A keresés eredménye oldal 9
Találatok száma: 481
BWV 248 VI, 5 Recitative T: When they had heard the king.
Recitative T (Mt. 2, 9-11)
When they had heard the king,
they went on their way. And behold the star,
which they had seen in the East
went before them, until it came and stood
over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star,
they were highly delighted,
entered that house,
found the child with Mary his mother,
So they fell down and worshiped him,
opened their treasures
and presented him gold, incense and myrrh.
BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio VI, 1 Chorus: Lord, when our boastful foes blow fury.
Lord, when our boastful foes blow fury,
Help us to keep our faith unshaken
And to thy might and help to look!
We would make thee our sole reliance
And thus unharmed the cutting talons
And clutches of the foe escape.
BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio VI, Recitative T: Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen.
Recitative T B (Mt. 2, 7-8)
Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen,
and with diligence he learned from them
when the star was to appear.
And he sent them forth to Bethlehem and said:
Go there and look diligently for the baby,
and when you find him, bring me word,
that I as well may come and worship him.
BWV 248 VI, 4 Air S: Just a wave of your hand.
Air S
Just a wave of your hand
Casts down the powerless strength of men.
Here all might is derided
If the highest speaks one word
To put an end to the pride of his enemies,
Oh, then at once must
Thoughts of mortals be changed.
There Is No Better Than You
There Is No Better Than You
Verse 1
I fell in love when I saw you for the first time without embellishment,
And opened up realizing a happy chance at that very hour,
You clearly answered me with your sympathy pushing on gas,
We have accepted our fate with you without unnecessary phrases.
No one is more beautiful than you in the whole world,
I'm ready to scream about it on every air,
Because your love for me is like a fairy tale,
And I become happier from your affection.
Verse 2
You hug me again gently as if for the first time
Knowing that our love, like a star, is lit again,
And kiss passionately in the midnight hour without embellishment,
Believing that our feelings with you lead like a compass.
No one is more beautiful than you in the whole world,
I'm ready to scream about it on every air,
Because your love for me is like a fairy tale,
And I become happier from your affection.
And the stars shine in the skies,
And we see sparks in our eyes,
After all, we ideate again for the thousandth time,
How we continue our magical story.
No one is more beautiful than you in the whole world,
I'm ready to scream about it in every flat,
Because your love for me is like a fairy tale,
And I become happier from your affection.
If There's Love, I Don't Need Anything Else
No matter how much we are together,
It is hard to understand each other.
No matter how much we laugh together,
I end up crying when I'm alone.
Things that we can see are (often) fragile and short-lived.
So deep down in my mind, I want to be connected with you.
I don't need anything but love.
(You) Made me love so, so, so much that I could cry.
Questions that I can think of one after another,
all have one answer.
I don't need anything but love.
Don't sugarcoat it and face it.
Today, tomorrow, next week, and the next month too,
Have some love and live.
The fact that I can't be myself is,
not something that started from yesterday or today.
The more I care about this and that,
The more I act strangely, even though it's a usual thing with me.
I wish I could say 'I like it!' to something I like.
Things that I cannot describe in words, I want you to notice them.
I don't need anything but love.
I hate logic with a passion.
Words that I can think of one after another,
are all about him.
I don't need anything but love.
Don't be afraid and let's step up.
I don't care about anything that people say about me.
Have some love and live stronger than ever.
I don't need anything but love.
(You) Made me love so, so, so much that I could cry.
Questions that I can think of one after another,
All have one answer.
I don't need anything but love.
I hate logic with a passion.
Words that I can think of one after another,
Are all about him.
I don't need anything but love.
Don't be afraid and let's step up.
I don't care about anything that people say about me.
Have some love and live stronger than ever.
Be Energetic
Eating loads whilst on a diet
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Getting rich without working hard
No! No! No No! Impossible!
Sleeping in and catching the train
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Going back to before that argument
No! No! No! No! No going back!
Ah, there's no end to a girl's worries
Even though I wanted to wear stylish clothes
There's no place for me to do that, right?
Forgetting something in a taxi
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Getting popular overnight
No! No! No limits!
Yes! Let's go!
Go! From now on
Let's go seriously! Wao!
Being able to love, meeting you
How wonderful this happiness is
You're energetic as well
Everyone's energetic
Within tranquility, there's excitement
Sleeping during exam time
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Spending all your wages
No! No! No No! Impossible!
Ah, no-one knows what the future holds
But living seriously and stuff, doesn't it seem wonderful?
Putting mayonnaise in the fridge
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Avoiding family bonding
No! No! No! No! There's no need!
Yes! Let's go!
Go! Tomorrow as well
Let's go seriously! Wao!
Me smiling, you smiling too
How wonderful this happiness is
Open the window
The breeze feels so good
Holding hands, let's walk together
Being able to love, meeting you
How wonderful this happiness is
You're energetic as well
Everyone's energetic
Within tranquility, there's excitement
BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 4 Air S: Does your name instil, my saviour.
Air S
Does your name instil, my saviour, does it instil
Even the tiniest seed
Of that fierce terror?
No, you yourself say (No!)
Shall I now be afraid of death?
No, your sweet word is there!
Or should I rejoice?
Yes, you my saviour say it yourself (Yes !)
BWV 248 IV Cntata for New Year 2 And when eight days were passed.
Recitative T
And when eight days were passed
And the child was to be circumcised
He was given the name Jesus
as he had been called by the angel
Before he was conceived in his mother's body.
BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 6 Aria T: I will live only for Your honor.
I will live only for Your honor,
my Savior, give me strength and courage,
so that my heart can do it eagerly!
Strengthen me
to exalt Your mercy worthily
and with gratitude!
BWV 248 Cantata for New Year, 1.Chorus: With gratitude, with praise.
With gratitude, with praise,
fall before the Almighty's throne of grace!
God's Son
desires to become
the Savior and Redeemer of the world,
God's Son
suppresses the rage and fury of the enemy.
BWV 248 IV Cantata for new year 5 Recitative B S: O joy, thy name shall now alone.
O joy, thy name shall now alone
Within my bosom dwell!
Jesus, my true joy and pleasure,
My true treasure, share and hope,
Thus will I call thy name with rapture
When breast and heart for thee with love are burning.
My salvation, crown and health,
But, dearest, tell me now:
How thee to praise, how thee to thank.
King and shepherd, sun and radiance,
Ah, how shall I worthily,
My Lord Jesus, give thee praise?
BWV 245 János-passió 24 Ária B és Kórus: Siessetek, ti meggyötört lelkek.
Siessetek, ti meggyötört lelkek,
hagyjátok el szenvedéseitek helyét!
A Golgotára!
Keljetek útra a hitnek szárnyain,
A Kereszt dombjára.
Ott virágzik üdvötök.
BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 10: Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat.
Ária A
Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat,
egykor majd felébredsz mindnyájunk üdvére.
Most légy boldog
anyád kebelén
szívünk örömére.
BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 8: Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban.
8. Korál
Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban,
kinek uralma mindenre kiterjed!
Hol elébb egy jószág kereste táplálékát,
ott most a Szűznek gyermeke pihen.
BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 9: Pásztorok, menjetek oda.
Recitativo B
Pásztorok, menjetek oda,
hogy lássátok a csodát,
ott találjátok majd Isten Fiát
kemény jászolban feküdni.
Énekeljetek bölcsőjénél
kedves hangon altató dalt,
együtt a kórussal.
BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 10: Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
Air A
Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
wake after this so that all may thrive!
Comfort the breast,
feel the pleasure
with which we make glad our hearts!
BWV 248 II, 8 Chorale: Look, there lies in the dark stable.
8. Chorale
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin's child.
BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 9: Then go there, you shepherds, go.
Recitativ B
Then go there, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And if you find the son of the Highest
lying in a hard manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
this song for his rest!
BWV 248, II, 4 Recitative B: What God promised to Abraham.
What God promised to Abraham
He now allows to the band of shepherds
To be shown as fulfilled.
A shepherd had all beforehand
to learn from God.
And now also a shepherd must of the deed
that was promised in the past
first know of the fulfilment.
BWV 245, 20 Ária T: Figyeld csak, hogy az ő vérszínezte.
Figyeld csak, hogy az ő vérszínezte háta
az égbolthoz hasonló!
Ott, amint bűneink
özönének árja lezúdult,
ragyog a mindennél szebb szivárvány,
mint Isten kegyelmének jele.
BWV 245 20 Aria T: Consider how his back so stained with bleeding.
Consider how his back so stained with bleeding
In every portion
Doth heaven imitate,
On which, when once the waves and waters
From our own Flood of sin have settled,
The world's most lovely rainbow, arching,
As God's own sign of blessing stands!
In Your Smile
I know well that he's a jealous degenerate
That's why you've denied our love
How good that you've kept it quiet
How good that you've lied to him
How good for the three of us, it's for the best
Yet I know that some nights in your bed
In your dreams you curl up next to me
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because in my dreams I gave you a thousand kisses
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because last night I was yours and you were mine
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
I take comfort in knowing that you haven't forgotten me
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
Because the wind shouts your name at me and smells of you
Yet I know that some nights in your bed
In your dreams you curl up next to me
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because in my dreams I gave you a thousand kisses
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because last night I was yours and you were mine
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
I take comfort in knowing that you haven't forgotten me
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
Because the wind shouts your name at me and smells of you
Sunflowers (Sunflower)
Once upon a time ,my friends,
We used to build house at trees.
In a sweet dream
we were looking at the ground and sky.
Our hearts were like birds, friends,
We opened wings to the world.
we weren't imprisoned to time,
We was living life freely.
We were children, we were bright stars back then.
The moon was enchanted, phosphorescence, sea,
then it is the last time we run.
From that time to now ,friends,
what we want?what we miss?
We are like rivers looking for the sea.
Let the windows stay open, let the rain falls at night.
May our sunflower dreams increase with the sound of rain ...
BWV 248, II, 6 Recitativo: A jel pedig ez lesz számotokra.
A jel pedig ez lesz számotokra:
találtok egy kisgyermeket,
aki bepólyálva
fekszik a jászolban.
I've loved you for a long time
i've been looking for you for a long time
You disappear anyway.
Everyday I look for moments
I play in the casino..
i've been looking for you for a long time
Touching anyway.
Everyday only suffering
Everyday only movie.
You aren't perfect.
You aren't my type.
Why does everyone falling in love not with those who loved them?
These questions don't give me dormant
Everyone is talking about how bad am I
Everyone is talking about how bad am I...
Anastasia loved me
I have forgotten her.
Everytime I go back
to where I love.
Lara loved me
I haven't forgiven her.
Day by day I'm trying
to go back to where I loved.
i've been looking for you for a long time
You disappear anyway.
Everyday I look for moments
I play in the casino.
i've been looking for you for a long time
Touching anyway.
Everyday only suffering
Everyday only movie.
Without You I'm Not Myself
Without you, my dear, I'm not myself
You're my magic, you're an anomaly
With you I want to fly up to the heavens
I'll build everything myself under a white sail
And I don't need too many words
Just be with me, that's all
For without you, my dear, I'm not myself
My dear, I'm not myself, my dear, I'm not myself
I'm ready to endure, I'm ready to run
I'm ready to die, but to breathe with you
Just don't shut the door
In my face
Just trust me
And you'll fall asleep, rockabye
You and I built
This world of ours, our world
How did you and I find each other
Trust me, my dear, let's go
For this world has made us sick
Without you, my dear, I'm not myself
You're my magic, you're an anomaly
With you I want to fly up to the heavens
I'll build everything myself under a white sail
And I don't need too many words
Just be with me, that's all
For without you, my dear, I'm not myself
My dear, I'm not myself, my dear, I'm not myself
Through hundreds of doubts
You'll just need one reason to trust me
They told you things would change
Of course they did
Would you believe that? No!
Well, how can you stand me?
To stand me, you have to love me
Well, how can you stand me?
So many reasons to love me so much
You and I built
This world of ours, our world
How did you and I find each other
Trust me, my dear, let's go
For this world has made us sick
Without you, my dear, I'm not myself
You're my magic, you're an anomaly
With you I want to fly up to the heavens
I'll build everything myself under a white sail
And I don't need too many words
Just be with me, that's all
For without you, my dear, I'm not myself
My dear, I'm not myself, my dear, I'm not myself
I love you
You did want to know what tomorrow brings, but
it's difficult to predict who will break the shackles first
and you know, I wanted to tell you than and you know, I want it now
I was late to get it of my chest than and tell you
I do love you
I wanted to live all my life with you
now I've lost you
I don't know if I can bring you back
you used to come to me and I've caused you pain
and I didn't know than how precious you were to me
we broke up now and I'm still waiting for your
I do love you
I wanted to live all my life with you
now I've lost you
I don't know if I can bring you back
You did want to know what tomorrow brings, but
it's difficult to predict who will break the shackles first
and you know, I wanted to tell you than and you know, I want it now
I was late to get it of my chest than and tell you
oh my love
my lover
I belong to you
I do love you
I wanted to live all my life with you
now I've lost you
I don't know if I can bring you back
Tudni akartad, hogy mit hoz a holnap, de
nehéz megjósolni, hogy ki fogja elsőként megtörni a béklyókat.
És tudod, hogy el akartam mondani, és még most is akarom,
de nem voltam képes megtörni és őszintén elmondani.
Veled akartam leélni az egész életem.
Most, hogy elvesztettelek,
nem tudom, hogy lehetsz-e még az enyém.
Hozzám jöttél, s én fájdalmat okoztam neked,
mert nem tudtam, hogy milyen értékes vagy számomra.
Elváltunk és én azóta sem várok másra,
csak a szavaidra.
Veled akartam leélni az egész életem.
Most, hogy elvesztettelek,
nem tudom, hogy lehetsz-e még az enyém.
Tudni akartad, hogy mit hoz a holnap, de
nehéz megjósolni, hogy ki fogja elsőként megtörni a béklyókat.
És tudod, hogy el akartam mondani, és még most is akarom,
de nem voltam képes megtörni és őszintén elmondani.
Oh szerelmem,
oh szerelmem,
hozzád tartozom.
Veled akartam leélni az egész életem.
Most, hogy elvesztettelek,
nem tudom, hogy lehetsz-e még az enyém.
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Létre hozok csak neked egy világot
Mert a mostani túl kicsi és soha nem fogod megtalálni
Azt aki majd meggyógyítja a nagy szíved, ha valaki megbántja
Az idő nem múlik a gravitáció nélkül
És még ha a hazugok igazat is mondanak
Lesz egy házunk a Marson időmegosztásban
Te vagy a hercegnő, aki ha megcsókol egy békát
Herceg lesz belőle
A testőr leszek, aki mindig melletted van
Aki neked adja az életét
A rosszak már eltűntek a veteránok miatt
Vissza kellett, hogy vonuljanak
Aztán jött egy cigány, aki a tenyeredből olvasott
Azt mondta nekem, hogy repülni fogsz
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Veszek neked egy dinoszauruszt akit Juannak fognak hívni
Ezerszer több ereje van mint Szupermannek
Hogy nyaralni mehessen repülve
Mert egy kicsit nagy ahhoz, hogy furgonba üljön
Ha minden szeretetünket leírom egy darab papírra
És az összes történetünk a tengeren van
Ha arra hajózol, elolvashatod őket
Így egy új világot hozol létre
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Habár nem ismerlek, nem ismerlek jól
Van valami a szememben, ami mindig a tiéd lesz
És minden éjszaka egy új történetet hozok létre
Mert egész életemben az én Elenám leszel
It's Impossible Not To Love You
Maybe, I will know one day
That it is so diffcult to go away
You can be cute or bad
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
I know how these lips lie
But your lies will destroy you
You can be ridiculous or rough
But it's impossible to forget you
But it's impossible to forget you
When I come to know of your cheating
I feel hurt and disappointment
But I see tenderness in your eyes
And I greedily drink your love
And I greedily drink your love
You can be strange and far
And love can be ridiculously insignificant
You can be trashy and cruel
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
It's impossible
Maybe, I will know one day
That it is so diffcult to go away
You can be cute or bad
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
It's impossible
Emlékszek, hogy mit mondtál nekem
Minden szó a lelkembe hatolt
Az érzéseimmel játszottál
Most egyedül maradtam velük
Mi van velem? Hittem neked
De talán, most utoljára
Vártalak, nem búcsúztunk el egymástól
Többé már nem tudok egyedül elaludni
Vártalak, hol vagy már?
Elszakadtunk, úgy hiányzol
Nehéz megszokni
Ne keresd a nyomaimat
És bocsásd meg lelkemnek, hogy szeretett
Már minden elmúlt, többé már nem hiszek
Szörnyű egyedül
Hallgasd, a lelkem nem hallgat
Elengedlek, de a szívem kiált
Vártalak, nem búcsúztunk el egymástól
Többé már nem tudok egyedül elaludni
Vártalak, hol vagy már?
Elszakadtunk, úgy hiányzol
Nehéz megszokni
Vártalak, nem búcsúztunk el egymástól
Többé már nem tudok egyedül elaludni
Vártalak, hol vagy már?
Elszakadtunk, úgy hiányzol
Nehéz megszokni
Vártalak, nem búcsúztunk el egymástól
Többé már nem tudok...
Vártalak, nem búcsúztunk el egymástól
Többé már nem tudok egyedül elaludni
Vártalak, hol vagy már?
Elszakadtunk, úgy hiányzol
Nehéz megszokni
Vártalak, nem búcsúztunk el egymástól
Többé már nem tudok egyedül elaludni
Vártalak, hol vagy már?
Elszakadtunk, úgy hiányzol
Nehéz megszokni