Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 70

Találatok száma: 5095


Yeah The Money

Last night 22-year-old Greek rapper Sin Boy was arrested following a raid in his home
Found with several types of drugs including prescription and non-prescription
He has been charged with drug trafficking and his due for a [?] next Tuesday
[Verse 1]
Marathon for the money like Spyros Louis
I'm runnin' to catch them in order to buy Louis
Louis, Louis, Louis Vuitton
Louis, Louis, Louis Vuitton
Come on cop, my pockets are full
Every night like a bachelor party
Bache-bache- bachelor party
I have many kilos at home (many kilos)
They don't tight me down for 300g, for 300g (for 300g)
Undercover cop you can't catch me (you can't catch me)
The others, they haven't found 'em, no, they haven't found 'em
And the moment I saw my love, the money
I left you for some of them
'Cause it's never enough
Yeah, the money, yeah, the money
Yeah, the money
It's not enough
It's not enough
It's not enough
(It's not enough)
(It's not enough)
(It's not enough)
(It's not enough)
Yeah, the money-y-y-y
Yeah, the money (it's not enough)
Yeah, the money-y-y-y (it's not enough)
Yeah, the money
[Verse 2]
If you have money then you'll have chicks with curves like those of Kardashian, of Kardashian
Of Kardashian 'cause money is everything
Your idol in front of me looks invalid
My verses are classic like papyrus
Don't talk my head off [just] because I become savage in the end
I become savage
I'm rollin' and rollin' the weed
All my friends call me Rolling Stone
You wanna borrow money, it's a no-no (no-no)
It's a no, it's a no-no (no-no)
And the moment I saw my love, the money
I left you for some of them
'Cause it's never enough
Yeah, the money, yeah, the money
Yeah, the money
It's not enough
It's not enough
It's not enough
(It's not enough)
(It's not enough)
(It's not enough)
(I love)
Yeah, the money
It's not enough
(I love)
It's not enough (yeah, the money)
Yeah, the money
(It's not enough)
(I love)
(It's not enough)


Nem akarják, hogy egyesüljünk
Azt akarják, hogy ne csináljunk mást csak civakodjunk és veszekedjünk
Nem akarják azt látni, hogy együtt élünk
Azt akarják, hogy ne csináljunk mást csak öljük egymást!
Elsőrangú, elsőrangú
Skankelsz1 (skankelsz, skankelsz)?
Skankelsz (skankelsz, skankelsz)?
Wo-ho, elsőrangú (elsőrangú) óh, komolyan gondoltad, amit most mondasz?
Komolyan – óh, komolyan (elsőrangú, elsőrangú)
Komolyan – Uram, Uram, Uram! (skankelsz, skankelsz)?
Azt mondják a vér folyik
És keresztül fut a vérvonalunkon
És a szívünkön, a szívek szívén, az istenin!
És John látta, hogy jönnek, óóh, az igazsággal
Az ősi időkből
A fivéri szeretet (fivéri szeretet), a nővéri szeretet (nővéri szeretet)
Érzem ma reggel, érzem ma reggel
A fivéri szeretet (fivéri szeretet), a nővéri szeretet (nővéri szeretet)
Érzem ma reggel, érzem ma reggel, hé!
Nem akarják, hogy egyesüljünk:
Azt akarják, hogy ne csináljunk mást csak civakodjunk és veszekedjünk
Nem akarják azt látni, hogy együtt élünk
Azt akarják, hogy ne csináljunk mást csak öljük egymást!
Elsőrangú, (elsőrangú)!
Komolyan gondoltad, amit most mondasz (elsőrangú)?
Skankelsz (skankelsz, skankelsz)?
Skankelsz (skankelsz, skankelsz)?
Elsőrangú, (elsőrangú)!
Komolyan gondoltad, amit most mondasz (elsőrangú)?
Komolyan (elsőrangú, elsőrangú)?
Komolyan (skankelsz, skankelsz)?
Elsőrangú, (elsőrangú)!
Elsőrangú, (elsőrangú)!
Komolyan (skankelsz, skankelsz)?
Ó, komolyan (skankelsz)?
  • 1. Egy jamaicai eredetű tánc.


I am free

What is happening to me?
What's going on?
A moment ago I was clutched by a hand
Now I'm weightless
Why was exactly I taken
Out of a cardboard box of six?
I'm floating light as a feather
I'm flying away
I'm an egg
And yet much more
I am allegorical
I am a metaphor
Am I symbol of unity?
Fragile republic
Or do I symbolize Germany
When flying through the air?
But one thing I know
Deep inside of me
My shell may be fragile
But I know what I am
I am free
Full of dreams, full of hope
I am free
To a golden future
I am free
So boundless
So full of courage
(?) shackles
Detached in flight
I see Germany united
And Europe will prosper
I see peace here on earth
People will be brothers
No more poverty and suffering
Never again injustice
Harmony and love
Now my time comes
I am free
Almost like a (?)
And now a new time begins
You only have to believe in yourself
We are free
I am free

We are one

I protect our country
I am part of the resistance
I preserve the nation
And I want progression
Oh, so you're left-wing!
Yes, and you're a bit right-wing!
True that.
The wall that separates us
Is now a pile of debris
Will there be a happy ending now?
Or will everything fall apart?
I'll lead the way, give me your hand
I'm protecting our country
I'll always stand by you
At last I can see it clearly
I want to go with you
Whether forward or (?)
I'll go anywhere with you
Our love is so strong
We are one
Living in unity
We are free
We'll get ready to fly
Let us overcome walls
That separate and divide us
No borders, no fences
Our hearts are united
An egg can be a bridge
Jens, you protect my land
Spelled with a-i!
You take my fate into your hands
And even though it seems impossible
And even though it seems impossible
We'll go our way united

Throw an egg

In a country that's divided and split in two
Lives a nation disharmony and strife
No, no, no
Germany, finally free yourself
Throw an...
Oops! An egg! Yes exactly, there is a simple solution to all problems. Everyone should have an egg! Eggs, eggs for each of you! Maik, Jens, Dr. Kohl, the whole Juso gang! Everybody needs eggs! There's an egg at the end of the tunnel!
If nothing is progressing
Then throw an egg
If there's no way out
Then throw an egg
If you want to revolt against injustice
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to change something
That cannot be changed
If you want to flee from restraints
If your life is cold and dull
Just say no!
Fight back against the state!
Get out of your comfort zone and choose disobedience over obedience!
Think out of the box!
Do something crazy!
Throw an egg (6x)
And on Sundays, throw two!
Throw an egg (2x)
From east to west
Have courage to make a mess
Throw an egg (3x)
I will destroy what destroys me!
Egg caramba!
If your boss is in the wrong
Throw an egg
If you don't want unity
Throw an egg
If you need money for your party
Throw an egg (3x)
If you want to feel something
If you want to destroy the system
If you're somehow a part of it too
Feel free
Count to three
Throw an egg
Throw an egg (5x)
Throw an egg (3x)
Sometimes things have to break in order to heal
Sometimes the walls aren't as thick as they appear
Throw the first domino
Throw an egg
An egg can be a bridge

Nobody Can

When I close my eyes
And I imagine
That I'm next to you
I always feel
Your warm hug
And I hold softly
Your hands
Like I'm afraind to lose you
I always want your heart for me
Nobody can replace you
Nobody can make me
Far from you...
Nobody can replace you
Nobody can replace your love
Nobody can replace your heart
Nobody can make me
Far from you...

Száncsengő Rock

Száncsengő, száncsengő, száncsengő rock
Száncsengő lengedez és száncsengő szól
Hull a hó s felkavar temérdek vigalmat
Most kezdődött el a száncsengő tánc
Száncsengő rock
Száncsengők csilingelnek száncsengő órakor
Táncolnak és ropják a Száncsengő Téren
A fagyos levegőben
Milyen sziporkázó idő
Ez a megfelelő alkalom
Hogy áttáncoljuk az éjszakát
A száncsengő óra egy nagyszerű idő
Siklani egy egylovas szánon
Gyí, csengő ló!
Szedd a lábaid!
Csilingelés megállás nélkül!
Vegyüljetek, keveredjetek a csilingelő lábak közé!
Ez a száncsengő rock!
Száncsengő rock
Száncsengők csilingelnek száncsengő órakor
Táncolnak és ropják a Száncsengő Téren
A fagyos levegőben
Milyen sziporkázó idő
Ez a megfelelő alkalom
Hogy áttáncoljuk az éjszakát
A száncsengő óra egy nagyszerű idő
Siklani egy egylovas szánon
Gyí, csengő ló!
Szedd a lábaid!
Csilingelés megállás nélkül!
Vegyüljetek, keveredjetek a csilingelő lábak közé!
Ez a száncsengő
Ez a száncsengő
Ez a száncsengő rock!

Lemészárolt testekbe zárva

Felébredek egy hegynyi tetem alatt
A testek alatt eltemetve
Némelyik testet megkínozták
Mindet megerőszakolták és lemészárolták1
Feldarabolt, összetört és pulzáló
Minden szerv, amit megettek2
Plafonhoz szögezett gyerekek
Ettől igazán jó érzés önti el a farkam
Kukacok járják át az arcokat
Kicsit jobb íze van tőlük a húsnak
Ennivaló hús, ami csak az enyém
Törött emberi csontgyűjtemény
Eretnekség, istenkáromlás
Zombik kezdenek feléledni
Szaggatni való hús, hordani való bőr
Gein úr3az ön tanításai
Annyira kedvesek nekem, a betegség szabaddá tesz
Egy halott hússal dolgozó építészt!
A halott emberek jó ízűek!
Pont, mint a csirkehús
A halott emberek felélednek
Hogy nekifogjanak a táplálkozásnak
A halott emberek jó ízűek!
Pont, mint a gyerekek
A halott emberek felállnak
Hogy mindannyiunkat megfertőzzenek!
Hátborzongató élőhalott szörnyek sóvárognak a fincsi emberi húsom után
Zombik hordája, amik epekednek valami frisset kóstolni
Műtétet hajtanak végre a fogaikkal, nyeljetek le!
Letépik a bőrt, vágynak a húsra, óh, annyira édes!
Eltávozott az emberség, otthagynak megbaszva a padlón
Elfog a zombik sóvárgása, ide nekem a húst! Falnom kell!
A hús! Nyald fel a beleket!
Szívd ki a vért a vágásokból!
A hús! Nyald fel a beleket!
Szívd ki a vért a vágásokból!
Alkonyatkor előjövünk baljóslatúan
Féktelen, rettentő a vérszomj
Szomjasan mászunk ki a falakból
Hogy felfaljuk az emberek húsát, akikre vágyakozunk
Rágunk és nyelünk, kiszívjuk a szemeket
Az emberek húsát felhasználva fel fogunk emelkedni!
Ee pee oppa pee pee4
Ee pee oppa, szakítsátok be a picsáját!
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa uhhh
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa, szakítsátok be a picsáját!
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa
Néhány nyomorult hulla alatt
Szakítsátok be a picsát!
A nyugvó combok között
Feltépett vagina
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa, szakítsátok be a picsáját!
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa uhhh
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa, szakítsátok be a picsáját!
Ee pee oppa pee pee
Ee pee oppa
Ee pee oppa peep!
Arányaiban részévé váltam valami szörnyűségnek
Várom a napot, amikor csecsemőhúson lakmározhatok!
  • 1. Az eredeti itt kicsit zavaros, lehet, hogy téves az angol dalszöveg.
    Úgy írja mintha őt erőszakolták és ölték volna meg de ez nem lenne összhangban a dal folytatásával és nyelvtanilag sem helyes, ahogy jelenleg szerepel az oldalon.
  • 2. Itt szerintem valami hiányzik az angol szövegből, mert így nem túl értelmes ez a mondat.
    Lehet, hogy egy 'I' (én) hiányzik, ebben az esetben úgy fordítanám, hogy:
    'Minden szerv, amit megettem.'
  • 3. Edward Theodore Gein (1906. – 1984.) más néven a Plainfieldi mészáros vagy a Plainfieldi Ghoul elítélt amerikai gyilkos és testrabló.
  • 4. A 'pee' pisit jelent de lehet, hogy itt hangutánzó szó, nem tudom.

Take My Hand

The story I couldn't see
Can you tell me about it now?
I won't make a sad expression
I'll try hard not to even smile
Wiping those tears away
Even if those hands look quite pitiful
Could it be that I gave you my heart that easily?
I'm hesitating, I hate myself so much
The wind blows
Soothing a sad heart
Time passes by again
Someday at the end
With pure white smiles
Times that seemed to have stopped
I was flowing towards you
There are times when I'm sleepy
You will know, just like with my heart
The wind blows
Soothing a sad heart
Time passes by again
Someday at the end
With pure white smiles
Ooh my comfort
It's not that simple
I just gave it to you
Take my hand
I can see
A faint light shining
Even if it cools down
From the end of a tiring day
To brilliant dreams

The More I Love

In the street over the hill
I haven’t been to in a while
It felt that you’ll be standing exactly
As you stood there a long time ago
A story that is older than my memory
The way I looked when staring at you
Am I now trying to avoid you
As you did then
Now for you, that I am hurting
The more I love you
To go far away
Into the flow of time as if only brushing by
A story that is older than my memory
The way I looked when staring at you
Am I now trying to avoid you
As you did then
Now for you, that I am hurting
The more I love you
To go far away
Into the flow of time as if only brushing by
Leaving me, you said it is
A memory of the past, to you
As the time flows by
The more that I love you
That I was hurting for you
The more that I love you

I won't throw away my friends

Ever since I've been with you
I've become a different man
But I have my own boundaries
Take it or leave it
Let it be clear
While it's not too late
Ever since I've been with you
I've become a different man
But I have my own boundaries
Take it or leave it
Let it be clear
While it's not too late
I won't throw away my friends
Don't ask me to cut them off
'Cause if I'd have to choose between them or you
You'd lose
I won't throw away my friends
Don't ask me to cut them off
'Cause if I'd have to choose between them or you
You'd lose
I've never hidden my past from you
You knew well what kind of man you're going to love
Now or never
Let it be clear
While it's not too late
I've never hidden my past from you
You knew well what kind of man you're going to love
Now or never
Let it be clear
While it's not too late
I won't throw away my friends
Don't ask me to cut them off
'Cause if I'd have to choose between them or you
You'd lose
I won't throw away my friends
Don't ask me to cut them off
'Cause if I'd have to choose between them or you
You'd lose
I won't throw away my friends
Don't ask me to cut them off
'Cause if I'd have to choose between them or you
You'd lose
I won't throw away my friends
Don't ask me to cut them off
'Cause if I'd have to choose between them or you
You'd lose

Indítsuk be ezt a bulit! (Most mindenki táncoljon!)

Soul taps, soul taps, soul taps, soul taps
Soul taps, soul taps, soul taps, soul taps
Soul taps, soul taps, soul taps, soul taps
Soul taps, soul taps, soul taps1
Igen, voah, azt akarom látni, hogy mindenki mozog!
Mindenki táncoljon, itt jön felétek Dollarman
Csak meg akarjuk említeni Cutee B-t
Bob Sinclar, olyan mint a tánc, hallgassátok!
Így kell, csak ugráljatok, igen!
Most mindenki táncoljon!
Kezdjük el, vúúú!
Kezdjük el, forrjon fel a hangulat, gyerünk!
Kezdjük el! Rock, rock, tessék? Rock!
Kezdjük el, most mindenki táncoljon!
Indítsuk be ezt a bulit!
Mindenki táncoljon, legyen forró a hangulat ebben a buliban!
Ne álljatok meg, mozgassátok a testetek!
Indítsuk be ezt a bulit!
Mindenki táncoljon, legyen forró a hangulat ebben a buliban!
Most mindenki táncoljon!
[1. versszak
Nem tudom, hogy mi jár a fejedben
Jól érzed magad, szórakozz jól!
Tekerd a csípőd!2
Rázd a feneked!
Táncos kedvemben vagyok
Tudjátok mind, hogy jól érzem magam
Ez a kedvenc zeném
Vegyétek fel a táncos cipőtök!
Gondom lesz rá, hogy nagyon jól érezd magad ma este!
Mindannyian jól fogjátok érezni magatokat ma este!
Bulizni jöttem ebbe a partiba
Mert tudok olyat, amitől jól fogod érezni magad
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Velem átbulizod az egész éjszakát
Ó-ó, akarod ezt a testet? (Tessék?)
Ó-ó, most már akarod ! (Óh!)
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Mert ma este a magamévá teszlek
Du-dup, dup, dup! Kezdjük el!
Du-dup, dup, dup! Hóó!
Du-dup, dup, dup! Kezdjük el!
Du-dup, dup, dup, dup, dup, dup!
Du-dup, dup, dup! Táncolj! Táncolj!
Most mindenki mozogjon, mozogjatok, mozogjatok! Du-dup, dup, dup!
Most mindenki rázza, rázzátok, rázzátok! Du-dup, dup, dup!
Most mindenki!
Most mindenki táncoljon!
[2. versszak]
Tedd el, nem adsz bele mindent a táncba
Próbára akar tenni a csaj, nincs esélyed! (Nincs!)
Jobban kell, hogy kinézz náluk, igen!
Én egyszerűen jobban festek náluk, igen!
Ölelj szorosan bébi, ölelj szorosan! (Mi?)
Törölj meg!
Csak töröld szárazra! (Kezdjük el!)
Bulizni jöttem ebbe a partiba
Mert tudok olyat, amitől jól fogod érezni magad
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Velem átbulizod az egész éjszakát
Ó-ó, akarod ezt a testet? (Tessék?)
Ó-ó, most már akarod ! (Óh!)
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Mert ma este a magamévá teszlek
Du-dup, dup, dup! Kezdjük el!
Du-dup, dup, dup! Hóó!
Du-dup, dup, dup! Kezdjük el!
Du-dup, dup, dup, dup, dup, dup!
Du-dup, dup, dup! Táncolj! Táncolj!
Most mindenki mozogjon, mozogjatok, mozogjatok! Du-dup, dup, dup!
Most mindenki rázza, rázzátok, rázzátok! Du-dup, dup, dup!
Most mindenki!
Most mindenki táncoljon!
Indítsuk be ezt a bulit!
Mindenki táncoljon, legyen forró a hangulat ebben a buliban!
Ne állj meg, mozgasd a tested!
Indítsuk be ezt a bulit!
Mindenki táncoljon, legyen forró a hangulat ebben a buliban!
Most mindenki táncoljon!
Shh, csajszi, tekerd a csípőd, feszíts be! (Igen!)
Le tudnád kapcsolni ezt a kibaszott zenét?
Jobban nézel ki! (Mi?), jobban nézel ki! (Mi?)
Mutasd meg mit tudsz (Mi?), mutasd meg mit tudsz! (Kezdjük el!) Vúúú!
Bulizni jöttem ebbe a partiba
Mert tudok olyat, amitől jól fogod érezni magad
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Velem átbulizod az egész éjszakát
Ó-ó, akarod ezt a testet? (Gyerünk!)
Ó-ó, most már akarod! (Tessék?)
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Mert ma este a magamévá teszlek
Ó-ó, akarod ezt a testet? (Gyerünk!)
Ó-ó, most már akarod! (Tessék?)
Bulizni jöttem ebbe a partiba
Mert tudok olyat, amitől jól fogod érezni magad
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Velem átbulizod az egész éjszakát
Ó-ó, akarod ezt a testet? (Gyerünk!)
Ó-ó, most már akarod! (Tessék?)
Édes srác, rázod a tested
Mert ma este a magamévá teszlek
  • 1. A soul taps ('lélek taps', a soul egy zenei stílust is jelenthet) az urbancdictionary.com szerint egy olyan ritmus, amiben minden nyolcadik hangjegyre kell tapsolni.
  • 2.

The World's Heart

Say, where does the world's heart burn,
the world's heart of fire?
It lives on coarse, heavy prehistoric coal:
black darkness, dense night, Chaos.
Seek there!
For thus is the nature of fire:
strong with its foe's struggle -
itself a struggle, glowing struggle -
has no other nature.
And the victory? When the darkness has disappeared in flames?
Is the victory death?
Empty question and empty fear!
The world's heart is fire,
and fire wants to conquer.

Ha énekelek neked egy szerelmes dalt

Ha énekelek neked egy szerelmes dalt, sosem felejted el?
Hallod majd a magányos éjszakákon, amikor én nem vagyok ott?
Ha énekelek neked egy szerelmes dalt, örökké hallani fogod?
Hogy emlékeztessen, hogy mennyit számítasz nekem és hogy mennyire szükségem volt rád
A szerelmes dalok tovább tartanak mint bármelyik szerelmes pár
Úgyhogy bébi, hadd énekeljek neked egy szerelmes dalt!
A szerelmes dalok nem hagynak el, de a szerelmek gyakran igen
Óh, bébi, félek, hogy velünk is megtörténhet
Ha énekelek neked egy szerelmes dalt, hadd legyen mindig veled!
Mikor mások elmentek már, hadd legyen az még mindig ott!
A szerelmes dalok tovább tartanak mint bármelyik szerelmes pár
Úgyhogy bébi, hadd énekeljek neked egy szerelmes dalt!
A szerelmes dalok nem hagynak el, de a szerelmek gyakran igen
Óh, bébi, félek, hogy velünk is megtörténhet
Óh, óh, magányos, óh, magányos éjszakák, amikor én nem vagyok ott
Bébi, ez egy szerelmes dal, amit sosem felejtesz el
Magányos éjszakákon, énekelek neked egy szerelmes dalt, hogy közel tartsalak magamhoz


Yeah, Kira on the phone!
'Yo, Kira, ehh i don't have time at all right now.
i'll call you back later, okay?
So don't be mad,
i'm on my way right now to completly fuck up a party.
I'll call you back later.
Pull up with the City scooter, at you shitty Party
I'm not invited and invited myself.
looks like you don't want Bricky Boy to be included
But i have a grabbing hook
man, i jump in the window of your Bando
or whatever you call your house, bro
And once i'm in, i'm not noticed
'cause the lights are off and it's really loud
like i ninja i jump behind the couch, ah
And i only think: 'man, how fucking ugly is this house?'
But i have a mission and can't leave yet
And with my eagle eye i count all the Missits (freaks) in the room
i count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen missets
and my nose tells me there are a few more Missets in the next room, heh
big and small missets
i see every type of misset at this party, ah
the only over cool motherfucker behind the couch is not a misset
But i can't supress my coolness forever
and the guy in front of me feels a cool breeze on his back
and he looks behind the couch, shit, he noticed me
and i scream: 'Beastboy' and jump through the room
and plug the mic in the motherfucking (stereo) system
now it's prime time
cause the Baba makes an anouncement
So first, i want every misset to know, they are worth nothing
now for real, with your stupid foolish talk i have maximum human basic respect
And secondly, i am the best one here
This is the most important thing, please write that down with a really fat pen
and put the note on a place where you can't forget
and third, everyone, who dares to claim that i'm not the coolest on this planet, will be beheaded
or put on the pyre
becauce i need noone of you blasphemists
and fourth, everybody now goes on youtube and subscribes me
and after that on twitch and donats
and after that on spotify and subcribes to the playlist
'sorry, but who are you and what do you want here?'
'put the beat back on'
'digga, i'll call the cops'
pull up with the city scooter at your shitty party
i'm not ivited, and invited myself
Looks like you don't want Bricky Boy to be included
but i have a grabbing hook
man i jump out the window on the street
and run from the arriving police jeep
was cool but i never get to point five
until now everytime someone had to call the police
Goddamn, man i race through the streets on my city scooter
if you still want to catch me you better get a helicopter
or tank or jet or...
'pull over to the right or i'll shoot!'
okay, stop right now,
Mr. Officer
i hope i don't have to say it again
i know, you're jelous, cause i'm piculiar
This is a warning, you don't take me off the streets again
i am the god here, and if i want to, you are the offering
i pee on your leg, and my bladder isn't even full
It's is this Beastboy, so really, man, what are you doing?
What are you doing with the hand cuffs?
What are you doing?
'First You'll sit in the Car'
Ans now i sit in the patrol car
On the Navigation system is written: 'Asylum', but i dont ask any questions mhm
the only question i think of is: ' how can i start a cypher here?'
Bite through the hand cuffs, grab my phone
and go in the radio via bluetooth
pull up with the city scooter at your shitty party
i'm not ivited, and invited myself
Looks like you don't want Bricky Boy to be included
cause now i sit in the patrol car
'You have to admit he's can rap!'
pull up with the city scooter at your shitty party (party)
Shitty Pa Pa (Party)
Pa, at your shitty party
pull up with the city scooter at your shitty party
shitty Pa, Pa, (Party),
Pa, at your shitty Party
yeah kira on the phone!

18 voltál

A fák színe megváltozott
Felhők árnyékába fújt a szél
Búsabb és idősebb az ember
Ugyanaz a rossz álom gyötör
A tükör, melynek arca van
Minden nap megnézem a képet
Hogy folyton emlékeztessen a pillanatra
Amikor megismertelek
18 voltál és
Irigyelt az egész világ
Vak lettem mindenre
Csak Te számítottál
18 voltál és
Szabad mint a tavaszi szél
Veled akartam lenni
Őrülten álmodtam
Mint Te
Mára csak a por maradt
Elszáradt leveled
Néhány emlék
És több semmi
Akkor menny volt a világ
De hirtelen köddé vált
Bár így oszlottak el az álmok is
Azok az emlékek
Az ízük sós, mint a könny
18 voltál és
Irígyelt az egész világ
Vak lettem mindenre
Csak Te számítottál
18 voltál és
Szabad mint a tavaszi szél
Veled akartam lenni
Őrülten álmodtam
Mint Te

Raven Poem

The raven slept in a crag
on a cold winter's night,
much wickedness abound.
Before the beautiful day comes
he drags his frozen beak
from under a large rock.
'All the carrion is frozen,
nothing left on the beaches,
for my hunger I must soothe

Túlzottan Túl

Túlzottan túl, csinos vagy és kedvellek
Mozogjon a tested bébi, egész este
Túlzottan túl, csinos vagy és kedvellek
A csajom leszel egész este
Lángol a padló minden alkalommal, ha hozzá érsz a klubhoz
A tested mozgása hipnotizál engem, Istenem, akarlak
Te vagy a drogom, te vagy minden, amire vágytam
Egyszer odaadnám a lelkemet egy olyan lánynak, mint te
Tedd fel a kezed, és hadd lássam, rázod a csípődet
Gyógyíts meg, azt a nedvet akarom az ajkadon
Igen, ez tetszik neked, tudni akarom, hogy ez igazi
Te nekem táncolsz, én pedig érted élek
Túlzottan túl, csinos vagy és kedvellek
Mozogjon a tested bébi, egész este
Túlzottan túl, csinos vagy és kedvellek
A csajom leszel egész este
Nem tudok elfordulni, a mosolyod rabja vagyok
Táncolj nekem, táncolj, soha ne állj meg bébi, Istenem, imádom
Te vagy a drogom, te váltod valóra az álmaimat
Az életemet adnám egy olyan csinos lányért, mint te
Tedd fel a kezed, és hadd lássam, rázod a csípődet
Gyógyíts meg, azt a nedvet akarom az ajkadon
Igen, ez tetszik neked, tudni akarom, hogy ez igazi
Te nekem táncolsz, én pedig érted élek
Egyedül vagy a táncparketten, bébi
Kapcsold a lámpát
Egyedül vagy a táncparketten, bébi
Kapcsold, kapcsold, kapcsold fel,
Egyedül vagy a táncparketten, bébi
Kapcsold a lámpát, kapcsold a lámpát, kapcsold a lámpát fel
Le akarom venni a ruháidat, bébi
Kapcsold a lámpát, Kapcsold a lámpát, Kapcsold a lámpát
Egyedül vagy a táncparketten, bébi
Kapcsold a lámpát
Le akarom tépni a ruháid, bébi
Lépésről lépésre közelebb hozzád
Lépésről lépésre közelebb hozzád
Táncolj, bébi, táncolj
Táncolni akarok
Olyan nagyot fogok ütni, hogy összetöröm a padlót
Táncolni akarok, kicsim, látod a mozdulataimat?
Imádni fogod, megöl, mint még soha ezelőtt
Túlzottan túl
Túlzottan túl
Túlzottan túl
Túlzottan túl, csinos vagy és kedvellek
Mozogjon a tested bébi, egész este
Túlzottan túl, csinos vagy és kedvellek
A csajom leszel egész este
Túlzottan túl, csinos vagy és kedvellek
A csajom leszel egész este
Ó istenem, akarom

The Other

I come from temperate lands,
I didn't have a choice
I want a sun to dry me up
To burn me and crush me
To once again change
places and law
To find a new form
and leave this
pasty and languid flesh
To look for another me
in a harsh land
To invent another me
another me
in a harsh land
I won't find my place
It's everywhere
I have thousands of you all over the world
And that's not all
I'll go on a long journey
in the clouds
To find a new form
and leave this
pasty and languid flesh
To look for another me
in a harsh land
To invent another me
another me
in a harsh land
To look for
To look for
To look for


Our forebears created a team in Tryohgorka
And many people liked their attacking style
Some root for Dinamo, some root for Torpedo
But we always root for Spartak
In every position we have guys you can rely on
You can't be a part of Spartak if you play very bad
Some root for Shakhtar, some root for CSKA Moscow
But we always root for Spartak
May Spartak's flag wave victoriously at different stadiums,
On different continents!
Some root for Flamengo, some root for Juventus
But we always root for Spartak
Champions' medals suit our guys very well
Guys, play like this forever!
There are hundreds of thousands of fans, even millions,
But most of them are Spartak fans.

Close your eyes

My dream is getting close enough to touch
Under the light that is you, which has pulled me in each moment
My heart flutters at the fact that this isn’t a dream but reality
I can feel it, I can’t hide this shivering
I was swaying and I used to feel endlessly small
I couldn’t reach or touch the door that was you
I was hanging on to the edge of the cliff of life
But I couldn’t give up my only dream that is you
I might lose my mind right now
The world has stopped
The moment I saw you
My whole body desperately wants it
It endlessly, desperately wants you even more
Burn it up, burn! My frozen heart
Turn it up, shine the bright light in the darkness
Close your eyes, the moment we get closer
The answer’s written in my eyes
Look at me just the way I am
Close your eyes, the moment I saw you
I was burning up, I couldn’t stop
Please take my breathe
Your light is so dazzling
I hope the shadow that lingers around me is you
Every night, I’m losing my mind
You call out to me, knock knock
I’m following the light I see in between the darkness
I’m holding out my hand for you
So my feelings for you can spread out wide
I might lose my mind right now
The world has stopped
The moment I saw you
My whole body desperately wants it
It endlessly, desperately wants you even more
Burn it up, burn! My frozen heart
Turn it up, shine the bright light in the darkness
Is this all a dream? Will this disappear?
I’m still nervous
I’m being pulled by you, my heart was waiting
It’s burning up now, I can’t stop it
The moment I saw you
My whole body desperately wants it
It endlessly, desperately wants you even more
Burn it up, burn! My frozen heart
Turn it up, shine the bright light in the darkness
Close your eyes, the moment we got close
The answer’s written in my eyes
Look at me just the way I am
Close your eyes, the moment I saw you
I was burning up, I couldn’t stop

American style

Tonight I put on the V 1 so my chest can be seen
And everyone tells me, brother, you'll become a legend
I'm a bald legend
With a hairy back
And everyone asks 'God how'
I became a boss overnight
I started alone, aiming to become a baron
Kid of rich people, insignificant however, the throne became the target
All around me just envy, jealousy, tears and pain
I heard rap, I saw what's going on, eh, and I said I'll become a mason
I make my name the law, I have a policeman as my security guard
I buy coke, I give ass 2, and it's pure aspirin 3
I ate caviar since I was a kid, I drank champagne from the heels
My factory was going amazingly, I was giving expensive Rolex's to the workers
That's how I'm copying the American style and I'm cooking sausages in Menidi
Tonight I put the V and Glyfada is trembling
And my fame is spreading all over Greece
All over Greece
I'm well known everywhere
Rapper and metrosexual
And everyone asks 'God how'
I answer to them 'I'm the boss'
Now wherever I go they're looking at me, bouncers greet me
Girls see me alone on the street and are asking for autographs
I learned the restaurants, I learned the sushi bars
My parents are proud that I'm talking about drugs to my fans
Even if I don't make money, I throw cash in videoclips
I take Xanax, I give pain 4, connections in the telephone
I threw away the baggy clothes and I'm wearing tights now
I wore chains, I'm bowing down to Gucci
I uploaded stories, I'm hunting follows
Millions of views and I don't even speak to my mother
That's how I'm copying the American style and I'm cooking sausages in Menidi
I polished my Porsche, I got high with cheap coke
I'm going to my baby now
That I've left on its own
1.80 cm., Russian
Fuck it, not today my darling
I've got to make a living
  • 1. V neck shirt
  • 2. It's way expensive
  • 3. Instead of coke
  • 4. I hype the crowd up

Only you

The thoughts are unquestionable
They urge so many words
You may not be able to stand it
Feel what I'm feeling
Keep close what I give you
You're the gift I'll never betray
Join our road
A one way road with a single turn
It's dangerous but great with you
Make another wish
But remember everything you say
Only you
Read my thought with a single look
Only you
Whatever is hard becomes easy for you
Only you
You know how to cheer me up
Only you
Exist in my life
Only you
Read my thought with a single look
Only you
Whatever is hard becomes easy for you
Only you
You know how to cheer me up
Only you
Exist in my life
Only you
Your life is a beautiful journey
I'm not afraid of anything with you
Only you
I'm telling you it's a beautiful journey
Let me take the blame for you
Only you
Your life is a beautiful journey
When the hard times come remember
Only you
You are in my life, only you
The words bow down in front of your look
And the self-evident words, become foolish
I abduct the gray
I add color to your life
And I plug in
I take another, another walk in your mind
An upgrade to your subconscious
That's how I learned to love
What else do you want me to tell you?
Only you
Read my thought with a single look
Only you
Whatever is hard becomes easy for you
Only you
You know how to cheer me up
Only you
Exist in my life
Only you
Read my thought with a single look
Only you
Whatever is hard becomes easy for you
Only you
You know how to cheer me up
Only you
Exist in my life
Only you
Your life is a beautiful journey
I'm not afraid of anything with you
Only you
I'm telling you it's a beautiful journey
Let me take the blame for you
Only you
Your life is a beautiful journey
When the hard times come remember
Only you
You are in my life, only you
Signs of breathing in your throat
I stopped hunting shadows
Live every moment of mine
You are my dream, which finally came true
Only you, only you, only you
Exist in my life
Your life is a beautiful journey
I'm not afraid of anything with you
Only you
I'm telling you it's a beautiful journey
Let me take the blame for you
Only you
Your life is a beautiful journey
When the hard times come remember
Only you
You are in my life, only you

Oh, glorious town

Oh, glorious town on banks of river Bistrica
Which runs from the mountain together with dew
Know this, forget Ljeviška
My heart never will.
Under Šara it has branched out
The lilac branch
Shadrvan is softened by miro
Of wax and incense
From the ashes it has resurrected
The consecrated church
Christ, our lord and savior, guard over Prizren
Until the Doomsday.
Feeder of the port of Bistrica
Where archangels are built
To you sings and to you prays
The faithful flock that still remains.
From the site of fire it has resurrected
The consecrated church
St. George, preserve it
Until the Doomsday.
Hey, baptists of the glorious tribe
Methodius and Cyril
Yet again, on Bistrica
The theologians have made their nest.
Under Šara it has branched out
The lilac branch
Darkness flees from resurrection
Of Prizren's day.
To God pray the sons
Of the expelled folk
Your endowment, Sima,
Is a safe barrage.
Unanimously sing the sons
Of the expelled folk
We have returned to you again,
Hey, the Promised Land.

Through Color and Fragrance

I want your heart to know I will be gone tomorrow
I will untie the rope from the mooring
Only a trail will be left for you, I know I was dear to you
But I wasn't ready to nest yet
Maybe I shall come one day to see if you have a home
Is the mooring free or someone tied his ship
If there is someone there, I will quietly pass by, no one will know
But you will recognize my flowers
Through its' color and fragrance, you will always know when I came
Your whole life only you will, when I'm gone, flowers will stay
I would give anything for you to be the light of my home
But I have no right to you anymore
Flowers didn't die, that is all I have left
Let it remind you of me from time to time
Maybe I shall come one day to see if you have a home
Is the mooring free or someone tied his ship
If there is someone there, I will quietly pass by, no one will know
But you will recognize my flowers
Through its' color and fragrance, you will always know when I came
Your whole life only you will, when I'm gone, flowers will stay


I'm really sorry...
But I can't see you my love...
Nor your tricolored eyes
Even though you try to look at me, I stop you
And I'm really sorry
That we can only be colleagues
Leave me, baby
Many rivals see me
I have well kept treasures that they want to take off me
I run away from you there is no option
Even if you find me my love
Because your kisses lower my guard like rum
Ooo, ooo, oh
I'm like Garu when I avoid your messages even with the temptation
Ooo, ooo, oh
And it tastes strange to know that you're my Pucca without knowing who I am
With this cold on my skin
I don't know what to believe
Whenever I move away, your aura
Makes me see it again, baby
I'm really sorry...
But I can't see you my love...
Not your voice... not your smell...
When you're close I'm no longer me
Nor your tricolored eyes
Even though you try to look at me, I stop you
And I'm really sorry
That we can only be colleagues
Leave me, baby
Many rivals see me
I have well kept treasures that they want to take off me
I run away from you there is no option
Even if you find me my love
Because your kisses lower my guard like rum
Hey yo, they lower me like rum even if I don't drop
I always go with my phone reading that you want to see me
That I misbehave, for not being around and not being well
That I misbehave, because you can't believe me
That you love me
Always among pins
Taking care of me at night from those shadows and those beings
And it is that, you can no longer
Feel what you have
You tell me not to go but you never stop me...
I'm really sorry...
But I can't see you my love...
Ooo, ooo, oh ...

A Candle

The blizzard raged across the earth
Round after round,
The light of candle lit the house,
The light of candle.
And as in Summer midges swarm
Flies to the bright flame,
The snowflakes by storm were blown
To lighted windows' frame.
The blizzard darted to the glass
The snowflakes rounds,
The light of candle lit the house,
The light of candle.
The shadows flicked around the walls
Lit by the candle:
Entangled flesh, entangled souls,
The fate entangled.
And on the floor two slippers fell
With knocking sound,
And drops of wax, as tears melt,
Stained dress on the ground.
And all were lost in silver haze,
In snow bundles,
The light of candle lit the house,
The light of candle.
Out of the corner blew the wind
On the little candle,
Hot lure, as angel, lifted wings
In cross-like angle.
All winter blizzard raged the earth
Round after round,
The light of candle lit the house,
The light of candle.

Aria Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5

Evening - a cloud, rose-colored, transparent and without haste
in the vastness of the sky, dreamy and beautiful!
The moon quietly emerges from the infinity, Luna,
who adorns the evening, like a sweet girl,
who dreamily prepares herself,
longing to become beautiful,
heaven, earth, all nature begging!
Silent the birds, when she sadly laments


A statue, stone in desert heat,
On bright white sand, with thirstburnt head,
I stand here, meaningless and dead

Baby (You’re Some Kind of Modern Witch)

Listen up baby, you're like electricity
I'm shaking all over
There's a fever I can't shake
Listen up baby, what have you done to me?
You've put a spell on me, this is bad and my life's gone upside down
And I guess
You're some kind of modern witch
You're so sexy, you're so fly
I would call you a witch - a utopian witch
Listen up baby, I got the hots
You're some kind of modern witch
You're so very very ultra-sexy
Every little thing you do is magic
Listen up baby, I've got a crush on you
Baby, I guess you're from another planet
Your kisses are full of electricity, I get nervous
Whoa, I like that
Baby, you're some kind of galactic
I would call you utopian, macroscopic
I just can't get enough
Listen up baby, when I look into your eyes
It spins me interplanetary, I go crazy
And you know it
Baby, you're a perfect 10
Your curves are astral, infernal
And you stole my peace of mind
You're some kind of modern witch
You're so very very sexy
I would call you a witch - a utopian witch
Listen up baby, I'm crazy about you
You're some kind of modern witch (5x)

Black Sunglasses

Na-na-na na-na na-na, black sunglasses (x2)
I'm just hiding from the world
the color of my eyes
You're in a Jeep with tinted windows
I'm wearing black sunglasses
Na-na-na na-na na-na, black sunglasses (x2)
I'm just hiding from the world
the color of my eyes
You're in a Jeep with tinted windows
I'm wearing black sunglasses
Everyone's pretending
Everyone's in casting
I'm fighting temptations
This is multitasking
Assaults and allusions
Who drew his conclusions
I have nothing to do with them
I stretch like an elastic band
It is clear where each calf has grazed
I am a two-edged sword, smearing honey and smearing butter
I'm walking 'round the streets, I can't find my place
They say, 'You're not from here, it's dangerous here at night!'
I'm complicated, I'm simple
I'm lifted, I'm a toast
I'm down, I'm barefoot
Black bird, I'm an ousel
I don't know who you are and what you're fighting for
The eyes are windows, so I'm closing the blinds
Na-na-na na-na na-na, black sunglasses (x2)
I'm just hiding from the world
the color of my eyes
You're in a Jeep with tinted windows
I'm wearing black sunglasses
Na-na-na na-na na-na, black sunglasses (x2)
I'm just hiding from the world
the color of my eyes
You're in a Jeep with tinted windows
I'm wearing black sunglasses
You fight, Boro, up above
your high forests
The black bird flew away
back to the courts of heaven,
where the winds are blowing
and silver branches swaying
Making you always pine for them
and sing their songs
Up, up, up
You fight, fight, fight
Ill, ill, ill
You fight, fight, fight
Na-na-na na-na na-na (Ill)
Na-na-na na-na na-na (Fight)
I'm just hiding from the world
the color of my eyes
You're in a Jeep with tinted windows
I'm wearing black sunglasses
Where the winds are blowing
(Na-na-na na-na na-na, black sunglasses)
Silver branches swaying
(Na-na-na na-na na-na, black sunglasses!)

Marina Gasoline

Marina amphetamine
Marina gasoline (oooooo orra)
Marina caipirinha
Bum tchá tchá tchi tchi tchá
Meet me after school and I'll beat you like gorilla
Bite you like piranha, come to fight like if you were my spider
Oooooo orra
My mare Pocoto
Marina is on fire
Marina amphetamine
Marina gasoline
Marina is on fire
Meet me after school and I'll beat you like gorilla
Bite you like piranha, come to fight like if you were my spider
Marina amphetamine
Marina gasoline
Marina vaseline
Marina... amphetamine
Afrika bambata
Bum tchá tchá tchi tchi tchá