A keresés eredménye oldal 8
Találatok száma: 559
Versions: #1Hosszú már a fog és a lélek
Áhítok egy utolsó diadalt
Betántorgok a tusába
Kard ki, has be
Harcos küszködik
Hogy nyomot hagyjon
Hangos kiáltás
Vakmerőn és büszkén
Arra, amit megjártam
De most itt vagyok
Ütöm a mellem, ütöm a dobot
Ütöm a fáradt csontjaim megint
Régi csata az enyém
Kardot ki, hasat be
Történeteket mesélek
A megnyert csatákról
A tetteinktől
Caligula is fintorogna
Ütöm fáradt csontjaim
Fáj emlékezni
Egykor legyőzhetetlen voltam
Mostanra elkopott a páncél
Nem bírom a nehéz pajzsot
Harcos küszködik
Hogy releváns maradjon
Harcos küszködik
Hogy emléket hagyjon
Hangos üvöltés
Vakmerőn és büszkén
Arra, amit megéltem
De most itt vagyok
Itt végzem.
Harcos küszködik
Hogy releváns maradjon
Harcos küszködik
Hogy nyomot hagyjon.
Könnyekkel a szememben
Kergetem Ponce de Leon fantomját
Úgy telve reménnyel,
Szinte érzem a mitikus forrás ízét
Hamis remény talán
De az igazság soha nem állta utamat
Érzem a szúrást
Érzem az idő nyomását
Könnyekkel a szememben
Kergetem Ponce de Leon fantomját
Úgy telve reménnyel,
Szinte érzem a mitikus forrás ízét
Hamis remény talán
De az igazság soha nem állta utamat
Érzem a szúrást
Érzem az idő nyomását
Hamis remény talán
De az igazság soha nem állt az utamba
Érzem a szúrást
Érzem az idő nyomását
Ahogy nehezedik rám
Emberek vagyunkErőszakosak vagyunk
Megtanuljuk a leckét
Majd ellenszegülünk neki
És erkölcstelenek vagyunk
Úgy hordozzuk a gyűlöletet
Akár egy bibliát
És van egy lyuk az életemben
Feketeség rejlik benne
Ami élve felemészt
Rámhagyja a döntést
Éljek e úgy
Ezzel a fájdalommal
Hogy eső kezd el ömleni a szememből
Azt kérdezve magamtól, miért
Látok egy
Betegséget egy térdre rogyott világban
Megfoszt attól, amit szeretsz, akár egy tolvaj
De az álmaimban
Hogy mi nem vagyunk ezek a szörnyűségek
Kudarc nélkül mit sem érünk
De mi a beteg viselkedés mellett döntöttünk
Hegeinkkel, mikből tanultunk
Inkább ártani
Mint gyógyítani
Valami mássá váltunk
Még én sem tudom megmondani, hogy miért
Egy betegséget egy térdre rogyott világban
És ez megfoszt attól, amit szeretsz, akár egy tolvaj
De az álmaimban
Nem vagyunk ezek
A szörnyűségek
Ha elesek
Ha futok
Egy betegséget egy térdre rogyott világban
Megfoszt attól, amit szeretsz, akár egy tolvaj
De az álmaimban
Nem vagyunk ezek
A szörnyűségek
Nézz rám
És meglátod
Nem vagyunk ezek
A szörnyűségek
A megölhetetlen katona
Árkon és sáron keresztül a tűzbeBelgium és Írország fia háborúval a vérében
támadást vezetve az ellenségre
Isten a frontvonalra teremtette
Jogot tanult, háborúra szomjazva
Harcolt afrikában, többet akart
Visszatért európába egyenesen Francia országba
Csatlakozott a szövetségesekhez
Somme-ontól és az ördög erdején keresztűl
minden csatát kiált
született katona, aki élvezte a háborút
mindig többet akart
sosem hal meg, lőd ki a szemét
sosem adja fel bárhogy próbálják lebeszélni
bárhogy próbálják, lőd ki a szemét
sosem hal meg
Az őrület szélén, a szomorúság idején
egy halhatatlan katona otthonra lel
tűzön át, árkon és vezetéken keresztűl
nem fél a haláltól, rendíthetetlen
A csatában, amikor meglőték
tovább harcolt, és nem ált meg
Arras-ban, Cambrai-ban, Passchendaelle-ben
figyelmen kívül hagyta sérüléseit és győzőtt
Mentsd meg a napot, nem fog eltévedni
szembenéz az útjában lévő ellenségekkel
érkezik az útján, nem téved el
megmentve a napot
Az őrület szélén, a szomorúság idején
egy halhatatlan hatona otthonra lel
tűzön át, árkon és vezetéken keresztűl
háborúra lett edzve, rendíthetetlen
az őrület szélén, sosem búslakodott
sosem törött meg, mindig többet akart
tűzön át, árkon és vezetéken keresztűl
nem fél a haláltól, rendíthetetlen
Árkon és sáron keresztül a tűzbe
Belgium és Írország fia háborúval a vérében
támadást vezetve az ellenségre
Isten a frontvonalra teremtette
sosem hal meg, lőd ki a szemét
sosem adja fel bárhogy próbálják lebeszélni
bárhogy próbálják, lőd ki a szemét
sosem hal meg
Az őrület szélén, a szomorúság idején
egy halhatatlan katona, az őrület szélén
Az őrület szélén, a szomorúság idején
Egy halhatatlan katona otthonra lel
tűzön át, árkon és vezetéken keresztűl
háborúra lett edzve, törhetetlen
az őrület szélén, sosem búslakodott
sosem törött meg, mindig többet akart
tűzön át, árkon és vezetéken keresztűl
nem fél a haláltól, háborúra lett edzve
Mindig többért fog jönni
Ó, olyan szomorúnak tűnsz, szeretnék veled lenniHa itt lennél velem, nem sírnál
Mindegy, hogy végződik ez, mindketten csak veszíthetünk
Mert nem értjük, nem szabadna hogy így legyen
Hidd el kicsim, itt szenvedem, a végét járom
Mindent meg akarok osztani veled, most hogy fogod a kezem
A szemembe nézel és azt kiáltod: “Ó, kérlek maradj”
Ne maradj ébren, aludj el
Nem vagyok ott, egyedül maradsz
És ez fáj, és ez fáj
Kicsim, már túl késő, már túl késő
Nincs visszaút egyikünk számára sem
Nem jöhetsz vissza, maradj
Maradj még ébren, a tetteid bántottak
Miért nem tudsz egyszer egyszerűen őszinte lenni?
Szerelmem, napok óta hívogatlak
Mert nem tudom elviselni, hogy valaki másé lehetsz
Kicsim, van egy olyan érzésem
Hogy egész idő alatt csak a képembe hazudtál
Igen, mindkettőnknek vannak hibái, nem csak neked
De a szavaid ellentmondanak a tetteidnek
Soha többe nem bízhatok meg benned
Hidd el kicsim, itt szenvedem, a végét járom
Mindent meg akarok osztani veled, most hogy fogod a kezem
A szemembe nézel és azt kiáltod: “Ó, kérlek maradj”
Ne maradj ébren, aludj el
Nem vagyok ott, egyedül maradsz
És ez fáj, és ez fáj
Kicsim, már túl késő, már túl késő
Nincs visszaút egyikünk számára sem
Nem jöhetsz vissza, maradj
Hidd el kicsim, itt szenvedem, a végét járom
Mindent meg akarok osztani veled, most hogy fogod a kezem
A szemembe nézel és azt kiáltod: “Ó, kérlek maradj”
Ne maradj ébren, aludj el
Nem vagyok ott, egyedül maradsz
És ez fáj, és ez fáj
Kicsim, már túl késő, már túl késő
Nincs visszaút egyikünk számára sem
Nem jöhetsz vissza, maradj
Hey baby
Hey baby!I keep thinking it's worth it,
and this thing I'm feeling it's still living in my veins,
and I've decided not to suffer the punishment
no, no, no, no, of not having you close.
And look at me, baby!
I'm looking for the way of having you close.
You're flavor won't leave me,
and I pretend to give you what your body needs,
my girl, come here!
so I can make you enjoy.
Hey, right there!
Hey baby!
I know you think this is too complicated,
and that you prefer to walk your own way.
But I know you've thought of me too,
and that ou love me, baby.
And look at me baby!
I don't want to remain as a friend,
and I would give my, my life to live it by your side,
and hug you day and night, my girl,
and hug you day and night,
so I can kiss you and eat you, beautiful brunette,
princess, come here!
Na na na na...
Hey baby! Hey baby!
I keep thinking, I keep believing, I keep having the feeling
that this is actually worth it.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Hey! And tell you sincerely
that you drive me crazy with your hips' swing.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Hey! I know I'm an ugly guy
but don't tell me you don't like my kisses,
because I don't buy it.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Listen, don't worry 'cause everything will be okay,
baby, I swear.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
You say this is complicated,
you say this is entangled,
but I'm telling you: 'I want you by my side'.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
Hey, beautiful princess, beautiful princess,
you know that your mouth enchants me.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
No, no, I don't want Tomasa,
I don't want Rosa, I don't want Elena,
I just want my baby.
Hey baby! Hey baby!
You say 'no, no, no', and then 'yes, yes, yes',
make your mind and come with me, baby.
Na na na na...
The Dove
There is nothing to get in the cabinetNo bloody sheet, no tricky word
The hypophysis blasts my brain*
I still have your smile on my list, beloved
I wouldn't be above shedding a tear, to arouse it to life
My heart stomps monotonously
A stumbling rattle of a broken machine
How sweet the snake's rattling is compared to it
A dove sits on the roof on the other side
Through the crosshairs I see its restless eye
It makes me think of you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I've driven nails through your picture
Cursed you under the full moon
Your name - written in blood - burned
I've pulled the skin off my body
Piece by piece
Now I lie in ice-cold water, but the burning doesn't subside
Your hand reaches into my throat and pulls my heart out
I awake covered in sweat
Next to me is nothing, for years
For years
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you
I'll get you, I'll get you
I'll get you, I'll get you
300 Aragvians
Versions: #1King's order Quickly spread across Mtiuleti:
Unbreakable mountaineers,
sons of the thunder,
they destroyed my city,
you are my only hope,
mongrels started to raid
and make our hearts cry.
When the mountaineers heard
the order of Erekle (king)
they put on the armor
took spears and shields.
They gathered at the door of Lomisi (temple),
they asked the icons for help:
bless us our great temple.
They take an oath in front of the icon
no one must stand far away,
whoever breaks this oath
let his mother merry him! (shame on him)
Three hundred heroic men
followed the Aragvi floodplains,
they go to the aid of the brothers
following the roads of Krtsanisi. (valley)
The enemy was attacked by the Aragvians
the lions took up swords,
their arms have not been tired of so many battles yet.
one man was fighting ten opponents,
ten more were added,
the children of the mountains are fighting,
their wrists are on fire.
Erekle is taken out of the war,
the knights clear the way
Aragvians follow them
and crush the enemy step by step
'Where are you taking the old king?
have I lost my strength,
Mountaineers came to me,
the war begins just now.
how can I not fight among them'
The horse came to Khada (valley)
with a spear cut at the side,
Its saddle is all cut and bloody.
Mother of three hundred sons
Is expecting all of them at the door
Versions: #1Let's make a promise in khidistavi, (village)
let's become brothers,
attack Muxranbatoni(a feudal in Georgia)
and destroy the roof of his house.
In the servitude of Mukhranbatoni,
I could not even fill godori (Georgian type of basket) with flour,
I could not grow a cow,
I could not mash the wheat.
Oh sword, forged in Khevsuresti,
A Tushetian painted you in Telavi,
King Erekle (Heraclius) consecrated you,
He drew a cross upon you before the battle.
Come enemy, oppress me, I won't cry!
Only women cry!
I have been in such a difficult situation many times,
But I never complained!
Let me sharpen my sword.
I will fight you with my sword and rifle that throws sparks.
I will pay you back!
Don't want to think about the perils of life...
Don't want to think about the blights of this life.Let a pure soul wander around the sea,
Peace, the white sails are powered,
through a wide, very wide horizens.
Remembrance of days with clear skies, of beaches too
From an ill-remembered youths.
A body floats on air, it dances,
lively and above, with harmony,
a fine harmony of the nerves.
The body forsakes itself while dancing,
Another body is brought forth, a different one,
a bond between emotion and motion
With the two bodies being one, there is a voice
happier, more translucent,
because it is brought forth from inside.
And with this voice, a tune,
A tender perspective about anything,
A heat from a soul with no mysteries.
Vad szív
Lezárták az autópályát tegnap esteÉs ahogy ültem a hazugságaim visszhangjainak közepette
Fiatalnak éreztem magam, a piszkos szívek sosem változtattak rajtam
Úgyhogy tedd vissza puskát a kesztyűbe!
Várok még egy évet a távoli álomra
Hogy hazajöjjön, hogy bátor legyen
Hát, minden megváltozott
És most már csak te számítasz
Találni fogok valamilyen utat a vad szívedhez!
Bedeszkázták a házam ablakait és ajtajait
Senki sem fogja kibetűzni a hazugságokat, amiket mondtam
Azokban az években, amikor a piszkos szívek megváltoztattak
Miért kellett elmenniük és így bánniuk velünk?
Miért kellett elmenniük és messzire futniuk egy álom elől?
Ott voltunk? Bátor voltam?
Hogy azt gondoltam, hogy mindennek meg kell halnia valakiért, hogy számítson
Találnom kell valamilyen utat a vad szívedhez!
Találni fogok valamilyen utat a vad szívedhez!
Találni fogok valamilyen utat!
Most minden megváltozott és nem tudom eldönteni, hogy mi számít
Találni fogok valamilyen utat a vad szívedhez!
A vad szívedhez (8x)
Your Parents Don't Like Me
Here comes the flavorThe Ensamble, yes sir
Your parents1 say that they don't like me
And that bums me out, so I go out drinking
They say that I'm a big womanizer
And that I'm only with you to fuck
They fuck with us over and over again, I don't know what they want
Yes I love you and will love you forever
Your parents say that I'm lazy
That I'm a drunk and crazy too
But they don't know that I love you
And that I'll never leave you
Because you are you, my love, nothing and no one will tear us apart
Because you are you, my love, nothing and no one will tear us apart
There you go
Your parents1 say that they don't like me
And that bums me out, so I go out drinking
They say that I'm a big womanizer
And that I'm only with you to fuck
They fuck with us over and over again, I don't know what they want
Yes I love you and will love you forever
Your parents say that I'm lazy
That I'm a drunk and crazy too
But they don't know that I love you
And that I'll never leave you
Because you are you, my love, nothing and no one will tear us apart
Because you are you, my love, nothing and no one will tear us apart
- 'Jefe' normally means boss in Spanish, however in Mexico it can be used as slang to say parents.
Sing, Afrikaner, Sing
You may not say anything more, you are done talkingIt's a sad thing that affects us all
Because the great betrayal comes from our own people
Because one tears up the words of another
And uses it only for his own destiny
And 'he' stands for nothing, not like you and me
I know it will change
The wheel will turn one day
Sing, Afrikaner, sing
Let your voice be heard
Never let it disappear
Sing, Afrikaner sing
If we all become one
Can we break the silence?
Afrikaner sing
And it may seem far off, but it's at your front door
Can you see the wolves tearing each other apart?
And there's nothing my friend, nothing that can stop it
For the day will come that the king will fall
And he has to make room for a General
Who outwits him, with his own people
Because everything must change
The wheel will turn one day
Sing, Afrikaner sing
Let your voice be heard
Never let it disappear
Sing, Afrikaner sing
If we all become one
Can we break the silence?
Afrikaner sing
But everything has changed
Is it already too late?
Sing, Afrikaner, sing
Let your voice be heard
Never let it disappear
Sing, Afrikaner sing
If we all become one
Can we break the silence?
Afrikaner sing
Afrikaner sing
For the will of the people
Versions: #1ENJOLRAS:
For the will of the people,
And for the health of the progress,
Fill up your heart with rebel wine,
And till tomorrow faithful friend,
If the beating of your heart
Is as strong as the beating drums,
It means that hope still does exist
For the average man.
We will build a barricade,
The symbol of a new era which dawns,
We leave on a crusade
To the heart of the land of France.
We are henceforth
Soldiers of an army that will advance!
For the will of the people,
And for the health of the progress,
Fill up your heart with rebel wine,
And till tomorrow faithful friend,
If the beating of your heart
Is as strong as the beating drums,
It means that hope still does exist
For the average man.
For the will of the people,
I am ready to give my will as well,
If some must die for it,
Then I want to be the first
The first name engraved
Upon the marble monument of hope!
For the will of the people,
And for the health of the progress,
Fill up your heart with rebel wine,
And till tomorrow faithful friend,
If the beating of your heart
Is as strong as the beating drums,
It means that hope still does exist
For the average man.
Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!
I Dreamed a Dream
Versions: #1Fantine:
Dear Lord,
What did I do to You?
Why did I fall,
And You let me
Fall further?
I once dreamed of a heart so big,
Wherein mine could find a place,
To share happiness.
Dear Lord,
What did I do to you?
I dreamed a dream of another life,
When my life passed me by
Like a dream.
I was prepared
For all the follies,
For all the passions
That would arise.
Then I was young, where was the harm?
I wanted to laugh,
To love, to live.
To dance until the end of the ball,
Intoxicated with happiness to be free.
But the wolves came in the night,
And one of them found my trail
I satisfied their appetite,
And gave myself to the first thief that passed.
He grew accustomed to my life.
I grew accustomed to his presence.
And then one day he disappeared,
And stole my childhood as well.
Sometimes I still dream of him.
That he regrets and begs forgiveness.
But this dream fades away at dawn,
Like the lamps after the end of a party.
I had a dream of another life,
That would begin as mine is ending,
So different now from what it seemed.
But life has killed
The dream I dreamed.
The Confrontation
Versions: #1Javert:
Valjean, at last, your sentence you will serve,
Monsieur le Maire, you'll wear the chain you deserve.
Before you say another word, Javert,
Before you chain me up like a slave again,
Listen to me! There's a favor I must do.
This woman dies
Leaving behind a suffering child,
I have sworn to help her,
In heaven's name!
Three days are all I need.
Then I'll return, you have my word. Then I'll return.
Your words of a convict!
I've hunted you across the years,
Men like you do not change,
You can never change.
Believe of me what you will,
There is a promise
I must keep to this dying one,
You know nothing of my life,
All I did was steal some bread,
You know nothing of the world,
It is not all black or white,
But nothing will prevent me from doing my duty.
I am warning you, Javert,
I am stronger than you by far,
I know what I must do,
If you will stand in my way,
I am warning you, Javert,
If I have to kill you here,
Nothing will stop me,
From seeing my duty through.
Men like me do not change,
Any more than men like you,
No, 24601,
I am who serves the law,
You have no rights!
You're under arrest, 24601!
Now your luck has turned around,
Jean Valjean is lost and found,
Dare you talk to me of crime,
And the price you had to pay,
Every man must choose his way,
Even if he is born in sin.
You know nothing of Javert,
I was born inside a cell,
I was raised with scum like you,
I was surrounded by outlaws too.
And this I swear by all I hold dear.
You will never escape me again.
Cosette will have a father soon.
Wherever you are, I will be.
And she will know only happiness.
I swear to you, I will be there!
Fantine's Death
Versions: #1Fantine:
It is so cold outside,
The little girls are wise,
They wait besides my bed,
While the hourglass empties.
My Cosette, the night is now descending,
In the sky, the evening star is appearing.
Close your eyes and forgive me, o my daughter,
I always dreamed that I will fulfill
Your need for a family.
The misery is not the dying mother,
But her child, the horror of men’s hearts,
As the shadows are descending upon Earth,
I will spend eternal night upon the bier.
Oh, Fantine!
I have so little time,
But Fantine, allow me to make this promise.
Look, Monsieur!
Watch her playing!
Sleep in peace,
Rest in peace, my child.
My Cosette…
She will be in my family.
She is coming…
I will raise her as my daughter.
Good monsieur,
A good angel is descending upon you.
You will see her soon,
I will fetch her myself.
The light is shining
From the depths of your soul.
You will struggle no more.
It lights up
The broken heart of a woman.
Virtuous before God!
Good monsieur, I will be very happy,
To tell Cosette
That a saint has descended upon Earth!
The Bargain
Versions: #1Thenardier:
Yes monsieur, well monsieur,
You have come to take away Cosette,
This diamond, this sapphire,
Who always lit up our lives with her smile,
Let us not speak of debt,
Let's not haggle for our dear Cosette,
Poor Fantine, up in heaven,
You know nothing for her was too dear,
We shared everything with her,
We raised her like she was our child,
Like our child, monsieur!
Your good sentiments do you credit,
I will ease the parting blow,
Let us finish this bargain which shames us.
Tell me, is this enough?
Madame Thenardier:
That would quite be enough,
If she had not so often been ill,
Her medicines are expensive,
Not to mention the agony, the despair,
But monsieur, we adored her.
A good Christian does his duty.
The Thenardiers:
One more detail, the last one,
The world is full of dishonest men,
Who can say, who can prove,
That your intentions are correct?
Take this then, for your service,
Fifteen hundred francs for your sacrifice,
Come Cosette, say adieu,
Your childhood awaits you under a new sky,
And you two, count it well,
Your sorrows will not be long to forget.
Master Thenardier
Versions: #1THENARDIER:
Enter, monsieur,
You hit the nail in the head,
I am the best innkeeper
In the city.
My competitors
Are all smokers,
Or pheasants
Who rip off the guests.
Seldom do you see,
Honest men like me,
Those who are proud to serve
The French hostel industry!
Master Thénardier, quick to do freelance,
Gender of the client and of the wallet,
I unbutton them,
With a saucy tale,
The more they bottle-feed each other,
They are bottle-fed,
I hang out their problems,
It is a shame to pretend.
But we have little skin for the balls,
So I charge them extra.
Master of the house, coachman of the coach,
I heat up the embers in their pockets,
I serve the junglard, off of the anvil,
I stick their knicknacks into the feathers.
For life we are friends and brothers, of the blood and of the wine.
I do whatever pleases them, Lord! But I skin them to the core.
Master Thénardier is a good Christian,
Who spends all his time feeding his neighbor,
Servant to the poor, butler to the great.
Comforter, philosopher with all his heart,
Everybody’s companion, dear and attentive friend.
But keep your drawers shut,
Or else I’ll skin you tonight.
Enter, monsieur, the road is thirsty,
Unlace your boots, I open a carafe.
This sack of a ton, slows down your course,
But here we strive to lighten your purse.
Here the turkey is cooked, here the fat is fried,
And I have full control of everything that leaves my kitchen.
I serve the leftovers, the old makes the new,
Passed through my choppers, these bucks are pure beef.
Kidney of a horse, liver of a cat,
Filling up the sausages with this and that,
Residents on board are welcome, our suites are occupied year-round.
At reasonable charges, plus some little extras on the side.
I charge for the cockroaches,
The fleas and for the rats,
For every second their shadow wears out the mirror,
Before they depart, I charge them for,
All the fleas their dogs swallowed in the sector,
When it comes to fixing prices, there are a lot of tricks I know.
They snuff and they snort as the prices grow up and go through the roof!
Master Thénardier is a good Christian,
Who spends all his time feeding his neighbor,
Servant to the poor, butler to the great.
Comforter, philosopher with all his heart,
Everybody’s companion, everybody’s friend for the day.
They are so convinced, these fools, that they break by thanking me.
I often prayed that I would not have to grow old alone,
And there are times I would have been better off
Had I kept these thoughts my own.
Master Thénardier, isn’t worth wasting,
My years and virtues as a young girl,
Like all other men, he promises the moon.
But when the night comes, my girl, there’s hardly anybody left.
He takes God for his father,
But is always drunk like a goose.
Whenever he does something, I swear,
It looks like foie gras!
Master Thénardier,
Master Lazy!
Comforter, philosopher,
I do all the work!
Friend without malice,
Companion of the drunk.
Hypocrite, liar, and bigot!
ALL: To the health of the innkeeper, and to the health of his spouse!
Everybody raise a glass!
Raise it up the master’s arse!
Let us drink in good cheer for our Master Thénardier!