Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 7


Nem változom

Unutmak mı demiştin, delisin, delisin
Felejtsd el azt mondtad, bolond vagy, bolond vagy
Sensizliğe alışamam, bilirsin, bilirsin
Nem tudom megszokni, hogy nélküled legyek, tudod, tudod
Hep aynısın demiştin ya,
Mindig ugyanaz vagy, azt mondtad,
değişsem sever misin
ha megváltozom, az tetszik neked?
Ama ben değişmem, değişmem, ah değişmem
De én nem változom, nem változom, ó nem változom
Bir tek seni dünyalara, değişmem
Ha csak te lennél a világokba, én nem változnék
Seni ben değişmem, değişmem, ah değişmem
Érted én nem változom, nem változom, ó nem változom
Yalnızlığa mahkum olsam da değişmem
Még ha fogoly is leszek, akkor sem változom
Her gecenin sonunda çıkartıp attım şu kalbimi
Minden este végén kivettem ezt a szívet és eldobtam
Ve her sabah uyandığımda içimde buldum yine seni
És minden reggel, amikor felébredek, újra megtalállak bennem
Bir deli düş kurdum ki içimde sadece sen ve ben
Volt egy őrült álmom, csak te és én voltunk benne
Kader bile değişir yeter ki sen istersen
Még a sors is változik, ameddig csak akarod
Ama ben değişmem, değişmem, ah değişmem
De én nem változom, nem változom, ó nem változom
Bir tek seni dünyalara, değişmem
Ha csak te lennél a világokba, én nem változnék
Ama ben değişmem, değişmem, ah değişmem
De én nem változom, nem változom, ó nem változom
Seni ben değişmem, değişmem, ah değişmem
Érted én nem változom, nem változom, ó nem változom
Yalnızlığa mahkum olsam da değişmem
Még ha fogoly is leszek, akkor sem változom

Isn't it black?

The beautiful who called me black
Aren't your eyes black?
The bride who endeared her face
Aren't your brows black?
Don't called me black and vilify me
My god had created, don't despise
Black kohl to light brown,
tinged, isn't it black?
Pulled from india, yemen
Flowed into bagdat
Planted to several cupidity,
Isn't black pepper too?
They stay and migrant in cities
They harvest to tulip, hyacinth
Agas beys drink it
Isn't black coffee too
Karaç'oğlan says maşallah
Those who see say maşallah,
Kaaba that with black dress
Isn't black its cover?

You, Don't Cry

Versions: #2
When a single teardrop falls from your black eyes,
Your beautiful face, cheeks gets wet.
When a single teardrop falls from your black eyes,
Blues, sorrow leans on my heart.
You, don't cry!
A single teardrop of yours is enough
Don't you languish, dearling
When a single teardrop falls from the sky at night,
Spring comes, all flowers gets wet
When a single teardrop falls from your black eyes,
Blues, sorrow leans on my heart.
You, don't cry!
A single teardrop of yours is enough
Don't you languish, dearling
In your fossettes roses would crop up
Even if they trip me up1 I'll come back,
Wipe your tears away from your eyes
  • 1. Making things harder for someone

Rise Sun!

Where the sun sets,a very cruel sadness envelops inside you
Hopes wither in deep of your heart
The pain of the darkness fill and you fill a bizarre feeling in your skin
Then a silence surrounds all around of you
You can't even say a word
Then rise sun,rise sun and never set
Do not deprive anyone of your light
To yellowed hopes
To yellowing leaves
To rise to the darkening clouds
To unlived childhoods
To people trapped between four walls

Eyes of almond color

What have they done to me
set my heart ablaze
me such as I am
they have thrown on my knees
Eyes of almond color
those two jewels
if they'd shed a tear
they'd kill me instantly

Eyes of almond color
those two jewels
everything they do, I love it
[they] drive me to madness

For me love would stop breathing
if she'd stop looking at me
the songs in me would stop ringing
if they wouldn't look at me anyome
Eyes of almond color...
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

I can't be(live) without you

Yesterday I have seen you in my dreams
Tears dropping from my eyes, your heart filled with sadness
I remember you saying that time is precious
It has come to an end, the hourglass you have given me
Pick me up and take me away from this land
I can't be(live) without you I can't be(live) without you
Yesterday I have seen you with that guy
Tears dropping from my eyes, your face in my thoughts
I remember you saying that time is precious
The hourglass you have given me has come to an end,
Pick me up and take me away from this land
I can't be(live) without you I can't be(live) without you