
And I, a lad, didn't know
What to give her in return.
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, I've fallen in love with you!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, I've fallen in love with you!
So then, with no chagrin, I produced
A gold ring from my hand...
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, wait faithfully for me!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, wait faithfully for me!

For one hour of joy

For one hour of joy, a thousand days, a thousand days...
For one hour of joy, a thousand days of sorrow!
For one look of your eye, I'd give my life, I'd give my life...
For one look of your eye, dear, I would give my life!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
I am yours!
Without you, my sweetheart, I cannot live, I cannot live...
Without you, my sweetheart, I cannot live, I'm bound to die!
Were you a fragrant flower, I would pick you, I would pick you...
Were you a beautiful flower, I would pick you joyfully!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
I am yours!

Bring some wine, alewife

Bring some wine, alewife,
As red as your face,
Let me drink, that I may drown my sorrows,
My heart hurts, it wants to burn away.
Let me drink, that I may drown my sorrows,
My heart hurts, it wants to burn away.
Oh, God, God, why did you create her?
-To torture and rack young blokes.
The whole village has fallen for her,
And everyone is drinking to drown their sorrows!
The whole village has fallen for her,
And everyone is drinking to drown their sorrows!