Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 10

Találatok száma: 309


Ez a ferfi szeret teged

Latod itt ezt a ferfit, ez a ferfi szeret teged,
Igen szeretlek, aki igy nez rad mint en
Mikor mosolyogsz latom, hogy mi egymast nagyon jol
Hogyan tudom megmutatni neked, hogy boldog vagyok, hogy megismertelek
Merthogy hallottam szobeszedet hogy talan tetszem neked
Itt ez a ferfi szerelmes, es mit meg nem tenne, hogy enyem legy
Mond meg most, hogy ugy van-e, ne legyek en a legutolso aki
Remegnek a kezeim, ne hagyd, hogy a szivem ujra s ujra
megszakadjon mert
Szuksegem van a szerelmedre, akarom a szerelmedet,
Mond hogy te is szeretsz s az enyem leszel, ha nem
akkor egyszeruen meghalok
Mond meg most, hogy igy van-e, ne legyek en a legutolso aki
Remegnek a kezeim ne hagyd, hogy a szivem ujra s ujra
megszakadjon mert
Szuksegem van a szerelmedre, akarom a szerelmedet,
Mond hogy te is szeretsz s az enyem leszel, ha nem
akkor egyszeruen meghalok

Your Cologne is Still...

Your cologne is still more loyal than you are
it keeps asking about me every moment instead of you
it still reminds me of you
and takes me to our place over there
this picture is still in my heart
like before. And how could you
leave me like this, and I can't be without you
and I remain alone, not forgetting you
you lead my heart astray and forgot my love
and my heart and mind remain with you
Your cologne is still more loyal than you are
it keeps asking about me every moment instead of you
it's still good, can't hate
it still calls your name
I don't know how come it loves you
and you're not the same as before
you're unfair, you've forgotten the promises
you've become hopeless
do you think I'd forget? No, I won't, and if I do, God is there
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها



In a fjord at Møre,
A faeringseal layed ready,
A big guy sit by the oar,
And row between islands and waves.
And Earl Ragnvald he said,
My son is embarking now,
You will travel long alone,
Whether the king obtain peace or not.
And it was Rolv Gangar,
He row toward his ships,
They travelled to the celtic beaches,
His journey was around those lands.
They embark out on the ocean,
Until the wind took them towards land,
A headland without islets and fjords,
They called that land Brittany
And Rolv he rose in rank,
But the foothold in marquess took him,
The folk who learned to know him,
They called him Rollon le Marchant.
And Rolv he went on,
He went north in the land,
A greeneyed maiden he met,
And in Normandy they are now.
Then they met the king of the franks
If you want to stay in the land
Shall you and yours have the land
Sovereignty forever.

Sea Journey

Row out to get wind in the sails, now,
The knarr breaks the blue-green waves,
Far east in strait and fjord lay Tunsberg castle and town,
Journey out towards the west, towards sky, sea and cloud.
Those seahorses three are ready with crews aboard,
The wind takes hold and sails are ridden,
By the rudder guiding the ship, Ragnvald stands ready,
He steers by stars, streams and the ocean's currents.
And when we are down south in Norway's long land,
We lay out from Eigersund harbour,
With course for the Orkney Isles, and all the men are excited,
When those homely beaches behind great waves disappeared.
Then says Ragnvald Helmsman to listen closely now,
What warmth have those that are in the sea,
There under rides the keel, in the deep there is sung,
Of that life that lives in the sea, like ships in a harbour.

The Washing Song

(Listen to me)
Get closer to the tub, bend over forward
Pull up your sleeves above your elbows
Scoop up some water and wash up your face
And go brr brrr brrr brr
Take the soap, and with no cheating
Make a lot of foam, way over your eyebrows
And again scoop up water with both of your palms
And go brr brr brr
Dip and soak without looking away
Squirt, splash all over the tub
It might be a bit cold, and maybe a little wet
But when you're done you'll feel very nice
So don't be lazy, 'cause this is an important issue
For your health, we'll do it again and again
It sickens me to hear you go 'brr brr brrr!'
Heh! Soon enough she'll braid you
Pink ribbons at the tip of your beards,
And squirt all over you this liquid called... perfume! Ha!)
(You look just like water lilies.
We'll see you can force me to wash, if I don't want to.)
(We'll see if he won't wash, we'll make him...)
[The dwarfs force him to wash]
Scrub hard, even if he doesn't want to
Because surely in the end he'll be pleased
It'll only do good for the soul and the body
The brrr brrr brr

The Sea of Thrills

What threw me
onto you, oh sea of thrills?
Your words are a sultan
And the glance is a sign
My God shaped
and created you, glory to Him
Your expressions are soft and rosy
And your words are sweet
I found you to be a mysterious sea with all your depth
You are the star of love
flying off its orbit
And you are the first rain
that brought me greenery
You are a moon lighting the night for all people staying up
Whenever you go
You belong in the lead
Oh, you are a sea of passion
If a sailor visits you
They wouldn't get past the shore
nor be able to touch your oysters.
Your fervent heart
Warmed me with its fire
Oh, your coldness is sweet
And your heat is pure
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Queen Ellisiv

In the east, far to the north
In Novgorod, in the realm of the Rus1
In Novgorod, in the realm of the Rus
Jaroslav was a great lord
Jaroslav was the great lord
In the stronghold Almanrik, he lives
Daughters he had five of
Ellisiv was one of them
Queen ellisiv was she
Jaroslav was her father
Her betrothed king Harald
From the realm of Norway
Ellisiv was beautiful
Bore the finest clothes in the realm
She was oldest of five siblings
Her father put her on display
Skillful and tall, brave on horseback
All were called to feast in the castle hall
Suitors made their bids
Many wanted her for a bride
To Novgorod, a journey from the south
Dignified men and horses with adornment
Harald of Norway in full armour
From Constantinople came chests of gold2
Harald Hardråde became king
Took Ellisiv to Norway
Harald gave her a queens name
Lord Jaroslav approved of this
Novgorod, great in might
Meeting place of kingly splendour
Meeting place of kingly splendour
In medieval rejoicing and garments
Rejoicing and garments from near and far
Merchants gathered themselves there
Many wears from the east
Exchanged for silver from the north
  • 1. 'Garðaríki' was the Norse name for the lands inhabited by the Rus
  • 2. 'Miklagarðr' was the Norse name for Constantinople (modern Istanbul)

Towards aokigahara

Once again, the disgusting monotony of disappointment
Reminds me of the absolute hopelessness
In my continuous efforts
to find a place on this earth
To escape in a desperate attempt to find an inner calm again
Is just a temporary solution
to a unsolvable problem
My sorrow will never let me free
I was born December 1983
And I died December 2017
I was born December 1983
I was born December 1983
And I died December 2017
Towards aokigahara
Towards aokigahara
Towards aokigahara
Intensive and immense overwhelming life suffering
In it's absolutely most complete form, reminds me
And kills me slowly but methodically, without a thought to
Release me, set me free from its nightmarish violence.
Intensive and immense overwhelming life suffering
In it's absolutely most complete form

Good Morning to You

Good morning to you, my friend
Believe me, I'm in love with you
You're the reason for my sleeplessness and humiliation
I've been waiting for you since the break of dawn
Good morning to you
Good morning to you
Good morning to you, my friend.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

a night of love

a night of love by your side I shall stay awake through it
I'd reach for a star in the sky if you want me to
a night of love by your side I shall stay awake through it
I'd reach for a star in the sky if you want me to
I love you until the last day of my life
I'm responsible for every word I'm saying
how lucky I am to have you
I see myself in you, darling
and when I'm not saying 'I love you'
it means I'm saying it in my mind
hydrate 1me with love, hydrate me
take me to wherever you want to take me to
I want to erase my name for you
and you name me as you like
and you name me as you like
my dream is to draw your face on the moon, my love
and teach the stars to write 'I love you'
my dream is to draw your face on the moon, my love
and teach the stars to write 'I love you'
I love you until the last day of my life
I'm responsible for every word I'm saying
how lucky I am to have you
I see myself in you, darling
and when I'm not saying 'I love you'
it means I'm saying it in my mind
hydrate me with love, hydrate me
take me to wherever you want to take me to
I want to erase my name for you
and you name me as you like
and you name me as you like
  • 1. he's asking her to give him love like a drink. I'm not sure if there's a single word to describe making someone drink something. If anyone knows one, feel free to drop it by
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها


A banyan tree should have a raised floor

A banyan tree should have a raised floor,
and a temple nearby,
and a pond close by the tree1.
A banyan tree should have a raised floor,
and a temple nearby,
and a pond close by the tree.
A pond to bathe is required,
and red lotus in the pond,
and sandal paste to wear after the bath.
A banyan tree should have a raised floor,
and a temple nearby,
and a pond close by the tree.
A flower should have scent,
and a gentleman should have goodness,
A flower should have scent,
and a gentleman should have goodness,
And ladies should be discreet.
A land should have a king,
and ministers near him,
A land should have a king,
and ministers near him,
and subjects who benefit the land.
A banyan tree should have a raised floor,
and a temple nearby,
and a pond close by the tree.
  • 1. Can also mean a pond which goes well with the tree

She was walking down the street

She was walking down the street
the young girl with the beautiful dark eyes,
her face was like the moon
that lit up the boulevard.
I wanted to speak to her, but she insulted me,
because her father was near the station
and with her umbrella she stuck me
as a reply to my greeting.
Why my dear do you strike me?
when I love you dearly?
and if you want to show me your love
there's no need for winning each other over.
All night I will wait for you
even until dawn,
and every morning after
for the sake of our love...
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Oh From The Love

Oh from the love, and from the person who tastes the love
How much he suffers, how much he hurts, he sleeps and doesn't sleep, god's right
He changes me by a word, He makes me forget my name
On the wings of the air he sends 'hello' to me
How much he suffers, how much he hurts, he sleeps and doesn't sleep, god's right
And oh from the live, and from the person who tastes the love
How much he suffers, how much he hurts, he sleeps and doesn't sleep, god's right
I call him: my dear, make me come back alone
To let me in the nights, sleep for a short time
How much he suffers, how much he hurts, he sleeps and doesn't sleep, god's right
And oh from the love, and from the person who tastes the love
How much he suffers, how much he hurts, he sleeps and doesn't sleep, god's right
I hope you like and understand the translation that I did

When You're Present With Me

Elsa: Everyone wants a lovely gift, which is wrapped with a true heart feelings
Anna: Yes, an adorable present, which was gifted to me in my childhood
Elsa: I don't want to change this, as it's our own family
Anna: When you're present with me
All the paths are found
Elsa: When you're present with me
Doesn't matter whoever is found
Anna: All the dreams I've seen, I wish they will become true
Elsa: When you're present with me
The most special gift is you
Both: Doesn't matter that the journey is about miles or
If there will be problems
I'll come in seconds
If you'll call me
Elsa: When you're present with me
Anna: You're present with me
Elsa: The ways started moving towards home
Elsa: When you're present with me
Anna: You're present with me
Elsa: Then there'll be no fear, no pressure
Anna: There'll be no pressure
Both: Doesn't matter where we/me-you are
Castle or streets
Elsa: When you're present with me
The life laughs with us
Both: When you're present with me
Elsa: There'll Christmas every day and night
When you're present with me
Both: Then we talk with stars
Elsa: Doesn't matter if the bell will not be ringed everywhere
Anna: Bell will not be ringed everywhere
Both: The actual festival is...
Elsa: When you're present with me
Both: The beauty arrives
When you're with me
Olaf + All: The real Christmas begins from now

Karna theme

Versions: #2
Suto va suta putro vayo ,vakova Bhavamyaham... - [ Though am from suta caste but my valour and bravery has nothing to do with it , i'll prove myself with my supernatural skills and abilities ]
Daiva yettam kule janme bhadyastam - ( one who is Superior among Gods too ,Was abandoned after being born in a royal Caste )
tu-paurusham,paurusham - [ full of positive energy]
Suryaputra karna ,parshurama shishyah karna ( Son of sun god ,disciple of lord parshurama )


I can't separate myself from you, under my skin I hold you
Do you say it's my fault?
When someone loves you with his whole heart and blood, eternity is too little, come to see each other again...
Where you left me, next you used to live në today you don't even how I'm.
You forgot how we used to touch, how much we loved.
Do you know? Like a lost boat in the sea today I'm without you, because I don't have you...
Love haram haram
Love haram haram
My heart wants, even if it's wrong...
My eyes can't see anymore
Clear, because tears don't allow me
This is how you used to love me?
When someone loves you with his whole heart and blood, eternity is too little, come to see each other again...
Where you left me, next you used to live në today you don't even how I'm.
You forgot how we used to touch, how much we loved.
Do you know? Like a lost boat in the sea today I'm without you, because I don't have you...
Love haram haram
Love haram haram
My heart wants, even if it's wrong...


Oh money, you rands and dollars
What are you doing to me?
We kill each other over you
Money, money!
Cause of sin
We kill each other over you
I am chasing my dream
Oh money, money
I am separated from my family
Oh money, money
Politicians and in church
They fight over you
You tempted me as well, money
You did not succeed, oh money
Money, money!
Cause of sin
We kill each other over you
Money, money, money
We kill each other over you

White dream

A white dream entered inside me
My eyes starts to see darkness
My all senses slowly walks and comes to me
and says something
Oh girl..
Before my eyes is an angel
Big pain in all over my body
After talking everything, still it searches
for words to talk
So with nothing to talk, nothing to ask
it still continues
Oh girl..
Before my eyes is an angel
Big pain in all over my body
A white dream entered inside me
My eyes starts to see darkness
My all senses slowly walks and comes to me
and says something
In the mesmerizing looks, even when the way is lost
still the journey continues
In your magical smile, my mind mesmerized and
heaven is seen
A new rain drenched me
What's the trick of getting sweat only in chest?
Daily this rain, as it drench me
What's the fairness fully inside my heart?
In between two hands, it feels good
The words that you swallow becomes heavier
in my ear edges
Before my eyes is an angel
Big pain in all over my body
Because of your breath's touch on my skin,
the skin hair gets goosebumps
In your body warmth, my lips let loose
some kisses
Oh girl..
A white dream entered inside me
My eyes starts to see darkness
My all senses slowly walks and comes to me
and says something
Oh girl oh girl oh girl oh girl


All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
Lovely and you know yourself, you stole my heart with your beauty
Where your shadow will be, I wanna be
I wanna be there
All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
If I didn't gave you the green light, crazy man
How would you steal my hearts with your two eyes
I gave my lovely heart
I won't let you leave my heart
I won't let you
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
I loved you and your love possessed my heart, a thief but for me an angel
All the story is about my heart's robbery
You make it and hide it
What would let me do with you
I loved you but you're a thief


Versions: #1#2#3
Should not be revealed to anyone what's between you and me
As long as our glances are our way of communication
Listen carefully! I communicate with my lips closed
Reply me with a glance which is the way of communication between you and me
It's been a while and none has witnessed a man in love
Now the world is looking closely at you and me
Although none could unveil our secret love
Still the song of our love has reached everywhere

Beyond the Boundary

Solitude soaks, and soaks my cheeks,
But the presence of dawn quietly rises,
Inviting me up, into the sky.
Hope awaits me in the distance, that's right - I'm on my way!
Even while being lost myself, I set off on a journey looking for you.
But knowing you passed me by, you touched my hand, haven't you?
I'll catch you, and never let go!
The fact that our hearts are seeking one another, proves our dreams are real.
Every time we accept each other, I grow more and more fond of you.
I don't need any more sorrowful days..
Accepting each other, we'll surely, surely
Open our eyes to the joys in life.
The love that came to be, gives out the sound of soft scattering feathers.
I don't want to hurt it, but I don't intend on letting it go, either.
So catch me, as many times as it takes!
The fate that has brought us together, crosses over time amidst a dream..
And as I'm being torn off by this pain, my heart calls for you.
I don't need any more contentless days..
Being torn off by this pain, we'll surely, surely
See what the joys in life are.
Solitude soaks, and soaks my cheeks,
But the presence of dawn quietly rises,
Inviting me up, into the sky.
Hope awaits me in the distance - it should be waiting!
Every time we accept each other, I grow more and more fond of you.
I don't need any more sorrowful days..
Accepting each other, the joys in life will
Surely, surely, start warming up..
And as I'm being torn off by this pain, my heart calls for you.
I don't need any more contentless days..
Being torn off by this pain, we'll surely, surely
Warm up the joys in life, and we'll surely, surely, make them our own.
Solitude falls down my cheeks..
Even while being lost myself, I've found you..