Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 72


Returning Compass

dreams that are invisible, belongs to whom
the faraway sound, is laughter
Wandering on the sea
and then sinking
The fragment of shadow
where they gone
(〈Temari〉Main melody harmony)
Closing the eyelids
Compass tree
swallows needles
Keep repeating
forever and ever
The melancholy and the only one


Versions: #1
I've been on he right track since childhood
I've decided what it is I'll do :
But I just cannot wait,
For my eighteenth birthday.
I'll head out for the recruitment office,
And I'll report in front of everyone,
I've been a soldier at heart,
And let me now join the service.
I'll be given my uniform,
They'll teach me to shoot a Kalashnikov 1
When I walk the city,
My buddies will die of envy. 2
I've decided this since a long time ago,
And let fashion change fashion,
But one thing troubles me,
That I only served for two years.
  • 1. Yes, the AK-74 is what would've been used by this song's time, the rifle's full name was the Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года or just Kalashnikov Automatic Rifle Model 1974 (chambered in the 5.45x39mm cartridge, less powerful than the AK-47's 7.62x39mm but with the same effectiveness against armored targets as a 5.56x45mm NATO (the West's rifle caliber) which was why it came into service if my memory serves correct. 7.62x39mm is less effective against armor due to it being a massive, slow moving bullet, versus the 5.45 which is a small bullet going at the same velocity which is just more effective against armor). I live in the Southern United States, I need to live up to our stereotypes somehow.
  • 2. Surprised there isn't a line about how much chicks will dig him for being the cool tough army grunt. Should be an information technologist like me, we're a profession known for drowning in women

While the candle is still burning

There are days when you give up
There are no words, no music, no energy left.
I was not myself on those days
And never asked anyone for help.
And I wanted to run for the hills,
To lock my house and never to find the key,
But I believed that nothing was completely lost
While there is light, while the candle is still burning.
And nobody could make me sing,
Silence is the beginning of all beginnings,
But if a song can straighten my shoulders,
How difficult it will be to silence me.
And even though I don't have many days left,
And it's snowing, and my blood is not warm,
I will start all over again for the 100th time,
While there is light, while the candle is still burning.

Washingtonnal az oldaladon

Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Minden tettnek megvan az egyenlő, ellentétes reakciója
Hamiltonnak köszönhetően a tanácsunk csoportokra hullott
Próbálj meg nem megtörni a stressz alatt, szilánkokra hullunk szét
A lapokban pofozkodunk és nem nyomtatunk behúzásokat
Semmi elégedettségem nem származik nekem szenvedélyes kitörései láttán
Ahogy felvarrja és cicomázza magát a divat legalja szerint
A legszegényebb lakóink, a fölműveseink porcióról porcióra élnek
Míg Wall Street vakulásig rabolja őket bezsákmányolandó zsetonokat keresve
Ez a balfék valaki mást keres hogy a feladatra vezesse
Valaki adjon már egy kis sarat azon a bárgyú tömegén hogy végre leleplezhessük
Majd én meghúszom a ravaszt, valaki töltse meg a pisztolyt és húzza fel a kakasát
Míg mi csak néztünk, ő zsebre dugta Washingtont
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Nézz vissza a Jogok Nyilatkozatára
Amit én írtam
A tinta még meg se száradt
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon
Szóval megduplázta a kormány méretét
Hát nem az előző kormány mérettel volt pont a baj?
Nézz a szemébe!
Nézd ahogy hazudik
Kövesd a cége szagát
Központosítja a nemzeti kreditet
És Amerikát versenyképesebbé teszi
Ha nem állítjuk meg, segítjük és bíztatjuk
Fel kell mondanom
Valakinek ki kell állni a Délért!
Valakinek ki kell állnia a szája elé!
Ha egy tüzet kell kioltanod
Nem olthatod ki a házon belülről
Én a tanács része vagyok. Cinkos vagyok abban ahogy
Nézzük őt több erőt elérni és csókolni
Ha Washington nem hallgat
Fegyelmezett szakadárokra, ez a különbség:
Ez a gyerek ki van rúgva!
Ezt a bevándorlót nem mi választottuk
Ez a bevándorló mindenkit lábujjhegyre állít
Mutassuk meg ezeknek a föderalistáknak kik ellen is vannak!
Ki-bebaszott déli-
Hát kövessük a pénzt és nézzük hova vezet
Mert a kincstár másodpercről másodpercre nő
Ha követjük a pénzt és megnézzük hova vezet
A gazba túrunk, megkeressük Hamilton
Hibáinak írmagját
Jó lehet. Jó lehet
Kövesd a pénzt és nézd meg hova vezet
Jó lehet. Jó lehet
A császáron nincsen ruha
Nem leszünk láthatatlanok. Nem leszünk elutasítva
Jó lehet, jó lehet
Washingtonnal az oldaladon

Ballad to a Double Agent

He arrived to The Land (Israel) by twisted devious paths
He was a hidden agent, did not want to be revealed
He stayed in fancy hotels
He always existed on the accounts of others
He fought the Muslims and hid in Istanbul
He misled the Russians, he was a double agent
In a boat of slaves to the Land of Canaan he rowed
The Turks controlled The Land, to Egypt he returned
He rode to Palestine
On a camel with two humps
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a Turkish Sheik
Within three and a half days he met with the Sultan
He took him in a taxi and murdered him in the garden
He it houses on fire at night, the Turks suffered during the day
They called him Zero Zero Yosef Yosef the awful
He rode to Palestine
On a camel with two humps
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a Turkish Sheik
He rode to Palestine
On a three dimensional donkey
He arrived at Rosh Pina
In the guise of a gnomish carrot
And his wife said to Yosef
Change your attitude
He said to her to be quiet
And he changed his wife

Christmas Song

When you find out that the circle will close soon.
And the day is dragged away as night falls down.
When Sagittarius leaves and December starts to end - 1
Leafs through the book of hearts from our Heavenly Father.
Time pours through the midnight gloom
Smooth like honey on a glass,
Discovering Heaven for us.
At your appointed hour 2
Time is your eternal escort,
Faith’s footsteps behind your back,
God’s breath will be with you
And with me.
When dreams are granted, and the moon is full, 3
For a single moment we are the Sons of an Extraterrestrial Country. 4
And there is only a moment to find out if it’s time to swim or time to wait.
Time to leave and burn bridges or time to sleep. 5
Like the sound of heavenly strings. 6
Like a sign that war has ended,
Like the light of a distant star,
Through weekdays and dreams.
The clock freezes at midnight. 7
Time adjusts itself. 8
After hard work there is a moment of rest.
Between two years. 9
See how the centuries fly past the foliage of last year. 10
See how time freezes a dragonfly in amber…
It is then that you’ll know if trouble has passed.
And no word for “never”, and all the fuss,
But for me and you, our place, right now, is here,
And the time spent reading about good news and actions doesn’t count. 11
Like the sound of heavenly strings,
Like a sign that war has ended,
Like the light of a distant star,
Through weekdays and dreams.
The clock freezes at midnight.
Time adjusts itself.
After hard work there is a moment of rest.
Between two years.
Time pours through the midnight gloom
Smooth like honey on a glass,
Discovering Heaven for us.
At your appointed hour.
Time is your eternal escort,
Faith’s footsteps behind your back,
God’s breath will be with you
And with me.
  • 1. Sagittarius is the 9th constellation and falls between the 9th of November and the 21st of December. Important context for the song.
  • 2. Contextually I’d say this is when you die. Without context whenever you scheduled that appointment with the Big Man
  • 3. As usual, had to do a bit of dicing to get a logical interpretation. Saying “When the moon is at its full-moon phase” just sounds really wrong.
  • 4. Really have no idea what this means, Aliens?
  • 5. Wow, this line is just applicable to everyone.
  • 6. Referring to an instrument, my best guess is a Harp since that is the most cliche instrument that comes to mind.
  • 7. That really is a cross-cultural cliche, the clock just stops at midnight
  • 8. It says “Scales” however, with it taking a physical form in the metaphor, it sounds best to say “adjusts itself”. However I’m subject to change.
  • 9. Leap year?
  • 10. Like seeing how time flies.
  • 11. I’m guessing he is saying you need to do good instead of see or hear about good things happening.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Spirit of the wintry wind

On the park road where dead leaves fall dancing
You passed me by
The north wind was disordering your long hair
You were walking at fast pace looking down
Without any voice saying 'How are you?'
You seemed to be lonely
Your eyes showing sorrow
Were crying with the cold wintry wind
Surely you can't bring that person back to your memories
You kept walking without having a place to go
If you talk to me, your heart will get lighter
Please turn your face to me anytime
Though I'm not affected by the cold
My body shivers a little
I was feeling that way
When I saw the red setting sun
My innocent figure is loaded on your back
Love sadness is something that ends dissapearing
If you talk to me, your heart will get lighter
Please turn your face to me anytime
If you talk to me, your heart will get lighter
Please turn your face to me anytime
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

That People Sing on the Way Home

The winds blew until the last meter
I was given hard times,
However the road ends here,
Where my house begins
And when the road lay behind you
Your home will give you a smile.
Because of this people will often sing on the way home.
My engine rumbles and buzzes,
My gas is at zero,
But my car continues to fly and fly
Parallel to the ground
Between Heaven and this Earth,
I walk a straight line,
And I sing, I sing about
People on their way home. 1
If ever someday,
You decide your path is finished,
Don’t rush -
Afterall we haven’t sung with you.
Don’t finish it,
That is what people sing about on the way home.
  • 1. This is just a weird line in English trying to translate and is even harder to interpret
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

I'll Be Back Here

(Who) May know:
Maybe there, or maybe here 1
(For) Us
Will be waiting 2
As for us we have nowhere to wait
But calling,
For us to go,
Night shines into the shadow.
I’m here
I’ll be back
I would only choose to do so in the day.
Let it be,
(What) You do not want,
But the scene is set, like in the movies.
You haven’t finished
And here is unfinished wine. 3
But calling,
For us to go,
Night shines into the shadow.
I’m here
I’ll be back
I would only choose to do so in the day.
And how,
How will it be pitiful,
If all of a sudden I don’t have enough it
Where I have been. 4
And your eyes and your hands
But calling,
For us to go,
Night shines into the shadow.
I’m here
I’ll be back
I would only choose to do so in the day.
  • 1. It is still the “Maybe here or there” cliche just, well, the “Maybe there or here” cliche.
  • 2. That is very strange. Maybe this is just common Russian grammar but I’m not used to “us will be waiting”, would sound 1000 times better as “We...will be waiting”. If it was “We”, I’d leave (We) Will be waiting to symbolize the connection between the two lines, however I don’t think they’re connected. He could be saying “There or here is us” and that they (us) will be waiting here or there.
  • 3. As-in wine that has not been drunk yet.
  • 4. I translated it like so for many reasons. One is that this song is confusing, grammatically speaking everywhere. Second is because it just sounds right saying “Space” instead of thing or place. This song is weird.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

I Want To Be Myself For Myself

Even if you have a boyfriend
Even if you're rich
Life gets really hard sometimes, no?
Is it OK to think that I'm the unhappiest person in the world?
I can't say why I feel this way, please understand
It's nobody's fault
I'm tied up like someone put a curse on me
Whether I'm asleep or awake
Feels like I'm always in a dream
I've set the bar way way high
And I'd never want to lower it
Scars are the clues
That reminds us of the times passed, so
Keep falling down on your face
In an empty city, on a stage nobody's watching
Will I be able to keep on dancing?
Dragging my worn out heels
Still I keep spinning
On an empty road, for a trophy nobody's gonna give me
Will I be able to keep running?
For myself, for myself
I want to be myself, for myself
Even if you're good looking
Even if you're smart
Is it OK to feel miserable?
What you have is a dream
Not some vague longing
You shouldn't talk about it just to make conversation
Look, don't be so quick to decide
That this is your highest peak
Don’t plant a flag, Wave it with all you've got
With the wind on your side
An empty bench, an empty seat
Will I be able to chip away?
Believe in your calloused hand
And keep on, keep on
A future where you're all alone, a story unknown
Will I be able to keep writing it?
I will live, for no one but myself
As long as it's hard, as long as I'm scared
I guess I'll be OK
A friend found a small house
to accommodate a new addition to their life
This, is all that I want, they said
I wish them happiness for always
When everyone turns their back on me
When no one remembers me
I'n scared of that day that will come someday
But I, who is I and no one else, will remember who I am
oh so vividly
In an empty city, a melody no one knows
I promise I'll keep on singing
For myself, for myself
I want to be myself for myself
I want to be myself for myself
I want to be myself for myself


Once it starts there is no turning back,
And in a circle the racing horses almost fly,
Here again I missed them turn, 1
And below me is an even stronger horse that isn’t the same
And that is why when we were wild it wasn’t the same,
They never put things on people, just horses.
Why this hour, this hour is the hardest,
Our horses don’t always find us.
And it all could very well be wrong, 2
Unless your enemy isn’t yourself,
Then you don’t need anyone’s saddle.
It could very well be a dream - a mystical dream,
Where all would be a champion,
If you could only choose your horses.
I’ve been lucky with my horses year-round,
But luck isn’t the easiest of crafts.
And when luck flees -
Will be someone different. 3
And it all could very well be wrong,
Unless your enemy isn’t yourself,
Then you don’t need anyone’s saddle.
It could very well be a dream - a mystical dream,
Where all would be a champion,
If you could only choose your horses.
And it all could very well be wrong,
Unless your enemy isn’t yourself,
Then you don’t need anyone’s saddle.
It could very well be a dream - a mystical dream,
Where all would be a champion,
If you could only choose the horses.
If you could only choose the horses.
  • 1. He’s making a left turn! If you get that congrats…
  • 2. I think here he is stressing morally wrong. Like “yeah, forcing horses to race might be a little effed up.”
  • 3. In the end it isn’t just the horses but the people who ride them. If your horse fails it is your fault.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Shanghai Blues

A long time ago
When we didn’t care,
What to drink, how to live and how to be
And time went on hi-fi 1
We sang the Shanghai Blues
When the light, the light of victory
When prior years, said “Hello!”
Well, don’t hold your head down
And remember, remember the Shanghai blues.
Let’s assemble the old choir 2
And play our favorite in A-Major
Then, any year, doesn’t matter
You don’t believe, you play along with me
All of the same Shanghai blues
And then at the table
Somethin’ about the past, bout it and myself, 3
We sing, and we pour, and we pour again.
Don’t let it be tea,
(Let it be) Remembering the Shanghai blues! 4
Shanghai blues, Shanghai blues...
  • 1. High-Fidelity. High-Quality, a time when music was published in higher quality.
  • 2. I went with “assemble” because “collect” just doesn’t fit. Sounds, off. I see it like they’re getting a band back together. This isn’t a quest, you’re not “collecting” the items, you’re “assembling” a choir.
  • 3. Given the bluesy feel, cutting the ‘g’ off was fitting in my opinion. Just my opinion, same goes for chopping the ‘a’ off of “about”. Got a problem, consult my Southern heritage.
  • 4. I’d exclamate this line in the OP, and as an explanation. If you’re not familiar with (*insert text here*) this is where either omitted or assumed lines, words, etc. would go. This is where an important line you should go when the context points to it being there. This isn’t “Let me hurl this in to make the song fit my agenda”, this is for when you know for certain by context what should go there. I just wanted to put it out there, some people will have their definitions and I’ll be happy to discuss. But it is almost certain, given the previous lines, he is saying they’re singing and pouring in their memories of the Shanghai Blues. Also, this is confusing because it can be used to refer to another way of saying something. But usually, you'll see that in the title and only in the title.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Don't Be Surprised

No, I will not plant
A cherry tree next to the house
After all, by the time spring arrives
All the flowers would’ve been withered
And I’ll be opened up to the fragility of the world.
Year after year they set sail
Red maple leaves
Whether there or in distant harbor,
Will it find refuge in a fall shelter.
Don’t be surprised
Remember, what comes night after night
Was it apparent to you in your dreams
Was it apparent to you in your dreams
Peace be to your disturbances
Do you remember? This right here, is me...
From love’s yearning
I wanted to find acceptance,
But alas, it was in vain,
Even that, what we would call “dreams”,
Brings new pains
If you were to fly around,
Fly around for as long as I’m with you,
The wild plum flowers.
To put me on the road without worry
Don’t breathe concerns to your faith.
Don’t be surprised
Remember, what comes night after night
Was it apparent to you in your dreams
Was it apparent to you in your dreams
Peace be to your disturbances
Do you remember? this right here, is me...
No, I will not plant
A cherry tree next to the house
After all, by the time spring arrives
All the flowers would’ve been withered
And I’ll be opened up to the fragility of the world.
Don’t be surprised
Remember, what comes night after night
Was it apparent to you in your dreams
Was it apparent to you in your dreams
Peace be to your disturbances
Do you remember? this right here, is me...
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.


I quit my job ‘cus I’m too tired
I don’t drink wine at all, I go to the gym
At night I like to read when the workers are asleep
At night I am happy to solve crossword puzzles 1
And well, for leisure I like to dance the boogie
For my leisure, I’ll dance the boogie, dance the boogie!
I quit swearing I don’t smoke cigarettes
I bought a camera and with that, I traveled around the city
I lay at night dreaming of that one dream
So that all in life that remains is nailed down
And for leisure, I dance the boogie
For my leisure, I’ll dance the boogie, dance the boogie!
I’ve got no money and no longer a wife
My ideas walk on the grass in my head
I’ll open my door at night not expecting for anyone to be there
And no one will be angry if I sell coats
And for my leisure, I’ll dance the boogie without a coat
For my leisure, I’ll dance the boogie, dance the boogie!
I even quit fighting so the bristles stop growing
I’ve become clean, clean-clean, since I’ve stopped to process things
And no one bothers me because I have no friends 2
It is a pity I’m not allowed to live in a museum 3
There, for my leisure, I would do the boogie, dance the boogie!
I would dance for my leisure, stuffed, the boogie, dance the boogie!
  • 1. You’re showing your age Makarevich
  • 2. Welcome to my boat!
  • 3. I’m sure you’re on certain lists in the Kremlin and that building should be museum by now.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.


This night will be like no other night.
This day will be like no other day.
I’m tired, I’m on the edge
In this eternal search for familiarity.
This morning is someone’s bluff,
Today is my insanity
This lady is a lady of clubs
This is the tragic breed of living mummies
Vagabonds, what strange clothes.
Vagabonds, what a daring call.
(In) This city, this city of sleep
Are sanctuaries for fools and streets without names
Vagabonds, its the word for tramps 1
Vegabonds, but I don’t see a tramp.
I get into the circulation,
Save me, save me from my own nature.
I’m sorry I’m just here by accident
But I will take what is mine.
I do as I’m ordered to
I both hate and love myself
I have lived as I live.
Chasing after what isn’t true.
I am myself, an enemy and a friend
I myself am both vice and a vicious circle
Vagabonds, what strange clothes.
Vagabonds, what a daring call.
(In) This city, this city of sleep
Are sanctuaries for fools and streets without names
Vagabonds, its the word for tramps
Vegabonds, but I don’t see a tramp.
I get into the circulation,
Save me, save me from my own nature.
Vagabonds, what strange clothes.
Vagabonds, what a daring call.
(In) This city, this city of sleep
Are sanctuaries for fools and streets without names
Vagabonds, its the word for tramps
Vegabonds, but I don’t see a tramp.
I get into the circulation,
Save me, save me from my own nature.
  • 1. This is kinda difficult, it seems he is referring to the stem, Брод- and what IT means, but this doesn’t translate properly into English properly, so I’m doing my best here on assuming he is talking about where the word comes from.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

She Walks Through Life Smiling

She goes through life smiling.
She is easy going, just like the wind. Not a worry in the world
She doesn’t fall face-first.
Her tested way to solve her problems,
As if there were none :
See the sunshine in it all!
She goes through life smiling.
Meeting and greeting, no grief at all
Goodbye’s come easy, and meetings do as-well
New faces merge in a rush
In a blurry circle
As-if friends and girlfriends
She goes through life smiling.
She is a visitor, like at home, where all is familiar.
Good luck to her, because life is good.
And, without exceptions, all with admiration
Watch after her
And in the night, how she begins to cry
That is she goes through life smiling.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Ambulance car

Her fingers garlanded with rings of Saturn
She smells worse than a spitting urn,
Her granddad is Marquis de Sade,
Her papa is Schicklgruber.
She is more dangerous than virus of AIDS
She is bloodier than bullfighter's blades
She calls me back to her,
To the gloomy Kingdom of Hades.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
Early autumn, pleasant night.
Arbat street. House number eight.
Here once resided Tanya,
(I can still remember this!)
Someone cuts his wrists in bathroom
Walls are shaking from love-making
We drink vodka on the kitchen,
Three, including Jimi Hendrix.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
Oh, my dull-eyed child,
You cherish syringe's glide.
But in vain, yes, in vain,
You are flying in the clouds.
Clouds give a poor support,
You will soon fall back to dirt,
And you will be taken without delay,
To the graveyard mounds.
Ambulance car, ambulance car,
Ambulance car, and go far... go far... go fuck off!
© Uncommon

A World Abandoned by God

Versions: #3
Gold has turned black, crammed a room
The city is crammed.
The world is one big damned prison.
The summer is cold, (we) dance in the cold. 2
Who’s on the line?
The wire’s gone dark.
Just silence.
Don’t glue splinters together,
Don’t let the darkness fade away,
Watch as the wolves spawn
from stray dogs. 3
Shove your head into the television,
Wear holes into your couch. 4
You are already posthumously forced to do so. 5
In a world abandoned, abandoned, abandoned by God. 6
Bolts become trinkets, wolves become friends, 7
Who were you, and who were you not?
Go figure it out.
Either become a sheep,
Hook up with a candle,
God will be with you today like a fig leaf,
There is no need for worry,
Time does not go backwards,
Exactly at midnight, scores upon scores will leave, 8
But it isn’t about this,
I want so much, just to live
Just to throw a ray of light into this
world abandoned, abandoned, abandoned by God.
  • 1. Hectic makes sense, to me it sounds like he is saying it is a hectic mess
  • 2. I’m assuming he means we. This line makes no sense in English.
  • 3. I heard Moscow has a stray dog problem….and I kinda want to live in Moscow where I commute on a train with a wolf. That be cool
  • 4. There are a lot of ways you can interpret that.
  • 5. This was a weird line to translate, so if I could have a native I’d be happy for this one
  • 6. I like how I interpreted it but I’m certain someone will object, it isn’t living if someone doesn’t object to you or your actions.
  • 7. Yet again, this song has a theme of being hard to interpret and translate into English.
  • 8. Help on this one too. Jesus this song is tough.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

When I was Bigger

When I was bigger I was not afraid of cars,
My dad said it snowed on mars, and he was the conqueror of all,
And from nine-to-five,
I worked as a hero.
I flew out the window, only my goals visible,
I drank two bottles of young wine,
And trained Bruce Lee corps de ballet and walking formations 1
I had a goal in life, my wife Natalya. 2
I went to the ends of the Earth, while Salvador Dali 3
He never bargained when he bought pictures from me.
And I flew at night, like an owl,
Composed cha-cha-chas and fair Ilyich, 4
From the cold, hemorrhoids 5
When I was bigger, I swallowed an Arshin 6
I was watching Chumak, but decided on nothing, 7
And for a hundred years I never went through the gate.
created dawn, and the group “Sekret” 8
I painted the BGs on the wall, and whatnot,
I painted a portrait of myself,
and Nino Rota 9
And I walked under the window, charming ladies,
I lived with Moshe Dayan and Saddam 10
We took Agam in both the summer and the winter. 11
Only on one occasion did talks not work,
Then one of them lost an eye 12
But he wasn’t slow and didn’t even think about it.
When I was bigger I did not smoke anasha 13
However I did buy hashish from Chiang Kai-shek 14
And he lived without torment or worry, and he still died.
I was carried in the arms of everyone who isn’t lazy,
On a planet that declared a no-working day,
And Vladislav Tretiak, in a move of despair, changed his number. 15
Then each bell from the country called me,
My name was written upon the great wall,
My wife given to Magadan and the Voodoo Island 16
But it has been two-thousand years since then,
And I, again, have come into this world,
But-but-but-but-but I’m afraid, I’m already so much bigger than before.
But I-I-I-I-I am afraid, that I’m not big enough.
  • 1. Interesting line...there are more like this so it makes sense. He is saying here that he taught Bruce Lee how to dance, and how to walk information. He disciplined him.
  • 2. From ~2003 to 2010 Makarevich was married to a woman named Natalya Golub, this is from the 1989 to 2000 Album. So makes sense
  • 3. Funny I’m listening to IOWA’s Улыбайся while translating this and she says Salvador Dali in this song as well -_-
  • 4. Either this is referring to censoring Leo Trotsky’s Ilyitch, to the Patriarchal name that refers to Lenin or to the city of Ilyitch, need a native to help on this one.
  • 5. I’m sorry?
    And scarlet fever Didn’t know hemorrhoids came as a package deal with scarlet fever
  • 6. He is referring to an outdated unit of Russian measurement. Jesus Makarevich and Leningrad have taught me about food, culture and now math and measurements?
  • 7. A faith healer that came around because of good ‘ol Gorbachev, the original Televangelist
  • 8. Okay trivia time! Remember my translation of “Сосевка” and who performed? Maxim Leonidov and Andrey Makarevich. Well, Maxim Leonidov is a performer on the Soviet Rock band “Sekret” (Секрет), so again, keep this in mind when thinking about the meaning of the song
  • 9. A famous Italian Composer
  • 10. Moshe Dayan was the defense minister of Israel, while Saddam, well, was the dictator of Iraq
  • 11. Agam is a ghost town in Azerbaijan.
  • 12. Moshe Dayan lost an eye to a French sniper bullet through his binoculars. Yikes
  • 13. Anasha could be a reference to weed
  • 14. The former president of China.
  • 15. Vladislav Tretiak is the president of Russian Ice Hockey.
  • 16. Magadan is a province/city/town in Russia
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Boogie-Woogie on the Ceiling

I don’t know how I caught it,
But I skipped school,
I just couldn’t sit through the day.
I never was able to teach anyone anything,
Don’t teach me.
Before I grew up,
I solved my questions,
By myself in a single country.
I never interfered with anyone or anything,
Don’t bother me.
When I walked along steep peaks,
I wasn’t higher than myself. 1
When I went down to the valley to be with you,
I wasn’t shallower than myself. 2
I know who I am, and I hear the crying of the clouds,
In the distance I see the fish dancing in the river.
Say, why do you first call the doctors and then the cops?
When I boogie-woogie on the ceiling?3
I don’t like it when order reminds itself of its own advice,
I don’t like it when the steps lag behind,
And I always go there,
Where inscribed : “No Exit”,
No need to go after me.
When I roamed steep mountains,
I was not higher than myself.
When I went down to the valley be with you,
I was not shallower than myself.
I know who I am,
I can hear the clouds cry,
In the distance I can see the fish dancing in the river,
Tell me why you call,
The doctors, the cops,
When I boogie-woogie on the ceiling?
  • 1. Get it? He is on a mountain….
  • 2. Get it? He is in a valley….I’ll stop now
  • 3. I thought Makarevich saying “Okay” in an exaggerated American-Russian accent was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard, but these two line are golden.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Stay Yourself (Be Yourself)

How you have been loved, they offered watered down wine
How you are rotting, beaten, beaten, hosed in shit. 1
It is a fight, that means there will be an end.
Don’t bend, don’t give up,
Don’t stop being yourself.
Being a fish in the see is better, but on a platter will be the end of their days. 2
Pigs to jellied meats, only people remain people. 3
It is a fight, that means there will be an end.
Don’t bend, don’t give up,
Don’t stop being yourself.
Time pushes on, pursuing with an invisible hand,
You take off, you dive, you don’t know who you are.
It is a fight, that means there will be an end.
Don’t bend, don’t give up,
Don’t stop being yourself.
  • 1. For those who say Andrey is poetic, remember that his music can be, but a lot of times he is just rebellious.
  • 2. I interpreted it this way for irony. It is an ironic phrase to say and fits with the song. Fish are served on a plate (typically) and that plate will be their death to you. It rounds the line off, contrasting life of fish being better but bringing up mortality
  • 3. Yet again, another metaphor about the brutality of humans, how they turn an animal into its parts, and yet we stay the same.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

My castle town

Crossing the lattice door
Looking at the evening sky
Who sings a lullaby?
My castle town
Without saying 'I like you'
I walk by the riverside
While for some reason
I avoid the look of the people coming and going
My heart burns
When there's a pause of the row of houses
The temple bell is heard
The seasonal flowers bloom in profusion
My castle town
Like torches illuminating
the vicinity of the bridge
Flickering sways
The impatience of the first love
Who parted embarrassingly
Like torches illuminating
the vicinity of the bridge
Flickering sways
The impatience of the first love
Who parted embarrassingly
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Forty Years Since Then

Couplet 1
Forty years ago they shouted to me: “Hold on!”
They scream again, perhaps they know better
After all, one hundred losses and one hundred awards, my funny life*
That was, and is, worth it for her
Forty years through the foam of days, I see again and again
No matter where my path takes me
Ahead and a little faster my love flies
Only to lend a hand
And I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
Couplet 2
I left your unkind, hangover ball
Everything goes in a circle for the hundredth time.
In a moment, when we hear a scream, it was someone deceiving us
It's a pity I won't see your eyes
But I ran after her, I road the horses
Day-and-night, I thought only of her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
But never a step closer to her.
But I ran after her, I chased the horses
Day and night, I only thought about her
I’m not sure how I moved that fast
Just not a step closer, I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her
I did not come close to her

All Ships Will Return Home Today

Believe it or not, I heard good news yesterday
That is, to stop seeing and thinking only about death
The birds sang about it to me, the ocean sang it to me*
That it looks like all the ships will return home today!
Play the trumpets and the drums!
They lied that life is a holiday, no life is a struggle
Let the tables break and the wine flow like a river!
It looks like all the ships will return home today!
I saw how firey the sky was burning
as death danced on a pale horse
and the sheeps singing hosanna to the executioner
As quickly as the ships sink
Like the souls of the people drifting from Earth**
I saw all this and no longer want to look
I want to forget the days that we didn’t tell the children about it
The gunpowder in my heart burned because I did not want to shoot anymore
Maybe I’ll even believe in the power of light again
If maybe all the sailors come home alive
You fall knowing that a friend will reach out
Any straight line can be closed in a circle
A circle is a circle, one side or another.
Well then, that means all ships will return home today.***
Play the trumpets and the drums!
They lied that life is a holiday, no life is a struggle
Let the tables break and the wine flow like a river!
If all ships return home today
I know that all the ships would return home today
I hope that all the ships will return home today

Strangers among strangers

The night goes away
And again, dawn comes in
No salvation
He doesn't turn off the light
As if just under the lamp
He will find the answer
The secret of his exile,
The daily noise
The colors of the day
Another day
And just here yesterday
both another night without sleep
And under the lamp and until morning
More delays
Is anybody here?
Are we strangers among strangers?
In comes the day
More oppression
His unhurried words
His empty speeches
And home, is no longer home
it is almost nobody's home
just through the roof is sky
But the hour strikes
All is known
That forward
He'll be gone soon
And there, somewhere is the day
that no one will breathe about him
As if he wasn't here
Is anybody here?
Are we strangers among strangers?

My blue bird

Welcome here cuckoo cuckoo
My blue bird
You stand in my lovestruck heart
A gentle breeze blows cuckoo cuckoo
And brings me news
I feel happier than anybody
Please, don't go, stay like this
In my heart
Keep singing happy
cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo
Blue bird
Welcome here cuckoo cuckoo
My blue bird
I nvite you to my heart of dreams
Under the fuit tree cuckoo cuckoo
Wher I was kissed
Smells like a heaven's flower garden
Please don't fly, in my palm
Hold me happy
And look at me
cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo
Blue bird
Please, don't go, stay like this
In my heart
Keep singing happy
cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo
Blue bird
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My boyfriend is lefthanded

Versions: #2
When he blows me a little kiss
When he calls me to ome here
He's always lefthanded
When he wipes my overflowing tears
When we connect our piny fingers tenderly
He's always lefthanded
I try to match you
But I'm righthanded and we pass each other
It's unkind
When he waves a hand bidding farewell
When he looks at his clock
My boyfriend is lefthanded
When he makes a prank on my back
When he drinks black coffee
He's always lefthanded
I try to imitate you
But I can't fix my righthandness
It's unkind
When he writes a short letter
When he calls someone on the phone
My boyfriend is lefthanded
My boyfriend is lefthanded
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Barefoot adventure

Splashing and pretending to drown in the tides
Now I grabbed you who were smiling
It's not a lie, it's true. If you let my hand go
I remain alone and carried away by the loneliness
Love is the sun shining in the water
If one of the two lets a hand go
Help dissapears
I run barefoot by the hot sand
Quick, quick catch my shaking feelings
With your back not turning around, I understand
That soon I'll catch happiness
Love is the sun shining in the water
If one of the two lets a hand go
Help dissapears
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

We Are Washing Ourselves [The Washing Song]

Let's go to the bowl
To wash our hands
Let's lift our sleeves
And let's put us in place
Next to the water, our bodies tilt
Let's wash our faces
By doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum

Let's use the whole soap
Without rest
Rubbing our cheeks
Everything must be shiny !
Into our hands full of water,
We grunt, we gasp
By doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum

Let's dive into the bath
Let's scrape, let's scour, let's splash around the bowl !
We'll be wet, maybe frozen,
Well, it's not for our own pleasure, we must admit,
That we splash around !
Our skin is disintegrating,
If you suffer, nevermind,
Because we do it for Snow White
Let's rub hard,
And you'll see
He will be as cute
As a sheep !
Because it cools down the soul
And warms up the body
Doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum



Lefegyverezlek egy mosollyal
Vágd, csináld ahogyan akarod
Kiölted az ártatlan gyermeket
Belőlem, mely belőled fogant
Ooh, az évek perzselnek
Kisfiú voltam hajdanán,
Oly koravénen topánkáimban
És amit választok, az az én választásom
De mi az a fiú aki ezt tenné ?
A bennem lévő gonosz belőled való
Rád mosolygok
Lefegyverezlek egy mosollyal
És hagylak, ahogy itt hagytak nekem,
A megtagadásban,
A magára hagyott keserűsége
Ooh, pörkölnek az évek
Ooh, az évek lobognak, lángolnak, égetnek
Kisfiú voltam hajdanán,
Oly koravénen topánkáimban
És amit választok, az az én választásom
De mi az a fiú, aki ezt tenné?
A bennem lévő gonosz belőled való
Rád mosolygok
A bennem lévő gonosz belőled való
Rád mosolygok
A bennem lévő gonosz belőled való
Rád mosolygok
A bennem lévő gonosz belőled való
Rád mosolygok

The cars are running, here is another rushed by..

Versions: #2
The cars are running, here is another rushed by us-
All of them towards precise and ultimate aim,
Perhaps, from the song of Ancharov- *'MAZ',
Loaded with Caspian herring.
I wander the roads, like a beggar sack in the hand,
Wisely all my kopeks saving
And also wisely use up my strength,
And in a quilt jacket muffle my scream.
Where to am I and why?- one can live, if he knows it.
And you can, without any straining
To wake up and get up, if only I could sleep,
And if not for a blizzard, then to sing.


Versions: #2
A wise man can say, wound are healed by time.
Every bonfire will burn out and die.
Wind will dispel its ashes without a trace.
But as longs as fire is carrying on and on
Every master saves it until its light is gone,
Either in disaster or in cold days.
If night is long they make a little fire
to save their strength and fuel at a time
Keeping in silence firewood and hearts.
But once you will find a man who’s not alike
Who doesn’t want to do like people try
He will build a fire you’ll see it from afar.
Not everything has come to be. Not everything is done by me.
I still can see some colours of the day.
No sorrow’s for my fire. My fate protects my way.
The clever and wise saved their fire best
Nobody was warmed with it but them
Nevertheless, they waited for good time.
And you were too wrong. You have no fuel now
because in an hour your fire has burned out.
But you warmed people and still you survived
Not everything has come to be. Not everything is done by me.
I still can see some colours of the day.
No sorrow’s for my fire. My fate protects my way.