Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 122

Találatok száma: 5101


Én Sosem Fogom Összetörni A Szíved

Kedvesem, tudom, hogy fáj neked
Most úgy érzed, hogy soha többé nem tudnál
Szeretni újra
Most csak egy esélyt kérek tőled
Hogy bebizonyítsam szeretlek téged
Az első naptól kezdve
Mióta megláttam a mosolygó arcod
Édesem, tudtam hogy mi
Örökké együtt leszünk
Mikor randira hívtalak
Nemet mondtál, de rájöttem
Kedvesem, hogy bántottak téged
Úgy érezted sosem fogsz újra szeretni
Megérdemlek egy esélyt édesem, csak egyet
Adj egy esélyt és bebizonyítom, hogy nincs igazad
Besétáltál, majd nagyon gyorsan ítélkeztél
De édesem, az a srác semmiben sem hasonlít rám
Én sosem fogom összetörni a szíved
Én sosem foglak megríkatni téged
Inkább meghalnék, minthogy nélküled kelljen élnem
Mindenemet neked adom majd
Édesem, ez nem hazugság
Ahogy halad előre az idő
Egyre jobban megismersz majd
Mindig egy kicsit jobban
Kislány a szerelem így működik kedvesem, kedvesem
És én (én) tudom, hogy félsz (tudom, hogy félsz)
Megmutatni az érzéseidet (megmutatni az érzéseid)
És én megértem
Kislány, itt az ideje elengedni (kislány, itt az ideje elengedni mert)
Megérdemlek egy esélyt (esélyt) édesem
Csak egyszer (egyszer)
Adj nekem egy esélyt (esélyt) és bebizonyítom, hogy nincs igazad (nincs igazad, besétáltál)
Besétáltál, majd nagyon gyorsan ítélkeztél (gyorsan ítélkeztél)
De édesem, az a srác semmiben sem hasonlít rám
Kedvesem, miért nem veszed észre
Refrén x2
Semmikép se, sehogy se (Én sosem fogom összetörni a szíved kislány, én sosem foglak megríkatni téged)
Ígérem (Oh én, oh én, ígérem)
Semmikép se, sehogy se (Én sosem fogom összetörni a szíved kislány, én sosem foglak megríkatni téged)

Beautiful like God

Hey, winter passed, honey
heartless and cold
and I've sworn, I've sworn
not to look at anybody
and I've sworn, I've sworn
and I gave up everything
Hey, here it comes summer, honey
the sun brings joy to everyone
and I'm here all alone, and I'm here all alone
to hide my love that way
and I'm here all alone, and I'm here all alone
and I still pine over you
Chorus 2x
Beautiful, you're beautiful like God
but that you're hers
I really didn't know that
Beautiful, you're beautiful like God
and there's a sin on my soul
I didn't repent
Hey, lucky you, honey
you get what you want
you give yourself to other woman, and I love you
all of a sudden you have two 'lucks'
you give yourself to the other woman, and I love you
somebody gets nothing, the other one gets everything
Chorus 2x
Beautiful, you're beautiful like God
but that you're hers
I really didn't know that
Beautiful, you're beautiful like God
and there's a sin on my soul
I didn't repent
Hey, lucky you, honey
you get what you want
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

What a guy he was

Do you know what a guy he was,
he who opened the way to the stars?
...As flames and thunder raged
across the spaceport,
he just said quielty...
He just said 'Let's go!'
and waved his hand
as if on a small trip,
but the whole world watched him1
soar above the Earth...
You know, what a guy he was!
How he loved the fields of his motherland.
In this distant steppe,
the first orbital flight was
a declaration of love to Earth2
He just said 'Let's go!'
and waved his hand
as if on a small trip,
but the whole world watched him
soar above the Earth...
You know, what a guy he was!
The whole world carried him at arm's length3...
A son of Earth and the stars,
he was gentle and modest4.
He brought people light like Danko5...
He just said 'Let's go!'
and waved his hand
as if on a small trip,
but the whole world watched him
soar above the Earth...
You know, what a guy he was!
What a hockey player!6
The songs he sang!
He was joyous and daring...
He had such a will to live!
He just said 'Let's go!'
and waved his hand
as if on a small trip,
but the whole world watched him
soar above the Earth...
You know, what a guy he was!
No, not 'was'! He prevailed over death!
Can you hear this distant thunder?
See, it's him
headed for the spaceport again...
He just said 'Let's go!'
and waved his hand
as if on a small trip,
but the whole world watched him
soar above the Earth!
  • 1. 'вдоль по Питерской' (along the St Petersburg road) is a famous folk song.
    Due to the song's story, the expression came to mean 'in plain sight'
  • 2. 'the first departure from Earth was a declaration of love to her'
  • 3. lit. 'in their hands' but I guess the idea is rather that the whole world supported him
  • 4. more like 'down-to-earth', but that would feel a bit awkward here Teeth smile
  • 5. A character from Maxim Gorky's tale 'Старуха Изергиль'. I'm afraid that's a very Russian reference that would require a lot of explaining for little gain.
  • 6. 'how he went on the ice with a (hockey) stick'


Vedd fel a vörös cipőd és járd a blues-t
A számokra amit a rádióban játszanak
Míg a szín bevilágítja arcod
Rázzunk át a tömegen egy üres helyre
Ha azt mondod fuss, én veled fogok futni
Ha azt mondod bújj, el fogunk bújni
Mivel irántad érzett szerelmem
Félbeszakítaná a szívemet
Ha elesnél
A karjaimba
És remegnél mint a virág
Attól tartva, hogy elveszted kegyelmed
Attól tartva, ma este az egész
Belenézhetnél a szemembe
A holdfény alatt, a súlyos holdfény
Ha azt mondod fuss, én veled fogok futni
Ha azt mondod bújj, el fogunk bújni
Mivel irántad érzett szerelmem
Félbeszakítaná a szívemet
Ha elesnél
A karjaimba
És remegnél mint a virág
Vedd fel a vörös cipőd és járd a blues-t
A holdfény alatt, a súlyos holdfény

We march by the Kremlin

Versions: #2
On the square lit by a glorious sun1,
a celebration is underways.
Flags and standards flutter like wings
in the wind of youth.2
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
The word we say,
these songs we sing,
it all3 raises the youth like a flag
beyond the frontiers.
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
The sound of our song can be heard
in Prague, in Budapest, in Poland4
and even more young,
strong voices sing it.
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
Our song is a free messenger
praising peace and labour.
The day will come when
the whole world will sing our song!
We march by the Kremlin
and our pounding step
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by friend and foe alike!
is heard by the whole world!
  • 1. 'lit (as if by dawn) by the glory of the sun'
  • 2. 'The wind of youth makes the wings of flags and standards flutter'
  • 3. I'm not 100% sure why the verb is singular here, I suppose the word and the songs are handled as a whole
  • 4. So as to remind the guys there to behave, I guess...

Защо го направи?

Защо изглеждаш толкова добре с тези дънки?
Защо минаваш покрай мен с този задник?
Караш ме да мисля за непочтени неща.
Аз не съм такава.
Защо продължаваш да ми пишеш така? (По дяволите!)
Има други неща, върху които трябва да се съсредоточа, да.
Други задължения.
Аз не съм такава.
Защо го правиш?
Защо ми го причиняваш?
Момче, би ли спрял да си толкова готин?
Когато те зяпам, иска ми се да бях сляпа,
защото започвам да губя контрол.
Не, не мога да се отдам.
Защото откакто те срещнах,
моля се на колене
винаги да си наоколо,
никога да не си тръгваш,
но съм такова момиче, което има нужда винаги да е на свобода.
Защо ми го причини?
Защо го правиш?
Защо ми го причиняваш?
Не мога да спра да говоря за това, което ми направи.
Не ме оставяш да бъда такава, каквато трябва да съм.
Защо го правиш?
Защо ми го причиняваш?

Playboy playgirl

Playboy. Won't you invite me somewhere tonight?
Playboy. Because if you won't now, I'll watch tv at your home
On saturdays at a lively party I wanna make noise
I wanna stand out as much as possible ina party, dressed in style
Playboy. Do you want me to be your lover tonight?
Playboy. Do you want me to be your sweet escort?
On the saturday parties I wanna stand out with you
It's fine if they rumor that we go floding our arms in love
It's fine a couple rumor
Playboy playgirl Won't you come and play?
Playboy playgirl Won't you invite me?
Playboy. Do you wanna dance tonight until the morning?
Playboy. Do you wanna stare only at me?
Through a lively party I wanna sneak away with you
Just the two of us sneaking away, I want you to kiss me abruptly
I want you to kiss me
Playboy playgirl Won't you come and play?
Playboy playgirl Won't you call me?
On saturdays at a lively party I wanna make noise
Through a lively party I wanna sneak away with you
Just the two of us sneaking away, I want you to kiss me abruptly
I want you to kiss me
I'm really in love
Playboy playgirl Won't you come and play?
Playboy playgirl Won't you go anywhere?
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

It would have been better that she killed me

When she crosses my mind
old wounds come to life
then three nights and days
I don't go out from the bar
It would have been better that she killed me
than loved me
because this way me without her
I neither live, nor die
When this wine gets me
and memories make me ill
I would give everything including this life
to kiss her lips
Chorus. 2x
If it would have been possible
to spend the night by her side
I would have said 'yes' to that this very moment
to be my last
Chorus. 2x
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Like you're flying

She was so breakable, was so fragile
When you got to know her
Like a leave of a rose, so soft
She was a bit shaky, and sometimes a bit angry
But you could handle it
That's what I thought
The time passed and it seems like that
It went better with her bit by bit
Slowly she found the power
Your love turned out to be the right colour
And then happened
What I'd never expected
From the ground
You helped her building
Till he could do everything herself
Until she stood
Till she her legs and wings
Well, I hope she enjoys
All the beauty she sees now
And that the wind will carry her wings forever
Because you grant her luck
Despite your tears of sorrow
But I hope that she arms her for the fall
Because you know, my love
She seems much stronger than you now
But appearances are deceiving
She doesn't see it
Because if you fall, sometimes it is like you are flying
It feels like you are flying
He was so caring and charming
When you got to know him
Such a remedy for the pain
You kept going, broken heart
But he was unstoppable
To nice to be true
From the start
A sea of flowers he has there at your pedestal
But when he got you
Just as fast as he came, he went
Well, I hope he enjoys
All the beauty he sees now
And that he then find his luck there
Because you don't want to weigh him down
Despite your tears of sorrow
But I hope that he arms him for the fall
Because you know, my love
He seems much higher than you now
But appearances are deceiving
She doesn't see it
Because if you fall, sometimes it is like you are flying
It feels like you are flying
So don't think, my love, that you are the weakest
It's not that difficult to leave
Because when the storm rises
And everybody starts running the strongest trees will keep standing
And a head in the clouds yet doesn't say that someone can fly
Again and again the shortest route
Makes you faster
But does it make you wiser
I'm so proud of you
When I see how strong you are
And you become stronger

You got lost with me

You are my day and my night,
My every second and every syllable of my word
You are the answer
And the things I don't know
Standing there you looked at me sideways
There was someone else with you
I couldn't have kept calm
If I didn't know you wouldn't be mine
I don't know how many faces the winter has
I saw your crazy eyes at once
Maybe I wouldn't get to know you
If I didn't go to that concert
You got lost aftermath
I looked for you, you weren't there
I couldn't have kept calm
If I didn't know you'd be mine
I was sure you would come
You saw through the lenses of your glasses
I, on the other hand got lost
Because of the reality I was running from
I was sure you would come
Because of the reality I was running from
You saw through the lenses of your glasses
You got lost with me
I didn't talk about sex
Well, not only sex
A poem was written in Turkish
When I tried to call you
I got lost in your hair
I got burnt kissing your lips
Your winds made me flourish
Come and stop all of this if you want
I was sure you would come
You saw through the lenses of your glasses
I, on the other hand got lost
Because of the reality I was running from
I was sure you would come
Because of the reality I was running from
You saw through the lenses of your glasses
You got lost with me


Until bedtime, good day
Tomorrow too, good day
I’ve been waiting, always
From you, an SOS
I will go
Like Superman
From the day I met you
I feel like I can fly to the sky
Everything in the world is mine
Seeing your smile
I can forget about time
My time is yours
When you are feeling down
I wish you will call me
What a bodyguard
Only your bodyguard
Jumping towards you
Out of the illuminated city
What a bodyguard
Crossing any mountain and valley
Protecting you with my all
Always beside you, your bodyguard
A fearless Mazinger
Once a secret naked love
My body for your life, it changes form
Even so, feelings of “I want to see you”
Feelings of laughing together with you
Come round to me as power
Your smile is my power
When you are feeling down
I wish you will call me
What a bodyguard
Only your bodyguard
Jumping towards you
Out of the illuminated city
What a bodyguard
Crossing any mountain and valley
Protecting you with my all
Wrap yourself in my arms
Your sleeping face is so precious
I love you
What a bodyguard
Only your bodyguard
Jumping towards you
Out of the illuminated city
What a bodyguard
Crossing any mountain and valley
Protecting you with my all
What a bodyguard
Only your bodyguard
Jumping towards you
Out of the illuminated city
What a bodyguard
Crossing any mountain and valley
Protecting you with my all
Protecting you with my all

We are with you Karađorđe Petrović

The eagle screams from above,
the voice is heard from deep below -
Don't you worry, when danger comes,
we are with you,
Karađorđe Petrović!
When some time comes to tip the hat,
just call us, here we come!
We've been slaves for a long time
but now we're free.
Don't you worry, when danger comes,
we are with you,
Karađorđe Petrović.
Karađorđe, Serbian son,
you're our pride and joy.
Don't you worry, when danger comes,
we are with you,
Karađorđe Petrović.


She's 169 cm and naturally slim
Someone with a high metabolism who eats what she wants
She has long hair when I have short
And she doesn't need to waste time on exercise, gym, and sports
She has profits
And the nicest husband
Someone she can be with the rest of her life
She never doubted it
And they had already met when she was 23
She's just fine
Of course
She's not perfect
But she's lovely
Of course
I bet that she's never been scolded
That she's never been caught red-handed, that she's never messed up
That she's never overeaten
She's the type that shows up to morning meetings fresh and on time
Her clothes aren't expensive, but she looks the best in them
She's certainly never been unattractively drunk
She has godchildren in the east
She's environmentally conscious and always puts others first
She's just fine
Of course
She's not perfect
But she's lovely
Of course
She eats ecologically
She has buttons against fur
She's rarely on Facebook
She has plenty of time
She's cute when she laughs
And I'm not
She takes cloth bags to the store
When she goes shopping
She's politically correct
Never asks stupid questions
And she knows so many things that she doesn't talk about
She keeps quiet and she's interesting
When I'm too much and everything all at once
And I'm not jealous
Not envious
Of course
I'm better than that
Generous and kind
Of course
Yes, she's just fine
Of course
She's not perfect
Maybe a bit boring
Of course
Of course
Of course

A szíved könyve

[1. versszak]
Már az elején
Szavakba foglaltad
Hogy gondolod, hogyan kellene tovább mennünk, köszi
Egyedül akartál hagyni engem
A képekkel, amiket láttál
Ahol hol nem voltál
De ahová menni akarsz
Kérdezd a levelet és kérdezd a madarat
Hogy ne énekeljen vagy beszéljen
Nem vagyunk kitalált szereplők
De mi nem tartozunk ebbe a világba
A könyv, a szíved könyve
Egy kicsi jel, egy bejegyzés
A szíved könyvében
Bőrre kell írni
Hogy egyáltalán benne legyen
A szíved könyvében
[2. versszak]
Megváltoztathatod a neved, vagy hogy ki vagy
Ez a seb gyönyörűsége
Ez a szív szerződése
[Elő-kórus 2]
Ez az esküvőnk napja
Ez az ígéret, hogy maradni fogunk
A hosszú, leíró utakon
Ahol nem tudjuk, mit mondjunk
A könyv, a szíved könyve
Egy kicsi jel, egy bejegyzés
A szíved könyvében
Bőrre kell írni
Hogy egyáltalán benne legyen
A szíved könyvében
Bébi, csak téged szeretlek
Amit mi választottunk, az a szerelem
Bébi, nem tartozol hozzám
Nincs ott sem

Chacarera Of The Handsome

An old man gave me a word of advice:
to deserve
go around the square
before nightfall.
Rounds and rounds went by
several days and even a month,
eight pairs of espadrilles
but not one woman.
They already tell me gold crins
velay, what impudence
they get scared of seeing me alone
if that is already stubbornness.
To those who say are called 'ugly'
do not let youselves be convinced
Christian´s ideas
different ways of seeing
That's why I live alone
alone and without a love,
the glasses are my friends
and the night club is my wife.
Lies that I'm so ugly
envy they shall have of me,
it is enough that one stands out
for them to want to sweep you.
Lies that I'm so ugly
that I can´t get a woman,
the causes I know them
these are times of scarcity

I like the verb to feel

I like the verb 'to feel'...
To hear the noise of the sea,
to smell its scent.
To hear the sound of rain
wetting your lips,
to sense a pen
that's tracing feelings on a piece of paper.
Smelling the scent of your loved ones,
hearing their voice
and feeling it with your heart.
'To feel' is the verb of emotions,
one lies on the back of the world
and feels...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Lányok és Fiúk

Az utca mint a dzsungel
Hát hívd a rendőrséget
Követni a nyájat
Le Görögországba
Szerelem a 90-es években
Napos partokon
Próbálj meg keresni
Lányok akik fiúk
Akik szeretik ha a fiúk lányok
Akik úgy fiúznak mintha lányok lennének
Akik úgy csajoznak mintha fiúk lennének
Mindig kell valaki akit valóban szeretsz
Kerülni minden munkát
Mert senki nem elérhető
Mint az elvakultan gondolkodók
Számold meg a gondolataidat 1 2 3 4 5 ujjon
Semmi nem vesz kárba
Csak reprodukálásra kerül
Szörnyű hólyagokat kap
Du bist sehr schön
De még nem lettünk bemutatva

Tánc Valakivel

Törd össze a boldog otthonod
Tanulj meg együtt énekelni
A zenével, a zenére
Tapsolj a kezeddel és rázd
Egy nyári napon
A zenére, a zenére
[Kórus 2x]
Beleszeretek a kedvenc számodba
Egész este azt fogom énekelni
Táncolni fogok valakivel
Táncolni valakivel
Tánc, tánc, tánc
Táncolni fogok valakivel
Mikor teljesen egyedül vagy
Az otthonoddá válunk
Mi vagyunk a zene, mi vagyunk a zene
Mikor a szerelmed távol van
És elárultnak érzed magad
Mi vagyunk a zene, édes zene
[Kórus 2x]
Beleszeretek a kedvenc számodba
Egész este azt fogom énekelni
Táncolni fogok valakivel
Táncolni valakivel
Tánc, tánc, tánc
[Kórus 4x]
Beleszeretek a kedvenc számodba
Egész este azt fogom énekelni
Táncolni fogok valakivel
Táncolni valakivel
Tánc, tánc, tánc


Ahol az előváros találkozott az útópiával
Ahol az előváros találkozott az útópiával
Elveszve a bevásárló utcán, ahol a kutyák futnak
Csavargó külvárosi fiúk
Anyának van egy elvégzendő hajvágása
Azt mondja túl idősek a játékokhoz
A buszmegállóban állt egy filctollal
Ebben a külvárosi pokolban
És a távolban egy rendőrautó
Töri meg a külvárosi bájt
És fussunk a kutyákkal ma este a külvárosban
Nem tudsz elbújni
Fuss a kutyákkal ma este
A külvárosban
Törj ki egy ablaküveget a városházánál
Hallgasd egy sziréna üvöltését
Ott a távolban mint egy névsorolvasása
Minden külvárosi álomnak
Én csak nem akartam arra kószálni
Az újságok címlapján van
Ez a szükségük órája
Hol egy rendőr amikor szükséged van rá
Hogy a színes TV-t okold?


Once upon a time
I had a mate
Who has been waited, waited to me
With words waited to me
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Came, came and we went for a walk
Wind blewing and we came apart
I already don't have a mate
I already don't have a mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Where he will be, where he will be
I yet don't know it
Come, come he always comes
In the road
Wind blowing and raining
I already have a mate
He waits, he is been waiting to me
With words waits to me
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Ma-ma, Mate
Where he will be, where he will be
I yet don't know it
Come, come he always comes
In the road

Amerikai Lány

Versions: #2
Szerelembe estem egy kisbolt parkolójában
A járdaszegélyen ülve jégkását iszunk, amibe egy kis alkoholt kevertünk
Az álmainkról beszélgettünk és arról, hogy mutatjuk meg majd mindenkinek mire vagyunk képesek
Azt mondtam neki, hogy van egy tervem és uralkodni fogok
És nincs szükségem egy férfira, hogy az utamba álljon
De ha a kezeiddel beszélsz, talán egyezkedhetünk
Csak tovább mozgatom a testem (igen)
Mindig kész vagyok a bulizásra (igen)
Nem, nem hallgatok anyucira (igen)
És soha sem fogok bocsánatot kérni
Egy amerikai lány vagyok
Forró vérű és indulásra kész
Imádom átvenni az irányítást a világ felett
Forró vérű, ízig-vérig amerikai lány
A televízión nőttem fel
Minden nap egy verseny
Tedd a kulcsot a gyújtásomba
Látni akarok minden csillagot, és minden egyebet
Venni akarok egy új szívet egy automatából
Mert ez egy szabad ország, szóval kedvesem azt teszünk, amit csak akarunk
Csak tovább mozgatom a testem (igen)
Mindig kész vagyok a bulizásra (igen)
Nem, nem hallgatok anyucira (igen)
És soha sem fogok bocsánatot kérni
Egy amerikai lány vagyok
Forró vérű és indulásra kész
Imádom átvenni az irányítást a világ felett
Forró vérű, ízig-vérig amerikai lány
A televízión nőttem fel
Minden nap egy verseny
Tedd a kulcsot a gyújtásomba
Tudod, hogy milyen fényesen fogunk ragyogni
(Oh milyen fényesen fogunk ragyogni)
Oh kedvesem egész este nem állunk le
(Oh egész este nem állunk le)
Tudod, hogy milyen fényesen fogunk ragyogni
(Oh milyen fényesen fogunk ragyogni)
Oh kedvesem egész este nem állunk le
Egy amerikai lány vagyok
Forró vérű és indulásra kész
Imádom átvenni az irányítást a világ felett
Forró vérű, ízig-vérig amerikai lány
A televízión nőttem fel
Minden nap egy verseny
Tedd a kulcsot a gyújtásomba
Egy amerikai lány vagyok
Forró vérű és indulásra kész
Imádom átvenni az irányítást a világ felett (átveszem az irányítást)
Egy amerikai lány vagyok

The Night

Oh night, come to bring the land*,
the calm enchantment of your mystery.
The shadow that escorts it it´s so sweet,
so sweet is the concert of your fingers singing the hope
so huge is your power transforming everything into a happy dream
Oh night, leave once more for the land*
the calm enchantment of your mystery,
the shadow that escorts it it´s so sweet.
Is it a beauty as beautiful as the dream?
Is is by real more sweet than the hope?

The girls in Boghassa

The girls in Boghassa will never know
That we fled since the first attack.
And now these men
Were entrusted by the front with a task:
They must prove that they are brave.
We liberate our village with old rifles
and with knives or stones
otherwise we'll all die together.
And when I then think of how we fought
without water at dawn
I remember that our men were brave.
The girls in Boghassa will never know
That we fled since the first attack.

You Roam The Garden And Ponder The Thought...

You roam the garden and ponder the thought.
Shadow has spilled on the flowering spot.
Ask gentle breeze during sonorous night:
Birch noise in Russia's the same, am I right?
Ardently ask the serene crystal Moon:
Same clear rivers through motherland're strewn?
Moon rays and night breeze will answer your call...
You'll learn all that, just keep quiet, that's all.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


Like, perhaps just a little bit,
In case it, like,
well, yeah
Yeah, exactly like this, like, definitely
Yeah, like this or whatever, I guess that's it
Well, I think maybe it could, like, y'know
Like if it could just somehow, y'know
So it would be a bit like, y'know
'Cause then it'd all be, y'know
I walk around the perimeter rather than through the center
Making sure there's always a way back out
They all go to take a sip just to end up getting drunk
Long live words which scatter far
Like, actually
Like, that's it, relatively
Like, actually
Like, that's it, relatively
Like, y'know what I mean, or dontcha?
Whoa, wait, you can't like, this can't be
But, well, it's not like, wow, that's weird
Like this stuff's all kinda weird
So I think maybe it could, like, y'know
Like if it could just somehow, y'know
So it would be a bit like, y'know
'Cause then it'd all be, y'know
I walk around the perimeter rather than through the center
Making sure there's always a way back out
They all go to take a sip just to end up getting drunk
Long live words which scatter far
Like, actually
(like, you know)
Like (well, maybe not), relatively perfect
(Whoa, wait, you can't)
Like (not totally), actually
(Wow, that's weird)
Like (stuff's all kinda), relatively perfect
Feel free to repost elsewhere. Please let me know of any mistakes you find!

Empty Ships

Empty Ships goes by from the coast of my Soul (Heart)
My Souls is tired and sickened from the count of my enemies
What should I understand from your look?
Was it obvious from your escape?
Empty Ships goes by from the coast of my Soul (Heart)
My Souls is tired and sickened from the count of my enemies
What should I understand from your look?
Was it obvious from your escape?
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Off what a sigh Off
Someone built a wall I saw it
Everybody was blind so I curse
Everybody saw
We need some Hope, some dialog, a Caravan
Everybody laugh
So I curse
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Off what a sigh Off

Our Song

You started humming right as I did
it was something that happened often, but we still laughed
Such occurrences may be trivial, but they still make me happy
because I want to think that you and I are special
Sometimes I get anxious and try to find
the invisible bonds that bind us together
Even if others may laugh, I strongly believe
including now, I’m always, always wishing for future where we are together
Look up front and walk, because you ain’t all alone
“We'll be fine no matter what”
It’s nice to laugh together
Walking together on the way back home, I suddenly looked at the wide sky
That our small beings were able to meet is itself a wonderful thing
“Your casual time and the ordinary tomorrow
are irreplaceable things” -is what you taught me
No matter the tomorrow, if you are there I can surely go on
Let’s always, always walk together to a future where we both are
Your smile always gives me the courage to look up front
No matter the day, if its us surely we’ll be okay
It’s nice to laugh together
Even I can become strong if you are just by my side
That’s why, on times when you feel crushed I want to be by your side
Even if others may laugh, I strongly believe
including now, I’m always, always wishing for future where we are together
Look up front and walk, because you ain’t all alone
“One day you and I were destined”
Walking together while laughing is nice

Coolness - You're Dancing

Red colored lights come on
At the party, we're not alone with you.
Vibrating joy overtakes us
Today again, like it's the first time.
Moving is easy and you're dancing
And you're dancing, you're dancing. (x2)
And you're dancing, you're dancing. (x4)
Red colored lights come on
At the party, we're not alone with you.
Vibrating joy overtakes us
Today again, like it's the first time.
Moving is easy and you're dancing
And you're dancing, you're dancing. (x2)
And you're dancing, you're dancing. (x4)

Spongebob Squarepants (German Theme)

Everything alright Kids?
Aye-Aye Captain!
Doesn't get it louder?
Aye-Aye Captain!
Who lives in a pineapple deep in the sea?
SpongeBob SquarePants!
Very strong and yellow and porous but really
SpongeBob SquarePants!
If you like to want Pacific nonsense...
SpongeBob SquarePants!
Then get on board and don't come too late
SpongeBob SquarePants!
And Everyone!
SpongeBob SquarePants,
SpongeBob SquarePants,
SpongeBob SquarePants,
SpongeBob SquarePants,
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Látom, hogy meggondolod
Bárcsak gondolatolvasó lennék
Mozgás, vagy ki a sorból
túl késő az imához
Tudom, hogy talán kifogy a levegőnk,
Talán halálra rémülünk
A változás, akár egy lépés
Meg kell tenni.
Visszaszámlálás és megyünk ó-ó-ó
Kapaszkodj, gyere közelebb
Olyan magasra, hogy a csillagok a vállunkra üljenek,
Az idő elrepül, ne hunyd be a szemed
Csókról csókra a szerelem olyan, mint egy vad menet
Ami felvisz, talán felforgat minket
Az élet nem mindig habos torta
Ez egy hullámvasút
Ez egy hullámvasút
Nem tudok hazudni és nem fogom tettetni
Tudom, mit hoz a kanyar
Túl késő újrakezdeni
Nem fogok lassabban menni
Csak csússzunk le a pályáról
Repülni fogunk, vagy talán összezúzódni
Ne nézz le, ne nézz hátra
Mert még nincs vége
Kapaszkodj, gyere közelebb
Olyan magasra, hogy a csillagok a vállunkra üljenek,
Az idő elrepül, ne hunyd be a szemed
Csókról csókra a szerelem olyan, mint egy vad menet
Ami felvisz, talán felforgat minket
Az élet nem mindig habos torta
Ez egy hullámvasút
Ez egy hullámvasút
Visszaszámlálás és megyünk ó-ó-ó
Szóval kapaszkodj, gyere közelebb
Olyan magasra, hogy a csillagok a vállunkra üljenek,
Az idő elrepül, ne hunyd be a szemed
Csókról csókra a szerelem olyan, mint egy vad menet
Ami felvisz, talán felforgat minket
Az élet nem mindig habos torta
Ez egy hullámvasút
Ez egy hullámvasút
Ez egy hullámvasút

What Do I Think About?

What do I think about? I think of shooting night stars...
Look over there how one like silent spirit flies
And cuts the air leaving trace of diamond light scars,
Behold, its faint trace quickly dies...
Don't question me, don't ask to where this star rolled down.
For I am begging you: be quiet, do not breathe!
I feel that it has shattered into radiant sounds
Inside my soul deep down beneath.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.