Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 22


You got too much

You should see
You should hear
You, jester, should smell
You should know
You should dig
You should understand
You got got got got too much again
And you got got got got even me
And you got got got got something evil
And you got got got got more
You should ponder
You should bow
You, jester, should think
You should forbid
You should turn
You should object
You got got got got too much again
And you got got got got even me
And you got got got got something evil
And you got got got got more
You should change
You should steal
You, jester, should fry
You should be moved
You should be removed
You should be driven
You got too much again...

60 újabb gond

Sok hiány van a karakterben, sok dolog, melyek nem fognak a balladában végződni
Az én oldalamon, a sötétség határán, van egy terület, ahová néha kutyákat temettek
Talán kevesebbszer kéne azt mondanom, hogy 'talán', és többször, hogy 'köszönöm, nem'.
Jobban kéne a célpontra sújtanom, s elfutnom, ha nem sikerül.
Jobban kéne bocsánatot kérnem, mint ahogy most is tettem.
Abba kéne hagynom azt a látszatot kelteni, hogy állítólag én vagyok a legnormálisabb ember.
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Nem fogom bevallani a bűnöket, melyeket jó szándék nélkül követtem el
Ha túl sok változó van a problémákkal összekötve, a válaszok nem fogják sokáig állni a sarat
Megérintem a tüzet a tenyereden, s a szemekben csönd honol
Abban a tűzben élő erő van, mely egy szempillantás alatt tombolni kezd
Ha a szíved ellen fordítod, meg fogja mutatni tüzének erejét
De ha be akarod zárni, meg fogja égetni a kezed
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Valószínűleg ez is egy valamilyen buta jelenetté fog válni
Melyet senki se szeret, vagy akar, de nem lehet megállítani.
Ott van mindig ugyanazon régi boltív, mikor mozog.
Jobban hiányoznak a józan ész napjai, mint, hogy ki tudnám fejezni
Szar a palettán
Azzal festem a tapétát
S ezt kínálom a probléma megoldására
Egyesek egyben halnak meg, mások darabokban
A szörnynek virág van a hajában
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született

60 újabb gond

Sok hiány van a karakterben, sok dolog, melyek nem fognak a balladában végződni
Az én oldalamon, a sötétség határán, van egy terület, ahová néha kutyákat temettek
Talán kevesebbszer kéne azt mondanom, hogy 'talán', és többször, hogy 'köszönöm, nem'.
Jobban kéne a célpontra sújtanom, s elfutnom, ha nem sikerül.
Jobban kéne bocsánatot kérnem, mint ahogy most is tettem.
Abba kéne hagynom azt a látszatot kelteni, hogy állítólag én vagyok a legnormálisabb ember.
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Nem fogom bevallani a bűnöket, melyeket jó szándék nélkül követtem el
Ha túl sok változó van a problémákkal összekötve, a válaszok nem fogják sokáig állni a sarat
Megérintem a tüzet a tenyereden, s a szemekben csönd honol
Abban a tűzben élő erő van, mely egy szempillantás alatt tombolni kezd
Ha a szíved ellen fordítod, meg fogja mutatni tüzének erejét
De ha be akarod zárni, meg fogja égetni a kezed
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született
Valószínűleg ez is egy valamilyen buta jelenetté fog válni
Melyet senki se szeret, vagy akar, de nem lehet megállítani.
Ott van mindig ugyanazon régi boltív, mikor mozog.
Jobban hiányoznak a józan ész napjai, mint, hogy ki tudnám fejezni
Szar a palettán
Azzal festem a tapétát
S ezt kínálom a probléma megoldására
Egyesek egyben halnak meg, mások darabokban
A szörnynek virág van a hajában
Ragaszd be, vagy kötözd be
Amíg a sebet be tudjuk zárni
S az érzelmek gyógyszerekké válnak
A giroszkópok teljesen megálltak
Mikor az egók egymást ütik
S hatvan újabb gond született

60 new problems

There are many shortcomings in character, many things that will not end up in a ballad
On my side, on the border of the shadow there's a region where sometimes the dogs were buried
Maybe I should say less often maybe and more often no thank you.
I should hit the target better and then run if I don't.
I should apologize more than how I just now again did.
I should stop pretending that I'm supposedly the most normal person.
Glue or band aids
as long as we get the wound closed
and emotions switched to medications
Gyroscope swirls completely stationary
when the egos are beating each other
and sixty new problems are born
I won't confess to any crime that I would have committed without a good intention
When there are too many variables associated with the problems, the answers won't withstand a potent substance
I touch the fire that lives on the palm of your hand and there's a silence in the eyes
In that fire is a living power, It will get furious in a flash
If you press it against your heart, it will reveal its essence
But if you try to imprison it in there, you'll burn your hand
Glue or band aids
as long as we get the wound closed
and emotions switched to medications
Gyroscope swirls completely stationary
when the egos are beating each other
and sixty new problems are born
Most likely this too will turn into a some kind of stupid scene
that nobody wants or needs, but it can't be stopped.
There's always the same old tired arch, when it's on.
I miss the days of sanity more than I can express
Shit on a palette
I paint the wallpapers with it
and offer it as a solution to problems
Some die all at once, others [die] piece by piece
the monster has a flower in his hair
Glue or band aids
as long as we get the wound closed
and emotions switched to medications
Gyroscope swirls completely stationary
when the egos are beating each other
and sixty new problems are born


Everyone smiles around you
And they are all dough
Daddy's own bunny who has ita all
And who always gets everything
Don't say, don't say, don't say
I am (made of) pastry
Don't say, don't say, don't say
Anything more
In an high-rise apartment window
There's nothing more
Than November which hits you
And makes your coffee go cold
Don't say, don't say, don't say
I am (made of) pastry
Don't say, don't say, don't say
Anything more

You made us beautiful

Versions: #3
Stay, don't stay
I don't care
But why would one laugh?
You're salting my wounds again
Again, I can fall in love with
The red speaker
You're making us a grave
You're making
You're making us beautiful, you made us
More beautiful than anyone else
You made dream, you made better
You made us beautiful, you made us
More beautiful than anyone else
You made dream, you made better
To thousands of trains
We wanted to get on
And woke up to such ugly dreams
You're doing whatever you do and like stealing
It all drips in to emptiness
You're making us a celebration
You're making
Silently, so silently
I yelled the golden name
The eternal yesterday
Take whatever you take
It's cheap to pay debts
You're making us ash
You're making
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Fisherman's Friend

Do you still claim to be an individual?
Just like the rats around you
Don't dream, don't imagine
You can't trust anyone
Didn't you see all the pointless shit?
Don't you understand what they are doing to you?
Don't you understand that no one cares?
I'm a bitter asshole
Who turned me into this?
Do you still claim to be an individual?
Just like the pigs around you
Don't dream, don't imagine
You can't trust anyone
Didn't you see all the pointless shit?
Don't you understand what they are doing to you?
Don't you understand that no one cares?
I'm a bitter asshole
Who turned me into this?

The Final Act

I want nothing to change ever again
Because I think I've found the solution
To everything I'm suffering from and what I get frustrated from
It's mainly just choices
To whom do you tell everything important?
Secrets, that keep you awake at night?
You too have a soul, but it is bleeding
Where does it have a place to crash?
You have a dead mans role in a play
The starring role in front of an empty audience
A long time ago disappeared the magical illusion of the final act
It's easy to get stuck in a perspective illusion
It's very deceiving in it's clarity
In an apparent peace is hidden a great danger
Because you can't foresee something like that
To whom do you whisper everything beautiful?
Secrets, that you want to share?
To whose tab is collected all the burden?
To who does the debt fall to?
You have a dead mans role in a play
The starring role in front of an empty audience
A long time ago disappeared the magical illusion of the final act
You have a dead mans role in a play
The starring role in front of an empty audience
A long time ago disappeared the magical illusion of the final act

In Last Years November

I've been told repeatedly
Some things that should affect my choices
But which I don't want to hear
Or even if I hear, I don't want to believe
Why has even this had to be poisoned?
I no longer really get along with others
I'm not better, just more right
I hear the insults that haven't been said yet
Somehow I'm stuck in last years November
Who has such pure motives
That I dare to take a hold of them
When everyone has so much to say
One says this happened
Another claims that they don't remember
Some have things to hide
I no longer really get along with others
I'm not better, just more right
I hear the insults that haven't been said yet
Somehow I'm stuck in last years November
I no longer really get along with others
I'm not better, just more right
I hear the insults that haven't been said yet
Somehow I'm stuck in last years November

Another God

Last night I understood
What it means
Someone else is a god
And I'm not
Last night I understood
What it means
That someone else is a god
And I'm not, I'm not, I'm not
The door is too narrow for everything
That is meant to be fitted through it
When the amount of worlds is counted in millions
But the routes between them are lost purple
Mercy is not given cheap
If everyone is right
I, above all
Last night I understood
What it means
That someone else is a god
And I'm not
Last night I understood
What it means
That someone else is a god
And I'm not, I'm not, I'm not
The lizards inside my head
Are the ruling people
The king above all kings
Already, in front of the third eye
Has been descended a lense
That skews everything
Only to reveal itself a mirror
Illusions, lies, persecutions
I am a speaker of the truth
Behind are graves of the truth
Last night I understood
What it means
That someone else is a god
And I'm not
Last night I understood
What it means
That someone else is a god
And I'm not, I'm not, I'm not
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not

Snake oil

I like the truth, although I don't admit everything
It's easier for me to dodge than it is to hit me
I have the blocks lost and I know it
I am a master at it how it can be delayed
You've got the wrong info
Or have you eaten from the others jars again?
Say nothing more so that you would not look more stupid than you are
Either shouldn't believe to the Three-penny comedy.
After all, we rely on the snake oil again
I believe that it doesn't matter so much
That you will be shown a picture as you like
It matches the completely right in many ways
So it's better for everyone that we forget
Don't ask anything, you don't like how you will be answered
On the other hand, I think you will not work differently anyways
Either shouldn't believe to the Three-penny comedy.
After all, we rely on the snake oil again
I know the place it has been trampled before
Because of the feeling of danger I came back
Don't ask anything, you don't like how you will be answered
On the other hand, I think you will not work differently anyways
The three-penny comedy can not believe either
After all, rely on the serum oil again
I know the feeling of wanting to be wrong
Everything is given for hope
Everything is played
Snake is the solution

Széppé tettél minket

Maradj, ne maradj,
ahogy akarod,
de miért nevetsz?
Újra sót hintesz a sebemre.
Szerelembe eshetsz újra
a vörös telefonkagylóval.
Sírba viszel minket,
Te teszel széppé minket, szebbé
tettél, mint mások.
Álmot készítettél, jobbá tettél.
Széppé tettél minket, szebbé
mint mások.
Álmot készítettél, jobbá tettél.
Ezer vonatra akartunk
Oly csúnya álmokra ébredtünk.
Csinálsz, amit csinálsz, és ez lopva
a semmiségbe siklik.
Ünnepelsz minket,
Csendesen, oly csendesen
kiáltottam ezt a nevet, aranyom,
ezt a tegnapi örökkévalót.
Viszed, amit viszel,
és tartozást olcsó fizetni.
Hamuvá teszel minket,

When it comes to you

I've reached a resolution
I decided to deaden something inside me
But how could I resist
When we revert back to animals
When it comes to you the road forks
And life lines get knotted
We get tangled in its web
The ransom for the heart is high
And everyone pays it on their turn
Me when it comes to you
If I cared more
For something else than myself
Would I change somehow
Would I grow into a human being
When it comes to you the fog comes down
In your hands bridges turn into ashes
Is this what we wanted?
The ransom for the heart is high
And everyone pays it on their turn
Now I'm being called
When it comes to you
There is a crack in me
And I get buried there
From light I give my all
When it comes to you
There are no exceptions
To make the rules
When it comes to you our humanity
Is shattered by an opportunity
The ransom for the heart is high
And everyone pays it on their turn
And me when it comes to you
When it comes to you the road forks
And life lines get knotted
We get tangled in its web
The ransom for the heart is high
And everyone pays it on their turn
Me when it comes to you
I've reached a resolution
I decided to deaden something inside me

How are you?

Versions: #3
[refrain 2x]
'Hey, hey, how are you?'
You ask and everything's okay
Well it's good for you to say
When you don't know how I feel
I'm so happy when I see you somewhere
In TV or at the street going to somewhere
Happy people go hand in hand and smiling
Many places call me
I don't belong to any of them
[refrain 2x]
I painted you to my wall, waiting for you
You looked down at me like you were looking at a lunatic
You're probably having fun
At least I think so
When I'm halfway to everywhere
I'll always end up being lost
[refrain x2]
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)


If I believed in ghosts
Then I'd say
I've become like that
When my spirit was crushed
My body was kept
Like a memorial
I do not recognize even my own gaze
I've anticipated I've changed
But not this completely
Before the sun is a period of night
To slowly do the devils work
What I wanted
What I needed
What I thought was important
In love with power
Relieved from the feeling
Lost everything that is shaped like a human
I've succeeded before
To climb somehow
On the chair of a despot
Like how I was loved
How I was fought for
Everything was forgiven
Reflection changes depending on the gaze
Soon is my autocracys
Last sunrise
Before the sun is a period of night
To slowly do the devils work
What I wanted
What I needed
What I thought was important
In love with power
Relieved from the feeling
Lost everything that is shaped like a human
I do not recognize even my own gaze
I've anticipated I've changed
But not this completely
Before the sun is a period of night
To slowly do the devils work
What I wanted
What I needed
What I thought was important
In love with power
Relieved from the feeling
Avoided everything that is shaped like a human

You should give up

You can't think this
Leads to anything good
Your hanging on to a possibility is kinda pathetic
When all the signs point to you making a big mistake
You hang on to your decisions and refuse to see
What were you looking for when you went for this? You knew what would happen to you
Did you think that you would get something that endures more?
You should give up
When everyone already has bloodshot eyes
You should give up
I don't understand what is stopping you
Some people are sickened by your decisions
But they don't know half
About the reasons that make you act like that had any sense
You are not weaker than others, why do you let yourself be treated like that?
You choose your own punishments, whether you wanted to or not
Do you have any regret or can't you see how you've been mislead?
You yourself give the might, your impotency is its power
You should give up
When everyone already has bloodshot eyes
You should give up
I don't understand what is stopping you
If you survive this night
Then you'll survive anything
This can cast your everything into nothing
But you can't affect it
When the heart has left
Even the weight of staying is almost impossible to carry
Even you yourself know what you must do now
I cannot give anymore
When everyone already has bloodshot eyes
I don't understand what is stopping you
You should give up
When everyone already has bloodshot eyes
You should give up
I don't understand what is stopping you