Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 51


The miserable singer

And I'm wondering if you're still existing,
And I'm wondering if your heart is north
If you make love at night when you're about to fall asleep
And all those kinds of things
But nothing has changed for me, I kept you
And I'm wondering who might touch your hair
And I'm wondering if you're near a fire
If you said to him those words you told me
And all those kinds of things
But while I'm thinking about this, you, you're forgetting me
Like a miserable singer
No one listens to
Like a miserable singer
People don't love anymore
Even though you're not here anymore
I'm still singing for you
And I'm wondering if you'll hear me
And I'm wondering if we'll see each other again
And I'm wondering if you'll still remeber
If we'll only become friends
And all those kinds of things
But you've probably forgotten we've loved each other
Like a miserable singer
No one listens to
Like a miserable singer
People don't love anymore
Even though you're not here anymore
I'm still singing for you
And I'm wondering if you'll hear me
Like a miserable singer
No one listens to
Like a miserable singer
People don't love anymore
Even though you're not here anymore
I'm still singing for you
And I'm wondering if you'll hear me

As usual

I get up
And I jostle you
You don't wake up
As usual
On you,
I pull the sheet up
I'm afraid you're cold
As usual
My hand
Barely touches your hair
Almost despite myself
As usual
But you
You're turning your back on me
As usual
And then
I quickly dress up
I leave the bedroom
As usual
All alone
I drink my coffe
I'm late
As usual
I leave the house
Everything's grey outside
As usual
I'm cold
I pull my collar up
As usual
As usual
All day long
I'll play
I'll pretend
As usual
I'll smile
Yes, as usual
I'll even laugh
As usual
And at last, I'll live
Yes, as usual
And then
Day will pass
And I'll come back
As usual
You'll be out
Not here yet
As usual
All alone
I'll put myself to bed
Into this big cold bed
As usual
My tears
I'll hide them
As usual
As usual
Even at night
I'll play
I'll pretend
As usual
You'll come in
As usual
I'll wait for you
As usual
You'll smile at me
Yes, as usual
As usual
You'll undress
As usual
You'll put yourself to bed
As usual
We'll kiss
As usual
As usual
We'll pretend
Yes, as usual
We'll make love
Yes, as usual
We'll pretend
Yes, as usual...

Eternal tenancy

Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Children memories1 rolling down the slope
Blowing sets anything ablaze
I swallow ashes
We are rekindled
Even if I had
found you again,
the obscure tunes
that grab our common past
start up again.
Looks like he strived
to be loved.
He chases you,
even if you become wiser
even if you move place2
and so do I
I've aged a few years
since I nailed the pages of love
on the doorsteps of the room
where love had found me.
And I thought I chucked it all out.
That was not counting the flats
where I lived,
that in turn keep living inside me.
And this eternal tenancy3
And this eternal tenancy is a wing cutter
For all that aloof
For all that distrustful
Our summoned voices
however insane they might be,
I like to talk with them.
Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Blowing sets anything ablaze
We will turn to ashes
Will we be soothed ?
  • 1. could mean 'memories of children' or 'children-memories'
  • 2. that can also mean 'go crazy'
  • 3. 'tenancy agreement'

A találkozás

Már két éve…
Deauville nem változott.
Te sem, ugye tudod ...
Mindig ez a találkozó az utolsó pillanatban.
Mind ott vannak, mint korábban,
a vitorlások, a sirályok.
A kabátod a vállamon,
hogy megvédjen a széltől.
De még nem csókoltál meg.
Szerettelek volna újralátni.
Végül is, mis soha nem hagytuk el egymást.
Az élet választott el minket.
Igen, így van.
Még mindig gondolok
a romantikus vacsoráinkra,
a virágcsokrokra, a táviratainkra.
Azt mondják, a szenvedély csak egyszer talál ránk.
Szeretted a veszélyes szerelmet…
Úgy érzem esni fog.
Már két éve…..
Deauville nem változott.
Én sem, tudod…..
Visszamegyek a szállodába,
te visszatérsz Párizsba
és aztán egy nap majd felhívsz, talán…..
Mondod majd nekem: gyere, és én jönni fogok.
Mint mindig, te nem szólsz egy szót sem. Miért?
Adj nekem megint egy cigarettát…
Lesznek emlékeim, rengeteg emlék
és megannyi múltidézés…..
Őrültség, nekem is
jó érzés rá gondolni
és nehezemre esik felejteni.
Látod, szerettem volna elmondani neked, hogy szeretlek.
Itt, most ezen a normandiai tengerparton.
De….de azt hiszem, túl késő.
Igen, késő van. Vissza kell menned…….

As Always

Verse 1
I get up, caress you a little, I won't wake you up, yes, as always.
On you, I'll roll up the blue blanket, yes, as always
And then I'll caress your hair, yes, as always
But you, you won't look at me, yes, as always.
Verse 2
And then, I'll be quiet, you know, I'll go to the other room, yes, as always.
There I'll drink my coffee, and it'll be already late, yes, as always.
I won't look back anymore, I have to run, yes, as always
But you, you won't understand, yes, as always
And, as always, my day, I'll gamble with it, I'll lose it
And, as always, we'll laugh, yes, as always, about you and me
And, as always, I won't care, yes, as always.
Verse 3
And then everything will end, I'll come back, yes, as always.
And you, you be there, you'll still be away, yes, as always.
And I, I'll feel so useless, yes, as always
My tears, I'll hide them, yes, as always.
But, as always, my night, I'll gamble with it, I'll win it.
Yes, as always, you'll come back, yes, as always, I'll wait for you
And, as always, you'll smile at me, yes, as always
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Secrets words

Our old dog understood englsih
And never stop to be upset
So we spell all words that we don't want he understand
Yes we say S-U-G-A-R
Becase if he take more than two
We must going to make him a I-N-J-E-C-T-I-O-N
He does'nt support that we considere him like
And he doesn't want to that we
O-F-F-L-E-A-S-H him
If I put Susie on my knees
It make him really jealous
So we're waiting he's aslept
For K-I-S-S-I-N-G us
Quietly without he glances us
We have trouble in all the block
He's thinlikg only to love (as his master)
However he's all peeled
Old beau style
Beside his littles L-E-G-S
He did really well for having
with all the she-dogs around.
When I told to Susie, we need to bring him
Without offending him
To the V-E-T-E-R-I-N-A-R-Y, the vet
In order to C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E him
That's where he told us : Hey, you two
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
Oh yeah !

The woman in blue

Who's that beautiful stranger
The lady in blue alone at her table
Seeing her has made me go crazy
How I long for her to look at me
I've seen a woman with so much charm
Get bored
And if I was going to talk to her...
Maybe she'd then be able to speak to me.
Because of a look
Now nothing more separates us
I'm in love
With the lady in blue
You, my beauty, beautiful stranger
You attract me and you charm me
You made me fall in love
With the woman in blue.
Tell me we'll see each other again
That it's not the story of [just] one evening
I want to hold you in my arms
For fear of not seeing you again.
You, my beauty, beautiful stranger
Come and dance one more time
I imagine your body naked
Inviting me with each step.
Because of a glance
Now nothing more separates us
I'm in love
With the lady in blue
You, my beauty, beautiful stranger
You attract me and you charm me
You made me fall in love
With the woman in blue.

I Think About You

I Wake, I think about you
It's sunny, I think about you
Someone calls me, I talk, I think about you
With her, I think about you
What time tonight, I think about you
Where we're going, she tells me
I think about you
I don't even know where you are anymore , nor that which you become.
But that really isn't important
Our step goes astray in the city
Towards some new paths
That only intersect by a stroke of luck
Of luck
He's late, I think avout you
If we went back in, I think of you
I wasn't very funny tonight
I thought about you
We make love, I think about you
Early morning, I think of you
I don't sleep, I think about you
I don't even know where you are anymore , nor that which you become.
But that really isn't important
Our step goes astray in the city
Towards some new paths
That only intersect by a stroke of luck
Of luck
I think about you
I think about you
The night ends, I think about you
Even when I dream, I think about you
I smoke another cigarette, I think about you
The night ends, I think about you
Eyes half closed, I think about you
I don't sleep anymore, I think about you
I think about you
It's sunny, I think about you
I think about you (x4)


Born of a magnificent mother who posed for Picasso
And a photogenic father like Rudolph Valentino
Above his cradle we'd see passing the fairies
He had all, really all, to be a beautiful baby.
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
We'll tell you that at school, he was always the first
When we ask him a question, he answer everytime
It's true that he had two heads, one say 'yes', the other 'no'
as they shaking toghether, he was always right !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He was a great pianist, more dexterious than Chopin
Alone he turn the page while playing with five hands
In the Army, same thing, he became a sniper
Cause he had just one eye, he was the faster to aim
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He won in the Hendaye games the 4x110 yards dash
And won two medals, that a lot for a Frenchman !
As he had four legs, and nothing forbids that
He finished first and second, we'd never saw that !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
Older than Methuselah, one day he quitted life
And it was without any problem that he go to Paradise
When Saint Peter open the door, the first thing he saw
It's that God and angels were all made like him !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?

A French Song

It`s a romance, written in France
A melody on which I met you
You talked to me about English records
I taught you how to talk to me about street love
French girl, you understood
That it's not all gold that comes from across the Channel
Since that day, dead leaves
And white roses are songs of love
You are the midday sun, the aroma of Normandy
The taste of good wine, the taste of life
You are beautiful like, kind like a French song
You are simple like, gentle like a French song
Come be a romantic
You sing when everything's going badly
You always have an attitude
That doesn't believe in worrying in life
Yes, you are proud like, gentle like a French song
You have the good sense and the heart of a French song
Yes, almost as beautiful and loyal, as traditional
As a timeless song
You make love like in a French Song
Fog and rain, a winter`s evening
I`m coming back in a car speeding towards Paris
You're keeping me warm and while we drive
I put on the radio as to not fall asleep
But near 110, the road is slippery
It's a downpour, quickly, we must find shelter
I was under duress from the lightning
Suddenly, we were the only ones on Earth
Under an Italian poplar that served as a lightning rod
You became my most beautiful chorus

I sing songs

Versions: #2
It is written, beneath my name, on the bottom of my passport:
'He lives of songs, has received thirty gold records.'
That I was born the day I sang
I sing songs to make people dream
I sing songs to make people smile
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you
And I learned by heart the two pages of my first fan
And I kept it ten days, pinned
On the sky-blue paper, at my hotel
I sing songs to make people dream.
I sing songs to make people smile.
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you.
I nearly can do nothing with my hands.
Who am I in front of a mason or a carpenter?
But when it's just asked for some dream or sorrow,
I am here and I give what I have, like a man
And here is all my life...
I sing...
I sing songs to make people dream.
I sing songs to make people smile.
To love one an other you may need
Someone else to tell you.(x2)

The only thirteen verses sonnet and the reason thereof

All these new words, they give me the run-around.
In dictionaries1 they are nowhere to be found
And I often find myself staring in wonder
at those, which seem to defy natural order:
Beowulfrid, benzinoscope, extralongshore,
chattycacious, loudbraymaniac, tomcatize,
spinotron, cheesophage, roalddahlize,
whatsworthoid, taylorous, what is all that for?
But among them is a word impronounceable.
Under a rough sound, its meanig delectable,
it is the word: oulichnblkrtssfrllnns.
I was wrong to call upon it for a sonnet
for I can't find a rhyme for frllnns.
  • 1. The illustrated Larousse is a popular French dictionary
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
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Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Dance, my life

One morning I left the harbour.
I set forth with a carefree heart,
not knowing where North was
and hoping only for a good wind
Mmmmm a good wind.
I crossed paths with a thousand people,
none of them smarter than me.
They fought the hurricane,
holding fast to any odd thing.
Mmmmm any odd thing
Come on and dance, dance, my life,
like a ship rolling on the waves,
roll, roll, roll, my life
like a star, like the universe.
Come on and sway, sway, sway, my life
like a charriot on a rocky path.
Bang, bang, bang, my life,
like a plane ripping through the air.
Some nights we're blue at first,
when storms get too heavy.
To ward off bad luck
we sing love songs yet again
Mmmmm love songs
Come on and dance, dance, my life,
like a ship rolling on the waves,
roll, roll, roll, my life
like a star, like the universe.
Come on and sway, sway, sway, my life
like a charriot on a rocky path.
Bang, bang, bang, my life,
like a plane ripping through the air.
Come on, dance, my life, dance
Show us how well you can dance.
You are pretty, appealing, arousing, captivating.
You are a woman
And, you see, tonight I look at you more closely than usual.
For once, I'm in no hurry.
Come on, dance , my life, be nice.
Give me a smile, you can sile so well when you want.
I love you, I love you, I love you so much.
Come on and dance, dance, my life,
like a ship rolling on the waves,
roll, roll, roll, my life
like a star, like the universe.
Come on and sway, sway, sway, my life
like a charriot on a rocky path.
Bang, bang, bang, my life,
like a plane ripping through the air.
Come on and dance, dance, my life,
like a ship rolling on the waves,
roll, roll, roll, my life
like a star, like the universe.
Come on and sway, sway, sway, my life
like a charriot on a rocky path.
Bang, bang, bang, my life,
like a plane ripping through the air.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Portuguese washerwomen

Have you heard of the washerwomen
You may see in Portugal
Especially by the river
In the city of Setubal?
They don't really work in wash houses
But rather in birdhouses
You should hear and see them
Beat out the rythm of their songs with their beaters
      As long as there's laundry to be washed
    We shall drink manzanilla 1
    As long as there's laundry to be washed
    We shall do without men
    And hit, and hit and hit with your beater
    And hit, and hit, you'll sleep better tonight
When a man comes by
Especially if he is young and good-looking
Their straps fall down right away
From their fresh shoulders
But if it's a tramp
Or even some kind of old hidalgo
They play at sending him water
Singing in a scratchy voice
      As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall drink manzanilla 1
    As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall do without men
At dawn the washerwomen
Leave with their white linen
You should see their proud figures
Standing out on the twilight sky
With their basket balanced on their head
Like ancient goddesses
You could hear slowly fading away the sound
Of their chorus and their soft steps
      As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall drink manzanilla 1
    As long as there is laundry to be washed
    We shall do without men
    And hit, and hit and hit with your beater
    And hit, and hit, you'll sleep better tonight
      And hit, and hit and hit with your beater
    And hit, and hit, you'll sleep better tonight
    And hit, and hit...
1 In the present case, a type of sherry

Wail of the unfaithful

Good folks,
Listen to the sad song
Of stray lovers
Suffering their torment
Because they loved
Unfaithful women
Who cheated them
Beware, cruel women,
They could well retaliate
Sorrow is not eternal
Even for the best of lovers
Beaten with your own weapons
You will know in turn
Despair and tears
Of distrust and love.
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers

Good folks,
Hear the chorus of cruel girls
Lawless and faithless,
Cheated by their lovers
Because they loved
Unfaithful women
They take their revenge
Ah! Suffer my turtledoves
Now you are short of a lover!
It's your turn to feel the torment
Of deadly dismay
Shed your pretty tears
Yes, weep, it's your turn indeed
You had to surrender your weapons
And love is dead, love lives forever!
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers
A heart for a heart
A tooth for a tooth
Such is the rule for lovers


The March of the Kings

Early in the morning,
I encountered the train
Of three great Kings who were going on a voyage,
Early in the morning,
I encountered the train
Of three great Kings on the great path.
First came the bodyguards,
The men-at-arms with thirty little pages,
First came the bodyguards
The men-at-arms in their waistcoats.
Then on a carriage,
Among the standards
It’s Melchior, Balthazar, and Gaspar
The star shines which guides the kings
Along the long path
Before a poor stable.
The star shines
And which guides the Kings,
By longs paths before the humble recess.
To the Son of God
Who was born in this place
They come one and all to present their homage,
To the Son of God
Who was born in this place
They come one and all to present their sweet vows.
Gold, myrrh, and frankincense
Are the beautiful presents,
Which they have brought
For this adorable child
Gold, myrrh, and frankincense
Which they have brought for this divine child.

Walk straight ahead

walk straight ahead
that girl there
who do
n'la not see
walking straight
that girl
who do
it leaves cold
this is the kind of girl
to which everyone
you do it turns
not around
walking straight
that girl
it's like that
you will get it
walking straight
that girl
do not look particularly
walking straight
that girl
would make you lose
your cool
She is too cute
risk for thee
You could
not resist
walking straight
that girl
It is definitely for you
walking straight
that girl
I am sure you will get it
walking straight
but when thou shalt
Here it is she who will tell you
The girls on what you love
well you go
Now it's over
walking straight
that girl
do not look particularly
Where you'll have to deal

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

We'll do travels
My love if you're good
I'm your Romeo
And you're my Juliette
In the movies the heros
Are never very above-board
You were only a tourist
At the foot of London's tower
By the Tamise
You were only a tourist
At the foot of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Waiting for it to collapse
To spice up my gin-fizz
You added a zest
Of tears in the shaker
You lost your shirt in it
And I, I took a jacket
In your heart's closet
I was your Romeo
You werre my Juliette
In the movies the heros
Were looking very honest
That's love
We say that it's always flowing
Twenty-four very blurry images of crazy love per second


In my big dark wood prison
Dreams of far away Fallen Girlfriends
Far from the field of memories, forgotten
But when at night come to visit me
They tell me: 'Francesco, I wanted to help you
I gave you everything, you only took half
Do not you believe in anything
Not in you
Do you let the day go next (door)
Do you live by night to see us half?
Dressed by night to see us half
The half that you like to take and leave '
But the most difficult happen for real,
not for whom of us who miss out his life, mamy