Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 19


Dissecting A Girl

Let`s enjoy dissecting a girl
Everyone wanna be get excited
Have wanted to be embarrassed when I realized I love the pain
since that night
hello, do you have a minute?
Have nothing to talk in particular, though
I`m jealous of one thing and another,
but they are worthless without you
Your relationship is lovey-dovey with masks
My heart is broken He don`t love me at all
A penalty shootout is between feelings and a dull life
Oh, there are stray children
who are crying for help everywhere
I‘m intimate with him while acting cute
Everything even gloomy things
I text you
cuz we wanna share hard things more
I wanna flee out of this love
Let`s enjoy dissecting a girl
with calling by real names each other
'I don`t wanna go' That`s a good answer
I wonder if I feel better
Let`s enjoy dissecting a girl
Everyone wanna be get excited
I`ve wanted to be embarrassed
since the night when I realized I love the pain
Sorry for calling you early in the morning
I must wake you up
Can I talk to you now?
Had a dream that you fell in love with the other person
I want you to deny, baby, love me?
In the morning and the night, twice in a day
I add spices to you
Madness of assumption don‘t have power
Hey, you has become indifferent to me recently
Let`s play dissecting a girl
Squeeze our feelings that burn with love
I'm such an idiot 'Iyaiya' won`t stop
I wonder if I can resolve the misunderstanding
Let`s play dissecting a girl
Spread slobber on baguette
I`ll make sure when the letdown reached its climax
since that night
Let`s enjoy dissecting a girl
with calling by real names each other
'I don`t wanna live' That`s a good answer I wonder if I feel better
Let`s enjoy dissecting a girl
Everyone wanna be get excited
Have wanted to be embarrassed when I realized I love the pain
since that night

Mozaik Role

Certain words
pierced through you
I described the fluid
flowing from your wound as 'love'
Lack of sympathy
and emotionless sex
seem to perfectly describe
the unsavory ties between you and me
Saying things like, 'But I still love you...' (lol)
Wouldn't it be better to say that we were in love?
We're bound, so we can't be touched by each other
Isn't this what they call 'fate'?
It's just a certain world of love that disappears
During our last days together,
I got tired of you
Not knowing if it's love or lust,
what should I call this relationship I'm about to end?
Lack of sympathy
and emotionless sex
seem to perfectly describe
the unsavory ties between you and me
Still, it's fine...
So I suppose we were in love,
since we were hanging on and struggling
Wouldn't it be better if you just killed me,
since I hate you?
Wouldn't it be better to say that we were in love?
We're bound, so we can't be touched by each other
Isn't this what they call 'fate'?
It's just a certain world of love that disappears

Két lélegzet sétája

,,Íme fejlődésem történetének első oldala'
Mert karjaim közt akartalak tartani, elindultam saját 2 lábamon
Mert egyedül lenni magányos dolog, veled együtt fogok lélegezni
,,Képzeld Mama, van valaki, akibe beleszerettem'
,,Sok boldogságot'
Látni akarlak
Mondd csak, most épp kinek a mellét szopod, kin élősködsz?
Tanultál-e már szavakat?
,,Papa, Mama, Niina (27)'
,,Remekül ment. Indulok azonnal.'
Hoppá. Ez különös...
A kezek, melyek feléd nyúltak, hogy átölelhessenek
Miért kezdtek el bántani téged
Még a szavak is, melyeket tanultam, beléd döfnek, mint egy kés
Elvágják az életedet
,,Nos, mielőtt még elengedném ezt a kést, azt a szájat
Ezzel a szájjal ékeljük be'
A csókunkon át
Te az én lélegzetemet szívod be, így élünk mostantól
A szavak már összeforrtak a nyálunkban
Mostantól szívd az én lélegzetemet
Mondhatnád azt, hogy ,,Szeretlek'
S ha így teszel, én örökké a te oxigénpalackod leszek
S belélegezheted a szavakat, melyeket utolsó leheletemig kiejtek

First Storm

I can’t forget the tears I’ve shed
Remembered the beauty of the smile
What color rose do your eyes see?
Hardly exhausted
Time has started to fly forward in a flurry
Miracles flash
Let us witness this day
This thumping heartbeat
This pounding racket
I’ll open the song in my heart this second
No need to be afraid
I have my family with me
I’ll stay by your
sides forever
(Don’t hold me close, I’m handing it over now)
Your restlessness and stubbornness in all its entirety
(The shackles are free, don’t hesitate again)
There’s no turning back
Poke open all the clouds and fog
Set off a storm
Listen to the cries for help in your heart
And move forwards towards the radiant dream
Hello! It’s an honor to meet you for the first time!
I’m so glad that we’ve met again!
Thank you for singing
So let us make promises together
Walking forward, you and me
This path is long and hard
Remembered the blessings you gave
I can’t keep my puffy red eyes from crying on my own
A little tired?
Then sit down and rest, have a drink
Setting off again
isn’t a matter of unimportance
The sparkling, shining time
And the restless gaze around the corner
We’ve gotten used to not looking back
Nowadays, you and I
Have long learned not to question right or wrong
Live free and easy
No more lonely expressions
(Won’t hold me close again,the bitter within the heart)
With all your restlessness and stubbornness in its entirety
(The shackles are free, accelerating to liftoff)
No turning back
Poke open all the clouds and fog
Set off a storm
Listen to the cries for help in your heart
And move forwards towards the radiant dream
Hello! It’s an honor to meet you for the first time!
I’m so glad that we’ve met again!
Thank you for singing
Poke open all the clouds and fog
Set off a storm
Deliver this melody to the deepest parts of your heart
Send on your most sincere wishes
Hello! It’s an honor to hear you for the first time!
Your sweet, beautiful voice!
Thank you for letting me sing!
Hold close this unwavering faith
Promising together
Let our hearts beat as one
Walking forward, you and me