Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 142



I've had enough
To mourn and for what
I'm sick of everything
I've had enough
To mourn and for what
I'm sick of everything
Now it's time for damage
Even if you were the best in the world
Life has not stopped there
Where you've kissed her
Chorus 2x
Till the bottom I drink
This life isn't fair
Just that you are happy
That you're happy with her
And I'll be like a thunder
Life is here everywhere
I'm not crazy to whine
I'm all right
Life is here everywhere
I'm not crazy to whine
I'm all right
Now it's time for damage
Even if you were the best in the world
Life has not stopped there
Where you've kissed her
Chorus 4x
Till the bottom I drink
This life isn't fair
Just that you are happy
That you're happy with her
And I'll be like a thunder

Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül

Hé, az én életemet
Csak ez tartja fenn
hogy mi együtt vagyunk
Hé, de fáj ez nekem
Ahogyan te szeretsz engem
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer
Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül
Nézd nézd, hová vezettél engem
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hé, én veled mindenre képes vagyok
belebetegszik a szívem
ha te nem vagy velem
Hé, de én nem tehetem azt,
hogy csak akkor szeresselek
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer

Számunkra késő

Keletről nyugatra
A bánat megragad
A szív(em) miattad törik össze
Egy lépésre vagyok a fenéktől
És kicsúszik a talaj a talpam alól
Boldogság,megint kiadtál.
Neked az élet mindent megadott
De te ezt is kevesled
Szerelmem,számunkra késő
És apránként,minden,ami a miénk,összeomlott.
Semmi sem maradt nekünk.
A Földtől az űrig
most minden idegesít
A lelkem tele van zűrzavarral.
Egyszer valamikor együtt voltunk,
most két külön világ vagyunk.
Boldogság,megint elárultál.

So close

The whole world has disappeared, and you're in my hands
And the music attracts us like love
I'm so close to you, we are next to each other
So close, we'll see again
That life is like a moment, its daydreams are like dreams
They will pass and they are gone, but as in a movie
They will come true so close
And I need only one thing
Just to be next to you ... to you
I'm so close to you, all the old dreams will die
As if there was always only you
You're so close to me, and everyone is so far from us
Only we are close.
Oh how can I walk between days now
That have no you
We are so close
Within easy reach from fairytale
A dream, like a bird, carries us far away
We are so close,
Like in magic dreams
So close to you and not now

Love or madness

Winter and summer
I am with you
no one is not like you and me
I'm dreaming you awake, I'm little weird
Well I'm not normal
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness
Chorus (2x)
It's so good to us, that's it
it's really good to us together
what is mine that is yours, it's written
little by little we are arguing
little by little we are making things better
but we live one for each other
And at day and at night
I want with you
I don't care for other boys
when you aren't close to me, like toxicated
I'm crying for hours
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness

You Lived Alone! You Did Not Look For Mates...

You lived alone! You did not look for mates
And coreligionists you didn't seek.
You drove a sharp knife, ruthlessly, with hate,
Through open heart that longed for bliss peak.
'My crazy friend! You could be happy, yea!..'
'What for? In midst of stormy weather
We won't be able to save anyway
Undying happiness forever!'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

I Shall Behold How Universe Will Die...

I shall behold how Universe will die -
The only source of my subsistence.
I shall rejoice with lonely sad good-bye
At awful end of whole existence.
My life is lonely, yet it's full of joy,
My age's in love with mass destruction.
I, like no other great man but a boy,
Shall witness death and deconstruction.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Fiddle Wails From Under Hill...

Fiddle wails from under hill.
Evening's slow in sleepy park place,
Evening's long - a girl with Chaste Face,
Virgin image with me still.
Restless fiddle wail is crooning,
Softly singing: 'Live...' to me.
Image of my darling's blooming
In the tender love tale spree.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

To You Alone, The Only One...

A la tres-chere, a la tres-belle..
To you alone, the only one,
The queen of love and joy for ages,
To you, so splendid and so young,
I dedicate the best life's pages!
No: true friend, mother, brother can't,
Don't know a friend, a son, a brother,
Just you alone can understand
The grief that frets my soul with smother.
You, you alone, my passion, you,
My love, my queen, my godlike sighting!
In night abyss your soul shines through,
It sparkles like a distant lightning.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Ukrainian in Moscow

I woke up in the morning and ate a varenik*
Put a piece of salo* on my bread
I didn't cope with my homesickness
I'm Ukrainian among fucking Russians!*
Red Square isn't as good as Maidan for a cossack
And the Moskva-river isn't as good as the Dnipro!*
The Russian climat made me very angry
I'm Ukrainian among fucking Russians!
oh! I'm a foreigner, poor foreigner
- Ukrainian among fucking Russians!
Where are beautiful girls, my dear girls?
I have nobody to love!
Where is the city built by Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv?*
I'm Ukrainian among fucking Russians!
Oh! I'm a foreigner, poor foreigner
- Ukrainian among fucking Russians!
Though I haven't a house, a wife and a salary
Though my garners aren't filled with money
- I need nothing but the home sky!
But I have no way from Russia!
So what? I'll go and eat one more varenik
Drink some vodka in the evening
While far away, over my home village
The blue and yellow flag is waving in the wind!*

To The Vernal Feast Of Sunlight...

To the vernal feast of sunlight
I invite my shadow mate.
Come, don't wait for dawn in night fright,
Bring the day with you, don't wait!
New day's not one, pounding windows
With the wind in early spring!
Let it laugh non-stop as it throws
Smiles, the awesome day in swing!
Then we'll open doors unwary,
We shall cry and sigh unheard,
With a light heart we will carry
Winter losses, long incurred...
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Spring Breaks Ice Floes On The River...

The spring breaks ice floes on the river,
I do not pity dear dead:
When I got over peaks in shiver,
Forgot the winter gorges' sliver
And now I see blue depths ahead.
No point to pity lost in fire,
No point lamenting at the cross,
When I await blow of hellfire,
Or the divine gift I aspire
To reap from Moses' bush flame toss!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

On A Dark Night Snowy Storm...

On a dark night snowy storm
Covered up the trail.
Rose pink, gentle morning warmth
Wakes the light, still pale.
Crimson dawns arose whatnot,
Lighting up the snow.
Something bright and passionate
Roused the shore with glow.
After ice floe, blue to core,
I'll emerge at noon.
Maiden, clad in snowy hoar,
I will meet there soon.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Don't Trust Your Pathways To The Crowd...

Don't trust your pathways to the crowd
Of cunning flatterers unnumbered:
Your palace they will break avowed,
And will extinguish sacred altar.
They all are strong in spirit, yet
Some flee disorderly from crowds,
Some start the hilltop fires and
With courage rip the darkness shrouds.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.