Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 161



At these times I remember
That suffering is a megaphone
It is God screaming at me that I'm not
The Superman
That I'm flesh and bone
That I'll going through hard times
What I'm going to do? I won't hide my cry
Sometimes it's easier to pretend, I know
Pretend it's ok, it's all zen
Pretending that there's nothing going wrong
But I'm not the Superman
If it wasn't for You I would give up
I've seen so much wrong on this road
So much fake hero thinking he's the one
Deluded with applause, compliments, with the pedestal
Even I hesitated, screwed up, was away
I forgot that I fall like everyone else
I forgot that I fall, forgot that I'm normal
Anyone here is normal?
I'm different, just like everyone else
Without You I'm no one
I'm just like everyone else
There's no Superman
I will insist on accompanying You
No matter what, believe in who you want
Even tripping I'm learning
I'm learning that for everything there's a time
That's why I'm in the fight, I'm surviving
These times I remember
That sometimes I get hurt
Sometimes I get hurt
Exploding on the outside, exploding on the inside
But I'm learning, I'm learning
Now I'm aware
That suffering is a megaphone
Is God screaming at me that I'm not
The Superman
That I'm flesh and bone that
I'll going through hard times
Know I don't mind I won't
Hide my cry
After all I'm just an ordinary man
That falls like everyone else
That trips, stand up but don't give up
That trips, stand up and don't give up
I'm different, just like everyone else
Without You I'm no one
I'm just like everyone else
Sometimes is easier
Pretend that everything is ok
But you know that I'm not the Superman


Nincs itt semmiféle politikai korrektség
Se balra, se jobbra, de egyenesen a húsba
Egy dal a fejbe, hogy a fogaikat is kiverje
Hogy motyoghassanak a parlamentbe', míg az alkotmányt vitatják
A zsarnokság elleni lázadás
Ami széttépi a bilincseket
Nincs irányítás felette
Ez már tömegreakció
Ébresszétek a miniszterelnököt
Hadd halljam a bilincseket
Sorolja fel a minisztereket
Elő a kincstár kulcsaival
Gyerünk, most évértékeld a népnek, hogy ki lopott
Ki tett tönkre minket és nem volt számon kérve
Jól összejátszottatok, hát nincs visszavágó
Lopás törvénykönyve van, amit senki sem vallott be
És az emberek nem emlékeznek minderre

Sajnálom Szerbia

Belgrád. A képzelet bűnösen az aszfalthoz köt. A szarság borzalmas itt, az utca mindent lát. Tíz dűne, a kölyök, apáé hazajön. „Vigyázz, vége van fiam! Ma vihar közeleg!” A banda még mindig lop tőlünk. A tagság továbbra is fontos. A jelvény még mindig letartóztat minket. Nem a Marsról pottyantam le. Tudom, hogy mindez bohózat. De ha nem megyek át, nincs visszaút számomra. Pár főiskolai haveromat régen felgyújtották. Szerencséjük volt, de hiányzik nekik Szerbia. Ha ez így folytatódik, senki sem marad itt. Én: tolvajok, kutyák, robotok.. az utolsó kapcsolja le a villanyt.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Az aranykor sátra valójában koromsötét. Mint a pezsgő, amikor ünnepelnek, kinyitják a fejünket... gumi labdák repülnek a gyerekek fölött. Sisak, lovasroham. Páncélozott járművek, kórházi furgon. A tüdőmet elpusztította a háborús méreg. Nem huligánok vagyunk, csak zavarodottak és magányosak. Nem, nem az ország ellen vagyunk, hanem a rezsim ellen. Nem állunk senki oldalán, nem vagyunk párt ügynökök. De nem most jöttünk a falvédőről. Ez rosszul veszi ki magát?! Akkor csak magyarázza el nekem, hogy van itt a felosztás. Mindent a csókosok kapnak, akik a kincsesládán ücsörögnek. Erős hálók, sovány alkatrészek. És amikor jönnek a lezárások, senkinek nincs szüksége rájuk.
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Senki nem kérdez tőlünk semmit, csak bólogatnak. Aztán mindent visznek a kincstárba, ahol eladják a földet. Kiagyalják, hogy a harcnak nincs értelme. Csak összeesküvés-elmélet - mondják. Ha itt nincs változás, akkor nincsenek emberek, akik elkezdenék. Nincs más lehetőség, mint összecsomagolni. De nem menekülhetünk, mert itt vannak a gyökereink. És, ha százszor eltaposnak, feltámadok. Mindent elloptál, és továbbra is ítélkezni akarsz felettem?! Bármit kínálsz nekem, bűzlik! Nem leszel képes megvenni engem. Lehet, hogy a város most a tiéd, de ezek az én utcáim. És amikor az emberek megtöltik őket, ne csodálkozz utána!
Ne aggódj anya, ma nem leszek otthon
Az utcán vagyok, ahol a szirénák szólnak
Sajnálom, apa, tudom, hogy elkéstem
De amit elkezdtél, befejezem helyetted
Sajnálom, Szerbia, én nem voltam ott neked
De mindent megteszek, hogy kijavítsam a hibákat
Bocsáss meg, életért, minden elveszett időért
De soha nem késő újra elindulni

Watch out watch out

Watch out I just got here, watch out, watch out, let me tell you,
Watch out I'm leading the crew, watch out, looking for the jerks
So try to manage it, watch out we're like brothers,
Who wants to mess with us will live shorter.
Watch out where you go, so watch out who follows you,
Watch out, watch out how you spread it, since it can come back to you
Watch out what you're rejoicing at, watch out you shall not covet your neighbour's goods
in the cold cell, you're hanging out in a nasty group
You say this has nothing to do with me, this has nothing to do with us.
Watch out that's a mistake! No, watch out, remember the days,
when you cheated, pillage the city, fucked the whores, bothering people,
everything, watch out for everything, even breaking the laws
Watch out, watch out, like pitbull I was training and killing it,
Now we're reducing bills, I've heard you had lots of them,
Arguing with God, watch out you fucked up big time,
Opening the doors with your leg, selling drugs to kids.
Watch out, they told you: Watch out, be careful what you do,
But you didn't care, you just didn't stop.
Cus life didn't treat you well, so you didn't treat others well either
now you have what you wanted, cus you never watched out.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out, time flies, first gray hairs are showing up,
You think you're young for them, but the streets don't spare
You weren't lucky, you weren't, that's right,
but that's what makes you stronger, you're not a kid anymore.
Not a kid anymore, so watch out what you do, the world's cruel
people are cruel. Watch out, watch out for the mistakes.
Watch out to not burn yourself, the streets are boiling,
like African plains. Watch out, watch out for hyenas.
Do you hear it in the distance? It's death laughing at you.
Now you're greedy like never before, cus your time is running,
success withing reach, but they're watching out for you.
You feel the looks of jealousy, envy, the punches.
Watch out for dorks, snitches, bad influences,
be careful who is who, take care of real friends.
Open your eyes wide and watch out where you take your steps,
there are hungry vipers at every turn
Open your eyes wide, keep moving bravely,
but watch out that you don't get blinded by all the ignorance.
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Look, I can't believe what our destiny is like,
When I gotta watch out where I go and to not believe people.
Watch out, as far as I can see, nobody takes care of others,
but they only care about themselves, steals from others.
Watch out, nothing is worth it, authority is always safe here,
they don't have to watch out, they do everything without any effort.
They don't need to use force to ride us without kicking,
We watch out for ourselves, cus we don't ask questions.
But we do care about stuff that have expiration date,
Watch out everything draws your attention, only for your vigilance to be lowered.
Watch out, watch out, this car, this whore, this money,
Watch out, watch out, new bonehead from a reality show
That's only a part of their plan for brainwashing,
watch out, the news they give you affect you like Prozak.
Watch out, you're your own prison, watch out, your complex is your compass,
watch out, it'll be too late when you realise you're reaching for your own failure.
Watch out, be careful, so that you don't regret it tomorrow,
that you were always watching out and breaking your spine.
Watch out, it's still not too late to say some things out loud,
let the ones that you watch out for watch out for you.
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Look we won't last too long if we keep going this way,
But look, it doesn't seem like it until you change the perspective.
Whilst you look at everything passingly, you can't judge it,
Cus you don't watch out for anything but satisfying yourself.
And in good weather, people are still gloomy,
cus nobody is watching out for them, nobody pays attention.
They go where the wind blows, cus that's easier,
instead of filling the sails and grabbing the rudder.
Look someone will say that it's like it used to be,
but in their time, it wasn't any better,
just ask him if he's willing to let their kid go out,
and not care that they're not back, and it's getting late.
Watch out, before kids used to love marbles,
were able to fight when they see djidanje*
now they love video games, shooting on their screens,
they don't know how to punch, yet they're already killers.
Maybe I didn't pay attention in class, so I don't understand,
how this life without a meaning is an improvement.
Where has love between the close ones gone,
and why is science more important than the truth?
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
that your wish doesn't drag you, watch out, don't let them buy you!
Watch out, watch out
this is a battle, grit your teeth, be there for your people!
Watch out, watch out
Marks stay everywhere, so watch out where you go!
Watch out, watch out
everything comes back in life the same way you gave it!
Watch out, watch out
For this crucial moment, you gotta stay awake!
Watch out, watch out
And when the storm begins - your faith is protecting you!

Darling, sleep

Darling, sleep...don't torment my soul.
The mountains and the hills are already sleeping.
Our dog is lame, shaggy-dense,
He lies down and licks the salt chain.
And the sea stomps,
And the branches murmur,
And with all of my experience -
The dog is chained.
And I whisper to you,
Then, in a half whisper,
Then, silently:
'Darling, sleep...'
Darling, sleep... Why can't you sleep?
Roaring seas? The pleas of trees?
Feelings? Someone's dishonesty?
Or maybe, my dishonesty?
And the sea stomps,
And the branches murmur,
And with all of my experience -
The dog is chained.
And I whisper to you,
Then, in a half whisper,
Then, silently:
'Darling, sleep...'
Darling, sleep... You shouldn't grieve.
Let your dreams settle and your eyes relax.
Fall asleep on the globe of the Earth,
Do you hear, darling? - Sleep...
Darling, sleep... We are on the Earth,
Flying, ready to explode.
And you need a hug, so you don't break,
And if you break loose - two of us do.
And the sea stomps,
And the branches murmur,
And with all of my experience -
The dog is chained.
And I whisper to you,
Then, in a half whisper,
Then, silently:
'Darling, sleep...'

Anthem of the Republic of Užice

Here from a spark of a dream
A flame rose up
Here he gave an oath to Tito
The first partisan
There we unfurled the banner,
Of our days of glory
We moved towards the Sun
Raise your heads
The Republic of Užice grew from the dark
You are a symbol of freedom, proudly carry the name
Here our voice was heard:
Stand against the tyrant!
Against anger, against death
We went into battle.
Here in one thread,
Our brotherhood we wove,
We created with a mighty hand
That which we wanted
Tito's Užice grows into the heights
You are a symbol of freedom, proudly carry the name


Stop loving me and fall in love for only one hour
Forgive myself, but forget to say goodbye to me
Savor me with a slight movement
Hello, hospital, you can't hide,
You can't hide!
And I not afraid of anything
And I'll find the key to everything!
I'm number one, I'm the only one!
I'm your cocaine, your cocaine, your cocaine
Close your eyes and don't re- don't re- don't re-
Close your eyes and don't regret anything
We'll start in exactly five minutes, minutes
In these games of course I lead
Five, four, three, two, one - I'll find you!
I make my way through the body in a little bit
Just one touch - my head began to boil
I'll break into you gently and bravely
A wonderful picture: a little nicotine after adrenaline!
And I not afraid of anything
And I'll find the key to everything!
I'm number one, I'm the only one!
I'm your cocaine, your cocaine, your cocaine
I'm a dream, I'm like a sound
While I'm coming to you I know thousands of hands
Yes yes, I'm trouble
While you're on top I'll always be there for you
I'll find you again, I'll break in again
For forever, forever, forever
(Turn up the gramophone)
(Turn off your phone! Turn off your phone!)
(It's calling)
(Turn up the gramophone)
(Turn off your phone! Turn off your phone!)
(It's calling)
And I not afraid of anything
And I'll find the key to everything!
I'm number one, I'm the only one!
I'm your cocaine, your cocaine, your cocaine
And I not afraid of anything
And I'll find the key to everything!
I'm number one, I'm the only one!
I'm your cocaine, your cocaine, your cocaine

The inevitability of spring

It's February.
Yet birds are all atwitter -
Tired waiting for spring

The Good and the Bad

I like to hold your hand entering the cinema
Show off your beauty with the naturalness of your being
With so little paint you flaunt your beauty
And with it your skin
And the other, I love that the band asks
And gives me kisses tasting of Buchanan's
Her little short skirt calms me
And her neckline incites me to kiss her little mouth
And lose my hand in her bra
I don't deny I love to paint smiles on your face
The afternoons of sushi or having coffee are beautiful
And even I don't understand the flamboyance I also get
But out partying the other one I love
Well, the roll follows me with my comrades
Dancing and drinking in the early morning
And already dawning we go to bed
And with her long nails, she scratches my back
It's a dilemma, it's a problem I know it and I hold it
And it's not in my hands to be enamored
To be a little corny but accelerated
An angel by day a demon by night
And if you have to decide...
Look, plebes, I don't want to be shameless but if you have to decide, the legal...
One during the day and the other at night
I don't deny I love to paint smiles on your face
The afternoons of sushi or having coffee are beautiful
And even I don't understand the flamboyance I get
But out partying the other one I love
Well, the roll follows me with my comrades
Dancing and drinking in the early morning
And already dawning we go to bed
And with her long nails, she scratches my back
It's a dilemma, it's a problem I know it and I hold it
And it's not in my hands to be enamored
To be a little corny but accelerated
An angel by day and a demon by night
And if you have to decide...
Look, plebes, I don't want to be shameless but if you have to decide

To you returning your headshot

The rose scent that I’m breathing in
Of (the) old park brings sweet memories,
And of the words “I love you so”
You said to me few months ago
You love in me ignited then,
You left and didn’t come again.
But those sweet words “I love you so”
I won’t forget, this you must know.
My love is not a fog, my darling,
That disappears in (the) broad daylight
Only, you just passed by me, smiling
As if I weren’t in your sight
To you returning your headshot,
Of love won’t beg you anymore,
This letter, surely, blames you not,
I love you like I did before.
My love is not a fog, my darling,
That disappears in (the) broad daylight
Only, you just passed by me, smiling
As if I weren’t in your sight
To you returning your headshot,
Of love won’t beg you anymore,
This letter, surely, blames you not,
I love you like I did before.

Personal Favorite

A song of love, much like Stas Mikhailov
So I'll write, and the ladies will go 'Ah!'
Gold, diamonds, fur,
I'll make sure that is what my songs are about,
I'll water my chorus down,
So I can sing it to my mother-in-law :
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
I'm rich in spirit too,
I'll give 'em the Heavens, I'll give 'em the dawn,
The stars, and the sunsets,
And in the song, I'll give you a Bentley
I'll water my chorus down,
So I can sing it to my mother-in-law :
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
I'll find a new approach for everything I do,
It'll come from the heart and the head.
My song will stick, but it will fail,
But it'll be stronger than pills and drugs. 1
I'll water my chorus down,
So I can sing it to my mother-in-law :
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
You're mine, you're my favorite.
  • 1. It says herbs but given Leningrad's past, I'd assume it's drugs.

People do not fly

One of my buddies flew from the roof
When he landed, did not get up
And boots were carrying along the streets for a while
His mixed with blood brains
People, people, people do not fly (x4)
People do not fly, do not fly like birds
Because they grew big asses
Because of inclement weather
Because crawling is more popular nowadays
People, people, people do not fly (x4)
Yes, sometimes I am like an angel
And then I start flying, oh, oh, oh
I get wasted with vodka and I put face into the puddle,
With scream: fuck your mother
People, people, people do not fly (x4)

Kerti bölcsesség

Bármely fénytől, mely derít
gyümölcsözőbb a rejtély.
Pőre testre fátylat borít
a vágyálom kedély.
Hétpecsétes lakat alá rejtsd a múltad.
Óvakodj, hogy feltárd
ha jó mélyre dugtad
talán terem nektárt.
Természetesen ez nem más
mint békés kerti okoskodás.
Mire tanít szent családfánk?
Megboldogult őseinket
hős vagy gyökér eleinket
mélyen földbe temesük
és ne nagyon feszegessük.

Vukovar (The City is Standing)

The city is standing
Under the rain of steel, fire and death
Where the forces from hell spins its last dance, the city stands
The city is standing
Eternal like the people, stands tall
And it counts enemy's last days
Vukovar, Vukovar
Freedom is born from a mother's cry
And soon a white boat will sail
To the sun
Flowers will grow from blood and pain
And the people will never forget

You have managed to forget

When you feel forgotten emotions again
The joy shines with the sun
Your heart is happy and you start again
You have managed to forget
When you relive moments of the past
And you don't feel bitter when remembering
With your smile you can dispel sadness
You have managed to forget
You feel free again
You can give your love to another and conquer
The happiness of yesterday again
When you are alone, you can avoid
The memories that made you cry
Look only to the future and you will always find
That you have managed to forget
You feel free again
You can give your love to another and conquer
The happiness of yesterday again
You have managed to forget
You have managed to forget
You feel free again
You can give your love to another and conquer
The happiness of yesterday again
You have managed to forget