Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 35



Isten van egy kérdésem
Csak egyetlen kérdés:
Meddig tart még
Ez a kegyetlen háború?
Szeretném tudni a terveid
Néked, ki begyógyógyítja sebeit
Az ártatlan embereknek
És a gyermekeinek
Cseppről cseppre
Futunk ki az időnkből
Az útolsó kőig mindent fel fognak forgatni
Az ellenség kötünk jár
De majd valaki legyőzi!
Ooo, az akaratom törhetetlen
Ooo, nem rendelem alá magam senkinek
És soha nem fogom elárulni
Az én tengerem
Fájdalom és gyászon keresztül is
Erős leszek,
Szabad leszek, ott leszek
Isten, van egy kérdésem
Miért hal meg generációm fiatalon ebben a háborúban?
De megtudod menteni a földünk, Mi Urunk
Mintha az idő kicsúszna a kezeink közül
A romok faláról eltűnnek az árnyékok
Az ellenség köztünk jár
De mi le fogjuk győzni
Ooo, az akaratom törhetetlen
Ooo, nem rendelem alá magam senkinek
És soha nem fogom elárulni
Az én tengerem
A fájdalmon és a gyászon keresztül is
Erős leszek,
Szabad leszek, ott leszek
Ott leszek...
Állj fel, tarts ki!
Felejtsd el a fáradtságot
Bízz, küzdj, nézz szembe az ismeretlennel
Tudd, fogadd el a csatát
A hazádért
Veled van az igazság
A földed ne add át másnak
Soha nem áruljuk el tengerünket
Az akaratunk törhetetlen
Figyelj, Isten,
Erősek leszünk, szabadok leszünk
Nyertesek leszünk!

At my door

Heart, why do you beat so loudly
Why are you here when it's still hurting
You've wronged me once, twice even
And time passes and it gives me shivers
Now that you've gone so far away
Who'll beat at my door
Night after night
It's too late or it's too early
I'm here waiting for you for quite a while
Only whispers can be heard
I would've wanted time to tell you all I couldn't
To tell you I'm sorry, stay, my dear
I told you to leave and then I shouted for you to come back
How did I end up here, please tell me
Now that you've gone so far away
Who'll beat at my door
Night after night
It's too late or it's too early
I'm here waiting for you for quite a while
Only whispers can be heard
Who will, who will
Beat, beat
Who will, who will
Beat at my door
Now that you've gone so far away
Who'll beat at my door
Night after night
It's too late or it's too early
I'm here waiting for you for quite a while
Only whispers can be heard
Who will, who will
Beat, beat
Who will, who will
Beat at my door...

Who loved who

I used to believe in stories with 'once upon a time'
Now we write stories with 'it won't exist anymore'
You a superhero, and I'm just a simple girl
And you'd fly out of my heart's way
And it's hard with you but even harder without you
And the hardest is that I still love you
It's bad, but it's all the worse without you
And the saddest is that I still dream of you
Take me in your arms as if
You didn't choose another path yesterday
Today all that we have left is a memory
With two lunatics and a love story
Come on, tell me who
Who loved who
Worse or better
Come on, tell me who
Tell me who's still like me
Waiting for you nights and days
I was yours all the time
And I stayed by your side
When it was hardest for you
Come on, tell me who
Who loved who
Worse or better
I believed in the two of us the way it was before
But today we just feed off of memories
Earlier, you swore that you'd give me the entire world
But you gave us to other loves instead
And it hurts that someone else will stay by your side
And keep you warm even when the weather's bad outside
And give you her smile in the morning over coffee
In the spot in which I sat sometime
Take me in your arms as if
You didn't choose another path yesterday
Today all that we have left is a memory
With two lunatics and a love story
Come on, tell me who
Who loved who
Worse or better
Come on, tell me who
Tell me who's still like me
Waiting for you nights and days
I was yours all the time
And I stayed by your side
When it was hardest for you
Come on, tell me who
Who loved who
Worse or better x2

I gathered fall after fall

La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
I gathered fall after fall
and now, the longing is urging me
sneaking in my little heart
to change autumn into spring
Well, I do and I'm good with it
I don't let the autumn stalking me
for my longing is a heart of a flower
and my heart is vigilant
People say, they always say
but what the says is not right
I set the sun and the moon
here in your chest pocket ...
I gathered fall after fall
and now, the longing is urging me
to give them all one evening
for a day of spring
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
I gathered thoughts after thoughts
and wrote thousands and thousands of lines
their fruit of beauty
I give for an hour of youth
To take my neat dreams
forgotten somewhere
forever from my window
to catch the stars with my hand
Counting my blooming years
I stop 20 lei
and I give the others for a cigarette
and I start to walk the road of love
I gathered fall after fall
and now, the longing is urging me
sneaking in my little heart
to change autumn into spring
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la
La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, la-la

It's Autumn Again

I hold you to my chest, it is so good,
And I kiss your eyes a thousand times.
Sunny mornings caress our cheeks,
A wind wafts over us and flowers.
My darling, give me your hand and stay with me!
It's not coincidence that we are together.
Let it be the fall our engagement ring
And let it be love our holy spring.
Flocks of cranes
Fly among the clouds
And they let us know it's autumn again.
My steps are crushing
Leaves on the sidewalk,
I rip rusty days from the calendar.
It's autumn again,
It's autumn again...
You'll be a sunny day in my life,
Nothing and nobody will ever change you.
I'm dreaming of the days to come,
I'm dreaming of all that could be better in my life.
My darling, give me your hand and stay with me!
It's not coincidence that we are together.
Let it be the fall our engagement ring
And let it be love our holy spring.

Őszi ábránd

Itt az ősz megérkezett takard be valamivel szívemet,
egy lomb-árnyékkal, de inkább saját árnyékoddal.
Aggódom, nem mindig foglak majd látni,
hogy éles szárnyaim a felhőkig nőnek,
hogy elbújsz egy idegen szemüregbe,
mely bekebelez mint egy üröm levél.
És akkor közeledem a kövekhez és hallgatok
Fogom a szavakat és a tengerbe folytom
Süvöltöm a holdat, felkeltem és átváltoztatom
Egy nagy szerelemmé.

Út az őszbe

Valaha sétáltam veled, alighanem
Az ősz völgye hosszan átkarolt.
A holdfürtje már hullóban volt
Feledni nem tudom, azóta sem.
Hogy annyira elbódultam kérem
Lehet, a szölő közzelsége tette ?
Vagy csak a te ízednek keletje
Állandósította részegségem?
Azt tudom: veled tartottam volna
egész életemen át
És az elgyengült levelek legjavát
Én oly élénkzöldnek láttam volna!

Deers are better than humans

Deers are better than humans,
Sven, love is independent
A standalone word is a feeling
What are you waiting for?
Well, Kristof, don’t miss your aim

Fall is Born in Poetry

Fall is born in poetry,
A new muse for everyone,
The leaves fall through golden verses
in rhythm and symmetry,
Enchanted rhymes on the run.
Fall is born in songs,
Springs tremble in choirs,
A gracious melody whose
sound loves and longs,
The wings of the wind, seraphic fires.
Fall is born in a dance of joy,
The tango of a full life,
Grace after grace in every step,
Memories of a girl kissing a boy,
In the fateful autumn,
now husband and wife.
Fall is born in aspirations, in dreams,
In smiles, in tears, in love,
The splendid autumn surround us,
In our souls flow steady streams
rising to the stars above.

6 whispers

And if I don't see you for a night
I feel like you aren't somewhere else
Look at what you've done with me
With one word and six whispers
With one word and six whispers
With one word and six whispers
You didn't even come welcomed and immediately, you left
It didn't even start, and it finished
It happened to not be so complicated
Until one day, when you called me
My heart is asking me for just one answer
How on earth did you hide in my soul?
Next to you, the nights aren't enough
Next to you, it's chaos, but I wouldn't ever get enough of it
Chaos, but it's like I'd want more
And if I don't see you for a night
I feel like you aren't somewhere else
Look at what you've done with me
With one word and six whispers
With one word and six whispers
With one word and six whispers
You mess with my head, you do it on purpose
I think that I don't know you, maybe I didn't get started
I kept asking myself, what was eluding me, in fact
You say one thing and do another, who are you, exactly?
My heart is asking me for just one answer
How on earth did you hide in my soul?
Next to you, the nights aren't enough
Next to you, it's chaos, but I wouldn't ever get enough of it
Chaos, but it's like I'd want more
And if I don't see you for a night
I feel like you aren't somewhere else
Look at what you've done with me
With one word and six whispers
With one word and six whispers
With one word and six whispers
And if I don't see you for a night
I feel like you aren't somewhere else
Look at what you've done with me
With one word and six whispers

Autumn emotion

Autumn has come, cover my heart with something,
with a tree's shadow or better with your shadow.
Autumn has come...
I'm afraid that I won't see you sometimes
that I'm gonna grow wings, wings high to the clouds
that you're gonna hide in a stranger eye
and it's gonna close with a wormwood's flower.
And then I'm getting close to the stones and I shut up
Autumn has come, I take my words and drown them in the sea.
Whistling the moon, rising and turn it
into a big love!
Autumn has come, cover my heart with something,
with a tree's shadow or better with your shadow.
Autumn has come...
I'm afraid that I won't see you sometimes
that I'm gonna grow wings, wings high to the clouds
Autumn has come, cover my heart with something,
with a tree's shadow or better with your shadow.
Autumn has come

Közel a végtelenhez

Mint két őrült,
olyanok voltunk és most oly nehezen ismered ezt el
Mint két megszállott,
távoli világokból néztünk a földre
A pillanat varázsa mint az örökkévalóság
Egy csillagporos csók, egyesek azt mondják ez kémia
Mindig arra gondolok, hogy mit teszel velem
Csillagokat is választottam, sőt egy galaxist
Az égből egy egész költeményt alkottam
Mindig arra gondolok, hogy mit teszel velem
Hová jutottunk mi ketten, mi választ szét minket
Olyan közel voltunk a végtelenhez
Ahová mi ketten eljutottunk, senki más nem juthat el
Olyan közel voltunk a végtelenhez
Talán egy pillanatig szerettük egymást és ez olyan hirtelen múlt el
Ezt nem tudom magam mögött hagyni, még mindig újraélem ezeket a pillanatokat
Talán ennek így kellett lennie, talán így íródnak a történetek
És valaki most arra vár, hogy rád találjon és hogy rám találjon
A világ olyan kicsi, közöttünk a csend óceánja
Még mindig terád várok egyedül a világomban, hogy élvezzük a látványt
Hogy el ne tévedj, elküldöm neked fénynek a holdat
Életed során ezernyi utat jársz be
Én akkor is itt leszek, ha nem találnál ide
Örökké várlak
Hová jutottunk mi ketten, mi választ szét minket
Olyan közel voltunk a végtelenhez
Ahová mi ketten eljutottunk, senki más nem juthat el
Olyan közel voltunk a végtelenhez
Most kettéválnak a vizek, leomlanak a hegyek
A virágok, a tűz és az eső is sírnak és te tudod, hogy
A föld csak egy szeretet nélküli dzsungel
Mikor nem lehetünk egymáséi, nincs a lélekben béke
A nap meghasad, a szél jeget hord
A felhők megtörnek és reggel nem ér véget az éj
Nélküled minden a visszájára fordul
és nincs már visszaút
Hová jutottunk mi ketten, mi választ szét minket
Olyan közel voltunk a végtelenhez
Ahová mi ketten eljutottunk, senki más nem juthat el
Olyan közel voltunk a végtelenhez

Kárhozat alatt

Egy utolsó pillantás a puskacsőbe
Ez a vég
Ismét kettészakad a vérző égbolt
Dicsfényünk kárhozat alá hullott
Tekints a Mindenségre
Egy utolsó pillantás a puskacsőbe
Ez a vég
Ismét kettészakad a vérző égbolt
Dicsfényünk kárhozat alá hullott
Tekints a romlásra, mit okoztál

Last Autumn

Now you asked me again
To return to that old road
Nights hide memories and many thoughts
Everyday I was shouting for you, it was late, I was dreaming of you
Leaves were falling on your way, you were coming at sunset.
Flowers of longing in my window
The moon is singing your waltz
Everything happened on right time
And I said to myself, it's not easy
To paint a corner from heaven now
When everything remained in the past
Flowers of longing in my window
The moon is singing your waltz
Look autumn is coming back
With rain and sun
Whatever happened at the very beginning
Today it is blooming again

If you leave me now

I see that you have tears on your cheek
And I guess I am the reason they exist
I could have done what you wanted
I am listening, but your silence tells me more than nothing
Where would we have been if we hadn’t had problems?
I can’t lie because you know everything about me
So many times I have disappointed and promised no more
If I am an idiot I will be the best
Because I know i’m a fuck up, but stay
What happened, well it happened before
Tomorrow I will be someone else
And I know that I am broken
But I will fall apart if you leave me now
Chaos here, you know how I am
Try to understand how we found ourselves there
Maybe too early to be able to say
But I know it is too late
And you intend to go your own way
aah, you are so tired of me
Deep inside you know, I would have died for you
Fuck it, take my hand, let me explain it all
I don’t want you to go anywhere else
Where would we have been if we hadn’t had problems?
(Where would we have been, ba-ba-baby?)
I can’t lie because you know everything about me
(I can’t lie because you know everything about me)
So many times I have disappointed and promised no more
If I am an idiot I will be the best
Because I know I am a fuck up, but stay
What happened, well it happened before
Tomorrow I will be someone else
And I know I am broken
But I will fall apart if you leave me now
Baby, let me be close
Even if it is never like before
And I know I am broken
But I will fall apart if you leave me now
We wanted the same, but it was something different
The day I gave you my hand
Because we fell down together, held each other
But I lost the grip on everything
Because I know I am a fuck up
What happened, well it happened before (Well it happened before)
Tomorrow I will be someone else (and I promise you)
And I know I am broken
But I will fall apart if you leave me now
Baby, let me be close
Even if it is never like before
(I know, I know, I promise you)
And I know I am broken
But I will fall apart if you leave now.


You didn't believe in us, you divided yourself in two
How long did you think that it would last?
I don't want to scold you, I just want to ask you
Did she know how to comfort you?
And when I sleep next to you, I hear how you breathe only her name
It burns in me, a love in ruins
You were evacuated, you were evacuated from my soul
You were evacuated, you were evacuated from my heart
I don't have anything else to say to you but a 'Goodbye!'
Life goes on
You told me that you don't give up, because you can move even mountains
They were just empty words
Gather everything and leave, don't ever return
I can't breathe anymore because of you
You were evacuated x2
You don't, don't realize what you ask of me
You don't think, I'm not going anywhere
Today counts more than yesterday
Tell your people to shut up, I don't need their opinions
Oh, I messed up, I'm sorry
But you remain mine, I remain yours
Don't think about her, she was just an intruder
When we have is impossible to destroy
Yeah, let's take it from the start, you set my heart on fire just like Nero
I remain under my wing, come, let's take flight
Side by side, this is the future
No sci-fi or spaceships
Like Bonnie and Clyde, nobody gets in our way
You can breathe again, I'm staying here
I don't hear any alarm, though all you say
Gather everything and leave, don't ever return
I can't breathe anymore because of you
You were evacuated x2
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

As many X as you want

You always leave me waiting
You sorta like to mess with me
I always say that this is the last time
Sometimes I lie to myself, it's right
Because without you, it would be perfect
But look--I fall into your arms again.
Come on, break my heart as many times as you want
If it makes you happy seeing me cry. (x2)
We do it the way you want
If you want drama
We tear the photos, glue them together, and put them back in their places in the picture frames.
Come on, break my heart as many times as you want
As many times as you want
I won't get upset, no.
As many times,
As many times as you want. (x2)
I never respect myself
I stay when I should go.
I always say that this is the last time.
Sometimes I don't understand myself
I run back toward you
I always repeat the same mistake.
Come on, break my heart as many times as you want
If it makes you happy seeing me cry. (x2)
We do it the way you want
If you want drama
We tear the photos, glue them together, and put them back in their places in the picture frames.
Come on, break my heart as many times as you want
As many times as you want
I won't get upset, no.
As many times,
As many times as you want. (x2)
I think that I like to do myself bad this way
I think that you like it when I suffer, yeah
If love had any rule
Then we would be the exception.
We would be the exception . . .
So . . .
Come on, break my heart as many times as you want
If it makes you happy seeing me cry. (x2)
We do it the way you want
If you want drama
We tear the photos, glue them together, and put them back in their places in the picture frames.
Come on, break my heart as many times as you want
As many times as you want
I won't get upset, no.
As many times,
As many times as you want. (x2)
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

In the mirror

Maybe it seems cliched to you,
It's not something I always say
I'd even give you my name
Don't play with the words
You know that you wounded me sometime
Promise me that you won't let me down
In my mirror, I see you, a whole life
Will you love me the same even after the years pass?
I'm young now, maybe it's normal for me to be your sweetheart
Will you love me the same even after the years pass?
In my mirror, I'd see you, a whole life, a whole life, a whole life
Maybe it seems cliched to you that I always remember you
You weren't mine anymore at some point
But my mind ceaselessly flies to you, I can't hold back
It would be easier for me if you were next to me
In my mirror, I see you, a whole life
Will you love me the same even after the years pass?
I'm young now, maybe it's normal for me to be your sweetheart
Will you love me the same even after the years pass?
Stop! You hardly think about me
How could you think that I can put you into first place in my life
You are everything to me!
Leave your worries in my care
All of your questions find their answers in my heart
In my mirror, I see you, a whole life
Will you love me the same even after the years pass?
I'm young now, maybe it's normal for me to be your sweetheart
Will you love me the same even after the years pass?
You are in my mirror, in my mirror, in my mirror
You are in my mirror, in my mirror, in my mirror
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

I can manage on my own

His embrace protects her
It was something that nobody and nothing
Thought that they could take
But the years pass readily
They pass even over them
His feelings aren't the same
As her feelings anymore
She wonders how come it changed
He tells himself that it's not his fault
She doesn't forget and she cries out, 'Why,
Why, why did you leave me?'
Alone here with our memories
Almost at peace because you are far
Your love takes just like your love gives
You choose to leave, leave!
I can manage on my own
One random night in I don't know which bar
With his gaze inside a glass
He had a saddened heart
But suddenly he looked over his shoulder and saw a girl
Everything changed and they fell in love in that place
Together, they passed over each bump
He still feels it under his skin, through all his pores
But look at where you end up when you have an ego
She wonders how come it changed
He tells himself that it's not his fault
She doesn't forget and she cries out, 'Why,
Why, why did you leave me?'
Alone here with our memories
Almost at peace because you are far
Your love takes just like your love gives
You choose to leave, leave!
I can manage on my own
I close the door and I sit on the couch
Not long ago, my house was also your house
And now how heavily the silence weighs on me
As if it was yesterday
I still have a picture with us in my bedroom
I look at it so often and I feel longing
And I tried to forget us, but it's not easy
As if it was yesterday
Alone here with our memories
Almost at peace because you are far
Your love takes just like your love gives
You choose to leave, leave!
I can manage on my own
I can manage on my own
I can manage on my own
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

We Painted for You

I am one person among millions
who are thinking of what's to come for you
You are everyone's love
And we have vowed
to raise and build your land
We painted a portrait of you in our minds
You will become a piece of heaven
And tomorrow, oh Egypt
You will see what we have said come true
And we will benefit you with our thoughts
Tomorrow others will say that we have developed
And nothing is difficult
We will reach. What is there to be afraid of?
So that your dream would see light
We put in so much effort and stayed up late
And we have achieved in just months
What would have never crossed anybody's mind
We painted a portrait of you in our minds
You will become a piece of heaven
And tomorrow, oh Egypt
You will see what we have said
And we will benefit you with our thoughts
Tomorrow others will say that we have developed
And nothing is difficult
We will reach. What is there to be afraid of?
A message and a dream,
generation after generation
You boast in front of every one
Your land is full of so many blessings and good
And the secret of your soul is divine
We painted a portrait of you in our minds
You will become a piece of heaven
And tomorrow, oh Egypt
You will see what we have said
And we will benefit you with our thoughts
Tomorrow others will say that we have developed
And nothing is difficult
We will reach. What is there to be afraid of?
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Autumn emotion

The autumn has arrived,
Cover my heart with something,
With the shadow of a tree or better yet,
With the shadow of you.
The autumn has arrived,
Cover my heart with something,
With the shadow of a tree or better yet,
With the shadow of you.
I fear I will no longer see you at times
And I will grow sharp wings up to the clouds
And you will hide in a foreign eye
And it will close on you with an absinth leaf.
And then I get close to the stones and shut up,
I take the words and drown them in the sea,
I whistle the moon, I rise it and turn it
Into a great love.
The autumn has arrived,
Cover my heart with something,
With the shadow of a tree or better yet,
With the shadow of you.
The autumn has arrived,
Cover my heart with something,
With the shadow of a tree or better yet,
With the shadow of you.
I fear I will no longer see you at times
And I will grow sharp wings up to the clouds
And you will hide in a foreign eye
And it will close on you with an absinth leaf.
And then I get close to the stones and shut up,
I take the words and drown them in the sea,
I whistle the moon, I rise it and turn it
Into a great love.

Hagyd meg ősz a fáim zölden

Hagyd még ősz a fáim zölden
Neked adom szemem, könnyem
Estefelé sárga szélben
Fáim sírtak mind már térden.
Hagyd még ősz az ég, hogy lengjen
Homlokomra villám zengjen
Fűben hasítja szét ég aljának arcát
Hajnal vívja meg ébredő harcát.
Könyörülj meg ősz még szálló madarakon
Lépteim neszét zavard szét az avarokon
Délelőtti égbolt csorgásai
Pacsirták ordításai.
Hagyd meg ősz a pázsitom,
Gyümölcseim is bizony
Kialvatlan medvéim,
Az itt felejtett gólyákat,
Fel-fel fénylő órákat.
Hagyjál ősz még meg egy napot
Ne füstöld ki a síró Napot.
Hívjál inkább hozzám papot
Úgysem érem meg 'holnapot.