A keresés eredménye oldal 2
Találatok száma: 105
Dear shadow, whom I love
Dear shadow, whom I love,ah, why oh why
do you hasten to your rest
and leave me here behind?
You will enjoy the peace
in blissful places
there is neither wrath
nor sorrow
I'll get the double rifle, I'll go hunting
I'll get the double rifle1more2, I'll go huntingJaman3, o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
Oh the double rifle together with the retriever4
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
Oh how I ascended more up in the mountain
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
Oh I saw three more beautiful ones
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman
Oh I saw three more beautiful ones
Jaman o friend, jaman, o you devil!
And which one do you like, pray tell me
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
- 1. Also known as the double-barreled rifle, is a rifle with two barrels mounted parallel to each other, used for hunting:
- 2. exclamatory word with no direct translation to English. 'more' is a word used in the vocative case when the speaker is addressing a boy, man, or group of boys/men/people to emphasize the vocative feeling. In this case, 'more' is emphasizing the vocative case to the song's audience
- 3. Another exclamatory word used in the vocative case with no direct correspondence to English. Literally it can be translated as 'oh please'. In this context it is used to express and emphasize the sarcastic tone of the lyrics
- 4. the hunting dog
During Day and Night
During day and nighti'm in terrible shape
waiting for you upstairs
i fall asleep without sleeping.
You don't telephone
you don't show desire
to benefit me
to prevent a disaster.
You didn't want to come yesterday
said that you had other pressing business
when you hurt me
it's indifference to the suffering of animals
I knocked on your door
you answered that you weren't home
you certainly remember
we made a date to go to the movies
A taken care of child
you made it out like everything will be fine for you
there is honey in the beehive1
and you have Yakov.
For how long can i dream
to see and yet not touch
your conscious is silent
mine is fighting
You didn't want to come yesterday...
During day and night
i'm in terrible shape
waiting for you upstairs
i fall asleep without sleeping.
You don't telephone
you don't show desire
to benefit me
to prevent a disaster.
- 1. note that Kaveret is also the name of this group!
You Couldn't Stay
They asked about youMy friends, from always
They know that you left
And they wanted to know
If you're gonna come back
I told them: 'No'
It wasn't a see you later
A goodbye is not a game
And I heard it clearly
From your lips, my love
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
And I couldn't help to
Gift you a sigh
What I loved most
It was you and you left
I am left without you
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
If the limit of our sight is the vastness of the sky
You were the one that put the limit
When you announced your departure
Another Touch
And it seems to you that you're influenced by my movementsyou think i'm the one that leads
i don't search for justice
i left all my principles behind of course
what will be - fog covers my path
It's different when you walk through my arms
try and this certainly is useful
can't find the substance
i left most of my goals behind a long time ago
what now - smoke envelops my path
Another touch and another sadness
everything here is known in essence
we are together
to live forever
more calmness and more strength
and another tendency to forget
we are together
to live forever and not to run away
You remember when we traveled on a rainy day, foggy
we talked about love the whole way
how could we forget
that i was yours and you were mine
what now - sometimes it leaves, sometimes it comes
Another touch...
A city without a town
a song without an end
noise and quiet
bad and good
today and past
light and darkness
hey listen
there is goodness within
the..the two of is, me and you
Another touch...
(you think i'm the one that leads
and this isn't the way actually
fog covers my path
and that the sadness will go
there is just one way to love
and to be together
we'll leave it all
and that the fear will go)
Another touch...
(And it seems to you that you're influenced by my movements
you think i'm the one that leads
don't search for justice
i left most of my goals...)
Csatornába Születve
A csatornába dobtakA felettünk lévők
Akik látszólag irányítják
Az élet folyását, az életmódunkat
És azt, ahogy mindannyian túléljük
Lenéznek minket
És elkülönítenek
Az emberi minőség, ellenőrzése által
Elloptak mindent, ami a miénk volt
A rugalmassághoz vezető út
És a vagyon felhalmozása
Hozza létre a meggyőződés szakadékát
Ami táplálja a politikai pokolt
Nem vagyunk egyenrangúak
És még mindig meghúzzuk a határt
Hogy elválasszuk az alsó fajt
A jó emberek javára
Kiválogatni a lakosságot
Míg a társadalom sértetlen marad
Elválasztva a gazdagokat
Azoktól, akiknek át kell túrniuk a szemetet
Keresed az okot
Hogy tovább menj
A szellemre támaszkodva
Hozz létre egy reményt, amely az utolsó lesz
Megtöltjük az utcákat
A fásultságunk pazarlásával
Miközben bizonyos
Hogy van, akinek nincs mit ennie
Aztán az utcák tengerré válnak
Elárasztották az elhunytak holttestei
Mikor fogják látni
A nyomor világa, a szenvedés
Túrd át a földet
Hogy megtaláld a stabilitást
Megvalósítjuk az álmainkat
A terjedő betegség
Visszaküld minket a valóságba
A csatornába születve
Az útjuk a révhez beteges
Meghalunk, és továbblépnek
Undorító, ahogy bánnak velünk
Harcias és önző hazugok
Arcon köpnek
Minden férfit, nőt és gyereket
Végül a gazdagok mindig boldogulni fognak
Az ujjakat csontig megdolgoztatják
Hogy biztosítsák helyüket a trónon
Kielégíthetetlen hataloméhség
A gyáva szívében nyilvánul meg
Kiválogatni a lakosságot
Míg a társadalom sértetlen marad
Elválasztva a gazdagokat
Azoktól, akiknek át kell túrniuk a szemetet
Keresed az okot
Hogy tovább menj
A szellemre támaszkodva
Hozz létre egy reményt, amely az utolsó lesz
Túrd át a szemetet
Alakítsd ki a lövészárkokat
Gazdag hagyomány
A piszokban eltemetve
A gazdagság tornyai
Hozd elő a lavinát
Az alkalmatlanok leverésére
És öld meg a szellemét
A saját meggyőződésünknek
Binge eating binge drinking bulimia
You are not mine! You are not mine!You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine! I cannot stop eating!
You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine! I cannot stop eating!
You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine!
You are, you are, you are, you are
Binge drinking binge eating bulimia
Someone stop me. That is me.
You have decided my value.
I will decide my value myself.
Binge drinking binge eating overeating.
The inferiority complex that keeps coming back.
How much is my life?
How much is my life?
I am not yours! I am not yours!
I am not yours! I cannot stop eating!
I am not yours! I am not yours!
I am not yours
- 1. :)
Don't Light My Fire
Don't (Don't) Don't (Don't)Don't light my fire, Don't light my fire
(Don't) Go! (Don't) Go! (Don't) Go, go, go
Don't light my fire
Or not go to hell
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
Then, Go go go go go go go go go go go go
Go to hell!
Or not go go heaven.
Or not go go heaven.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
Then, Go go go go go go go go go go go go
Go to hell!
If you lit a fire to my heart, hot hotter hottest.
If you lit a fire to my heart, sad sadder saddest.
Sad sadder saddest. Sad sadder saddest.
Sad sadder saddest.
Get rid of me and my love, I beg you.
Don't light my fire, Don't light my fire.
Fire on my heart (fire on my heart)
You set a fire on my heart.
Fire on my heart (fire on my heart)
You set a fire on my heart.
I could set a fire on you.
I'll be left alone to clean up the mess.
I could set a fire on you.
I'll be left alone to clean up the mess.
All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone
Go to hell!!
Get rid of me and my love, will you?
Wipe my butt before you go. Go to hell!!
( Instrumental )Ha aludni megyek
Látomásaim vannak
Rossz álmok
körökben és hálókban foglyul ejtve
az ágyam fölött és napsütéses napoktól elrejtve
A színek élesek
az elmémben
és a rémálmok sötétek
mint a hollófekete éjjek
Fel akarok ébredni
és a jó álmaimat írni
különféle módon
és elmesélni
A kívánt álmok
Ma éjjel valóra válnak
Az agyam nem képes most érezni
az illúziók világosak
Ne rogyj térdre
a visszatérö álmok
sokáig megmaradnak
és nem búcsúznak el
Ideje aludni
és az álmokat értelmezni
a hegyi tüzekkel
Ijesztő álmok
a fonalak közt
a lelked szabad
csak aludj vissza
itt van három toll
hogy 'édes álmokat' hozzon
mosolyogj, és ne sírj érte
Nyolc láb által szövött háló,
hogy a gyermekeket megvédje
( Instrumental )
Az álmaid lesznek a jóslataid
és rémálmok támadják meg a szorongásaid
A fény a szemedben magával ránt
Az őrülettől szenvedve
Az álmaid lesznek a jóslataid
( széttúrja az elmédet )
és rémálmok támadják meg a szorongásaid
( szorongásodat és szívedet )
A fény a szemedben magával ránt
( vonszol a fénybe )
Az őrülettől szenvedve
You are not like all of them
I'll sink into your eyesNot pitying about anything
You're in my hands now
Maybe it's just a dream
Where we're both in
You are not like all of them
And no more any extra phrases
Is it so serious?
Now with me
You are not like all of them
I'll sink into your eyes
You're not like all of them
I love you
Dissolving in a silence
We'll share a night for both
A kiss is searing
I wanna be burned till the ash, till the ash
due to your lips
You are not like all of them
And no more any extra phrases
Is it so serious?
Now with me
You are not like all of them
I'll sink into your eyes
You're not like all of them
I love you
Meetings and goodbyes
Long partings
And the hot words
Of you confessions
You are not like
You are not like all of them
You are not like all of them
And no more any extra phrases
Is it so serious?
Now with me
You are not like all of them
I'll sink into your eyes
You're not like all of them
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
The rosebush has thorns
Versions: #1With your love I was looking
for a love like I never had before,
like a toy that I wished for
since I was a little kid.
But it turns out that you're like everyone else,
to love you was a mistake.
Running away from my hands is
your rose, which is my delusion.
I was so far away from thinking
that you could be my punishment.
How much more will I weep?
Experience costs dearly.
I was so far away from thinking
that a love could hurt this much.
The rosebush has thorns,
and now my soul is crying.
Unsuitable Questions
Hello stranger!Have you ever felt like a star?
At your own narcissistic theatre, huh?
Ever had compassion?
And found no one to calumniate?
Ever shut your fucking ears?
Ever felt the pinch?
Ever wanted to die so badly?
Just because you're surrounded by off-putting thoughts?
Ever been hurt a lot?
And wondered
What the hell am I living for?
How cold the sun rises up!The world ready to stop.
No! It’s not like before.
I am resisting and bite the solitude.
Like a soundless movie, wordless, dream or real?
I don’t wanna lie to myself!
I still want to believe!
The heart still carries one hope
and here doesn’t want to die.
I don’t want to lose it,
I want to feel the life!
I want to kill the fear today,
I’m litting it up on fure,
the freedom, where kan I find it?
The breath doesn’t let me,
I still run, through darkness, I’m searching for my path.
A new day, I imagine it, every end has a beginning.
It won’t delay, it will bring me back somewhere in life.
I will exist!
The sun will come down, to warm me up, above my eyes now.
Don’t wanna lie to me
I still want to believe
The heart still carries one hope,
and here will not die.
I don’t wanna lose it!
I wanna feel the life!
The fear I wanna kill it today.
I’m litting it up on fire.
The freedom when will I findt it?
Be wearing you
If I can't say what I feel insidelike a sightless, like a deaf,
if I can't do what I'm supposed to do
like a monkey like a cat.
If I can't love how I'm supposed to love,
like a child, like a fool,
if I can't give as an empty pocket,
like a never solved issue.
Be wearing you
yes, like a shirt, like a jacket,
like a full pocket, like a button,
like a dead leaf, like a sorrow.
Be wearing you
like my hands, like a color,
like my voice, my tiredness,
like a new joy, like a present.
And if my heart wants to be a mouth
that seeks you and swallows you,
then i will keep your life inside me
this never ending song.
Be wearing you
yes, like a shirt, like a jacket,
like a full pocket, like a button,
like a dead leaf, like a sorrow.
Be wearing you
like my hands, like a color,
like my voice, my tiredness,
like a new joy, like a present.
Be wearing you
like my Indian summer1,
like a new wrinkle, like a smile,
like a false hint, like a guilt.
Be wearing you
like a sunny day in the middle of May
that warms your skin, melts your heart
and gives you a reason to start again.
Be wearing you,
be with you,
to stay together, to love you.
Be wearing you,
be with you,
to stay together, to love you.
- 1. The term 'Indian summer' is a period in autumn where the temperature is really warm. In Italian we call such a period 'St. Martin's summer' since St. Martin is celebrated the 11th of November.
If only they knew that I love youAs much as Deniz loved revolution
They'd hang me by the neck, certainly
In the wee small hours
Not As A Friend
I want to look into your eyesI want to talk with you
Tell you nice things
Real close to your ear
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
I want your immense love
And for it to be shared with me
And your heart of roses
To be interlocked with mine
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
Cuddle Up
What do you expect from me? I want to know what you thinkYesterday you told me 'Dude, nothing romantic at all'
You must understand that I'm not a basic bro
But I can't blame you, sometimes I don't even understand myself
I want us to keep on filling our lives with memories
I want you to tell me that you love me and that you're going to miss me
Shit! Don't look me in the eye, you're going to make me cry
Tell me this is not the last time I hold you in my arms
I wish everything was a lie and in an instant waking up
I wish everything was a lie and in an instant waking up
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms.
Pack Your Things
Why continue sufferingand make this agony any longer
I'm tired of giving myself whole and only receiving small pieces
Of a mere fantasy love
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye