Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 42

Találatok száma: 1938


If Only Garay Could See You

So many echoes and songs live within you
That it's very difficult to imagine your first voice...
An old rhythm with accordions
And the Spanish root of the habanera.
Whoever founded you knew that in the mix,
Perhaps you would find as select
That melting pot of races and the tenderness
That would nourish later on your own life.
Oh!....If only Garay could see you,
How lovely you look,
Just out of sheer pride
He would found you again. (bis)
Who invented your port....
How well he built it!
With open eyes, looking at the world,
Your waters were like a baptism
For those who would drop anchor in your welcoming protection.
In the grown roses of your progress
There is a bit of a bloodline from my grandparents
Who arrived dreaming of returning
And yet decided to rest in peace under your earth.
Oh!....If only Garay could see you,
How lovely you look,
Just out of sheer pride
He would found you again. (bis)

Levél Apámhoz

Az ilyen szörnyetegek, mint te
körülvesznek minket és nem könnyű
felismerni őket és te ezt tudod mert
maszkok mögé bújnak
Kiköpnek a világba
csak hogy legyen egy könnyű étkezésük
Én még mindig itt vagyok
Erős a lelkem, a tiednél erősebb
Ez sosem egyszerű
elfogadni hogy felismerlek
a ráncaimban, amik
egyre csak jobban hasonlítanak a tiedre
És ez a vér
ami kicsit egy szörnyetgé, kicsit az enyém
Elgondolkodtat hogy köszönetet kell mondanom neked
amiért nem vagy itt
Semmi más belőled
nem él tovább bennem
Egy családnév amit magammal cipelek
Csak ennyi leszel
és nem látsz többé
A szörnyekkel, mint te
tele van a világ és nem egyszerű
őket felismerni és ezt te tudod, mert
mossák kezeik és édes a hangjuk
De ha jól belenézel a szemükbe
Nem látsz bennük semmit
Kibérlik a szíved egy sötét éjszakán
kerülve minden fényt
Semmi más belőled
nem él tovább bennem
Egy családnév amit magammal cipelek
Csak ennyi leszel
és nem látsz többé
Minden rossz jó ha azt szolgálja,
hogy megtanuld kezelni az ütéseket
Egész idő alatt itt voltam
távol magamtól de a világ részeként
már nincs félelem
nincs semmi
ami egykor óriás volt ma már nem látszik
a háton sebeket találsz
és ez az a hely ahová a szárnyakat illesztik
Pár vonás a bőrön
Semmi más belőled
nem él tovább bennem
Egy családnév amit magammal cipelek
Csak ennyi leszel
és nem látsz többé
Minden rossz jó ha azt szolgálja,
hogy megtanuld kezelni az ütéseket
Egész idő alatt itt voltam
távol magamtól de a világ részeként
már nincs félelem
nincs semmi
ami egykor óriás volt ma már nem látszik
a háton sebeket találsz
és ez az a hely ahová a szárnyakat illesztik
Minden rossz jó ha azt szolgálja,
hogy megtanuld kezelni az ütéseket
talán egy nap apa leszek
és azt fogom mondani neki változtassa meg a csillagait
azt fogom mondani neki hogy az ütés fáj
és hogy egy szó van amikor öl
és amikor a hátadon sebek vannak
ez az a hely ahová a szárnyakat illesztik.

Sixteen Laundresses

While carrying washed laundry to Zadar
At dawn of November 2nd year 1891
Sixteen laundresses from Preko, island of Ugljan
Lost their lives in a sea storm
Since waves took you away
Somewhere far away, to peace, to loneliness
Restless sea in the night under the moon
Glows with your eyes
Because there was bora, and there was a storm
And sixteen laundresses went to their death
Since sea shells made you their sisters
And since you didn't come from a long journey
All the mistrals, and boras, and southern winds too
Echo your songs
Because there was bora, and there was a storm
And sixteen laundresses went to their death
Still, you are alive inside the heart, the stars
In the depths accompanied by gold fish
Sea hugs you and rocks you
Like a mother does her beloved children
Sea hugs you and rocks you
Like a mother does her beloved children
Since waves took you away
And you didn't come back from your last trip
The wind that wanders over the shores in the night
Still cries out your laments
Because there was bora, and there was a storm
And sixteen laundresses went to their death
Sixteen laundresses
Sixteen laundresses

Mom, Do Not Send Me Out In The Evening

Mom, do not send me out in the evening
I am a young girl and I cannot beware
There are young men outside
boring, they would like to kiss me.
And when I see you,
I close my eyes not to see you
and when I see you there
I close my eyes not to look at you.

Mom, do not send me to the kiln
there they built three gates:
the middle one is for the master
those at the sides for handsome young men.
Mom, do not send me to Lamporecchio
because there are men from Stabbia and Padule
they tell me things in my ear
their hands they want to place under my apron.
Mom, do not send me outside in the evening
I am a young girl and I cannot beware
say by chance I find an army man
O Mom, he could be ruin me.
O mother, mother to not be boring
by saying: 'You must, you must not. '
Do not say any more: 'Work, girl!'
I am a young girl and there I play to be a woman.

Your Beautiful Turban

The night has arrived
Let’s leave all the heavy thoughts behind
It is the season of love
Now come close to me
And stay here with me
It is the season of love
The night has arrived
Let’s leave all the heavy thoughts behind
It is the season of love
Now come close to me
And stay here with me
It is the season of love
If I get your companionship (for life)
Then I’d forget about the rest of the world
Your stylish turban 1
Your charming sight
Your colorful presence
I’m waiting for you to join this night of celebration
Your stylish turban
Your charming sight
Your colorful presence
Your lover is waiting for you to join this night of celebration
Your stylish turban
Your charming sight
Your colorful presence
Your lover is waiting for you to join this night of celebration
Secretly,I have been staring at you
All night long
All night long
Secretly You have been staring at me.
All night long
All night long
If I get your companionship (for life)
Then I’d forget about the rest of the world
Your stylish turban
Your charming sight
Your colorful presence
I’m waiting for you to join this night of celebration
Your stylish turban
Your charming sight
Your colorful presence
Your lover is waiting for you to join this night of celebration
Your stylish turban
Your charming sight
Your colorful presence
Your lover is waiting for you to join this night of celebration
  • 1. “Chogada tara” means “your beautiful turban”. It is originally a Gujarati folk song called Ranglo which is dedicated to Lord Krishna and it is referring to his turban.
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


Azt akarod, hogy mérsékelten szeresselek
Mértékletesnek tűnök számodra?
Kortyolj lassan és figyelj
Csak át kell látnom
Miattad megerősítést keresek
Új szenvedély
Azt akarod, hogy mérsékelten szeresselek
Nos, mit gondolsz, kihez beszélsz?
Akkor hajts fejet Isten házában
És kislány, mit gondolsz, ki vagy te?
Azt hiszed, hogy szükséged van rá, azt hiszed, szerelem kell
Nem akarnád, ha tudnád, mi is az pontosan
Mérsékelt (Ó)
Sosem csináltam mérsékelten
Nem, sosem értettem
Az összes érzelem minden vagy semmiként éltem meg
És én elvettem mindent, amit tudtam
Nem tudtam visszatartani, nem bírom a feszültséget
Ó, próbálok jó lenni
Azt akarod, hogy mérsékelten szeresselek
Nos, ház nem tudod, hogy azt kívánom, bárcsak tudnálak
Akkor hajts fejet Isten házában
És kislány, mit gondolsz, ki vagy te?
Azt hiszed, hogy szükséged van rá, azt hiszed, szerelem kell
Nem akarnád, ha tudnád, mi is az pontosan
Mérsékelt (Ó)
Lány, jobb ha megtanulod (csak nem győzhetek)
Nem tudok uralkodni (nem tudok uralkodni)
És lány, jobb ha megtanulod (csak nem győzhetek)
És csak nem győzhetek (Nem tudok uralkodni)
Mert nem látom az értéket (csak nem győzhetek)
Nem látom az értéket
És még mindig próbálom kitalálni
Mindig, mindig, mindig muszáj bántani
(Ahh, ahh, ahh)
Szerelmet akarsz

La overa

Yesterday in the afternoon I went out
a little fierce horse
father saddling and leaning on
a post (made of) ñandubay.
More or less at midnight
my head heavy, drunk,
when I went around your ranch
I was singing overito (I was singing mixing both Quichua and Spanish).
Agitated, hitting, going,
I heard in the lagoon
and in my horse´s haunches
I carried the Moon.
And when arriving in Salavina
I dansed the chacarera
and I sang in Spanish
mixed with the Overa (Quicha).
Going through a little way
a lot of goats I found,
a cowbell hung up,
a chacarera I heard (it would actually be: listened to).
In the distance it can be seen
a little ranch in the jumiales (type of tree)
and a white cattle
crossing the saltpetre beds
With my fierce horse
at a gallop I went down
Blanca Pozo, Rubia Paso,
Colonia Dora y Mailín.

I'm fed up

[Chorus] x2
And I'm fed up of you
I say It's hard but It is the way it is
But is not me, Is not you
I was okay before all that
[Verse 1]
But today Is the last day
Because everytime I'm here alone I just want to fall apart
I'm afraid of the others, you have win
I spend all day long in my bed listening to you
Sometimes I'm about to lose my mind
Probably because my heart caught a cold.
You got everything easily about me
We'll both end up in the asylum
[Chorus] x2
And I'm fed up of you
I say It's hard but It is the way it is
But is not me, Is not you
I was okay before all that
[Verse 2]
You break me and make me bleed
I will dig in my skin until the evil that has gnawed me
Leaves the future torned
I swear to you I'd give everything just to keep a memory
It is much better when you're not in my way
It's mostly your smell that disgusts me
But there is no doubt I have only one question
My black thoughts, I have nothing to give a fuck about
[Chorus] x2
And I'm fed up of you
I say It's hard but It is the way it is
But is not me, Is not you
I was okay before all that
[Verse 3]
You make my nights and thoughts
As much as we joke about it, I'd like to bring it back
It's just my damaged moral
You want to see me every night but I will not reply anymore
by: Melanie Estrella
Lyrics powered by

Your Rememberance ( Tera Zikr)

We've just met,
Again got separted away
What was my mistake?
That you've become a punishment
One day after losing me
You'll miss me
Then you'll see for a meeting
You'll request 2x
Our meetings were left incomplete,
It's a promise that, I will complete them
From even loneliness of yours
I'll talk, I promise
In which there is no mentioning of yours
I will not let that moment beside me
In which I've never demanded you
I may not say that prayer, I swear to God
One day after losing me
You'll miss me
Then you'll see for a meeting
You'll request 2x
বিঃদ্রঃ উপরের গানটির সম্পূর্ণ অনুবাদ দেখতে সরাসরি নিচে প্রদত্ত ট্রান্সলেশনসোর্স লিংকে ক্লিক করুন এবং পাঁচ সেকেন্ড পর স্কিপ অ্যাডে ক্লিক করলেই পুরো লিরিক্স দেখতে পাবেন।
ট্রান্সলেশন সোর্সে লিংক না পেলে অথবা কোন অনুবাদের অনুরোধ করতে ফেসবুকে: fb.com/SundarMominOfficial এই পেজে লাইক করুন এবং এই লিংকে https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=855645037922078&substory_index=0&id=340676122752308 কমেন্ট করুন।

Give Me What I Give You

You don't want to see
What's happening here
No need to tell you
I'm not just for you
Because what I want
To do is something casual at last
And if what I want is a sin
Come and burn with me
Come on down
Go down my waist
Kiss my naked skin (oh)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you (ohh)
May it never end (ooh)
Us loving each other uncensored
Torture me with more desire
Give me what I give you
If one day you see me with another
Calm down, cause I'm not yours
Your jealousy and obsession, are your fault
Don't blame me
And if you can accept and remember
That I'm committed to nothing (yes)
We can let loose this passion, heat
That burns and lives in me
Come on down
Go down my waist
(My waist)
Kiss my naked skin (ohh)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you
(Give me what I give)
May it never end
(What I give)
Us loving each other uncensored
Torture me with more desire
Give me what I give you
See how my body burns
How the fire doesn't go out
How the night doesn't end
You have to know how to love me
Without falling in love
I don't want love and I don't want romance
You have to get physical with me
Make my blood boil
You have to know how to love me
Without falling in love
Ours is physical (oh)
We make love, without feeling love (yeah)
(Give me what I give you)
It's natural, the pleasure
You enjoy it, and so do I
No relationship
(Give me what I give you)
I want your body
Not your heart
Go down my waist
(Down my waist)
Kiss my naked skin (ohh)
(Ohh, yeah yeah yeah)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you
(Don't fall in love)
May it never end
Us loving each other uncensored
Torture me with more desire
Give me what I give you
Go down my waist
(Go down my waist)
Kiss my naked skin
(My naked skin)
Stay here in my madness
Give me what I give you (oh)
May it never end
(That my body)
Us loving each other uncensored
(Yes in the night)
Torture me with more desire
(Ooh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, ohh)
Give me what I give you
Come here
Don't be shy
I'm in the mood
Give me what I give you

To tell you I love you

I wanted to dedicate a song to you
with the words of the television,
with all those flowers and those complicated speeches
as they do in the movies, in sophisticated clubs.
But I felt as I was committing a crime
because, to tell you that I’m in love with you,
because, to tell you what I think deep in my heart
there’s no reason that I pretend to be a great actor.
To tell you I love you, I love you, looking around me was enough.
To tell you I’d like to marry you, it’s fair to say it in a natural way.
I don’t want to close you in any fairy world
and I don’t want to go back to the past.
I know, we can have the world in our hands
if we’re strong and confident in tomorrow.
We’ll have a place to go to work,
we’ll have children to raise and to take care of
and so much love from people like us,
we’ll have a world, a new world next to us.
To tell you I love you, I love you, looking around me was enough.
To tell you I’d like to marry you, it’s fair to say it in a natural way.
You cannot breed the real life in a greenhouse,
I want your love, which is nurtured by the earth
because it grew up in the rain and in the sun
and it can also understand these words I’m saying..
To tell you I love you, I love you, looking around me was enough.
To tell you I’d like to marry you, it’s fair to say it in a natural way.

Give You More

I was young and dumb
And you were dumb and older
It was us versus them but that was then
I did everything for you, I believe all the lies
I never wanted to get away from there
To fall asleep, so in love
I thought that's how everything was going to be
You say you want to be with me
But I remember all the times you betrayed me
You want me to forgive you
But I can't give you more
See me, hear me, beg me, touch me
You want me to forgive you
But I can't give you more
I've stopped listening to you, yes, I've stopped caring
See how desperate you are?
You promise to chance, to just be someone else
Someone much better than you are today
Empty words, empty promises
That everything will be like it used to
You say you want to be with me
But I remember all the times you betrayed me
You want me to forgive you
But I can't give you more
See me, hear me, beg me, touch me
You want me to forgive you
But I can't give you more
It's over, I don't want to come back
Never again
You say you want to be with me
But I remember all the times you betrayed me
You want me to forgive you
But I can't give you more
You say you want to be with me
But I remember all the times you betrayed me
You want me to forgive you
But I can't give you more (See me, hear me, beg me, touch me)
You want me to forgive you
But I can't give you more
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

At The End of Our Love

Versions: #2
I know that you’re going to leave. Your eyes have told me you’re not coming back. and though it hurts deep inside of me, I had a feeling that one day this would happen.
You loved me I know. I won’t deny it. I don’t have any reason to. Go on your way, and don’t look back. I know a new love, is waiting for you.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always spoils you. That he always takes you with him and that he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. May you never need anything. That he never fails you. That he makes you happy. For real happy.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always sees you. That he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. That he never fails you. May he make you happy, for real happy.
At The End of Our Love

I'd Stay Right Here

You know I can't resist, my patience is thinning
I have to be with you
You have to let me in
I should just keep dreaming, I can only think
About your lips, they're divine
I can't keep these cravings for love quiet any longer
Your heart has to be mine
Don't give it another thought
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
You know my destiny will lay claim to you
If you're not with me now, it's all the same to me
I should just keep dreaming, I can only think
About your lips, they're divine
I can't keep these cravings for love quiet any longer
Your heart has to be mine
Don't give it another thought
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
Whoa-oa-oa-oa all you have to do is give the word yeah-eah
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
I want to be only one to live among your kisses
And I want to be the hurricane that courses over your body
And I want to be the other half you've been seeking for so long
And I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word
I'd stay right here, all you have to do is give the word

It'd Be Easier

Perhaps it was my lack of time
Or maybe all those moments of silence
That we never let speak
Perhaps your patience grew weary
And you forgot that I was on my way
And didn't want to wait any longer
There's no need for me to tell you
Or for you to tell me that we screwed up
It'd be easier, but no
I won't pretend that it doesn't hurt
Knowing that it wasn't enough
Knowing that no matter how much I try
I can't avoid the fact that it's over
It'd be easier to hate each other
Because it's impossible to accept
And, to all the things we had planned
We now have to say goodbye
Perhaps I filled myself with fears
We had better moments
That can no longer return
There's no need for me to tell you
Or for you to tell me that we screwed up
It'd be easier, but no
I won't pretend that it doesn't hurt
Knowing that it wasn't enough
Knowing that no matter how much I try
I can't avoid the fact that it's over
It'd be easier to hate each other
Because it's impossible to accept
And, to all the things we had planned
We now have to say goodbye
There's no need for me to tell you
Or for you to tell me that we screwed up
There's no need to point fingers
Or for us to blame anyone else
It'd be easier

There Goes the General

From Yucapuca the General left,
His General Staff accompanied him,
he was forced by the intense cold
to go to San Rafael.
He arrived at the home of Blanca Aráuz,
telegraphist of that town.
And on the same day as his birthday,
right on the eighteenth of May,
at dawn he swore to be faithful to her.
He wore high boots and a
brown gabardine uniform,
she in a veil and dressed in white,
the most beautiful flower of San Rafael.
The church smelled of pine blossoms,
and though his troops did not participate,
throughout the town they fired
the Battalion's carbines.
Two days later
he had to leave for Las Segovias
where he was burried.
She was still in white, it was her duty,
but all her love
always went with him.
And there goes the General with his Battalion,
red and black neckerchief worn on his neck,
towards Chipotón.
And there goes the General down to Estelí,
'Fatherland or death!'
repeat the peasants of Wiwilí.1
And there goes the General with his decision:
with his brave men
to cleanse Nicaragua of its Invader.
And there goes the General
with his General Staff...
Cabrerita interprets
a mazurquita2 in D major.
And there goes the General with his Battalion,
red and black neckerchief worn on his neck,
towards Chipotón.
And there goes the General down to Estelí,
'Fatherland or death!'
repeat the peasants of Wiwilí.
And there goes the General with his decision:
with his brave men
to cleanse Nicaragua of its Invader.
And there goes the General, there he goes.
Cabrerita interprets
a mazurquita in D major.
  • 1. Wiwilí is a municipality in the Jinotega department of Nicaragua.
  • 2. Nicaraguan song as far as I can tell, didn't find a definition for this

A whole night

A whole night to think of you,
a whole night to dream of you.
Run into my dreams as quickly as you can
a night here in front of us.
I close my eyes and in the dark I see you
in love, smiling beside me
and holding my hands as tight as you can.
A night here in front of us.
In a dream I'll tell you meaningless things
and in your arms, my love, I'll dance.
It's a timeless night, if you want,
it's a night, my love, for us alone.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Blessed Is Your Life

You came to my heart without saying anything
and slowly the love within me was spreading.
Never did I imagine that it was your intention
to come to reclaim each sentiment.
I don't know how many years I survived,
believing that I would be happy being alone
and now that you are with me I can say:
'I don't know how I could have lived without you.'
Blessed is the night when I met you,
your world is much better than what I had,
I bless everything that you make me feel,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
your world is much better than what I had.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
I don't know how many years I survived,
believing that I would be happy being alone
and now that you are with me I can say:
'I don't know how I could have lived without you.'
Blessed is the night when I met you,
your world is much better than what I had,
I bless everything that you make me feel,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
your world is much better than what I had.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
Blessed is the night when I met you,
your world is much better than what I had,
I bless everything that you make me feel,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
your world is much better than what I had.
You are my life,
blessed is your life,
blessed is your mother because she gave you life.

Snow is Falling

Snow has quietly laid on the roof,
The city is running its blog.
It put in the posts
Streets and bridges,
It is looking for its people,
For the rustle of the squares,
It is sharing the silence.
It is so cozy for me to be alone.
These streets like a tied scarf...
I can hear my every step,
I can hear my every step...
Snow is falling on the silent roofs,
This evening does not hear me,
I'm walking, I'm forgetting what I wanted to fix.
People in the windows dream of spring,
Snow will melt someday,
I'm taking this evening with myself as a souvenir...
The day will already be different,
Noisy and expensive,
It will hide my dreams
Among traffic jams and vanity.
Listening to the pulse of the city
I'm waiting, which means I'll see it done
That the snow will fall again
And a silent evening will find me.
These streets like a tied scarf...
I can hear my every step,
I can hear my every step...
Snow is falling on the silent roofs,
This evening does not hear me,
I'm walking, I'm forgetting what I wanted to fix.
People in the windows dream of spring,
Snow will melt someday,
And I'm taking this evening with myself as a souvenir,
And I'm taking this evening with myself as a souvenir,
And I'm taking this evening with myself as a souvenir...

Winter Sun

I'm going to forget you, with a field inside, boy
I prefer staying in a new scenery
I prefer tones of winter sun, faraway
I'm going to forget you slowly, with a field inside.
And this is what I encounter
I haven't changed my mind
Somebody who's not with us is giving me advice
Nobody contacts me like a new block
I'm afraid of the silo, there's a living being that moves about in the water
I know that you're still fragile
(It's a sadness that's really pretty)
I stopped lying and right then you leave
(I'm still at the same place)
I'll wait for you at the plaza if you want to come
(Meeting up that's bad, it's too soon)
I still remember you
There's so many good songs on the radio
So many good songs
You disappeared, you went so far, girl
I'm keeping in mind sicknesses
And there appear to be less disillusionments in me.
I didn't know you and I tried to save it before it died.
I know that you're still fragile
(It's a sadness that's really pretty)
I stopped lying and right then you leave
(I'm still at the same place)
I'll wait for you at the plaza if you want to come
(Meeting up that's bad, it's too soon)
I still remember you
There's so many good songs on the radio
So many good songs


I'm made of driftwood,
I go at the mercy of the river undertow,
I come, I come and go,
I'm everything that I couldn't call mine.
I come, I come and go,
I'm everything that I couldn't call mine.
I have the edges so rounded,
I was tattooing myself with water and time,
I come, I come and go,
I'm much less what I know than what I feel.
I come, I come and go,
I'm much less what I know than what I feel.
And someday I drifted to your bank,
I ran aground on a bend of your sand,
you got hold of my dreams and my nightmares,
of my bad lights and my Christmas Eves.
I don't know what it is that they call fate,
perhaps it's barely a grain in the wood.
I just know that I made a stop on the way
and today I would stay forever by your side.
I just know that I made a stop on the way
and today I would forever stay by your side.
I'm made of driftwood,
I go at the mercy of the river undertow,
I come, I come and go,
I'm everything that I couldn't call mine.
I come, I come and go,
I'm everything that I couldn't call mine.

Elektromos temetés

Visszfény az égen.
Jelzi, hogy bevégzed.
Vihar jön - hát rejtőzz el -
az atomi felhővel.
Villog az égbolt.
Itt nem rég egy ház volt.
Az ember porrá omlik.
Sugárzó elme bomlik.
Robot szolgák robot agya
irányít az atom sírba.
Művirágok, nap olvadás.
Halványuló hold zuhanás.
Haldokló föld sugárzása.
Frusztrált Ember tombolása.
Obszcén tűz égő világa.
Elektromos halotti máglya.
Épületek dőlnek össze.
Bele a megrepedt földbe.
Sárlavinát öntő folyók.
Vérbe olvadnak szemgolyók.
A Föld fekszik halál ágyán.
Felhők könnyeznek a gyászán.
Zuhogva hull könny eső,
égő kínt enyhítendő.
Elektromos temetés.
Elektromos temetés.
Elektromos temetés.
Elektromos temetés.
És így az égen
ott az elektromos szem.
A természetfeletti úr
szárnya a földre borul.
A mennyei kórus dalol.
Pokol angyal hátra farol.
Gonosz lelkek, pokolba már!
Égő cella csapdája vár!


Everything is confused here
What's the truth?
I think I'm going crazy in this vortex.
I'm falling down into a delusion
Of doubts and false ideas
I get lost and find myself again after a second!
And I'm here, and only now I can understand
That all my wandering
Hasn't been in vain after all.
And I know I'll emerge from the abyss
I'll find a new light
In this night of mine
It's late, but I've understood
Looks can be deceiving
And they make everything look too simple
By changing your perspective
By digging a little more
The masks crack and then fall!
And I'm here, and only now I can understand
That all my wandering
Hasn't been in vain after all.
And I know I'll emerge from the abyss
I'll find a new light
In this night of mine
I won't just stand on the sidelines
The moment to act has come
It's what I want
Because the time won't come back
And I can't wait, no!
And I'm here, and only now I can understand
That all my wandering
Hasn't been in vain after all.
And I know I'll emerge from the abyss
I'll find a new light
In this night of mine
In this night of mine!
In this night!
This night, hey...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

A halotti máglya fényénél

Kinyilatkoztatás, elszámolás
A bűnös árnyak sikolyai záporoznak, a mélyből az égbe
Halál csüng a horizonton
Ma kárhozottá válunk az árulástól
Nem számít, mit mondanak,
Drága Tiarám visszatért ma az égből
De az öröklét halványodik, hallom őket -
Küzdj, küzdj az életedért
Királyságunk lángokban
Rohanj, kitört a káosz
A halotti máglya fényénél
Tömegek gyászkönnyei
Fulladnak a bánat hangjaiba, és festi meg az éjszakát
Ahogy haldoklunk, akként próbálkozunk
Az ősi ösztöneink - mint drog - hatalmukba kerítenek
Semmi nem számít többé igazán
És nincs már mit vesztenünk
Töröld le a könnyeid, kedves,
A percért, együtt - elcserélnék minden más pillanatot ezért
Ne sírj, kicsim… jönnek, hallom őket -
Küzdj, küzdj az életedért
Királyságunk lángokban
Rohanj, kitört a káosz
A halotti máglya fényénél
Tömegek gyászkönnyei
Fulladnak a borzalom hangjaiba, és festi meg az éjszakát
Hallod őket küzdeni, küzdj az életedért
Királyságunk lángokban
Rohanj, kitört a káosz
A halotti máglya fényénél
Tömegek gyászkönnyei
Mint Tiara dala, mely nem ver visszhangot többé


Mikor az üdvözülés boldogsága elér
Nem bánt a csend, és a félelem elszáll
A nyugalom vegyi módja
A hit szemben a tudománnyal
Ki féli az óra ketyegését
Hogy századok merülnek alá egy pillanatban
Fekete a múltam színe
A társadalom kíméletlenségének terméke
Jöjj, és ve le a napi fájdalomadagom
Vedd le, és oltalmazz engem
a monoton semmitől
Te vagy a magány ellenszere,
a vénáimba fecskendezve
Tán a kezed érintése...
Legyen örökké a gyógymódom
Kell a hangod, hogy kitöltse az űrt
Egy altató, mi leplezi a kitaszítottságom
A szív tiszta méregtelenítése -
Mielőtt a csend tépi szét a lelkem
Jöjj, és ve le a napi fájdalomadagom
Vedd le, és oltalmazz engem
a monoton semmitől
Te vagy a magány ellenszere,
a vénáimba fecskendezve
Tán a kezed érintése...
Legyen örökké a gyógymódom
Egyedül vonszolom magam
Az önmegsemmisítés ösvényén
Láncaimmal, melye a mélybe húznak
Jöjj el éjjel
Világítsd be benső kamráim
És hagyd a fényt, mikor elmész -
Kérlek, nem menj...
Jöjj, és ve le a napi fájdalomadagom
Vedd le, és oltalmazz engem
a monoton semmitől
Te vagy a magány ellenszere,
a vénáimba fecskendezve
Tán a kezed érintése...
Legyen örökké a gyógymódom
Jöjj, és ve le a napi fájdalomadagom
Vedd le, és oltalmazz engem
a monoton semmitől
Te vagy a magány ellenszere,
a vénáimba fecskendezve
Tán a kezed érintése...
Legyen örökké a gyógymódom

Fekete KV

Mértéktelenül magányosnak érzem magam,
Egy szemhunyásnyit nem aludtam,
Tébláboltam és az ajtót bámultam,
Közben meg ittam
Egy feketét
Kihűlt kotyvalék a szerelem
Sosem lesz részem csodában
Ebben a hétköznapi szobában.
Az árnyékokkal elcseverészek
Hajnali egytől négyig
És Uram, milyen lassan telnek a pillanatok
Egyebet nem csinálok, csak kavarok
a feketével
A szomorúság mióta magával ragadott
Minden hétfőn kimaradok
Vasárnapokon szőtt álmaim unalomkacatok.
A férfi szeretőnek született,
A nő pedig, hogy bőgjön és zsörtölődjön
Maradjon otthon, süssön-főzzön
És múltbéli bánatait fullassza
füstfelhőbe meg kávéba.
Reggelente mélabús vagyok
Esténként hangosan sírok
A kettő között nikotin
Így nem olyan nehéz a viadal
Kesernyés éjsötét kéjital
Padlón vagyok
Őrületbe kergetem magam, folyton arra várva
Talán visszajön a kedvesem nemsokára
Az idegeim felmondták a szolgálatot
A hajam őszbe csavarodott
Folyton csak a kávét iszom
Mióta elhagyott a pasasom.

My Sassari

I left Sardinia
and my family
to work for money
in a foreign land.
But you, my Sassari,
always reappear in my dreams
with my children:
I hug you, then I fall asleep.
I dreamed of you tonight
my Sassari, my Sassari…
I dreamed of you tonight,
my Sassari, I was returning to you.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.
Even if I’m not asleep
or I’m talking,
I just close my eyes
and I’m seeing you.
That’s the emigrant’s life:
he works and dies
to raise money
thinking of his sons.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead, you were dead.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead calling my name.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.

Roses for the Emperor

As my dear Madrid's ambassador,
I go about gifting my songs to France,
And Paris's tender voice
Has told me: 'you're like a fleur-re-lis'.
Even if you exude the fragrance of carnations,
What's the mystery that lies in your eyes,
That your lights and gleams
Cannot be matched by the
Nor the ?
I have repaid Paris's gallantries
With coplas and blossoms from my own country...
Roses for the emperor, 1
From my dear Spain's gardens!
Roses for the emperor
As an homage to his great achievements.
Roses for the emperor,
With my country's perfume.
But be careful, my lord!
For these roses from Madrid
Can unwittingly wound
Even the emperor himself,
Just like the ones from Paris...

When a Spanish woman walks about,
Her golden skin exudes perfume
And, as she crosses a bridge in Paris
They tell her: 'I'm dying since the moment I saw you,
For you have the same face as ah! Our Lady of >
Since I'm in the kingdom of courtesy
I want to infuse my coplas with cheer...
Roses for the emperor,
From my dear Spain's gardens!
Roses for the emperor
As an homage to his great achievements.
Roses for the emperor,
With my country's perfume.
But be careful, my lord!
For these roses from Madrid
Can unwittingly wound
Even the emperor himself,
Just like the ones from Paris...

From the land of the sun
I have come to Paris
With my Spanish grace...
Roses for the emperor!
  • 1. This refers to Napoleon, who invaded Spain in 1808.

The paradise bird

From Malaysia
From Malaysia
Whatever you may say
It came to me
The paradise bird
Whatever you may think
He came to dance
In the dim light at dusk
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
Smokes in the trees
And then monkey shrieks
As if Nature
Was spreading a sheet
During twilight hours
I put down my bag
That was on a lakeshore
The lake was as big as a piece of Scotland
Then I took a bath
I drank rainwater
I ate tree bark
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
Just like the cherry tree
Bears cherries
The paradise bird
Danced on the grey earth
An exquisite courtship
With blue and golden
Mesmerizing feathers
Winter aloha
Or else to alaho (up there)
Children pushing
Dugouts on the water
Whatever you may say
It came to me
The paradise bird
In my hand I had
The picture of a village
With ferns as foliage
The ash of the night
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
(spoken) Then I decided to go and watch this kind of passerine birds, with highly shining feathers, head often adorned with lateral tufts, sides with the great plume made of interrupted feathers, tail bearing two more or less extended strands, with white or yellow wraps sharply contrasting with the upper part. I shall mention but a few of them: the lesser bird of Paradise, also called 'Petite émeraude', the red paradise bird, the manucode, the diphyllode or the king of flycatchers, or the epimac...

I woke one day

One day I woke up as a girl
I had toys, shiny things and hair clips on
On my heart's door
you read only my name and I'd left the keys
And whenever asked for love I would let them in
to find a peaceful spot to stay warm, be loved.
One day I woke up as a woman
with eyeliner, bijoux and anxiety if I am fat.
I changed the door to my heart,
it was supposed to be with safety latch, I still left the keys
And whenever asked for love I'd let them in
to find a peaceful spot to cover themselves, be loved.
One day I woke up as a mother
chasing after the clock, working for the child's best interests
My heart had no longer a door
out of fear s/he might slip, it disappeared long ago.
And so long as s/he asked for love I called him/her in
to find a peaceful spot to sleep in, be loved.
Then one day I woke up alone.
Falling in love had faded away, the child had graduated.
And on my heart's door
there were papers, bills and a court order.
And I said for once I would ask for love
but there was no one there to give it anymore.
Everyone was tired.
One day I woke as a girl,
one day I woke as a woman,
one day I woke as a mother,
one day maybe there will be a moment
That I will be loved,
I will be loved.
One day... I woke up.

Grey Moon

The grey moon in the sky is barely alive
I knock at your door like a thief
But I hear grey words in response
And their harsh indictment
And I've become lonely because of these cruel words
There is darkness and nothing more
There were other nights
There were nights brighter than days
You want to forget those those nights
You want to forget me
The grey moon drowns in the clouds
Taking the past away
Now I am alone and you are alone
Tears can't help us
I don't see you
Why did it happen?
Why did a night like this come?
There were other nights
There were nights brighter than days
You want to forget those those nights
You want to forget me
You want to forget me
You want to forget me...
Why did it happen?
Why did it happen?

There must be a reason why

Versions: #2
I know it's not a coincidence, no
this must be the destiny interfering
many girls come and go , but in the end…
...here you've stayed
you are always present
if you're not here, you cross my mind
we had some great time, but
There must be a reason why
we'll hold on to something tomorow
it's not a coincidence
that we want each other so much
There must be a reason why
we'll hold on to something tomorow
it's not a coincidence
that we want each other so much
Oh, it's pure chemistry, my dear
what we have is so tempting
oh, but the destiny punished us
ours has ended even before it started
With someone you, with someone me
and you're in my mind
I can't deny it
maybe in another life
There must be a reason why
we'll hold on to something tomorow
it's not a coincidence
that we want each other so much
There must be a reason why
we'll hold on to something tomorow
it's not a coincidence
that we want each other so much
There's a strong attraction between us
very difficult to explain
you can try to experience this feeling with another man
and you with another woman
But to love somebody...I don't know
because ours has become inevitable
our body have become inseparables
this thirst for love that I have is insatiable
you're the only one who can take it away , no one else
And even if you tell to the heart 'run, run, run'
it always finds a reason to stay
There must be a reason why
we'll hold on to something tomorow
it's not a coincidence
that we want each other so much
There must be a reason why
we'll hold on to something tomorow
it's not a coincidence
that we want each other so much
There must be a reason why, there must be a reason why
There must be a reason why, there must be a reason why
There must be a reason why, there must be a reason why
There must be a reason why, there must be a reason why
Why na na naa
na na na
Copyright © treeoftoday244
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