Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 10


Set fire

Tonight I want to escape my thoughts
And I'm wondering all night long without a purpose
Not to think about her even for a single moment
To do something for me tonight
My friend, let me get lost with you
I know how you feel and that you're afraid
I've felt your loneliness as well
And remember only the things that hurt you
Set fire to the night
Burn whatever you can
Whatever we loved
Light a fire and tell me
That you'll always be here
So I can hold by your hand
Set a fire to the night
Pour me a drink
Find me a reason so I can forget things tonight
So her lies won't cut me like broken glass
And if it was a mistake that I gave my soul
Let it be, let everything be hers
Set fire to the night
Burn whatever you can
Whatever we loved
Light a fire and tell me
That you'll always be here
So I can hold by your hand
Set a fire to the night
Pour me a drink

Mint egy őrült

Elmentél, s azóta csak a múló perceket számolom
Minden időm csak árnyakra, s a velük való beszédre áldozom
Hirtelen mentél el, s elvittél magaddal minden kéket az égről
S mennyire, de mennyire vágyom, hogy újra lássalak... csak egy percet a szépből
hogy elmondhassam Néked,
mi történt azóta velem,
s hogy megőrülök - Miattad: teljesen!
Mint vízre a szomjas éjszakákon, úgy gondolok Reád
Elmentél, s az éjben magammal viaskodom tehát,
Mert mit meg nem adnék azért, hogy még egyszer újra lássalak...
Mint egy tomboló részeg, csak iszom tovább, s magam körül mindent felégetek
de az éj sötétjében - mind tovább - újra csak egyedül leszek
Szeretném, ha - csak egyetlen egyszer is - újra láttatnád magad..
Elmentél, s én egymagam, az üres házban vagyok
Nehéz idők járnak felém, köröttem minden megfagyott
Elhagytál, nincs más, csak a fájdalmam van velem
Bár tudnád, mennyire vágyom rá, hogy újra itt légy, Kedvesem!

Like a madman

You left and I'm counting the seconds
I'm talking with shadows and ghosts
You left suddenly and out of the blue
Oh Lord, I HAVE to see you again
To tell you
How I'm doing
I'm going crazy. . .!
I'm thinking of you like a nutter, at nights
You left and I'm vanishing in the dark
I'd give my life to see you again
Like a nutter, I am drinking and breaking stuff
Making nights of it, on my own
I would like you to be here right now
You left and I'm alone in a house now
Having a tough time
You left and my pain is suffocating me
Oh how much I'd like you to be here right now
To tell you
How I'm doing
I'm going crazy. . .!
I'm thinking of you like a nutter, at nights
You left and I'm vanishing in the dark
I'd give my life to see you again
Like a nutter, I am drinking and breaking stuff
Making nights of it, on my own
I would like you to be here right now..


Ahol elfeledtél mindent, ami közös,
S azt is, hogy élek-e, mert úgy hitted, kölcsönös,
Tán csak némi drámára volt szükséged, azért kerestél fel újra?
Vagy, hogy elvidd mindazt, ami kettőnkből még emlékeztet a közös útra?
Hurrá! És most, hogy megöltél,
És elraboltad megmaradt lelkemet egészen,
és most, hogy egy éles kést a szívem közepébe döftél,
eldobtál, széttörtél, árulásod tán csak mosolyogva nézzem?
Miattad hever az életem romokban,
De azért csak elvinnéd megint - hogy úgy mondjam,
ami megmaradt abból, ki az életénél is jobban szeretett Téged!
Ahol legyőztél engem, bizony, ott maradtam
és ahol sivár lett az egész életem
Most persze visszajössz, hogy még jobban eltiporj egy kíméletlen harcban,
csak a kés, mit szívembe döftél, csak ez marad örökké velem.
Hányszor elárultál, de szíved soha sem lett az enyém,
bár hiszem, hogy más vagy, olyan, aki mégiscsak szívvel él?

You're Leaving Early

You're leaving early without me seeing you
I won't see those eyes anymore
you're leaving early without me hearing you
these words will remain cut in half now
Minutes aren't enough, I want hours
days aren't enough, I want years
years to satisfy you, to see you, and to learn about you, years
You're leaving early without me touching you
this body disappears into the dark
you're leaving early without me smelling
your aroma, it doesn't have something from the past
Minutes aren't enough, I want hours
days aren't enough, I want years
years to satisfy you, to see you, and to learn about you, years

In Love You Give Your All

Winter arrives searching for an embrace
a snow-covered body doesn't belong anywhere
like a butterfly struggling to be free
the joy that stops for the light to come out again
Winter arrives and in my feelings
the wet silence drowns me but I cower to tell her
how much I want her, to spread to my dreams
to let myself take the risk, for a new 'I love you'
In love you give it your all
then collect all your pieces after
to fall head over heels
only like this will your soul fly
In love you give it your all
as much as you want you are held captive
your mouth bled, say everything
don't scatter your moments like sand
Winter arrives and the rain will redeem me
life goes by like a quick breath
if I am not daring my longing will haunt me
in the city nights, I go out with an open wound
Winter arrives and I want it to freeze our desires
inhibitions hurt but you do the right thing
those who win, they go ahead, they don't regret
and in their mistakes they receive a warm round of applause

Not Knowing Even The Half Of

I want it all
Here and now.
I want everything more every day.
I want you now
And I'll want you, my angel, for life.
I want it all.
Here and now.
Your love, your aroma, your kiss.
Your two eyes,
The daydreams,
That pierce my body every day.
Not knowing even the half of
how to love and hate.
To want a little and then to soon not want.
Logic doesn't make sense to me
To be or not to be.
I want to live while love will kill me.
I want it all
Here and now.
I want everything more every day.
I want you now
And I'll want you, my angel, for life.
I want it all.
Here and now.
Inside my mind it is crazy, feverish.
Only that something.
It isn't love.
It is a fraud, half a dream.

Wanting to Touch You

I just want to touch you
to read you silently with my touch
I want the edges of my hands to touch
your body as I wanted since I was a kid
I want to gently search your face
your forehead, the lines of your lips
to find in your eyes and your smile
hidden switches that turn and set me on fire
Wanting to touch you
your glance shatters the glass
wanting to touch you
to secretly share my blood with you
I only want to touch you
to enter your soul from within my fingers
I want to leave my marks on your skin
maybe you will return and see them one morning
I want to touch your hidden part
what you've been searching for but can't find
that unwritten paper, that something
that doesn't let us live together

You Still Have A Little Time

Fireworks, a cigarette and analyses
Old images in new scenes
You set your phone again to wake you up
Inside the news and detergents
And a love that was drown in words
In the soap operas and junkyards
It gives you again a chance to choose
What channel you will wake up to on Sundays
You still have a little time,
to see what is ahead of you clearly
I still hurt a little,
to be losing another time
Fireworks, disposable feelings
Expired dreams and sedatives
You're searching for a body to touch at night
Inside reality and cop shows

And I ended up alone

You stood by the door and looked at me
With such a cold look
I'm grabbing a coffee, you said but didn't ask
If I wanted to come, too
I could see the end that was near
You changed all of a sudden
Our ship started sinking
The key disappeared from the door
And I ended up alone, me and my pain
Inside the house, I'll drown from sorrow
And I ended up alone, me and my pain
Empty beds, I close my eyes to see you
I gathered our clothes from our wardrobe
I also found all those you gave me,
Our shattered pieces (lying) around
Our dream now lives in silence