Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 54


Királyok Királynője

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ő, a Királyok Királynője oly gyorsan szalad,
legyőzi a szelet,
semmi sincs ezen a világon, mi megállíthatná kitáruló szárnyait.
Ő, a Királyok Királynője, összezúzta ketrecét,
elhajította a kulcsot,
Ő lesz az Északi és Déli tengerek harcosa.
Fekete a haja
sötét, akár az éjszaka,
szeme jeges - tökéletes, tökéletes.
Ezzel szemben a szíve meleg és ragyogó,
a mosolya felébreszti az Északi Fényt.
Kinézvén harcra hív
Lai Lai-Da-Dai Dai-Da
Ki győzi le mindezt?
A neve Ő, Királyok Királynője oly gyorsan szalad,
legyőzi a szelet,
semmi sincs ezen a világon, mi megállíthatná kitáruló szárnyait.
Ő, a Királyok Királynője, összezúzta ketrecét,
elhajította a kulcsot,
Ő lesz az Északi és Déli tengerek harcosa.
Egy lángok között edzett tűzkő
a legvadabb kártya - játszd a játékot, játszd a játékot.
Nem tud ugyanaz maradni a változás világában,
ne félj a fájdalomtól, csak törd meg a láncot.
Kinézvén harcra hív
Lai Lai-Da-Dai Dai-Da
Ki győzi le mindezt?
A neve Ő, Királyok Királynője oly gyorsan szalad,
legyőzi a szelet,
semmi sincs ezen a világon, mi megállíthatná kitáruló szárnyait.
Ő, a Királyok Királynője, összezúzta ketrecét,
elhajította a kulcsot, (Hey!)
Ő lesz az Északi és Déli tengerek harcosa.
Lai La-Da Dia
Ra Rai-Ri Rai Dai-Ri
Lai La-Da Dia
Lai Li-Li La
Lai La-Da Dia
A neve Ő, Királyok Királynője oly gyorsan szalad,
legyőzi a szelet, (Hey)
semmi sincs ezen a világon, mi megállíthatná kitáruló szárnyait.
Ő, a Királyok Királynője, összezúzta ketrecét,
elhajította a kulcsot, (Hey!)
Ő lesz az Északi és Déli tengerek harcosa.

Mit teszel egy másik férfival?

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Mi voltunk csak a világon, senki más
Te töltötted be a hiányaimat és minden napomat
Most keveset alszom és alig eszem
Koldus lettem, nincstelen, és nem is tudod
Kinek adod minden álmomat?
Kivel fogod azt csinálni, amit mi tettünk?
Mit teszel majd egy másik férfival
Ha nem melegít majd a tenyere,
Ha nem simogat, amikor ölel téged,
Ha elaltat, de nem ad neked álmokat
Mit csinálsz egy másik férfival
Nem leszel ott a holnapjában
Csak a tegnapjának része lehetsz
Ahogy megtörtént annyi régi szerelmével
Ezek a kilátásaid a jövőre nézve
Amiket egy bőröndben magaddal vittél
egy vonaton, ami nem áll meg sehol,
A mienket pedig a mellékvágányon hagytad, akárcsak engem
Kinek adom át a jegyet a melletted levő helyre,
Kivel utazol, aki nem én vagyok?
Mit csinálsz egy másik férfival
Ha felrepít, majd ledob
Ha a szíve nem dobban meg, amikor átölel
Hidegnek fogod őt érezni, nem forrónak, mint engem
Mit csinálsz egy másik férfival
Nem leszel ott holnap
De te csak a múltjának része leszel
Ahogy már megtette annyi régi szerelmével
Aki nem ismeri a fájdalom ízét
Akinek a könny csak víz és só,
Soha nem fogja megérteni azt, aki belehal a szerelembe

Egy újabb csók

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Szememben már itt vagy.
Ki tudja, talán ugyanilyen pillantással látsz engem a szemedben.
Tehát igen, el kell mondanom.
Próbáltam nem gondolni rád, mégis egyre többet gondoltam rád.
Egy kicsit túl közel vagyunk ahhoz, hogy elmeneküljünk.
Nem tudsz róla, de előtted
volt valaki más, aki megsebzett.
Ne félj, esküszöm a szerelemre, azért vagyok itt, hogy megvédjelek.
Idővel begyógyítom a szívedet, letörlöm a zúzódásait
és minden eljövendő napon lélegezni segítlek.
Elmondom majd neked, amit még sose mondtam el
Ennek a szeretetnek mi leszünk az angyalai
A mellkasom lesz a párnád egész életedre
Úgy tűnik, egy végtelen történet kezdődött
Megforgatom körülöttünk a világot.
Karácsonykor sem lesz majd felhő
Augusztusi vasárnapokon rengeteg hó esik majd
És később a szívem fog meglepni.
Milyen hideg van, ölelj át egy kicsit.
Éleszd újra bennem az összes kihunyt vágyat.
Ujjammal megérintem az arcodat, majd megállok egy pillanatra
és játszom a szélben röpködő hajaddal
mielőtt felfedeznék egy új csókot

Amikor elmegyek

Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
de ez sosem fog sokáig tartani, majd meglátod
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés
Azt gondoltad, hogy ez könnyű lesz
Könnyen elfelejtesz
Kitörölsz az emlékeidből (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
Most az ágyad üres
és izzadva ébredsz fel,
még mindig ott vagyok a vad álmaidban
Késő éjszaka felhívsz, felhívsz
Bármit megteszel, hogy közel tarts magadhoz
Hát, tudnod kell, hogy ez
túl nehéz lesz, hogy elengedj engem
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
de ez sosem fog sokáig tartani, majd meglátod
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés
Amikor feletted vagyok,
és megérintelek, ahogy szoktalak,
nem, Te sosem fogod elfelejteni
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés
Hajszolod a veszélyt,
ilyen a természeted
Engem keresel az idegenekben
Ezek a csinos arcok,
senki nem tud engem helyettesíteni
Mindig én leszek a kedvenced
Késő éjszaka felhívsz, felhívsz
Bármit megteszel, hogy közel tarts magadhoz
Hát, tudnod kell, hogy ez
túl nehéz lesz, hogy elengedj engem
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz, (azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz)
de ez sosem fog sokáig tartani, majd meglátod (amikor elmegyek)
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán (sosem megyek el igazán)
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés (senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés, mint én)
Amikor feletted vagyok,
és megérintelek, ahogy szoktalak,
nem, Te sosem fogod elfelejteni
Amikor elmegyek, sosem megyek el igazán
Azt gondolod, hogy továbblépsz,
De senki nem lesz olyan érzés, olyan érzés (mint én)
Amikor elmegyek
Amikor elmegyek

Oh, stop wounding me

Versions: #1
Oh, stop wounding me or let me die,
you ungrateful, pitiless eyes,
colder than ice, harder than marble,
cold and deaf to my pain.
Oh, stop wounding me or let me die.

Going Dumb

Versions: #1
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you feeling deep inside you
I wanna know, know, know, know
I keep wondering what's right
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going
Feels like love. One more time
Can't believe that I have said that every time I see you
Once again. Start the car
To see welcoming neon signs they are out highlights
I don't know, know, know, know
How you do it, I'm in ruins
I don't know, know, know, know
But my head's in overload
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
Got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb
You got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Got me going dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Sayin' got me dumb, duh, duh, dumb
Dumb, duh, duh, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb
You got me going dumb

Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday

Tell me a story that makes me fall in love
In an instant, since it's a while this doesn't happen to me
Tell me a secret so I can poke around
In the locked cupboards and it's hailing outside
Tell me who are you now because I can't recognize anymore
If you are the same, If I know you
Life passes like a blow, like a blow each day
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday
Tell me the anecdote you were always repeating to me late In the night to make me fall asleep
Tell me the silences, dense like red wool in a winter
That made us to fight
Tell me who you are now because I no more love you
But I think about you and get confused
Life changes in a blow, in a blow, each day...
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems far to you because you don't believe in it
A day it happens by chance that just something is missing
The day where everything is wrong and there won't be an excuse
Look at me again with the eyes of yesterday
It seems strange to you but you will keep standing
I wonder if it was already written our need
To seek, life is just a matter of urgency
Tomorrow with the eyes of yesterday.

Queen of the night

[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 1: Aless]
Was before the show
Excited, drank themselves to some mood as they were walking through the city (as they were walking through the city)
Will be a good party, boys picking them up in cars, 200 quick they leave, yeah
But there's no time, the show starts, so move and no talking back (show starts)
and we pour and pour and pour so we pass tests
School's calling us, but we switch our phones off (switch phones off)
Cause today we go out together
Bring who you want and we take them cause we don't want to be alone
Was so much effort to get here (we're here)
So don't search for a moral where is none, cause today those ideas about this evening will pass away, gone
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Verse 2: Sharlota]
I'm fuckin' queen of the night, eyy, eyy
I have power over you still
do not avoid, i know you're not the same, like the other boys
they howl, dude, like wolfs at the moon
when they find out they'll see me in a month
action in the club, i beg they shut up
this is no fun, yeah
I've long hair like Locika
in the club plays good music
dont matter who is dressed how
good energy emits from the crowd
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
let no one speak at me
everyone always whining or crying
and still I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
feel like Kardashian, milk on me
I feel like Kardashian, milk on me
[Chorus: Aless]
Everyone knows her and everyone judges
Well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night
[Bridge: Aless]
we shit on everything that spoils our night, yes (yes)
we want nothing and no-one, don't want sleep (sleep)
you keep the bottle, I take the tab, I go through without arguments (arguments)
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
We're just friends, don't try to mess me up
I have the right, to be cool
I have the right, to be happy
I have the right, for what i want only
I have the right, we're still children
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
right, right, right, right
to be able to live for real
[Chorus: Aless]
(Everyone knows her and everyone judges, well no-one knows nothing, just has a feeling)
Lives all out and is wrong
Even still she's the queen of the night
Queen of the night, queen of the night
It's not the club, but music she carries
Engraved on the crown and loves the feeling
She doesn't have to ask, queen of the night


You’re always here, balked here
in the middle of this street.
You don’t eat anymore, you don’t sleep anymore,
what an hypochondriac!
Ehi, kid, what’s the meaning of
this jealousy?
You want to suffer,
you want to die,
who’s driving you to do it?
You don’t know what love at 20 years old is anymore,
to be in the clothes of a street boy
who still believes in his mistakes
and whose tough guy skin nobody takes it away from him.
He hides a purer heart
placed in a safe place from deceptions.

And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
Tell her the whole truth
because momma can understand you!
And those who have a mother don’t cry, it’s never true
but, if one doesn’t blow, the veil will never fall,
the one that makes you live in black and white.
A free man follows his own road,
even if it’s the wrong one.
I’ll see you at the next bullshit.

Don’t think of her, go and have fun
with the little kids.
Don’t demean yourself,
kid, there is (still) time
to get yourself into a fix!
The one that you want to kiss,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize.
forget her, kid,
because if someone tells dad,
I’m not the fool from before.
who knows how it’ll end up.
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
And you go up and down under this balcony
but you’re a boy,
you don’t know women,
you’re still so young!
You’re a boy,
what did you place in your head,
go and play ball!
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
What’s the meaning of these tears?
Get out here, don’t make me laugh!
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
What needs to be done? It’s mobilize
don’t be stupid, kid.
because it’s 6 in the morning, 6 in the morning.
Tell her the whole truth
I’m not the fool from before, from before.
because momma can understand you!
Love at 20 years old, I’m only 20 years old.
Run to your mother’s arms,
don’t be stupid, kid.
I’m only 20 years old.
Tell her the whole truth
Love at 20 years old.
because momma can understand you.
I’m only 20 years old.

Who you are

It hurts me to know you with another her
The nights hurt a lot in your absence
How do you feel in my absence?
I wonder if you
You have me on your mind each morning
I try to leave but my heart never learns
I can't forget you even when I can't handle it
It's all that I could ask for, just one more chance in another life
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
Which one of us two is guilty
Who was left behind and who left
You also know that I, I waited for you
In vain, I'm saying that it's all over right now
You have me on your mind each morning
I try to leave but my heart never learns
I can't forget you even when I can't handle it
It's all that I could ask for, just one more chance in another life
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
And if the rain is to fall
I hope that it washes away every last drop of love
From my heart
Don't blame her because you miss me
And if the rain is to fall
I hope that it washes away every last drop of love
From my heart
Don't blame her because you miss me
You miss me...
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no

Sea, Sea

I feel the sea
In my thoughts
With its voices
Inside me
It's the eternal song
Of the broken waves
And the seagulls
Lying in the sea
And while the dawn
Already awakens
The heart returns,
To the sea because...
It finds a friend
And a song is born
It flies from the chest,
It goes towards the sea
Oh sea, sea
Let me get there
On its sails
Far from here
To a horizon
More transparent
Than my present
Which is nothing now
Like a fairy tale
The sea welcomes them
On white sailing ships
Suspended in the sea
Oh sea, sea
Let me fly
Over distant lands,
Far from here
Unfold the sails
Of my fate
Of a pilgrim
Looking for love
Oh sea, sea
Let me fly
Over distant lands,
Far from here
Unfold the sails
Of my fate
Of a pilgrim
Looking for love
For love, just love

At Night

Once it used to be a real
Problem for you
What to wear if you were
Going out with me,
I’ve never seen you twice
With the same sweater
How normal it was, stealing you a chill...
In your discussions you used to confirm your jealousy, every beautiful girl seemed already mine,
To keep me closer you dropped out of school
Ohh how people change
Even in the soul...
Just now that
I needed you,
It almost annoys you
Everything about me, then you tell me that
Another is “the right one” for you,
You rip like a newspaper
This love story with me
How ugly it is
Losing you this time
In thousand pieces my heart, drops like a glass
I’ll never be able to fix it
But it still beats,
Please do not leave I
Already cannot breath
Do not take suddenly
From my body my soul....
Night, at night has ended
A love that tasted like milk,
Night, tonight I cannot erase the sour
Not even by eating a croissant.
Even the moon angry at you,
Hates to see this moments
The sun comes out quickly
Without a coffee
I see the ocean crying
It would like to talk
Cause even it saw you
Yesterday kissing that guy
And with the waves was trying to not let him touch you
So we wouldn’t break up.
Tell me what I did wrong
Where’s the mistake
I’ve never ignored
Anything about you,
I’ve always shared my
Thoughts with you
Never had secrets hidden with me,
And you instead were sharing this things
With someone else Nenne’...
In thousand pieces my heart, drops like a glass
I’ll never be able to fix it
But it still beats,
Please do not leave I
Already cannot breath
Do not take suddenly
From my body my soul....
Night, at night has ended
A love that tasted like milk,
Night, tonight I cannot erase the sour
Not even by eating a croissant.
Even the moon angry at you,
Hates to see this moments
The sun comes out quickly
Without a coffee
I see the ocean crying
It would like to talk
Cause even it saw you
Yesterday kissing that guy
And with the waves was trying to not let him touch you
So we wouldn’t break up....

My sin is to love you

To love you like I did, without limit in the horizon,
Is always a dangerous game
Because, in the end, the one who gave most is the loser
To love you like I did,
Emptying my life for you
I spent 100 thousand words in the wind
I gave myself every moment
To make you happy
My sin is to love you due to not
Understanding you were never mine
Due to my desire to fill this void
That was formed between the emotion and the reason
My sin is to love you
To love you like I did, without limit in the horizon,
Is always a dangerous game
Because, in the end, the one who gave most is the loser
To love you like I did,
Emptying my life for you
I spent 100 thousand words in the wind
I gave myself every moment
To make you happy
My sin is to love you due to not
Understanding you were never mine
Due to my desire to fill this void
That was formed between the emotion and the reason
My sin is to love you...

Romantic obsession

You look at me with those distracted eyes
You shatter me like dreams, broken mirrors
Really you... We shouldn't have thought about it anymore
And instead we're meeting here by chance...
We, who never trusted chance...
Smile, it's the most normal thing
Then you sit down... A coffee is alright now
Really us... We should have never forgiven ourselves
And meanwhile the sun has risen outside...
How do words count after all!
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermiend, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You talk to me while trying to buy me...
You can satiate me, with that behavior you have
Really me, me... But I didn't have to bear you anymore
And instead the sun has risen outside
And we're becoming two new people
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermined, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble.
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You're a romantic obsession!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The Life I Want

Still here
With the wind
That blows in the South
That moves obstacles
That changes moods and thoughts
I'm here even if you don't want it
It's a goodbye even if I don't want it
And I trade old loves with your new ones
I decide that time will choose
The life I want
Seems to beg me
Not to come back
And if you want to hurt me
You won't see me anymore
Now I
Don't think of it anymore
Just a briefcase, a breath
And it's a new life
It feels weird to feel alright
After nights spent loving pain as well
I gave new looks and new names to ugly things
So that even the worst won't hurt anymore
The life I want
Seems to beg me
Not to come back
And if you want to hurt me
You won't see me anymore
You won't see me anymore...
You won't see me anymore...
The life I want
Seems to beg me
Not to come back
And now you won't hurt me
You won't hurt me
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Talking, forgiving, kissing

It has to look like this
The feeling of those who, over time, have lost the taste
For their eternal conflict with themselves, and have repelled
That nostalgia for what they've lost
Do you perhaps think there's still space
Do you perhaps think there's still time
To look through your hands and choose
Whether all that resentement makes sense
Or whether a borderline exists
Between my conscience and your will
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy to show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Talking, forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
Forgiving, then kissing
The things I...
Though it didn't seem right
So I lost you for my obsession to apply a face to everything
Because you know a woman's a woman
Not necessarily from her make-up
But also from the scratches time drew on her
Do you perhaps think there's still space
Do you perhaps think there's still time
To look through your hands and choose
Whether all that resentement makes sense
Or whether a borderline exists
Between my conscience and your will
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy
To show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Talking, forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
Forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
The things I wish to do to you
And you'll understand that I'm
Made of the same substance you're made of
Open your arms, the world is advancing
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy
To show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Tiszta szerelem

Én tiszta szerelmemet
Ezer lavina temette be
Boldogságom veszett oda
Azt keresem rendületlenül.
E városból elfutok
Hogy ne bámulhasson
Hogy ne készíthessen képet
A szívem állapotáról.
Ami most lassan és biztosan táncol
Az emlékek homokja között
Most bár itt van megcsúfolva és fáradtan
Az emlékek és illúziók közt
Ami valaha tiszta szerelem volt
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal amit valaha kaptál
Ami elmeséli miért érdemes élni
Miért meghalni
Nem bírom a hazugokat és az árulókat
Ilyenkor odébb állok
És te, mi az amiért élsz? És miért halnál meg?
Még ha az lenne az utolsó szavad
Mondd ki, és talán egy nap visszatérek
Én tiszta szerelmem
Az álmaimban neveltelek fel
A szívemre tetováltalak
Bíztam benned még a hibáidban is
A szerelmemet csakis rád hagyom
Elveszett lovag
És útra kelek, elmegyek messze
Innen, még ha hatalmas is
A fájdalom ami eláraszt.
De nem félek a veszteségektől
A lelkemet átadtam neked, egyedül neked és maradjon a tied.
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért
élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal
Úgy mint én és te
Én tiszta szerelmem
Akiért majd meg is halok talán
De egy teljes élet nevében
Amit egy álom mentén éltem le
A zenéért, az emberekért akik begyógyították a sebeimet
Azokért az emberekért és azért a zenéért,
Akik megmutatták a jövőt, ez egyszerűen
tiszta szerelem