Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 127

Találatok száma: 5101


Corfam and Leather

Wet dreams in the night
I feel so terribly hot
My bedsheet is bundle of linen
I'm soaked in sweat
The lady from the shady world
I know her very well
She had often come to introduce herself
Like she always does
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
The lady from the shady world
I know her very well
She had often come to meet us
Like she always does
A hot breath from her mouth
Blows in my ear and sings
Her naked body is wriggling
On the floor to the choir
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Wet dreams in the night
I feel so terribly hot
My bedsheet is bundle of linen
I'm soaked in sweat
The lady from the shady world
I know her very well
She had often come to introduce herself
Like she always does
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather
Corfam and leather

Trust in Me

Have faith
In me, only in me
Fall asleep
And trust only me
(Don't move now)
Go to sleep
With me
By your side
Fall into sweet slumber
Sail on the dream's wing
Clouds of fog surround your senses
All the way
(You're snoring)
Count on me
Trust only me
Have faith
In me, only in me

Műanyag szivárvány

Hagytam, hogy összeolvassz
egy műanyag szivárvánnyá,
tűrtem, hogy ott lógok
a rémületes égen.
Hagytam, hogy ráncot tetoválj
a hófehér arcra,
most egy férfi lábnyomait látom,
amint átfutnak a szememen.
Megvetem ezeket a tökéletes hazugságokat,
mondogatom magamnak éjjel-nappal,
búcsúcsókot adok a megfeketedett szívemre,
elmenekülök ezek elől a dolgok elől és játszom.
Hé, látod, muszáj elfelejtenem,
hogy egy műanyag szivárvány lettem,
a Naptól elolvadok,
lezuhanok az égből
millió színes hazugság formájában.
Elég ezekből az ideálokból, ideálokból, igen.
Széttöröm, mint egy Barbie babát,
belenyomom az arcát a mocsokba,
a kék Maybelline szempillaspirált
elsöpri a kedvenc pólóm.
És akárki, aki azt gondolta, összejön velem,
meg fog sebezni?
A műanyag kardod túl sokszor is,
fekete harisnyában, fekete miniben …
Megvetem ezeket a tökéletes hazugságokat,
mondogatom magamnak éjjel-nappal,
búcsúcsókot adok a megfeketedett szívemre,
elmenekülök ezek elől a dolgok elől és játszom.
Hé, látod, muszáj elfelejtenem,
hogy egy műanyag szivárvány lettem,
a Naptól elolvadok,
lezuhanok az égből
millió színes hazugság formájában.
Elég ezekből az ideálokból, ideálokból, igen.
Igen, egy műanyag szivárvány lettem,
igen, lezuhanok az égből
millió színes hazugság formájában.
A pénzed segített egy ideig,
de most nem tehetek mást, mint hogy


Minden éjszaka ugyanazt álmodom
Rólad és rólam és ami köztünk van
Annyi változás, annyi hazugság
Próbálok futni, próbálok elbújni
Mindentől, amit belül érzek
De nem tudok elmenekülni előled, vagy a fagyott szemeidtől
A sötétségben kutatok
Elhalványodik a látótérből
Itt volt a szerelem és eltűnt, mint egy tolvaj az éjszakában
És azt hittem, jól ismerlek
Nem tudom megtörni a varázslatod
Még egy sötét és üres éjszaka
Ha tévedtem, jóvá akarom tenni
De olyan hűvös vagy, annyira messze
A szavaid, mint jég hullanak a földre
Megtörve a csendet egy hang nélkül
Oh, ismerős idegenek, mondanivaló nélkül
A sötétségben kutatok
Elhalványodik a látótérből
Itt volt a szerelem és eltűnt, mint egy tolvaj az éjszakában
És azt hittem, jól ismerlek
Nem tudom megtörni a varázslatod
Itt hagysz Jéghidegen
A sötétségben kutatok
Elhalványodik a látótérből
Itt volt a szerelem és eltűnt, mint egy tolvaj az éjszakában
És azt hittem, jól ismerlek
Jéghideg vagy... igen
Nem tudom megtörni a varázslatod
Jéghideg vagy... igen
Azt hittem, jól ismerlek
Jéghideg vagy... jéghideg
Nem tudom megtörni a varázslatod
(A mélyhűtőbe raktál)
(Oh bébi, ne hagyj el)
(Hideg... Jég, itt hagysz hidegen)
Jéghideg... azt hittem, jól ismerlek
Jéghideg... Nem tudom megtörni a varázslatod

Bomb the System

[Verse 1]
The good old little Secta in the fucking pot,
for all the rappers, I'm like the imp Fiut*,
I'm not responsible for the stench of a corpse, but I'm probably crazy,
when I go off the rails once I smell a gunpowder.
And your crowd of rebellion, uncle, feed it with pink phosphorus,
it's like Ozzy Osbourne gets eight Oscar,
Cosa Nostra - life on the street - a rough teacher,
Sweet Tale - Dr. Dolittle and Stuart Little.
All I do is counting on the paper,
I have the joints of а breaker and the knees of а skater,
don't sulk, honey, karma is a hater,
you are not abstract, listening to Tyler the creator.
Their fate of rapper, bro, is on battles
and let their commentator be Robin Kafaliev,
the industry has recently been filled with fools,
better be on stale bread than a too salty meal.
I'm asking, 'What's up?', The goal is Bomb the System,
for a long time I've been doing what I want with this BG rap.
I ask, 'What's up?' and I don't want the answer,
if you don't jump on the track, carry a Cosmodisk. / x2
[Verse 2]
An old foundation, the building has no bearing, what
I burn it so much they can put me in jail.
With Chervensky doing songs, like we were playing in the yard,
if we write track after a live in Stara Zagora,
ye ye ye From midwest to down town
the track makes Gandalf to climb the Schwarzwald,
in your gypsy ghetto, but you're like a white scout,
I refuse to listen to the stupid demos in Soundcloud.
Time out, let's go over the rules,
I remember most in the game, ironically,
familiar story, agony on people's faces
and children, not in harmony with things.
Spectators, you'll be witnessing something,
which is very likely to mess with your heads.
Don't blame me, I don't care for unintentional
the bent, ordered my refrain makes them heavy,
but let them perceive us as obsessed with demons,
wow, here's the time to take a breath, holding your world in my hands,
once again you feel like you are in a children's playpens.
Known for being away from this mediocre circle,
cross my heart- absolutely insane, ok - mental,
you see me turning my eyes on the benches in front of National**.
Get your Cosmodisk,
don't forget your Cosmodisk,
no way, na na na na ...
I'm asking, 'What's up?', The goal is Bomb the System,
for a long time I've been doing what I want with this BG rap.
I ask, 'What's up?' and I don't want the answer,
if you don't jump on the track, carry a Cosmodisk. /x4

Lelki béke

Most elkenődött vagy, mert be kellett fizetned az adót,
a jövő nagyon nehézkesen alakul,
futni akarsz, de nem visznek a lábaid,
és nem tudod eldönteni, melyik úton indulj,
igen, igen, igen.
Én értem az indíttatást,
de nem érdekel, ha lemaradok,
az emberek versengésben élnek,
és én nem akarok mást, csak egy kis nyugalmat.
A munkahelyi ranglétra tetejére jutottál,
remélem, nem tart sokáig.
Nem érted? Eljön az az idő, amikor ennek nem lesz jelentősége,
eljön az idő, amikor itt hagyjuk ezt a világot.
Én értem az indíttatást,
de nem érdekel, ha lemaradok,
az emberek versengésben élnek,
és én nem akarok mást, csak egy kis nyugalmat.
Vess egy pillantást a jövőre,
vess egy pillantást a jövőre,
igen, igen, igen, igen
ó …
Most mindenkinek van egy frappáns bölcsessége, amit szem előtt kellene tartanunk,
nem különösebben érdekelnek,
az emberek többsége úgy tesz, mintha élnének,
nem tudják eldönteni, kinek is kellene lenniük valójában.
Én értem az indíttatást,
de nem érdekel, ha lemaradok,
az emberek versengésben élnek,
és én nem akarok mást, csak egy kis nyugalmat.
Vess egy pillantást a jövőre,
vess egy pillantást a jövőre,

Beauty Bomb

Tasty and without brands
I blow up to smithereens the trends
In the shop windows, stands
All in tears the mannequins
Ha-a, ha-a, ha-a
If you want to save them
Ha-a, ha-a, ha-a
Find my nickname in instagram
Baby applying the beauty
For the summer paints lips
Like a candy sweet
In love with her the planet
Like Shakespeare with Juliette
Without advice from the others
From modern into retro
This baby
Beauty bomb
Beauty bomb
[Verse 2]
Prada on the glasses frame
The shadows from couture on her face
With make up we'll fix the day again
Without the bills that counterfeit
Ha-a, ha-a, ha-a
Behind the cover is a vast world
Ha-a, ha-a, ha-a
Look, we are opening it all
Baby applying the beauty
For the summer paints lips
Like a candy sweet
In love with her the planet
Like Shakespeare with Juliette
Without advice from the others
From modern into retro
This baby
Beauty bomb
Beauty bomb
Beauty bomb
Beauty bomb
[Verse 3]
Hoo, uuu, uuuu
Hoo, uuu, uuuu
(Hoo, uuu, uuu) For a moment in paints I'll drown
(Hoo, uuu, uuu) I'm a magnet for everyone around
(Hoo, uuu, uuu) Succulent meadow lures me into the summer
(Hoo) Be quiet or I'll do a runner
Beauty bomb
Hey, 911

The Child I'm Leaving Behind

Attention! I'm in mortal danger
And I've already warned you
She will stay here and I will go away
This child of mine
Evil people are after her
This child of mine
On a tide of misfortune
God gave me this offspring
That I brought into the world
And she will stay here
When I am gone


Wanna go see the ocean babe
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
Answer me quickly, now now now now
So good, sweet showers
Even the candlelight in my room
Make me feel good
I wanna get closer to you tonight
Might be a little early for this, might be a little fast
I just wanna say say
Sometimes, being spontaneous is good
boy what do you say
So take me there
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
I’m not easy, I don’t trust men
But you’re the exception
You make my heart open
Maybe today’s the day, let’s check our feelings
Tonight is the night
We fit together so well like coca and cola
This is what you said said
Honestly, you don’t know how to hide it
Boy I like that way
So take me there
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
You and me, with the cool breeze
Let’s leave together with a kiss
I’m waiting, take me away
It’s a heart fluttering night, it’s getting hot
Give me all your love
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now
Wanna go see the ocean babe
yeah you&I
If it’s with you, I’m down down down down
Let me get in the passengers seat
yeah you&I
Answer me quickly, now now now now

They’ll go away

Versions: #2
Sing how a day go away with the sun
In this evening hour.
Maybe we‘ll recall this day more than once
When we are in a far land.
Sing me how a lucid moon floats by
Over cool river air.
But I ask not to remind
That nothing is for ever
But I ask not to remind
That nothing is for ever
They’ll go away, days of sad and happy.
They’ll go away in the Universe.
They’ll go away, but you should believe that
Love will never leave us in this world.
Sing me how ships are heading to aims
Through the storm and thunder.
Sing that everything on the Earth
Is for the sake of our love.
Sing about two hearts that beat side by side
Never tired together
But forget and not remind,
That nothing is for ever.
But forget and not remind
That nothing is for ever
They’ll go away, days of sad and happy.
They’ll go away in the Universe.
They’ll go away, but you should believe that
Love will never leave us in this world.
Sing how a day go away with the sun
In this evening hour.
Maybe we‘ll recall this day more than once
When we are in a far land.
Sing me how this blue moon through the night
Looks and shines over there.
But I ask not to remind,
That nothing is for ever
But I ask not to remind
That nothing is for ever
They’ll go away, days of sad and happy.
They’ll go away in the Universe.
They’ll go away, but you should believe that
Love will never leave us in this world.
Love will never leave
Love will never leave

Our Future Must Improve

Versions: #2
We've been staying home for long
And our life needs some change
The streets are crowded,
crowded with people waiting in line
I want to escape the noise and fly away
Micro-bus drivers are like lunatics
they overtake us left and right
They park in the middle of the street
And argue with you:
'Where else can I go?'
'Oh man, you've blinded us with this smoke
Find a way to fix your exhaust
You're still standing there?
C'mon, get up and sing with us'
Our future must improve and become better
if we change our lives a little bit
Changing is an easy matter
if we focus and make some progress
We have been running errands since morning
and we've been walking for long
we found a street-café
and a lot of people sitting
We decided to sit and drink something
because we were thirsty
We found everyone gazing and absent-minded
They were watching the TV
and happy as they were playing backgammon
We asked them: who are you?
They said: 'we are the free people who have nothing to do
Our homes are crowded and we've escaped them
We wanted to achieve something
but we couldn't..'
'Maybe it's because you never focus
And you are lost in life and absent-minded
You will stay here, sitting like this
And years will pass you by
You must think it through
and find the right way to think about this'
Again we went to walk out on the street
and after a traffic jam
we found a school
where kids were jumping over the fence
They all decided to skip school after just getting there
And no one cares for attendance nor absence
The teachers and the principal
all have canes of every shape and color
So many students are absent because they have a cold
or others got tired in class and fell asleep
And I asked myself: whose fault is it,
the students or the teachers?
But anyways, we keep on walking
A, B, C, D , E
Mahrous wanted to shave his sideburns
When we parked near his barber
we found many people waiting at his door
Turns out he's been causing a turmoil
He shaves 3 people's beards with the same razor
at the same time to save money
but he also infects them with viruses
'I didn't shave, I am lucky!'
'Oh man, what are you doing?
Don't you know you're infecting people?'
'And you all are silent, not speaking a word
Won't you ever learn
and take a step forward?'
We were lost on the streets
with no one around us
And suddenly we found
ourselves at a wedding
We looked at the couple sitting, and were shocked
We couldn't believe our eyes
'Oh happy days,
congratulations to you!'
The bride's father is letting his daughter
marry a man as old as his own father..
The girl is in prep school
and wanted to study the law
And what did the baby
they will bring into this world ever do to deserve this?
You are being a backward thinker
You must give your girl a chance
to educate herself, exactly like a boy is given this chance
So that maybe when she grows she would be able
to accomplish an impressive achievement
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I breathe for you

Call me whatever you want and let's fly.
We'll let go sand go through the fingers of the night
I feel so, so, so good with you.
I'm used to you being next to me and I ask that:
Come on, Let me into your heart
Come on, breathe with me - the purest high
Come closer! I'm with you! Do you hear? No one without you
Let the angels know that I won't lose you tonight.
I breathe for you without stopping.
You really are like smoke. You're my drug.
You really are like poison. You're like me.
I'm drunk for you! You're my ocean.
I breathe for you without stopping.
You really are like smoke. You're my drug.
You really are like poison. You're like me.
I'm drunk for you! You're my ocean.
I breathe for you without stopping.
You really are like smoke. You're my drug.
You really are like poison. You're like me.
I'm drunk for you! You're my ocean.
There's something wrong with me...
Your breath is so close.
You're infuriated. There's a fire glistening in your eyes.
Pieces of you are within my soul.
If they are like birds forever -
I'll dream of you anyways.
Do you remember how on the roofs
we loved and dreamed bigger?
Come on, Let me into your heart
Come on, breathe with me - the purest high
Come closer! I'm with you! Do you hear? No one without you
Let the angels know that I won't lose you tonight.
I breathe for you without stopping.
You really are like smoke. You're my drug.
You really are like poison. You're like me.
I'm drunk for you! You're my ocean.
I breathe for you without stopping.
You really are like smoke. You're my drug.
You really are like poison. You're like me.
I'm drunk for you! You're my ocean.
I breathe for you without stopping.
You really are like smoke. You're my drug.
You really are like poison. You're like me.
I'm drunk for you! You're my ocean.

There're big bosses

[Hotep and Huy:]
In a name of the God Ra...
[You] thought you came with this stick
And the villains would dart away as fast as they can
Forgive us this pathetic laugh
But we're gonna show you who's the [real] God here
Boy 1
There're big bosses2, brother
There're big bosses, brother
That's so cute!
The agility of our gestures
Will show you that
There're big bosses, brother
There're big bosses, brother
There're big bosses, brother
Poor thing, in front of you
There are two real mages
Stow your childish games3
Your crutch is off the mark
There're big bosses, brother
[Priests' Choir:]
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anukis
Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet...
[Hotep and Huy:]
There're big bosses, brother
Local big bosses, brother
The Gods will command
And you'll be buried in the ground
Have you started a fight?
Not the best time.
Our hearts don't hold anger
If you want you'll be our assistant
Stick with us and you'll be happy
[Or else] You'll die for the truth
There're big bosses
There're big bosses
Big bosses, big bosses
Big bosses, big bosses
Big bosses, big bosses
There're big bosses, brother
  • 1. more literal translation is «son»
  • 2. Practically, «Дяди» can be translated both as «Uncles» or «Men» depending on the meaning of the word
  • 3. literally «Stow your kindergarten»

You're Playing Against the Best Now

With the power from Ra!
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Nephthys, Nekhbet, Sobek, Sekhmet
Sokar, Selket, Reshpu, Wadjet
Anubis, Anukis, Seshmu, Meshkent
Hemsut, Tefnut, Heket, Mafdet
Mut, Nut, Ptah
Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket
Seshmu, Reshbu, Sobek, Wadjet
Heket, Mafdet, Nephthys, Nekhbet
So you think you have powerful friends?
We become so scared that we almost die
Yes, sorry that we smile, but we feel
That you should think about what you're doing
You're playing against the best now
Playing against the best now (Oh, how adorable)
Hot as a sauna
The words burn sharply
You're playing against the best now
(With the power from Ra!)
You're playing against the best now (Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah)
You're playing against the best now (Hemsut, Tefnut, Sokar, Selket)
See our show
We can do all the tricks
Obey our smallest gesture, then you
Go out and take in the next one
You're playing against the best now
With the power from Ra
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anukis, Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet
You're playing against the best now (x2)
We do all the tricks, snakes or monsters
We can get you down on your knees
So if you want to fight
If you want a fight
We're in, go on, all right
Even if our schedule is tight
But first, you'll bow now (Kowtow)
We almost always win
You're playing against the best now
Playing against the best now (x9)
Please do not try to edit my submissions and translations in any form. If I made a mistake, please correct me in the comments instead of editing on your own. If I need help, I’ll ask for it.


Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
and throw my words through the wind.
Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
I run after you to the end of the world barefoot!
[Verse 1]:
If it wasn't for you, where would I be?
If there wasn't strength, my seas, seas
Would they still blow away the poles of the sail with wind?
Love was a light. A white strip.
Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
and throw my words through the wind.
Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
I run after you to the end of the world barefoot!
[Verse 2]:
I'm after you barefoot on shattered glass.
You pierce my heart with a needle.
You crush me, you crush me from within.
Take and look at my skin.
You crumble to pieces,
You fall asleep with me and wake up.
I can't live without you, it's impossible to live without you
My feelings from you glide to you.
Chorus (x2):
Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
and throw my words through the wind.
Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
I run after you to the end of the world barefoot!
[Verse 3]:
If it wasn't for you, where would I be?
If there wasn't strength, my seas, seas
Would they still blow away the poles of the sail with wind?
Love was a light. A white strip.
Chorus (x2):
Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
and throw my words through the wind.
Dew in my face. I'm walking barefoot towards you
I run after you to the end of the world barefoot!

Szeretni valakit ...

Létezik egy fény,
egy bizonyos fajta fény,
ami soha nem ragyogott rám.
Szeretném az életem
veled élni le,
veled élni le.
Létezik egy módja,
mindenki azt mondja,
ahogyan megvalósíthatunk bármit.
De mi értelme lenne,
ha nem vagy az enyém,
nem vagy az enyém.
- énekkar
Kicsim, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Kicsim fogalmad sincs milyen.
Szeretni valakit.
Szeretni valakit,
ahogyan én szeretlek téged.
újra látom arcodat.
Ismerős nekem ez a lelkiállapot.
Te nem lehetsz ennyire vak
és, hogy én vak vagyok,
oly nagyon vak.
Férfi vagyok,
hát nem látod mi vagyok?
Érted élek minden lélegzettemmel.
De mi a haszna az egésznek,
ha nem vagy az enyém,
nem vagy az enyém.
Kicsim, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Kicsim fogalmad sincs milyen,
szeretni valakit.
Szeretni valakit,
ahogyan én szeretlek téged.
Ó nem, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Kicsim fogalmad sincs milyen,
szeretni valakit.
Szeretni valakit,
ahogyan én szeretlek téged.
Nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, fogalmad sincs milyen.
Fogalmad sincs milyen,
fogalmad sincs milyen
szeretni valakit.
Dana Kósa

Yummy, Little Thing

It's not that I'm old, life doesn't get me
It's that I'm over loneliness
I don't have anything more than my life and my throat,
And I don't have the strength to tell you 'no'.
If you look at me a little bit, I'll leave you
If you leave me, I can't fly anymore
But if you don't realize, I lose myself
And if I lose myself, you can't find me anymore
And if If I lose myself, you can't find me anymore
(You make me feel so hot) x3
'I come from the beach, the blood that burns,
**my eyes on fire?, my skin is tanned
I have so many urges, I can't stand it anymore
We're going for a round tonight
And take me to the movies, and we're going to dance
So that the body begins to sweat.
A slow song starts the relaxation,
Everyone's on the track, you're up and me down,
Take a hint, take a hint, look, don't cut me short
I like cool grinding 1
Smoking, getting high, and also connecting
I'm enamored by you
And tonight, we're getting drinks
Take me to your house or to where you please
Because with you I feel hypnotized
Because with you I feel it's connected
Take me to the bedroom, so that it's better
So that we can slowly make love, yea,
Take off my clothes, take off (the skin?)
I want to see your eyes open wide
Kiss me slowly, and caress me
And meanwhile I'll take off your shirt,
I'll keep going lower, tell me what it feels like
Now that I'm closer, I see sweat on your forehead
I put myself on the bed, everyone's on one side
Everyone's at the party, you're up,
Me down, up, down
(You make me feel so high, carajo,
You make me feel so hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh)
Take a hint, take hint, look, don't cut me short
And I like the cool grinding
Smoking, getting high, and also connecting
I'm enamored by you
And tonight, we're getting drinks
And take me to your hose or where you please
Because with you I feel hypnotized
Because with you I feel it's connected
Everyone's on the track, you're up, me down
Take a hint, take hint, look, don't cut me short
And I like the cool grinding
Smoking, getting high, and also connecting
I'm enamored by you
And tonight we're getting drinks,
And take me to your house or where you please,
Because with you I feel hypnotized
Because with you I feel it's connected
  • 1. cool grinding

Now I'm Leaving

In the darkness of my room I stand alone
I'm still afraid
Because every tear is called
By your name*
My old man yelled
'For my Croatia'
And knelt for the last time
In the city a hero
But a foreign sun now calls me
I might realize my dreams
I'm leaving now, but I turn around
There I'm leaving my tears and smiles
Once more I pass by that meadow
Where victories ushered consolations
If he's up there, I hope he's asleep
His boy's leaving while Sava** flows quietly
A foreign sun now calls me
I might realize my dreams
I'm leaving now, but I turn around
There I'm leaving my tears and smiles
Once more I pass by that meadow
Where victories ushered consolations
I'm leaving now, but I turn around
There I'm leaving my tears and smiles
Once more I pass by that meadow
Where victories ushered consolations
Where victories ushered consolations

A mistake

I made a mistake once and was left without you, you have punished me for life, you’d have better shot me, without you I am lost, wondering in the streets, shocked.
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul,
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul.
I am paying in tears and suffering,
you won’t forgive me, I am uselessly pleading you.
You’d have better shot me,
without you I am lost, wondering in the streets, shocked.
oo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul,
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul.
oo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul,
Ooo…I made a mistake once and hurt myself,
Ooo…a mistake has destroyed my soul.

The Heavens Did Weep

The heavens did weep on the days of remembrance,
Washing down the grief with a cold rain.
Tears of farewell rolled out within the soul,
Leaving in the heart something unexplored ...
Leaning over her son there at the end,
He was her only one, her only hope ...
In a black scarf, with sacrificial wailing
To him, in farewell she had said:
For fortune, I nurtured you, my beloved son,
And I had thought - you would be my support.
I'm sorry, dear mother, I loved Ukraine,
I will be coming to you in a dream ...
You will see me in the fragrant kalyna
Gently blooming in the garden there under the window.
And also in the fortunate new Ukraine,
In the radiant Easter at our table!
When you put on, with your father a festive shirt
Remembering that day you gave birth in a thunderstorm,
My soul will be with you in the corner
Wiping away tears gently from your eyes ...
The heavens did weep on the days of remembrance,
Washing down the grief with a cold rain.
Tears of farewell rolled out within the soul,
Leaving in the heart something unexplored ...
To you I will come...
To share a page with you:

Dance On Broken Glass

Month of February
Month of change
What kind of change
what do you think?
Flooded with promises
Poison swallowed
Got nailed
Even grand kids got debt
Lies, what foolishness
No free freedom
There is recompense
It's a fake show*
Is this real?
EDSA ** of change
Where, when, who?
Dance, dance, dance on broken glass
Surely going to bump their head
Joy goes on
For different plantations***
Workers and farmers
Tummies go hungry
Different conflicts
robberies, violence
when will you stop
involving the people
Lies, what foolishness
No free freedom
There is recompense
It's a fake show*
Is this real?
EDSA ** of change
Where, when, who?
Dance, dance, dance on broken glass
Surely going to bump their head
Month of February
Month of change
What kind of change
Dance, dance, dance on broken glass
Surely going to bump their head

Shy Boy

tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap
Time Time Time To Shine (Oh)
Time Time Time Secret Time (Yeah)
Time Time Time To Shine (Oh)
Oh Oh Oh Secret Time
Don’t sway ah ah
you you don’t joke around ah ah you you
ooo ooo I can’t hold back anymore Stop
Please stop acting like you exist ah ah No No
Now, a man like you ah ah No No
ooo ooo I can’t hold back anymore Stop
Shameless shameless
the womanizer is shameless
A lot of words, really there’s a lot,
there’s also a lot of girls
Just you, just you for my sake
Even if I look naive, please just love me
You Are My Shy Shy Shy Boy
(Shy Shy Shy Boy)
Oh Oh Oh My Boy (My My My Boy)
Even if he’s ugly,
that kind of a man with a warm heart Oh
Bye Bye Bye Boy (Bye Bye Bye Boy)
Oh Oh Oh Bad Boy (Bad Bad Bad Boy)
Even if he’s not magnificent,
that kind of man that only treasures me Shy Boy
dduruwap dubap dubap ddeumbari dup
(dduruwap dubap dubap) ddeumbari dup
dduruwap dubap dubap ddeumbari dup
(dduruwap dubap dubap )
Please don’t push and pull ah ah No No
I like straightforward things ah ah No No
ooo ooo I really can’t hold back
Boring, boring lightweighted men are boring
Making me laugh but
you have no sense and are agitating me
Just you, just you for my sake
Even if I look naive, please just love me
You Are My Shy Shy Shy Boy
(Shy Shy Shy Boy)
Oh Oh Oh My Boy (My My My Boy)
Even if he’s ugly,
that kind of a man with a warm heart Oh
Bye Bye Bye Boy (Bye Bye Bye Boy)
Oh Oh Oh Bad Boy (Bad Bad Bad Boy)
Even if he’s not magnificent,
that kind of man that only treasures me Shy Boy
As if something suddenly happened, play you Bad Boy
You You the Fly Boy suddenly not doing anything
A dependable boy over a sweet whisper
You Are My Boy, Towards me
Come In Come In Come In Boy
I love you SHY BOY I love you
Don’t be so shy and
come just a little closer to me
You Are My Shy Shy Shy Boy
(Shy Shy Shy Boy) (Shy Boy~)
Oh Oh Oh My Boy (My My My Boy)
Even if he’s ugly,
that kind of a man with a warm heart Oh
Say Say Say Boy (Say Say Say Boy)
Say Say Say My Boy (My My My Boy)
1234 I love you
Now say that you love me Shy Boy
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap

Early winter rain in the pier

The early winter rain in the pier falls at night
On the other side of the rain my hometown is seen
Here is the Tonosho port at Setouchi
Staying for a night, wearing a garment over another
One day I became familiar with the neon city
If troubles weigh on your shoulders
I'll do you the favour of finding where to throw them away
Here is the Tonosho port at Setouchi
Drink another cup of neon sake
On the snowy night of the sad world's path
That's the last bus to Takamatsu
A steam whistle entangles in the hand that holds the glass
Here is the Tonosho port at Setouchi
Love comes and dreams too
The neon city shines red of spring
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Dragon Blooded

He is a hero, a warrior-hearted hero
Listen, listen, he is the Dragonborn1
The sound of his voice makes of him a proud Nord
Hark, hark, he is the Dragonborn
The fate of Skyrim's enemies is now carved in stone
Beware, beware, he is the Dragonborn
Broken murk, the legend is strong
Because the Dragonborn doesn't fear death
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin
Naal ok zin los vahriin
Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal
Ahrk fin norok paal graan
Fod nust hon zindro zaan
Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal

  • 1. lit. in Italian 'Dragon Blooded'

I cry

I bet you're going to sleep watching a movie
At the late of the night too
Although we usually argue
Right now, I can't understand what happened to our friendship
No one is to blame
We did everything we could
You even admitted
That we got mad because of that video
No doubt we both got hurt
But you don't cry
Even wanting to cry, you keep everything to yourself
Your face goes changing gradually
And then I end up leaving my ego behind
I cry
When the phone rings three times, it's always your voice
Calling me again
As much as I gave up on my stubbornness
I improved my own image in front of the mirror
You're not a doll - your day's
I'm noticing now
As my heart yells again
But you don't cry
Even wanting to cry, you keep everything to yourself
Your face goes changing gradually
And then I end up leaving my ego behind
I cry
Even now I still love you!
Your face isn't clouded anymore
Because you also end up leaving your ego behind
I cry
But you don't cry
Even wanting to cry, you keep everything to yourself
Your face goes changing gradually
And then I end up leaving my ego behind
I cry
But you don't cry
(I still) Even now I still love you!
But you don't cry
Since your face isn't clouded anymore
We end up leaving our ego behind
I cry
♫Enjoy the lyrics
Your support is welcome♫

Dragon Ball Z Kai - Basque

Come on, come on, go forward!
Come on, come on, go with us!
To the paradise to dive into the freedom.
I am going free, fear here does not matter.
For the enemies there is courage in me!
My power and your love...
United together since today, they will shine!
Fight and defeat, love unites us,
Courage makes us strong,
We will be the winners!
Come on, come on, go with us!
Come on, come on, do not go crazy!
And with the wind, go always forward!
Come on, come on, go forward!
Come on, come on, go with us!
To the paradise to dive into the freedom.
Eniisi Lisika.


It’s so odd, I loved you so much for sure
I adapted myself entirely to you, I wanted to live for you
But as I kept doing so, I became unable to bear the storm inside my heart
I got to fully reveal my true self under the smiling mask
I’m the one I should love in this world
The shining me, the precious soul of mine
I realize only now, so I love me
Though I’m not perfect, I’m so beautiful
I’m the one I should love
I want to love in this world
The shining me, the precious soul of mine
I realize only now, so I love me
Though I’m not perfect, I’m so beautiful
I’m the one I should love
I’m the one I should love
I’m the one I should love

One Day, a Child...

A day will dawn
Over three branches of lilacs
That a child will behold
Just like a picture book
The world around him
Will be empty, and so
He'll imagine life
From a blank page
By drawing the shape of an orange
He'll give the sky its first sun
By drawing the bird
He'll invent the flowers
By searching the sound of the water
He'll hear the cry of the heart
By drawing the points of a star
This very child will find the path
Of the grown people who still
Look amazed
At the fruits of every day
And at the roses of love

Lavender Eyes

Lavender Eyes
They say you love a bohemian
A drifter
That you're a different woman
And I'm almost crazy from your poison
I pray in front of holly icon
My love...
I yearn for those lavender eyes tonight
And her pearls that she hides with her lips
Give me back lavender eyes, oh God
Cause tomorrow the rains will
Wash it all away
Wash it all away
Moon silver and sunshine
Sadness and pain go to Heaven
I've dreamt how you've flown in angel wing
Now even God is on your side, my love

Eljött a vég bosszum él [Ready as i'll ever be]

Most vállaltam én,
A rossz szerepét.
És a bosszú vágy fűt, egyre hajt.
- Varian! -
Csendet! tudom, nem vagyok szent,
De túl nagy a seb, mit a múlt árnya szívembe mart.
- kérlek, halgass meg! -
Szavak nem hatnak rám, mert egy sorsdöntő lépést kell tennem,
Már nincs vissza út.
Nemis térít el semmi,
Most harcolnom kell!
És nem félek, nem félek, nem félek!
Szemelött tartom a célt!
Nekünk harcolnunk kell, minden ellenséggel.
Aki gyáva, az most fusson el!
Ez a kard penge mindenkit csatába hív,
Aki nem fél!
Nem félek, nem félek, nem félek!
Szemelött tartjuk a célt!
Győzelmünk hajszálon múlhat.
Még láthatlak én, van remény.
Meg lesz a bosszú!
A harc most rám vár!
Óvnom kell azt kit szeretek!
És nem félek, nem félek, nem félek!
Eljött a vég bosszum él.

Leave Him

Leave him,
Tomorrow passion will bring him on his own
He'll find out that my heart is his love
He left me and I wouldn't leave him
And what can I do?
He told me to forget my passion
and to go far away from him
But still, I am better than him
I will never forget his love
because he is my life
Oh my heart, just let him abandon his love
He'll end up suffering in life
and he'll need me like I need him
My love is his fate
It's fine
His heart wouldn't bear my absence
He's all bark and no bite
Tomorrow he'll come trying to make it up to me
What's the worst he could do?
When he regrets losing me
I know he will come begging me
Even if he tried to forget me,
he can forget that
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Going by the road from Hakata

City lights at the right, Genkai at the left
A steam train is splitting the night
If I pass under the barrier hiding my face
I'll barely have a seat like you
Ah, I preteded to be a woman travelling alone
Gazing through the window, however
Going by the road from Hakata in a party of two
A woman who couldn't fly, flew away
The fire of the strait baits are the lights of a place near the mountains
The hand that peels tangerines shivers
I don't know anybody worried about love
I remember a year passed
Ah, forgive me
Surely I'll achieve happiness
Going by the road from Hakata in a party of two
A woman who couldn't fly, flew away
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.