Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 134

Találatok száma: 5101


My Love a calamity will occur

My love a calamity will occur
today love will be dishonored in your lanes
my eyes lament (upon this)
my love,even your heart will complain about you
my love..
i visit your lanes,beloved
i sing the song of faithfulness,beloved
you cannot bear to listen to it
then again here today this madman(mad in love) has came to say
this terror will end today
today love will be dishonored in your lanes
my love..
may you cry like me
you should also love someone
and he should be ignorant towards you
my beloved,you should not forget the tyranny you showered upon me
there would be no mercy upon your soul
today love will be dishonored in your lanes
my love..
My love a calamity will occur
today love will be dishonored in your lanes
your name would be uttered by the lips
when soul will leave this failed (failed in love) heart
my love..
from the gate of my love,
breeezing wind if you happen to pass from there
let me know their whereabouts
i uttered your name untill i lived, oh candle your moth
till now who you would hate
today love will be dishonored in your lanes
my love..

Love Will Call You Home

Welcome home, tell me about your day
Tell me about everything you've done and said
Tell me about everything that happened
About your trip and what you saw
I'm so glad to see you again
I'm so glad you turned around and found your way home
If you've done something stupid today
It's forgotten, it's alright, you're back
'Cause love will call you home
To where you live
In a dream, where you're everything between
Heaven and earth
I'll gently wake you up if something happens
Let you sleep a little longer
If everything stays the way it is
And when you want to leave again
Tell me about someone you want to experience it with
And I'll wish you all things good, and you know
If you do something stupid some day
I'll forget it as long as you come back
'Cause love will call you home
To where you live
In a dream, where you're everything between
Heaven and earth
I'll gently wake you up if something happens
Let you sleep a little longer
If everything stays the way it is
'Cause love will call you home
To where you live
In a dream, where you're everything between
Heaven and earth
I'll gently wake you up if something happens
Let you sleep a little longer
If everything stays the way it is
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Bumm bumm bumm (Zakatol a szíved)

Fel és lemegy az életben
De mikor olyasmire gondolsz, amit szeretsz
Akkor a szíved így szól:
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni
A gondolatod keresztül megy az agyadon
Mint egy vírus, még nem állítja meg semmi (még semmi)
És olyan jól érzés, mikor így megy:
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni
De hamarosan leszállnak gondolataid
És akkor ismét a sötét valóságban vagy
És epekedsz ezért a gondolatért és aztán a szíved
Így szól:
Bumm bumm bumm
Zakatol a szíved
Bumm bumm bumm
Gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Bumm bumm bumm
Most nem fog megállni

Love is Always All Alone

Mr. Tears, please tell him:
Love is always all alone!
Pressing my lips against your shirt...
I come closest to your heart...
Amidst the wind, in the town where fallen leaves dance and scatter...
The two of us can no longer move.
Look, look at the bells of our hearts...
Asking if anyone lives inside...
With words, feelings cannot be conveyed...
So you may touch me softly.
Hey, someone, please tell him:
Love is always all alone!
I’ll be fine if I’m the one who is hurt...
It’s more sad to make someone else cry...
Whenever I see you lost and troubled...
Painful thorns pierce through me.
Everyone tells us how wonderful youth is...
They say our love and dreams and future belong to us...
But the tears we shed today…
Fall into our broken hearts.
Hey, someone, please tell him:
Love is always all alone!
Everyone tells us how wonderful youth is...
They say our love and dreams and future belong to us...
But the tears we shed today…
Fall into our broken hearts.
Hey, someone, please tell him:
Love is always all alone!
Mr. Tears, please tell him:
Love is always all alone!

Fiatal, szabad és egyedülálló

Fiatal, szabad és egyedülálló
Rádióbemondó: (nem az album verzióján)
Üdvözöljük a rádióműsorban: Young, Free And Single!
Készítettünk Önöknek egy jó showműsort, legyen az első hívónk:
Halló, Jane a nevem és a szerelem a játszmám,
Tegnap éppen tizennyolc éves lettem.
Szőke vagyok, magas vagyok, szórakozással megtelve,
Hívjon, és megmutatom nektek belőle.
Frank most találkozott Jane-vel, és Jane találkozott Eddie-vel - a rádióban.
Ki akar szórakozni, ki forró és ki áll készen? –
A rádióműsor számára.
Hívja fel az állomást, menjen, vegye a telefont a kezébe.
Barátok és szerelmesek, hívjátok fel, próbáljátok szerencsétek egy hangra, ha tudtok.
Y-O-you-N-G -F-are- double E, a-a-and single, sss-single.
Y-O-you-N-G -F-are- double E, a-a-and single, sss-single.
A-a-and single, sss-single.
Hé Jane, ó Jane, egy terjedelmes hang, hallom, hogy ez egy életbeli álom,
Megmondom, hol, megmondom, hogyan,
Tegyél le a telefont, most azonnal találkozzunk.
Fiatal, szabad és egyedülálló - aki merészelni akar?
Fiatal, szabad és egyedülálló – aki viszonyt keres.
Fiatal, szabad és egyedülálló - mindig egy játékra kész.
Fiatal, szabad és egyedülálló - a hangok hozzák a hírnevet.
Mi a neve most, hívjatok be egy esélyre - a rádió műsoron.
Rulett játék, és lehet, a szám nem nyerő - vagy lehet, hogy sikert arat.
Szerelem a léghullámon, és ez a tiéd, kedvedre válogass egy szívet.
Barátok és szerelmesek, hívjátok föl, kössetek házasságot- egy hang benyomásán.
Y-O-you-N-G -F-are- double E, a-a-and single, sss-single.
Y-O-you-N-G -F-are- double E, a-a-and single, sss-single.
Y-O-you-N-G -F-are- double E, a-a-and single, sss-single.
Y-O-you-N-G -F-are- double E, a-a-and single, sss-single.


Versions: #3
It’s only when you swim against the tide,
you understand the price of freedom of speech.
The chain links merge into long pieces,
and the lifeline becomes just a point.
Words and days, stitch after stitch,
sew your life with soul and sparks.
Here, behind the bars, the colonel’s the boss,
and all my freedom is a radio receiver.
I am free like a bird in the sky.
I am free, I forgot what fear is.
To be different means to be always alone.
Choose what you prefer, homelessness or prison.
Nobody gets freedom just for free,
you can't simply leave or enter it.
Soda to make the tea more black.
Got it? Then pour yourself a cup.
I'm taking part in some sitting marathon.
At least I have a radio-cassette player.
I am free like a bird in the sky.
I am free, I forgot what fear is.
Tea, fags, answers to questions,
interrogations, still more and more.
My radio is a one-way communication,
dots and dashes, jail argot.
I cannot say anything, but I hear everything,
I saw a rat transforming into a mouse.
What cannot be erased, no matter what you do,
is freedom and that's what's deep inside of me.
I am free like a bird in the sky.
I am free, I forgot what fear is.
Freedom is that what’s deep inside me.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

To tell you frankly

To tell you frankly
i am trapped under your charm
awefully my heart has sunk
in the deep ocean water*****
i have swimmed , walked in my sleep
deeply i have drowned , all because of you
coz i fell in love with you
To tell you frankly
i am trapped under your charm
awefully my heart has sunk
in the deep ocean water
thanks to my fate
you were with me in those days
when there was nothing except
the sudden rain poured down
Ho.. come lets go together
we will cross all the hurdles
on the way we find in our path
wherever we go
i have swimmed , walked in my sleep
deeply i have drowned , all because of you
coz i fell in love with you
To tell you frankly
i am trapped under your charm
awefully my heart has sunk
in the deep ocean water
all our conversations are way from our hand
so silently surrender youself to me
O...in this dark silent night , come be the wax moonlight and stay in my palms
and be forever like your are******
in the abode of my love
i have swimmed , walked in my sleep
deeply i have drowned , all because of you
coz i fell in love with you
To tell you frankly
i am trapped under your charm
awefully my heart has sunk
in the deep ocean water ...

About love

There is a star in my hand
When I put it to my ear it makes sounds
My heart tells me, 'all the rest is rubbish'
The sky has no bottom and there are no movie tickets too
Today we will talk till dark about only one thing
About love, about you, about painfully familiar words
Everything that you said to me in the night
About love...
The pieces of the moon are duck-taped together
The people living on the Earth are to blame
The heavens are not to blame
I'll cup my hands to my mouth to shout louder
That's what I live for - to say these words to you.
About love, about you, about painfully familiar words
Everything that you said to me in the night
About love...

Dear. Teddy Bear

Hey Teddy Bear,
How are you?
Without you the world
Is so cold to me
Hey Teddy Bear,
I miss you.
When you were by my side I could lay gently,
I could pull you close
In the hours without you
I would beg for a wish
You gave me energy
When I was asleep
You gently came up to me and
Said: 'Hello!'
Hey Teddy Bear,
Are you doing well?
I'm without you,
I miss you
Hey Teddy Bear,
Hello, I know you're doing well
But I'm without you,
I still miss you
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
I'm doing well
Eventhough I'm without I can smile like this
I miss you
When the time I had with you
Get's further away from me,
Don't hesitate and come to me
When I'm asleep,
Softly come to me and
Say: 'Hello!'
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear,
Are you doing well?
I'm without you,
I miss you
Hey Teddy Bear,
Hello, I know you're doing well
But I'm without you,
I still miss you
Please tell me,
I want to heart you voise
Whe are you?
I can't see you everyday but
I want to see you
At least once
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear
Hey Teddy Bear


It's beautiful, it's dazzling,
I blink my eyes and reach out my small hands
That blue light should be
You it has to be you
It's beautiful I open my eyes
Your voice wakes me From my sleep
That blue light will brighten up
Like the lights at day
Shining Starlight
Beautiful night
I want to stand by your side for a long time and
Beautifully brighten you up
Feel you I feel you Feel you
Your voice
It comes with gentle waves
Feel you
Everything becomes blurry and get further away
I blink my eyes and fine memories of you
That blue light should be you it has to be you
Shining Starlight
Beautiful night
I want to stand by your side for along time and
Beautifully brighten you up
Feel you I feel you
Feel you I feel you
Shining Starlight
Beautiful night
I want to stand by your side for along time and
Brilliantly brighten you up
Feel you I feel you I Feel you
Your voice
It comes with the gentle waves feel you
Feel you I feel you I feel you


The lights are running in the night
Where, on which road are you my dear friend?
He's faded faraway,
And strong men's hands are holding a rudder
A radio is tuned on a favorite wave,
And the heart beats with the rhythm
Throughout all its life tired eyes look into the night,
The truck chauffeur is on its way
He knows it better than anyone, he may tell,
That our life is a highway -
A highway as long as life
He's far from the people
Like the stars that follow him up high
And a woman's voice in the night
So lightly sing him about his dream
Sings about destinies of different people,
About woman's caress and happiness
Throughout all its life the tired eyes look into the night,
The truck chauffeur is on its way
He knows it better than anyone, he may tell,
That our life is a highway -
A highway as long as life
A radio is tuned on a favorite wave,
And the heart beats with the rhythm
Throughout all its life tired eyes look into the night,
The truck chauffeur is on its way
He knows it better than anyone, he may tell,
That our life is a highway -
A highway as long as
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Újjá születtem

Újjá születtem, szabadnak érzem magam
Nem vagyok magányos többé
Egy erős fény ragyog
És megmutatja a világot, amit birtoklok
Láthatom az utamat
Tudom, hogy melletted fogok sétálni
Nem hiába voltak az imáim
Újjá születtem
Újjá születtem, szabadnak érzem magam
Egy kicsit más vagyok
Többé már nem hánykolódok, mint egy hajó a dühös tengeren
Megáldottak a szerelemmel
Az életem hátra lévő részére
Nem hiába voltak az imáim
Újjá születtem
Mióta a szerelem megérintette a szívemet
Az életem értelmet nyert
Úgy érzem, már nem sodródom az űrben
Újra hiszem, hogy van holnap
Egy vadiúj holnap, amivel tudom, hogy szembe tudok nézni
Újjá születtem, szabadnak érzem magam
Nem vagyok magányos többé
Egy erős fény ragyog
És megmutatja a világot, amit birtoklok
Láthatom az utamat
Tudom, hogy melletted fogok sétálni
Nem hiába voltak az imáim
Újjá születtem
Nem hiába voltak az imáim
Mert újjá születtem
Nem hiába voltak az imáim
Mert újjá születtem

Boom Boom

Még ha előttem is vagy,
Hiányzol, oh woah
Hogyan magyarázhatnám le
Ezt a zavaros érzést?
Hirtelen rájöttem, hogy
Te vagy a boldogságom gyökere!
Balra s jobbra forgok
Minden nap körbe-körbe forgok
Jó érzés, ha hozzád rohanok,
Te vagy a bioritmusom!
Még ha kerülgetem is a forró kását,
A szívem nem zavarodik bele
Gyönyörű vagy számomra,
Újra téged nézlek oh, oh
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Ebben a pillanatban,
Miközben rád gondolok, oh, oh, oh
A házad elé megyek,
El kell mondanom neked valamit most!
A végtelen úton, ami te vagy,
Egyszerre 2 lépést fogok megtenni
S magamhoz szorítalak minden erőmmel!
Tele megállíthatatlan szenvedéllyel!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Minden nap boom boom
Miattad boom boom
Üss ki üss ki
Üss ki üss ki
Gyerünk, üss ki!
Minden nap boom boom
Miattad boom boom
Elérted, hogy zakatoljon a szívem!
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Minden nap csak te jársz a fejemben!
Édesen kiemelkedsz előttem
Yeah, lehetetlen kitörölni téged!
Most a fejem
Veled van tele!
Boom boom
Gyönyörű vagy számomra,
Újra téged nézlek oh, oh
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Ebben a pillanatban,
Miközben rád gondolok, oh, oh, oh
A házad elé megyek,
El kell mondanom neked valamit most!
A végtelen úton, ami te vagy,
Egyszerre 2 lépést fogok megtenni
S magamhoz szorítalak minden erőmmel!
Tele megállíthatatlan szenvedéllyel!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Minden nap boom boom
Miattad boom boom
Elérted, hogy zakatoljon a szívem!
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
Minden nap boom boom
Miattad boom boom
Elérted, hogy zakatoljon a szívem!
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom
A tegnapi önmagad és a holnapi önmagad
Remélem, hogy egy szíven és nézeten osztozunk
S örökké együtt leszünk!!
Nélkülem nulla vagy
Ha veled vagyok, akkor
A szerveink együttműködése sokkal jobb!
Ezért behelyettesítelek téged önmagammal
A megoldásért
Megoldom a szerelem egyenletét!
Gyönyörű, gyönyörű vagy!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Tele megállíthatatlan szenvedéllyel!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Minden nap boom boom
Miattad boom boom
Üss ki üss ki
Üss ki üss ki
Gyerünk, üss ki!
Minden nap boom boom
Miattad boom boom
Elérted, hogy zakatoljon a szívem!
Boom boom boom boom
Boom boom boom boom

A Paradicsom gyermekei

Mi vagyunk a Paradicsom gyermekei
Mikor az Úr megteremtett minket
Minden munkája tökéletes volt
Aztán a Paradicsom gyermekei
Azt az egy dolgot tették
Amit nem kellett volna
Paradicsom gyermekei
Minden ott kezdődött
Ártatlanság a szemeinkben
És gond nélkül
Mi vagyunk a Paradicsom gyermekei
Nem ismertünk a bűnt
Míg az egyik legaljasabb vonal
Megváltoztatta az időnket
Régen volt
A kora reggeli fényben
Mikor minden elkezdődött
Ádámmal és Évával
Fiatalok és szabadok voltak
És örökké
Arra voltak hivatottak, hogy ne érezzenek
Bajt és gyászt
Paradicsom gyermekei
Minden ott kezdődött
Ártatlanság a szemeinkben
És gond nélkül
Mi vagyunk a Paradicsom gyermekei
A fényt keressük,
Amit a Paradicsomban oltottak ki
És ami elindította az éjszakát
Régen volt
A kora reggeli fényben
Mikor minden elkezdődött
Ádámmal és Évával
Fiatalok és szabadok voltak
És örökké
Arra voltak hivatottak, hogy ne érezzenek
Bajt és gyászt
Mi vagyunk a Paradicsom gyermekei
Mikor az Úr megteremtett minket
Minden munkája tökéletes volt
Aztán a Paradicsom gyermekei
Azt az egy dolgot tették
Amit nem kellett volna
Mi vagyunk a Paradicsom gyermekei
Akik nem engedelmeskedtek
Mikor a rossz tanácsot követtük
Mi vagyunk a Paradicsom gyermekei
A fényt keressük,
Amit a Paradicsomban oltottak ki
És ami elindította az éjszakát
Régen volt
A kora reggeli fényben
Mikor minden elkezdődött
Ádámmal és Évával
Fiatalok és szabadok voltak
És örökké...


Don't look at me
Like you know everything
I couldn't hope for anything, even for ordinariness
I couldn't help it
Everyday I could nor smile nor cry
For that me the world was too bright
Avoiding glare, I was hiding in the shadows
I was floating above the time
And only sinking down, only waiting
Until I met you
Woo Yesterday
If you're going to hug me,
If you're okay with my cold heart too,
Hug me like it's the last time,
Like it's ending today
I don't want to be alone
But I got so used to it Everyday
For that me the world was too bright
Avoiding glare, I was hiding in the shadows
I was floating above the time
And only sinking down, only waiting
Until you called my name
I'm still scared that if we are together,
We become similar
Then maybe
You'll become unhappy
For that me all of you was like a dream
Afraid to break if I touch, I only held you with my eyes
It was me. Now
Is it okay for me to change? Can I change?
Everything is settling down, Yesterday

The sad boy

It's a sad boy
who knows what waiting means.
He's a forsaken kid,
a sad boy indeed.
And his tinker heart
knows no compromise1
Like all sad boys,
he makes things up, he rebels
to get himself noticed,
as if sadness,
this evil witch,
had cast him into the air.
And like all sad boys
he keeps drawing things
to find solace in them.
A shudder, a delight,
a moment, a shelter,
something to dream about.
I love this sad boy,
the way he seems to
apologize with each smile.
I love his capacity to believe,
how he knows how to marvel
at simply being alive.
I'm singing of a sad boy
who puts on airs
to avoid drowning.
Like all sad boys
he loves to act the though guy
and the king of the block.
And then this sad boy
came into my life.
He messed everything up.
My dreams and their sketches,
my memories, my own things2,
he took everything away.
It is for a sad boy
that I lay down my weapons
softly at his feet.
And for this sad boy
I'm willing to suffer,
I'm willing to shudder.
He's like a promise
He's like a racket
He's my castaway,
He's my only tenderness,
my love, my alarm,
my child, my sin.
Mmm mmm
Mmm mmm
He's like a promise
He's like a racket
He's my castaway,
He's my only tenderness,
my love, my alarm,
my prince and my sin.
  • 1. lit. '[is to be] taken [whole] or not taken [at all]'. That's idiomatic for a non negociable offer
  • 2. the word has a few different meanings, but this one seems the most likely to me
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Love and a parting

Your dress for your wedding is not yet unpacking.
And anthem won’t sound just for us.
But time as a driver it doesn’t like waiting,
The horses want racing at once.
The horses want racing at once.
If only the horses don't lose their main line
The bell under the arc would ring long.
‘Cause love and a parting as faithful companions
Are never by one. They come both.
We ourselves opened gates. We got driving
And yoked lucky horses as a team.
You saw straight ahead something calling and shining,
But something went out as a dim.
But something went out as a dim.
To hear each other is so sacred science,
Overcoming time and storm it will rule.
Love and a parting as faithful companions
Will share the secret in full.
Love and a parting as faithful companions
Will share the secret in full.
The more we live here, the years are shorter.
the friends are more valuable to us.
If only the bell under the arc would ring longer
And eyes want to see dear eyes.
And eyes want to see dear eyes.
The shore and an ocean are two antipodes
like storm and the sun, like swifts and crows.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.
‘Cause love and a parting are eternal roads
They both have been passing through hearts.

Crazy About You

When the Moon twinkles in the sky
And when the stars shine
And when the night and silence are around us
And when we chase the rainbow
And when we wander in the rain
And when we tell each other lies
And when you're gone
And when we're totally close
I'm crazy about you
I'm crazy about you
I'm crazy about you every day
And when I hold your hand
And when we love each other
And when both of us run each to our side
And when we chase the rainbow
And when we wander in the rain
And when we tell each other lies
When the Moon twinkles in the sky
And when the stars shine
And when the night and silence are around us
And when I hold your hand
And when we love each other
And when both of us run each to our side

Don't cry for me Gothenburg

Versions: #8
Give me arsenic (bapapapaa)
This Town is full of seniors it's tragic
Got help from amphetamine,
You can write that in your magazine
I was down but up on
five (Aahahah)
Little ones, (bapapapa)
don't be like me when you grow up
stood in the door and you said:
If this is all I rather die.
Little ones, never be like I (Aahahah)
Don't cry for me, Gothenburg
Singoalla says that if, heaven’s
real they won't let me in,
But don't cry for me, Gothenburg
At the discotheque (bapapapa)
I take life on play even a secret
Take me to love, take me to dance
Give something that
can take me anywhere
I wanna know if love exsist
Don't cry for me Gothenburg
Singoalla says that, if heaven’s
real they won't let me in,
But don't cry for Gothenburg
Don't cry for me Gothenburg
It was a night at the discotheque
I follow her every dancesteps
There is a chance we meet again
(There is a chance we meet again)
On a tramcar
Don't cry for me Gothenburg
Singoalla says that,
if heaven’s real they won't let me in,
Don't cry for me

A szörnyű férfiak történelme

Ó, ne. Ne merd ezt tenni.
Csaj, csaj, csaj, figyelmeztetlek!
Azt hiszem lett egy szerelmem
Nem tudom. Azt hiszem beleszerettem.
Ó, ne
Miért is ne?
A nők rossz döntéseket hoznak
Az idő kezdete óta
Te lesz az enyém?
Úgy gondoltam rád mintha az űrből jöttél volna
Ki ez az élénk szemű srác a helyeden?
Kicsit aranyos vagy
Amikor nem vagy szégyenlős
De már voltam itt,
Jöjjek vissza többért?
Egy másik fejezethez 'A szörnyű férfiak történelméhez'
Olyan 'eh' voltál
Egy császkáló fakó unalom
De most olyanná változol, amit nem tudok ignorálni
Charlie, őszíntén
Voltam-e már így bántva mint most
Van több dolog ami összeköt
Mint amit én gondolok?
Hogy tudsz többet meglepni?
Ó. Ó. Ó
Van barátnője, te bolond!
Miért csak akkor kedvesek amikor... Elérhetetlenek?
Nem akarok egy másik szerencsétlen románcot...
Mind tudjuk hogy végződik
Jobban megvagyok nélküle
Jobban megvagyunk barátként
De már voltam itt,
Jöjjek vissza többért?
Egy másik fejezethez 'A szörnyű férfiak történelméhez'
Tegnap nem volt varázs
Nem volt szívfájdalmas vonzerő
De ma olyat érzek, ami ignorálhatatlan
Charlie, őszíntén
Voltam-e már így bántva mint most
Ó. Ó. Ó
A szörnyű férfiak történelme
Első fejezet - Egy segg
Második - Nem szeret ugyanúgy
Harmadik - Egy mocsadék
Negyedik - A szomszéd csajt szereti
Ötödik - A szomszéd palit szereti
Hatodik - Nem szeret többé
Gyengévé tesz
Bizonytalanná változtatt
Nagyon gyerekes
Az anyját jobban szereti
Vagy.... Van egy csaja akinek Nicola a neve
Charlie, őszíntén
Voltam-e már így bántva mint most
Van több dolog ami összeköt
Mint amit mindig gondoltam
De nem égetem le magam
Ó, Ó, Óóóó


When I was six years old
The first time
Daddy's taking me to the movies
I found that
More thrilling than anything
There was on the screen
Funny guys
Proud swashbuckler
Some who kill each other
Every time i find
A hair in the dish
A piano played atmospheric things
Guillaum 'Tell or the open air of Trouvère
And all the public
In quivering
Going for these good people
It was cheap
We had for his three francs
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, as day
Blonde, blonde, blonde, blonde, as love
A dream is on the screen
And in the dark room
Hands are looking, hands are found
Station, train station, station, station, here we go again
And in the room more than one heart beats
The car where she thinks she is safe
Just crash on the floor
With a broken axle
The bandit will be able to put the hand
On the money, it's tragic
No of a dog
It's over, everything comes on
See you next Wednesday
Now this is
More my dad
Who accompanies me to the movies
Because he plants his cabbages
There not far from Saint Cucupha
But I met
A mustachioed guy like that
He loves to go on Wednesday
In the cinemas
Of course it is dev'nu the cinemascope
But it always rams and it gallops
And it stays still as before
Filled with cov'boill's lawlessness
And vigilantes who come to poke
Their big foot in the dish
Station, railway station, railway station, railway station, Gary Cooper
Approaching the ravine of hell
Be careful poor moron
Alan Ladd is not far away
At five hundred meters it is a ball
In a bread crouton
Station, station, station, station, during that time
I feel that I am in his big arm
The armchair where I was sure
Do not stop this 'raw' from trying
Kissing me
I did not see if Gary would win
But it's the permanent cinema
My darling, remember, we stayed for a year
And we had a lot of kids

Ah! If I had one franc fifty cents

Ah! If I had one franc fifty cents
I'll have two francs fifty cents soon
Ah! If I had two francs fifty cents
I'll soon have three francs fifty cents
Ah! If I had three francs fifty cents
I'll have four francs fifty cents soon
Ah! If I had four francs fifty cents
It would soon make me a hundred cent under

Erase Your Gaze

Hey! Hey!
I put white on black
I finish this game of two
Hey! Hey!
You don't have me nor do I have you
You no longer have to say no
Hey! Hey!
You to yours and I to mine
A new show began
Hey! Hey!
You don't want to, I don't want to
I will not lie, no
Every dawn that I think of you
I enter into question to know if you think of me
In the afternoon, if I see you leave
I think and I do not encourage, I'm not your destiny
At night, I try to forget
But I remember you, I try and I can't
When I sleep, I start to dream
And I failed to erase your gaze all day long
At night, I try to forget
But I remember you, I try and I can't
When I sleep, I start to dream
And I failed to erase your gaze all day long
At me
Hey! Hey!
I put white on black
I finish this game of two
Hey! Hey!
You don't have me nor do I have you
You no longer have to say no
Hey! Hey!
You to yours and I to mine
A new show began
Hey! Hey!
You don't want to, I don't want to
I will not lie, no
Every dawn that I think of you
I enter into question to know if you think of me
In the afternoon, if I see you leave
I think and I do not encourage, I'm not your destiny
At night, I try to forget
But I remember you, I try and I can't
When I sleep, I start to dream
And I failed to erase your gaze all day long
At night, I try to forget
But I remember you, I try and I can't
When I sleep, I start to dream
And I failed to erase your gaze all day long
At me

My Mouth Melts

My mouth melts when I'm about to tell you words
My mouth melts and I'm afraid that my heart will also stop
My heart melts as you slip in the arms
Of anyone to whom you hardly smile
Oh, my heart, I can't feel you
Oh, my heart, I can't feel you
Ask to the wind
What I told them about you
What my eyes came to look for inside you
To the wind I gave
My torment for you
Because I feared the fire could reduce me to ashes
My mouth melts
When I'm close to you
And I'd like to tell you the pain, the predatory readiness
With which you kill your heart
I like to feel it dig
Deep within my chest
Which is able of catch and stop
This heart that doesn't give me peace
Ask to the wind
What I told them about you
What my eyes came to look for inside you
To the wind I gave
My torment for you
Because I feared the fire could reduce me to ashes
Ask to the wind
What I told them about you
What my eyes came to look for inside you
To the wind I gave
My torment for you
Because I hoped the fire could reduce me to ashes
And I'm ashes
That the wind blows
That the wind blows
That the wind blows
Onto your lips
Onto your eyes
Onto your legs
Over your naked body
That I imagined, imagined
So much
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Everyone knows for sure

Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
From 'Hello, how are you'
To 'How is it going, my dear'
Good morning, good afternoon
Whatever you would like to hear yourself
From 'See you!' to 'Be strong, girl!'
A 'thank you' from time to time
So life is getting better with each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
The garbageman waves
And has a little talk on the street
The butcher yells every day
Whatever you would like to hear yourself
If we do our best
A little more than just the minimum
Life will get better with each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Because remember: with a word-
-that someone likes to hear
Life will get better with each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other
Everyone knows for sure
How to be nice
A cute word, a small gesture
It's not hard to do that for each other

I want to know about that

I really want to know about that,
But as ill luck would have it, nobody is telling me
Why is the night dark,
And why is the daytime bright?
Why, why
Why do we love things that taste good,
Why, why
Is the water flowing in the river?
Why, why,
Are we sad without friends
Why, why
Are we always happy with them?
I am asking everyone, I am patient,
But nobody wants to tell me about it,
Why are the plums growing on the branches,
And why are the carrots hiding underground?
Why, why
Why do we love things that taste good,
Why, why
Is the water flowing in the river?
Why, why,
Are we sad without friends
Why, why
Are we always happy with them?
Atleast somebody has to answer me
To my simple questions,
Why everyone does everyone want to laugh,
But nobody wants to cry?
Why, why
Why do we love things that taste good,
Why, why
Is the water flowing in the river?
Why, why,
Are we sad without friends
Why, why
Are we always happy with them?

Life in two

Like a crack in the hollow of rocks
that are only held together with ivy,
I separate myself, I reposition myself
I fall off the edge1
The fenced in heart, I collapse
A village here and the other is with you
That sinks me and stuns me2
Life is two is only cold
Life in two is me without you
It's grief and nothing but that
Life is two is not divided up
It's raining a lot, it's very low
I bang myself on the wall of our memories
Like a ball at a shooting range
It's the one apart from the rainy night3
That resembles it all except life
Life in two is me without you
It's grief and nothing but that
Life is two is not divided up
It's raining a lot, it's very low
Life in two
Life in two is me without you
It's grief and nothing but that
Life is two is not divided up
It's raining a lot, it's very low
Life in two
Life in two
Life in two is me without you
Life is two is not divided up
  • 1. « tomber à côté » also can mean « be wide the mark or be wrong » This is a pun playing into his metaphor
  • 2. camisole = straightjacket
  • 3. A little confused by this sentence

Feel the love with your heart

- Things are looking bad.
- Why?
- Ah, tough luck!
- Ooh?
- They fell in love, he will forget about us. There'll be just two of us.
Cupid's traps are everywhere, the forest is permeated with magic.
Look, there's the sickening romantic atmosphere.
It's our downfall!
Feel the love with your heart, respond to the call.
Be in harmony with the world and resign yourself to your feelings.
- I wish I could confess, but how do I tell her
About pain and fault?.. I can't
Reveal my secret.
- He's avoiding talking and I don't know why.
I can see a king in him, although he doesn't want to be one.
Feel the love with your heart, respond to the call.
Be in harmony with the world and resign yourself to your feelings.
Feel the love with your heart, look, here it is.
It's driving away the uncertainties
Because it's shared by two.
- I'm afraid she's taking him away from us after all.
- He fell for it, but what are we going to do without him?
It's the end for our alliance.

Drága szépség

Ez a dal egy gondolatból kelt szárnyra,
Csakis rád gondolok
Drága szépség
Tudom,hogy nem éreztem
A békesség hőjét
Te benned felfedeztem,
hogy a szívemben lakozik
Végtelen szerelem, végtele szerelem
Neked születtem,
S te is nekem
Csakis én tudom, hogy éreztem
Mikor megláttalak téged
Ez szerelem, ez szerelem
Drága szépség
Tudom, hogy kívánsz
Én vagyok a csillag, mely ragyok
Mikor megcsókolsz
Az ég a határ
És a nap ébreszt
Benned látom a világot
Egy nyitott ablakon át
Drága szépség,
ez színtiszta mágia
Talán éjjel egy új nap születik
Akarom és keresem
Ezt az édes csókot
De hogy magam mellett tudjalak,
minden, amit kívánok
Ez szerelem, ez szerelem...x10

I have never loved anyone like you

I have never loved anyone, loved anyone like you
like a bird that hovers over the city, yes, over the city I am
-and the ground is you
Would you like a hug, a tiny hug, you get a lot of them from me
and a little kiss, a little girl's kiss, will you give it to me
-I love you after all
Yes, come, I am yours if you want
I will be so kind to you
Think that we could get a house with many, a house with many little children
If you propose to me, yes, only propose to me, I will answer you then:
- Yes, I want you
Yes, come, I am yours if you want
I will be so kind to you
Think that we could get a house with many, a house with many little children
If you propose to me, yes, only propose to me, I will answer you then:
- Yes, I want you
- Yes, I want you
- Yes, I want you

Oh Mostafa, Oh Mostafa

Versions: #2
Darling, I love you
Darling, I adore you
like [I love] tomato sauce
Oh, Mostafa
Oh, Mostafa
I love you, Mostafa
We've spent 7 years at the Attareen1
But now we are
at Maxim's2
Oh come here Mostafa,
Oh son of Sarhan
Bring a hookah from Agami3
And go around from neighbor to neighbor
And whenever someone feels like it
then he'd smoke as much as he wants4
Oh, Mostafa
Oh, Mostafa
I love you, Mostafa
We've spent 7 years at the Attareen1
But now we are
at Maxim's2
When I saw you on the balcony
you said: 'climb up and don't make a fuss about it'
When I saw you on the balcony
you said: 'climb up and don't make a fuss about it'
Darling, I love you
Darling, I adore you
like [I love] tomato sauce
Oh, Mostafa
Oh, Mostafa
I love you, Mostafa
We've spent 7 years at the Attareen1
But now we are
at Maxim's2
You lit me up with a match
and you made me lose my head
Darling, I love you
Darling, I adore you
like [I love] tomato sauce
  • A district in Cairo, literally translated 'The spice sellers'
  • 3.
  • 4. This is interesting because it can refer to the 'someone' or Mostafa himself.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

How pretty are the commercials (Spanish version)

How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
And it's their happy music
their power of persuasion
Are so good the commercials
that you always exclaim
Too bad that they cut them
to put shows
How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
With their happy music,
pararán chimpón chimpón
What do the modern kids eat?
Cracker jacks, beans and sugar
Choco-plast, choco-plast!
The snack for today's children
For them to make sport and a healthy life
And purge all week long
With a choco-plast, with a choco-plast
With a choco-plast is enought
(With cards of the Challenger explosion)
They are mad about you
because you smell like a man
which is their loved scent, roar
And at one mile of distance
they note your fragance
and the congested ambient, roar
Your perfume leaves print,
they remember you passionately
And they need the help of God
to vent the room
Roar, roar (to smell like a tiger)
Freedom, freedom
Freedom all a victory
Freedom for you woman!
Freedom, freedom
Freedom and more freedom
This is a maxi pad commercial
as you have noticed
Freedom, freedom, freedom!
Nya nya nya nya, nya nya nya nya
I have an authomatic seed-peeler and you not
I bought it because it's absolutely indispensable
And it's portatile, programmable and even remote-controlled
Nya nya nya nya, nya nya nya nya
I have an authomatic seed-peeler and you not
You'll see, you'll buy it too!
(Peelmax, it peels them well peeled)
How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
With their happy music,
pararán chimpón chimpón
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.