Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 12


Love crime

We came home when parents were asleep
You were giving kisses, we were drinking.
I’m giving you my love
But now you want more
You turn off your phone
It won’t interrupt our criminal ecstasy
You are asking for more
Pulse is getting faster
Let’s get down on the floor right away
Before someone comes in.
I’m reading your mind
Cast away your worries
Fire in your eyes, you are so beautiful
I’m following you through the hallway,
Seeing everything you hide inside
In this little town
I will give you love

Engine Republic

We are the children of the engine republic...
Guilty lights in the new city
and forgotten groans the cement
and you collect feelings like nuggets of gold
the otherness did you have already
Here is your time and here is your place
Here is your future, your bed
and if and whereto an why you run
you don't know and you also can't go
We are kids of the engine republic...
Teethed in the city do you never fall down
You stand with your ass at the wall
Your teeth, glitter in white as pearls
Your sorrows, they hang in the wardrobe
In red wine or firewater is a genie in a bottle,
Your fellow for one night
And new wave is out, let's go free jazz now
And it was fun again.
We are kids of the engine republic...
The micro gutter of the city pongs
And it humms from the poles...I feel love
The healthy (one) screems 'Build it!'
And the german(s) screems 'Build it!'
And we all screem 'Build it!'
'I feel love, I feel love, I feel love, I feel pleasure...'
We are kids of the engine republic...
We are kids of the engine republic... (french)


It's been so very long
I don't know anymore when it began
Like a comet in its course
You appeared
(You) Have seen me, have touched me
(You) Have sensed my loneliness
(You) Were my light and my guide1
In the darkness
There, where the moon touches the night
There will I wait for you
Far away, over my star
I am with you all the time2
For my heart calls your name forever
Up to the wide firmament
Far upwards to the firmament
But our goals in the distance
Were not the same stars
How united we are
Was determined from the start
That even if this course ends someday
Then will the wind turn for us
Because the ravages of time3
Have separated us
There, where the moon touches the night
There will I wait for you
Far away, over my star
I am with you all the time
For my heart calls your name forever
Up to the wide firmament
Far upwards to the firmament
Each and every star laughs only for me
I think everytime just of you
You haven't been here for a long time now
I thank you, I thank you
(I) Have searched for you, have found you
(I) Have bound my heart to you
For what do space and time matter
if the essential remains?
There, where the moon touches the night
There will I wait for you
Far away, over my star
I am with you all the time
For my heart calls your name forever
Up to the wide firmament
Far upwards to the firmament
  • 1. Lit. 'My escort'
  • 2. I think this present tense has future connotations, as in 'I will be with you at all times'.
  • 3. 'Zahn der Zeit' is an idiom. It translates literally to 'the tooth of time'.

Affirmation (intro)

My dears!
Affirmation - accelerates the realization of our dreams, but also helps to deal with everyday hardships.
And although we often have to go against the wind in our lives, we can never give up.
Let your little wings, therefore, carry you towards your plans, dreams and happiness.

Through The Years

No desires, no thoughts either,
as if I was gone.
Nothing but you left in my head,
and a picture of yours on the wall.
I spend all my days
remembering you.
This feeling I can't explain
overwhelms me.
Trying to absorb your mind,
I want to hold tight
and never let go,
and be near you, always.
I'll carry you through the years.
When I see you everywhere,
I think I've gone mad.
When I see you in my dreams
I wish I would never wake up.
I'll carry you through the years.


I've tried to open this curtain
Tale between you and me
Separated by space and time
Leaving you aside Leaving me
I've felt I'm losing
Your love that has long gone
You've gone faraway because of my fault
Who've never acknowledge your presence
Romance divided us
It reminds me of you
Turbulent reminds me
That your love have possessed my heart
Honestly I can't
Live without you I'll go crazy
If you can
Repeat back again our love
I will not waste you again
(Music solo - * - Cho:)
Honestly I can't
Live without you I'll go crazy
I will not waste you again... (2x)

Ha egymást elpusztítanánk

Ha egymást elpusztítanánk
Szemeinket övező
Pilláink töviskoronánk
Mely bármely pillantást
Véglegesen glorifikál,
Halált osztó szempillantás után
Határtalan szeretettel szemünkben,
Ismervén téged mondanám:
Halj meg,
Halj meg babám,
Pompás lesz ezután.
Te, az igéből született
Csak velem maradsz,
Megismered a föld izet
Gyökerek gyönyörét leled
Átszőve kezeid párjával
A nemlét örökkévalóságának
Felfoghatatlan mámorával…
És simogatva mondanád nekem
Halj meg, kedvesem
Ősz homlokú szerelmesem
Ikonokén beragyogva
Halálkör nimbuszokba
Halj meg,
Hagyd a virágokra színeid
Ösvényekre a fürtjeid
Tengereknek szemcsillogásaid
És ne felejtsd
Honnan vedd majd elő
Mikor tested és lelked vissza jő…
Ha egyszerre, együtt elmúlnánk
Gyilkosként és áldozatként hullnánk
Megmentő és feloldozott volnánk
Egymás szemébe nézve mindvégig
Vakon (is) bízva a végtelenségig…


She wakes up
She looks at me, and she expects of me
To say something important.
Nothing is relevant
As long as...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
Hey... don't you get annoyed
When everything seems to be repeating itself
And you don't have nothing left to learn?
I will destroy everything they build
From the second...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
And they told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
I was educated by the book
To at least say something important.

Everything That Will Bee

Everything that will be is written
To the last word.
If you fall asleep dreaming of love
You`ll wake up crying.
And everything that will be is written
And if I`ll cry
Know that my tears
Won`t wipe any row.
Everything that will be is written...
And not long ago,
When I was earth,
I couldn`t touch you but,
I was loving you, I was loving you in my thoughts.
And I came into the world
And they gave me a name
And they gave me a voice
So that I can answer you.
When I`m asking myself why, ursitoarele*
Don`t fulfill every dream.
The answers is in lyrics, lyrics, lyirics...
And not log ago,
When you were just wind,
I couldn`t touch you but,
I was loving you, I was loving you in my thoughts.
And it came into this world
And it gave you a name,
And it gave you a body
And the face of an angel
So that I can watch you and hug you,
And when I`ll be earth
I won`t be able to forget you.
Good morning, good morning..
Everything that will be is written
To the last word.
If you fall asleep dreaming of love
You`ll wake up crying.
And everything that will be is written.
And for those that cry
Know that their tears
Won`t wipe any row, any word.


Hiszem, hogy a napnak nem szabad vitával véget érnie
Hiszem, hogy a boldogságunkat mások kezébe adjuk
Hiszem, hogy a vacak kaja azért finom, mert az rossz neked
Hiszem, hogy a szüleid tudták, hogyan csinálják a legjobb munkát
Hiszem, hogy a szépségmagazinoktől kevés lesz az önbecsülésünk
Hiszem, hogy szeretnek, akkor is ha teljesen egyedül vagyok.
Hiszek a Karmában, hogy azt kapod vissza, amit adtál
Hiszem, hogy addig nem tudod értékelni az igaz szerelmet, amíg meg nem égetted magad
Hiszem, hogy a fű sosem zöldebb a másik oldalon
Hiszem, hogy nem tudod mid van, amíg el nem veszíted
Hiszem, hogy a nemedet nem tudod megválasztani
Hiszem, hogy a bizalom fontosabb mint a monogámia
Hiszem, hogy a legvonzóbb benned a szíved és a lelked
Hiszem, hogy a család többet ér, mint a pénz vagy az arany
Hiszem, hogy az anyagi szabadságért küzdeni nem fair
Hiszem, hogy akik ezzel nem értenek egyet, azok a milliomosok
Hiszek a Karmában, hogy azt kapod vissza, amit adtál
Hiszem, hogy addig nem tudod értékelni az igaz szerelmet, amíg meg nem égetted magad
Hiszem, hogy a fű sosem zöldebb a másik oldalon
Hiszem, hogy nem tudod mid van, amíg el nem veszíted
Hiszem, hogy a megbocsátás a kulcsa a boldogtalanságnak
Hiszem, hogy a boldog házasságban nem kell félni a vetkőzéstől
Hiszem, hogy Isten nem támogatja a „tv evangélistákat'
Hiszem, hogy a szeretet túléli a halált és örökké él
Hiszek a Karmában, hogy azt kapod vissza, amit adtál
Hiszem, hogy addig nem tudod értékelni az igaz szerelmet, amíg meg nem égetted magad
Hiszem, hogy a fű sosem zöldebb a másik oldalon
Hiszem, hogy nem tudod mid van, amíg el nem veszíted
Dana Kósa