Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 118

Találatok száma: 5101


Man overboard

There was a storm - the ropes have torn the skin of the hands,
The anchor-chain screamed devilishly.
The wind sang the crude song - and suddenly
Sounded a voice: 'Man overboard!'
And at once: Full speed back! Stop machines!
Save quickly and warm him!
Put something inside - if a man,
If not - rub!
I feel sorry, that I am doomed to walk
Overland, - that means, I don't have to wait for help -
No one will jump in to save me
And not announce launching a lifeboat sounding the alarm.
But say: 'Speed ahead! Following wind!
We shall be punctual in the port.
As he is a son of a bitch, -
Let haul in himself!'
And my ship will move from me -
And on it, are probably first-class people.
That man on the look-out looks only ahead
He spits that the man has gone overboard.
I see - swimming past,
A friendly port is waiting for them -
Little interest who falls
From the main way oberboard.
When I was carried into the sea, there was
Wind force nine in new money -
For me the life boat is let down by the captain -
And I shall feel ground under my feet.
They will get hold of me by the clothing, -
That means falling in clothed is a plus, -
On board the lifebout like on hope
I clamb in the death-struggle.
Here one can spit from the tank to the stern,
Not many knots - one month in Havana, -
But I want to the deck to him -
To the captain, who gave the earth back to me.
Make full speed ahead - what is for us a block of ice!
I belong now to you sailors, -
Cut me, the son of a bitch,
And tear me to pieces.
I am on board - the course is like previously, like previously the way -
To me outstretched are the hands, the souls, cigarettes,
I am convinced: when something happens -
The sailors will throw the life-belt to me.
It is true, the rolling overcomes them there
In the storms on duty cannot take a breather, -
But a man overboard
Is here not let to be drowned!
When a trap is closed empty
And on the earth losses are forgotten,
The best captain of the world
Has let down a trap for me and I shall get out on the shore.
I shall undertake a conversation
I shall teach some,
That a man overboard
Is not to let alone.

Sosem fogok újra szeretni

Azt kívánom,
Bár el tudtam volna búcsúzni
Azt mondtam volna, amit akartam
Talán még sírtam is volna érted.
Ha tudtam volna, hogy ez az utolsó alkalom
Kettétörtem volna a szívemet, hogy
Megpróbáljam megmenteni egy részedet.
Nem akarok másik érintest érezni,
Nem akarok új tűzre lobbanni,
Nem akarok más csókot ismerni,
Más név nem hagyja el a számat,
Nem akarom többé odaadni a szívemet
egy másik idegennek
vagy hagyni egy másik napot megkezdődni.
Még a napfényt sem akarom beengedni,
Nem, sosem fogok többé szeretni,
sosem fogok többé szeretni.
Amikor először találkoztunk,
Nem gondoltam volna, hogy szerelembe fogok esni,
Sosem gondoltam volna, hogy a karjaid között találom majd magam
Mmmm mmmm
És szeretnék úgy tenni, mintha nem lenne igaz, hogy elmentél
Mert bár a világom forog tovább és tovább és tovább, én mégsem lépek tovább
Nem akarok másik érintest érezni,
Nem akarok új tűzre lobbanni,
Nem akarok más csókot ismerni,
Más név nem hagyja el a számat,
Nem akarom többé odaadni a szívemet
egy másik idegennek
vagy hagyni egy másik napot megkezdődni.
Még a napfényt sem akarom beengedni,
Nem fogok szeretni
Nem akarom ismerni ezt az érzést, ha csak nem te meg én,
Nem akarom elvesztegetni a pillanatot
ooo uuuu
És nem akarom valaki másnak adni a jobbik felemet,
Inkább rád várnék,
ooo uuu
Nem akarok másik érintest érezni,
Nem akarok új tűzre lobbanni,
Nem akarok más csókot ismerni,
Más név nem hagyja el a számat,
Nem akarom többé odaadni a szívemet
egy másik idegennek
vagy hagyni egy másik napot megkezdődni.
Még a napfényt sem akarom beengedni,
Ooooo, nem fogok többé szeretni újra
szeretni újra
Nem, nem fogok többé szeretni újra,
nem fogok többé szeretni újra.
Nem, nem fogok, esküszöm, nem tudok
Azt kívánom bár tudnék, de egyszerűen nem megy,
Nem, nem fogok többé szeretni újra,
Nem, nem fogok többé szeretni újra.

Egy lányról

Szükségem van egy könnyű barátra
Fél füllel hallgatom
Azt hiszem, hogy jó rád ez a cipő
Én csinálom, de neked fogalmad sincs, hogy milyen
Majd főlényt szerzek,
Amíg kilógatsz száradni
De nem láthatlak minden éjjel
Az utadban állok
Remélem, hogy van időd
Én is húztam számot
Egy randevút tartok veled
Majd fölényt szerzek,
Amíg kilógatsz sázradni
De nem láthatlak minden éjjel
Szükségem van egy könnyű barátra
Fél füllel hallgatom
Azt hiszem, hogy jó rád ez a cipő
Én csinálom, de neked fogalmad sincs, hogy milyen
Majd fölényt szerzek,
Amíg kilógatsz száradni
De nem láthatlak minden éjjel
Nem, nem láthatlak minden éjjel
Csinálom (x4)

Compared to me is any fakir ...

Compared to me is any fakir - now simply a dwarf,
I take them for the most petty trendy chaps, -
Give me one ticket to Monte Carlo -
I shall worry their cheats!
I don't let myself be seduced by their beauty,
And at the roulette - I shall only cast a glance, -
Their croupiers will lick clean my soles,
And I am on the train - and on the way back.
I shall play on red and on black,
And in Monte Carlo I shall climb all over the corners, -
Leave to them in their gaming house
Only the much vaunted green tables.
I shall bring with me a mass of impressions:
I shall drink cocktails, listen to Jazz-bands, -
I shall bring with me a heap of their money -
And the whole currency hand over to a Soviet bank.
I speak about everything without bravado -
I never joke: I have to face the 'turret', -
I crawl before our native state,
Certainly I'll have results!

The echo of your voice

The time that I leave comes back,
your memory in my song,
I live in the limit, the echo of your voice.
And I feel you as something impossible,
I remember that...
I promised to come back every warm day,
it slips to bring your liquid memory,
it wraps my skin.
On days like today,
between the sea and the heart,
I live in the limit,
the echo of your voice.
And I feel you as something impossible,
I remember that...
I promised to come back every warm day,
it slips to bring your liquid memory,
that wraps me to come back every warm day,
it slips to bring your liquid memory,
that wraps me to come back every warm day,
it slips to bring your liquid memory,
it wraps my skin.

One end after the other

I don't believe in love at first sight
or that something like destiny exists.
But in your presence, time stands still, time stands still.
Because you are the only one I really want.
But something is going wrong,
because every time I lie by your side
you're only in love for one night and everything I get:
One end after the other,
One end after the other,
One end after the other,
One end after the other
I'd like to stay, just like every time
and at the door already I wish my heart was made from steel.
Because I already miss you on the stairs,
I can barely wait for you to be with me again
But something is going wrong,
because every time I lie by your side
you're only in love for one night and everything I get:
One end after the other,
One end after the other,
One end after the other,
One end after the other.
One end after the other,
other, other, after the other.
One end after the other,
all I get is one end after the other
oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh
One end after the other,
One end after the other,
One end after the other,
One end after the other.
One end after the other,
after the other,
One end after the other,
all I get it one end after the other.

Amerikai fiú

[Chorus: Perrie]
Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem
Ooh, la la, összetörte a szívemet
Tudom, hogy rá gondol, amikor gitáron játszik
És ooh, la la, az én amerikai fiúm
(Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem)
[Verse 1: Jesy]
Kaliforniában találkoztam vele,
Egy bandában játszott, a lány pedig a színpadon táncolt
Azt mondta én vagyok számára az egyetlen, de az a lány az akit elveszített
És még csak az igazi nevét sem tudta
[Pre-Chorus: Leigh-Anne]
Nem akarom felkapni
Minden, amit mondasz annyira bizonytalan
Nem akarok féltékeny lenni, csak figyelmetlen vagyok
Biztos megőrjítelek
[Chorus: Perrie & All]
Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem
Ooh, la la, összetörte a szívemet
Tudom, hogy rá gondol, amikor gitáron játszik
És ooh, la la, az én amerikai fiúm
(Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem)
Az én amerikai fiúm
[Post-Chorus: Leigh-Anne & All]
Amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiú
Tudod ez az én amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiúm
Amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiú
Tudod ez az én amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiúm
[Verse 2: Jade]
Szóval tudni akarom, hogy kivel beszélsz
Paranoiássá teszel, rosszá
Szomorúvá, őrültté
Úgy érzem meg kell kérdeznem
Tudni akarom, hogy otthon vagy e,
És ha igen, akkor egyedül vagy?
Egyedül? Vedd fel a telefont
[Pre-Chorus: Leigh-Anne]
Nem akarom felkapni
Minden, amit mondasz annyira bizonytalan
Nem akarok féltékeny lenni, csak figyelmetlen vagyok
Biztos megőrjítelek
[Chorus: Perrie, (Leigh-Anne) & All]
Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem
Ooh, la la, összetörte a szívemet
Tudom, hogy rá gondol, amikor gitáron játszik
És ooh, la la, az én amerikai fiúm
(Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem)
Az én amerikai fiúm
[Post-Chorus: Leigh-Anne w/ All, (Perrie)]
Amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiú
Tudod ez az én amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiúm
Amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiú
Tudod ez az én amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiúm
[Bridge: Jesy w/ All, Jade & Perrie]
Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem
Ooh, la la, összetörte a szívemet
Tudom, hogy rá gondol, amikor gitáron játszik
Igen, rá gondol
[Chorus: Perrie w/ All, All & (Leigh-Anne)]
Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem
Ooh, la la, összetörte a szívemet
Tudom, hogy rá gondol, amikor gitáron játszik
És ooh, la la, az én amerikai fiúm
(Éneklem, éneklem, éneklem)
Az én amerikai fiúm
[Outro: Leigh-Anne w/ All]
Amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiú
Tudod ez az én amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiúm
Amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiú
Tudod ez az én amerikai, amerikai, amerikai fiúm

Blue Train

Every minute that we have we leave behind,
Don’t expect to see them round the bend.
And although it’s sad to tell the past “Goodbye”,
Better things await us in the end.
Endlessly, endlessly winds the road ahead of us
Into the horizon and beyond.
Everyone, everyone always hopes for better things
Once again, once again, our blue train rides on.
Maybe on our way we've sometimes made mistakes,
But, as always, time will turn the page.
New adventures wait for us ahead, my friends…
Engine driver, speed us all away!
Endlessly, endlessly winds the road ahead of us
Into the horizon and beyond.
Everyone, everyone always hopes for better things
Once again, once again, our blue train rides on.
Our blue train is passing round another bend,
Slowly shifting into higher gear.
Why, oh why does this day have to sometime end?
Couldn't it just last another year?!
Endlessly, endlessly winds the road ahead of us
Into the horizon and beyond.
Everyone, everyone always hopes for better things
Once again, once again, our blue train rides on.


Listen Mia Borisavljevic - Scandal.
You know to wake up my glow in eyes
You know how to I be awake at nights,
And know that with you never there is boredom
Cause that that you do with me, you do best
Who are you, angel or devil
You kiss me, like you knew
That my ego has fallen low
And you wake it up, oh, let it go wild
Every night with you is scandal
Every morning everything to me goes genus: manta
Who survives will talk everywhat
Everything to me is kneading, reality and what not
Every night with you is drama
This is not normal with us
Not give me to stay alone
With you life is and expensive advertisement
You know to wake to me a beast in gaze
You know to follow me in every movement
And you know to find what is missing
Cause that that you do with me, you do best
Who are you, angel or devil
You kiss me, like you knew
That my ego has fallen low
And you wake it up, oh, let it go wild
Every night with you is scandal
Every morning everything to me goes genus: manta
Who survives will talk everywhat
Everything to me is kneading, reality and what not
Every night with you is drama
This is not normal with us
Not give me to stay alone
With you life is and expensive advertisement
Every night with you is scandal
Every morning everything to me goes genus: manta
Who survives will talk everywhat
Everything to me is kneading, reality and what not
Every night with you is drama
This is not normal with us
Not give me to stay alone
With you life is and expensive advertisement

Bob the Builder Intro

Bob the Builder will build everything,
Bob the Builder, no problem.
Scoop, Muck, and Dizzy, as well as Roley,
Lofty and Wendy will always help.
Together, the team is faster,
Together with friends is always fun.
Bob the Builder will build everything,
Bob the Builder, no problem.
Sardine and Birdie, Travis, and Spot
They all play together all year round.
Bob the Builder will build everything,
Bob the Builder...

With the speed of the world

In the morning birds start sparkling
Like your dew
From damned god's eyes
It's yellow summer.
At night animals are blareing
In a working burrow
And pine echo
Is limping along the hills.
Through the fires, through the woods - on an obedient carpet
At the sunrise, in reality, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
Grass is spiking from the heels of earth
Like from the bucket
And no one can satisfy
Its sweet sea
Round trees, tight elephants
Blue dust
The bless of aching shoes
A poor affair.
Through the glasses, through the years - on a shaggy carpet
In silver, in the wind, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
No one said it would be easy -
At the sunset of life
One resonant moon
One excessive wall
However, outside the window -
It's yellow summer
Sweet sea
It's the right time
It's the right time
It's the right time

Let's Make Love

You're in the room, I'm in the room. Night's in the air.
The silence between you and me is heating up. Our blood boils.
I want to get closer and closer to you,
To listen to love and hear how it breathes.
As our lips touch I flow into you like a river.
Hands touching skin not just on the surface, but also beneath.
Let's make Love.
We will sail across the sky,
as if it was our first time.
Let's make Love.
I want to love your body,
to love you now.
Let's make Love,
Make love.
Let's make Love,
Make love!
I'm in the room, you're in the room. It's not a dream.
Our bodies are naked and as one.
I will be closer and closer to you,
To listen to love and hear how it breathes.
As our lips touch I flow into you like a river.
Hands touching skin not just on the surface, but also beneath.
Let's make Love.
We will sail across the sky,
as if it was our first time.
Let's make Love.
I want to love your body,
to love you now.
Let's make Love,
Make love.
Let's make Love,
Make love!


The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
The insects are hoarding shame,
The insects are hoarding jealousy.
The pity squeaked between the teeth,
The meat cried under the knife.
The insects are squirming,
The insects are slithering.
Shit doesn't sink in fire and in blood.
Honest and respectable people everywhere.
Everyone was born a cop!
Everyone was born a cop!
The padded jackets heed lessons in courage,
The borscht is smirking like a crapper wide open.
An insect can endure everything —
Self-control is self-control.
A beautiful, brave new world,
A beautiful, brave new plague!
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
They froze to death,
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
For ever and ever,
For ever and ever,
In the name of the puppy
And the crumpled piece of paper
I invoke!
I invoke
The dry little river,
The dead little birdie,
The great gaping flame,
The charred grimy rock,
To deliver us from
The efforts of evil,
From the eyes of meat,
From the speeches of stone,
The museums of plenty,
And the boozy remarks,
From the proletarian masses
And all other life!
The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
Insects, insects...
Insects, insects...
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.

Butterfly (Prologue Mix)

[Verse 1: Jungkook]
Don’t think of anything
Don’t say anything, not even a word
Just give me a smile
I still can’t believe it
All of this seems like a dream
Don’t try to disappear
[Pre-Chorus: Jungkook]
Is it true Is it true
You You
You’re so beautiful, that I’m scared
Untrue Untrue
You You You
[Refrain: Jungkook]
Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break
I’m scared scared scared of that
Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn’t happened
I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you
[Chorus: Jungkook]
Butterfly like a Butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
Butterfly like a butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
[Verse 2: Jungkook]
Your eyebrows slightly grimacing at the sunlight
Gently shaking your fine soft hair
Intoxicated by your scent, my heart is tickling
Like the way you are stroking my cheeks
Like the dust drifting along freely
You’re right there but why are you beyond my reach
[Pre-Chorus: Jungkook]
Is it true Is it true
You You
You’re so beautiful, that I’m scared
Untrue Untrue
You You You
[Refrain: Jungkook]
Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break
I’m scared scared scared of that
Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn’t happened
I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you
[Chorus: Jimin]
Butterfly like a Butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
Butterfly like a butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
[Outro: Jungkook]
Don’t think of anything
Don’t say anything, not even a word
Just give me a smile

Dive into the void

I blame myself
that arrived here,
I do not forgive myself for allowing this
now I'm ashamed
I have done bad ...
I do not believe in the idea that I've lost you anymore
and silence lets me die late
I still think I am here
I will not leave you again.
Tell me how
to turn the time to bring you here
in mind the memories with you a bunch
Tell me how
to accept the mistake I made
I'm gone, I go out and I swim in the gap,
swim in the gap
swim in the gap
for you everything I will do
because I love you
swim in the gap
swim in the gap
for you everything I will do
because I love you.
I blame myself
that arrived here,
I am half of this separation
I gave the end myself
and from that I will be judged.
Honestly whatever I said
I regretted them afterwards
I have no reason to say it once
I'm not right now paying for these mistakes
which was a lot.
Tell me how
to turn the time to bring you here
in mind the memories with you a bunch
Tell me how
to accept the mistake I made
I'm gone, I go out and I swim in the gap,
swim in the gap
swim in the gap
for you everything I will do
because I love you
swim in the gap
swim in the gap
for you everything I will do
because I love you.
lolo gemini

Death No More

I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is looking at me
Let it all burn, let it all burn
I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is looking at me
Let it all burn, let it all burn
I'm ready for everything
I spend my time on the internet
I stroke the cat
Its tail is moving
I walk around town in a black hoodie
It's usually cold here, with angry people
Nothing is waiting ahead of me
But I'm waiting for you, you'll find me.
I'm buried in chains and in a swamp
My blood is more pure than drugs
Together you spin on the Square
And I twist my own living space.
I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is looking at me
Let it all burn, let it all burn
I fill my eyes with kerosene
Let it all burn, let it all burn
All of Russia is looking at me
Let it all burn, let it all burn
I'm ready for everything
I spend my time on the internet
I stroke the cat
Its tail is moving
I walk around town in a black hoodie
It's usually cold here, with angry people
Nothing is waiting ahead of me
But I'm waiting for you, you'll find me.
Death no more
Death no more
Death no more
Death no more
I'm buried in chains and in a swamp
My blood is more pure than drugs
Together you spin on the Square
And I twist my own living space.
I'm buried in chains and in a swamp
My blood is more pure than drugs
Together you spin on the Square
And I twist my own living space.
Death no more
Death no more
Death no more
Death no more

Flying with you

You call me, I appear,
You don't let me know about myself a little
You transform me all of a sudden
Only you can transform me, and I miss
flying with you
You attract me, I soar
I'm going now to the unknown
and I love to be where I wasn't in the past...
Flying with you
is so easy
until the clouds
I feel like flying
Flying with you
is so easy
until the clouds
I feel like flying
until the clouds
I'm yours, you're mine
Can't think of anyone else
I'm just floating with you and I don't think that I'd want to get down...
Flying with you
is so easy
until the clouds
I feel like flying
Flying with you
is so easy
until the clouds
I feel like flying
until the clouds
Flying just with you
is so easy
until the clouds
I feel like flying
Flying with you
is so easy
until the clouds
I feel like flying
until the clouds

Agree To Be Alone For Life

This fires are diying
This paces are fading
if you ain't gonna take me away then why does this passion hurt me
This paces very hard
This fires are diying
This paces are fading
If you aren't burning down then why does this passion hurt me
This paces very hard
Without suffering
Without feeling pain
If you come back to me for the last time
Nothing could be better
I won't add previous feelings
But will love you again
You've got a piece of my heart
No one can fill it except you
If remain without you had written on my forehead, agree to be alone for life


We used to meet again
on a heavenly Sunday
You knew the air and the sky
the Eves and the gods...
White angels of wool
floating on wings...
Now you don't have the sky
from where you were falling,
crazy, crazy bride...
Now you don't have the sky
from where you were falling,
crazy bride...
On every thursday
we both were falling from rains
of apples, of blackberries, of flowers,
of colours
Light of soul winter you were
in heaven
crazy bride...
Now you don't have the sky
from where you were falling,
Now you don't have the sky
from where you were falling,
crazy bride...

You are no longer mine

Memories, explosions from the past
Over time, remain only good
The tears on your cheeks will soon dry,
You must believe, I will always be close
I would like to go back and start over,
And as before, hold your hand tight
I understand I'm not the one you were looking for,
But I won’t be another man and I can’t be just a friend
I guess I deserve it all
We did not appreciate it, and i became the crying loser
And here we are in different directions we run from one another,
And the soul somehow has many dark thoughts
You're the only one, and I'm losing you!
You are no longer mine, how is this so dear!
Is this really the end?
How did it happen I do not understand.
I need only you alone
You have to believe it
I hear sounds in my heart
Crying from separation
How do i get you back
Where do i find forgiveness
I dedicate to all the sounds
This sad song
You're not mine anymore
Forgive me, my dear, forgive and forgive
Can you forget about it now, what I promised
I lost and unfortunately you did not return
I need a storm, and you need a quiet pier,
But the heart is crying, and is buzzing nonstop
You are my whole life, success and sins
We seem to be close, but at the same time we are so far
And you became for me one of the five elements
Stop, let's calm down
We've dangerously played with our feelings many times.
Most of them of course are on my conscience
At this speed, we can both crash
I'm ready to apologize, although I also got hurt
It's not too late, you can stop
Do not destroy until the end of what we have left
I need only you alone
you have to believe it

Trivia: Seesaw

Versions: #2
The beginning, well was fun I guess
Just the ups and down itself
Before i knew it you and i became tired of each other
Inside this pointless emotional exhaustion
A repeating seesaw seesaw game, at this point
I just became sick, sick of it
A repeating seesaw seesaw game
We both became tired of it and we are now miserable
Was the pretty arguments the start of it all?
The moments became heavier than you
Because from the very beginning, parallels never existed
Did we try to be equal in spite of our greed?
It was love and if this is the epitome of the definition of love
Is there a reason to continue to repeat?
We're both tired of it and it seems like we both have the same card
If it's that way, then well...
All right, this preating seesaw game now
I finally try to end this(game)
All right, I'm sick of this seesaw
Someone has to get off from here
Although we can't
Let's not eye each other and see who well get off or not
Let's not drag this just by the way your feeling
Let's try to end this and decide who will get off or not
This preating seesaw game
Let's stop now
People are guite conniving even though we know
One will gethurt if one person is not there
Both don't wanna became the b***ard(bad guy)
So the ambiguous battle of responsibilities continues
After becaming exhausted beyond exhaustion, the parallel we desired became a parallel
Ay this not the parallel I wished for
In the deginning, we brag about who is heavier and
Laugh while we look at each other
We forget who is heavier and now we started war,
And now there are embers
Of the fight
Someone here in the end
Will have to get off in order for it to end
We pretend to care for each other we can't continue
We have to decide now
If we don't have feeling for each other
I we didn't think for each other
Would we whave dragged this on until now?
If you don't have feelings anymore
Being on top of this seesaw is dangerous,dangerous
Don't think about me anymore
All right, this preating seesaw game now
I finally try to end this(game)
All right, I'm sick of this seesaw
Someone has to get off from here
Althougn we can't
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) Just like how in the deginning you weren't here
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) I get off of thisseesaw that you aren't
All right, this preating seesaw game now
I finally try to end this(game)
All right, I'm sick of this seesaw
Someone has to get off from here
Althougn we can't
Let's not eye each other and see who well get off or not
Let's not drag this just by the way your feeling
Let's try to end this and decide who will get off or not
This preating seesaw game
Let's stop now
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) Just like how in the deginning you weren't here
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on top of this seesaw that you aren't on
(Hol' up Hol' up) I get off of this seesaw that you aren't

Small Tambotie Tree

If the darkness comes to get me
And god doesn’t want me
If the ozone layer disintegrates
And falls into a chandelier of stars
Bury my hart under a small tambotieboom
And scatter my ashes over the bushveld horizon
You don’t have a degree
And you don’t need a credit card
To play in the backyard like a child
And to stare off into the distance from the top of a cliff
The happiest I’ve ever been
On the seam of by back in the nature reserve
The wind sings my name
And through the clinking of bottles I hear laughter
If the darkness comes to get me
And god doesn’t want me
If the ozone layer disintegrates
And falls into a chandelier of stars
Bury my hart under a small tambotieboom
And scatter my ashes over the bushveld horizon
Isolated in a thunderstorm
Far away from the skyscrapers
With only the atmosphere clinging to us
And a cloudburst that speaks to my heart
You know I don’t have
You know I don’t have
I don’t have an agenda
The happiest I’ve ever been
On the seam of by back in the nature reserve
The wind sings my name
And through the clinking of bottles I hear laughter
If the darkness comes to get me
And god doesn’t want me
If the ozone layer disintegrates
And falls into a chandelier of stars
Bury my hart under a small tambotieboom
And scatter my ashes over the bushveld horizon (2x)

you are like a cold wind

You are like a cold wind who burns and ignites my body
Flying without your spring
Cold like the spring
Without cause
Without you it's even sadder
Always free or my soul is clean
On lit hands
Burn to the water
I'm fine
Waiting for use
I'm fine
My dear friends
You are like a cold wind who burns and ignites my body
Flying without your spring
Cold like the spring
Without cause

City of Chopin

By the way, no change
I sleep a lot and play some games
It's been so long
Eleven hundred and three days have passed
I know you can hear me, it happens right now
I know you can feel me, in other women
I know you can hear me, it happens right now
I know you're not waiting, well, I am not either
I saw you yesterday in a souvenir shop
Where are you going?
There will be, the place to return
There won't be, the person
In city of Chopin alarm
Blasts out
I know you can hear me, it happens right now
I know you can feel me, in other women
I know you can hear me, it happens right now
I know you're not waiting, well, I am not either

The song of death

John Cage said sound doesn't exist
Kanye says he invented it
Nietzsche said life without music is a mistake, says Google
Everyone says something, everyone's DJ, only Miles Davis toots the horn
You got rhythm, no one notices,
You're offbeat, everyone complains
Punk is dead, Reggae is dead,
Jazz is dead, Hip-Hop is dead,
Funk is dead, Schlager is dead,
Classic - dead too, but no one cares
Punk is dead, Reggae is dead,
Jazz is dead, Hip-Hop is dead,
Funk is dead, Schlager is dead,
Techno - not dead, smells weird though
Play me a song I can fight to
Play me a song I can ride
Play me a song I can sleep to
Play me the song of death
Play me a song I can laugh to
Play me a song just for the downfall
Where's the song everyone doesn't already know ?
Play me the song of death
Brass band, play!
Play me the song of death
Play me the song of death
Someone says 'this thing is so fresh'
Internet says, it's all stolen
Tom Waits says his favourite sound is the one of ham going into the pan
Punk is dead, Reggae is dead,
Jazz is dead, death is dead,
Trap is dead, Rap is dead,
Techno - not dead, smells weird though
Play me a song I can fight to
Play me a song I can ride
Play me a song I can sleep to
Play me the song of death
Play me a song I can laugh to
Play me a song just for the downfall
Where's the song everyone doesn't already know?
Play me the song of death
Everything's just beat now
Everything's just beat now
Everything's just beat now
Everything's just beat now
Brass band, play!
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me the song of death
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me the song of -- death

Meg fogom mutatni

Valószínűleg azokat a ruhákat viseled, amiket én vettem
Feltehetőleg azt a kölnit fújtad magadra, amit én vettem
És most talán találkozol a lánnyal
És együtt nevettek
Annyira szeretted őt, hogy el kellett hagynod engem?
Mennyire kell még jobbnak lennem?
Nem számít, mennyire próbállak kitörölni téged
Annyi napot töltöttünk együtt
A múlt annyira sajnálatos,
Hogy a könnyek csak folynak, de
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked
Egy sokkal szebbet
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt
Miattad, aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned
Megváltoztatom a hajamat
Óvatosan felteszem a sminkem
A magassarkúmban és miniszoknyámban, mindenki utánam fordul
Ha valaha is összefutunk
Vakító mosolyt villantok rád
Elmegyek a meglepett arcod mellett
Csak a cipőm kopogását hallod
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked (Egy teljesen új én)
Egy sokkal szebbet (Oh oh oh)
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt (Nem, nem)
Miattad, (miattad) aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned
El fogom dobni a gyűrűt, amit nekem adtál
Ki fogom törölni a leveleket, amiket nekem írtál
Hátramaradó kötelék és megbánás nélkül el foglak felejteni
El akarlak felejteni, ki akarlak törölni
Egy teljesen megváltozott énemet fogom megmutatni neked
Egy sokkal szebbet (Egy sokkal szebbet)
Nem akarok úgy sírni, mint egy bolond a szerelem miatt (Oh, nem)
Miattad, aki elhagyott
Találkozni fogok egy dögösebb sráccal (Dögössebb)
Biztosan mutatni fogok egy olyan én, aki boldogabb nálad (Nem, nem nem)
Nem leszek szomorú nélküled, nem fogok összetörni
Fiú, észre kellene venned


[Verse 1]
So you and I are breaking up.
Closing all doors of our hearts.
You are turning into a dream once again,
and [becoming] my biggest loss ever.
We looked into each other's eyes
and counted the falling stars
it seems that Heaven has decided it for us,
it is too late for these birds to fly...
We'll remain friends
on instagram as a memento.
And again, day after day,
I look through our photo album
during the cold nights.
All alone below the Heaven above
I burn down to ashes
as I'm getting used to life without you.
[Verse 2]
Somewhere in the rush of the new days
we went our separate ways
Two of the happiest people
in an unfinished vivid novel.
I'll remain in it's last chapter,
where the evening's purple sunset
will once again remind be of you
and of how I used to love before.
We'll remain friends
on instagram as a memento.
And again, day after day,
I look through our photo album
during the cold nights.
All alone below the Heaven above
I burn down to ashes
as I'm getting used to life without you.

We're Big and Stupid

We're big and stupid
We drink like cows
the mirage of a pasture
It's a drought and we know
that the tears will drown
the hippopotamuses
We're large and sad
We're both black and pessimistic
We don't rain a drop
for prosperity
And we don't respect
the destruction
When the night falls, we're asleep
and we're asleep in the morning and at noon
and (we're asleep) in the afternoon until night
and from night to night again
(While asleep), we dream of
a sunny day
Good...we're good and happy
We're rigid, tough, and stubborn
At the peak of loneliness
like loose women
we know it quite well
how to find friends
We're cows, horses, human beings
We're the keepers of true knowledge1
We're supporters of women
We're slaves to (our) bodies
We guard, guard
the love in the bed
Conquered science
Complex system
Ignorant scholars
Will we, robots,
understand one day
the acquired knowledge?
We're poor in eating
We're stingy in dying
Will we, being among the tightfisted
and the flatterers,
leave this habit of
behaving like beggars?
We had the wedding attire on
We drank like cows
We strove like horses
We boiled like tears
And the tears then drowned
the hippopotamuses
Good...we're good and happy
We're rigid, tough, and stubborn
At the peak of lonliness
like loose women
we know it quite well
how to find friends
We're cows, horses, human beings
We're the keepers of true knowledge1
We're supporters of women
We're slaves to (our) bodies
We guard, guard
the love in the bed
- We're essentially masterful
We're masters of puns
We're scholars in knowledge
We're scholars in reading
But we esteem
sewer poetry
  • عرفان irfan

I still love you

Do you remember our time together?
But the sun didn't warm us
and our stars fell down,
there were few left in our sky.
And now the leaves are falling,
while we sought spring together.
Do you remember our time together?
We must have run late.
Did we float or did we fall?
We rejected each other.
Did we sing or did we cry?
Neither of us could say.
Did we lose or find ourselves?
I still love you, but should I?
It will porbably hurt,
and nights will become longer.
I will let the pain loose
and yey I will love.
And the leaves keep falling
and we're out of time.
It is probably too late
or maybe too early?
Did we float or did we fall?
We rejected each other.
Did we sing or did we cry?
Neither of us could say.
Did we lose or find ourselves?
I still love you, but should I?
Did we float or did we fall?
We rejected each other.
Did we sing or did we cry?
Neither of us could say.
Did we lose or find ourselves?
I still love you, but should I?

Hallo Love

I grope around
I glare around the room
I don't want to wake up with a thought
That you cleared my life of you
Bed, two blankets divided us
We didn't trust each other
We changed love for pride
Hallo1 Love
You're silent, as usual
So I'm ready
Hallo Love
Still no reply2
I'm trembling on the phone
So I'm ready
I've been picking up the pieces of you
From Levitan's picture3
Rhythm, fever heat
You (burn) me to ashes, I shoot straight4
I cleared my memory of all the ins and outs5
(How) we let loose with fists on ourselves6
(How) we sewed radars into our temples7
We got lost, but we didn't loose...
Hallo Love
You're silent, as usual
So I'm ready
Hallo Love
Still no reply2
I'm trembling on the phone
So I'm ready
  • 1. It's like 'pronto' in Italian
  • lit. 'Still not a word'
  • 3. Levitan - russian painter.
  • 4. 'я тебe в жало' - I'm not sure I understand this russian slang right. But I think it may mean 'I tell you the truth flat out' There is an english expression 'straight shooter' meaning 'a frank and honest man', so I thought I could translate 'я тебe в жало' as 'I shoot straight'.
  • 5. lit. 'details, particularities
  • 6. I'm not sure I understood this line right. Maybe they had a lot of quarrels.
  • 7. Hard to understand this line too. Maybe it's about jealousy.

Trust in me

Hush child
Now he will sleep here
Who can refuse me
and not be hypnotised
On top of me sleep
Lie down and dream
Surely you cannot refuse me
Hush child
Now he will sleep here
Who can refuse me
and not be hypnotised

Prelúdium: Szerelemről, Halálról és az Ördögről

Elértem az alját
Nem látom az eget
Olyan mélyre süllyedtem
Úgy akarok szárnyalni
Egy zsákutcába
Miközben a szerelmet keresem
Elértem a határaimat
Nem vagyok elég erős az élethez
Nem vagyok elég bátor a halálhoz
Nem merem megvágni a csuklóm
Elmegyek és ökölbe szorítom kezem
És megkötöm szerződésem a Hazugságok Urával
Mikor az eső felszáradt
A tragédiában
Egy fausti hazugságban élek
Hogy úgy tűnjön, szabad vagyok