Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 49


Russian Cyberfolk Song

UAVs are up in the sky, flying like rock doves
They are flying over the fields, oh on the skies afresh
Oh, the bird of iron as you are, will not get me anyway
You are flying endlessly over the land as you're a bird of no nest
A humanoid is sitting on the ground, with his head down
What is making you to yearn? Yeah, known reason - software update
You 're system of the rocket science! How's possible to handle you?
We know nothing about you... We don't mind, everything is fine with us...
This robotic bird tried to fly up, alas the blades were out of work
The battery ran out, the navigator not loading at all
UAVs are flying over in the sky, energized with electricity
They'll fly from us away one day, and no way for us to find them
UAVs are up in the sky, flying like rock doves
They are flying over the fields, oh on the skies afresh
Oh, the bird of iron as you are, will not get me anyway
You are flying endlessly over the land as you're a bird of no nest
You're hearing a bumble-bee like buzz
I'm hearing those radio noises...
We all know how almighty are those robots...
It's a pity that those robots are not us...

Suicide Melody

This is really sudden but,
I'm thinking of hanging myself now,
I'd like to say goodbye,
To this miserable world as soon as I can.
But you know what's strange?
I can't find a rope to hang myself with.
What a wonderful life is this,
What a wonderful life is this,
As I can't find a rope for my use,
I'll just keep living.
This time for sure,
Now I'm thinking of suffocating myself,
I want to see my life flash before my eyes,
As I suffer from carbon monoxide.
But you know what's strange?
Mi lighter ran out of oil.
What a wonderful life is this,
What a wonderful life is this,
As I don't have oil for my lighter,
I'll just keep living.
Third time's a charm,
I'll say goodbye to this world with overdose,
I'll take tones of pills down with water,
And I'll lie down and wait for the time to come.
But you know what's strange?
It seems my water has been cut off.
What a wonderful life is this,
What a wonderful life is this,
As I forgot to pay the bill,
I'll just keep living, surviving!
I suppose that, this life somehow,
Will keep giving me reasons to stop myself,
I'm sure you think I'm painful to look at,
But I hope we can get along well!
Appara paara pappa.


Megrendítõ idegen,
Valóban van ennek jelentõsége
Addig, amíg nem félsz érezni?
Érints meg, tarts meg.
Kitárt karjaim úgy fájnak.
Próbálj belémszeretni.
Úgy meg vagyok hatódva,
Akkora hatást gyakorolsz rám
szépséged erejével.
Életet adsz nekem,
Kérlek ne engedj el.
Széttiprod a lelkemben rejtõzõ liliomot ...
Mozgó folyadék,
Igen, te vagy a víz.
Kikerülsz mindent ami az utadba kerül.
Ne gondold túl,
hisz mindig elragad
és táncra készteti lelkedet.
Úgy meg vagyok hatódva,
Akkora hatást gyakorolsz rám
szépséged erejével.
Életet adsz nekem,
Kérlek ne engedj el...
Adj életet,
Kérlek ne engedj el...
Életet adtam,
Kérlek ne engedj el.
Széttiprod a lelkemben rejtõzõ liliomot ...


(Buranovskie Grandmothers):
Here is an asterisk in the sky
Friday, enough work
Harmonists and Djs and start a party
There are two speakers in the garden, a lamp on a birch tree
Charging a new hit, a song about Trump
(Buranovskie Grandmothers):
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Let's dance
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Lie on the grass
(Buranovskie Grandmothers):
In the afternoon with Baba Anya, I'm not lying on the couch
Show someone who doesn't like disco
Charge your speakers, yeah turn on the lamps
We will now sing you a song about Trump
(Buranovskie Grandmothers):
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Let's dance
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Lie on the grass
(Buranovskie Grandmothers):
Come on, honey! Nika honey, get your vinyls
There will be no whole decibels here
Charge your speakers, yeah turn on the lamps
We will now sing you a song about Trump
(Buranovskie Grandmothers):
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Let's dance
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Lie on the grass
(Buranovskie Grandmothers):
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Let's dance
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Come on everybody
Tram-pam-tram-pam-pam! Lie on the grass

Sötét & világos

Lighteye Beatz
Mindegy, milyen nagyon remélünk
Istenhez, sosem kellene hogy ez itt a te helyed legyen
Démonok között, akik szüntelen újra felébrednek
Minden begyógyult seb csak egy heg lesz
És a halott szövet által minden érzés megszűnik
Te, te csak reméltél, te ébresztesz fel engem
Én, én loptam el a nevetésed
Mivel egy farkasokkal teli körben, amik úgy vadásznak mint a korcsok
Csak egy átkozott angyal tűnik fel újra
És itt könyörtelenül visszaélnek a gyengeség minden támadásával
Tehát jobb, ha ezen kívül tartjuk amit szeretünk
Mindegy, hogy hiszel-e nekem
Ez a páncél engem és a körülöttem lévőket védi, és sosem tör össze újra
És még ha akartam is, az ördög már a járásukról felismeri fivéreit
És hazudnék, ha azt mondanám: 'Még egyszer előről kezdem!'
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
És minden túl gyors körülöttünk
Mondd csak, mit kérdezel tőlem? Hogy vagyok?
Valahogy rábasztam, itt van ez a dolog könnyekkel és a többi
Mindig azt hittem, senki sem tudja feltörni a diót
Nos, mindig rámtör a visszatérő hiány
Nem több, mint egy szaros kincsvadászat
Hogy szüntelen a nyomodban vagyok
Mondd, ki vagy te? Bazdmeg! Picsába!
Néha a falat bamulom, olykor állatokkal beszélek
Az ágyneműnek olyan az illata, mintha még most is itt lennél
Ez számomra úgysem jelent semmit, ezt bárki mondhatná
A nap végére súlyos májkárosodást szenvedek
(Minden alkalommal), amikor valami igazán fontos, akkor elveszítjük azt
Aztán az egész giccs valami keserűvé, valami valódivá válik
Valahogy az egész teljesen kicsúszott a kezünkből
Elfogyott a levegő, még szusz is alig maradt, hogy kicsit a víz alá merüljünk
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
És minden túl gyors körülöttünk
Nehezemre esik az elengedés, mindenhova követlek
Minden rám emlékeztet téged, mindenben ott bujkálok
Látlak esténként, amikor álmodsz, amikor felkelsz és reggelizel
Homlokon csókollak, amikor alszol, de te semmit sem érzel
Azon fáradozom, hogy ott lehessek, most mégis nehezemre esik a közeledben maradni
Egy nap egyedül, egy nap veled, mit meg nem adnék azért
Ne nézegesd a képeim, csak fájdalmat okoz neked
Minden nap nálad voltam és te nálam
Most elmentem, de még mindig veled vagyok
Mondd, hallasz engem? Harag támad bennem
Ha arra gondolok, hogy egyszer valaki más lesz a helyemen
A fenébe, nem kell magyaráznom, nagy szükségem van rád
Nélküled a kinti világ olyan üresnek tűnik
Mégsem tudok semmit változtatni rajta, annyira szeretnék veled lenni
Meg kell tanulnom elfogadni
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
És minden túl gyors körülöttünk
Parisienne, túl sok vörösbor
Mert tudom, hogy valami idiótával mész haza
Kardigán, egy szürke holdfény
Azt kívánom, belül bárcsak halott lennék
Utóíz, Becks üveg
A szex gyakran király volt, csak a többi pocsék
Elbaszott, sártócsa
Valahonnan, most tökéletesen passzolna
Talán csak olyan voltam neked, mint egy próbajárat
Talán nem az volt a nagy nap, amikor összejöttünk
Az a nap, ami számomra az igazi volt
Minden, amit mások mondanak, amikor együtt vannak
Az nekem mind igaz volt
Veled egy mozifilmben akartam élni
A stáblista teljes volt, de senki sem akarta megnézni
Még akkor is ha tudtam volna, hogyan ér ez véget köztünk
Akkor is újra megadnék mindent
Te vagy az utolsó szerelmem, azt hittem
Az utolsó, aki mellett fekszem, azt hittem
Kétszáz százalékban hittem bennünk
De aztán elolvadt az Arktiszunk
Te vagy az utolsó szerelmem, azt hittem
Az utolsó, aki mellett fekszem, azt hittem
Kétszáz százalékban hittem bennünk
De aztán elolvadt az Arktiszunk
Te vagy az utolsó szerelmem, azt hittem
Az utolsó, aki mellett fekszem, azt hittem
Kétszáz százalékban hittem bennünk
De néha megszűnik az örökkévalóság
Cél nélkül rohanok az éjszakába
És nem tudom, hol kellene megállnom
Nem beszélve arról, most hogyan kell viselkednem előtted
Nem tudom, hogy utállak-e vagy sem
Valahogy mégis van bennem valami, ami hiányol téged
Mert te vagy az az egy drog, ami magával húz, majd ismét elenged
Az az egy monokróm kép, ami sosem lesz színesebb
A szabadesés, amelyben a remény szinte felfed bennünket
Mielőtt a félelem felülkerekedik rajtunk és akkor úgyis veszítünk
Mit tennék, hogy ismét veled legyek
Inkább szegény lennék melletted, mint egyedül gazdag
Mégis ha minden kötél szakad, mi ketten párban leszünk
És csapdába esünk létezésünk minden részének legapróbb részleteibe
Amit érzek, azt szavakkal nem igazán tudom kifejezni
Ezért is hajlanak az akkordok egy kis terc felé
És ha már akkor észrevettem volna, hogy mi történik itt
Akkor ma belőlünk több lett volna, mint egy dal
Valahogy az egész teljesen kicsúszott a kezünkből
Elfogyott a levegő, még szusz is alig maradt, hogy kicsit a víz alá merüljünk
Valahogy jobb, ha elválnak útjaink
Bébi, spóroljunk a beszéddel, légy jó még látjuk egymást, viszlát
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
Valamikor elvettünk egy szakaszt az életünkből
Elváltunk egymástól és elszaladtunk, tönkrementünk
Ránk borult a sötétség, majd világos lett, majd sötét, majd világos
És minden túl gyors körülöttünk
Te vagy az utolsó szerelmem, azt hittem
Az utolsó, aki mellett fekszem, azt hittem
Kétszáz százalékban hittem bennünk
De aztán elolvadt az Arktiszunk
Te vagy az utolsó szerelmem, azt hittem
Az utolsó, aki mellett fekszem, azt hittem
Kétszáz százalékban hittem bennünk
De néha megszűnik az örökkévalóság
Te vagy az utolsó szerelmem, azt hittem
Az utolsó, aki mellett fekszem, azt hittem
Kétszáz százalékban hittem bennünk
De aztán elolvadt az Arktiszunk
Te vagy az utolsó szerelmem, azt hittem
Az utolsó, aki mellett fekszem, azt hittem
Kétszáz százalékban hittem bennünk
De néha megszűnik az örökkévalóság
De néha még minden sem elég
De néha a hullámok a hajóorrhoz csapódnak
De néha azt gondoljuk: 'A szerencsénk még elegendő'
És aztán ez csak annyit tesz: 'Jéghegy előttünk'
De néha még minden sem elég
De néha a hullámok a hajóorrhoz csapódnak
De néha azt gondoljuk: 'A szerencsénk még elegendő'
És aztán ez csak annyit tesz: 'Jéghegy előttünk'

It doesn’t matter from where you’re writing now

lyrics Sergei Ivkin - at vk.com/vershitell
music Alexei Belyaev – at bards.ru
perf. Elena Bushueva - at
translation by Dmytro Zelenskyy -- August 30, 2016
It doesn’t matter from where you’re writing now, dear -
which shore or life stage,
doesn’t matter which language your children will have to learn there –
is it English, Hebrew, or French,
whatever the country you’re in, on which side –
of planet, or river Styx -
doesn’t matter, because all we have - is to say
memorizing some pic[ture]s.
And even if it smells and sounds like immigrants’ woes –
like Bruegel, like Brodsky,
That’s how it’s repeating itself, dear, once… –
once you feel yourself as an orphan.
We grow through each other besides any
actual contacts.
We all are connected to something Above,
we are Whole in the Common -
you know this now.


And yea, I pay your ticket to hell, no price is too high
Your journey starts now
Leaded from the death
Where was the sense? Only I was sharing my bread
Until here and not further I’m climbing the throne
Im Sony Black, this won’t be funny
This is what I want brother, belive me, I don’t have to
Because I kill everyone who’s taking the piss
Don’t make a movie dude today you’re gonna get out empty yeah
Who is gangster? Sikerim, you piç *turkish*
Because these bitches earn more than just a slap in their face
My MPC is legendary
Twenty years story
Tell me which bum here got class like Sony?
Hook: bushido
Yea they say „take care of your back“
And give us the bad eye , they lie whenever they open their lips
No effort, I fuck y’all as well
Just like before gonna press a cigarettes on your ribs

Black pea-coats

Versions: #3
We left behind us all falls and sundowns,
Just hope for the minuscule, almost invisible rise!
I want to believe that our black pea-coats
Will give opportunity to see this sunrise.
Today we got orders: Die like true heroes!
We'll try! - but we could not guarantee.
I only thought, smoking borrowed cigarettes:
Each man on his own, - sunrise what matters to me.
Special company - sapper's special esteem.
Don't slash with a knife from the ambush unseen,
Don't trouble yourself - even with a throat cut
I will see sunrise as my final result.
We strolled through their rear, avoiding to cut them in slumber,
And cleared the passage, when I noted in surprise,
How immature, green, but wakeful sunflower
Already had turned its head to sunrise.
Behind at six thirty were left - I know,-
Not only falls and declines, but also reached height.
Teeth grinding, two bare wires are cleaned to go, -
Have not seen the sunrise, but knew: it is close to daylight.
... Depleted company returning severed.
What happened - doesn't matter, matters blown up fort.
I want to believe that our rough endeavor
Grants you opportunity to see sunrise with no effort.

Only Radiant DNA

the button to stop the factory smoke
as soon as I stepped to this unknown place
a cat made from milk and concrete
cried out looking at my venom
a leek beneath from the shopping bag
a thrown-out silver colored trainer
in this empty and stupid brain
even it is filled with anxiety, I'll be still hungry
a plan like usual, I handle and master it
as usual, repeated like a show
it feels like going far off, it hasn't boiled
like the bubbles dirtied my skin
can't distinguish any color and can't tell taste either
DNA that makes loneliness is too dazzling
no one can't stand its shine of life
I'm still lost but there's no street light
even my unreachable breath, it's too much
even it's reflecting as it is,
nothing will be changed
it will go out rampant
I pray to be hurt right now
if I wish to see a light I've never seen before
if being sacrificed is my true feeling
to the pitfall that no one can understand
even though I sorted if off, I'll just abandon my pride-
to the dim morning
if I sometimes keep following the rules
and get along with the scenario
then I'd be just nodding without knowing any troubles
I'll start breaking right now,
with I am right now
not having any courage to enjoy pointless things
I curse everything only to tell stories
like all these weird things, to be frankly
because it's easier by that way
I losing you like I forgot to lock up with my keys
I already can't understand anything
so let's laugh
if being sacrificed is my true feeling
to the pitfall that no one can understand
even though I sorted if off, I'll just abandon my pride-
to the dim morning
if i keep sometimes following the rules
and get along with the scenario
then I'd be just nodding without knowing any troubles
I'll start breaking right now
I'm scared if I'm going to be lost
every time with the destiny that already been decided
however, it's repeating
although I want to repeat it
if I just want to not be satisfied..
if being predestinated is my true feeling
to the loop that no one can understand
even though I sorted if off, I'll just abandon my pride-
to the dim morning
if I keep resolving my own anger sometimes
if I'm being to blinded with security and safety
then I'd be just nodding without knowing how to laugh and anything else
I'll start breaking into pieces
I'll choose the light that can't be deflected, right now
if being sacrificed is my true feeling

Song of the Kamikaze Unit

We load fuel for a one-way trip - tentsurushan1
while crying.
Our destination is Ryukyu2, our journey to the other side,3
oh-oh, our journey to the other side.
As we leave the ground - tentsurushan
it is our farewell to this world.
We think about our mothers' faces,
oh-oh, our mothers' faces.
Oh rain, fall, fall - tentsurushan
with all your might, oh rain.
This bitterness from us maintenance workers,
oh-oh, this bitterness.
  • 1. Some kind of onomatopoeia for the shamisen interlude, it seems.
  • 2. A group of southern, Japanese islands.
  • 3. Euphemism for death.

A woman's Jonkara bushi

The snow flies high from below
Entwining in my red hem
The journey of a woman with a thick-necked shamisen
Grumbles, bursts open, smokes and burns
There's a man I can't be apart from him
Jonkara, jonkara, I want you to understand me
The disorder of my bachi and mine
I won't let you say farewell words
The weakness of a woman who waited in the deep
Male instincts are lighter than the wind
Hiding in the moon, I do it like this
Jonkara, jonkara, I want you to let me cry
The sky became plumb-coloured
The spring is too distant from me
If I hit the thick neck, I break even the strings
I hate you, I love you, you ache me, you're hard
A woman's melody entines in my finger
Jonkara, jonkara, I want you
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Longing (Eurovision Version)

A long wait, sweet and thrilling
Steps knocking like a heart in this evening
I follow her (heart)beat
Two hands that are reachi
This longing that burns you does not know distance or borders
The moon magically devours the gazes
It brings me your vision
A wet tear illuminates this night
Tonight echo through the speechless soul
May the pain stop just for one moment
This wet tear one day will dry
From the warm kisses that I dream of
In that moment the pain will stop
I want to quieten this night, laying in my bed
Where the divine dreams heal every wound
Seeing her portrait
Moments pass, seconds are unforgiving
Hours pass but they cannot stop the feeling, no
The moon magically devours the gazes
Our eyes meet again even though it's fantasy
I will give you my life
A wet tear illuminates this night
Tonight echo through the speechless soul
May the pain stop just for one moment
This wet tear one day will dry
From the warm kisses that I dream of
In that moment the pain will stop
Translated by dudiloni

I have to watch where I stay

(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
Who's hard like me with dick in hand?
Pull the line before the judge on the dock, yeah
Brand new Air Max, I strip your shoes off
And the MacBook Pro from your bag
You want to buy coke? Kid, you'll be run off
I'll take your cash and disappear, no power of the drugs
I have to watch, where I stay, you shit fat ass kid
I need a new down jacket, because winter's coming soon
In passing grab a fanta
And I snatch the Russian whore's hand bag, yeah
Coke keeps me awake and the hunger makes me aggressive
and every other Goddamn letter is from debt collection
And with this shit here I build a pillar
I bring the whole prize to a deposit
I have no conscience and no standard
Where I'm from, Tony Montana is an idol, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
In the truest since of the word the gold lies on the street
You want to fuck with me, you'll fall heavily
I have a plan and won't fancy up the school
The bad soothes me, I don't look for any job, yeah
Rip a few Touries up in the electorate
Check the Nokia, the junkies ring through for a gram
Give me cash for the wares from the KDW
Hide cash under the bed, because I'm saving for the AMG,
I spend whole night late with the butterflies
Until the the bulls come, because I don't leave, without a sendoff
On the hunt in the streets like a cat of prey
Packet in the fanny pack, full of Tilidin
Every day hustle, kofta and falafel
Big-City-Flavour, Graffiti-Sprayer
And whenever I have a whole fat fish on the corner
And until then it's a rumble in the jungle
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Sellin' drugs in the streets' 'Kick in the door' I have to watch where I stay, yeah
(Scratches) 'Showin' niggas, how the shit go'
'Back in the Game' I have to watch where I stay, yeah


A várakozás hosszú,
Édes és égető
Lépéseket hallok, amik úgy dobognak, mint a szívem ma éjjel
Követem a ritmusát
Két kar átölel, érzem a melegséget
Ez a vágyakozás nem ismer határokat vagy távolságot
A világon semmi nem tudja kifejezni azt az érzést,
Mikor szívek találkoznak, és egyszerre dobognak
Ma éjszaka csendben akarok feküdni ebben az ágyban,
Ahol az isteni álmok begyógyítanak minden sebet,
Hogy láthassam az arcát
Telnek a pillanatok,
A másodpercek nem megbocsájtóak,
Órák követik egymást, de nem múlik az érzés, nem
A holdat nézem, és varázslatos módon
A fényében téged látlak
A könnyem megvilágítja az éjszakát
Visszhangzik a lelkem csendje
Csak egy pillanatra érjen már véget a fájdalom
Ez a könny egy nap felszárad
A vad csókról álmodom
Abban a pillanatban a fájdalom majd véget ér
Az élet édes, és nem ismer határokat
Néha kegyes hozzánk, néha elválaszt minket
Távol vagy tőlem
Te adsz erőt a harchoz, mikor elfáradok
Rólad álmodom ébren is
A holdat nézem és varázslatos modón
A szemeink találkoznak, bár csak képzeletben
Az életem adnám érted

Forever young

Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remember the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remember the good times
Because nothing is forever
1st verse [Bushido]:
You don't give a shit about those who talk without making sense
Because you remain a man of action
You just work hard
the whole goddamn day
You feel old and weak
You feel exhausted
And that asshole of a boss's vents his bad mood on you
What a comedy act
10 years of blood and sweat
You look in the mirror
That look says, 'Enough, that's it!'
From your wife you get 'radio silence' treatment, grief
Is she cheating?
Do you really still have the strength of a dog to track it down?
The children have also been lying to you:
Whether about smoking, partying, boozing, drugs
You have not raised your own blood this way!
Everyone thinks about themselves, but who thinks about you?
Before you wore college jackets, now a suit
You can't recognize yourself!
This life is just simply cold and heavy
And every year a few more wrinkles appear
Say, how gladly would you now fly free like an eagle?
No more worrying about being in a coffin someday.
Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
2nd Verse [Bushido] :
Your parents are now old and sick.
And it's like a bad movie
and you pray to God now: Please stop it!.
It seems like yesterday:
you were just 9. Your first goal.
One is proud when he makes his father happy.
He was your coach. You kicked (the soccer ball) in front of the house.
Today the man walks bent over with a cane inside the house.
You're sad.
This man who was out with you every day,
sits alone at the kitchen table and now has cataracts.
He is sick. Sick, because he needs a kidney (transplant).
The cane accompanies him when he goes for his daily walk.
She {the mother} is worse off than him, but nobody cares.
The doctor usually gives her the last appointment.
Who can turn back time here?
Who will give her this strength again? She is weak.
Look, she can only walk hunched over.
And you only have your memory.
Everything is perishable,
but we would like to be forever young, always young.
Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever!
3rd verse [Bushido]:
How gladly I would like to say now: hope dies last.
What have I done, why is God punishing me with this bad luck?
When will I realize that nothing is here forever?
That everything eventually breaks and then I sit in the rubble?
Enjoy the moment when you are with your friends.
This moment with your mother, because that's when she is happy.
At some point she will be gonee.
Enjoy the moment you share with her.
She does not need anything else.
And this shitty custom where everyone just thinks of themselves.
Children stress their father until he simply breaks,
until he just can't anymore and does not even want to talk,
because he wants to be young again and wants to live.
Nothing is forever. We would like to be forever young.
Give us the time that just stops, simply enjoy it,
and forget the day of hard work.
Now grab the Ray-Bans & blue jeans. Sing for them, Karel Gott!
Chorus [Karel Gott]:
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever
Forever young, forever young,
You have to remind yourself of the good times
Because nothing is forever!

We'll go in

[Intro: MO030]
yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah
[Hook: MO030]
For six-thousand euros, weed in the case
If the enemies snitch now - then we'll go in
Here outside you can't trust anyone
The circle stays small
For six-thousand euros, weed in the case
If the enemies snitch now - then we'll go in
Here outside you can't trust anyone (no, no, no)
If the neighbors snitch now, then we'll go inside
No one's allowed to know, or else we'll go inside
Mama worries about her son
Because he wants the millions now
If the neighbors snitch now, then we'll go inside
No one's allowed to know, or else we'll go inside
Mama worries about her son
Because he wants the millions now
[Part 1: Bushido]
Fuck the market, like Macintosh
Cook the crack in a brass pot
Inmates sing in the jail block
The spastics think they're Travis Scott
Trust no one here
Have the cash in my Samsonite
Puff you out like a candlelight
Are you a dog? only see black around you like 'round the Enterprise (yeah yeah yeah)
Truck with loading ramp
Black market, Police officers take me away in my bath robe*
Mama had worries about her son ('bout her son, 'bout her son)
But when I gotta go in, I go in with a million!
Everyone thinks, they'd be Easy-E
but y'all are One-Hit-Wonders - Stevie B
On the streets, I'll never leave them
From the skyline to the curb
My connection goes T2B [Top to Bottom]
Car finish is matte-black (matte-black!)
S-Class like at an act of state (act of state!)
Enemy of the state, citizen of the state
But if y'all's cum is in front of me, then y'all're starstruck (starstruck)
Study my stock list
No time to get down
Rather let the lawyer arbitrate
Always if the neighbors snitch, yeah
[Hook: M.O030]
For six-thousand euros, weed in the case
If the enemies snitch now - then we'll go in
Here outside you can't trust anyone
The circle stays small
For six-thousand euros, weed in the case
If the enemies snitch now - then we'll go in
Here outside you can't trust anyone (no, no, no)
If the neighbors snitch now, then we'll go inside
No one's allowed to know, or else we'll go inside
Mama worries about her son
Because he wants the millions now
If the neighbors snitch now, then we'll go inside
No one's allowed to know, or else we'll go inside
Mama worries about her son
Because he wants the millions now
[Part 2: M.O030]
Man, time is short, Mama, money is short
So I write two hits in the same night!
And the case is full, when the neighbors snitch
I want money for my team, skipped school
on my way day and night
No one in the area, who understood me right
Without money in my pockets, fatty, friends became rats
Fatty, as if we still didn't have anything - today, today
Today I go my own way, drive-by with the Uzi
The whole cookie makes movies**
Since 'everything became true'***, bitches write to me
Man, as if I were Gucci (Gucci)
Drive-by with the Uzi
cause they lie, cause they lie, cause they hate, cause they hate
Man, they're fakin', man they're fakin' - Gucci
Hmmmmm, yeah yeah yeah yeah
[Hook: MO030]
For six-thousand euros, weed in the case
If the enemies snitch now - then we'll go in
Here outside you can't trust anyone
The circle stays small
For six-thousand euros, weed in the case
If the enemies snitch now - then we'll go in
Here outside you can't trust anyone (no, no, no)
If the neighbors snitch now, then we'll go inside
No one's allowed to know, or else we'll go inside
Mama worries about her son
Because he wants the millions now
If the neighbors snitch now, then we'll go inside
No one's allowed to know, or else we'll go inside
Mama worries about her son
Because he wants the millions now

Grandma Lise

[Part 1]
I would have never thought that I would write this song
But I don't know how to reach you
Sometimes it feels like you're talking to me in my thoughts
And I would really like to answer but I can't
To speak to you once again, face to face
Because so much happened since you left
They say there is a beginning after every end
And we get to know that Anna-Maria is pregnant again
One day after your death we're back at the hospital again
I tell Aaliyah there are twins in Mom's belly
Djibrail - finally I have my son
And Laila - she has your eyes, your nose, your mouth
I'd forgiven Dad long ago
And that's why I took him to us to Berlin after you were gone
I think being a Granddad was good for him
God let him be happy before he took him
And I thought that I have finally found my peace too
But suddenly I was on every front page because of a song
Do you remember Shindy at breakfast, how quiet he was?
He is now something like a superstar
And Ali is a rapper as well
The label looks better without Kay
But there were problems at home, Anna-Maria took the kids
Moved away with them. That was the moment I thought it's over
A week later, January 2015
I got a message from her, that she was pregnant again
And in August my second son is born
Issa - when I look him in his face I see myself
I knew it was a sign
Anna-Maria came back and everything was balanced
Meanwhile, Grandma was gone too
You probably know, I guess you're up there together
Your sister helps us in every possible way, the kids love her
And no matter how hard they play, she's never fed up
You've become a Grandma again
On your first day of death, Sercan's first son Noah was born
And Ismail, he often visits the three
He even gave them a house of their own
By the way: our house is still not finished
The neighbours don't want us, the building authorities are getting on my nerves
The dogs had to leave, I left them at the animal shelter
But I now have an aquatic shop
Renate and Uwe tell me to say hello
They think I'm their messenger
Montry acts like a teenager
Aaliyah starts first grade soon
And I still write songs dissing strangers
You know it: I never liked the food at other places
But my wife is perfect as Mom and housewife
I hope you see I'm fine, Mom, don't be afraid
Your favourite woollen hat is still in the wardrobe
Aaliyah wants us to keep the green frog on the fridge
No one is allowed to touch it - it belongs to Grandma Lise