Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 5


Third World (Strength)

We come from the third world
And we'll make a deep analysis
From this immediate situation in 4 minutes 10 seconds
Peace itself is an old broken chaos
War is still business the cry for peace is near death
Third World
Guerrillas and death squads cartels gangs and mercenary of justice
And waking up every morning bro is just a matter of luck
The color of innocence is the blood that is most shed
Capitalism communism
The ends are the same. Democracy is a whore that is sold to tourism
The economy in both cases is supported by consumerism
With lies they hypnotize us TV their mechanism
From stratum zero to multi-millionaires in any case I'll never reach the salary
Be a hitman and you are the man of the hood
Or give it your all on the field or stage
Gringos force it on us without debate
Guantanamo illegal, free trade there is no escape
Our oil is a business in iraq died the combat
And more our brother then your own son you catch
We come from the land of Bolivar
By Somoza Fidel Castro Che Guevara and Escobar
I smell of coffee, tobacco and olive oil
And no one is going to take away my Latino pride
Show your strength throw yourself Latino in the street and shout
Ancesters we have dont be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take don't fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail
Throw yourself Latino in the street and shout
Ancestors we have don't be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take don't fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail
Although oppression of the aboriginals is in our origins
Your image I imagined and it didn't combine with my genes
My stability your prince
My freedom your limits
My color your pallor
My heat my Spanish your English
Ha. De río bravo to patagonia
You breathe anger lie conspire as is your story
It wont erase your memory
If you look... and inspire glory
I don't want shoulders on the world podium
Without money obviously man or gold in global hatred
We take more than oil to draw
Oil is going to energize the other beast
That over there they want to steal from us and here they want to sell us my bro
And it is the people who suffer the damage
That's why I don't have to support or defend any of the pigs nominated every 4 years
Third World working more than the actual nationals
By social class differences
In my neighborhood we are besieged
Of global proagonists
Of Mayan Incan Aztec Caribbean until then no
You live and survive like a fine rooster
Falling to the first world tenant
But always and deep in the heart of the Latino
Show your strength by throwing yourself in the street and shout
Ancestors we have dont be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take do not fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail
Throw yourself in the street and shout
Ancestors we have dont be quiet
Put your strength into it!
At every step you take do not fail
When God made Eden he thought of America in detail

Még mielőtt fel nem kelne a nap

Melyikünkről nem pletykáltak?
Az utunk szétvált, másoknak hittünk,
Talán még magamnak is ellenálltam,
Elkéstem megtanulni mi is az a vágy.
Idővel elmúlik?
Az egyik feled itt akarna maradni,
A másik menni?
Én mikor elveszek ebben a városban,
Nem tudlak úgy megtalálni téged, hogy ne keljen fel a nap,
Amikor az éjszakákon mindig veszekedések vannak,
Elvakít még mindig az illatod.
Én mikor elveszek ebben a városban,
Nem tudlak úgy megtalálni téged, hogy ne keljen fel a nap,
Amikor az éjszakákon mindig veszekedések vannak,
Elvakít még mindig az illatod.
Idővel elmúlik?
Az egyik feled itt akarna maradni,
A másik menni?
Én mikor elveszek ebben a városban,
Nem tudlak úgy megtalálni téged, hogy ne keljen fel a nap,
Amikor az éjszakákon mindig veszekedések vannak,
Elvakít még mindig az illatod.
Én mikor elveszek ebben a városban,
Nem tudlak úgy megtalálni téged, hogy ne keljen fel a nap,
Amikor az éjszakákon mindig veszekedések vannak,
Elvakít még mindig az illatod.

Before dawn

Who of us was not a victim of talk and gossip from others
Our paths separated, we believed others
Maybe I resisted myself
I'm late to learn what longing is
Does it go with the passage of time?
It wants to stay (one side)
Will the other side go away from you?
If I lose myself in this city
Can't find you before dawn
When the nights are always difficult
Your fragrance still blinds me
If I lose myself in this city
Can't find you before dawn
When the nights are always difficult
Your fragrance still blinds me
It wants to stay (one side)
Will the other side go away from you?

As long as you're happy

Babe, I saw you yesterday
You met him
I guess as of now you're still
thinking about him
What am I lacking in your life
Until you're cheating on me?
Tell me now, that I'm not happy
I have your body, but not your heart
You don't need to lie
You still want him
It's okay to me if you're with him
As long as you're happy
Babe, I feel as of now you're still
thinking about him
What am I lacking in your life
Until you're cheating on me?
Tell me now, that you're not happy
I've your body, but not your heart
You don't need to lie, you still want him
It's okay to me if you're with him, as long as you're happy
Tell me now, that I'm not happy
I have your body, but not your heart
You don't need to lie
You still want him
It's okay to me if you're with him
As long as you're happy
As long as you're happy