Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 161


Pashalik of Belgrade

Pashalik of Belgrade
Only eats onion
That's what is their fate
Serbia became smaller...
Serbian daddy has a pig
That doesn't shave
All of her hair fell off
During the hard labor
That's Šešelj, the son of a bitch
While he was in prison
He got hard wounds
On his anus
Serbia, Misery
They robbed my plain, and i will slaughter them
Serbia, a wild mountain
Wheat doesn't sew
We will take ''Vojvodina''
May comrade Tito fuck them
Their main food is corn
City Of Prince Lazar
Heavy diarrhea occured
From all that brotherhood.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

KOSOVO IS SERBIA (Hands on heart)

Hands on heart, regards All Stars formations
phantoms on head, action can start
Plan for tonight is to cross over their borders
From houses and villages make them slaughterhouse
Slaughter Shiptars, kill Wahhabi
Put on the boomer anyone who kick up a row
I see that they are crying, I say it was enough
and women and kids throw up from bridge
there is no more forgiveness
you see house - burn it
for every our church yours mosques will pay
AK-47, bombs, high three fingers
let them knee when they see Jesus from cross
One was Arcan's guard
All stars brigade is coming, make Shiptars to suffer
Star on gunpoint, racket speed
tanks on front, mark of All Stars machines
Nothing won't be finished without fight anymore
our unit is elite like Cobras
And look now boy how your mother is bloody
and remember message: KOSOVO IS SERBIA!!!!!
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists
Rema maniac, brutal tyranny
real accidents, let Albania disappears
I'm destroying, leave him, he is dead, burned mosque
with words as burst on instrumentalist
I'm killing for Serbia
I rip up microphone with my teeth, I'm giving words as a present to others
I swear with my heart and blood, I will smash you all
I'm leading unit force and I'll always be the first
in church on the oath, than direct in fight
for our Kosovo I will put my head in bag
from your blood soups, from your meat cakes
Rema ALL Stars clan, hero of the serbian brand
Three fingers, three players, never stronger team
get up and regret Sosa's cutthroat
Soso is runing away over meadow, but bullet is faster
where are you going Sosa, is it come to that?
knife is under your neck, you passed well
Final fight, chest to chest
Serbian flag and power of cross is leading me
clan of Ultra terrorist will smash you
ALL Stars army, forever solid
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists
New state, new shit, wounded country
is quitting and it can't get up
Serbia, get on your legs, a lot of battles against Shiptars and drugs are comings
contemporary bogeyman America, which is raising degenerates
tell me how much to endure lies while they are killing our soldiers on guard
for hand of dollars, make lies about genocide
for everyone who loves her
onr serbian tear, thousand Albanians
burned Tirana, Serb is bitting as piranha
battle for Kosovo until Judgment Day
from contest with raised head, tricolour flag are rising
and celebrates victory, never again enclave
never again debacle
I don't want anything from someone else. I don't give what is mine
while I'm watching you through the target
sata-ta-ta-ra, country old by centuries
with faith in God, unanimity is saving Serbs
we have culture, our language is rich
to take off hymen, you fucked goats
raped your sisters, everything in name of dynasty
you will disappeare, disgusting creatures
for future of Serbia and her generation
It was enough of horror, it was enough of terror
there won't be forgiveness anymore, do what you have to do
blood from your bones will be universally useful
All Stars, Serbia, clan of Ultra terrorists


Viktor '44 tavaszán született
És apját sosem látta már
Az áldozat gyermeke, a háború gyermeke
Még egy fiú, akinek sosem volt apja Leningrád után
Iskolába ment, és megtanulta szolgálni az államot
Követte a szabályokat, és rendesen itta a vodkáját
Élni csak a gyűlöletet megfullasztva lehetett
Az orosz élet szomorú volt
És ilyen volt az élet Leningrádban is
Én '49-ben születtem
Hidegháborús gyermek McCarthy idejében
Állítsd meg őket a 38. szélességnél
Lődd át a pokolba azokat a sárga vöröseket
És a hidegháborús gyerekeket nehéz volt megölni
Asztalaik alatt egy légi próbariadón
Nem hallották, hogy megnyertük a háborút -
Miért küzdenek tovább?
Viktort a Vörös Hadsereg valami városába küldték
Leszolgálta az idejét, cirkuszi bohóc lett
A legnagyobb öröm, amelyet valaha talált
Az volt, hogy orosz gyerekeket boldoggá tegyen
És Leningrádban gyerekek éltek
De Levittownban gyerekek éltek
És a földalatti óvóhelyeken bújtak meg
Míg a szovjetek visszafordították a hajóikat
És lerombolták a kubaiak rakétáit
És abban a ragyogó októberi napfényben
Tudtuk, hogy a gyerekkorunk napjai véget értek
Láttam a barátaimat háborúba menni
Miért küzdenek tovább?
Így hát a gyermekem és én eljöttünk ide
Hogy találkozzunk vele szemtől szembe, arc az arcra
Megnevettette a lányomat, majd megöleltük egymást
Nem tudtuk, miféle barátaink voltak
Míg el nem jöttünk Leningrádba

Elections! Elections!

Versions: #2
I sit there and don't drink since morning,
Tomorrow the election will take place,
I must be as sober as possible,
To tick off that checkbox.
Yeah, the voting will begin!
A buddy brought a gram [of drugs] in his pocket,
But I prepare for the election,
I won't fucking snort anything,
So the voting won't be disrupted.
Yeah, my sense of justice increases!
And now this great day arrived,
And they handed me the ballot sheet,
I go and tick off the checkbox - yeah,
I vote against everybody.
Yeah, I don't help assholes!
Yeah, I won't vote for you!
Yeah, the voting proceeds!
Elections, elections, the candidates - are faggots!!!


Versions: #2
I know of one city, called Belgrade
I know of one name, but I don't mention it
I know of one city, where you're forever young
I also know one heart, that is cursing it
Once I tried those bitter lips of yours
And who's going to drive away this madness?
Once I tried to erase you from my heart
But every Spring smells like you
I know the color of his shirt, I bought it
I know the taste of his lips, I kissed them
I know who he's drinking wine with tonight
I know that she knows, how I feel
Once I tried those bitter lips of yours
And who's going to drive away this madness?
Once I tried to erase you from my heart
But every Spring smells like you
This memory tears apart everything to me
My Belgrade, hold me (x3)

To You, My City

From old walls to Sava river
From the bridges of the new coast
Blue flags fluttet
Zagreb calls to its embrace
The most beautiful is Zagreb city
Zagreb is my dearest home
My city, forever you will stay so young
In my heart
City, my city
May the sun of happiness shine for you
My beloved city
May everyone knows your joys
Under the dome of the skies' blue
From the walls of the old town
Doves, white pidgeons
Bring us greetings now

The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Ver.)

There was a loyal a dearest troll,
who was loved by his great goodness.
This is Flemmingrad's song,
here he was greatly loved by all 'Slashtrois'.
They would give him foiegras, mold stew
and so he gobbled them down passionately.
How big was Flemmingrad!
He replenished his tummy in happiness.
And all of them saw him rolling down!
Laughing, he rolled down non-stop!
In a Winter's day, he saw human coming
and them trolls quickly rolled away.
However, giant Flemmingrad,
among the mountains he went to pasture.
People frightened, they wielded a sword
and Flemmy from the fjord, he never got out.
This is Flemmingrad's song!
There, he got trapped in for eternity.
Voice: In the shadows, but unforgotten.
Flemmy was never to roll down ever again!
Oh! Flemmy never rolled down again!
Voice: So, we celebrate this tradition.
In every December, everyone's assembled
to offer their respects to a troll.
Remembering for a friendship
as we all call as Flemmingrad.
His ancestors we were to find,
his nostrils we were to shave off.
In memorian we always build
the Big Flemmingrad's statue.
God bless his soul up in the sky!
Oh, Flemmy! The fungus-troll.

Flemmingrad the Troll

There was a troll, perhaps the biggest,
Exemplary of honor with the best fungus.
The story of Flemmingrad the Troll,
Anyone from around here could tell it.
He ate with gusto and a voracious appetite.
No one else could consume what he would.
He became the great Flemmingrad.
A troll primed for his own well-being.
Rolling was his gift, gift, gift.
We loved his gift, gift, gift.
One day, the humans showed up.
And the trolls tried to flee through the gap.
But giant Flemmingrad
Got stuck trying to go through.
One frightened man drew his sword.
Flemmy remained in that fjord.
We lost our Flemmingrad.
And now our sadness makes us reminisce.
(He still hasn't been forgotten.)
Without Flemmi, without his gift, gift, gift.
Rolling was his gift, gift, gift.
(And that's why we have this tradition.)
Every December it's our duty
To pay homage and give thanks
To that friend who only ever gave*
The troll known as Flemmingrad
We dig down deep in every garden.
In its nostrils we lay tufts of grass.
It's our way of remembering
Of recreating Flemmingrad.
To the fungus that he made for us.
To Flemmi, the great troll.

Wild man

Versions: #3
You are calling me a shithead
Yeah, I'm pissed again and again
And your ass in front of everyone I grab
With my dirty, hairy hand.
Yeah, like smelly sticks my feet
On which are my socks, full of holes and overused
And this two heaps of dust and shit-
These are my shoes.
Yeah, you're right, I'm a wild man,
You're right, I'm a wild man,
You're right, I'm a wild man,
Tobacco, stubble, balls, stench of alcohol - I'am
Yeah, you're right, I'm a wild man,
You're right, I'm a wild man,
You're right, I'm a wild man,
Tobacco, stubble, balls, stench of alcohol - I'am


To Dorin-Nikolaev
The sky shook from the wrath of thunder,
The lightning blazed and sudden hail
Began to hop in shallow water,
Like silver grapes from fairy tale.
The spark of moment flew up higher,
When hot July breathed wintry cold -
For inspiration, new thoughts, fire,
For the impossible, all told...
I raised the glass above my shoulder, -
The thoughts were racing to extremes,
I drank the wine while glass grew colder,
As hailstones melted in juice dreams.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


It's already evening on the Seven Hills, and my hands got cold.
What else won't encounter, who else won't wait?
The numbers in black on the ticket and the sound of the train station.
These images I will keep in my mind, taking one step forward.
My voice is flowing through the wires,
Dividing the path in two, and I go after it
A little slower by 'Red Arrow' 1
Mother, I'm coming back home!
Mother, you were right.
This city is foreign to me.
Mother, I'm coming back to Leningrad.
The coldness is almost unbearable, the time is frozen.
I run away from the Seven Hills, to save myself.
Dividing into 'Before' and 'After', I will believe again.
I'm risking, I start everything again, looking for love.
My voice is flowing through the wires,
Dividing the path in two, and I go after it
A little slower by 'Red Arrow' 1
Mother, I'm coming back home!
Mother, you were right.
This city is foreign to me.
Mother, I'm coming back to Leningrad.
I'm coming back to Leningrad.
I'm coming back to Leningrad.
I'm coming back to Leningrad.
I'm coming back to ...
  • Кра́сная стрела́ - a train connection Moscow and Saint Petersburg

Wonderful Garden of Love

Wonderful Garden of Love
The Holy Garden of Jesus
It's poor again, no fruit
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
Today Jesus has tears coming out of His eyes.
Where are you, where are you?
Where are you my garden?
Where is it, where is it?
Where's your holiness?
Where's your adornment? //2x
The seed of flesh crawled into it
The branches with thorns only have grown
And they bear names of Christians
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
Closed down by the shadow of those thorns.
Why you not, why you not?
Why don't you breed nicely?
Why do you stay still, why do you stay still?
Why are you idle?
Why do you stay away? //2x
Many petals, prey to destruction
They fell down, they withered
They did not bring the right fruit
And the Gardener mourns for His roses
For the flowers again withered.
No fruit, no fruit
If fruitless you can't be
With Him, with Him
With the Lord's children
Up to Heaven in Eternity. //2x
You, a rose on the path of salvation
It's time for you to be born again today
If you want that in the Heavenly Glories
To be planted on the wonderful day
For to adorn the House of Jesus.
If you want, if you want
If you want to get to Heaven
Get up today, get up today
Climb up to Golgotha
God will help you. //2x


Apple-trees stood in bloom,
Spring is come,
To serve in the army,
Time has come,
You said you would wait,
But you lied,
You didn't save our love,
Didn't save our love.
Wrote you letters every day,
Was drawing heart on the envelope,
But you didn't answer me a line,
Love me or not, love me or not.
Wote you letters every day,
Was drawing heart on the envelope,
But you didn't answer me a line,
Love me or not, love me or not.
It's not easy to serve in the army,
If no one waits,
Maybe, with other girl
I'm lucky in life.
She'll write me letters,
Will love me,
But our first love, with you
I'll never forget.
After all... Wrote you letters every day,
Was drawing heart on the envelope,
But you didn't answer me a line,
Love me or not, love me or not.
Wote you letters every day,
Was drawing heart on the envelope,
But you didn't answer me a line,
Love me or not, love me or not.
La-la-la... Love me or not!
Tibor from QS-FB

Dick in a Coat

I crawled to the door,
I'll ring the bell too,
Throw up, stumble,
Soaked right through.
Behind the door you choke:
- Who the fuck is that?
- Your dick in a coat!
Is what I answer back.
Che-che-che-check it out, yo!
I'll crawl back home,
I'll crawl back home,
I'll ring the bell,
Soaked to hell!
Behind the door you choke:
- Who the fuck is that?
- Your dick in a coat!
Is what I answer back.

Evil Bullet

I run, run to freedom
And behind me, behind me chasing
And behind me soldiers run
Their guns aimed at my back
Evil bullet!
Give me freedom,
Straight to the heart
So there is no pain
Evil bullet!
Give me freedom,
Straight to the heart
So there is no pain
But the chase is closer, closer,
Snipers shoot from the roof
But I won't let them take me alive
I'd rather die young
Evil bullet!
Give me freedom,
Straight to the heart
So there is no pain
Evil bullet!
Give me freedom,
Straight to the heart
So there is no pain
I fress freedom with blood
The earth creaks on my teeth
Where is the bullet, where is the bullet
That was cast for me
Evil bullet!
Give me freedom,
Straight to the heart
So there is no pain
Evil bullet!
Give me freedom,
Straight to the heart
So there is no pain


On a little stool we sit together
We say different words to each other
I bought you candy
You love me for that
Sveta, Sveta, Sveta.
The summer garden closed and puts out its lights
Daddy's gun will protect us from the enemy
At the last ruble, Sveta,
I bought you candy
Sveta, Sveta, Sveta.
Don't look, Sveta, so closely at my revolver
I'm a common St. Petersburg courtyard hooligan
At my last ruble, Sveta,
And love me for that
Sveta, Sveta, Sveta.


I run, run to freedom
And behind me, behind me chasing
And behind me, soldiers run
In the place of the sky - their automatic machines
I run, my legs get stuck
Dirty snow up to my waist
All is in vain, all is in vain
The snow turns blood-red
Evil bullet, give me freedom
In the heart so there is no pain
Evil bullet, give me freedom
At once so there is no pain
But the chasing is closer, closer
Laughing snipers on the roofs
But I will not let them take me alive
I'd rather die here, young
Evil bullet, give me freedom
In the heart so there is no pain
Evil bullet, give me freedom
At once so there is no pain
I run, run to freedom
And behind me, behind me chasing
But I won't let them take me alive
I'd rather die here, young
Evil bullet, give me freedom
At once, and...

I Love You So

In the cold blue collar city
Where my dreams were broken
I understood long ago, that in this life,
I need my one and only you
I love you so
I love you so, my kindred spirit
That without your love
I would just fade away
You often cheated on me
With men or without
In my heart you left
A bleeding incision
I love you so
I love you so, my kindred spirit
That without your love
I would just fade away
You didn't understand me
And burned all the bridges
And one day you said
That you didn't love me!
I love you so
I love you so, my kindred spirit
That without your love
I would just fade away

Come on, Everybody

You all came down here to keep having a good time,
And even to dance, if lucky enough,
And, you see, my song, is like bird, way up high,
Flying through the air and roaring in a huff.
Come on, everybody!
Bitches, shake your asses for me!
Come on, everybody!
Bitches, shake your asses for me!
Gotta drink some beers, your throat is drying up now,
Your throat is drying up now, like your soul can't stand,
Just as well we're buddies, don't just bum around now,
Don't just bum around now, here, take my hand!


Today I came around drunk off my arse,
And you told me - your patience won't last,
Yes, you told me, you can't be with me,
And you told me, I'm just an alkie.
Then you told me you're leaving forever!
Like I care, off you go, I'm agent 007.
Today I came around drunk off my arse,
And you told me - your patience won't last,
Yes, you told me, you don't love me one bit,
And you told me, I'm just like a pig.
Then you told me you're leaving once more,
Like I care, off you go, got a bottle in my drawer!


All of these conversations: -
So, how are things today, Apparently, the weather was nice yesterday,
Our new president's obsessed with martial arts,
Bills are gonna rise now, they said in a newscast.
But I won't celebrate no birthdays, no not one!
Everything's fucked now! It's fucked, fuck off, cunt!
Everything's fucked!
All of these songs about some lucky bride,
Going in my ears like two hundred times,
And still, this Zemfira what's-her-name,
Doing my fucking head in, night and day.
But I won't celebrate no birthdays, no not one!
Everything's fucked now! It's fucked, fuck off, cunt!

Towns by the sea

All that towns by the sea
All that towers old
All that ports and boats
All that nets and wood boxes
Are always home to my heart
They are a song of the sea that lasts
With their beauty they carry me
To some old times
While for love always begs
My sailor hands
Like a sky after rain
When you hurting me little bit less
I see how they are standing
My towns by the sea
All that towns in the sun
All that old steeples
All that houses and taverns
All that old stairs
Are forever home to my heart
They are a song of the sea that lasts


Somewhere inside, in all of us,
There is an infinite cosmos,
In order to fly, you need a rocket,
If you haven't got rollies, spark up a straight.*
If you want love, then take it - here you go,
The springtime girls are at the window,
But astronauts never go to the doctor,
You like women, I just sit and wank.

I'm Your Cowboy

Playboy in pocket, and covered in tattoos
When I dance, I only dance with you,
When I dance, I only dance with you,
You're my horse, and I'm your cowboy too.
I'm your cowboy!
Wearing my sunglasses, day and night too,
I wanna take you and dance up on the moon,
When I dance, I only dance with you,
You're my horse, and I'm your cowboy too.
Your cowboy!
Yes I know, yes I know,
Love shines under the moon,
Yes I know, your are mine,
You're my horse, and I'm your cowboy too.
Your cowboy...

Blood Type

'Kino' is blasting out the record player,
You tell me: 'turn it off, this is shit!'
You're tired of all that rubbish,
Shut your mouth, it's my favourite song!
Oh, my blood type,
On my sleeve.
Oh, my blood type,
On my sleeve.
If you could keep quiet just for five minutes,
Or wish me luck in battle,
'Blood Type' is my favourite song,
And when I'm feeling bad, I always sing it.
Oh, my blood type,
On my sleeve.
Oh, my blood type,
On my sleeve.
'Kino' is blasting out the record player,
You tell me: 'turn it off, this is shit!'
You're tired of all that rubbish,
Shut your mouth, it's my favourite song!
Oh, my blood type,
On my sleeve.
Oh, my blood type,
On my sleeve.

In St. Petersburg you drink!

Versions: #2
We've got many cities here in Russia
But not as many toes on our feet
Every year it all gets more and more beautiful
Everyone's swimming in the sun and snow.
There's great hashish in Rostov
Comes in big stamp-sized pieces
Cocaine's pretty lit in Moscow
Chelyabinsk's perfect for getting high.
But in St. Petersburg you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! [x4]
Let me tell you, I've really been around
Plenty of stuff to remember, plenty to forget.
I even got all the way to Yamal
and saw something impossible there.
There's great hashish in Rost––
(music interrupted by car crashing into cop)
...There's great hashish in Rostov
Comes in big stamp-sized pieces.
Cocaine's pretty lit in Moscow
Chelyabinsk's perfect for getting high.
But in St. Petersburg you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! It just wasn't meant to work out!
But despite everything, despite looking like I don't give a fuck,
Deep in my heart I love my country
This song's basically all about tourism
And I'm singing it for tourists.
There's great hashish in Rostov
Comes in big stamp-sized pieces.
Cocaine's pretty lit in Moscow
Chelyabinsk's perfect for getting high.
But in St. Petersburg you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! It just wasn't meant to work out!
In St. Petersburg you drink! [x4]
There's great hashish in Rostov
Comes in big stamp-sized pieces.
Cocaine's pretty lit in Moscow
Chelyabinsk's perfect for getting high.
But in St. Petersburg, you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! In St. Petersburg you drink!
In St. Petersburg you drink! It just wasn't meant to work out!
- Dude!
It just wasn't meant to work out!
In St. Petersburg you drink! [x4]

A new Tomorrow

It is sweet to reminisce
The memories past
It feels like yesterday when we we're dreaming
For the passing of time
We're shaped by the seasons
We stood tall
Against the challenges
Farewell my friends, teachers and classmates
I'll carry with me the memories of our yesterdays
Our small dreams
I pray to the Lord
Pray our new tomorrow
We will succeed
This is now the time
That we have to part
To take our paths
To our tomorrow
Even if it pains me
To leave the past
But due to our small dreams
We need to go on
Farewell my friends, teachers and classmates
I'll carry with me the memories of our yesterdays
Our small dreams
I pray to the Lord
Pray our new tomorrow
We will...
Farewell my friends, teachers and classmates
I'll carry with me the memories of our yesterdays
Our small dreams
I pray to the Lord
Pray our new tomorrow
We will succeed

Scone Cha-Cha-Cha

Yesterday afternoon, an agonizing feeling tormented me
I felt a desire for something delicious
I'd been thinking about him1 for weeks
I saw him and I was left speechless
I looked at him and he winked at me like a big teenager
I felt that if he was mine, I wouldn't complain anymore
So the moment came and I seized it
I grabbed him and bit into him
Scones are so good-cha-cha-cha2
Scones cha-cha-cha
Scones cha-cha-cha
They're better than a man's blather when he says he loves you
While he looks at me, he beckons to another woman
This is how it always goes
Because all men are fickle
Cha-cha-cha they're all talk and no cider
I don't care about alcohol, it doesn't make me happy at the least
I don't need neither champagne nor brandy
You can give me a hundred cakes with mousse on top
My heart stays rock hard
Only scones turn me on
It's okay if there's butter on its head3 and cheese in the middle
That's how I like it
But still, the biggest pleasure is
If there is a good amount of cracklings inside
Scones are so good-cha-cha-cha
Scones cha-cha-cha
Scones cha-cha-cha
They're better than a man's blather when he says he loves you
While he looks at me, he beckons to another woman
This is how it always goes
Because all men are fickle
Cha-cha-cha they're all talk and no cider
I don't care about alcohol, it doesn't make me happy at the least
I don't need neither champagne nor brandy
You can give me a hundred cakes with mousse on top
My heart stays rock hard
Only scones turn me on
It's okay if there's butter on its head and cheese in the middle
That's how I like it
But still, the biggest pleasure is
If there is a good amount of cracklings inside
  • 1. Hungarian has no gender-specific pronouns, so this (and the rest of the 'he''s in the first two verses) could also be 'it' - the beginning plays on this ambiguity
  • 2. Pogácsa is a Hungarian cheese patty which does not have a direct equivalent in English, but it's similar to a scone. Also, since it ends with '-csa', it lends itself well to wordplay combining it and cha-cha-cha.
  • 3. Hungarian idiom meaning 'to be guilty', but the literal meaning is more important here


Under the train carriage,the wheels keep banging on,
Half of my life I've wasted,
My train arrived to the platform,
My beloved on it.
Stands and cries , and not believing no more,
That fate brought us together again,
Hey, conductor, open all the doors,
Let the bells ring,
Hey, conductor, open all the doors,
Let the bells ring.
You've loved this song so much,
On the guitar I've played for you,
And that's when I was young,
With wrong company I got involved,
And now you're crying on the platform,
All this time, you have waited for me,
Hey, conductor, open all the doors,
Let the bells ring,
Hey, conductor, open all the doors,
Let the bells ring,
And here you're crying and not believing no more,
All this time, you have waited for me,
Hey, conductor, open all the doors,
Let the bells ring,
Hey, conductor, open all the doors,
Let the bells ring,
Bells, bells, bells, bells...


I've no money and no thoughts
I've only my cock in work
It does really need some warmth
Wish somebody come across
Hey, where are you slutty?
Come and help the buddy...
I am not a hero, well
I am a fucking moron
I am rich and famous, but
I'm not a half colonel
Hey, where are you slutty?
Come and help the buddy...


I was in Paris yesterday
It seemed like a sale
I looked at the prices closely
They were even higher
I'm paying and crying, I'm paying and crying!
I'm paying and crying, I'm paying and crying!
I can't do otherwise, I'm paying and crying!
I'm paying and crying! Paying and crying!
Paying and crying!
Paying and crying!
Thirty, forty, a thousand for a purse
And four hundred for a coat
The saleslady looks dryly
And doesn't pity any of us
I'm paying and crying, I'm paying and crying!
I'm paying and crying, I'm paying and crying!
I can't do otherwise, I'm paying and crying!
I'm paying and crying! Paying and crying!
Paying and crying!
Paying and crying!
If you want to live - learn to turn away,
Such is the fate of a woman.
They broke my heart,
And disrupted my biology.
I'm paying and crying, I'm paying and crying!
I'm paying and crying, I'm paying and crying!
I can't do otherwise, I'm paying and crying!
I'm paying and crying! Paying and crying!
Paying and crying!
Paying and crying!
Paying and crying!

Second Grade

At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
Pulling on my chains again cause time flowing fast
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
I only chased my dreams but now I’m setting the stage on fire
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
Nothing’s really changed baby, it’s my second year of kpop
I’m still 181 baby, only my heart grew taller
I’m the first in my class baby, I even got the rookie award
Going around the halls, I even get greeted by new juniors
I think I know what’s going on now, rehearsals going smoothly
I have juniors a year below me and I think I’m doing well now
Ahh, shit but I see seniors five and six years above
(Hello!) Now I realize, I’m still far away
Teachers didn’t give pressure last year
Saying that I’m just a rookie and that it’s okay
They sat me down and taught me how cold the world is
With a few subjects
Bias, negative comments, double standards, smack talk and disinterest
Teacher, do we have tests for this too?
If I get first place, will I be a successful artist?
That’s good too but I wanna do music
I’ll just do what I want for now so leave me alone
Work it out work it out 24 hours
Burn it up burn it up, burn up every moment
Put back your worries
Even after a year, we live for today
At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
Pulling on my chains again cause time flowing fast
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
I only chased my dreams but now I’m setting the stage on fire
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
I’m already in my second year (oh no)
At the blink of an eye, time is so fast (go go)
Work hard play hard right
A year passed like a miracle bye
But what to do? I’m getting worried
I might be a bit more comfortable but there’s still so much to learn
Every time I get a break, the teacher keeps nagging
“You need to take the test!”
What do you mean test
Teacher, we are human too
Just nod along, nod
Let’s push everything back today and go tease the juniors
I’ll go to the PC cafe today, I can’t sleep
Work it out work it out 24 hours
Burn it up burn it up, burn up every moment
Put back your worries
Even after a year, we live for today
At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
Pulling on my chains again cause time flowing fast
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
I only chased my dreams but now I’m setting the stage on fire
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
A second year rapper, put a score on him
Fortunately, I put up a good defense
I’m still a child, I kept running but am only in my second year
Like Gulliver traveling between strangeness and reality
I don’t care about others, I’ll just go with the flow
Bring all the losers with bias to me
Looking back makes my blood dry up
Shut up, I’m in my second year, the starting point of a new era
Hide carefully or else you’ll see past my tricks
Whether you’re a senior or junior or teacher, get the out
At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
Pulling on my chains again cause time flowing fast
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
At the blink of an eye, I went to grade 2
I only chased my dreams but now I’m setting the stage on fire
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it
(Still everyday) Bang it bang it, bang it bang it