Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 72


Zsoltárok 139

Uram, te megvizsgálsz, és ismersz engem.
Tudod, ha leülök vagy ha felállok,
messziről is észreveszed szándékomat.
Szemmel tartod járásomat és pihenésemet,
gondod van minden utamra.
Még nyelvemen sincs a szó,
te már pontosan tudod, Uram.
Minden oldalról körülfogtál,
kezedet rajtam tartod.
Csodálatos nekem ez a tudás,
igen magas, nem tudom felfogni.
Hova menjek lelked elől?
Orcád elől hova fussak?
Ha a mennybe szállnék, ott vagy,
ha a holtak hazájában feküdnék le, te ott is ott vagy.
Ha a hajnal szárnyaira kelnék,
és a tenger túlsó végén laknék,
kezed ott is elérne,
jobbod megragadna engem.
Ha azt gondolnám, hogy elnyel a sötétség,
és éjszakává lesz körülöttem a világosság:
a sötétség nem lenne elég sötét neked,
az éjszaka világos lenne, mint a nappal,
a sötétség pedig olyan, mint a világosság.
Te alkottad veséimet,
te formáltál anyám méhében.
Magasztallak téged, mert félelmes és csodálatos vagy

Kidapawan City Hymn

Our blessed city,
Our precious Kidapawan.
in the face of every test
you never crumble.
Your history is remarkable,
your people as well.
You bear the wealth of nature,
our cherished Kidapawan.
Together, we salute you.
Even life, we offer you,
for you are the city we love.
Kidapawan, oh Kidapawan.
You are a symbol of hope,
that the Indigenous People started.
Christians and Muslims unite as well,
in the desire to beautify you.
Together, we salute you.
Even life, we offer you,
for you are the city we love.
Kidapawan, oh Kidapawan..
The church and the government are included.
The people are united.
For you Kidapawan are blessed indeed.

János 3:16 (NIV)

Mert úgy szerette Isten e világot, hogy az ő egyszülött Fiát adta,
hogy valaki hiszen ő benne, el ne vesszen, hanem örök élete legyen.

Baskíria himnusza

Baskíria, szeretett, gyönyörű föld,
Mi, a nép szeretjük szent hazánkat.
A szürke Urál mindenütt ott ragyog
Hazám a békés, bíbor hajnalban.
Dicsőség neked, Baskíria!
Szabad, hazafi népünk tett dicsővé!
Együtt Oroszországgal, nagyszerű egységben
Virágozz, Baskíria!
Baskíria, te drága, szeretett ország,
Egyre legyőzöd a nehézségeket.
Jövőnkben felragyogunk, mint a fénysugarak
Erős szellemed mutatja büszke zászlód.
Köztársaság, ragyogj, mint egy drága csillag,
Eredményeid örömteli munkából vannak.
Hazánkban, melynek forrásai kimeríthetetlenek,
Anyanyelvünkön szól örökkön dalunk.

Song of the Kalmyk Republic

Versions: #1
Kalmyk Republic blazing and dazzling
Fulfulleth everything it wisheth for.
In its glorious hands it holdeth
Strong reins of life in unison.
With Ulan-Zala are the Kalmyk folk,
Let’s adorn our natal steppes!
𝄆 Let’s devote to our homeland our power,
And live long merrily! 𝄇
With all folks of different languages together,
The Republic striveth forth.
In noble incandescence of friendship flare,
The stronger our future getteth.
Glorified by children heroic and lasting,
The ancient steppe hath emerged.
Pouring diligence into learning,
The free name hath been forged.

Dagestan, Thou Fatherland Holy

Versions: #1
O Dagestan, thou fatherland holy!
No land more free and dear!
Thy mountains wise, thy steppes aplenty
Gifts of ancient Caspian blessing bear!
O, our land of peaks!
O, our land of eagles!
By faith guarded, o glorious Dagestan!
Unwavering is thy will:
To live in one family,
Eternal Dagestan!
O Dagestan, of foe’s power ahead
Thou hast ne’er thy brave head bowed
Thy heart a rock, vigilance of an eagle!
Blood of our heroes hath always in thy veins flowed.
O, our land of peaks!
O, our land of eagles!
By faith guarded, o glorious Dagestan!
Unwavering is thy will:
To live in one family,
Eternal Dagestan!
Our Dagestan!

State Anthem of the Republic of Adygea

Versions: #1
Prosper and live, Adygea,
My dear beloved country.
Our peoples have warm’d thee
By harmonious amity.
Oh sunny kray,
Republic – our rich soil.
Let us soar high,
𝄆 Republic, steadfast through toil,
’Tis where our dreams shall fly. 𝄇
Chosen by our forebears
A wonderful place for us.
Courage, wisdom and strength
Giv’n by fathers of Kavkaz.
With a soul honour’d and free,
That goeth ’long with Russia,
Thy sun floateth above thee,
Storms of hardships are left behind.
Thy native sky and thy cornfields
Shall stay forever in our hearts
’Long as they live thus shall ever be
Within our deeds and destiny.

Song of Arkhangelsk

Versions: #1
Our land by the sea
O so mighty and great!
Of it Thou shan’t forget
The brave entic’d
By its boundless tract,
Where no man hath ever set foot!
Here, from the sea,
By Peter’s command,
A string of white-winged
Frigates arose.
And the Russian Navy’s homeland
Our Arkhangelsk home became.
’Tis the homeland
Of Lomonosov the Great

You Are Immaculate - The Hymn Of The Virgin

You are immaculate, our Holy One,
The Virgin Mary,
We have been sustained by the lowly,
You have begotten Him.
Kyrie eleison, (Christ have mercy)
Kyrie eleison, (Christ have mercy)
Parasku Kyrie, (Christ's time of preparation)
Kyrie eleison, (Christ have mercy)
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

On Christmas Day

On Christmas Day
is joy of all creation:
the birds fly to the shed,
They sing to Jesus.
At first, nightingale sings treble.
Goldfinch sings alto.
Starling sometimes sings tenor.
and the dove sings bass.
A cold sparrow, a poor bird,
the sings like a abecedarian.
God and a true man.
Mazurek with his son
chirps behind the chimney:
Suffer, suffer, suffer, dear Lord,
until the frost ceases.
And the cranes in their noses
they shout to the heavens


Anya gyengédség vagy, virág vagy,
fehér és értékes, tele szeretettel.
Igen, Mianyánk jőjj hozzám, jőjj, jőjj hozzám,
takarj be szeretettel tele palástoddal
Anya gyengédség vagy, virág vagy,
fehér és értékes, tele szeretettel.
Igen, Mianyánk jőjj hozzám, jőjj, jőjj hozzám,
takarj be szeretettel tele palástoddal

Polychronion to the Byzantine Emperor

Long life
I believe in God!
The wind of the holy kingdom,
The only one with whom,
You have everything.

Saint Archangel Michael, Defend us in battle!

Saint Archangel Michael,
Defend us in battle,
Be our help against the evils and snares of the devil.
We beg you supplicants: may the Lord command him!
And you, Prince of heavenly militias,
With the power that comes to you from God,
Drive Satan and other evil spirits back to hell
Who roam the world to the perdition of souls.

Saint Pius X, Pray For Us!

Saint Pius X!
Glorious Patron!
Pray, Pray For Us!
Saint Pius X!
Glorious Patron!
Pray, Pray For Us!
Saint Pius X!
Glorious Patron!
Pray, Pray For Us!
Saint Pius X!
Glorious Patron!
For Us!

O Light gladsome

O Light gladsome of the holy glory of the Immortal Father,
the Heavenly, the Holy, the Blessed, O Jesus Christ,
having come upon the setting of the sun, having seen the light of the evening,
we praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: God.
Worthy it is at all times to praise Thee in joyful voices,
O Son of God, Giver of Life, for which the world glorifies Thee.

You are my strength when I am weak

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all
Je‍‍sus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name
Je‍‍sus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising a‍‍gain I bless Your Name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Sosnovy Bor

There is a city on the Baltic coast
Not far from the northern capital,
What I keep carefully in my heart,
Whose image I dream, when I'm away from home.
Among its features there is a quiet rustle of the waves,
A cozy beach, a bend of the sand dune,
In unison with the breath of the sea
Rocking strings of the tall pines sound.
Let for many years your delightful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish Sosnovy Bor!
Flourish, Sosnovy Bor.
I admire you - your beauties can't be counted,
I'm captivated by the fairytale Andersengrad
I'm proud of you - here for the good of the country
The peaceful atom gives heat and light.
To glorious deeds you have inspired
Talented and enthusiastic people
And bold ideas have been embodied
Thanks to the work of power engineers, builders, scientists.
Let for many years your wonderful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish...
Let for many years your wonderful dress
Caress my eyes,
There is joy, youth and enthusiasm here,
Live and flourish, Sosnovy Bor!

Excited with the Presence

I am here now, waiting,
Hoping that I can experience Your presence again, (Alt. Hoping that I can together with you again)
I am here now, excited,
Excited to see your face's splendor/glory (alt. . your face's picturesque)
Dancing already, with joy, smiling
Excited for Your next visit
Lord Jesus You're purely free
Change this life, this entirely yours

Anthem of Komi

Far, far away in the North
The high taiga stands.
There's a falcon's nest in the heart of the taiga,
With joyous chirp of nestlings heard from it.
Fly away, fearless falcons,
Flap with your strong wings,
And lead the Komi land to blissful life
By the shortest track!

Anthem of Karschay-Cherkssia

Versions: #2
I am proud of the ancient Motherland!
Eternal light snow Elbrus
And holy Kuban clean stream!
These steppes, these mountains
I - and the roots and support
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!
I am grateful to the Fatherland
For all the years of his life
Among the fraternal languages, darling persons
You are given by nature itself
The cradle of my peoples,
My cities, villages and villages!
You are the pearl of Russia!
Let the blue under the peaceful sky
Good will always be your fate!
And live forever, my dear,
Evil and bitterness without knowing
Karachay-Cherkessia is mine!

The earth is so beautiful

The earth is so beautiful
The creator's sky is bright
The souls' pilgrimage is wonderful
Through the world
We wander singing
Traveling towards heaven
Time flies
Years go by
Generations fall into oblivion
Forever bright
The singing souls'
Heavenly sound remains
First the angels
Sung to the shepherds
The sound echoes from soul to soul
Glory to the Lord
Peace on earth
For Jesus brought us mercy

Hymn on the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

We were born that night that the wolf gave birth.
In the morning, in the presence of lions’ roars, we were given names.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
In eagles’ nests, our mothers nourished us.
On stormclouds, our fathers taught us how to tame horses.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
Our mothers gave birth to us for the people and for the homeland.
And we bravely rose to their call.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
We grew up free among mountain eagles.
We proudly overcame difficulty and obstacles.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
The granite cliffs, like lead, will melt
before the horde of enemies will make us bow!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
The ground will be engulfed in flames
before we will stand before the grave, having given up our honor!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
We will never submit to anyone.
Death or freedom – we will get one or the other.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
Our sisters heal our wounds with song.
The feats in battle will lift the eyes of our loved ones.
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
If they try to starve us, we will gnaw on roots!
If they try to dehydrate us, we will drink the dew from the grass!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]
We were born that night that the wolf gave birth.
God, our people, and our homeland – we only serve them!
There is no god but Allah. [in Arabic]

Summer psalm

So did the dear time go
And now it's the sweet summer
Every place is decorated by
A beautiful flower
Now the warmth of sun
Grants us with its bless
It recreates the nature
Inviting to its life
The meadows are green again
As well as the crop in the valley
The forest trees are humming
In their leafy curtains
It reminds us
Of your goodness, God
It declares your wonders
A year by a year
Again the birds sing
Their songs beautifully
Wouldn't the Lord's people
Also thank their God
Attach my soul
To the choir of your voice
And thank the God of mercy
As he's so merciful
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

A Ship Is Coming Laden

A ship is coming laden
And rich indeed her hoard
The Son of God the Father
And His eternal Word
The ship sails soft, her burden
Of price all measure past
Her mainsail, it is charity
The Holy Ghost her mast
The ship has dropped her anchor
Is safely come to land
Th' eternal Word in likeness
Of man on earth doth stand
In Bethlehem of Judah
A child to us is born
Sing praises ever unto Him
Who saves a world forlorn
Whoever would embrace Him
With joy and holy kiss
Must share with Him the Passion
Through which he comes to bliss
Be with Him in His dying
His resurrection know
Eternal life inherit
That he comes to bestow
(O Mother of God, Mary
Belauded you must be
Jesus became our brother
Your sweet child, heavenly)1
  • 1. Verse 7 is exclusive to Catholic hymnals

Stay Here

(Stay with me and keep watch with me
Keep watch and pray)
My soul is consumed with sorrow unto death
Stay here and keep watch with me
Come sit down and wait here
While I go up and pray
(Stay with me and keep watch with me
Keep watch and pray)
Father, if it is possible
Let this cup pass me by
Father, if this cannot pass me by
Without my drinking it
Your will be done
(Stay with me and keep watch with me
Keep watch and pray)