Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 151


So Heavenly

Versions: #2
Another sun
when evening comes
It's coloring
my soul
It could be
who it hopes
But in my heart
it's just mine
And it makes me cry and sigh
So heavenly
she's my baby
It makes me laugh
and blaspheme
And burns the fire
she's my baby
The eyes they flood
and the water lily
Gallegia in bloom,
may it be
And to love you better
my love
Let's have roses
I want it too
And it makes me live
and lights up the day
So heavenly
she's my baby
Like a planet that
turns me around
And burns the fire
she's my baby
She does it like she was thirsty
Oh, I do not know
on my skin as light
as snow
Yeah yeah yeah
And makes me cry and sigh
So heavenly
she's my baby
It makes me laugh,
And burns the fire
she's my baby
She makes me live
to kindle the day
So heavenly
she's my baby
Like a planet that
turns around me
And burns the fire
she's my baby
It could be
of those who hope
But in my heart
it's mine

Nincs szükségünk másik hősre

A romokon kívül
A roncsokon kívül
Most nem követhetjük el ugyanazokat a hibákat
Gyerekek vagyunk
Az utolsó generáció
Mi vagyunk az egyetlenek, akiket itt hagytak
Kiváncsi vagyok, mikor kell változnunk
Félelem alatt élni míg csak maradványok lesznek
Nincs szükségünk másik hősre
Nem kell ismernünk a haza utat
Minden, amit akarunk az élet a Thunderdome-on túl
Keresni valamit, amire támaszkodhatunk
Kell valami jobbnak lennie ott kint
Szerelem és együttérzés, eljönnek a napjaik
Minden más csak levegőbe épült vár
Kiváncsi vagyok, mikor kell változnunk
Félelem alatt élni míg csak maradványok lesznek
Minden gyerek azt mondja
Nincs szükségünk másik hősre
Nem kell ismernünk a haza utat
Minden, amit akarunk az élet a Thunderdome-on túl
Hát mit tegyünk az életünkkel
Hagyunk egy jelet
A történetünk világítani fog, mint a fény
Vagy végetér a sötétben
Adj mindent vagy semmit
Nincs szükségünk másik hősre
Nem kell ismernünk a haza utat
Minden, amit akarunk az élet a Thunderdome-on túl

Sunny Day Hero

Come on, come on, come on, come on
The forecast says it’s gonna be a “Perfect day”
Everybody won’t let today slip away
Our bodies write in the sparkling sun
And the thermomerter of our hearts can’t be measured
Dreams come true, there are infinite things we want to do
Yeah, we are this season’s supertars
Say come on, come on, come on, pierce through the clouds
Hurry up, this is a serious treasure hunt
Cuz I am, I am, I am
The sunny day hero who they called for this summer
The number of eyes I see on my way
Is the number of hugs I gave to the people who walked by
I found that girl and told her “I love you so”
I was too happy, I was feel shaky
We blame the passion of love on the rays of the sun
I want to hold the moment more tighly in my arms
Say come on, come on, come on, pierce through the clouds
Hurry up, this is a serious treasure hunt
Cuz I am, I am, I am
The sunny day hero who they called for this summer
The summer breeze beckons to me
I want paradise to invite me in
The overwhelming sun ray
The magnificent view of the Indigo Freeway
My naked heart can’t be deceived anymore
I’ll end up being charmed by the suntan dancing queen
I stopped enduring it and just took of my shoes
I’m barefooted so I’ve got nothing to lose
Yeah that’s the way dreams come true
Hurry up, this summer is diving blue
Come on, come on, come on, pierce through the clouds
Hurry up, this is a serious treasure hunt
I am, I am, I am
The sunny day hero who they called for this summer
The summer breeze beckons to me
I want paradise to invite me in
(Sunny day hero, hero)
Say come on, come on, come on, pierce through the clouds
Hurry up, this is a serious treasure hunt
Cuz I am, I am, I am
The sunny day hero who they called for this summer

We will be heroes

A new day and much to do.
A new battle doesn't let us rest.
But we're strong, I count on you,
For the good cause, you and me!
We will be heroes,
When the world needs us, be there.
Your way is my way,
Through thick and thin the two of us go.
We will be heroes,
The time has come and you will stand.
We will only exist together.
Take my hand and follow me,
When we just want, we win!
We will be heroes,
When the world needs us, be there.
Your way is my way,
Through thick and thin the two of us go.
We will be heroes,
We will be heroes,
When the world needs us, be there.
Your way is my way,
Through thick and thin the two of us go.
We will be heroes,
We will be heroes,
We will be heroes,
We will be heroes,
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
A meno che non sia specificata una sorgente secondaria qui sotto, potete usare questa traduzione ovunque vogliate a patto che inseriate un link visibile a questa pagina. Altrimenti controllate la sorgente.
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Békében éltek, nem régóta
Egy hatalmas indián törzs
De a változás szele
Rádöbbentette őket, hogy az ígéretek hazugságok voltak
A fehér ember mohósága, az arany keresésben
Nemzetek vérét okozta
Elveszítették hitüket
És most meg kell tanulniuk
Hogy nincsen hely a visszatérésre
Sehová nem fordulhatnak
Cherokee - menetelés a könnyek nyomán
Keményen áthajtottak, keresztül a síkságon
Sok holdon át sétáltak
Mert a változások szele
Rádöbbentette őket, hogy az ígéretek hazugságok voltak
Túl sokat elviselni, mindazokat a fájdalmakat
Kétségek között hagyva
Elvesztették hitüket
És most meg kell tanulniuk
Hogy nincsen hely a visszatérésre
Sehová nem fordulhatnak

Give me a hero

Where did all the good men go, the gods from the past?
Why is there no Hercules knocking on my door?
The knight in armor, say, is he still there?
Every night, a fever-hot dream of the man that I want
Hit it!
Give me a hero
I'm just waiting for the hero in my adventure
He has to be strong, and he has to be fast
And he has to be able to make me dizzy
Give me a hero
I'm just waiting for the hero that can make me weak
But it has to happen quickly, and it has to happen now
Before the night turns to day, turns to day
Some time after midnight, in my hot fantasy
Somewhere out of sight, the man of of dreams sweeps past
[He] rides forward on the storm, he seeks my tracks
And I want the super man who makes heartbeat pound
High up where the mountains meet the clouds of the sky
Or where the ocean opens up
Somewhere there is someone searching for me
Through wind, through snow, through rain
Over raging river
And I feel its power like a fire in my blood
Like a fire in my blood x 4
Give me a hero
I'm just waiting for the hero that can make me weak
But it has to happen quickly, and it has to happen now
Before the night turns to day
But he has to be strong, and he has to be fast
And he has to be able to make me dizzy
Give me a hero)

What's happening is I hang myself

Remind me that I have to attend couples therapy,
to begin to understand why you don't leave me,
if I don't do it well, I am Julio Alberto I'm on the spree,
if I can make you hate me and soon afterwards you love me.
I can assure you that I also love you
and that I am going to give you all that I am, if I arrive whole,
if I play my cards bad I can lose you and I do not want [it],
I will fashion traps to leave you win a game.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
I know that this what I'm doing is nothing good, for I'm a lad,
and you know that I don't understand the why that you go on with me,
if you are the raft and I the stream that overflows the river,
if you are my guardian angel and I, I am a bastard.
They say that behind every great man is a great woman,
but in my case it isn't so, for it is backwards,
you are the great woman, I the man who, secretly,
has attached himself behind [you] and doesn't stop hitting you in the rear.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
What's happening is I get into trouble when I go out and when I begin already everything really knows me, for always I go on
and of stopping I don't see the moment,
-softer, piano, that is sweeping.
What's happening is I hang myself,
for the hours are minutes, for the nights are so short
for I always need time,
but arriving home and seeing you in bed how bad I felt.
I regret, and it's that I
I regret

My favourite hero

When things go wrong,
when the heart breaks
when I'm drowning in my coffee break
when my guardian angel sinks to the bottom
when I no loger want to be a fairy
when all cases are conundrums
and yet I can't give up,
you might think I forget about you,
and maybe you think I abandonned you.
My golden little guy
My favourite hero
My beloved sweetie
you give me the strength to hang on
when life ruins my life
and others' lives too.
It's your smile that lights my way,
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero...
When you fall asleep, you become heavy,
that's to prevent me from flying away.
Little guy, my great love,
it's for you I want to win the day.
And if sometimes I feel sad,
water falling on my hands,
you come closer and whisper to me
that you are there just for me.
My golden little guy
My favourite hero
My beloved sweetie
you give me the strength to hang on
when life ruins my life
and others' lives too.
It's your smile that lights my way,
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero...
Come on, my hero,
Come on, little guy,
Come now, sleep tight my baby
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The Anti-Hero (Part I)

Lock the door cause I've already heard a noise outside
They might want to steal my new motorcycle
Might want to rape you but this doesn't even matter
It's pretty much the sort of shit that happen every day, you should just look out the window
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll now have devotion to me
Me, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
Lock the door cause I've already heard a noise outside
They might want to steal my new motorcycle
Might want to rape you but this doesn't even matter
It's pretty much the sort of shit that happen every day, you should just look out the window
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll have devotion to meMe, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
Lock the door cause I've already heard a noise outside
They might want to steal my new motorcycle
Might want to rape you but this doesn't even matter
It's pretty much the sort of shit that happen every day, you should just look out the window
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll have devotion to meMe, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll have devotion to meMe, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again


My body and head are spinning
How are you feeling now?
We are like a magnet
We hug and push aside
You make me crazy
And out of my senses
Yes, you may know that
You make me out of my mind
You make me dance
And drunk without alchole
Yes, you may know that
You make me a naughty girl
In a movie only for us
The real hero was you, baby
As always the way you do
Like a splendid hero
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if i'm not feeling well
And it's sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
You always fight to the bitter end
And try to cover everything
Why did you gave me wings and
Want me to fall
You say to me 'good girl'
And make me take my tears back
Yes, you may know that
You snow me
In a drama only for us
The real hero was you, baby
As always the way you do
Like a splendid hero
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if it hurts me
And it is sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if it hurts me
And it is sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
You must go on

Niemands held

Ik denk dat het tijd is om hierover praten
Ik denk dat je het te ver hebt laten komen
Ik wilde nooit anders zijn
Heb niet gevraagd om iemands ster te zijn
Probeer het te beheersen
Omdat je krijgt wat je ziet
Probeer het te beheersen
En niet mij
Je zegt dat men het over revolutie heeft (niets nieuws)
Je zegt dat er gevecht in de lucht hangt
Jij denkt dat ik de oplossing heb
Maar denk je werkelijk dat dat eerlijk is?
Probeer het te beheersen
Omdat je krijgt wat je ziet
Probeer het te beheersen
En niet mij
Vooruit dan maar
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Ik wil niemands ster zijn
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Dus sta op, verdwijn, wees jezelf
Jij denkt dat het tijd is om mij over te halen
Om te doen waar jijzelf niet toe in staat bent
Maar laat helden jou geen opwinding bezorgen
Het hangt van jou af en van niemand anders
Probeer het te beheersen
Omdat je krijgt wat je ziet
Probeer het te beheersen
En dan zul je het merken
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Ik wil niemands ster zijn
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Dus sta op, verdwijn, wees jezelf
Jij denkt dat je niemand bent
En dat ik alle pleziertjes beleef
Maar niemand is niemand
Iedereen is iemand
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Ik wil niemands ster zijn
Ik wil niemands held zijn
Dus sta op, verdwijn, wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Wees jezelf
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

Heroes Come Back

A voice heard in the distance gives me a hint
One by one like-minded people are standing up
Lets overturn all the everyday, monotonous things
I'm ready, are you ready?
A shiver spreads through my body, violently ringing stomping
Constantly stirring in me, it calls me, catching that unchanging, never wavering, Come on!!
Come on!!
Everybody stand up! Today's the best time to get up!
Before my eyes you still don't stop, speed hunter
Everyone is a victim to that attraction, Yeah! (Come on!)
Everybody Hands up! It's the highly anticipated Hero's Come Back!
Hold up your fingers and count down
Let's go, 3-2-1 make some noise!
What you gonna do? What you gonna do?
Carving out that incessantly ringing sound
It's a shock greater than dejavu
It runs through my body relentlessly, a break down
Turn it up (turn it up) Hey, can you hear it?
I had been screaming it since yesterday
It's changing, to the unseen tomorrow
To the point my emotions overflow and spill over
The anticipated Show time where fate blooms and scatters
Is it more inclined to victory or defeat?
Even though I sit, I'll still collapse today
Wipe away your sweat and blood
Your wishes, your pride, all of them are piled on your back
So have no mercy
Keep your potential, your mental expressions
It's like everyone and their mother has been waiting for a hero*
I saw the romantic flight in just one night
Isn't that great? It's not like that
Kick on the corner, isn't that enough for you?
I protect all of those different, cold-hearted personalities
Like a Terminator
4 times, 5 times stand up, highlight (Fly high, yeah!)
I might as well tell you all about it
Everybody stand up! Today's the best time to get up!
Before my eyes you still don't stop, speed hunter
Everyone is a victim to that attraction, Yeah! (Come on!)
Everybody Hands up! It's the highly anticipated Hero's Come Back!
Hold up your fingers and count down
Let's go, 3-2-1 make some noise!
Are you ready for a few risks?
You have to get up no matter how many times you fall (Get it on!)
It's not some conspiracy, just a paper-thin session
The pent up feelings turn into a crystal
The extension of 'made in human' drama
Blazing up like Yoshiwara fires
The endless future tumbles into the everyday
Its something so stupid you can't help but laugh
Inferiority blows, but I won't lose to the head wind
It envelops me every time I encounter it
Countless times, here, I've stood to battle
If that's the way to fight, my body sees it
The pretension of one night, two nights
The things we want to protect are different, so wave the white flag
My eyes yearn for sunlight, I know only shadow
I'll hear no excuses, THAT is real
With each fight I'm proud
From start to finish, I haven't lost anything yet
There's no 'yes or no,' someday you'll laugh like this
In a flash, it's decided, let's go, partner!
The rising cheers will become your courage
So stand up now, no matter how much pain you feel
But in the end I'm sure you'll laugh
Everything will be swept away in victory and cheer
Everybody stand up! Today's the best time to get up!
Before my eyes you still don't stop, speed hunter
Everyone is a victim to that attraction, Yeah! (Come on!)
Everybody Hands up! It's the highly anticipated Hero's Come Back!
Hold up your fingers and count down
Let's go, 3-2-1 make some noise!
Everybody stand up! Today's the best time to get up!
Before my eyes you still don't stop, speed hunter
Everyone is a victim to that attraction, Yeah! (Come on!)
Everybody Hands up! It's the highly anticipated Hero's Come Back!
Hold up your fingers and count down
Let's go, 3-2-1 make some noise!

I'm not a hero

Punches in the soul
The cold blade running
Every day leads me nearer to the end
When I go on stage like I take the last train
Even on tragic evenings
I need to find the flame I need
To touch the women who raise their hands to me
Who scream that they love me when I don't know them
That's why today I'm tired
That's why today I want to scream
I'm not a hero
I'm stuck with my faux pas
I'm not a hero
Don't trust the newspaper
I'm not a hero, a hero
I'm not a hero
I'm stuck with my faux pas
I'm not a hero
Don't trust the newspaper
I'm not a hero, a hero
When women's screams
Hold on to my tears I know
It's to help me carrying all my grief
And I say to myself that they're dreaming, but it does them good
With punches in the soul
I found the basis I need
If you wanna die famous, don't take anything
Just what the others didn't wanted to keep
That's why today I'm tired
That's why today I want to scream
I'm not a hero
I'm stuck with my faux pas
I'm not a hero
Don't trust the newspaper
I'm not a hero, a hero
I'm not a hero
I'm stuck with my faux pas
I'm not a hero
Don't trust the newspaper
I'm not a hero, a hero
I'm not a hero
I'm not a hero, a hero, a hero

I Hear Your Voice

I hear your voice in the darkness of the night
And yet my heart is so alone
I dream of you and I hear your voice
I can no longer be without you
I count the hours and wait for you
Oh, come to me, come back
I have searched for you and finally found you
You are my everything and my happiness
I hear your voice in the darkness of the night
And yet my heart is so alone
I hear your voice, when will you come to me?
I can no longer be without you
I hear your voice in the darkness of the night
And yet my heart is so alone
I hear your voice, when will you come to me?
I can no longer be without you
I can no longer be without you
I don't speak fluent German so feel free to correct
Ich spreche Deutsch nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind willkommen

Unknown Land

How many verses I drop for you
How many skies I hide for you
I've been biten
The regrets for you
A sort of wind
Create by you
Waiting for the snow
when Christmas come, and another, snow who covers the houses, and all the bad things, another time, now
How many dreams I dreamed for us
How many voids I empted for us
My snow's brothers
Now Christmas is coming, again
Where are we going, who we are
Where are you, and what have you done, and now?
No more baby no more
No more with me
Love, baby love
Love for you
I'm waiting for the snow
Like crickets and cicadas, again, I'm waiting for the snow who covers the bad things, now, be again my Unknown Land and Unknown Life
Now, let's play bingo, all right?

I'm suffering

I shipwrecked in the waters of your body
I broke my life like as if it was glass
I got locked up in your prison
I gave to you my blood,body and soul
I'm suffering for you, I'm suffering
for you , I know
I'll destroy myself
I'm suffering for you, I'm suffering
I'm getting crazy, I know
but I love you
I gave you myself one night like a kiss
and I got hurt badly from your lips
I got charged your loneliness
I gave to you my blood,body and soul
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Only a sound and conscious lust can save the youngsters from stress and Catholic Action.

Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action1.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.
I'd like to do what is not allowed,
But [in order to make that possible] you should't tell me
- As always - yes:
[This is] because for me the bride
Is like a rose.
What sex had become [now]:
I don't like it.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.
I'd like to tell you
What you don't like [to hear]:
'I miss you', 'I miss you', 'I miss you':
But not like that.
There are new things
[For us] to discover
With a little bit of fantasy
And Immagination.
And you deny, deny yourself but then you hit that:
'Oh, I didn't want [to do] it'.
See, at the end you hit that:
'Oh, I didn't want [to do] it, I didn't want it.'
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From stress and Catholic Action.
Only a sound and conscious lust
Can save the youngsters
From advertisements and Catholic Action.

The extra

A jewel for me
is the taste of your kisses
they fall by their weight
but they don't reach the goal
and you prefer to presume
oh having me as prisioner.
I'm convinced that
your eyes glow of seeing me
and I can't convince myself
because you said to me yesterday
that there will be a first time
luckily tomorrow
I want without offending
to say that you're excited
your heart throbs
just by supposing
that I'll ask you again
to give me the extra.
I'm not pretencious, dear
but because you hurt me
I carry a spine
that folds my heart
if the extra is the illusion
of all my life.
Sometimes I think
that you play the resistant
my begging has no entrance
you act like you didn't listen
that in the final route
the extra is nothing
In order to slow down
and understand I don't lie
oaths from my lips
you maybe have to hear
or else I'll have to wait
till the marriage.
I don't understand why
your heart slips from me
and your mouth kills me
when you say no
that besides of the heart
I ask you the extra
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Red mouth

If you are like I imagine you
I have no way to scape
Your body is like a whirlwind
And there's no spell that can save me
If you are like I sense you
I'm lost in this story
Because I suspect that you are
Of honey outside and of fire inside
Red mouth, crazy mouth
Red mouth spring of kisses
Sweet kisses run off
And hold me prisioner by desiring you
Red mouth you tease me
And suddenly I feel like dying
It seems to me that mouth
Is at one step of saying I love you
If you are like I dreamed you
I'm defeated beforehand
And without putting conditions
Happily defeated I give in to your hands
So beautiful, so sweet
Simply incomparable
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Dangerous thing

I'll have enough just from your mouth, to hear I love you
and from the distance to the infinite I'll find you
on each oscillating motion of a sad autumn
I'll see all the summer slipping over my skin
I'll have enough just with an I love you from your mouth
to scape in the sky to a new dimension
so to accept that only myself understands this crazyness
and nobody else reveals the incledible of this love.
But look what a funny thing is my illusion
here I am releasing dreams and hopes to the winds
but look what a dangerous thing is your love
you leave it to fate and you gamble with my feelings.
The river goes taking the caresses of your hands
and the air that moment when we invented the passion
there's no true witness who describes with words
the kiss that causes my stray temptation
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Red Hot

Love me, don't save desires for later
Passion is born in the soul and sprouts in the skin
Touch me, only desire will make you a woman
Fear will call at your feet with the clothes.
With its love yell your shyness puts me on heat
Dear, I want to be your first time.
The trembling, the old fears of childhood
Take me, tenderness will know what to do
Sins of illusion, may heaven forgive your nudity
Pain will bloom in the branches.
Kiss me, I feel your breath burning me
Again till burning all my self
But don't wait because fire becomes smoke in the morning
Oh darling, my body is red hot.
Love me, even if oblivion comes after
God knows one gives in only once
Lay down, let the hands weave the net
Let love take us inside looking for the honey
Like a light honeycomb, naked morning, I'll lay you down
Under the sun enjoyment is in excess over the skin.
I drank you but the thirst remained in the mouth
I'll be back, I feel your steps looking for me
Colorless ember that burns again in the embers
I'll fly burnt and free like a paper
Kiss me, I feel your breath burning me
Again till burning all my self
But don't wait because fire becomes smoke in the morning
Oh darling, my body is red hot.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Valaki más könnyei

Ismerősnek tűnsz
De nem vagyok biztos, hogy tudom a neved
Nem tudom, miért mesélem ma neked ezt a történetet
Egy suttogás a szellőn
Hallottam egy zörrenést az erdőben
Tudnom kell és talán te el fogod magyarázni
Miért nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
És semmi sem az, aminek tűnik
Nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
De valaki más könnyeit sírom
Valaki más könnyei
A szőlőket összegyűjtötték
A bort összepréselték
És az eső dacára ez egy jó év volt
Hogy újra sétálhassunk ezeket a földeken
A fiatalságunk kápolnájában fejet hajtottunk a szépségnek és igazságnak
Nem látom okát, de talán te el fogod magyarázni
Miért nem tudom abbahagyni az sírást
De valaki más könnyeit sírom
Valaki más könnyei
A piros ház, amit építettünk...
Még mindig áll... büszkén...
Az üvegek, amiket megtöltöttünk...
Emeljük fel őket
Lehet, hogy esik
De a nap át fogja törni magát a felhőkön
A vihart meg lehet állítani
Menjünk ki...
De nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
Ahogy keresztülmegyek a kerekeken
Nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást
De valaki más könnyeit sírom
Valaki más könnyei
Nem tudom abbahagyni a hazudozást
Ezalatt az évek alatt végig hazudoztam?
Nem tudom abbahagyni a próbálkozást
Hogy elüldözzem a félelmeit
Nem tudom abbahagyni a sírást, sírást
Valaki más könnyei


Topanga* forró ma este, a város az öböl mellett
Filmsztárjai vannak, és likőr boltjai, és lágy hanyatlása
A dörgés a távoli partoktól álomba küld
De az élet tényei néha nehézzé teszik az álmodást
Az élet megrázott, mint Motley*
Megragadva a hajamban levő szalagoknál
Az élet megrázott, ultra-lágyan
Mint a heavy metal, amit viselsz
Újra a Holdra repülök
Heroinról álmodok
Valószínűleg megadtam neked mindent
És elvettem az életed
Felraktalak egy repülőre
Amely egy idegen föld felé tartott
Azt gondoltam, visszatérnél újra
Hogy elmondd, hogy minden
Rendben van (eh, eh, babe, igen)
Topanga forró ma
Manson's* a levegőben
És az összes barátom eljött
Mert még mindig érzik őt itt
El akarok menni
Talán még maradok majd egy újabb évre
Nehéz élni, mikor egyáltalán semmi sem tiszta
Az élet megrázott, mint Motley
Az élet megrázott, ultra-lágyan
Mint a heavy-metal, amit hallasz
Újra a Holdra repülök
Heroinról álmodok
És arról, hogy mennyire megadtam neked mindent
És elvettem az életed
Felraktalak egy repülőre
Amely egy idegen föld felé tartott
Azt gondoltam, visszatérnél újra
Hogy elmondd, hogy minden
Rendben van (eh, eh, babe, igen)
Kib*szottul forró, forró
Tél a városban
Valami ebben az időjárásban
Őrülté teszi ezeket a srácokat
Még februárhoz is
Valami ebben a Napban
Megijesztette ezeket a srácokat
Oh, írás a vérben a falaimon, és szarságok
Oh, oh, Istenem
Oh, oh, oh,
Hazudnék, ha azt mondanám, nem betegedtem bele,
Vezess, baby
Újra a Holdra repülök
Marcipánról álmodok
Beszedem az összes gyógyszerem
Hogy elvigye a gondolataimat
Felszállok arra a repülőre
Elhagyom az én szeretőmet újra
Remélem, hogy újra visszatérhetek egy nap
Hogy elmondhassam, hogy
Igazából megváltoztam
Ez forró, forró
Valami van a városban
Nem tudom, hogy micsoda
És megőrjíti a fejem
Oh, oh, oh
Azt érezteti velem, hogy megváltoztathatom
Oh, oh, oh
Az összes ördögi módszeremet és szarságomat
Hmm, hmm
Oh, oh, oh
Hazudnék, ha azt mondanám, nem betegedtem bele
Ha valami pontatlanságot észleltek, üzenetben vagy kommentben jelezzétek! :)