Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 18


A légy

Kis légy, a te nyári darabod
Hanyag kezem elhussantotta
Én nem lennék oly légy, mint te?
Vagy te nem lennél oly ember, mint én?
Hisz én táncolok és iszom és énekelek
Míg egy vak kéz meg nem suhintja szárnyam
Ha a gondolat az élet és erő és lélegzet
És az ész járása a halál
Akkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halok
Akkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halok
Akkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halokAkkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halok
Kis légy, a te nyári darabod
Hanyag kezem elhussantotta
Én nem lennék oly légy, mint te?
Vagy te nem lennél oly ember, mint én?
Hisz én táncolok és iszom és énekelek
Míg egy vak kéz meg nem suhintja szárnyam
Ha a gondolat az élet és erő és lélegzet
És az ész járása a halál
Akkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halok
Akkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halok
Akkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halokAkkor én egy boldog légy vagyok
Akár élek, akár halok

Corrientes Av.

Saturday night in the capital city
I went out to bury what I'll be
walking down Corrientes
fools were biting their own teeth
I, alone,
went looking for pain,
the happiness of being so foolish
of not being sober
of forgetting about remembering if I had forgotten to not miss anyone anymore.
Saturday night in the capital city
I went out to baptise what I don't wanna become
but it was ridiculous,
'cause one is just one and that's it.

Like in the 90s

You're afraid of love
Because many have broken your heart,
But I can assure you that
I'm not like that.
Falling in love with you has made it much harder,
The music doesn't make you dance anymore
Because in the radio
There aren't any love songs.
And so, you'll touch me
I'll write a song
That'll make you fall in love again
And that'll go straight to the heart.
Because inside of you
Do you feel what I feel for you?
Like in the 90s
When the music made you feel it
Loving you like it was before
Will be the key,
When love songs
And a good conversation
Was a lot.
Loving you like it was before
Will be the key
For us both to be happy
And to have eternal love, as were the plans.
Loving you like it was before...
Loving you like it was before...
I come to you with proposals
That aren't indecent.
I bring you promisses
That I won't break.
I'll tell you the truth
Even if you think I'm lying.
With me, there's nothing to fear.
I'll give you
What many weren't capable of giving.
It's loving you sincerely
And never seeing you cry.
And so, you'll touch me
I'll write a song
That'll make you fall in love again
And that'll go straight to the heart.
Because inside of you
Do you feel what I feel for you?
Like in the 90s
When the music made you feel it
Loving you like it was before
Will be the key,
When love songs
And a good conversation
Was a lot.
Loving you like it was before
Will be the key
For us both to be happy
And to have eternal love, as were the plans.
You're afraid of love
Because many have broken your heart,
But I can assure you that
I'm not like that.
Falling in love with you has made it much harder,
The music doesn't make you dance anymore
Because in the radio
There aren't any love songs.
Loving you like it was before
Will be the key,
When love songs
And a good conversation
Was a lot.
Loving you like it was before
Will be the key
For us both to be happy
And to have eternal love, as were the plans.
Loving you like it was before...
Loving you like it was before...


Both things we endure, and things that increase
You don't need them, neither do I
We still don't know the light of the dawn
I will try laying you in the last night
Over a biting louse stuck in a net
'Isn't it good? Everyone is a dragonfly behind the curtain of night'
There's no warmth from skin I touch
So I will check if blood is falling
With my savage kiss
Just to quit connecting to this fragile thing,
Why I have to stop breathing?
Even now, just to protect an unstable sand castle
Why am I only able to fight like this?
If you want to post my translation on other websites, please inform that you received from @Morikemuri. Thank you for your cooperation.

When I met you

Suddenly I open my eyes, I don't really know why
I slept for a little more than three hours and now here I am
I could get up and crawl to the kitchen, see what's in the fridge
I could gather up the courage to wake you up, talk with you
with you? about what? No,
it's better if you keep sleeping, don't come down here
Your sleep is worth more than a breathe, it keeps me alive as well
Me as well, even though I know, it shall pass
like a saturday does
I will fall asleep
without fear, but now
I look inside me, or maybe not
This is all so bourgeois, I'm a bit ashamed
I don't even know how I feel, who will win
nor how I felt when mom left dad
What's buried in me comes back up
Let's just hope some good memory pops up
When did I meet you? Who knows
I don't even remember when you gave me your number
I hear a noise, what's that?
It's the garbage truck
It's the newsstand opening
It's someone that's already going to work
It's the great machine that reboots like in every city
to produce someone's well being, it's my turn soon
And what do I do now? I'm not ready
I closed my eyes just like you
I even copied your breathing
Maybe I regret what I don't have anymore
or the man I never have been
It shall pass
like a saturday does
I will fall asleep
without fearing nothing.
I look inside me, or maybe not
This is all so bourgeois, I'm a bit ashamed
I don't even know how I feel, who will win
nor how I felt when mom left dad
What's buried in me comes back up
Let's just hope some good memory pops up
When did I meet you? Who knows
I don't even remember when you gave me your number
Suddenly I shut my eyes and it's dawn, but it's alright
Even if I have to wake up soon, I fall asleep and -


С твоим именем в слове
Это становится достаточно болезненным, чтобы перестать дышать
Я свободен жить
Я не могу ничего ошибаться
Страсть я чувствую впервые Это любовь сердца
Ждать рассвет каждый день
Я продолжаю ждать твоей любви
Быть таким уставшим, как ты хочешь встретиться
Я люблю тебя, неудержимое чувство
Это похоже на звезду, которая светит в темноте
Ты слишком ослепительный
Импульсивные импульсы
У меня есть магическая сила
Привлечение черной дыры
Я не выйду
Вы не можете обойтись без вас.
Если ты хочешь меня тоже
Навсегда навсегда
Звездная звезда чувств
Даже немного рассказать
Я продолжаю петь
В этом небе
В нескольких световых годах
Вы есть
Когда-нибудь мы станем звездами
Даже если прошла тысяча лет
Слова влюбленных
Я тебя люблю
Даже если тебя нет, я чувствую это
О, посмотрел вверх, звездный свет
Я встретил тебя и эту одинокую вещь также
Я люблю достаточно, чтобы думать дорого.
Вы есть
«Это Yuuto»
Это будет продолжаться бесконечно. Падающая звезда, падающая в небо.
Водное дерево Венера до конца галактики Мне все равно Да
Отпусти отпусти отпусти сейчас
Я просто хочу чтобы ты увидел меня
Вы не можете выйти из черной дыры
Навсегда навсегда
Звездная звезда чувств
Даже немного рассказать
Я продолжаю петь
Сказать тебе, что я люблю тебя
Я продолжаю петь
Чтобы освободить тебя, я люблю тебя
Я продолжаю кричать
В этом небе
Любовь потерпит неудачу
Любовь потерпит неудачу

You are my city

[Verse 1]
Do you remember the fog
That trapped us for a week
Remember we got the street wrong
And while going back to the valley
We found out that the sky was clear
Yet not even being under it
I don't even hate winter
Nor hell
I would like be with you somewhere far away
I'd say it to you softly
I think about it every time I have to leave
It's always nice to come back
Confused, broken, fucked up, tired
It's nice to travel with these built-up feelings
Driving fast
And blindfolded
Reaching you, and telling you that I like you
Fuck I like you
You're my city, outside of the centre
You're my city, take it as a compliment
You're my city, I feel you inside
And when I come back, something will change
You're my city, where time stands still
You're my city, it's a compliment
You're my city, I feel you inside
And when I come back, something will change
Something will change
Something will be born here
[Verse 2]
How much time has passed?
Summer is here again
Everything will repeat itself
I'll go far away somewhere
And I won't write or call
And I don't really know if I want to leave
It's always nice to come back
Confused, broken, fucked up, tired
It's nice to travel with these built-up feelings
Driving fast
And blindfolded
Reaching you, and telling you that I like you
Fuck I like you
You're my city, outside of the centre
You're my city, take it as a compliment
You're my city, I'm coming inside you
And if it were to happen
You're my city, outside of the centre
You're my city, it's a compliment
You're my city, I feel you inside
And when I come back, something will change
You're my city, where time stands still
You're my city, it's a compliment
You're my city, I'm coming inside you
And if it were to happen, something will be born
You're my city, outside of the centre
You're my city, take it as a compliment
You're my city, I'm coming inside you
And if it were to happen...