Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 74

Találatok száma: 5095



Hey, if only you and I could have any regret
while we turn our backs on each other at this place
Hey, on this cloudy night*, please erase this vision
as well as my shaken soul
I wonder, why does that scene that I don’t want to forget
looked like a dream
Why am I dragging my feet?
It’s because the end of our journey is almost here
Ah, just like the forgotten mirror on the subway,
You no longer look so beautiful anymore
At this transit station where the sound of cheering echoes
I was the only one that’s feeling hazy
I wonder, why does that scene that I don’t want to forget
looked like a dream
Why am I dragging my feet?
It’s because the end of our journey is almost here
I wonder, why does that scene that I don’t want to forget
looked like a dream
Why am I dragging my feet?
It’s because the end of our journey is almost here

Rendben leszel

[Stolas, beszélve]:
Amikor félsz és nem tudod, hogy hol vagyok, emlékezz: akármi is történik velem, sose leszek távol az én különleges kis csillagtüzemtől
Mindig úgy tűnik, a sötétben csendesebb
Olyan határozottnak érződik
Ahogy a csend nő a Hold alatt
A csillagképek oly hamar kimúlnak
Régen azt hittem, bátor vagyok
Régen azt hittem, a szerelem szórakoztató lesz
Már minden történetem el lett mondva
Kivéve egy
Ahogy a csillagok sorba rendeződnek
Remélem jelnek veszed majd,
Hogy rendben leszel
Minden rendben lesz
És ha a hét gyűrű összeomlik
Bár az utolsó napom lehet
De rendben leszel
Minden leszel
És amikor a teremtmény meghal
Meglelsz az égen
Az utolsó napomon
És minden rendben lesz

You don't need much to be happy

You don't need much to be happy,
So very few to be happy!
You have to get happy with the bare necessity:
A little bit of water and fresh greenery
Mother Nature provides us

A föld

Hová mész játszani a pajtásaiddal?
Hol érnek majd véget a nyomaid?
Hol fogsz majd elesni, majd felállni és sírni?
És hol fogsz majd a naplementére tekinteni, mely még mérföldre nyúlik el?
Mit fogunk majd a gyermekeinkre hagyni?
Mit tudunk majd egy nap felmutatni?
Mi a helyes és a helytelen, vajon fogom-e majd tudni?
Mi feledtetheti el velünk annyi év verítékét?
Te rád hagyom a napot és a tengert és a földet, drága gyermekem,
És ígérem, hogy majd az út végén rám találsz
A zászlóm tovább fog lobogni és tovább fogom vetni a magjaim érted,
És megóvlak majd
Te rád hagyom a napot és a tengert és a földet, drága gyermekem,
Hallják meg az égiek - meg fogjuk találni az életünket
A zászlóm tovább fog lobogni és tovább fogom vetni a magjaim érted,
És ígérem,
A föld hozzád tartozik
Mi lett a szeretetből?
Mi lett az álomból?
Ezrek könnyei hullanak a homokba,
És a fák csak tovább erősödnek a földben
Te rád hagyom a napot és a tengert és a földet, drága gyermekem,
És ígérem, hogy majd az út végén rám találsz
A zászlóm tovább fog lobogni és tovább fogom vetni a magjaim érted,
És megóvlak majd
Te rád hagyom a napot és a tengert és a földet, drága gyermekem,
Hallják meg az égiek - meg fogjuk találni az életünket
A zászlóm tovább fog lobogni és tovább fogom vetni a magjaim érted,
És ígérem,
A föld hozzád tartozik
A föld hozzád tartozik,
Te rád hagyom a napot és a tengert és a földet, drága gyermekem,
És ígérem, hogy majd az út végén rám találsz
A zászlóm tovább fog lobogni és tovább fogom vetni a magjaim érted,
És megóvlak majd
Te rád hagyom a napot és a tengert és a földet, drága gyermekem,
Hallják meg az égiek - meg fogjuk találni az életünket
A zászlóm tovább fog lobogni és tovább fogom vetni a magjaim érted,
És ígérem,
A föld hozzád tartozik

I will come back to you, I will

Last stop is the beach
the world here is ours
in the shade I dream secretly
when I come back again
The time is coming
when you're done waiting
adieu blue sea
adieu white beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
only a few more days keeps us away
I know you miss me
like a sea misses a beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
if you still keep hoping
To the banks of Hron
where our motherland is.
Hey, hey, folks, everyone hands, hands
Hey, hey, hop
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Magical tones
nights in Adriatic
From the sea resounds
a wanting call
In my mind I fly
where my home is
from the fields and slopes
I wave to the morning 1
(Let's go!)
Come back, I will come back, I will
Hey, hey, now all the ladies scream
Fantastic, excellent
Oh ey, now let's go once more
everyone hands, hands, hands
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
only a few more days keeps us away
I know you miss me
like a sea misses a beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
if you still keep hoping
To the banks of Hron
where our motherland is.
  • 1. In the attached video, they instead sing 'I wave to the distance'

House party

There was a breathtaking binge at my place last week
I've regretted it since, it's a miracle that I've survived it
There were many famous movie actors among the guests
But unfortunately none of them were particularly gentle
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
The one who's very strong and so brave was here too
He clanks like metal if you kick him, he's the Terminator1
He retired rather early, he left the crowd behind
And facefucked the dishwasher in a small room
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
Hooo, this house party wasn't a bright idea
None of these sick fucks will be allowed here anymore
Hooo, I admit to you, I feel very down
Now I can scrub body fluids for three weeks
The catwoman exclaimed: 'Oh, how splendid it would be
If someone would take me without a condom!'
The rubber man replied: 'I don't need rubber
My stick was made from caoutchouc to begin with.'
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
The doctors from ER2drank like fish too
Doctor Carter smeared his shit on the wall
Farther from the others Benton was up to no good
He was doing something too, but I don't know what
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
Hooo, this house party wasn't a bright idea
None of these sick fucks will be allowed here anymore
Hooo, I admit to you, I feel very down
Now I can scrub body fluids for three weeks
Then suddenly KITT and Michael3entered the house
They were barely able to stop, they were so wasted
Michael felt it inside him that this night is theirs
So he put KITT's exhaust pipe right up his ass
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
The Transformers4became horny as fuck too
RoboCop5was sitting just next to them on a bench
They've grabbed him and played catch with his body with dicks erect
They fucked him so much, the paint came off of the poor guy
Laaah lah laah
Lallah lallah lah
Only after this came the biggest
I woke up and who snores in my bed?
The Girl with the Mousehead!6
Hooo, this house party wasn't a bright idea
None of these sick fucks will be allowed here anymore
Hooo, I admit to you, I feel very down
Now I can scrub body fluids for three weeks
  • 1. Reference to the 1984 science fiction film directed by James Cameron.
  • 2. An American medical drama television series created by novelist and physician Michael Crichton.
  • 3. Characters from the American action crime drama television series titled Knight Rider.
  • 4. A Japanese–American media franchise that deals with the battles of sentient, living autonomous robots.
  • 5. The titular character from the 1987 American science fiction action film.
  • 6. The Kovbojok have a song titled 'The Girl with the Mousehead'.

Balkalaki Homfó

The tales of Middle-earth1are not over yet
This is what the following hobbit story is about
The brother-in-law of Barka Pali is the protagonist now
But he prefers farting over boozing
Not many people like Balkalaki Homfó
Any who dares to come near him, runs away quick
Usually trouble comes after lunch
Because if he eats too much beans, his ass complains
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I'm very fond of the bean soup
If you don't believe it, my little pal, just take a whiff of my keister
Our halfling has been to Moria too
This little, fickle guy was furtively following Gollam
As soon as they've entered the mine of the dwarfs
He laid a rugged fart on Gollam's shoulder blade
One day he got to the Prancing Pony
Sadly the famous chronicle doesn't mention this
But all the good friends were running like headless chickens
When they've smelled the sigh of his ass
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I'm very fond of the bean soup
If you don't believe it, my little pal, just take a whiff of my keister
In front of the dark lord he had a bright idea
'Well, since I'm here, I'm going to fart on something that's his'
He looked up at Sauron and spoke thusly 'Look!'
And the nice steel helmet got filled with foul steam
There's no more darkness and stubborn tyranny
The whole country is covered with a stinking mist
A golden crown adorns the head of our little Homfó
And there's a fucking huge bean field where Mordor used to be
Yet the people of Middle-earth remain irritated
'Cause that ass went haywire and it farts everywhere
Poor Homfó gets banished to beyond the sea
So Sauron will again become the ruler of the world
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I'm very fond of the bean soup
If you don't believe it, my little pal, just take a whiff of my keister
I'm Balkalaki Homfó, I live my life in exile
But I'm still happy like this, 'cause my farts are never ending
  • 1. The fictional setting of much of the English writer J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy.

Seven Commandments

Let's start off on the assumption that I'm God
If you refute this, you'll have trouble
With this you would break my first commandment
Let's check out what are the seven commandments!
According to the 2nd you should remove half of your brain
This will make sure that a lump won't grow there
But you could still easily get cancer of the liver for example
Have your dick cut off too, if you think that's a good idea
For the 3rd: you should seek out David Beckham1
You'll apply factor 25 sunscreen on his back
As for the 4th, get yourself a Slayer2drumstick
And molest him from behind with it
Seven Commandments
Eternal life awaits you beyond death
Seven Commandments
A bombastic citadel of fakery
Come here already!
The 5th is that you should discipline your little sister
For keep putting pieces of Legos3up her ass
If she makes me angry, she won't appreciate what she gets
She'll have to watch Sas-cabaret4until she falls over
The 6th is that you should get roaring drunk
The hard part is just about to come, it'll blow your mind
'Keep sober!' this would be the final commandment
Huh! I've made it a paradox, I've fucked you!
Seven Commandments
Eternal life awaits you beyond death
Seven Commandments
A bombastic citadel of fakery
Come here already!
Suddenly a subdued voice could be heard from the sky:
'There's a zeroth commandment besides the seven
You deserve a clout on the head if you believe all this
Don't be a dumbass, not even I believe in me!'
Seven Commandments
Eternal life awaits you beyond death
Seven Commandments
A bombastic citadel of fakery
Come here already!
  • 1. An English former professional footballer.
  • 2. Slayer was an American thrash metal band.
  • 3. A line of plastic construction toys.
  • 4. A cabaret produced by József Sas, a Hungarian actor and comedian. His show was known during the communist era but some would say that it was boring and repetitious. After the Soviet era what audience the show has retained almost exclusively consisted of old people.

Drive Pissed

1 2 3 4
During vacations
screw that Indian jerk1.
To drive across the whole of France,
no two ways to make it through:
Drive pissed...
So many plane trees2
driving like crazies,
cutting you up,
you'd better watch out
Drive pissed...
A couple glasses is alright
to write a song
but to do some real damage
you'd easily need a couple bottles of plonk3
Drive pissed...
  • 1. 'Bison futé' (Crafty Bison) is a cartoonish Indian chief, mascot of the French traffic control center, notably providing advices to alleviate traffic jams during summer vacations
  • 2. many French roads are lined with plane trees. 'se prendre un platane' ('Smashing against a plane tree') is a typical cause of violent death at the wheel
  • 3. from the famous anti-alcoholic motto of the 80's: 'deux verres ça va, trois verres, bonjour les dégâts' ('two glasses are alright, three glasses will do some real damage')

Oh, These Chicks

I went out with Hélène.
We sat together in a café.
When I told her I loved her
she said she loved me too.
The next day I call her
she says it's all over.
Oh, these chicks, oh, these chicks
they drive me plain nuts
Oh, these chicks, oh, these chicks
I just like them too much
I went out with Monique
We went to the movies
and at the most tragic moment
she asked me to kiss her
and since I'm a pragmatic guy
I was happy to oblige.
Oh, these chicks, oh, these chicks
they drive me plain nuts
Oh, these chicks, oh, these chicks
I just like them too much
I went out with Marcel
[he went out with Marcel]
We met in the subway
He lives right next to Sarcelles1
so I walked him home.
When we arrived at his council flat
he said, 'I don't like faggots'.
Oh, these chicks, oh, these chicks
they drive me plain nuts
Oh, these chicks, oh, these chicks
I just like them too much
I went out with Karine
She didn't ask anything from me
She's so sweet, she's so delicate,
I love her pretty eyes full of wonder.
I'll love Karine all my life
nothing will prevent me from doing so.
Ah, that chick, ah, that chick,
she drove me plain nuts
Ah, that chick, ah, that chick,
I just love her too much.
  • 1. a suburban city north of Paris. Not the poshest place in France

Eternal by your side

Valencia, my badge and legend
Valencia, you're part of me
It's a feeling
and today I can say
I'll be eternal by your side
It's your light, your incomparable
flag and honor,
the ones that dress
my heart
So much time singing
and raising my voice
the one you hear
along with my passion
So many years of history
and it'll never change
1of Valencia I'll be
until the end
Black and white I'll be
and wherever you are
I'll proudly accompany you
Valencia, my badge and legend
Valencia, you're part of me
It's a feeling
and today I can say
I'll be eternal by your side
Valencia, I love you, Valencia
Let's toast very loudly2
There's nothing in the world
that makes me feel
the same I feel for you
by your side...
The years go by
and today I can say
Win, lose
I'll always be there
Mestalla vibrates
with every occasion
I feel eternal illusion
today for you
People tell
that it's something special
Being from Turia3
will never change
It was in Algiròs4
where a great was born
and with you I want to die
Valencia, my badge and legend
Valencia, you're part of me
It's a feeling
and today I can say
I'll be eternal by your side
Valencia, I love you, Valencia
Let's toast very loudly
There's nothing in the world
that makes me feel
the same I feel for you
Uooh, ooh
Uooh, ooh
Uooh, Ooh...
Valencia, my badge and legend
Valencia, you're part of me
It's a feeling
and today I can say
I'll be eternal by your side
Valencia, I love you, Valencia
Let's toast very loudly[
There's nothing in the world
that makes me feel
the same I feel for you
by your side...
  • 1. a fan
  • 2. ? 'hard' 'strong'
  • 3. river and park in Valencia
  • 4. a district in Valencia

Welcome us coming, village

1.All of us mates of same class
We look like buds of a rose plant
‘My children best wishes
We were accompanied and greeted
Oh this land of ours, sweet
Like honey.
Our sweat
Makes it prosperous.
Open armed you welcome us
We come to you
With cheerful heart.
2.Boys and girls we set to work
Like once in school we are all together
Every single soil lump from our land
Warms our heart like fire.
- Refrain


He's mean, he's very bad
He's a snake, a crocodile, a rhinoceros, a whaler
He stabbed me in the side
How could he, how could he
He's mean, he's very bad
He's a snake, a crocodile, a rhinoceros, a whaler
He stabbed me in the side
How could he, how could he
You and I are like a motorcycle and the desert
I'm a hand, you're a door, let me in
You're a lie, I am pride, I'm as scared of you as of fire
You and I are like a blank sheet of paper and a pencil
Be truthful and pure, when will you give back my heart?
When will you give it back?
The first people were poets, they gave things names
I kept your secrets, for you named me
We were little-loved, we are little children, blinded by beauty
Who has ever seen the wind?
I've never seen it and neither have you
Brand my heart
with seven hot words - 'I want to always be in love'
Brand my heart
with seven hot words - 'I want to always be in love'
Brand my heart
with seven hot words - 'I want to always be in love'
Brand my heart
with four hot words - 'I want to always be in love'
He's mean, he's very bad
He's a snake, a crocodile, a rhinoceros, a whaler
He stabbed me in the side
How could he, how could he


You saw the sings that foretell the rain
Flies that rush into the room
Winds breathing under the door
Water drawing stains over the ceiling
Clouds always knew who to team with
You wondered will it rain or not
It looks like there will be
This rain will not get tired
It won't, until the tides get high
If only your house could sail
To take you faraway across the sea
Into the custom-made distances
Where there is not one manly soul
That can let you down
You said: 'Rain, what are you doing in my house?
What else can I learn from you?
How to fall down without making a sound?'
'Sadness, you have your work cut out for you...
If I forgive him, what will be left?
How will I be able to look myself in the eyes?
Sadness, don't, don't find me!'
If years could be cut in half
You would be the first one to untie the ropes
If the heart could love again
Oh, it will once when it will be its time
And like a thumb peaking out of a sock
Someone will show up to turn those
Dry branches into flowers
You said: 'Rain, what are you doing in my house?
What else can I learn from you?
How to fall down without making a sound?'
'Doubt, you have your work cut out for you...
If I forgive him, what will be left?
How will I be able to look myself in the eyes?
Sadness, don't, don't find me!'


From afar, from other lands
I come thirsty and fiery
By the call of love.
With no care, always a rambler,
I wandered and I tried
To love, but in vain.
But only you, beautiful Tangolita,
Oh señorita, you have tamed me.
With your mouth, beautiful Tangolita,
Oh señorita, you enslaved me.
When you appear, even the nature gets drunk,
And my heart vibrates thrilled,
'Cause only you, beautiful Tangolita,
You are the temptation that enslaved me.
~ ~ ~
When you appear, even the nature gets drunk,
And my heart vibrates thrilled,
'Cause only you, beautiful Tangolita,
You are the temptation that enslaved me.

To Be Reborn

The Lyrics for Renacer by Kevin Carbo feat. Yankel Luis Crespo
You make me reborn again
She has something so special in his eyes
Has, has
When she moves her waist I get sick1
I get sick
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast
You fill me so much with happiness
You know
You know that in my world nothing is the same anymore
Nothing is the same anymore
You have
You have the power to take me to your place (yea)
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast (hear)
You fill me so much with happiness (yea)
You take me to heaven
That2you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
That you don't see that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
You take me to heaven
That you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
Oh babe that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
She has the kiss, that has me prisoner
Her waist has something that makes me naughty
The delicacy of her, she is my princess (princess)
She's the only one who has put love in me (in my head)
She always speaks to me clearly, she has shown me (haa)
Now I'm struggling to have her by my side (ohh)
Maybe one day I have to fight a thousand soldiers (ahh)
I'll continue fighting by your side (baby)
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast
You fill me so much with happiness (You fill me up)
She gives me a kiss and a smile
I feel my heart so fast (you fill me up)
You fill me so much with happiness (yea)
You take me to heaven
That you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
That you don't see that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
You take me to heaven
That you take me, you take me to heaven
With you I feel new
That you don't see that with you I feel new
You move your waist from here to there
You have me crazy, I can't take it anymore
You make me reborn again
You make me reborn again
  • 1. in the sense of 'mad', 'lose control'
  • 2. the 'that' in the following lines is just for emphatic purpose, you can ignore it

Waikiki I Know

The Waikiki I Know, Waikiki I Know
I already have a few grains of sand from that beach
Waikiki I Know, Waikiki I Know
Still, still I keep singing it
Hoola-lala, Hoola-lali
Waikiki I know, there a laugh was born
Hoola-lala, Hoola-lali
Waikiki I know, there a laugh was born
In my sleep for weeks I've been
having this beautiful blue dream
and the distance I look at is all mine
It's all yours
It's all mine
It's all yours
Believe me, trust me
Ooh, Waikiki I know, Waikiki I know,
I already have a few grains of sand from that beach
Waikiki I Know, Waikiki I Know
Still, still I keep singing it
Hoola-lala, Hoola-lali
Waikiki I know, there a laugh was born
Hoola-lala, Hoola-lali
Waikiki I know, there a laugh was born
Hey, hey, hey...
In my sleep for weeks I've been
having this beautiful blue dream
and the distance I look at is all mine
It's yours
It's mine
It's yours
Believe me, trust me
Oooh, the Waikiki I know, Waikiki I know,
I already have a few grains of sand from that beach,
the Waikiki I know, Waikiki I know,
still, still I'm singing
the Waikiki I know, Waikiki I know,
I already have a few grains of sand from that beach,
the Waikiki I know, Waikiki I know,
still, still I'm singing
hula-la, hula-la, hula-la, hula-la, hey!

Call me

Just call me, don't be so shy,
I'm waiting for that call all week,
just call me, don't be so shy,
just call me with ease, I'll run outside.
Verse 1:
I'll say quietly 'oh'
and then I'm gonna blush,
I'll say 'dear boy believe me,
it's a very easy lie,
you know, there isn't much time
so hurry up, just do it.'
I'm waiting, boy, and the weeks go by.
Verse 2:
Dad is watching over me and my Mom asks
'why am I so restless, all uneasy',
I can't tell her what trouble I have,
I'm waiting for that call
and hopefully I will get it.
[Verse 1:]

One Shot

I'm just looking for hope
I'm a little lost
Because it's rough what I feel
If this night begins, it's begininng with you
Even if I say, that it can not happen
But before I can find myself I stand in front of your door
We don't make mistakes, because we don't regret it
Come, let's quickly take a shot, then let's run this stuff
It takes only one shot for the night to start
And we take tonight, take tonight
It's just one, two, three and four
Come on let's just take one shot more, this is how everything begins
It takes only one shot for the night to start
And we take tonight, take tonight
It's just one, two, three and four
Oh, now we are here
Now we are here
You would think, it's finally over,
But then I find myself belling on your door
And then we start again, noone could stop us
Come, let's quickly take a shot, then let's run this stuff
It takes only one shot for the night to start
And we take tonight, take tonight
It's just one, two, three and four
Come on let's just take one shot more, this is how everything begins
It takes only one shot for the night to start
And we take tonight, take tonight
It's just one, two, three and four
Oh, now we are here
Now we are here
Now we are here
Now we are here
Now we are here
One shot, that's how things go
It takes only one shot for the night to start
And we take tonight, take tonight
It's just one, two, three and four
Come, let's quickly take a shot, then let's run this stuff
It takes only one shot for the night to start
And we take tonight, take tonight
It's just one, two, three and four
Come on let's just take one shot more, this is how everything begins
It takes only one shot for the night to start
And we take tonight, take tonight
It's just one, two, three and four
Oh, now we are here

I don't understand

I sit between your acquaintances,
you all speak Spanish, nobody is talking with me.
I'm smiling and pretend I don't mind it,
and even pretend, that I somewhere like see something, what I'm interested in.
And I'm thinking, if and when will it end already,
if we would undestand ourselves, if I would understand you.
And I don't understand, I don't understand what I'm doing here,
and if and when will it end,
how did I get there, I don't understand,
I don't understand.
I look into the ground, I look at you,
I look at my hands, I look into myself,
I look at sir, and don't understand what I am doing here.
What am I doing here.
I wait for examination, full waiting room,
one crying girl goes out after every other.
One was with mum,
second probably with husband, third alone,
all of them were crying.
Probably it's because of that, where we're sitting,
what is this waiting room?
Maybe I'll be crying too,
I'll be surprised.
And I don't understand, I don't understand what I'm doing here,
and if and when will it end,
how did I get there, I don't understand,
I don't understand.
I look into the ground, I look at you,
I look at my hands, I look into myself,
I look at lady, and don't understand what I am doing here.
What am I doing here.
I see at Národní [1] mass of people,
I hurry, I don't see, I force my way to my door.
I see man without a leg, lady with a scarf and child
and man with accordion, who looks, that he really can't see.
And then I will meet Peter Binder [2] here,
I tell him, how many things I don't understand,
and then he'll tell me that sentence, that sentence,
that I will write on a wall of my flat later.
Even if it doesn't look good, it works for goodness.
I understand a little bit, I understand what am I doing here,
and I don't ask, if it will end,
how did I get there, I don't understand,
but it doesn't mind.
But it doesn't mind,
it doesn't mind, I understand what am I doing here.
But it doesn't mind,
but it doesn't mind,
but it doesn't mind, I understand what am I doing here.
What am I doing here.

In The North

I'm standing on the edge
And staring into the horizon
The world is burning, what a view it is
I see how the world is aching
It's a coldness without frost
It's an everlasting darkness
In the north, there's another
Snowless winter
It's a coldness without frost
It's an everlasting darkness
There are only woes left
Our very own dystopia
I'm standing on the edge
And staring into the horizon
The world is burning, what a view it is
Everything decays, time stands still
I'm standing
On the edge
I'm standing
I'm falling

They gave their lives for Bosnia

The earth was burning like in hell!
Heroes were defending Bihac!
In a moment, a deadly arrow,
Has taken away a young life.
Do not grieve son, be proud!
your father has fallen for freedom,
For Bosnia he gave his life!
He was sent off by both mother and father,
They waved to him from the house doorstep.
In the soul, there is a prayer for their son,
In their heart, there is Bosnia the Homeland.
My loved ones, do not grieve for your son.
I defended my people, that is my destiny!
The streets of Vakuf are empty.
Darkness has fallen, a storm is coming!
A bolt of lightning from the clouds tears the sky,
The wind as a hero speaks out.
Do not cry, my dearest, be proud!
Even if I had a hundred lives, I would give them all for Bosnia!

Egyszer majd egy gyermek

Egyszer felkel majd a nap
Az orgonafa három ága felett
És lesz egy gyermek, aki nézi
Akár egy képeskönyvet
A világ körülötte
Üres lesz, így
Ő képzeli majd el az életet
Az első oldalra
Rajzol egy narancsot, és ezzel
Ő adja az égnek az első napját
Rajzol egy madarat, és ezzel
Megteremti a virágokat
A víz hangja után kutatva
Meghallja a szív kiáltását
Egy csillag ágainak megrajzolásával
Ez a gyermek rátalál a felnőttek útjára
Azokéra, akik még mindig elcsodálkoznak
A mindennapok gyümölcsein
És a szerelem rózsáin

Pretty Little Thing

Oh! Oh-eh oh!
You have a glance
That I want to see reflect in my eyes,
And a heart
That makes my own heart beat!
With you... Oh oh oh oh!
I've seen you in all my dreams...
Oh oh oh oh!
I couldn't even sleep, so I could see you...
Pretty little thing,
You're the one who seduces me!
To feel your skin...
Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!
Pretty little thing,
My ray of light!
If one day I can get you...
Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!
It will only be me plus you:
Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!
It will only be me plus you...

Oh! Oh-eh oh!
You have a glance
That I want to see reflect in my eyes,
And a heart
That makes my own heart beat!
With you... Oh oh oh oh!
I've seen you in all my dreams...
Oh oh oh oh!
I couldn't even sleep, so I could see you...
Pretty little thing,
You're the one who seduces me!
To feel your skin...
Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!
Pretty little thing,
My ray of light!
If one day I can get you...
Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!
It will only be me plus you:
Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!
It will only be me plus you...


A Naptár Dal

Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Augusztus, Szeptember, Október
November, December
Augusztus, Szeptember, Október
November, December
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Augusztus, Szeptember, Október
November, December
Augusztus, Szeptember, Október
November, December
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július
Január, Február, Március, Április, Május
Június, Július


Gözü karaydı siyahtan kömürdü
A szeme fekete volt, mint a fekete szén
Silahdı vururdu delerdi tek bakışta
Fegyverrel lelőtte, egy pillantással leszúrta
Yürüyünce saatler dururdu
Amikor sétáltam, az idő megállt
Zamanmış, mekanmış, dünya kimin umrunda
Idő, tér, a világ kit érdekel
Ah be gülüm, sana benden nasıl janti bir yar olur
Ah kedvesem, hogyan lehetsz a szeretője
Sen beni ittin, bilemezsin kendimden geçtim
Te löktél el, nem tudod, hogy magamtól mentem el
Gelemem kendime yar, gelemem kolay kolay
Nem térek magamhoz, nem tudok könnyen elmenni
O zaman gel yanımda kal
Akkor gyere, maradj velem
Gel de bu gece yıkılsın
Gyere és pusztíts el ma este
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Beni tanırsın
Te ismersz engem
Bir kere sevdim yanarım aşkım adına
Egyszer szerettem, a szerelmem nevében elégek
Ve bu gece yıkılsın
És ma este pusztíts el
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Başım önde kapına geldim
Felemelt fejjel az ajtódhoz jöttem
Yalanı da gör arada acı kuluna
Látja a hazugságot, időnként fáj az emberfiának
Teni kardı beyazdı sıcaktı
A bőre fehér, mint a hó, forró
Yanından geçince nasıl gül kokardı
Elment mellette, hogy érezné a rózsa illatát?
Saçlar uçardı ipince savursa
A haj repül, ha dobálják
Uzaktan yüzümde kıyamet kopardı
Messziről az arcomon kitört a végítélet
Ah be gülüm, sana benden nasıl janti bir yar olur
Ah kedvesem, hogyan lehetsz a szeretője
Sen beni ittin, bilemezsin kendimden geçtim
Te löktél el, nem tudod, hogy magamtól mentem el
Gelemem kendime yar, gelemem kolay kolay
Nem térek magamhoz, nem tudok könnyen elmenni
O zaman gel yanımda kal
Akkor gyere, maradj velem
Gel de bu gece yıkılsın
Gyere és pusztíts el ma este
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Beni tanırsın
Te ismersz engem
Bir kere sevdim yanarım aşkım adına
Egyszer szerettem, a szerelmem nevében elégek
Ve bu gece yıkılsın
És ma este pusztíts el
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Başım önde kapına geldim
Felemelt fejjel az ajtódhoz jöttem
Yalanı da gör arada acı kuluna
Látja a hazugságot, időnként fáj az emberfiának
Gelemem kendime yar, gelemem kolay kolay
Nem térek magamhoz, nem tudok könnyen eljönni
O zaman gel yanımda kal
Akkor gyere, maradj velem
Gel de bu gece yıkılsın
Gyere és pusztíts el ma este
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Beni tanırsın
Te ismersz engem
Bir kere sevdim yanarım aşkım adına
Egyszer szerettem, a szerelmem nevében elégek
Ve bu gece yıkılsın
És ma este pusztíts el
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Başım önde kapına geldim
Felemelt fejjel az ajtódhoz jöttem
Yalanı da gör arada acı kuluna
Látja a hazugságot, időnként fáj az emberfiának
Gel de bu gece yıkılsın
Gyere és pusztíts el ma este
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Beni tanırsın
Te ismersz engem
Bir kere sevdim yanarım aşkım adına
Egyszer szerettem, a szerelmem nevében elégek
Ve bu gece yıkılsın
És ma este pusztíts el
Yoluna kul köle gönül kapılmış ağlarına
Az ő útján a rabul esett szív sír
Başım önde kapına geldim
Felemelt fejjel az ajtódhoz jöttem
Yalanı da gör arada acı kuluna
Látja a hazugságot, időnként fáj az emberfiának

Binge eating binge drinking bulimia

You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine! I cannot stop eating!
You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine! I cannot stop eating!
You are not mine! You are not mine!
You are not mine!
You are, you are, you are, you are
Binge drinking binge eating bulimia
Someone stop me. That is me.
You have decided my value.
I will decide my value myself.
Binge drinking binge eating overeating.
The inferiority complex that keeps coming back.
How much is my life?
How much is my life?
I am not yours! I am not yours!
I am not yours! I cannot stop eating!
I am not yours! I am not yours!
I am not yours

Don't Light My Fire

Don't (Don't) Don't (Don't)
Don't light my fire, Don't light my fire
(Don't) Go! (Don't) Go! (Don't) Go, go, go
Don't light my fire
Or not go to hell
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
Then, Go go go go go go go go go go go go
Go to hell!
Or not go go heaven.
Or not go go heaven.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
Then, Go go go go go go go go go go go go
Go to hell!
If you lit a fire to my heart, hot hotter hottest.
If you lit a fire to my heart, sad sadder saddest.
Sad sadder saddest. Sad sadder saddest.
Sad sadder saddest.
Get rid of me and my love, I beg you.
Don't light my fire, Don't light my fire.
Fire on my heart (fire on my heart)
You set a fire on my heart.
Fire on my heart (fire on my heart)
You set a fire on my heart.
I could set a fire on you.
I'll be left alone to clean up the mess.
I could set a fire on you.
I'll be left alone to clean up the mess.
All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone
Go to hell!!
Get rid of me and my love, will you?
Wipe my butt before you go. Go to hell!!


Water, earth, air, fire
Water, earth, air, fire (Hey, people)
Water, earth, air, fire
Water, earth, air, fire
I am a being of the earth and to the earth I will return
The roots of my legs I will sow in the ground
And with water between my veins, I am very thirsty
Give me water, give me wind, and so I will survive
I have a flower in my hair and an animal in my soul
That sings at morning and at night is going to fly
And although it seems wild, it is more tame than your desire
To let me bleed and let my mar dry up
Water runs through my vein
The land that I step on poisons me
I hold my breath singing this song
I run out of words and my voice breaks
A mountain of green, heartbeats
A dream that we already had and it escaped us
Sound river, speak forest, sing jungle, shout sea1
I already have the colour of the sky and the heart of glass
A world full of dreams never to wake up
A truth that tells you that I am a reality
Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone
Don't touch me, don't touch me, don't touch me
Take care of me, take care of me, take care of me
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
  • 1. It may be meant as present, but it may as well be imperative

Europe waits for your return

The heart is dreaming and it flies, flies to you
Beyond the Carpathian Mountains, it cries hard, when it's there
It waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, Europe waits for your return
The fire is dreaming, it burns so, it hurts so
Its dream is glorious, Europe waits for your return
It waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, hugs you and you may live again
t waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, Europe waits for your return
The silence is dreaming, it promises peace
Up high and down here our flag is still white as snow
It waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, Europe waits for your return
See? It waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, Europe waits for your return
It waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, Europe waits for your return
See? It waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, hugs you and you may live again
It waits for you, I know it does, it still waits for you
It extends its arms towards you, Europe waits for your return

The castaway

Like a castaway on the sea foamed waves,
like a boat without oars I am like without thee.
Thou has a heart of iron otherwise it doesn’t explain
without cause to a body thou to has to tyrannise.

To the Sun

The devil is the sun
let us fly up
on angel's wings
where the wind flies
The devil is the sun
let us devour
and tear apart
what is nice in the world
The devil is the sun
it has never been
so crazy blue
that bright sky
The devil is the sun
Come, let's climb up
on each other's shoulder
we never fall down
The devil is the sun
let us catch
and tear it apart
this light is just ours
Come even closer
I hug so hot
It's all beautiful
Your heart will catch fire
and burn out when you land
The devil is the sun
let us fly up
on angel's wings
where the wind flies
The devil is the sun
let us steal
and tear apart
what is nice in others
The devil is the sun
let us fly more
higher and higher
we never fall down
The devil is the sun
let us bite through
each other's throat
the World is ours
What if there won't be any more
light in your mouth, just ashes
What did you take, gimme some
Somehow I don't see miracles
The crowd roars when they see an angel
They torn the wings off
The boys are doing drugs in the mine1
The girls smash the house
Come even closer
I hug so hot
It's all beautiful
Your heart will catch fire
and you'll burn out
Come even closer
I hug so hot
It's all beautiful
Your heart will catch fire
and you'll burn out
What if there won't be any more
light in your mouth, just ashes
What did you take, gimme some
Somehow I don't see miracles
The crowd roars when they see an angel
They torn the wings off
Just a spark and it'll catch fire
The girls smash the house
  • 1. Play on words in Hungarian, 'they are working' and 'they are doing drugs' sounds somewhat similar. Obviously this is a (distorted) reference to Snow white. The seven dwarfs were working in the mine.