Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 151


Heads or tails

Today it's raining
in the valley
and Roncocesi1 is far back by now
I come home
like the dogs
to savage
the kites
Heads or tails
time passes
short pants2, and then
in a moment
and a tear
worth half a dime
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Where might you be,
my home,
how might you be,
my life
Oh, no no no
floating in the air
and you turn away
like flwers
oh, no no no
like feathers in the air
taken away, we are alone
Na na
Naina, na na
Na na
Naina, na na
'If you make him cry'
Air, we are air
in the air
only air
'And don't make him cry'
heads or tails
I quietly come back
'cause what I'm looking form by now
it's already far.
  • 1. Zucchero's hometown
  • 2. traditionally, short pants are for kids, while a boy wearing trousers signifies he has reached adulthood

Never Go Out With You Again

Never again—I will never go out with you again
now that I see you as you really are.
I will remember that you were everything to me
but nothing more for you—do you know why?
I will never go out with you again—
I will never go out with you again.
I don't know if I will ever run into you again
now that all is over is between us.
But you can't destroy me
because I will be nothing more to you—
I will never go out with you again—
I will never go out with you again.
But if you still run into me, remember that
I'm not the same to you anymore
and never speak of the love between us—
it is all over.
Never again—I will never go out with you again
now that I see you as you really are.
I will remember that you were everything to me
but nothing more for you—do you know why?
I will never go out with you again—
I will never go out with you again—
I will never go out with you again—
I will never go out with you again—
I will never go out with you again—
I will never go out with you again ...


A testem és a
Fejem körbe
Forog, hogy
Érzed magad most?
Pont olyanok vagyunk
Mint a mágnesek
Átöleljük és
Ellökjük egymást
Megőrülök tőled
És nem tudom összeszedni magam
Igen, bárcsak tudnád
Mennyire elvesztem a fejem tőled
Táncra kényszerítesz és
Ital nélkül berúgok
Igen, bárcsak tudnád
Milyen rossz kislány leszek tőled
Ebben a mi
Te voltál az igazi hős, bébi
Igen, amilyen mindig vagy
Mint egy nagyszerű hős
Csak légy ugyanolyan, mint eddig
Még ha a rosszfiút is kell játszanod
Még ha ez elszomorít is engem
Önmagadnak kell lenned
Még ha ez fáj is nekem
És ez egy szomorú befejezés
A műsornak folytatódnia kell
A műsornak folytatódnia kell
Minden próbálod meglátni a keserű véget
És elfedni az egészet
Miért adsz nekem szárnyakat
És kérsz meg, hogy zuhanjak?
Mindig azt mondtad nekem, 'jó kislány'
És kényszerítettél, hogy nyeljem vissza könnyeimet
Igen, bárcsak tudnád, bárcsak tudnád
Hogy elszédítettél
Ebben a mi
Te voltál az igazi hős, bébi
Igen, amilyen mindig vagy
Mint egy nagyszerű hős
Csak légy ugyanolyan, mint eddig
Még ha a rosszfiút is kell játszanod
Még ha ez elszomorít is engem
Önmagadnak kell lenned
Még ha ez fáj is nekem
És ez egy szomorú befejezés
A műsornak folytatódnia kell
A műsornak folytatódnia kell
Csak légy ugyanolyan, mint eddig
Még ha a rosszfiút is kell játszanod
Még ha ez elszomorít is engem
Önmagadnak kell lenned
Még ha ez fáj is nekem
És ez egy szomorú befejezés
A műsornak folytatódnia kell
A műsornak folytatódnia kell
Folytatódnia kell


I dreamt
That there are still good people out there
I was searching
But I lost their trace
I was yearning
That with the sun
rises a better day
I prayed
A better tomorrow is waiting for us
It's a good plan
When I look inside me
I know for sure
That on the other side
Of the horizon lives the dream
You don't owe to give
anything to the world
You're only a man
When you can love
Like a hero, like a hero
Mine and yours, love is our hero
Like a hero, like a hero
Mine and yours, love is our hero
You don't owe to give
anything to the world
You're only a man
When you can love
Like a hero, like a hero
Mine and yours, love is our hero
Like a hero, like a hero
Mine and yours, love is our hero

Az önzetlen hős

Nem látom, hogy honnan jössz,
De azt látom, hogy mi elől futsz.
És nem az számít, hogy 'ki a legrosszabb', hanem az,
Hogy ki kap majd el, ha zuhansz.
És most úgy érzed, mintha lennének érzéseid.
Azért csinálsz mindent, hogy a tömeget boldoggá tedd.
De én így szeretlek téged,
És szenvedek,de nem fordulok ellened, mert
Ez nem a hősöknek való hely.
Ez nem a jobb embereknek való hely.
Ez nem az a hely, amit a hősök
Otthonnak neveznek.
Ez nem a hősöknek való hely.
Ez nem a jobb embereknek való hely.
Ez nem az a hely, amit a hősök
Otthonnak neveznek.
Mindig, amikor lehunyom a szemem, gondolkodom.
Rád gondolok.
És az anyád már feladta, hogy azt kérdezze, miért-
Miért hazudsz, miért csalsz és miért próbálsz
Hülyét csinálni belőle...
Nem látom, hogy honnan jössz,
De azt látom, hogy mi elől futsz.
És nem az számít, hogy 'ki a legrosszabb', hanem az,
Hogy ki kap majd el, ha zuhansz.
Ez nem a hősöknek való hely.
Ez nem a jobb embereknek való hely.
Ez nem az a hely, amit a hősök
Otthonnak neveznek.

I Want to Become a Hero

Braving every danger
I discover a new world
Nothing can stop me
Deep down within myself the desire rumble
There is so much to learn
So many battles to give
I will know how to defend myself
To at last be able to triumph
It is high time to set off again
And I will do anything to succeed!
I want to become a hero (hero)
Pokémon Advanced (Pokémon Advanced)
I want to become a hero (hero)
My dreams belong to me
Future will decide
If there is a hero dormant in me
I want to become a hero

It Is You

If I had to choose between what I have,
If I had to say the most beautiful thing I have inside,
Although there are days that next to you I break,
Although there are things about you I still don't understand.
If I had to say what is it, It is you.
If I had to focus my feelings,
Put them inside a seed and plant it and give it in your pot,
I would need nothing else to be happy,
Everything would be so great and so perfect,
If I had to say what Is it, It is you.
Although sometimes there are paths, you know,
Secondarys with no clog, there are toll motorways,
And you come before, and everything turns out worthless,
Without strong bedrocks the structure is weak.
Although sometimes there are paths, you know,
Secondarys with no clog, there are toll motorways,
And you come before, and everything turns out worthless,
Without strong bedrocks the structure falls down.
I'm going to buy the best cement, and the best formwork
It will be the one that keeps on holding this song's structure
From now to a hundred years, as long as I live
Colorful flowers in the prettiest house.
For them to knock at my door, so they will know it is true,
That this life turns back what you give,
And let's make the time pass by, while you laugh
There won't be shame in this world that could make my happiness overshadow,
Than you... It is you.
If I could give you what I have,
And ask to you what I cannot seem to give you, and hand you my time,
Than although this life Is made by two days let's take it slow,
Enjoying every second, every moment,
If I had to say what Is it, It Is you.
Although sometimes there are paths, you know,
Secondarys with no clog, there are toll motorways,
And you come before, and everything turns out worthless,
Without strong bedrocks the structure is weak.
Although sometimes there are paths, you know,
Secondarys with no clog, there are toll motorways,
And you come before, and everything turns out worthless,
Without strong bedrocks the structure falls down.
I'm going to buy the best cement, and the best formwork
It will be the one that keeps on holding this song's structure
From now to a hundred years, as long as I live
Colorful flowers in the prettiest house.
For them to knock at my door, so they will know it is true,
That this life turns back what you give,
And let's make the time pass by, because while you laugh
There won't be shame in this world that could make my happiness, overshadow,
Than you... It is you.
Translation by: Melanie Estrella

Áruló Istenek

Csendes a Vidék... A Vihar Előtt!
A hó végeláthatatlan mezőin erősen fúj a szél
Dermesztő hidegségével és hajthatatlan érintésével
egy halott és üres jégföldet hagy hátra
Átláttam a farkas szemein
és éreztem minden fájdalmát és magányát
A csodás vidék megnyílt szemeim előtt
és vadul, mint egy bestia, elszaladtam az éjszakába
Az Üvöltő Szél Hívása
Tombol az Észak Birodalmain
Jég Teremtmények Magasztosan Emelkednek az Égbe
És az Áruló Istenek Elbuknak
Az aláhulló havon keresztültekintve
nincs jele életnek
Kihúnyt a fény az idő örvényében
Nézd a villám arcát,
a vihar közeleg,
Ha a nevem szólítja az ég, nincs bennem félelem
Ők balszerencsét hoztak ránk, de szétzúzzuk a becsületüket
Olyan hidegen csörgedez a vérem, mint Észak patakjai
Sose hagyjuk nekik, hogy elvegyék lelkünket
Az üvöltő szél hívása tombol az észak birodalmain
Jég teremtmények magasztosan emelkednek az égbe
és az Áruló Istenek elbuknak
Időről Időre
Tanúja Vagyok egy Új Csillag Születésének
Megmászom a Legmagasabb Hegyeket
Hogy Megtaláljam egy Új Éra Esszenciáját

I will look for you

I will look for you, Stella
On every continent, Stella
Fall in the streets
Among the people
And I will go far, so far
Bringing a rose, a black one
To give to that star
You who lived far away
In deep space
And who saw from above
The cities of the world
You fell looking for
A normal night
With a little pain
A night of love
And that is why
I'm looking for you
I saw you already, Stella
That night in an airplane
I did not know I was close to you
While I was going away
You do not live far away
In deep space
But you are a woman
Like many in the world
There is nothing strange
But the mystery remains
Of a different night
But really different
And that is why
I'm looking for you
You do not live far away
In deep space
But you are a woman
Like many in the world
There is nothing strange
But the mystery remains
Of a different night
But really different
And that is why
For this, for this
That we are looking for eachother
You do not live far away
In deep space
But you are a woman
Like many in the world
There is nothing strange
But the mystery remains
Of a different night
But really different
And that is why
For this, for this
That we are looking for eachother


Sick Luke, Sick Luke
[Chorus: Samuel Heron]
I've got everything in my Napapijri, uh
I've got everything in my Napapijri, yah
Come by, I'm going to toke twice, I've got
Red vampire eyes
I've got everything in my Napapijri, uh
I've got everything in my Napapijri, yah
Come by, I'm going to toke twice, I've got
Red vampire eyes
[1st Verse: Samuel Heron]
Pay attention while walking, bro (watch out)
We smoke like chimneys
We're the children gang (ahah)
Going around like Bangladeshis
Going around, all naughty
Yellow gold in our canines
I send you kisses, take off that bikini
We fight war but with pillows (ehah)
You, bro, what are you doing? Nothing
You're just peeling tangerines, always
I'm invoicing, the din-dins go up (diin)
I eat a steak with boletes
I wear mocassins, light papyri
If I lose my head I'll ask Siri, bro
I put my suit inside my socks (ahah)
I put soy, bro, in the nigiri (ahah no)
[Chorus: Samuel Heron]
I've got everything in my Napapijri, uh
I've got everything in my Napapijri, yah
Come by, I'm going to toke twice, I've got
Red vampire eyes
I've got everything in my Napapijri, uh
I've got everything in my Napapijri, yah
Come by, I'm going to toke twice, I've got
Red vampire eyes
[2nd Verse: Wayne Santana]
I smoke and toke twice, ah
(I smoke and toke twice, let's get it)
I smoke and toke twice
I've got everything in my Napapijri
(Got everything in my Napapijri) For real
Got everything in my Napapijri (for real)
Got everything in my Napapijri (yah yah)
Bracelets, necklaces, earrings (bitch)
I've got everything in my Napapijri (for real)
Money in the pocket, got no receipts (yeah-no no)
I've got everything in my Napapijri (hey)
[3rd Verse: Pyrex]
I get candies out of the Napapijri (Prynce)
When I buy I never check price tags
I talk and you don't understand, like Donald Duck
I'm dancing like at Amici, Maria de Filippi
Choo choo choo, I'm like a train on the beat (choo choo)
I mean, me, the gang and Samuel just won the lottery
Bills over bills like Pringles
No one knows your sound, just like crocodiles
She likes my gold, she likes my style
I leave home, it looks like I won the lottery (hey)
DPG we crank out hits as if they were pizza
I look like Doraemon, I get anything out of my Napapijri
[Outro: Samuel Heron]
I've got everything in my Napapijri
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Bella ( it means beautiful literally but it's like Alright/hello/Yo here)

Give it to me that i take a shot(of sigarette of weed,here it is weed i guess), alright
I've seen your girl, beautiful
I've already the 3G,alright
Come here that i take a shot(prev. meaning) alright
I've seen your girl,beautiful
When I'm walking around you greet me, hello
I've destroyed just a little clubs (one or two sort of)
I roll it big like a kebab
Tap on the photo so it will show the tag
You can change your move,you are bothering with the dab
So fussy she studies at the 'Bicocca'
Put the photo of your ass that has the shape of a apricot
Nobody can touch my style, close your mouth
You have the t-shirt of fake supreme
It is too much hot, pull down the car window
Don't look at my phone when you are close to me
I act like a foolish,I send a heart to you
Come on guys, who took my lighter?
Give it to me that i take a shot(of sigarette of weed,here it is weed i guess), alright
I've seen your girl, beautiful
I've already the 3G,alright
Come here that i take a shot(prev. meaning) alright
I've seen your girl,beautiful
When I'm walking around you greet me, hello
I've smoked too much,I'm about to flash myself
I call Riko,let's go to flex
You can just svapare ( it 's to smoke an eletronic cigarette)
You wan't a beat of Samuel Heron but you don't know how to use it
Oh my god bro, what a hell
And you are wearing the make up too
You have just watched my instagram story
Even if you don't follow me auntie(it's like bro..for girls..) I've found out you
I told you I already know all
I've warm blood because I was born in July
I've a broken nose because I took a punch
Send me your position so that I will reach you
Give it to me that i take a shot(of sigarette of weed,here it is weed i guess), alright
I've seen your girl, beautiful
I've already the 3G,alright
Come here that i take a shot(prev. meaning) alright
I've seen your girl,beautiful
When I'm walking around you greet me, hello


Even today I don't hear you
Bro I prefer to avoid to come in the city
I've blue eyes,but you are distracted
And you never look into them
We are on different floors
I savage everything,fuck vegans
Don't go into the water after having eaten
Dont' get out of the stage before having spitted on it
Kisses kisses kisses
I remove some pebble from my huarache
Impolite,super rude
It is too much hot, radiator
I remain in the hole and i think maybe
Go away from everywhere and go to the baleari islands
I survive among the sharks
Now I think only on my business like Tina Cipollari
My girlfriend broke with me,but it's alright
My friend doesn't answer me,but it's alright
Outside it is too much hot,but it's alright
It's alright,it's alright
I've finished my money,but it's alright
There is nothing to smoke,but it's alright
Even if it doesn't seem, it is alright
It's alright,it's alright
Then you talk again with the Ex
bro you get back the pack again FedEx
I thought you were my brother
I will make you empty the sea with the bucket
*chugging chugging chugging* ( che palle meaning kinda)
In my belly i got madness ,no butterflies
The time here runs
You are more fake than the ass of Gracia De Torres
It' s better if I colldown a little bit
Let's do a party on the shore
At midnight she is half-naked
Leave that stupid 12 years old guy
He s dressed like the dummy of H&M
Let's hidden there then fichi fichi ( like havin sex)
I've a monkey on my shoulder, Rafiki
My girlfriend broke with me,but it's alright
My friend doesn't answer me,but it's alright
Outside it is too much hot,but it's alright
It's alright,it's alright
I've finished my money,but it's alright
There is nothing to smoke,but it's alright
Even if it doesn't seem, it is alright
It's alright,it's alright


Tegnap megmentettem a világot
Tudom, kicsit abszurdnak tűnik
De bízz bennem, hidd el minden szavam
Úgy repültem az égen, akár egy madár
Azt hiszem, lemaradtál az esti hírekről (a történet hőse)
Mintha még nem értetted volna meg
Mindent beleadtam, kockára tettem az életem
Csak hogy magam mellett tudhassalak
Azt hiszem, mindent megpróbáltam
De te nem hallasz semmit
Mi tegyek, hogy rám figyelj?
Nem bírom tovább
Azért küzdök, hogy a legjobbamat nyújtsam neked
Nem okozok csalódást, nem csaplak be
Tudom, álmodom, de végigviszem
Nem okozok csalódást, nem csaplak be
A hősöd akarok lenni, a te hősöd
A hősöd akarok lenni
Sosem hagylak cserben
Tudom, csak egy átlagos srác vagyok
De a szupererők mosolyt csalnak az arcodra
Szóval, hogy kerülhetnék közel hozzád?
Tényleg ez minden, amit szeretnék
Azért küzdök, hogy a legjobbamat nyújtsam neked
Nem okozok csalódást, nem csaplak be
Tudom, álmodom, de végigviszem
Nem okozok csalódást, nem csaplak be
A hősöd akarok lenni, a te hősöd
A hősöd akarok lenni
Mondd, hogy most rám van szükséged
A hősöd akarok lenni, a te hősöd
A hősöd akarok lenni
Sosem hagylak cserben
Azt hiszem, mindent megpróbáltam
De te nem hallasz semmit
Mi tegyek, hogy rám figyelj?
Nem bírom tovább
A hősöd akarok lenni, a te hősöd
A hősöd akarok lenni
Mondd, hogy most rám van szükséged
A hősöd akarok lenni, a te hősöd
A hősöd akarok lenni
Sosem hagylak cserben
(Hős, a hősöd) Ó, ne hagyj cserben soha
(A hősöd akarok lenni, a te hősöd)

The Iron Man

Oh, my Zeus!1
Herc is the best
He’s the hero of the month in the opinion polls
He can’t get enough of being the king of the show
Put him against a monster and you’ll see what a commotion!
He made a fortune starting from scratch
And now, he’s our iron arm!
He was a kid with a bald head
But today, he’s a star, a born leader
What a surprise! He’s shining bright!
When he smiles, the girls scream:
He’s on the lookout on every glass
On every vase!
He makes circus performances, modern and ancient
Where he wins a lot of money
He became the rich one from Greece
There’s no hero who can pocket more
Say Amen, Zeus is so brave
And still undefeated, bring out God is what makes him happy
He’s awesome while working his abs
What a bunch of muscles!
What a pair of pecs!
He doesn’t need improvement
Children and adults, everybody loves him
Strength, ideas, he has it all
Starting from scratch, a complete hero
The iron man, is there anything like it?
Who turns a fight into a party?
Who becomes stronger with each exploit?
He’s audacious, joking aside
But what a nose!
His own flavor
Oh, my Zeus, Herc is the best, invincible
For real, he’s such a good boy, so sensitive
He made a fortune starting from scratch
And now, he’s our iron arm
He got to the top!
Starting from scratch, now he’s made of iron
The iron man
Yes, indeed!
  • 1. The original lyrics are a play on words from the expression 'Déu n'hi do', which literally means 'God gives him'. I translated that by 'Oh, my Zeus!' in order to preserve the joke.

He's a Hero

Bless the guy Hercules
The guy who was loved in all of Greece
He has all the attention
He could defeat any monster at all
He was just normal (just normal)
Now he's great (He's a hero!)
A little kid with great energy
Used to be normal, now a hero
Was normal, now he's great!
His smile makes girls (go crazy!)
They paint him portraits - 'On flower vases!'
He had great sums of money
He had so much cash!
Now he's famous
He can do anything!
He's great,
He's in action
He couldn't have suspected!*
He's so perfect
People gathered to see him
His body is perfect and so handsome
Hercules came down
Everyone was so stunned
He showed strength
He used to be normal, now he's great
Was normal... and who is he?
Who is the gladiator? Hercules!
Who's as brave as theater? Hercules!
He's cool (he's brave)
He's sweet (everyone's idol!)
Hercules! Hercules!
Hercules! Hercules!
Hercules! Hercule!
Bless him, the hero
Always wins!
He's flying
The best guy
Was normal (normal, normal)
Now a hero (he's a hero!)
He reaches the sky
He used to be normal
He's a hero
He's a herooooooooo-
He is indeed!


How can I explain you what is like to be afraid of being happy,
If not even my friends understood that?
They tell me to keep calm when I need to,
They bring me some hot milk and blankets
And it's right when they're talking to me
That I'd want to scream: 'Thank you all, you can go now',
But I stay here
Watching a film
How can I explain you how patient I am?
Problem is I can't live without
Something that can oppress me,
That makes me realise that one day this life will be over,
Because my brain is really made of thorns1
And my heart is like a flower
In that it still believes in good
And doesn't know that its petals will fall off all at once,
In that moment it will want to just explode,
It will yell at me: 'Stop loving'
This is my cherophobia,
No, it's not negativity,
This is my cherophobia,
Happiness scares me,
But, you, stay here
How can I explain it, if no one understands you,
If nothing affects you,
Total indifference
For the astral form of evil,
We've built a special relationship
And I try to tell this in every song of mine
But people always think I'm talking about someone else:
'You're so pretty, you've got such a baby face, such a child voice...',
But that child grew up too fast
Between the walls of her bedroom
Where she started not feeling safe2
And everytime things work out,
I think I don't have the energy to bear it
And I look for every form of pain
Mixed with sweat and blood
And I feel like I can't breathe anymore,
Feel like my anxiety is getting stronger and stronger,
Let me out of this bloody room
This is my cherophobia,
No, it's not negativity,
This is my cherophobia,
Happiness scares me,
But, you, stay here
Tell you we'll be together,
Tell you we'll be fine,
Tell you this is how it's going to go,
Tell you we'll be together,
Tell you: 'I won't be fine'
My anxiety is coming at me
  • 1. Tricky line here. You can also interpret 'strafatto' with 'very high' as in on drugs, but both options don't make any sense to me.
  • 2. 'stare stretto' literally means 'be tight', but it's also used to say that something isn't for you and doesn't suit you.

Lucky girl

You have been lucky all your life
I am jealous of you because many love you
They all ask, want to be around you
To share the air you beautify
And you give life to everything
I think about you
I think about you all alone
Αt a military camp at a godforsaken place
I think about you
And I dream
That I see a tear for me in your eyes
Lucky girl, there's a word meaning loneliness
You don't know it, but I know it well
It makes the nights endless, it brings darkness
You want to cry, laugh, hit and kick
Bang your head on the wall but I...
I think about you
I always think about you
At a military camp at a godforsaken place
I think about you
And I dream
That I see a tear for me in your eyes (x2)

Peasant Christmas carol

¡Chacarera yaya huahuitackay!
Chacarera for the little child, God!
Hey, very beautiful!
Get deep into it!
Sacha mamas ckasamuni
maypichus nacerahuacka
nian mana churinanpa.
From the hill I am looking for
the birth of the child
and the light of that star
is indicating me the way.
Sachas sisastapa amuni
adorna purisinanpa
ñahuinki charikichuani
canchachi kutin kikin llata.
Just there!
I take the flower of the hill for you
to decorate his cot,
I already see his eyes shine
because the moon illuminates him.
And the missing one comes!
There it goes!
Mishtol, chañar, algarroba
sandia, melo, zapallo,
huachuska pesebre kipin
nacin kikin canta gallo.
Mishtol, chañar, carob
melon, watermelon, pumpkin
hung from his crèche,
he's been born, the cock already sings.
Apurana purisckani
horn kikispa sisasckan
and premiata papusckani
ckaypi huahuita cantascka.
I'm hurrying my step,
I'm cutting more flowers,
as a prize I'm taking
these little singing children for him.

Be a Hero! opening (Portuguese Portugal)

Searching for the solution
Be the best in the mission
You're destined for power and glory
You have everything in your hand
A new story will be told
Be a hero! Be a hero!
The power that you have is here
With courage, yes, you'll be a hero
The future of the world is in your hands

From zero to hero

Herc it is, he got grace
The fan group after him is endless now
His nonstop victories are unbeliavable
Monsters are on a strike, his power is boundless
He was nothing
That zero, zero
Now he's the boss
Like a hero
The dude's a ten, not a nine
And he rushed from zero to hero
He came from zero to hero
Come now to yell
'Ooh' and 'aah'
This face always sells
Now you can get some junk
When he has so much profit
Herc is a rich man now
Finally he's the most beautiful, the bravest
Always knowing everything about his wages
Amen hey, again he won
The young cutie knows no nights
Come already and see him
People pay from the man's excellent muscles
Hercules arrives, looks, wins
The audience is cheering, horns are played
As he wins with persistence
And from zero to hero, he's not afraid
From zero to hero, hooray-hey!
Who's the greatest of the greatest?
Did you hear, he's the coolest of the day?
The bravest, there's no other one
Sweet, there's no one like him
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
His nonstop victories are unbeliavable
He's bathing in them
He got it all
But still is not proud
He was nothing
Zero, zero
Now he's the boss
Like a hero
The audience stood up
And from zero to hero
That's what he is
Now he's a hero
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


I've got my baby, baby, baby (oh no no)
He's cute and solid (oh no no)
I didn't have ideals, he's really special
Me, his lady, will assume regardless
Will run to warm me up
Large enough to support me (oh no no)
Mister does not get confused
He surprises me every time
Even though you try to charm him, he won't move
We all need a superhero
The one that'll know how to pull me up
We all need a superhero
All the qualities, yes, no flaws
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
I'm not your man you're not my woman
I don't give a shit for groupies and I, I only want to knit
Emotions are like taxes, you shouldn't unveil everything
I know that love make you blind, so I'm afraid to lose myself
I know you dream of a beautiful life, see my son grow up
But will you be there when I'll take in 10 hits?
We have grown, we've known misery together, we'll die together
We'll end together
We all need a superhero
The one that'll know how to pull me up
We all need a superhero
All the qualities, yes, no flaws
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
Is your man in his place?
Why would you veil your face? (ouh)
I don't think so, nah! It's sad, right?
It makes you sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
When he goes around, around, around, around, around
I contain you, you rage, right (oh no no no)
You'll have to turn the page (oh no no no)
Mister doesn't mix himself up (oh no)
He surprises me every time (oh no)
Even though you try to charm him, he won't move
We all need a superhero
The one that'll know how to pull me up
We all need a superhero
All the qualities, yes, no flaws
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
Native: French
Fluent: English
Studied/Singing: German, Finnish, Japanese, Spanish

Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/Elvann
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/ElvannAbendroth



I see my girl, listen to me
If you want, I can be your hero
I'm saying it to you, take my hand
I don't even have the cloak to fly in the sky
Not even boots that can make me run like the wind
Just by fighting recklessly
But I can't go like in the movie
I just want to protect the one love
If you're crying alone at the moment
I can be your hero, I'm going to meet you
Wanna be your hero (your hero), together fly away
That wounded heart
Embracing it closely and never let go
Anywhere through thick and thin, with you
More than a gorgeous diamond
Even more than countless medals, Nothing more
The sun won't make the wish come true
The light that emitting deep into the heart
I'm only trusting and waiting for one love
Even if I get lost in the dark night
I can be your hero, I'm going to search for you
Wanna be your hero (your hero), always fly away
Even exceeding the sadness
That happened and the fate
Because I swear, to you
I can be your hero, I'm going to meet you
Wanna be your hero (your hero), together fly away
That wounded heart
Embracing it closely and never let go
Anywhere through thick and thin, with you
Anytime anywhere you are, I can hear that voice
Getting stronger, you give me the strength, always
Even if the whole world turn their back
I'm not scared of anything
I can be a hero, if it's for you
Yo yo, no more doubt 'cuz I gotcha, baby
You are my heroin, my beloved lady
Don't cry in the rain, goodbye days
Both of us get in the train, surely happy end
The rumor that full with lies
The shadow that pretend to be the light
Let me down, let me fall, being a nuisance
I don't care
Yeah, fly with me I'd take you along, I'm your hero
To the future we go
I can be your hero, I'm going to search for you
Wanna be your hero (your hero), always fly away
Even exceeding the sadness
That happened and the fate
Because I swear, to you
I can be your hero, I'm going to meet you
Wanna be your hero (your hero), together fly away
That wounded heart
Embracing it closely and never let go
Anywhere through thick and thin, with you

Fallen heroes

Don't look for a love like this
You'll find a flaw in every girl
Don't bring into that new story
Any old stuff
'Cause we were fallen heroes
And saved the others from us
But all that doesn't exist now
Still has a shape and voice
For you, there's no end in me
And I still pray
That someone will love you like this
But they won't, we both know
Come on with that smile
We're not saying goodbye
Maybe we're only a life away from meeting again
Don't wake my dreams of glass
'Cause each one breaks in a second
And happiness hasn't even touched me
Ever since you became hers
For you, there's no end in me
And I still pray
That someone will love you like this
But they won't, we both know
Maybe we're only a life away from meeting again
For you, there's no end in me
And I still pray
That someone will love you like this
But they won't, we both know
Come on with that smile
We're not saying goodbye
Maybe we're only a life away from meeting again

Bet On Rock'N'Roll

I can't give you my heart anymore
I will go where my boots want to go
and if you want me to tell you what to do
I will tell you to bet on my defeat
Take your clothes off, that's fine
Don't leave anything undone
If you have come to buy me, get lost
If you're coming with me, hold on
We'll go away girl, to the sea
There is no sunrise in this city
And I don't know if I was born to run
but maybe I was born to gamble
I know that nothing will happen
But now I'm up against the ropes
and I don't see any way out
but I'm going to bet hard while I can
We'll go away girl, to the sea
There is no sunrise in this city
And I don't know if I was born to run
but maybe I was born to gamble
I can't give you my heart anymore
I lost my bet on rock'n'roll
I lost my bet on rock'n'roll
It's a debt I have to pay
and now there's no point in giving up
There's no point in giving up now
My heart doesn't beat.

Hero Milenko Pavlović

Even as a kid I had a dream,
I dream to fly just above the clouds,
With this you born and live every day,
For my country I breathe and I will give her all.
I have an ideal, and I won't surrender,
I came to the finish despite all temptations,
Became a faithful pilot for my people,
Colonel Pavlovic on every movement ready.
And everything is so nice when looking from above,
Until he attacked us aggressor misery,
People are losing heads, to them life is not worth,
For all I prepared, for his never give up.
I now climb to the heavens,
Defend hometown, I know it's right,
They are much stronger but life is not one,
Proud hero fly, the defense is holy.
NATO squadrons over Valjevo,
May 4 ’99,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
I defend my people and I can’t give up.
I hear that nothing is so good,
Fly grenades, they taking fire from sky,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
Long live Serbia I'm not going to surrender.
They are ready to shoot the factory,
Destroy the city, say they have tactics.
Damn you, children won’t dying,
I'm going on a plane and turn on the machine.
Radar is canceled and the sky burning,
Flee cowards here are not welcome,
I'll give my life, let me pain,
I go to them, I am not afraid.
Attacking them with courage, try to break them,
Too many of them, I can’t count.
So they flee if they were 16,
And I have them, but also they have me.
NATO squadrons over Valjevo,
May 4 ’99,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
I defend my people and I can’t give up.
I hear that nothing is so good,
Fly grenades, they taking fire from sky,
I'm on the plane 16 to 1,
Long live Serbia I'm not going to surrender.

Heroes never die

When I throw the card,
I tie my fingers in a knot.
Fate impudently gives
her answer
that life always put everything
at stake.
Somebody's mother
is my stepmother.
And then you come
to destroy my film (my plans).
I'm thinking on you
even when I'm sleeping with him.
And sadness is longing
to be a godparent
to break glasses,
to gez crazy with pain.
Stay, love stay!
Don't give up on me,
I'm your angel.
Give me a chance
two lives!
Maybe happiness will propose to me...?
Stay love!
Put the heart on the stone,
you, my flame, burn!
On your lap
I will die,
heroes like these
will never die!
Sorrow comes after me,
I'm gazing at a double bottom.
Like a child in the dark,
I'm counting tears until 100.
The last hope,
they say it dies the last...
Life, be my brother, don't kill her!
And then you come
to destroy my film (my plans).
I'm thinking on you
even when I'm sleeping with him.
And sadness is longing
to be a godparent
to break glasses,
to gez crazy with pain.
Stay, love stay!
Don't give up on me,
I'm your angel.
Give me a chance
two lives!
Maybe happiness will propose to me...?
Stay love!
Put the heart on the stone,
you, my flame, burn!
On your lap
I will die,
heroes like these
will never die!
Stay, love stay!
Don't give up on me,
I'm your angel.
Give me a chance
two lives!
Maybe happiness will propose to me...?
Stay love!
Put the heart on the stone,
you, my flame, burn!
On your lap
I will die,
heroes like these
will never die...
Never die...!


You were a superhero
You had all kinds of aspirations
No matter what kind of monster appeared
You would surely win
Even going to the moon would be simple for you
My hardships were your 'easy mode'
My superhero
You were everything to me
My superhero
Only you are immortal
You don't have a name
So I'll let you share mine
No matter what kind of world map
You could fly right across it
My superhero
I wonder where you went
You are a superhero
A hero covered in dust
My superhero
You were everything to me
However, you can't move
I miss you, my hero
Only you are immortal

Sad Song

I have a sad song in my heart
Cheerful, but not too much1 as sun as the sun appears
And I take my jacket
And a soul song
Yes, the verse needs changing, but...
It could work
Letting yourself go a bit
Playing with vigor
Further ahead, deep down in the heart
Without accelerating
I have a sad song
In my heart
I'd have a lot to do
Dear friend Joe
You've fused
Yes, and I need to repair
Something that doesn't work
The motor needs to be redone but
It could leave again
Letting it burn
Pushing with vigor
Further ahead, deep down in the heart
Without accelerating
I have a sad song
In my heart
In the evening as it gets dark
That just doesn't go down
To whom, to you, to whom I must tell it
If only you are here
The day rises, love, the night sets
...and we return
  • 1. Also a reference to the tempo notation 'allegro non troppo' (Quickly but not too much)


Ahogy egész nap téged néztelek
Felfedeztem egy problémát, yeah
Zaklattak téged
Azok a szélhámos
Farkas kinézetű srácok
Kötelességem téged megvédeni
Meg foglak védeni
Senki se tud majd könnyen elragadni téged
Nagyon gyönyörű vagy, ezért sok ellenségem van
Olyan, mintha egy játékban lennék, ahol meg kell védeni a hercegnőt
Ne aggódj, mert én vagyok a pasid
A hősöd lehetek, a hősöd lehetek,
A hősöd lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, az összes gazember hátráljon
Es felteszem őket a következő kamionra
Mindegyik úgy néz ki, mint egy vadállat
Ezért dobd be őket az állatkertbe
Mind csak ostobaságokat hordanak össze
Hogy megszerezzenek téged
(Micsoda?) Ha azt hitted, hogy könnyű eset vagyok
Egyél egy gombát és nőj nagyobbra
Az alsód lógjon ki a nadrágodból, és húzz fel egy köpenyt
Néha felveszük öltönyt, hadd ragyogjon a mellkasunk
Mi is ragyogunk
Mindenki bólogasson
Ez az utolsó figyelmeztetésem
Amikor dühös vagyok, ijesztő leszek
Meg foglak védeni
Senki se tud majd könnyen elragadni téged
Nagyon gyönyörű vagy, ezért sok ellenségem van
Olyan, mintha egy játékban lennék, ahol meg kell védeni a hercegnőt
Ne aggódj, mert én vagyok a pasid
A hősöd lehetek, a hősöd lehetek,
A hősöd lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
Ay, a gazembereket úgy távolítom el
Hogy bang bang bang bang
Úgy fogok repülni az égen
Mint Superman
Az ajkaid szélén fogok csüngeni
és úgy megnevettetlek, mint Batman
Meg fogom mondani az összes gazembernek
Kik megríkatnak, hogy tűnjenek el
A hősöd lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek
A hősöd lehetek, a pasid lehetek


I'd take you in the wind
And your hand slips
I'll then make up a name for you
I can call you 'Cloud'
Meanwhile, I check what time it is
Can the sky be away?
Fantasizing with the harmony
Of your hair, I take flight
In the warm wind, the air I breathe
Already has our smell
I like you but you're not here
In the warm wind, sadness flies away
Only poetry is left
But here I lose myself
If you're not here
I like you, but you're not here
You're not here
In your eyes,
Moony African nights get lost
Nights of sailors and gypsies
Heart of a free people
Meanwhile, I look to the phone
Are you back home?
Imagining, I'll wait for you
Maybe today you're feeling alone
In the warm wind, the air I breathe
Already has our smell
I like you but you're not here
In the warm wind, sadness flies away
Only poetry is left
But here I lose myself
If you're not here
I like you, but you're not here
You're not here
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Antagonistic Heroes

They say that the past is somewhat boastful,
An eternal antagonist that the future didn't conquer.
They say that one learns by painful blows,
I am swallowing blood from the tremendous hit.
They say that our cure has been bought by time,
we count the days that agony has increased and it's that...
We are chosen, chosen among millions, you and I.
Confronted eternal dependents like hatred and love.
Soldiers of an army.
Antagonistic heroes, you and I...
You take out your rage extensively in combat,
I look amongst my weapons and I encounter the opposite.
Heroes and villains of the same equation,
giving meaning to the reason of being united and it's that...
We are chosen, chosen among millions, you and I.
Eternal dependent opposites like hatred and love.
Soldiers of an army, the two of us.
Antagonistic heroes, you and I...
La ra la (uh uhh) x4
Advocates of the antonymn.
Antagonistic heroes, you and I.

Szárnyalj gondolat ...

Szárnyalj gondolat, arany szárnyakon
Át a hegyeken és repülj
az óceánok felett.
Érd el a partot és találd meg azt a helyet
ahová a gyermekek mennek,
minden éjjel miután meghallgatják ezt az altatódalt.
Ott megtalálod az életre kelt hőseiket
kik védelmezik az ártatlanságukat.
Áld meg mindanyuikat, hisz egyszerű lelkük
oly tiszta és csodálatos.
Szárnyalj gondolat, arany szárnyakon
Hadd tartson ez a gyönyörű álom
egész éjjen át.
Add nekik kölcsön arany szárnyaid,
minden félelem tovaszáll
Fogd meg a kezüket,
segíts nekik megtalálni a könnyű utat.
Vezesd őket vissza a fénybe, vissza a fénybe
ahova egykor tartoztak,
ahol gyermekek maradhatnak,
amíg csak akarnak.
Szárnyalj gondolat, arany szárnyakon
Át a hegyeken és repülj
az óceánok felett.
Érd el a partot és találd meg azt a helyet
ahová a gyermekek mennek,
Minden éjjel miután meghallgatják ezt az altatódalt,
Minden éjjel miután meghallgatják ezt az altatódalt.
Dana Kósa