Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 142


My heart craves for you

My heart craves for you,
And that yearning often burns.
What else can I offer you
Of my heart and life?
What else can I offer you
Of my heart and life?
Gone are the ancient memories,
I haven't known happiness with you,
But believe me, dear, the time will come
When your every dream comes true.
But believe me, dear, the time will come
When your every dream will come true.
Without you, life has no charm,
Where you are absent, all is in darkness.
Therefore don't let your heart be in pain,
But come to he who loves you.
Therefore don't let your heart be in pain,
But come to he who loves you!

Boston Waltz

Versions: #2
On the gorgeous fancy carpet
Of the yellow leaves
In a simple dress she borrowed from the wind
Autumn danced right at the gateway the Long Boston Waltz
That warm day was flying off
As the saxophone sang…
And from all around the people would have come to us
And from all the roofs around the birds would fly
An applause to golden dancer flapping with their wings
Long long time for so long the music played there all days.
I often see that same dream
I see that wonderful dream
The Boston Waltz when autumn's dancing to us all
The leaves fall down the way
The record’s playing all day
Don’t go away, stay with me please, you are my caprice
I often see that same dream
I see that wonderful dream
The Boston Waltz when autumn's dancing to us all
Feeling drunk with pleasing sight
Forgot about it's age
The old home forever in love with it’s own youth
With all walls was swinging windows and open doors
And to all who lived inside
It gave that miracle swing
When the sounds disappeared in the dark of night -
There’s an end to anything that has beginning -
Saddened Autumn cried us tears with a tiny rain
Such a pity, Boston Waltz... It felt so good while in dance.
I often see that same dream
I see that wonderful dream
The Boston Waltz while autumn dancing to us all
The leaves fall down the way
The record’s playing all day
Don’t go away, stay with me please, you are my caprice
E.T. (Eva Trussell) aka Vesper Lynd

When you feel emptiness and sadness

translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy
January 17th, 2018
When you feel it again
as emptiness and sadness,
have no peace in your eyes,
thoughts not at highest beam,
recall:: there is no pain
initially inside us,
but friction in-between
a vanity
and dream.
When if you got those tears –
then stay alone while draining,
wipe them before return
to people, no rush go.
A bravery is not
in making point with* ending,
but to endure birth
of your own sole soul.
That may repeat to you
not once along life being
and every future* case
you’ll take it with more ease.
Aloneness and thirst
are very cruel feelings,
to be not used to them
is quite the scariest thing.
It’s pity when you was*
expecting an assistance
but get no in response
desired teardrop.
More awful hundred times
if, drunk* with* grief and distress,
you listen someone’s shrift
and* looking* at the clock.
If nothing comes true from
the list your ever dreamed of,
and level of the path
is not above the grass. // and footprints on the path
// are covered by grass.
// [and divination of high path appears false]
Love everything you have -
anxiety and fears,
your ordinary job,
and sithes*, and alas.
God’s blessing can’t be gauged.
[Can’t measure happiness]
Rejoice when implication
of [ Universe and ] [everything in] Space
will quietly flow through you.
The reason of* the* life
is only in compassion,
in wish to meditate -
* there nothing else count to.

A heart on a sideway

translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy
February 14th, 2018
One sunny day / there been a strange picture -
on a sideway / a heart lays and shivers.
It was alive, soft, sad, sensitive creature -
heart of a master of poetry features.
The heart was dropped there by gal by the accident,
thou having kindly unfocused vision,
as she pull powder or lipstick from purse - not an
easy decision.
Then later in evening a drunken old vagrant
stumbled over the heart and apparently died,
surprising dog hunters* - at dawn [the’] poor was found:
“See - guy did not shave for a week, smoky* cloud”.
They took the heart too, and superior cleaner,
who does not think hard on the any unclear,
decided: bonanza came finally here -
that fresh piece of meat, good for family dinner.
His spouse got some beans, beats and heart of a lyrist
and cooked a food of uncertain origin,
stew made them feel full, same for all their children,
relatives and neighbors who come by the kitchen.
Then upon the meal the stiff changes start stemming:
enlightened thoughts and the flocks of imagine
replaced in their souls the surliness and yearning -
thus each of them turned to write* sensitive* versing.
The story as said had the fortunate ending,
but, frankly, don’t blame me for lie, toss the sadness -
it was otherwise, I made up the tale/tail chapter -
the heart stays to rest on footway ever after.
And people trip over and falter with mumbling,
while others are rushing by, taking no notice,
there is only person who search for it all[the’]ways -
[ and only one person looks for it on Sundays* ] -
the gal with the kindly oblivious notions. *) [original Saturdays]

** when sails are old **

** when sails are old **
translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy - January 13th, 2018
My conscious is both high and deepened
like skies observing earthly fate:
what-needs-to-happen crash list heaped
to help me to originate.
Each bit of mind is dare and solid -
it’s time for prophecy be birth [-ed].
Life seen [felt] immortal in the morning -
[in fact]* is short like [a] line in [the] verse.
So lot of my tears with* breeze dried,
so many older sails did sink
to bottom, others’ fleet still flying
as choir of youthful voices sings,
so brief and transient are compassions,
so many elderly are sad,
so are sublime justifications
of* sins, betrayals and for* baits.
So much of bane and evils passion
I had to filter through my heart -
there are no more wants and exertion
t’ be either cruel or not right.
The human faces are so pretty
when they have light and faith in bond!
So I began to practice praying -
and* pray turned to this very song.

Aspire to reach

Aspire to reach –
translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy - January 4th, 2018
Aspire to reach above the clouds,
go quick – the given time is short,
you have no centuries to grow -
catch the heyday of feels and thoughts.
Like man in misery, accept
as alms all outdoors existing.
Hand* out the joy you’ll hunt up seeking,
but hide all sorrows and collect.
Set any target* for yourself!..
Step over it!.. Repeat*!.. - recharged,
in people hearts word will be housed,
that you was keen and brave to say.
Do not allow the body idling,
and mind should also never rest.
Indolence takes away our best
and throws us back to the beginning.
Dig deep* details and slumbering dreams,
seek core elements and bittings
in nature, ’n elitist proceedings,
to understand the geniuses.
No need to steal nor keys nor clues,
Knock [touch] any door with expectation
to verify anticipation,
that no one owns the root of truth.
If you find voids in the structures
of Universe that you had built,
black empty cells – without guilt
demolish totally construction.
Like ant or emmet - start again
your search for harmony completion,
don’t stop on* moiety division,
where the whole thing may be obtained.
The inspirations may drive thee -
check their validity with numbers.
Aspire to reach above the clouds,
but stay on ground with your feet.

While you alive

While you alive
translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy - January 8th, 2018
While you alive, you wish for many matters:
as listening to surf and starling songs,
to build fantastic palaces with halls,
been not afraid of paying the price later.
Be heard as clam for turgid puffy rant,
pass over all resentments, slanders, dockets.
If have to act as a negotiant,
find only winds and planets in your* pocket[s].
... while you alive, you wish on many topics ..
Be gentle son, be exemplary dad,
grasp a gist of a ban and of a freedom,
Be genuine like ‘n hours before end,
and be not sorry if didn’t witness any some.
[not witnessed some]
Get up from bed at long before sunrise[s],
to recognize wise men by their sight,
tease nobody with guidance and advice[s],
and learn to live eventually with* light…
.. while you alive, you wish for many matters..
Recalling house with carved porch and deck,
be lost in thought when child gives simple answer,
not irritate old people or blockhead,
believe in dreams, in omens and good signs.
With harmony and palette, sculpting tools -
play free with word, with color and with sound,
but never with the face or with a truth,
and win with that just souls, not coin pounds.
.. while you alive, you wish for many counts..

* when your regrets get light

translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy
January 10th, 2018
Nothing‘s above the benefaction
to know the path you had complete
to consummation and perfection
and anyway then have to quit,
when with both heart and intellection
accept as* equal dark and bright,
when your regrets on years dissection
and their emptiness get light.
There is no better pill from fear
of shunless turn to dust in dust
than understand that you are* here
haphazard option on Earth crust.
When dearest friends gone to the valleys
unreachable - that far away,
when taking risks isn’t in your allies -
they’re sadness, sufferance and pray.
When second time enter the river -
at very bottom you’ll stay dry,
when you forgive the human being
for all successes and sins’ tries,
when from a* sight
and from a* sighing
you’ll see what happened to a soul,
when you feels awkward socializing,
while being comfortable for all.
Nothing‘s above the benefaction
to know the path you had complete
to consummation and perfection
and anyway then have to quit…


I was walking home very late at moonlit night,
Wind-the-wanderer was swinging the street lamps,
And to make my way a bit shorter
I was singing this song to the stars.
Oh, tenners, my dear tenners,1
Ah, my lovely ones, good ones,
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
At times I caressed my luck as it would be my wife,
At times the whip of harms would lash on my back as well,
But I was happy, how could I not be,
'Cause my pocket had always been stuffed.
Oh, with tenners, my dear tenners,1
Ah, my lovely ones, good ones,
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
I used to drink a lot and I used to know pretty women,
I was good at making a jump shot, banking the ball into the side,2
And I didn't spare tenners, someday rich, someday poor,
I didn't care, I liked it any way.
Oh, tenners, my dear tenners,1
Ah, my lovely ones, good ones,
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
Oh, tenners, my dear tenners,1
Ah, my lovely ones, good ones,
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
You're my true friends, with you I'm full and drunk,
Lovely tenners of mine.
  • ten-ruble bank notes
  • 2. Here is some pool game terminology, I'm not sure if I put it right, but the idea is that he would strike a ball so it would jump over other ball then hit another one, and the last ball would hit the table cushion, rebound and hit the center pocket on the opposite side of the table.


By my moral sense decree
I enrolled as kamikaze.
With full bomb load I'm taking flight.
Fuel - just to reach my goal,
That the one I've my sights on,
And I plan to take it out tonight.
Nerves are stretched to the limit -
Die - but die in strong spirit.
So I go into my last steep dive.
Those who are at battle stations,
Starring up, without sensation,
Aware of their chances to survive!
Parachute was left at home,
On a green of airfield lawn.
Even if I wish to - it 's one-way trip.
Clouds now are inverted,
Forehead veins are all inflated,
Chest is squeezed in overloads grip.
Sky is crowded with tracers,
I'm diving like a razor,
Special beauty is in my flight.
Life is ending in three seconds,
No regrets and no blessings,
Trees will blossom at my home site!
No, they will not be back in port.
This is it. I'm touching board.
And dilated pupils will return
All my long way to the goal -
One, that I've my sights on.
I'll save others even if I'll burn!
There is reason with your roll
To claim somebody's soul,
And to give yours back in return.
There is reason to reach the goal -
One that I've my sights on,
Just because others had to keep living on!

I live for you

I lightly go high
As a feather in a dream.
For me, your words,
I easily remember them by heart.
Streams of sadness.
Now, I am all alone.
I lost myself.
And silently,
The sky is over me.
I live for you.
I live for you.
I live for you.
I live for you.
I know I will find your trace
In the drops of water,
There, where I was.
I don’t believe in a silent goodbye.
Maybe now,
But not forever,
I lost myself.
And silently,
The sky is over me.
I live for you.
I live for you.
I live for you.
I live for you.
I live for you.

I loved You

I loved you: perhaps the love,
Within my soul has not yet been extinguished,
But do not let it trouble you no more,
For never could I wish to bring you sorrow,
I loved you beyond words, without hope,
Exhausting all timidity and envy
I loved you so earnestly, so tenderly,
May God ensure, another love you so.


I was nobody's like the wind over the sea.
Nobody's like the stream that flows through the mountains.
Nobody's like the glare of the dawn light.
Nobody's like the stars in the cold nights.
Nobody's, nobody's.
But the nobody's man is always unhappy.
Like the sky without birds, like the water without fish.
And the nobody's man will disappear without a trace.
Like a star that fades away in the dark sky.
Like a star.
For luck or for sorrow,
For joy or for trouble
The sea has pushed you out to me
Like a wet starfish.
My guilty eyes will say to you,
The sea and the leaves will say to you:
'Forgive me for being nobody's once.
Forgive me for being nobody's once.
But now I'm yours like the sea.
I'm yours!'
But you don't whisper to me: 'I'm yours, yours!'
You're proud of being alone and nobody's.
But the nobody's man will disappear without a trace.
Like a star that fades away in the dark sky.
Like a star.
You don't come to me, to me.
I write you the letters. I write them on the water with a paddle.
Go out to the shore and catch the seagulls
Like the flying letters of love,
Of love.
For luck or for sorrow,
For joy or for trouble
The sea has pushed you out to me
Like a wet starfish.
My guilty eyes will say to you,
The sky and the leaves will say to you:
'Forgive me for being nobody's once.
Forgive me for being nobody's once.
But now I'm yours like the sea.
I'm yours!'

I press my face against the window

I press my face against the window like a mournful guard.
And the night sky is beneath me.
The valleys lay down on my hand
In the immobility of double horizon.
I press my face against the window like a mournful guard.
I'm looking for you beyond the expectation,
Beyond myself.
I love you so much that I no longer now
Which of the two of us is not here, not here, not here.
You will leave and the doors will open to the sunrise.
You will leave and the doors will open to me.
You will leave and the doors will open to the sunrise.
You will leave and the doors will open to me...
I closed my eyes to not see again.
I closed my eyes to cry
Because I don't see you.
Where are your hands, your gentle hands?
Where are your eyes, the whims of a day?
All is lost, you are not here.
The night's memory is fading.
All is lost! All is lost!
I'm alive! I'm alive!
You will leave and the doors will open to the sunrise.
You will leave and the doors will open to me.
You will leave and the doors will open to the sunrise.
You will leave and the doors will open to me...

How beautiful this world is

You'll wake up at dawn
We'll watch the birthday
Of the sunrise together.
Look how beautiful this world is.
How beautiful this world is!
Look how beautiful this world is.
How beautiful this world is!
You can't help noticing
That the nightingales and the pigeons
Live in this world.
Look how beautiful this world is.
How beautiful this world is...
You've looked at and minutes
Seem to stop.
Take them like the dew.
Look how beautiful this world is.
How beautiful this world is!
Look how beautiful this world is.
How beautiful this world is...

Everyone Can Judge Me

Age is not important
As long as our desire
Is counting the same steps
Not every love is the real one
Just because the others said
It's right
Throw the stone
You sinless people
Maybe I won't get up
But to justify myself
Just because I love
I do not accept that
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
Age is not important
As long as our desire
Is counting the same steps
When love covers wrinkles
Then our souls speak
The same language
Throw the stone
You sinless people
Maybe I won't get up
But to justify myself
Just because I love
I do not accept that
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
This is the song for you
For everything you haven't given to me
It could have been better, but I am not sorry
That I've given you days
I'll have something to remember
I'll pay for my mistake, but life is only one
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
do not regret it
I do not regret it
I do not regret it
and I do not regret it


It was dark outside
and the train was late
I have a runny nose from my tears
my train is hurrying into the night
The coffee was bitter without its sugar
and the sandwich was rotten as the evening
with just two words, you’ve ruined everything
when you said you don’t love me
I’ll cry out loud
and jump out the window
in front of all these people
who cares
The first man that comes along
I’ll take him into my arms
and take everything off my chest
just to forget you
I’ll throw your letters into the river
I’ll set your pictures on fire
let it all be gone, my dear, everything
since you don’t love me
It was dark outside
and the train was late
I have a runny nose from my tears
my train arrives at dawn
Everything else is better than you
I’m running, and forgetting everything
all of those bags and suitcases
because I’m eager and in pain

Heart in Hand

I know, I suspect it all even when say nothing
I recognize every single one of your lies
you should at least know that much
You, you’re the dark shadow of my heart
since always, but I’m yours because
you’re my everything and my nothing
I’ll always belong to you
I’m giving you this heart of mine in hand
and then you can throw it into the dust and ash
at that moment think of us and then stomp on it for the end
you’ve crushed everything of mine anyway
I know, you cover my sky with clouds and clear it
whenever you wish to
and you bring me pain as if it’s a wrapped gift
You, you’re the dark shadow of my heart
since always, but I’m yours because
you’re my everything and my nothing
I’ll always belong to you

My Dearest

Touch me with your heart,
lift me high to the sky.
My dear, my dearest,
heat me up stronger than fire.
Happiness got address with you,
it is named after you.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
My dear, my dearest,
which skies sent you to me.
All day and all night next to you,
your touch is only for me.
Happiness got address with you,
it is named after you.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Just how strong you love,
you wake up my whole heart,
nine days, ten nights
necause I cannot live without you
without you.
Just how strong,
just how strong you love,
just how strong,
my dearest.
Just how strong,
just how strong you love,
just how strong,
my dearest.
Just how strong you love,
my dearest.
You wake up my whole heart,
my dearest.
Nine days, ten nights
I run away from myself.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.
Because I cannot live without you
even for a single moment.


Versions: #2
You can not always guessing her among earthly women,
But, if you will find her, you will look at her eyes endlessly.
Your soul will tremble because you don't even know
What and when can you expect from her.
Stars drown in her eyes.
And better, believe me, do not try to change her rules.The rules of her heart.
But if she will give you smile,
And suddenly she leaves and begins to wait you so mysteriously.
Know, that this is so serious,
Not for games.
She just a lone wolf
She can give her love only for one man.
She is like an impregnable queen,
You can not to tame her fraudulently
But when her ice will melts in your hands,
Then she will forget the pain of her loneliness,
She will forget the familiar role that she has played for so long.
She will rise again and believe in love.
In your strong love.
Stars drown in her eyes
And better, believe me, do not try to change her rules.The rules of her heart.
But if she gives you her smile,
And suddenly she leaves and begins to wait you so mysteriously.
Know, that this is so serious. Not for games.
She just a lone wolf
She can give her love only for one man,
Like an impregnable queen,
You can not to tame her fraudulently.
Who wanted to achieve her reciprocity
Tried to understand and find a thousand reasons why she say - no.
But she just a lone wolf
Looking for her only one man among men.
Just a lone wolf
Looking for her only one man among men.

Long live the end

Let's not talk about who was in the wrong now
Love is moving away from us, on its way to other people
Let's not talk about who did what to whom now
We loved, God awarded us
Long live the end
I hope you live long, I hope I live long
Long live wine for those who were not meant to be
For the lips who don't want to kiss like before
Long live the end
Thank you for the good and thank you for the bad
Somebody's going to need an empty table
Let me pay and give me your hand
Long live the end
Don't talk about us to anybody
Someone will love instead of us
We were, some would say, perfect
Like everything now we are past our time

A picture of Ivers

The name was Olsen, he was born in Buran
He travelled out on the sea, for his wife had lured him
When on the move he became a man of the world
but then again he always brought with him:
A picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big
Oddvar Brå was some man (eg. impressive)
We all cried a bit when the victory was clear
During the drug test he was looking forward to the party
but the doctors searched and found:
A picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big
Miss Jensen knocked on heaven's door
On Earth she hadn't accomplished much
But she became happy when Paulus stepped forth
And yelled: Turn away from them
Who had a picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big ..
And the rest of the folk song is now in minor
in pity for Oslo and Tromsø and
Bergen it lies a bit more south
but what are they bringing with them, if we ask:
Beautifully garnished in a folder so fine
a picture of Grieg and Ole Bull with a violin
But they're insecure, we've understood that
for what have they hidden away so well under the duna
A picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big

To Fear Or To Love

You may watch out for the danger
Lurking around the corner
Or then you may tear down
That hypochondria you've got
It's not going to get you anywhere
That's what they say
But it's difficult to do something new
When you're just stuck at your place
You see, I have a will
To outdo myself
Even if that'd mean risking
My entire health
But should I fall
That just means I'll learn a lot
But that's the name of the game
You'll learn it too
And you could always mess up
The things you don't like, as well
So you'd better do what you love
You're afraid
Of not succeeding at this
Yet you haven't even tried it
Even for once
You may cling on me
Otherwise, it's not going to get you anywhere
There are two options:
To fear or to love
You have two options:
To fear or to love
It might be
That you may fumble and fall
But if you don't try
You can't hit and sink
Let's just avoid that moment
When we're all sad
Thinking of how we should have
But never actually did it
And you could always mess up
The things you don't like, as well
So you'd better do what you love
You're afraid
Of not succeeding at this
Yet you haven't even tried it
Even for once
You may cling on me
Otherwise, it's not going to get you anywhere
There are two options:
To fear or to love
You have two options:
To fear or to love
You have two options:
To fear or to love
I do have time
I'm just waiting for you
Come on, come on
You have a chance to do just anything
Do take that leap of faith
And come on, come on closer
So we'll have begun together
You're afraid
Of not succeeding at this
Yet you haven't even tried it
Even for once
You may cling on me
Otherwise, it's not going to get you anywhere
There are two options:
To fear or to love
There are two options:
To fear or to love
You have two options:
To fear or to love

Listen up patriots

Listen up patriots,
so that I can tell you clearly:
I was locked up on St. George's Day
in black, dark dungeons.
In the dungeons I was betrayed
because of the damned spies.
Because of the damn spies
misbehaving Vrhovists.
In the dungeons I was tortured,
neither water, nor bread,
my body darkened,
a long shirt to the floor.
- Come on, don't torture me
I am as innocent as a flower.
I have fought for freedom,
for humans rights.
Oh, if only my mother knew,
to dig up my grave.
To dig up my grave
towards the clear Sun.
And on the grave she should write:
- 'Here lies a martyr.
Here lies Alexander
Karagjule from Ohrid'.
I swear to the most beloved, to the dearest,
I swear to the cross and the candlestick
I swear to my faith, I swear to my soul,
I swear to Macedonian blood.

Cute Little Fir Tree Is Freezing In The Woods

Cute little fir tree
Is freezing in the woods
We brought little fir tree
To the neighborhood
We gave it many sparkles
And golden glitter toys
Christmas decorations,
And cheered it with happy noise!
Look how many children
Had come around the tree
Clapping and dancing
And running carefree!
Fir tree, fir tree -
Bright and shining lights…
Show us all your ornaments,
Ring and sing all night!
Hand in hand in circle
Around Christmas Tree
Cheerful and happy
And merry we will be!
Cute little fir tree
Was freezing in the woods
We had brought the fir tree
To our neighborhood!
E.T. (Eva Trussell) aka Vesper Lynd

Meditation on a stroll

Since childhood, three decades passed by already,
It's getting tougher to strip soul at the ready,
Less often we carouse the night away,
More often, go for a stroll in an old and quiet park
That's feels cooler midst September,
Where promise of the youth leaves do not render.
Already, older ladies seem more dear,
But younger girls like wound up dolls appear,
And Mozart's grin more clearly we hear.
Now neighbors leave after midnight, too early,
Leftover wine and cake uneaten only,
And I take out trash neck wrapped in scarf.
Into our home once a cloud wandered,
Right from the glass it dripped.
We our rains let pass by,
Together, you and I.
Since school, years twenty passed already,
The circle of my friends is no longer young and ready,
And troubles have not passed us by.
But dark is night, and day is bright as ever,
Our children grow and grow up forever,
Let our autumn become their spring.
Since weddings, years ten passed already,
At night to party we're no longer ready.
Grandmas we come to visit once on their birthday
And once the day they pass away,
And third time, when the heart well may
Wish a grandchild one more day to stay.
Half of the life already passed since weddings,
Friends, do not leave yet, if God's willing,
It's too late for families to change.
And while at times it looks quite tough,
We did get used to one another,
Leave Melpomene to tragic scene,
Don't be ashamed of what the old holds in.
Into our home once a cloud wondered,
Right from the glass it dripped.
We our rains let pass by,
Together, you and I.


You don't remember me from school
I wasn't exactly popular
How did that guy become like that?
I wasn't in the group
where they admired cigs
I wasn't athletic
not even cute
come and dominate
They do it like big boys do
and won't rebel against
I don't follow others, I just become myself
so I'm a loser 'cause that's my thing
You don't need no play with me
if you think I'm strange
You just can't make me fake
'though you could get in the group by doing that
You're welcome, just keep your swag
As I'm driving faster than others, like Mika Häkkinen 1*)
Don't call me normal
I want to be a loser
Na-na-naa-na na-na-na-na
Rapper guys wear Metallica shirts and talk about big
We are like in the US
but Yeezys only squeeze a little
I believe it is pretty hard
when you lose yourself
if you aren't quite up to date
Learn the buzzwords, wear expensively, get the followers,
be more selfconfident, merge with the mass, be like youngsters
I always lose, baby I'm a loser
You don't need no play with me
if you think I'm strange
You just can't make me fake
'though you could get in the group
You're welcome, just keep your swag
When I'm driving faster than others, like Mika Häkkinen 1*)
Don't call me normal
I want to be a loser
Na-na-naa-na na-na-na-na
You're welcome, just keep your swag
When I'm driving faster than others, like Mika Häkkinen 1*)
Don't call me normal
I want to be a loser
I'm not a professional translator. Kind suggestions are always welcome!


I enter the club with the best dress on
I don’t mind warming your glances
I’ve come here, I will collect the cash
I come with the brain and I am going to turn them into tutty fruity
You are very high, bro, you are very high
'A' in maths, let’s draw (x2)
Chorus: (x2)
And you are top, top, top, the material is insane
Top, top, you make ‘em all into tutty fruity
Top, top, top I will sing hip-hop to you
‘cause I am good, freestyle, it’s like that
Through the whole, through the whole, through the whole track of hers
I am about to pass through the whole of it with 300 (1)
Through the whole, through the whole, through the whole track of hers
I am about to pass through the whole of it with 300 (1) (x2)
I love romance, I love the guitar
Just wait for me to light this weed up
I’m negligent and a bit above the things
I feel very cool, my soul feels light
And negligent and a bit above the things
I feel very cool, my soul feels light (x2)
Chorus: (x2)
And you are top, top, top, the material is insane
Top, top, you make ‘em all into tutty fruity
Top, top, top I will sing hip-hop to you
‘cause I am good, freestyle, it’s like that
Through the whole, through the whole, through the whole track of hers
I am about to pass through the whole of it with 300 (1)
Through the whole, through the whole, through the whole track of hers
I am about to pass through the whole of it with 300 (1)
Through the whole, through the hole, through the hole track of hers
I am about to pass through the whole of it with 300 (1)
Through the whole, through the whole, through the whole track of hers
Crush it with 300, with 300 (1)
Give me the shisha to smoke, I want the whole world to listen to me
I love getting up at 5 and everything to be alright
The phones are ringing: 'Where are you?’ you are the top and you hung them again
Cacophony in my head, my symphony is shaking them
I make them train on a table, it hits them, the bass is shaking them
I sit on my throne, I don’t need a crown to be a hit
What happened, you are the top here, and the cash is in my pocket
I will tell you I dislike it, cause I am the top of the top
Chorus: (x2)
And you are top, top, top, the material is insane
Top, top, you make ‘em all into tutty fruity
Top, top, top I will sing hip-hop to you
‘cause I am good, freestyle, it’s like that

I Admit

I take a glance, then I spot you standing here.
Cigarette smoke ignites desire in my view.
Like a million bucks, it's sweeping off feet when you set out
With your naked legs, closing the door behind you.
I admit, I admit, I admit
I'm already mad about you.
I admit, I admit, I admit
I kiss under1 alcohol.
May everyone look at us, let them.
Let them see how well I'm doing.
I start the engine, may the whole city burn under us tonight.
You're half-naked, come on take it all off, show me what you know.
Like a million bucks, it's sweeping off feet when you set out
With your naked legs, closing the door behind you.
I admit, I admit, I admit
I'm already mad about you.
I admit, I admit, I admit
I kiss under1 alcohol.
May everyone look at us, let them.
Let them see how well I'm doing.
  • Under the influence of alcohol.

Valentine's day present

We have met each other in the frosty winter
The snow was falling down on Valentine's day,
I was carrying flowers home, you were standing in metro
And shadow of sadness was on your face.
And at once I understood that my dream come true
I will give you the whole world for happiness today
Because we've met not in vain, from that moment on
Very often I'm grateful to my mum for that bouquet.
Let Valentine's day be in your destiny
It generously gives love to everyone, not just to me
It brings a fairy tale in reality and in a dream
That's how it will be every day!
I'm happy with you and that's why I would like
Always to be together and like a bird I fly
In spite of calendar it's celebration for those in love
And I give you every day of my life.
You were standing alone and the tear on your face
Slipped smoothly down in a grey line
I walked towards you and looked into your eyes
And you covered with the hand your face
I talked for more than an hour, tried to give you flowers
And you began to smile back to me
For Valentine's day, that brought together us
I'm ready all my life to thank the month of February.
Let Valentine's day be your destiny
Iy generously gives love to everyone, not just me
It brings a fairy tale in reality, and in a dream
That's how it will be every day!
I'm happy with you and that's why I would like
Always be together and like a bird I fly
In spite of calendar it's celebration for those in love
And I give you every day of my life.
How many years have passed and we had a lucky life
Because I've decided to walk towards you that day
And how wonderful, that all the troubles in spite
You have invited me then to your place.
I will give you a whole world for happiness today
That we have met not in vain, from that moment on
Very often I'm grateful to my mum for that bouquet.
Let Valentine's day be your destiny
It generously gives love to everyone, not just me
It brings a fairy tale in reality, and in a dream
That's how it will be every day!
I'm happy with you and that's why I would like
Always be together and like a bird I fly
In spite of calendar it's celebration for those in love
And I give you every day of my life.

Cossack's song.

Under the evening glow towards the river is sunset,
In advance we knew, all that wasn't, and that was.
Only the bullet as fast as cossack in the steppe(can catch up with..exact translation)
Only the bullet will knock down cossack from the horse.
Will it be from birch or pine adzed my coffin at the end.
Not a good sign this silent sunset.
Only a saber for a cossack in the steppe girlfriend,
Only saber is a wife for a cossack in the steppe.
On Midsummer day, for the frost we wait, and dream of summer on Holly day,
We'll swop the heat for snowstorm and blizzard without regret.
Only the felt cloak for a cossack is a home away,
Only the felt cloak for a cossack in the steppe is bed.
*Babka, put away your scythe, no need to dwell,
We'll finish singing, what the heck, don't hold your breath,
Only the song for a cossack in the steppe is help,
Only with the song a cossack will have an easy death


You could've flown with me,
you could've changed,
and could've discovered that you know,
both to take and give.
You could've, but you didn't want to.
I don't want to tell you
where the glitch is.
If you don't see, I'm that,
your thing.
I don't have time
to open up your heart,
neither strength anymore to
argue with you.
You look exactly the same to me now.
Like the first day,
cold and a bit strange.*
A little loner
who's afraid to love,
and to be close,
will stay alone again
and forever alone.
A lot of times it took me back,
that you've learned very well to act.
But I know you by heart
one step forward, five steps back,
and here again in your enclosed world.
You look exactly the same to me now.
Like the first day,
cold and a bit strange.
A little loner
who's afraid to love,
and to be close,
will stay alone again
and forever alone.
And everything I have, I have given,
but it wasn't enough for me to save us.
And you are the way you are,
you'll never find peace,
I know that.
You look exactly the same to me now.
Like the first day,
cold and a bit strange.
A little loner
who's afraid to love,
and to be close,
will stay alone again
and forever alone.