Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 86

Találatok száma: 5096


Born to be free

I’m sitting on the side of the road
I’m in no hurry and people rush quickly past me
And I wonder to myself what I often wonder
Why are we trapped and not free?
Free of strange thoughts and strange words
Caught by strange fantasies?
Why are we not free?
For old dreams, your own path and new utopia?
Go with the clouds, go with the wind
Let’s build palaces of delight
Go with the clouds, go with the wind
We are born to be free
To scream against every storm
We’ll bring back paradise
Freedom and happiness
I dream of a world
Of equal opportunity, of freedom and life without coercion
In which justice is more than just a word
And skin color doesn’t matter
I believe in the power of our own dreams
In castles in the air, the utopia
Maybe this world will change again
Maybe tomorrow and maybe never
Go with the clouds, go with the wind
Let’s build palaces of delight
Go with the clouds, go with the wind
We are born to be free
To scream against every storm
We’ll bring back paradise
Freedom and happiness
Don’t dream alone any longer
Into the day
Let’s dance with dreams
Let’s fly with storms
We are born to be free
To scream against every storm
We’ll bring back paradise
Freedom and happiness
We’re born to be free
Tear new walls down
We’ll bring back paradise
We’re born to be free
We’re born to be free

And Now

And now
you will close your eyes
and you will fall asleep.
The world will stop
between your eyelashes and then
you will cross the threshold
of your dreams.
And, in the meantime,
as always I
will not even be there.
The light will go out.
Goodbye, my darling,
I love you, do not awaken.
I go away.
It's futile
that, without being let down,
the fairy tale for us
ends here.
Your blue prince
is slipping out
and so tired he does not find the rhyme
to another poem.
My love,
you cannot live this way
if to live
and to love you so much and then,
as soon as you close your eyes,
I turn around and walk away,
muttering an apology,
inventing a new lie.
And now
you will close your eyes
and you will fall asleep.
The world will stop
between your eyelashes and then
you will cross the threshold
of your dreams.
As soon as you close your eyes,
I turn around and walk away,
muttering an apology,
inventing a new lie.
It's futile
that, without being let down,
the fairy tale for us
ends here.
Your blue prince
is slipping out
and so tired he does not find the rhyme
to another poem.
And now.
And now.

From shadows of a breath arisen

From shadows of a breath arisen
we wander, lonely and forlorn
and in eternity forsaken,
like sacrificed ones unknowing to whom.
Like beggars nothing is our own:
fools, standing at the locked-up gate.
And blind we listen to the silence,
in which our whispering got lost.
We wander without destinations,
and clouds we are, blown by the wind,
and flowers, trembling in fear of dying,
which wait until one mows them down.


God left just now
So let’s put an end to
Our wishes and prayers that won’t reach
I tightly clenched my empty hands
Every time I notice another thing I lack
I get annoyed at my pathetic self
I take a deep breath
And move my legs
Towards the path
That my heart knows I should go
We look up from fighting
And start to become our new selves
My empty hands
Take yours
and with that alone
We can go on
I've had my fill of regrets
I don't want to live by just getting by
I'll put an end
To lying to myself
If the sadness and grief
Hidden in our unchanging day to day life won't go away
We'll overcome it together
Because we're not our own
And with that alone
I feel as though I could fly
Aren't tears not weakness
But a running start to overcome it?
I wonder if after I've had my fill of crying
I'll smile again
And just like that
We live on
Surely in everyone's heart
There are so many wounds they've lost count
Don't pretend to be fine
Let's fly off towards tomorrow
Taking these wounds with us
So no one gets left behind
We look up from fighting
And start to become our new selves
My empty hands
Take yours
Towards the path
That my heart knows I should go
We can't always be strong.
I can move forward little by little so
Although I feel uneasy
From now on, surely,
It'll be all right
We'll live

The Story of Me and the Moon

Cold wind blows
I want to cry too
I'm not easy to be me
I talked to the moon.
Talking briefly about isn't it?
Everyone's gonna
Laugh and leave a message
Obscured by clouds.
Bye bye
Beyond the night
Morning does not change
Things I say such a thing
It seemed too ashamed
Haven't heard anyone from
Only two secrets
Haven't heard anyone from
Only two secrets
But there was a little while ago
That they cannot be seen.
Do you want to listen to someone
Really much!
Love it and cried
Without the voices into chest
Standing alone, spilled
Weakness in the whole eye seems
But there was a little while ago
That they cannot be seen.
Do you want to listen to someone
Really much!
Love it and cried
Without the voices into chest
Standing alone, spilled
Weakness in the whole eye seems
Cold wind blows
I want to cry too
I'm not easy to be me
I talked to the moon.
Talking briefly about isn't it?
Everyone's gonna
Laugh and leave a message
Obscured by clouds.
Bye bye

Ring, Little Bell, Ring

Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Let me in, all you children,
The winter is so cold,
Open these doors for me,
Don't let me freeze!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Listen girls and boys,
Open your room for me,
I will bring you lots of gifts,
You might be happy with!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring!
The candles glow brightly,
Open your hearts to me.
I wish to dwell happily within them,
This Holy Child, so blessed!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.

I Return to You

Today is a day that will not return.
The problems pass by with the time.
I, who waste time on the TV,
am no longer here, alone inside of myself,
with the sense of no longer finding myself.
And now between tears that you will not understand,
I search through photos that I never took.
I close my eyes, turn off the TV.
With my big no, I'll do it later
with the sense of no longer finding yourself.
I will go (I will go),
I will go away from here (and from me)
until I see the sun light up again
and the breath it will make (the sigh it will make),
the rain that the city sweats.
I dream that I will return to you—
I will run to you.
Tomorrow is another day that will not return
and your indifferent dreams pass by.
Like my days before the television,
they hope that you no longer feel them.
You close your heart and you will no longer feel it.
I will go, yes, I will go from here.
Today I will look for you but you call out to me.
As long as you watch my sun light up again,
I will believe that in the end I will return to you.
If no one changes further,
if no one changes—
nothing can save your illusion.
You know it.
I know it (I know it)—
I know it.

Shyness Boy

Versions: #1
At that party over the Summer
You were the one who approached me you know
On the phone its always
Only ever small talk with you
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For those inviting words, you know
Feeling impatient, I want to push today's limits
I'm falling in love
After our evening drive
You don't need to offer to escort me home
I've been sending you hints
Prepping to stay with you
Together until morning
You are my shy boy,
Your love is so vexxing
My hands tremble as I smoke
You are a hopeless man!
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For that cliche, you know!
Your gentle eyes
Melt my heart!
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For those inviting words, you know!
Feeling impatient, I want to push today's limits
I'm falling in love!
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For that cliche, you know!
Your gentle eyes
Melt my heart!

Чёрный всадник

Чёрный всадник, чёрный всадник, как жизнь тяжела,
На ногах всю ночь стоял, не покидая я поста.
Путь начертан прямо и каждый к цели шажок
Утыкаешься снова ты в преткновения блок,
И дорога схожа, по которой ты уже шёл,
Но одной минутой позже...и кончается всё.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, ты видел сполна
И великий мир, и видел мир, который мал,
Ты упал в огонь, и ты пламя глотал в себе,
Но сомкни уста ты, если хочешь быть в игре.
Будь разумным, мистер, будь честным, будь справедливым,
Пусть твои земные все мысли станут молитвой.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, чёрен как всегда,
Ухожу, ты хочешь, чтобы я смотрел назад?
Сердце мирно, пусть оно будет дальше таким,
Не хочу я драться, не сегодня, уходи
Ты домой к жене и хватит навещать мою,
Я забуду на днях, что добрый и отомщу.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, ну когда и как?
Если время наступило, пусть, давай сейчас!
Мне войти позволь в открытую тобою дверь
Я расстроен, разум мой готов драться теперь,
Не касайся, ты не обольщайся, и не нужен шарм,
Отхвачу тебе мечом руку, ты так и знай.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, на месте постой,
Габариты жезла никуда не приведут, покой
Нужен по ночам, хочу страдать я в тишине
И имею полное моральное право теперь
Спеть в один волшебный вечер я песню тебе:
Черный всадник, черный всадник, ты мне надоел.

What About It

The wind that touches you
The air that you breathe
The spot right beside you
Even the people that you graze past
How could I, How could I hate them so much
Why am I like this, like this
Are you warmer than
The warmth of the
Sunlight that shines on you
That wrapped around my shoulders that day
How can you, how can you
What about it, what about it
It seems like everything shakes me
It's hard for me to let go
The way that my heart doesn't listen
What is this, what is this
All of the common things in the world
All the things in front of my eyes
I'm starting to hate everything that's by your side
What is this feeling
I'm not sure why
The scene outside my car window seems like a movie
I see the faint outline of you
It seems like a sad scene
Without you, without you, I lived without knowing you
You're cold, you're cold
What about it, what about it
It seems like everything shakes me
It's hard for me to let go
The way that my heart doesn't listen
What is this, what is this
All of the common things in the world
All the things in front of my eyes
I'm starting to hate everything that's by your side
What even is this feeling
Right now, you look perfect
Even though I'm the only one you're missing
Why does it look like everything around you glows because of you
What about it, what about it
It seems like everything shakes me
It's hard for me to let go
The way that my heart doesn't listen
What is this, what is this
All of the common things in the world
All the things in front of my eyes
I'm starting to hate everything that's by your side
What is this feeling

I Return to You

Today is another day and he will not return.
The problems pass with the days.
I, who waste my time in front of the TV,
no longer am alone inside of myself,
with the sense of no longer wanting one another.
And now your regrets that you will not understand
I search among the photos that I have never taken.
I close my eyes and turn off the TV,
my big no's, my 'then I'll do it''s
with the sense of no longer finding yourself.
I will go away (I will go away)
I will go away from here (away from here)
as long as I see the sun light up
and the breath that knows (the breath that knows)
the rain that the city sweats—
as long as I believe I will return to you—
I run to you.
Tomorrow is another day and she will not return.
Your dreams pass by like the days.
They are as indifferent as the TV
and wait until you no longer feel them.
You close your heart and you no longer see them.
I will go away,
I will go away from here.
I will search for you.
I will search for you but you call out to me
as long as you see my sun light up—
as long as I believe I know that I return to you.
If no one ever changes,
no one can save you
but you know (but you know)—
who you know (you know who).
You know it.

Senki más nem fog várni rád

[1. Versszak]
Azt mondtad nem vagyunk összeláncolva
Hogy értetted ezt?
Találkozzunk a lépcsőházban egy perc múlva
Egy pohár gin erejéig
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
[2. Versszak]
Mondd, hol is laksz pontosan?
Úton vagyok hozzád
Megint hideg lesz, New York mégis oly gyönyörű
Ezúttal metróra szállok
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
[3. Versszak]
Miért ácsorgunk még mindig idekint?
A kabátunkat szorongatva
Úgy nézünk ki mint két gyerek
A búcsúzkodás mindig órákba telik
Nem mehetnénk csak egyszerűen haza?
[4. Versszak]
Hé drágám, hol voltál amikor
szükségem volt rád?
Azt hittem, ha mindenemet odaadom
Sikerülne végre megnyílnod előttem
Hitehagyott és egyre zárkózottabb lettem
Csak téged akarlak
A búcsúzkodás mindig órákba telik
Nem mehetnénk csak egyszerűen haza?
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád
Senki más nem fog már várni rád
Senki más nem fog várni rád


I’m familiar with this type of love
I see you right now
Your vibe, your color, it’s brilliant
I’m engraving you
I’ve seen this before, dejavu
On that dark road late at night
Everything has stopped and
Only thick fog settles
I feel you now, from now on, you’re on
Only the first, baby want you in my side
Baby, baby
Baby tie me up, cover your eyes
So you can’t see anything
Tie up tie up
Tie up tie up
Imma teach you how
Black & White, let’s quench our thirst
Let’s be colored the same way
Tie up tie up
Tie up tie up
Embrace me
After some time, when you close your eyes
The swaying lights are like red wine
Those red marks want you more
Don’t be worried
I’m holding you tight
I hear your trembling voice
Imma imma draw you my tattoo
Like looking at
A painting of Venus
I feel you now, from now on, you’re on
Only the first, baby want you in my side
Baby, baby
Baby tie me up, cover your eyes
So you can’t see anything
Tie up tie up
Tie up tie up
Imma teach you how
Black & White, let’s quench our thirst
Let’s be colored the same way
Tie up tie up
Tie up tie up
Embrace me
Countless senses
Are coming and going
My heart is racing and racing
We’ve been colored black
As if all light has been swallowed
We’re running and running
Baby tie me up, cover your eyes
So you can’t see anything
Tie up tie up
Tie up tie up
Imma teach you how
Black & White, let’s quench our thirst
Let’s be colored the same way
Tie up tie up
Tie up tie up
Embrace me

I like that you’re not crazy in love with me

I like that you aren’t crazy in love with me.
I like that I'm likewise not infatuated.
That never would this heavy sphere float free
from under our feet, but firmly stay unabated.
I like that I can be diverting and absurd,
Careless and lose - without play on words -
Without the suffocating wave, red-faced deterred,
From the slightest touch feeling most awkward.
I’m grateful from the depth of my soul and heart
For you love me without even knowing it!
Thankful for the peace of nights we spend apart,
And for the rendezvous, though scarce, on eves sunlit.
For all the times we didn’t walk under the moon,
For the sun that over others shined,
For, alas, you aren’t crazy in love with me,
And, alas, I’m similarly not infatuated!

Little College Girl

Dear little college girl,
you can never hear my voice.
When I sing to you,
you sleep and cannot listen to
the words that I would like
to dedicate to you alone.
Dear little college girl,
I do not know that you are crying—I know you do not.
But do not cry because
one day surely you will find
the one who knows—but my eyes
speak to you alone.
And when you forget
but cry no longer,
I will sing to you again,
little girl, like this.
Dear little college girl,
if you feel very sad this evening,
no, do not cry because
one day surely you will find
the one who knows—but my eyes
speak to you alone.
And when you forget
but cry no longer,
I will sing to you again,
little girl, like this.
Dear little college girl,
if you feel very sad this evening,
no, do not cry because
one day surely you will find
the one who knows—but my eyes
speak to you alone.

I lift my hat

Quietly, as the water gurgles,
Quietly go the months by,
You have no time either, I notice that on you,
Never mind, until the heart beats
Never mind, until the sun shines
Don't ever count your years
And I lift my hat
If you show your true
So turn to me, you can see
that I do the same, oh, oh, oh,
Do not wait, even for a moment, just say something already,
And believe me, between us, there will not be
any age gap
So turn to me, and I will take my glasses off.
You don't need power, that bothers me so much,
it doesn't cover anything at all,
Stay like this, stay like this with me,
vis-a-vis, and you will feel good.
And I lift my hat...
Quietly, as the water gurgles..
And I lift my hat...
And I lift my hat...
So turn to me and I will take off,
So turn to me and I will take off,
So turn to me and I will take off my hat.

Босния моя, яблоня в цвету

Я смотрю на Фрушку Гору с Салаша,
И на поля Воеводины хлебородные

Dear Miss

Dear Miss, I became an alcoholic
since the day I met you.
See, you're so good at serving beers
I just can't get enough of them.
And yet I had lots of other things to do.
Working, for instance,
but you're so pretty!
I had never beheld such a sight in a café.
I wash down your glasses
yet you wash me out1
late at night when I crawl on the floor
and it's closing time.
It was no rocket science to realize
I wasn't coming for the drinks.
All I wanted was to hear you
ask me what I would have,
though you already knew the answer :
'I'll have a beer, please'
I would drain those until I dozed
on my overturned table.
I wash down your glasses
yet you wash me out
late at night when I crawl on the floor
and it's closing time.
I never took the time to sober up,
I would come back every day.
One morning, noticing your absence,
I asked the girl who stood in for you
why and where you were gone,
and she pointed upwards.
Since that dark october day,
dear Miss, I'm sober.
  • 1. a nice pun on 'vider' (empty a glass / throw someone out of a bar)

Sing If You Want to Sing

How beautiful you are, Rome,
how beautiful you are, Rome, in the springtime.
The Tiber serves you, the Tiber serves you like a belt,
Saint Peter's and the Campidoglio like bedding.
How beautiful you are, Rome,
how beautiful you are, Rome, in the early evening.
Spin if you want to spin.
Sing if you want to sing.
From here to there to the river,
from here to there to the river, there is a star.
And you cannot look at it
and you cannot look at it, so much does it shine.
And this is my Rome, my beautiful Rome,
from here to there to the river,
from here to there to the river, there is a star.
Spin if you want to spin.
Sing if you want to sing.
How beautiful you are, Rome,
how beautiful you are, Rome, in the springtime.
The Tiber serves you, the Tiber serves you like a belt,
Saint Peter's and the Campidoglio like bedding.
How beautiful you are, Rome,
how beautiful you are, Rome, in the early evening.
Spin if you want to spin.
Sing if you want to sing.
From here to there to the river,
from here to there to the river, there is a star.
And you cannot look at it
and you cannot look at it, so much does it shine.
And this is my Rome, my beautiful Rome,
from here to there to the river,
from here to there to the river, there is a star.
Spin if you want to spin.
Sing if you want to sing.

Put it in me

It's TH who's playing, this is a mandelão1
This is the mandelão
This is, this is the mandelão
Young boy, tell me the position that you loved
I was on top of you and you used to do that face
You'd put it in me, put it in me, you'd punch me with your anger
I put my butt up, get down on all fours, throwing it on your face
I'll go throwing it, throwing it, throwing it on your face
I'll thro, I'll thro, I'll thro, I'll thro, I'll go throwing it on your face
I'll go throwing it, throwing it, throwing it on your face
I'll thro, I'll thro, I'll thro, I'll thro, I'll go throwing it on your face
Young boy, tell me the position that you loved
I was on top of you and you used to do that face
You'd put it in me, put it in me, you'd punch me with your anger
And you'd put, put, put, put, put, put, you'd put it in me
You'd put, put, put, put, put, put, you'd put it in me
You'd punch me, punch me, punch me, punch me, punch me with your anger
And you'd, you'd punch me, punch me, punch me, punch me, punch me with your anger
  • 1. mandela is a baile funk on the streets


Versions: #1
Hopefully, daughter, Allah will give me the chance
To come to my senses, to leave this world
Days go by, you're running in the streets
And you go even faster at nights
And while I'm clapping
I wonder if my legs hold
Left to right, right to left
Sarajevo is too small for me
Hopefully, daughter, Allah will give me happiness
And close the door to bad luck
The clock is ticking, and it's cold
The alarm clock of my heart
What's important to me now, rubins and emeralds
What's important to me, everchanging beauty
Left to right, right to left
Sarajevo is too tight for me
Hopefully, daughter, Allah will give me heaven
But it's hot in this house
Hopefully, daughter, Allah will give me heaven
But it's hot in this house
He knows I'm a sinner, the councelor of sinners
And that I'm hanging out with sinners
God have mercy on me
Although I don't deserve it
Left to right, right to left
Sarajevo will kill us

You Will Find (What You Seek)

You will find what you seek only in me,
only in me who for so long waits for you.
I will tell you the words that you want
and that so far no one has ever said.
You will find that need only in me,
only in me for I live without you.
No one can find
a step into my heart
if I never have you.
When you favor me
to live next to you,
it will light up my face
and I will find the way
to reach you.
And you will see that life then will be
happier only together with me.
And you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.
And you will see that life then will be
happier only together with me.
Eh, eh, and you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.
And you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.

I'm free!

Versions: #1
Above me there's silence,
The sky is full of rain.
The rain passes through me,
But there is no more pain.
Beneath the cold whispers of the stars
We burned the last bridge
And it all crashed into the abyss.
I will be free
From evil and from good.
My soul was on a knife's edge.
I could be with you,
I could forget it all,
I could love you,
But this is just a game.
Within the sound of the wind at my back
I'll forget your voice,
And this earthly love
Which has burned us to ashes,
And I was losing my mind.
There's no longer a place for you in my soul.
I'm free! Like a bird in the sky.
I'm free! I forgot the meaning of fear.
I'm free! On par with the wild wind.
I'm free! In reality, not in a dream.
Above me there's silence,
The sky is full of fire.
The light passes through me,
And I'm free again.
I'm free from love,
From animosity and from rumors,
From predicted fate,
And from earthly shackles,
From evil and from good.
There's no longer a place for you in my soul.
I'm free! Like a bird in the sky.
I'm free! I forgot the meaning of fear.
I'm free! On par with the wild wind.
I'm free! In reality, not in a dream.

Three skewers, they came from the East

Three skewers, they came from the East
Three skewers, they came from the East
From rom bomb what do I grind about
They came from the East rom bom
One of the three saw a nice girl
One of the three saw a nice girl
From rom bomb what do I grind about
Saw a nice girl there rom bom
Say girl dear, do you want to be with me?
Say girl dear, do you want to be with me?
From rom bomb what do I grind about
Do you want to go out with me rom bom
Well young man, you should ask my father
Well young man, you should ask my father
From rom bomb what do I grind about
You should ask my father rom bom
Hey, sir, can I marry your daughter?
Hey sir, can I marry your daughter?
From rom bomb what do I grind about
May I marry your daughter rom bom
Well young man, tell me what is your wealth
Well young man, tell me what is your wealth
From rom bomb what do I grind about
Tell me what's your wealth rom bom
My wealth is, I don't want to lie about it
my wealth is a drum with two sticks
From rom bomb what do I grind about
A drum with two sticks rom bomb
Well, young man, you can't have her
Well, young man, you can't have her
From rom bomb what do I grind about
Then you can't get her rom bomb
Hey, sir, I forgot something
Hey, sir, I forgot some more
From rom bomb what do I grind about
I forgot some more rom bom
My father is Grand Duke of Castille
My father is Grand Duke of Castille
From rom bomb what do I grind about
Grand Duke of Castille rom bom
Then young man, can you marry my daughter
Then young man, can you marry my daughter
From rom bomb what do I grind about
You can marry my daughter rom bom
No, sir, you can keep your daughter
No, sir, you can keep your daughter
From rom bomb what do I grind about
You can keep your daughter rom bom

Sad Little Girl

Sad little girl,
behind that window of yours,
tell me, but what you are thinking?
You are not tired of counting
every day, as you do,
each drop that the rain
brings down.
Sad little girl,
write also on your windowpane
all of the dreams that you no longer live.
But, in the dreams you will see,
you can never find
that which you hide
deep in your eyes.
Love no longer knocks
since quite some time at your door
where desire falls to pieces
and hope goes away.
Sad little girl,
no, do not cry for nothing.
You will see that one day you will find
a boy like me
that will make dream again
a little girl
like you.
Love no longer knocks
since quite some time at your door
where desire falls to pieces
and hope goes away.
Sad little girl,
no, do not cry for nothing.
You will see that one day you will find
a boy like me
who will make dream again
a little girl
like you.

My Life is a Sad Story

They will come for me at dawn
I can hear the guitar through the window
My memories of youth and old love wake
They will come for me at dawn
Let them come, let them take me
I will be sorry for two women, you and my grey-haired mother
My life is a sad story
But I won't let the tear drop
Grant me my last wish
This to be our evening

If Everything Was Fair

If everything was fair
My brothers and I
Would plant lillies
In the military camps
If everything was fair
Blood would spill by kisses
And the curbs would blossom
By love's blood
We would have songs
To rouse the crouds
Without hidden thoughts
We would have banners
With all the colours mixed
Even the misunderstood ones
And reasons to make anyone believe
We would have children
That would grow taller
Day by day
That would grow taller
Day by day
For each day
And flying dogs
To hunt birds
Among the clouds
-Don't laugh, I dream of that quite often


May the wind start blowing
In this dry part of the world
We've had enough of burned hugs
And dried-out glances
May the wond start blowing
To bring seeds
To green the mountains
To blossom the fields
We've had enough lies
We've had enough lies
May the wind start blowing
To smell like sea again
Even if it takes the weak,
The rootless away
If it sends us to other places
Untrod and unknown
We've had enough lies
We've had enough lies
The earth is big
May it take us away from here
And let others enjoy the wind

Hey Musician

I spent my most beautiful moments
With that song
A memory of my love
Only remained
All the words now hurt me
Everything reminds me of her now
This heart that still loves is
Left by the luck from earlier
Hey, musician, I will cry
Rather play something else
Hey, musician, I will cry
How did you know, how did you know?

The Heart is a Gypsy

I had a wound deep in my heart,
I suffered, I suffered.
I told her it is nothing but I lied,
I cried, I cried.
For you it grows late, it is already night,
do not hold onto me—let me down.
She told me do not look me in the eye,
and she left me, singing this:
'Is it my fault if the heart is a gypsy and goes?
It has no chains, the heart is a gypsy and goes and goes
until it finds the greenest pasture that there is.
It will collect the stars onto itself
and it will stop, who knows—
and it will stop.'
The other night, I saw her after a year,
she laughed, she laughed.
She held me, she knew that my heart
was beating, beating.
She told me let's be together tonight.
How I wanted to answer yes
but, never looking into her eyes,
I left her, singing this:
'Is it my fault if the heart is a gypsy and goes?
It has no chains, the heart is a gypsy and goes and goes
until it finds the greenest pasture that there is.
It will collect the stars onto itself
and it will stop, who knows—
and it will stop.'

Christmas tree

Tonight is Christmas Eve
Let's go to the mountain, little brother
To cut a little tree
Because the night is serene
Kings and shepherds
They sing following a star
They sing to Jesus the child
Son of the beautiful Virgin
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
We are going down the road
The road to Bethlehem
We're going because tonight
The child King is born
Tonight is Christmas Eve
Let's go to the mountain, little brother
To cut a little tree
Because the night is serene
Kings and shepherds
They sing following a star
They sing to Jesus the child
Son of the beautiful Virgin
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
Little tree, little tree
Bells I'll put you
I want you to be pretty
That to the newborn I am going to offer you
We are going down the road
The road to Bethlehem
We're going because tonight
The child King is born
We're going because tonight
The child King is born

Boys season

Just a leather bag
My memories of you are just a map
When the sky dyes in gold
Surely it will end here
The sunset of promises
Dreams, don't go
Please don't take my dream
On the hill where the strong wind blows
I dreamed it when I was young
I can meet you in summer
No, I'm not laughing but
You're a boy with a big back
Though I wear red sneakers
Why I can't
Be at your level?
Time, don't go
Keep me, Summer time
You see the distance
Your eyes so hot that burn
Fix them into the summer
Don't split the love
Please don't take my boy
Until the wind stops
I'll have whimsical jealousy
Summer aches me
Don't go away
I love you